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1967.10.07 680,625 136,125,000 100% 12 1988.02.22 173,707 34,573,773 99.52% 12 2009.09.14 121,000 24,200,000 100% 12 2010.03.03 10,000 2,000,000 100% 12 1999.12.27 12,557 2,511,415 100% 12 2012.04.09 6,000 1,200,000 100% 12 2000.07.05 3,000 600,000 100% 12 2016.11.06 USD 10,000 1,800,000 90% 12 (100%) (99.52%) (100%) (100%) (100%) (100%) (100%) DGB Lao Leasing 90%

26,539 21,624 6,703 768 277 82 486 410,097 32,115 6,703 22,494 19,255 5,440 2,297 0.58 8.16 1.15 0.73 120.01 12.92 30,370 24,907 8,453 883 300 117 579 511,444 37,772 8,453 35,077 31,647 6,272 2,941 0.61 8.85 1.29 0.85 126.22 12.89 31,035 25,081 8,453 951 301 106 651 534,624 39,723 8,453 36,550 32,680 6,390 2,877 0.55 7.95 1.20 0.76 126.23 12.93 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 1.00% 0.80% 0.60% 0.40% 0.20% 0.00% 3,300 3,000 2,700 2,400 2,100 1,800 410,097 511,444 534,624 2,941 2,297 2,877 10.00% 8.00% 6.00% 4.00% 2.00% 0.00% 0.58% 0.61% 0.55% 8.16% 8.85% 7.95%

2,806 2,489 2,502 2,618 2,650 375,336 410,856 450,420 504,340 544,974 285,135 310,812 350,873 386,752 409,792 226,329 248,449 286,501 315,759 329,838 24,579 29,201 31,172 34,756 36,201 6,606 6,606 6,606 6,806 6,806 14.62% 15.21% 13.21% 13.54% 14.33% 1.04% 1.04% 1.16% 1.23% 1.19% 0.82% 0.64% 0.59% 0.36% 0.58% 11.81% 8.75% 7.84% 4.81% 7.31% 600,000 544,974 504,340 500,000 450,420 400,000 300,000 375,336 285,135 410,856 310,812 350,873 286,501 386,752 315,759 409,792 329,838 226,329 248,449 200,000 100,000 0

2,806 2,489 16.00 14.00 12.00 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 14.62 1.04 15.21 1.04 13.21 1.16 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 11.81 0.82 8.75 0.64 7.84 0.59 2,502 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 24,579 29,201 31,172 13.54 1.23 14.33 1.19 4.81 0.36 7.31 0.58 2,618 2,650 34,756 36,201

0.8% 4.8% 4.2% 5.3% 7.9% 16.4% 11.9% 73.8% 74.9% 457,494 457,494 5.5% 24.0% 9.9% 60.6% 3.3% 25.0% 14.8% 8.3% 22.0% 23.8% 2.8% 24,732 22,082

49,428 1,619 737 117 261 0.55% 16.37% 164.0% 53,347 2,856 1,737 102 190 0.37% 8.47% 202.2% 7.93% 76.39% 135.73% 0.92%p 24.84%p 38.2%p 55,751 2,766 1,737 137 149 0.27% 5.30% 164.1% 4.51% 3.13% 34.88% 21.47% 0.10%p 3.17%p 38.1%p 60,000 58,000 56,000 54,000 52,000 50,000 48,000 46,000 250 200 150 100 50 50 100 150 200 250 300 49,428 53,347 55,751 190 149 261 15.00 12.00 9.00 6.00 3.00 0 3.00 6.00 9.00 12.00 15.00 18.00 8.47 5.30 16.37 220.0 200.0 180.0 160.0 140.0 120.0 100.0 202.2 164.1 164.0

21,000 18,000 15,000 12,000 9,000 6,000 3,000 0 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 9,583 8,935 12,583 12,204 18,511 17,981 85 54 85 9,583 8,935 8,317 1,266 1,110 2.62% 0.94% 1.08% 6.72% 54 12,583 12,204 10,305 2,278 1,210 2.99% 1.57% 0.50% 2.45% 36.47% 31.31% 36.59% 23.90% 79.94% 9.01% 0.37%p 0.63%p 0.58%p 4.27%p 141 18,511 17,981 16,133 2,378 1,210 2.37% 1.66% 0.77% 5.07% 161.11% 47.11% 47.34% 56.56% 4.39% 0.00% 0.62%p 0.09%p 0.27%p 2.62%p 141 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 2.99 2.37 2.62 0.94 1.57 1.66 2.00 1.00 0.00 0.50 0.77 1.08

