,,,, A B S T RA CT A S t u dy on S erv ic e Ch ara ct eri s t ic s of D ire c t ors of H e alt h Cen t ers in K ore a T his stu dy h as attempted to show general characteristics of health centre director s w h o hav e serv ed the post of director ship during the la st 40 y ears. Of 3,000 such h ealth centre directors, inform ation on ab out 2,500 directors w as collected. W hile av erag e length of service for health center directors ha s increa sed, that of v acan cy period has decreased. Rural areas hav e a shorter av erag e len gth of service than the urban area. Rural areas hav e tw ice long er length of v acan cy period per h ealth center. Kan gw on - do ha s the lon gest av erage len gth of v acancy period sin ce 1980(2.79 m onth s/ y ear ), an d Daejeon ha s the sh ortest len gth of v acancy period (0.21 m onth s/ y ear ). Chun g - buk has no phy sician directors. T h e civ il serv ant ' s rank for th e director ship has prom oted from th e fifth lev el to the fourth lev el since 1990. A comparison betw een the phy sician director & non - phy sician director w as m ade as follow s : First, the proportion of phy sician directors had maintained rather high b efore 1980s ; 62.5% in 1963, 78.3% in 1970, 70.4% in 1980. It decreased to 44.1% in 1990 and 47.6% in 1997. In stead, non - phy sician director s has abruptly increased since 1980s (12.4% in 1980, 55.4% in 1990 an d 50.8% in 1997). Second, phy sician director s mainly locate in th e urban area (58.0% in 1997), but n on - phy sician directors mainly in th e rural area (67.2% in 1997). T hird, since 1980, the av erag e len gth of service for phy sician directors and for n on - phy sician directors has becom e similar. F ourth, the mean age of phy sician director s is 45.1 y ear s, an d that of non - phy sician directors 55.7 y ear s. T he latter is 10 y ears older than th e former. K ey w ord : service ch aracteristics of health center director s, v acan cy period, phy sician directors, n on - phy sician director s. I. 1..., (, 1996).,,,
...,, (, 1992).,,, (, 1996),.... (, 1991)..... 2.. : 4 (1958. 6) : 20 10 1. 2 (1976. 4) :. 1, 1. 20 10 1. 7 (1995. 12) : ( ) 1.. 8 (1995. 12) : 3 4.
. 6.25. 1962 9...., (, 1992). 1. : 1953 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 97 17 73 189 192 198 214 225 260 238 244 :., : 6 (1958. 6) : 3. 3 (1973. 8) : 1,.,. 3 (1976. 4) : 1,.,. 3 (1991. 10) : 1,.,. 11 (1995. 12) : ( : 5 ). 1984
. 3. 2,500.,..,.,.,. I I. 1. 3,000 2,500.. 2. 2, 1997 7 45. 2.,,,,,,,.. 1.. ( : 80 1 1 80 ).. 1.
3.. < 1>. < 2>, < 3>. 4..,, 5% ( =0.05). 5.. 244 196 80.3% ( 2)... 2. : (% ) 25 15 60.0 16 16 100.0 8 7 87.5 10 4 40.0 4 4 100.0 5 3 60.0 39 29 74.4 18 16 88.9 12 12 100.0 15 12 80.0 15 11 73.3 24 19 79.2 24 23 95.8 25 22 88.0 4 3 75.0 244 196 80.3
III. 1. 1), ( 8) 63 4 9.8% 5 (85.4% ) 70 4 22.0% 5 70.3%. 90 90 4. 1963 4 28.6% 1990 40%, 1997 90.0%. 1980 4 1990 16.0%, 1997 33.3%.. 8., 4 5 6 4 5 6 4 5 6 63 4 (28.6) 10(71.4) 0(0.0) 0(0.0) 25(92.6) 0(0.0) 4 (9.8) 35(85.4) 0(0.0) 70 20(52.6) 17(44.7) 1(2.6) 0(0.0) 47(88.7) 6 (11.3) 20(22.0) 64(70.3) 7(7.7) 80 19 (27.5) 47(68.1) 3 (4.4) 0(0.0) 79(85.0) 14 (15.1) 19 (11.7) 126(77.8) 17 (10.5) 90 40(40.0) 59(59.0) 1(1.0) 15 (16.0) 77(82.0) 2(2.1) 55 (28.4) 136(70.1) 3(1.6) 97 108 (90.0) 12(10.0) 0(0.0) 23 (33.3) 44(63.8) 2(2.9) 131(69.3) 56(29.6) 2(1.1) 191(56.0) 145 (42.5) 5 (1.5) 38 (11.3) 272(81.0) 24 (7.1) 229 (33.8) 417(61.6) 29(4.3) * 1963 7 2 2), ( 9), 63 62.5%, 6.8% 80 84 97 (53.2% ) (45.8% ). 84,., 66.8%, 29.9% 49.1%, 34.4%.,. 1980 3.
