부산지역중국인한국어학습자의방언에대한태도및방언사용양상연구 권성미 * 1) < 次例 > Ⅰ. Ⅱ. Ⅲ. Ⅳ. Ⅰ. 서론 L2. 1), 2). * http://dx.doi.org/10.17313/jkorle.2014..34.1 1). 2) (2009), (2001), (2005), (2006). (2009), (2005), (2006). (2001),,.
2 국어교육연구제 34 집.. L2, L2 L1, L2. Alford and Strother(1990), L2,, L1. 3) L2 (Standard American English, SAE),. 4) Major, Fitzmaurice, Bunta, and Balaubranian(2005) L2 SAE,. Major et al.(2005),. 5) 3) ESL,. 4). SAE AAE(African American English), SAE. 5) Major et al.(2005) ESL SAE,, (ethnic dialect), (International English, IE),. (Southern American English), Hispanic English Chicano/Chicana, Latino, Asian English, African American English, (IE)., SAE, SAE,.
부산지역중국인한국어학습자의방언에대한태도및방언사용양상연구 3. L1 (2007), (2011), (2014). (2007, 2011), (2014). (2010). (2010) 10.,,.,..,
4 국어교육연구제 34 집,. 10%. 6) 2012 8, 8. 7),..,?,?? Ⅱ. 부산방언에대한태도조사 1. 연구방법 2 6), 63.8%, 4.7%, 4.4%, 3.1%. 7) 2012, 4, 86,878, 8,214 ( ). http://www.moe.go.kr/web/275/ko/board/view.do?bbsid=41&boardseq=44334
부산지역중국인한국어학습자의방언에대한태도및방언사용양상연구 5 52. < 1> 25.9 (19 ~ 52 ) 22, 30 4 (1 ~ 6 ) 3 5 (2 ~ 7 8 ) 3 6, 4 16, 5 18, 6 12 17. 5 12 5. 2. 방언에대한학습자인식조사결과,,,,.,,. < 2> 52%, 26%..
6 국어교육연구제 34 집 ( 45%, 41%). ( 55%, 18%). < 2> 24% 24% 52%. 36% 18% 45% 18% 27% 55% 56% 18% 26%. 45% 14% 41% 61% 21% 18% < 3> 15% 12% 73% 14% 0% 86%. 16% 18% 66%.. 52% 24% 24% 41% 23% 36% 57% 25% 18% 68% 18% 14% 41% 27% 32% 82% 14% 4% < 3>. 73%..,
부산지역중국인한국어학습자의방언에대한태도및방언사용양상연구 7,. 24%, 14%. 64%, 17%. 46%. < 4> 18% 18% 64%. 4% 14% 82% 25% 20% 55% 65% 18% 17%. 59% 27% 14% 68% 14% 18% 21% 33% 46%. 23% 23% 54% 20% 39% 41%,. (prestigious form).,
8 국어교육연구제 34 집.,.. 8) < 1> 79%, 11% (< 1>). 9),,. 53, 8), 3%, 30%.. (prestigious form),.,. 9).
부산지역중국인한국어학습자의방언에대한태도및방언사용양상연구 9 51%, (< 2>). < 2> < 3>, 33% 17 (< 3>). 10) 10),.
10 국어교육연구제 34 집 35 90%, 2.5%.,.. Ⅲ. 학습자의발음에나타난방언정도분석 1. 조사방법 1) 피험자 2 30 2 30. 7 8. 2) 언어자료.,
부산지역중국인한국어학습자의방언에대한태도및방언사용양상연구 11. < 5> 7, < 6> 6. < 5> : 1. A:? B:,.. 2. A:. B:?. 3. A:.. B:? < 6> :.?.
12 국어교육연구제 34 집 3) 실험절차. < 5>. 2, 2. 210 (7 30 = 210 ). 2, 60 (2 30 = 60 ). < 6>. 1, 30 (1 30 = 30 )., 180 15 2 1( ) 5( ). 2. 결과 1) 서울학습자와부산학습자의부산말지수 < 7>. ( 2.5, 1.9), 0.01 (t=-6.92, p=2.6e-10). 11)
부산지역중국인한국어학습자의방언에대한태도및방언사용양상연구 13 < 7> : 12) 1.9 2.52 t -6.92 2.6E-10** < 8> : 1.9 2.71 t -5.64 5.34E-07** < 8>., 0.01 (t=-5.64, p=5.34e-07). < 9>., (t=1.39, p=0.17). 11) 1.9., (foreign accent). 12) *: p<0.05, **: p<0.01
14 국어교육연구제 34 집 < 9> 2.52 2.71 t 1.39 0.17 < 4> < 10> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,. 70%, 10%., 50%.,.,
부산지역중국인한국어학습자의방언에대한태도및방언사용양상연구 15., 5,, 2.5 2.7. 13) < 10> 76.1% 17.2% 6.4% 72.8% 20.2% 6.9% 48.7% 32.7% 18.7% 43.8% 29.6% 26.6% 2) 부산학습자의한국어억양에나타난부산방언의특징 3 (2010) 14). 15) 13),,,. 14) (2010),.,.,.,.,.. 15),,., / ㅅ / / ㅆ /, / / / /
16 국어교육연구제 34 집,,. < 5>, THLH LH-, H- HL-. < 6> LH-, HL-.,,,. < 5> H,, / / / / L (< 11>, < 5>). < 7> < 8> L. < 10> H.,,,..