144 48,576 133 100 73 22 17.10% 18.30% 165 64,400 154 100 85 21 13.60% 14.70% 14.58% 32.58% 15.79% 0.00% 16.44% 4.55% 3.50%p 3.60%p 184 72,986 172 100 72 18 13.80% 14.80% 11.52% 13.33% 11.69% 0.00% 15.29% 14.29% 0.20%p 0.10%p 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 144 165 184 25 20 15 10 5 0 21 18 80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 48,576 64,400 72,986 22 20.0 19.0 18.0 17.0 16.0 15.0 14.0 13.0 12.0 11.0 10.0 13.6 13.8 17.1 18.3 14.7 14.8

40,003 14,226 12,557 15,964 10,074 5,890 3,881 354 2.5% 36,812 11,810 12,557 12,457 11,300 1,157 252 2,417 18.6% 8.0% 17.0% 0.0% 22.0% 12.2% 80.4% 106.5% 16.1%p 35,230 10,902 12,557 13,337 12,129 1,208 256 908 8.0% 4.3% 7.7% 0.0% 7.1% 7.3% 4.4% 1.6% 62.4% 10.6%p 7,536 6,907 6,000 3,179 3,096 83 565 507 7.6% 8,332 7,636 6,000 5,567 4,914 653 869 729 9.5% 10.6% 10.6% 0.0% 75.1% 58.7% 686.7% 53.8% 43.8% 1.9%p 9,601 8,570 6,000 8,504 7,185 1,319 1,052 934 10.9% 15.2% 12.2% 0.0% 52.8% 46.2% 102.0% 21.1% 28.1% 1.4%p 4,760 4,546 3,000 2,064 277 314 7.2% 4,691 4,537 3,000 1,667 41 9 0.2% 1.4% 0.2% 0.0% 19.2% 114.8% 102.9% 7.4%p 4,744 4,481 3,000 1,423 53 56 1.2% 1.1% 1.2% 0.0% 14.6% 29.3% 522.2% 1.0%p

(Statement of Financial Position) ( : /Unit : Won) (Description) (Assets) (Cash and Due from Banks) 19,447,134,517 9,392,760,399 5,233,191,033 (Loans and Receivables) 353,818,768,991 335,199,976,708 419,504,246,058 (Investments in Associates) 2,727,872,878,712 2,690,886,238,590 2,220,886,238,590 (Tangible Assets) 223,203,452 67,021,243 133,239,664 (Intangible Assets) 1,307,288,175 365,082,749 468,591,117 (Deferred Income Tax Assets) 826,934,077 444,181,396 489,217,940 (Other Assets) 13,626,374 612,810,836 7,149,550,789 (Total Assets) 3,103,509,834,298 3,036,968,071,921 2,653,864,275,191 (Liabilities) (Borrowings and Bonds Payable) 559,255,297,478 519,130,206,542 469,134,310,150 (Retirement Payment Liabilities) 180,822,393 9,168,515 191,981,739 (Other Liabilities) 36,004,538,028 27,127,596,293 22,143,281,404 (Total Liabilities) 595,440,657,899 546,266,971,350 491,469,573,293 (Stockholders Equity) (Capital Stock) 845,265,770,000 845,265,770,000 670,265,770,000 (Capital surplus) 1,560,191,413,160 1,560,191,413,160 1,421,835,315,080 (Retained Earnings) 103,499,687,992 85,722,390,917 70,675,540,558 (Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income,Net of Taxes) (887,694,753) (478,473,506) (381,923,740) (Total Stockholders Equity) 2,508,069,176,399 2,490,701,100,571 2,162,394,701,898 (Total Liabilities and Stockholders Equity) 3,103,509,834,298 3,036,968,071,921 2,653,864,275,191

