PARISH NEWS / NOTICIAS PARROQUIA Este Martes 11 y Miercoles 12 de Diciembre, para la fiesta de la Virgen de Guadalupe, tendremos venta de Comida para

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遺꾨떦?쒖?, page Normalize

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슬라이드 1

고든 비 힝클리 대관장은 연차 대회의 마지막 모임에서 다음과 같이 말씀했다. 이 위대한 대회에 참여한 사람 모두가 선한 영향을 받았기를, 우리 개개인이 지난 이틀 간의 경험으로 인해 더 나은 남자와 여자가 되었기를 바랍니다. 우리 개개인이 주님께 더욱 가까이 다가가는



Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2019, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp DOI: (LiD) - - * Way to




ST. PATRICK S CLERGY Rev. Refugio Oñate Pastor Ext. 111 Rev. Cyril Soo-Gil Chae Parochial Vicar Ext. 112 Rev. Bradley Starr Parochial Vicar Ext. 113 Rev. Mr. José Narvaez Deacon ST. PATRICK S STAFF Ana Jop-Bazan - Receptionist Ext. 158 Bookkeeping Ext. 114 Cheryl Stewart - Office Manager Ext. 115 Adolfo Traña - Religious Ed Ext. 116 Sofia Martinez - Maintenance Ext. 117 OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday Lunes-Viernes 9:30am-4:30pm MASS - MISA Saturday - Sábado 5:00 p.m. (Vigil - English) 6:30 p.m. (Vigilia - Español) Sunday - Domingo 8:00 a.m. (Español) 10:00 a.m. (English) 10:00 a.m. (Korean - Chapel) 12:00 p.m. (English) Incense Used 2:00 p.m. (Español) 5:00 p.m. (Español) 7:00 p.m. (Español) 3rd Sunday of Each Month 2:00 p.m. (Ghanaian - Chapel) Monday through Saturday - Lunes a Sábado 9:00 a.m. (English) Monday through Friday - Lunes a Viernes 7:00 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday in Spanish Lunes, Miércoles y Viernes en Español 7:00 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday in English Martes y Jueves en Inglés CONFESSIONS - CONFESIONES Friday - Viernes 8:00 p.m. Saturday - Sábado 9:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Or by appointment - O con cita Eucharistic Adoration - Adoración Eucarística Monday through Friday 10:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Lunes a Viernes Financial Assistance - SVdP 678-892-6163 St. Patrick S catholic church Parish office 770-448-2028 Fax 678-615-3224 2140 Beaver Ruin Road Norcross, GA 30071 Sacramental Emergency 770-709-1908

PARISH NEWS / NOTICIAS PARROQUIA Este Martes 11 y Miercoles 12 de Diciembre, para la fiesta de la Virgen de Guadalupe, tendremos venta de Comida para recaudar fondos para la Construcción de una o dos Casas en Guatemala con la Fundación FUNDEPAZ del Padre Fernando Echeverri, para lo cual estamos solicitando su colaboración y/o apoyo: Pueden donar comida o hacer donaciones en efectivo. Para más información contactar a: Raquel Alarcon 404-997-1772 Norma Munoz 770-255-9025 Melquiades Munoz 678-428-0000

