KISEP Original Articles 9 1 1998 Korean J Child & Adol Psychiatr 913~25 부모학대청소년의정신병리 * PSYCHOPATHOLOGY IN ADOLESCENTS WITH PARENT ABUSE 곽영숙 ** 방현숙 ** Young Sook Kwak, M.D., Ph.D.,** Hyun Soog Bang, M.D.** 요약 중심단어 서 론 Department of Child-Adolescent Psychiatry Seoul National Mental Hospital, Seoul Corresponding author 13
연구방법 14
1. 사회인구학적특징 연구결과 2. 정신병리 3. 가족배경 Table 1. 인구사회학적특징 14 12 1 1 7 13 2 6 14 3 4 15 2 2 16 6 4 17 5 4 18 2 Table 2. 진단 12 1 5 1 1 1 Table 3. 주증상 10 2 6, 2 5 2 4 2 Table 4. 부모학대가일어난상황 1. 12 2. 2 Table 5. 지능검사 <11명 > 71 80 1 101110 4 81 90 2 111120 1 91100 2 121130 1 Table 6. 부모의부부관계 4 2 1 8 2 2 15
4. 발달력 5. 치료 6. 발달상정신병리에따른분류 어머니와공생적인관계에있는환자군 경계선인격장애군 품행장애군 어머니와공생적인관계에있는군 Table 7. 형제간관계 5 4 2 2 2 Table 8. 부모의성격 7, 5 5 3 3,, 2, 2 Table 9. 양육태도 5 7 4 2 6 2 3 Table 10. 애착대상 10 8 2 Table 11. 어머니와의이별경험시기 1 1 6 3 2 1 10 1 4 1 12 1 Table 12. 발달상이상소견 4 1 4 1, 2 1 2 1 Table 13. 병전대인관계 5 3 4 1 3 5 16
증례 1: 17
증례 2: 18
경계선인격장애군 증례 3: 품행장애군 19
증례 4: 연구고찰 20
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ABSTRACT Korean J Child & Adol Psychiatr 913~25, 1998 PSYCHOPATHOLOGY IN ADOLESCENTS WITH PARENT ABUSE Young Sook Kwak, M.D., Ph.D., Hyun Soog Bang, M.D. Department of Child-Adolescent Psychiatry, Seoul National Mental Hospital AimWe think that the most important etiology in parent abuse is the psychodynamic and psychopathology in the family. So, we investigated the adolescents being admitted in SNMH, whose chief complaints were parent abuse. We were trying to explore families psychodynamic and psychopathology, especially mother-child interaction and to differentiate them in according to developmental psychopathology. MethodOur objects were the adolescent patients admitted in SNMH from 1987 to 1997 because they attacked parents verbally and physically. We examined 21 adolescents except those with psychosis, organic mental disorder, autism and mental retardation by means of interview or chart review. Result and ConclusionThe number of male patients was 14 and the number of female patients was 7. The most common diagnosis was conduct disorder and borderline personality disorder. The mean age was in the mid-teens. We observed 4 subgroups that were divided developmentally in object relation. 1 Symbiotic group with mother1 They did not separate and remain in symbiotic relationships with their mothers based on insecure attachment. Fathers were abscent emotionally and physically, and their mothers were prominent in close relationships with the patients in their family, where as the patients were the only man in the family. Adolescents entered the second separation-individuation. They expressed anger and internal tension involved with the close attachment with their mothers and also attempted separation from their mothers through physically attacking them. 2 These patients had suffered from physical illness and developmental delay since birth. Therefore the parents overprotected their children. The children had persistent infantile omnipotence and fantasies of power, so they could not deal with unrealistic states, adapt to reality, and depended on their parents overtly. They easily acted out unless their demands were fulfilled. 2 Borderline personality disorderwe observed deficiencies in care taking. Their parents had personality problems and immaturity. They coulden t help their children to be separated in the rapproachment phase. Their conflict about dependence-independence was revived in the second separation-individuation adolescent period. We understand parent abuse as an attempt to overcome the conflict. 3 Conduct disorderthey did not build up basic attachment with their parents. They think of their parents as only a means of fulfilling their needs. When patients need were not fulfilled and remained in a conflicted state, they attacked their parents, unable to control their aggressions and impulses. KEY WORDSParent abuse Symbiotic relationship with mother Father s absence emotionally and physically The second separation-individuation period. 25