(Statement of Comprehensive Income) ( : /Unit : Won) (Description) (Net Interest Income(Loss)) (9,198,416,393) (7,368,710,417) (3,793,824,004) (Interest Income) 8,171,352,188 9,894,172,905 12,749,309,107 (Interest Expense) 17,369,768,581 17,262,883,322 16,543,133,111 (Net Fee and Commission Income(Loss)) (2,080,946,912) (1,014,384,985) (2,764,339,102) (Fee and Commission Income) 22,000,000 22,000,000 20,000,000 (Commission Expense) 2,102,946,912 1,036,384,985 2,784,339,102 (Receipt of Dividends) 84,881,500,000 78,045,000,000 63,980,750,000 (Impairment Loss on Financial Assets) (44,501,559) (311,534,836) 144,689,291 (General and Administrative Expenses) 10,582,506,369 11,654,586,320 8,194,226,384 (Net Other Operating Income(Loss)) 2,000,000,000 (Operating Income) 65,064,131,885 58,318,853,114 49,083,671,219 (NonOperating Income(loss)) (204,055,899) (299,132,335) (509,869,424) (Income Before Income Tax Expense) 64,860,075,986 58,019,720,779 48,573,801,795 (Income Tax Expense(Income)) (252,104,209) 75,861,140 7,504,829 (Net Income) 65,112,180,195 57,943,859,639 48,566,296,966 (Other Comprehensive Income(loss)) (409,221,247) (96,549,766) (74,548,074) (Total Comprehensive Income) 64,702,958,948 57,847,309,873 48,491,748,892 (Earnings per Share) 385 346 362

(Statement of Appropriation of Retained Earnings) ( : /Unit : Won) (Description) (Retained Earning Before Appropriations) 74,721,687,992 64,627,390,917 54,530,330,764 (Unappropriated Retained Earnings from Beginning Year) 9,609,507,797 6,683,531,278 5,964,033,798 (Increase through changes in accounting policies) (Net Income) 65,112,180,195 57,943,859,639 48,566,296,966 (Transfer from voluntary Reserves) 112,000,000 (Regulatory Reserves for Credit Loss) 112,000,000 (Appropriations of Retained Reserves) 57,365,946,200 55,129,883,120 47,846,799,486 (Legal Reserve) 6,512,000,000 5,795,000,000 4,857,120,226 (Regulatory Reserves for Credit Loss) 138,000,000 92,669,980 (Dividends) 50,715,946,200 47,334,883,120 42,897,009,280 (Indemnity Reserve) 2,000,000,000 (Unappropriated Retained Earnings to Subsequent Year) 17,355,741,792 9,609,507,797 6,683,531,278

(Statement of Changes in Stockholders Equity) ( : /Unit : Won) (Description) (Balance at the Beginning of FY2015) (Capital Stock) 670,265,770,000 (Capital Surplus) 1,421,835,315,080 (Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income,Net of Taxes) (381,923,740) (Retained Earnings) 70,675,540,558 (Total) 2,162,394,701,898 (Increase paid in capital and capital surplus) 175,000,000,000 138,356,098,080 313,356,098,080 (Dividends) (42,897,009,280) (42,897,009,280) (Net Income) 57,943,859,639 57,943,859,639 (Remeasurement of defined benefit plan) (96,549,766) (96,549,766) (Balance at the End of FY2015) 845,265,770,000 1,560,191,413,160 (478,473,506) 85,722,390,917 2,490,701,100,571 (Balance at the Beginning of FY2016) 845,265,770,000 1,560,191,413,160 (478,473,506) 85,722,390,917 2,490,701,100,571 (Dividends) (47,334,883,120) (47,334,883,120) (Net Income) 65,112,180,195 65,112,180,195 (Remeasurement of defined benefit plan) (409,221,247) (409,221,247) (Balance at the End of FY2016) 845,265,770,000 1,560,191,413,160 (887,694,753) 103,499,687,992 2,508,069,176,399