PLEASE CALL THE PARISH OFFICE IF YOU VE MOVED OR NEED TO UPDATE ANY CHANGE THAT WOULD AFFECT RECEIVING YOUR TITHING ENVELOPES. December 2, 2018 Amount Needed (Cantidad Necesaria).. $ 12,000.00 Amount Collected (Monto Recaudado). $ 12,995.32 Variance (Diferencia)...$ 995.32 St. Vincent de Paul...$ 4,550.70 Thanks for your generosity! Gracias por su generosidad! MASS INTENTIONS Intenciones de Misa Monday Dec. 10, 2018 9:00 a.m. All Souls in Purgatory 7:00 p.m. Deylin Javier Rodriguez Maya (RIP) Is.35:1-10 Lk,.5:17-26 Tuesday Dec. 11 2018 9:00 a.m. Anne-Marie Djokoto (RIP) 7:00 p.m. All Souls in Purgatory 7:00 p.m. Por los inmigrantes 11:00 p.m. Ricardo Salvador Is.40:1-11 Mt.18:12-14 Wednesday Dec. 12 2018 9:00 a.m. Joseph Zigui 7:00 p.m. Livio Romero (RIP) Zec.2:14-17 or Rev.11:19A; 12:1-6A,10AB Lk.1:26-38 or Lk.1:39-47 Thursday Dec. 13, 2018 9:00 a.m. Aurelio Oñate Garcia 7:00 p.m. Lucia Rivera Moreno (RIP) Is.41:13-20 Mt.11:11-15 Friday Dec. 14, 2018 9:00 a.m. Emmanuel Nkoloagu 7:00 p.m. Eduardo Velazquez Is.48:17-19 Mt.11:16-19 Saturday Dec. 15 2018 9:00 a.m. All Souls in Purgatory 5:00 p.m. Jerome Frost, Jr. (RIP) 6:30 p.m. Elvira Villamizar (RIP) Sir.48:1-4,9-11 Mt.17:9A,10-13 Sunday Dec. 16 2018 8:00 a.m. Rosario, Hilda y Olendia (RIP) 10:00 a.m. All Souls in Purgatory 10:00 a.m. (K) All Souls in Purgatory 12:00 p.m. Andy Lance (RIP) 2:00 p.m. People of the Parish 5:00 p.m. Jose Antonio Broncano De Paz (RIP) 7:00 p.m. Ruben Cerrillo (RIP) Zep.3:14-18A Phil.4:4-7 Lk.3:10-18 SECOND SUNDAY IN ADVENT Good stewards believe that God, who has begun this good work in them, will carry it through to completion. In words and deeds, they can sing with the psalmist, The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy! SEGUNDO DOMINGO DE ADVIENTO Los Buenos administradores de los bienes de Dios creen que Dios, quien ha empezado esta Buena obra en ellos, la llevará a cabo hasta su terminación. En palabras y obras, ellos pueden cantar con el Salmista, El Señor ha hecho grandes cosas por nosotros, estamos llenos de alegría! ALTAR CANDLES & ALTAR FLOWERS If you are interested in donating for the purchase of our Altar candles or Altar flowers, please contact the parish office. Candle donations are $25 for one week or $100 for a month. Flower donations are $70 for one week or $280 for a month. Your name and intention will be placed in the bulletin. Pray for our Priests, Deacons, & Seminarians

Bautismos para niños(as) menores de 7 años en español: Inscribirse con el diácono José Narváez después de las misas en español del fin de semana. Por favor traer acta de nacimiento del niño(a) el día de la plática. Los padrinos deben ser católicos practicantes y presentar una identificación oficial. Sobres de ofrendas Por favor recuerden de utilizar un sobre o cheque para su ofrenda semanal. Ésta es la única manera que podemos saber si usted está viniendo a la Iglesia y si es activo. Si no está registrado, por favor regístrese. Presentaciones en el Templo: Para la presentación de los 40 días no es requisito que el niño(a) este bautizado(a), pero sí para la presentación de los 3 años. Les pedimos que antes de cualquier Misa en Español anoten con el Diácono, el nombre del niño(a) que va a ser presentado casi al final de la Misa. Quinceañeras: Para información sobre la celebración de Quinceañera llamar a Sofía Martínez 770-448-2028, Ext. 117. La Quinceañera debe haber recibido la Primera Comunión. Reservaciones con 3 o 4 meses de anticipación. Baptism for children younger than 7 yrs. old in English: Register at the office with Ana Jop. Please bring a copy of the child s birth certificate. Parents and Godparents need to attend a pre -Baptismal class. Godparents need to be practicing Catholics and present an ID. Hospital Ministry / Homebound If someone you know is in the Hospital or is Homebound and would like to receive the Eucharist, or another sacrament, please call the parish office to schedule a visitation. Angelina Agalaba, Glenn Joseph, Edward Bouchard, Tucker Mitchell, Claudia Castillo Pequeño, Felipe Santoyo Duarte, Fabian Jasso, Patricia Mawi, Ilka Gonzalez, Jessica Jones, Robert Lance, Alfredo Castillo Pequeño, Maria Elena Salazar, Nayeli Flores, Martha Flores, Israel Flores, William Archiba, Luis Fernando Salazar, Petra Tapia, Maribel Lerma Aguilar, Pauline Root, Martha Hermann, Ramona Lerma Aguilar, Raul Alejandro Castillo Pequeiro, Lusi Molina, Ofelia Graniel, Nancy Cannington, Linda Bearden, Constance Riley, Pam Root, Debra Eppard, Carol Simpson, Kathleen Baber, Doreen Gudelanis, Denise Mendez, Ramon Mejia, Roy Harris, Juan Manuel Jop, Daisy Maria Bazán, Maria Casimira Hernandez, Annie Kiger, Shirley Cuozzo, Joel Rivera, Ellen Howle, Massey Khazaimeh, Bohdan Ushak, Sarah Finger, Silvia Valdez Ochoa, Phyllis Mais, Ashley Lopez Castillo, Bridget Nwabuzor, Judy Reyes, Oscar Hernandez Salamanca, Carolyn Thomas, Linda Melvin, Angela Sylvan, Theresa Sweeney, Marcia Oshinski, Jessica Lopez, Doreen West, Bryan Stewart, Amanda Stewart, Winnie Smith, Angel Daniel Morales Silva, Guillermo Cruz Please contact the parish office when someone s health improves or if they need to be removed from the list. Names will be posted on a monthly basis unless notified otherwise. Thank You! Favor de contactar la oficina cuando la salud de alguien mejore o si ellos necesitan ser removidos de la lista. Los nombres serán publicados mensualmente a menos que se notifique lo contrario. Gracias! RO Word of Life May our Blessed Mother help us trust in God, that we may peacefully care for those whose lives are entrusted to us. PALABRA DE VIDA Que nuestra Santísima Madre nos ayude a confiar en Dios, para que podamos cuidar en paz por aquellos que nos han confiado su vida. The Healing Mass celebrated by Father Cyril is changing to the 1st Thursday of each month beginning in December 2018. Mass time remains at. NO ADORATION AFTER MASS DECEMBER 3 rd THROUGH JANUARY 1 st DEL 3 DE DICIEMBRE AL PRIME- DE ENERO NO HAY ADORACION DESPUES DE MISA DE.