9. : (% ) 63 17(73.9) 2(8.7) 0(0.0) 4(17.4) 38(58.5) 4(6.2) 1(1.5) 22(33.9) 55(62.5) 6(6.8) 1(1.1) 26(29.6) 70 37(90.2) 2(4.9) 1(2.4) 1(2.4) 46(70.8) 3(4.6) 8(12.3) 8(12.3) 83(78.3) 5(4.7) 9(8.5) 9(8.5) 80 58(82.9) 6(8.6) 6(8.6) 0(0.0) 61(61.6) 15(15.2) 22(22.2) 1(1.0) 119(70.4) 21(12.4) 28(16.6) 1(0.6) 90 56(56.0) 44(44.0) 0(0.0) 0(0.0) 30(31.6) 64(67.4) 1(1.1) 0(0.0) 86(44.1) 108(55.4) 1(0.5) 0(0.0) 97 69(57.2) 52(43.0) 0(0.0) 0(0.0) 18(26.1) 49(71.0) 2(2.9) 0(0.0) 87(45.8) 101(53.2) 2(1.1) 0(0.0) 237(66.8) 106(29.9) 7(2.0) 5(1.4) 193(49.1) 135(34.4) 34(8.7) 31(7.9) 430(57.5) 241(5.5) 41(32.2) 36(4.8) 3) 1 1 ( 3), 1960 15.0, 1970 17.8, 1980 23.1, 1990 40.1. 3 4.. 1.. 1980 1 35.1, 27.1 (p =0.0001). 3. 1, : 1 1 ( ) 1 ( ) 60-69 1,448 (1,368) 88 (81) 16.5 (16.9) 4,452(3,673) 305 (266) 14.6(13.8) 15.0(14.5) 70-79 3,419 (3,250) 173 (170) 19.8 (19.1) 8,359 (7,922) 490(470) 17.1(16.9) 17.8 (17.5) 80-89 4,960(4,709) 189 (187) 26.2(25.2) 7,929 (7,923) 368 (367) 21.5(21.6) 23.1(22.8) 90 9,583 220 43.6 7,751 212 36.6 40.1 19,410 670 29.0 28,497 1,376 20.7 (18,910) (658) (28.7) (27,269) (1,315) (20.7) 23.4 (23.4) P v alue 0.0001 * 1 ( 4), 30.3, 25.8, 10.1, 23.7. 60 70., 1980 1980 1
34.5, 32.9 4 (P = 0.0001). 84 (1997 : :47.9%, 50.5% ). 60, 70. 60, 70.. 4. 1 :, 1960-1969 16.7 (189) 10.2(20) 7.3 (47) 18.7 (46) 1970-1979 20.3 (350) 15.6 (39) 11.4 (104) 26.3 (23) 1980-1989 23.7 (270) 30.0(135) 10.9 (68) 85.7(3) 1990 53.6 (153) 34.5 (235) 4.3 (10) - 25.8 (962) 30.3 (429) 10.1(229) 23.7 (72) * 1 ( 5), 4 34.2, 5 25.0, 6 12.1, 7 3.8.. 6 7. 1980 1 4 42.1, 5 30.4, 6 15.7 (p = 0.0001). 5. 1 : 4 5 6 7 1960-1969 15.7 14.7 7.8 3.8 1970-1979 14.6 20.1 11.3-1980 - 1989 27.1 24.3 15.4-1990 45.4 39.9 17.0-34.2 25.0 12.1 3.8 4)., ( 6) 60 84.3%, 70 (86.2% ), 80 (71.6% ) 90 (35.9% ).