(Cash Flow Statement) ( : /Unit : Won) (Description) (Cash Flows from Operating Activities) (Net Income) (Adjustment of Revenues & Expenses not Involving Cash Flows) (Income Tax Expense) (Interest Expense) (Retirement Benefit) (Depreciation) (Loss on disposal of Property & Equipment) (Amortization) (Provisions for Others) (Provision for loan losses) (Interest income) (Dividend income) (Change in Assets and Liabilities) (Decrease(Increase) in Cash and Deposits) (Decrease(Increase) in Loans & Receivables) (Decrease in Receivables) (Increase in Prepaid Expenses) (Decrease (Increase) in Advance Payments) (Decrease in Other Payables) (Increase(Decrease) in Accrued Expenses) (Increase in Longterm Accrued Expenses) (Increase(Decrease) in Withholding Taxes) (Increase (Increase) in Value Added Tax Withheld) (Increase in Withholdings) (Payment for Retirement and Severance Benefit) (Increase in plan assets) (Increase (Increase) in other liabilities) (Cash Outflows from Interest) (Interest income) (Cash Inflows from Dividends) 50,263,304,160 65,112,180,195 (77,046,394,194) (252,104,209) 17,369,768,581 570,248,016 44,708,417 3,657,174 314,681,574 (2,000,000,000) (44,501,559) (8,171,352,188) (84,881,500,000) (6,219,365,354) (5,000,000,000) (142,538) 5,299,000 (285,703,936) (181,083,750) 133,139,302 29,443,440 (7,249,998) 9,034,570 (274,734,782) (663,729,075) 16,362,413 (17,818,183,200) 8,190,066,713 78,045,000,000 147,470,708,566 57,943,859,639 (68,259,436,450) 75,861,140 17,262,883,322 452,955,840 85,717,121 113,853,868 2,000,000,000 (311,534,836) (9,894,172,905) (78,045,000,000) 99,973,777,498 100,000,000,000 329,461,537 (7,331,247) (5,245,000) (56,843,989) 311,377,514 178,210,066 (23,547,890) 7,449,998 2,496,310 (487,143,426) (276,000,000) 893,625 (16,848,000,000) 10,679,757,879 63,980,750,000

( : /Unit : Won) (Description) (Cash Flows from Investing Activities) (Purchase of Property & Equipment) (Purchase of Intangible Assets) (Increase(Decrease) in Deposits Provided) (Purchase of associates investments) (Cash Flows from Financing Activities) (Issuance of Debentures) (Repayments of Bonds) (Increase paid in capital and capital surplus) (Additional acquisition of investments in subsidiaries) (Dividends paid) (Increase(Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents) (Cash and Cash Equivalents at Beginning of Period) (Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Period) (34,886,280,152) (204,547,800) (662,859,000) (20,000,000) (33,998,873,352) (10,322,649,890) 110,000,000,000 (70,000,000,000) (2,987,766,770) (47,334,883,120) 5,054,374,118 9,392,760,399 14,447,134,517 (63,518,926,200) (19,498,700) (604,427,500) 105,000,000 (63,000,000,000) (79,792,213,000) 149,605,300,000 (100,000,000,000) 313,499,496,280 (400,000,000,000) (42,897,009,280) 4,159,569,366 5,233,191,033 9,392,760,399 (Notes to Financial Statements)

(Consolidated Statement of Financial Position) ( : /Unit : Won) (Description) (Assets) (Cash and Due from Banks) 2,547,299,459,936 2,092,476,885,143 1,760,231,021,350 (Financial Assets Held for Trading) 402,481,702,682 294,159,288,834 297,993,410,444 (Financial Assets Designated at Fair Value Through Profit and Loss) 82,254,804,250 258,860,595,850 136,011,544,270 (AvailableforSale Financial Assets) 4,199,693,774,903 4,065,488,994,752 2,424,301,143,165 (HeldtoMaturity Financial Assets) 7,890,514,734,882 7,618,459,361,224 4,519,990,342,202 (Loans and Receivables) 37,454,618,596,565 36,052,597,094,055 31,304,108,911,166 (Derivative AssetsHedge Accounting) 95,042,202 50,004,140 16,641,259,347 (Investments in Associates) 402,850,693 452,786,908 456,477,056 (Tangible Assets) 428,986,982,703 376,671,513,607 336,023,521,860 (Investments Property) 99,615,294,808 106,634,921,782 82,001,838,991 (Intangible Assets) 133,096,931,144 102,221,332,855 90,628,555,881 (Deferred Income Tax Assets) 25,990,970,956 19,520,292,084 (Other Assets) 197,349,386,861 156,852,455,330 41,318,899,590 (Total Assets) 53,462,400,532,585 51,144,445,526,564 41,009,706,925,322 (Liabilities) (Depository Liabilities) 35,385,468,928,335 33,493,377,279,077 30,747,014,988,939 (Financial Liabilities Held for Trading) 125,974,538,697 33,519,884,416 38,345,421,390 (Financial LiabilitiesHedge Accounting) 12,518,165,684 3,148,566,060 5,583,626,862 (Borrowings) 3,174,782,213,857 3,329,393,491,396 2,796,583,764,853 (Bonds Payable) 4,107,517,392,210 3,145,916,976,851 2,849,391,479,941 (Retirement Payment Liabilities) 8,773,132,020 18,075,426,913 20,789,694,666 (Liability Reserve) 28,860,991,737 36,764,708,103 38,615,772,009 (Deferred Income Tax Liabilities) 47,024,144,620 (Insurance contract liability) 5,121,199,877,843 4,940,470,355,639 (Other Liabilities) 1,524,972,407,846 2,366,627,476,510 1,254,808,258,723 (Total Liabilities) 49,490,067,648,229 47,367,294,164,965 37,798,157,152,003 (Stockholders Equity) (Capital Stock) 845,265,770,000 845,265,770,000 670,265,770,000 (Capital Surplus) 1,560,454,863,590 1,560,454,863,590 1,423,484,159,107 (Retained Earnings) 1,303,373,955,359 1,063,045,551,487 811,844,793,627 (Capital Adjustment) (996,675,400) (720,209,000) (Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income, Net of Taxes) (27,384,630,155) 17,869,360,513 17,110,559,585 (NonControlling Interest) 291,619,600,962 290,515,816,009 289,564,700,000 (Total Stockholders Equity) 3,972,332,884,356 3,777,151,361,599 3,211,549,773,319 (Total Liabilities and Stockholders Equity) 53,462,400,532,585 51,144,445,526,564 41,009,706,925,322

(Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income) ( : /Unit : Won) (Description) (Net Interest Income) 1,202,085,916,318 1,160,490,484,559 1,021,888,492,460 (Interest Income) 1,738,969,328,500 1,776,731,367,578 1,711,331,698,238 (Interest Expense) 536,883,412,182 616,240,883,019 689,443,205,778 (Net Fee and Commission Income) 69,647,259,187 78,071,285,111 67,117,470,502 (Fee and Commission Income) 137,750,927,969 141,086,254,859 125,141,510,450 (Commission Expense) 68,103,668,782 63,014,969,748 58,024,039,948 (Net insuarance loss ) (54,914,506,552) (27,929,553,297) (Insuarance income) 894,557,593,511 960,315,401,459 (Insuarance expense) 949,472,100,063 988,244,954,756 (Net Income on Financial Assets Held for Trading) 13,168,011,883 5,954,054,123 18,005,431,284 (Net Income on Financial Assets Designated at Fair Value Through Profit or Loss) 1,552,088,470 3,351,617,780 9,990,514,445 (Net Income on AvailableforSale Financial Assets) 74,691,256,405 75,600,327,339 31,431,545,456 (Net Income on Derivative AssetsHedge Accounting) (9,239,587,530) 650,468,187 9,030,691,721 (Impairment Loss on Financial Assets) 202,442,865,089 228,742,088,191 204,166,460,681 (Net Income(Loss) on Foreign Exchange) 4,173,799,127 (361,863,746) 2,812,387,365 (General and Administrative Expenses) 638,998,477,738 627,204,701,844 544,032,656,490 (Net Other Operating Income(Loss)) (72,793,934,658) (96,901,824,658) (88,158,691,915) (Operating Income) 386,928,959,823 342,978,205,363 323,918,724,147 (NonOperating Income(loss)) 854,950,488 432,367,221 (6,700,186,056) (Income Before Income Tax Expense) 387,783,910,311 343,410,572,584 317,218,538,091 (Income Tax Expense) 85,929,223,686 35,092,085,410 73,434,789,478 (Net Income) 301,854,686,625 308,318,487,174 243,783,748,613 (Net Income in Controlling Interest) 287,676,590,811 294,097,767,140 229,732,835,859 (Net Income in NonControlling Interest) 14,178,095,814 14,220,720,034 14,050,912,754 (Comprehensive Income(Loss)) (45,367,116,033) 837,690,118 20,814,833,395 (Gain(Loss) on Valuation of Availableforsale Financial Assets) (35,180,503,877) 7,090,928,310 28,048,309,978 (Gain(Loss) on Translating Foreign Operations) 1,161,973,441 1,653,504,828 3,147,555,765 (Actuarial Gains (Losses)) (11,348,585,597) (7,906,743,020) (10,381,032,348) (Total Comprehensive Income) 256,487,570,592 309,156,177,292 264,598,582,008 (Total Comprehensive Income in Controlling Interest) 242,361,120,365 294,856,568,068 250,547,669,254 (Total Comprehensive Income in NonControlling Interest) 14,126,450,227 14,299,609,224 14,050,912,754 (Earnings per Share) 1,702 1,759 1,714