부산지역중국인한국어학습자의방언에대한태도및방언사용양상연구 17 < 5>. < 11> :. LHL HH HHLL LHHH HLLL :. LHH HH HLLH LHLH LHLL,, 16)., / /, 16),,..
18 국어교육연구제 34 집,.,.,,. < 6>. 17),, 3 17).
부산지역중국인한국어학습자의방언에대한태도및방언사용양상연구 19. < 7>,. < 9>, < 10>, < 8>. < 7>. (2010). 18) 19), 18) (2010). 19) L2 (Griffiths, 1991 ; Lennon, 1990 ; Munro and Derwing, 1995), (, 2009).
20 국어교육연구제 34 집. < 8> :.,. 20) < 9> :. < 10> :.. 20).
부산지역중국인한국어학습자의방언에대한태도및방언사용양상연구 21 Ⅳ. 결론및논의점..,,.,..,,.,.,,.,,.,. THLH,.
22 국어교육연구제 34 집.,,,...,.,..,.,. (, 2005).,., (sociolinguistic marker). 21)
부산지역중국인한국어학습자의방언에대한태도및방언사용양상연구 23,.., L1.. 22).,.. 70% 5.,,,,. 5, 21) (1999),. 60%, 73.3%. 22) ESL,,. (stereotype).
24 국어교육연구제 34 집. (2004),,.,.,..,. 23),.,.,.,,.. 23).,.
부산지역중국인한국어학습자의방언에대한태도및방언사용양상연구 25. (communicative competence),. 24).,. * 25) 참고문헌 (2009),,. (2001),, 8-4,, pp.193-206. (2009),, 20-2,, pp.1-27. (2005),,. (2005),, :, 33,, pp.401-427. 24),.. * 2014. 11. 10., 2014. 11. 18. 2014. 12. 2., 2014. 12. 9..
26 국어교육연구제 34 집 (2006),,. (2007),,. (2011),,,, pp.527-535. (2014),,. (2004),, 18,, pp.5-26. (1999),,,, pp.7-24. (2010), :, 36,, pp.327-355. Alford, R. and Strother, J.(1990), Attitudes of native and nonnative speakers toward selected regional accents of U.S. English, Tesol Quarterly 24-3, pp.479-495. Griffiths, R.(1991), Pausological research in an L2 context: A rationale and review of selected studies, Applied Linguistics 12, pp.345-364. Lennon, P.(1990), Investigating fluency in EFL: A quantitative approach, Language Learning 40, pp.387-417. Major, R., Fitzmaurice, S., Bunta, F., and Balaubranian, C.(2005), Testing the effects of regional, ethnic, and international dialects of English on listening comprehension, Language Learning 55-1, pp.37-69. Munro, M. and Derwing, T.(1995), Processing time, accent, and comprehensibility in the perception of native and foreign-accented speech, Language and Speech 38, pp.289-306.
부산지역중국인한국어학습자의방언에대한태도및방언사용양상연구 27 부산지역중국인한국어학습자의방언에대한태도및방언사용양상연구 권성미 본고는부산지역의중국인한국어학습자들이지역방언인부산방언에대해가지는태도를조사하고, 억양측면에서지역방언사용양상을조사하는것을연구의목적으로삼았다. 연구를위해두가지조사가이루어졌다. 먼저태도조사를위해서는, 중국인유학생 52명을대상으로설문조사를실시하였다. 그리고학습자발음에나타난방언정도를분석하기위한음성자료제공자는초급때부터서울에서 2년이상거주한고급학습자 30명과, 초급때부터부산에서 2 년이상거주한고급학습자 30명이다. 문장읽기와자유발화수집도구를통해두집단의음성자료를수집하였다. 이렇게수집된음성자료로만든청취실험자료들을 15명의한국인평가자에게들려주고부산말처럼들리는정도를판단하게하였다. 조사결과는다음과같다. 먼저태도조사결과, 부산지역중국인학습자들은방언에대해부정적인태도를갖고있지않은것으로나타났다. 학습자들은표준어를사용하는것은중요하게여기지만지역방언을씀으로써차별을받거나더존중받을것이라고생각하지않는것으로조사되었다. 방언사용양상을조사한결과, 방언실현정도가학습지역과관계있는것으로나타났다. 문장읽기와자유발화, 두상황에서부산지역학습자가서울학습자에비해부산말같은정도가더높게나타났다. [ 주제어 ] 중국인한국어학습자, 방언에대한태도, 표준어에대한태도, 방언의영향, 부산말의억양
28 국어교육연구제 34 집 Abstract A Study on the Attitude of Chinese Learners of Korean on Busan Dialect and Aspect of Using Dialect Kwon, Sungmi The aims of the study are investigating the attitude of Chinese learners of Korean in Busan on Busan dialect and Standard Korean and analyzing whether learners in Busan are different from the learners in Seoul in terms of intonation and how the local dialect influences their intonation. For the first study, 52 Chinese college students are questioned on attitude, and for the second study, 30 KSL learners in Seoul and 30 in Busan provide pronunciation data and 15 Korean native speakers work as the judges of dialectedness. The findings of the study are as follows: First, Chinese learners of Korean in Busan do neither seem to have any negative attitude toward the local dialect, nor to have positive attitude toward the Standard Korean. They, however, turn out to believe that they are supposed to use Standard Korean when communicating with Koreans. Second, regions where they reside seem related to the degree of using the local dialect in terms of the intonation. Korean learners in Busan display more dialectedness compared to those in Seoul. [Key words] Chinese learners of Korean, attitude on L2 dialect, attitude on Standard Korean, influence of dialect, intonation of Busan dialect