60 5.75, 70 5.09, 80 3.19, 90 1.12 (34 ). 1980. 1. (90 35.9% )., 1980 1980 1990. 60 4.36, 70 3.27, 80 2.69, 90 0.77, 60 6.24, 70 5.82, 80 3.45, 90 1.53., 2.54 4.53 2.. 6. 1 ) : 1 ) 1 ) (% ) (% ) (% ) 60-69 72.0 4.36 89.7 6.24 84.3 5.75 70-79 70.0 3.27 95.7 5.82 86.2 5.09 80-89 53.1 2.69 90.1 3.45 71.6 3.19 90 33.9 0.77 38.9 1.53 35.9 1.12 48.4 2.54 75.8 4.53 63.0 3.84 1) : / * 100 ( 7) 80. 80 97 7 81.4%., 2.79, 2.72, 2.24, 2.12. 0.21, 0.51, 0.69, 0.71...
7. 80 2.79 2.67 2.82 2.72 2.24 2.87 2.24 1.59 2.53 2.12 2.07 4.18 1.88 1.87 1.07 2.56 1.85 1.00 2.24 1.84 0.29 3.12 1.35 1.06 1.51 1.33 1.50 1.27 1.19 0.71 0.69 0.51 0.21 1.91 : 81.4% : 3. 1), ( 10), 50.9, 51.5, 45.9 5. 10, 70%. 88.8% 11.3%. 10. 30-39 23 (16.0) 6 (33.3) 29(17.9) 40-49 29 (20.1) 4 (22.2) 33(20.4) 50-59 73 (50.7) 8 (44.4) 81(50.0) 60 19 (13.2) 0(0.0) 19(11.7) 144 (100.0) 18 (100.0) (88.8) (11.3) 162(100.0) ( ) 51.5 45.9 50.9 ( 11), 87.0%, 13.0% 90.4%, 9.6% 70%.
11. 107 (87.0) 16 (13.0) 123 (100.0) 66 (90.4) 7 (9.6) 73 (100.0) 173 (88.3) 23 (11.7) 196 (100.0) ( 12), 51.4, 50.0. 12. 30-39 40-49 50-59 60 ( ) 18 (17.7) 17(16.7) 52(51.0) 15 (14.7) 51.4 102(100.0) 11(19.0) 15(25.9) 28 (48.3) 4 (6.9) 50.0 58 (100.0) 29 (18.1) 32(20.0) 80(50.0) 19 (11.9) 50.9 160(100.0) 2) ( 13), 18.0% 7.5% (p =0.032). 13. 73 (82.0) 16 (18.0) 89 (100.0) 87 (92.6) 7 (7.5) 94 (100.0) 3(100.0) 0(0.0) 3 (100.0) 163 (87.6) 23 (12.4) 186 (100.0) ( 14),, (p =0.001). 45.1, 55.7 10.
14. 30-39 28(38.4) 1(1.2) 0(0.0) 29(100.0) 40-49 21(28.8) 10(12.0) 1(50.0) 32(100.0) 50-59 19(26.0) 60(72.3) 0(0.0) 79(100.0) 60 5(6.8) 12(14.5) 1(50.0) 18(100.0) 73(100.0) 83 (100.0) 2(100.0) 158 (100.0) (46.2) (52.5) (1.3) (100.0) 45.1 55.7 52.0 50.9 ( 15), 58.0%, 41.2%, 0.8% 29.9%, 67.2%, 3.0%., (p =0.001). 47.9%, 50.5%, 1.6%. 15. 69 (58.0) 49(41.2) 1(0.8) 119 (100.0) 20(29.9) 45(67.2) 2(3.0) 67 (100.0) 89 (47.9) 94(50.5) 3 (1.6) 186 (100.0) 3) ( 16), 4 91.5% 4 23.9%, 5 73.1%, 6 3.0% (p =0.001). 4 67.0%, 5 31.9%, 6 1.1% 4 5 2. 16. 4 5 6 108 (91.5) 10(8.5) 0(0.0) 118 (100.0) 16 (23.9) 49(73.1) 2(3.0) 67 (100.0) 124 (67.0) 59(31.9) 2(1.1) 185 (100.0) ( 17), 4 84.1%, 5 16.0% 4 52.1%, 5 46.8% (p =0.001).