(Consolidated Statement of Changes in Stockholders Equity) (Description) (Capital Stock) (Capital surplus) (Balance at the Beginning of FY2015) (Hybrid Bonds Dividends) (Net Income for the year) (Increase paid in capital and capital surplus) (Dividends) (Gain on Valuation of Availableforsale Financial Assets) (Gain(Loss) on Translating Foreign Operations) (Remeasurement of defined benefit plan) (Change due to business combinations) (Others) (Balance at the End of FY2015) (Balance at the Beginning of FY2016) (Hybrid Bonds Dividends) (Net Income for the year) (Dividends) (Loss on Valuation of Availableforsale Financial Assets) (Gain(Loss) on Translating Foreign Operations) (Remeasurement of defined benefit plan) (Change due to business combinations) (Others) (Balance at the End of FY2016) 670,265,770,000 175,000,000,000 845,265,770,000 845,265,770,000 845,265,770,000 1,423,484,159,107 138,356,098,080 (1,385,393,597) 1,560,454,863,590 1,560,454,863,590 1,560,454,863,590 (Capital Adjustment) (720,209,000) 720,209,000 (996,675,400) (996,675,400) (Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income, (Retained Earnings) Net of Taxes) 17,110,559,585 7,012,389,803 1,653,504,828 (7,907,093,703) 17,869,360,513 17,869,360,513 (35,066,444,686) 1,161,973,441 (11,349,519,423) (27,384,630,155) 811,844,793,627 294,097,767,140 (42,897,009,280) 1,063,045,551,487 1,063,045,551,487 287,676,590,811 (47,334,883,120) (13,303,819) 1,303,373,955,359 (NonControlling Interest) 289,564,700,000 (14,060,800,000) 14,220,720,034 78,538,507 350,683 805,575,118 (93,268,333) 290,515,816,009 290,515,816,009 (14,060,800,000) 14,178,095,814 (114,059,191) 61,479,778 933,826 1,889,103,593 (850,968,867) 291,619,600,962 ( : /Unit : Won) (Total) 3,211,549,773,319 (14,060,800,000) 308,318,487,174 313,356,098,080 (42,897,009,280) 7,090,928,310 1,653,504,828 (7,906,743,020) 805,575,118 (758,452,930) 3,777,151,361,599 3,777,151,361,599 (14,060,800,000) 301,854,686,625 (47,334,883,120) (35,180,503,877) 1,223,453,219 (11,348,585,597) 1,889,103,593 (1,860,948,086) 3,972,332,884,356

(Consolidated Cash Flow Statement) ( : /Unit : Won) (Description) (Cash Flows from Operating Activities) 32,634,253,958 100,645,240,785 (Net Income for the year) 301,854,686,625 308,318,487,174 (Adjustment of Revenues & Expenses not Involving Cash Flows) (691,798,995,225) (618,616,317,575) (Income Tax Expense) 85,929,223,686 35,092,085,410 (Interest Expense) 536,883,412,182 616,240,883,019 (Loss on Valuation of Financial Assets Held for Trading) 2,176,034,073 3,077,155,029 (Loss on Valuation of Trading Derivative Instruments) 124,067,925,949 32,705,072,992 (Reserve for Credit RiskAdjusted of Trading Derivative Instruments) 739,437,922 (Loss on Valuation of Financial Assets Designated at Fair Value through profit or loss) 456,345,000 4,920,058,420 (Loss on Sale of Availableforsale Financial Assets) 5,259,246,517 11,061,896,026 (Impairment Loss on Availableforsale Financial Assets) 4,622,088,515 5,553,872,761 (Loss on valuation of Hedged Assets) 151,128,334 205,796,956 (Loss on Valuation of Hedging Derivative Instruments) 10,481,496,881 65,653,816 (Loss on transaction of Hedging Derivative Instruments) 105,098,472 2,210,897,265 (Reserve for credit risk adjustment of hedging derivative instruments) 236,343 285,873 (Loss from equity method investment securities) 49,936,215 3,690,148 (Provision for loan losses) 197,820,776,574 223,188,215,430 (Provision for others) 1,935,813,257 5,174,732,663 (Depreciation & Amortization) 59,898,647,894 69,800,250,148 (Loss on disposal of Property & Equipment) 500,808,189 288,857,601 (Loss on disposal of intangible assets) 750,411,207 11,680,000 (Expense on stock options) 251,860,000 2,547,641,473 (Retirement Benefit) 29,995,021,676 28,874,268,514 (Loss on Foreign Exchange) 200,805,142,298 123,001,061,346 (Loss on valuation of debentures) 1,103,757,014 2,457,813,431 (Other Operating Expense) 3,310,547,013 3,680,812,733 (Amotization of Deferred Acquisition expense) 18,190,212,135 5,671,349,130 (Transfer to insurance reserve) 182,782,396,043 251,119,632,089 (Interest Income) (1,738,969,328,500) (1,776,731,367,578) (Dividend income) (39,820,747,387) (18,132,020,093) (Gain on valuation of financial assets held for trading) (603,481,729) (856,604,474)

