A Study on the Spatial Distribution of Local Foods and Regional Products in the Seomjin River Area* Jeong-ok Kim**Mal-shick Shin***Jeong-rock Lee****Mun-hyun Jang*****,,,,,,,,,. 36, 15, 14, 5, 19. 32, 34, 14.,,,,.,, Abstract : This study was performed to investigate the spatial distribution of regional food products which cultivated importantly and local foods in Seomjin river area in order to understand local food culture. Regional food products were divided into 4 classes, agricultural, aquatic, animal, forestry and the others products, and were distributed 36 species of agricultural products, 25 species of aquatic products, 14 species of animal products, 5 species of species in forestry products, 19 species of processed products. Local foods were distributed 32 those by agricultural products, 34 those by aquatic products and 14 those by animal products. There were various regional food products and local foods in Seomjin river area. The distribution of regional food products in Seomjin river area were influenced by geographical factors, social factors, preference of consumer and development of agricultural technology. Key Words : Seomjin river area, Local food culture, Regional products, Spatial distribution,.,,. (, 2005),., * 2008 () (KRF-2008-322-B00033). ** (Researcher, Department of Food and Nutrition, Chonnam National University, jokim87@hanmail.net) *** (Professor, Department of Food and Nutrition, Chonnam National University, msshin@chonnam.ac.kr) ****, (Professor, Department of Geography, Chonnam National University, jrlee@chonnam.ac.kr) ***** (Lecturer, Department of Geography, Chonnam National University, jmh@chonnam.ac.kr)
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