Knights News Dec. 10 - Council Meeting - Magnificat Room Dec. 20 - General Meeting - Trinity Room All men, at least 18 years old, are invited to join the world s largest Catholic Fraternal Service organization. Talk to a Knight today! Centering Prayer Workshop Do you seek the still small voice of God? Do you seek a more intimate relationship with God? Come and find a way to deepen your relationship with God. St. Oliver Plunkett Church Snellville, GA January 26, 2019 During the World Youth Day Rally, there will be National Keynote Speakers, amazing Praise and Worship, World Youth Day Stations of the Cross and Rosary. Reconciliation opportunities. Adoration with Auxiliary Bishop Ned Shlesinger, service and fun activities, all leading up to the closing Mass. Talk to your Youth Group Leader about attending this amazing opportunity! Contemplative Outreach of Atlanta will present an Introduction to Centering Prayer Workshop at Ignatius House Retreat Center, 6700 Riverside Drive, Sandy Springs, Georgia 30028 on Sunday, January 13, 2019, from 9:00 AM -4:00 PM. The registration fee is $35 that includes breakfast and lunch. You may register online under Calendar/Days of Reflection at The series will introduce participants to the four simple steps of Centering Prayer and provide opportunities to practice the discipline in daily life. For more information, contact Maggie Winfrey at Centering Prayer is a simple method of prayer, rooted in ancient Christian tradition. not so much the absence of thoughts as the detachment from them. It is the opening of mind and heart, body and emotions the whole body to God beyond words, thoughts, and emotions. by Thomas Keating in Open Mind, Open Heart. Advent Penance Services / Confesiones en Adviento The Catholic Church commands us to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation at least once a year. It is very appropriate to do so during this Advent season. La Iglesia nos manda confesarnos al menos una vez al año y este tiempo de adviento es muy apropiado para ello. Busque oportunamente celebrar este Sacramento. December 10 December 11 December 13 December 14 December 17 December 18 December 19 December 20 St. Oliver Plunkett St. Marguerite St. Stephen the Martyr Corpus Christi St. John Neumann St. Monica Christ Our Hope Holy Cross 6:30pm 4:00pm - 8:00pm