( : /Unit : Won) (Description) (Gain on Valuation of Trading Derivative Instruments) (Reversal of reserve for credit risk adjustment of trading derivative instruments) (Gain on Valuation of Financial Assets Designated at Fair Value Through profit or loss) (Gain on Sale of Availableforsale Financial Assets) (Gain on valuation of hedged assets) (Gain on transaction of Hedging Derivative Instruments) (Gain on Valuation of Hedging Derivative Instruments) (Reversal of Reserve for Credit RiskAdjustment of Hedging Derivative Instruments) (Gain on disposal of Property & Equipment) (Gain on disposal of intangible assets) (Recovery of negative goodwill) (Recovery of Provisions) (Gain on Foreign Exchange) (Other operating income) (Gain from equity method investment securities) (Other nonoperating income) (Reversal of Expense of Stock Option) (Decrease(Increase) in Restricted Cash and Deposits) (Decrease(Increase) in Trading Securities) (Decrease in Derivative AssetsTrading) (Decrease(Increase) in financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss) (Increase in Loans & Receivables) (Increase in Deferred Loan Origination Costs) (Increase(Decrease) in Deferred Loan Origination Fees) (Recovery of loans Writtenoff ) (Decrease(Increase) in Other Assets) (Increase in deferred acquisition costs) (Increase in separate account s asset) (Increase in Depository Liabilities) (Decrease in Trading Derivative Liabilities) (Decrease in provision for retirement benefits) (118,676,014,451) (11,530,333) (1,128,397,070) (49,351,808,580) (4,984,816) (1,347,244,166) (47,001,107) (772,727) (4,629,251,724) (204,978,941,425) (415,570,072) (80,924,527) (740,731,609,022) (431,901,778,469) (23,805,150,873) 38,408,666,317 177,460,870,000 (1,422,444,635,482) (36,365,090,645) 8,524,830,330 45,438,536,659 124,077,461 (50,519,047,770) (18,823,047,998) 1,817,976,718,946 (30,924,311,519) (7,764,011,374) (40,020,032,753) (117,038,772) (1,575,676,200) (75,427,201,602) (58,209,262) (2,788,135,787) (139,169,354) (74,947,969) (81,757,500) (1,601,849,554) (5,075,691,953) (122,639,197,600) (200,612,472) (50,466,925) (768,241,748,080) 289,249,845,508 6,176,240,068 34,769,599,866 (47,120,378,800) (4,645,188,312,456) (49,349,977,057) 6,140,923,690 37,870,301,432 (19,206,094,925) (35,354,624,588) (14,537,975,997) 2,772,228,987,630 (34,030,800,468) (4,315,732,867)

