134 I.... Georg Simmel.,.,. (, 2005: 142).,,.,., Norbert Elias The Civilizing Process (1978), Stephen Mennell All Manner of Food (1985),,. Joanne Fink

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180 Park, Hyong-Shin, Yonsei University [Abstract] Usually, it has been thought that eating together creates social solidarity. However, this has been only assumed as a fact so far but indeed is not considered its social and emotional dynamics making up such solidarity. Eating together also gives rise to discords not bonds. Firstly, this article examines how eating together builds up a sort of solidarity in terms of the features of meals and eating communities and their structure of emotions, and then analyses how it operates within the expansion processes of meal communities. Secondly, from the perspective of emotional sociology this study explores the processes of occurrence of discords in terms of antinomies happening at dinner parties as the expansion mechanism of meal communities. Thirdly, this paper tries to analysis the styles of emotion of eating alone and social dining regarded as the ways of escaping from inconvenience resulted from discords during dinner, and discusses their emotional limits. Finally, this research suggests that subliming emotions beyond reflecting emotions are required as a way to overcome emotional problems issued from eating together.