17. 4 5 6 74 (84.1) 14 (16.0) 0(0.0) 88 (47.6) 49 (52.1) 44 (46.8) 1(1.1) 94 (50.8) 1(33.3) 1(33.3) 1(33.3) 3 (1.6) 124 (67.0) 59 (31.9) 2(1.1) 185 (100.0) 4) ( 18), 100.0% 85.7%, 66.7%. 6.7%, 18.2%. 18. 14 (100.0) 0(0.0) 0(0.0) 14 (100.0) 10(62.5) 6 (37.5) 0(0.0) 16 (100.0) 6 (85.7) 1(14.3) 0(0.0) 7 (100.0) 1(25.0) 3 (75.0) 0(0.0) 4 (100.0) 2(66.7) 1(33.3) 0(0.0) 3 (100.0) 3 (100.0) 0(0.0) 0(0.0) 3 (100.0) 11(40.7) 16 (59.3) 0(0.0) 27 (100.0) 1(6.7) 14 (93.3) 0(0.0) 15 (100.0) 0(0.0) 11(100.0) 0(0.0) 11(100.0) 2(18.2) 9 (81.8) 0(0.0) 11(100.0) 7 (63.6) 4 (36.4) 0(0.0) 11(100.0) 5 (27.8) 11(61.1) 2(11.1) 18 (100.0) 12(57.1) 8 (38.1) 1(4.8) 21(100.0) 14 (63.6) 8 (36.4) 0(0.0) 22(100.0) 1(33.3) 2(66.7) 0(0.0) 3 (100.0) 89 (47.9) 94 (50.5) 3 (1.6) 186 (100.0) IV... 3,000 80% 2,500..
. (90 : 35.9% )., (, 1992),. 70, 80, 1984. 84,... 2.. (80 : 2.79, 2.72 ) (97 : 0.0%, 6.7% ),.. (46.7% ).. 1... 60 5.75, 70 5.09, 80 3.19, 90 1.12. (, 1970) 1966-1970 5 18.3 60 6.24. (6.24 5=31.2). 97 50.9 51.4 50.0. 50-59 50.0% 40, 30. 1971 (,
1972) 36.7 38.2 36.2. 25-29 31.2% 30-34 25.6%, 35-39 13.6%. 71 97 71 36.7 97 50.9 37 14.,. 50. 71 97.., 2., 1., 1970 1 1 1980 1 1 70 10 1980. (87 7 95 5 90 )... 1,,. V. 1 60, 80 (60 :14.5, 70 :17.5, 80 :22.8, 90 :40.1 ). 1. : (1960- ) :28.7, :20.7 (1980- ) :35.1, :27.1 < 1> < 3>. 1,. < 3>. (1960- ) 4 :34.2, 5 :25.0, 6 :12.1 (1990- ) 4 :45.4, 5 :39.9, 6 :17.0
1 80 1. < 3>. : (1960- ) :25.8, :30.2 (1980- ) :34.5, :32.9 60 70 (63 :6.8% )., 80 (60 :5.75, 70 :5.09, 80 :3.19, 90 :1.12 ). 2. (1960- ) :2.54, :4.53 (1980- ) :1.39, :2.28 < 1> < 2>. 1997 50.9 ( 51.5, 45.9 ). 45.1 55.7 10. 50% 50. 1971 1997 14.. (46.7% ). 1997, (0.0% ) (6.7% )., 3., 90..,.
,,, 1996.,, 1994;4 (1)., 1990;43 (43):1-22,, 1992;29 (1):37-64,, 1988;41(41):92-108., 1970;3 (1):98,,,, 1984, ( ), 1994,,, 1996.,, 1994,, 1997;7 (1),, 1992. 2(2),,,, 1984,., 1991;1(1):3-17,, 1993;3 (2)., 1972;9(1):49-56,,, W H O., 1989, 86-108,,, 1995, 1994., 1994., 1994., 1997, 1976. 4. 15 8087, 1958. 6. 30 1378, 1973. 8. 23 6822 1991. 10. 8 13485 1995. 12. 29 5101, 1953, 1955-57, 1958, 1959, 1969, 1973, 1989, 1996