( : /Unit : Won) (Description) (Increase in Plan Assets) (46,532,390,901) (39,806,109,771) (Increase(Decrease) in Other Liabilities) (779,518,836,236) 959,930,296,865 (Increase in separate account s liability) 19,932,992,532 14,302,063,790 (Cash Outflows from Interest) (531,179,821,484) (578,949,493,318) (Cash Inflows from Interest) 1,716,140,642,761 1,821,285,803,739 (Cash Inflows from Dividends) 39,820,747,387 18,132,020,093 (Cash Outflows from Income Tax Expense) (61,471,397,084) (81,283,511,248) (Increase(Decrease) in Other Liabilities) (545,428,094,038) (915,581,424,327) (Acquisition of Availableforsale Financial Assets) (7,027,946,798,361) (7,367,690,403,325) (Proceeds from disposition of Availableforsale Financial Assets) 6,507,986,357,338 6,756,757,347,923 (Acquisition of Heldtomaturity Financial Assets) (1,042,659,868,304) (2,014,079,843,835) (Proceeds from disposition of Heldtomaturity Financial Assets) 1,172,190,655,050 1,865,335,783,177 (Purchase of Property & Equipment) (92,637,527,910) (65,464,877,786) (Disposal of Property & Equipment) 16,282,079,295 376,037,506 (Purchase of Investment Property) (1,064,887,266) (1,729,197,297) (Acquisition of investments in subsidiaries) (33,998,873,352) (63,000,000,000) (Purchase of Intangible Assets) (41,428,939,444) (41,103,360,120) (Proceeds from disposition of Intangible Assets) 1,085,672,727 746,557,500 (Decrease(Increase) in Guarantee Deposits) (3,118,630,509) (536,928,810) (Decrease in Hedging Derivative assets) 14,604,955,656 (Increase(Decrease) in Hedging Derivative liabilities) (117,333,302) 202,505,084 (Cash Flows from Financing Activities) 525,287,830,671 1,103,062,536,196 (Increase in Borrowings) (240,059,208,842) 570,308,386,571 (Issuance of Debentures) 1,339,787,879,350 778,654,931,420 (Repayment of Debentures) (391,319,903,456) (563,587,699,266) (Increase(Decrease) in Deposits for Letter of Guarantees) 6,556,208,654 17,398,400,694 (Decrease in Borrowings from Trust Accounts) (39,213,470,384) (45,393,891,422) (Increase in fund for borrowing) 40,977,740 125,160,140 (Increase(Decrease) in Foreign Exchange Settlement Credit) 6,009,835,775 (2,679,327,546) (Increase(Decrease) in Domestic Exchange Settlement Credit) (93,257,856,960) 92,596,739,735 (Increase paid in capital and capital surplus) 313,356,098,080

( : /Unit : Won) (Description) (Surbordinate firms s paidin capital increase expense) (758,452,930) (Dividends paid) (47,334,883,120) (42,897,009,280) (Hybrid bond distribution paid) (14,060,800,000) (14,060,800,000) (Decrease in NonControlling Interest) (1,860,948,086) (Increase(Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents) 12,493,990,591 288,126,352,654 (Cash and Cash Equivalents at Beginning of Year) 909,741,676,047 571,064,219,493 (Effect of Exchange Rate in Cash and Cash Equivalents) 134,090,625 8,334,830,999 (Increase in cash & cash equivalent due to the change of consolidated entity) 7,836,610,216 42,216,272,901 (Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Year) 930,206,367,479 909,741,676,047 (Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements)

138,330 15.00% 300,000 15.00% 134,880 15.00% 122,502 15.00% 29,505 15.00% 20,850 15.00% 180,000 15.00% 52,000 14.99% 48,800 14.99% 96,240 14.94% 9,988,776 14.94% 8 14.12% 279,920 14.00% 1,965,000 13.94% 7,782,605 13.89% 297,528 13.62% 60,502 13.00% 418 12.83% 103,175 12.50% 5 12.35% 200 12.12% 2 11.88% 17,940 11.32% 16 11.11% 660,000 11.00% 291 10.95% 93,964 10.00% 96,240 15.00% 60,650 12.00%

20120117 100,000 3.98% 100,000 20170117 20120621 100,000 3.75% 100,000 20170621 20130419 50,000 2.90% 50,000 20180419 20140529 50,000 3.25% 50,000 20190529 20151123 100,000 2.29% 100,000 20201123 20151123 50,000 2.05% 50,000 20181123 20160930 50,000 1.56% 50,000 20190930 20160930 60,000 1.68% 60,000 20210930

169,053,154 845,266 100% 20110517 134,053,154 670,266 20150122 35,000,000 175,000 845,266 1 14,986,804 8.87 2 11,755,894 6.95 3 THE OAKMARK INTERNATIONAL SMALL CAP FUND 7,636,168 4.52 4 7,488,245 4.43 5 NORGES BANK 2,552,316 1.51