성패트릭천주교회한인공동체 미사성가곡 입당 봉헌 성체 퇴장 96 211 156 93 St. Patrick's Catholic Korean Commun0ity 2018년 12월 9일 ( 주보제645호 ) ( 자 ) 대림제2주일 너희는주님의길을마련하여라. 그분의길을곧게하여라. ( 루카복음 3,1-6) 오늘의미사 제1독서 : 바룩서 (5,1-9) 하느님께서너의광채를드러낼것이다. 화답송 : 주님이큰일을하셨기에우리는기뻐하였네. 제2독서 : 필리피서 (1,4-6.8-11) 여러분은순수하고나무랄데없는사람으로그리스도의날을맞이하십시오. 복음환호송 : 알렐루야. 너희는주님의길을마련하여라. 그분의길을곧게내어라. 모든사람이하느님의구원을보리라. 알렐루야. 복음 : + 루카복음 (3,1-6) 너희의속량이가까웠다. 영성체송 : 모든사람이하느님의구원을보리라. 전례봉사자 사회이마리아독서 (12/09) 문마리아 (12/16) 김카타리나기도 (12/09) 문마리아 (12/16) 김카타리나봉헌 (12/09) 윤다니엘 / 윤모니카 (12/16) 윤다니엘 / 윤모니카성체, 성혈분배이세실리아복사 (12/09) 정사무엘 (12/16) 정사무엘고백성사일요일오전 9:10~9:50 세계성인전 54. 십자가의성요한 (12,14) 십자가의성요한 (Joannes a Cruce) 은 1542년 6월 24일에스파냐의아빌라 (Avila) 근교폰티베로스 (Fontiveros) 에서직조공이었던곤살로데예페스 (Gonzalo de Yepes) 와카탈리나 (Catalina Alvarez) 사이의세아들중막내로태어났다. 그의가족들은극심한빈곤과궁핍속에서생활하였고아버지와형루이스 (Luis) 는요한이어릴때사망하였다. 그래서요한은어머니와함께메디나델캄포 (Medina del Campo) 에정착해살며교육을받았고, 17세때에는그곳의예수회대학교에서공부하는한편메디나병원장을위해일하기시작했다. 1563년그는메디나델캄포의카르멜수도원에입회하였고이듬해에성마티아의요한 (Juan de Santo Matia) 이라는수도명으로서원을하였다. 1564년부터 4년간살라망카 (Salamanca) 대학에서철학과신학을공부하고 1567년에사제서품을받았다. 그후성요한은고향집을찾았을때아빌라 (Avila) 의성녀테레사 (Teresia, 10월 15일 ) 를만났다. 그당시카르멜회의환경과생활방식에만족하지못해더고적하고깊은기도생활을할수있는카르투지오회로옮기고싶다는뜻을성요한이피력하자, 성녀테레사는그를설득하여카르멜회에남아함께개혁운동을하자고권유하였다. 1568년 11월 28일에그는두루엘로 (Duruelo) 에서두명의동료와함께아빌라의성녀테레사의도움으로개혁된수도생활을시작하였다. 성요한은카르멜회의최초규칙으로돌아가실천하겠다는서약을하였으며, 이때이름을십자가의요한으로바꾸었다. 그는열렬한기도와보속의생활을하면서인근마을들에서사도직을수행하였다. 그리고 1년뒤두루엘로에최초의맨발의카르멜회수도원을설립하였다. 그는개혁카르멜회의보급을위하여진력을다하던중, 1577년 10월 2일수도회개혁을반대하던완화카르멜회수도자들에의해납치되어톨레도 (Toledo) 수도원다락방에감금되었다. 그는이곳에서 1578년 8월까지 9개월간 어두운밤 을체험하였다. 이당시의체험을바탕으로그는신비적, 영성적, 문학적인성장을이루게된다. 감옥안에서그는몇편의시를썼다. 9개월만에감옥에서탈출한그는개혁카르멜회의여러직책을맡아활동하는한편저술활동을계속하였다. 1579 년맨발의카르멜회는인정을받았고수도원도세웠다. 그는바에사에개혁카르멜회대학을세우고학장이되었으며, 1582년에는그라나다 (Granada) 의로스마르티레스수도원의원장을, 1585년에는안달루시아 (Andalucia) 관구장이되었다. 그러나 1590년카르멜회의분쟁이재현되었다. 결국이로말미암아요한은 1591년 6월모든직책에서물러나멕시코로가게되었다. 하지만병에걸려그대로에스파냐에남게된그는그해 9월말우베다 (Ubeda) 수도원으로옮긴후병고와정신적고통을겪은후 12월 13일밤자정이지난무렵에사망하였다. 그는교회의가장위대한신비가중한명이며, 그의저서들은가장유명한영성신학의고전으로인정받고있다. 그중에서도 카르멜의산길, 영혼의노래, 사랑의산불꽃 등이가장유명하다. 요한은 1675년교황클레멘스 10세 (Clemens X) 에의해시복되었으며, 1726년교황베네딕투스 13세 (Benedictus XIII) 에의해시성되었다. 그리고 1926년교황비오 11세 (Pius XI) 에의해교회학자로, 1993년교황요한바오로 2세 (Joannes Paulus II) 에의해에스파냐언어권의모든시인들의수호성인으로선포되었다. ( 가톨릭굿뉴스, 주호식 ) 치유미사 ( 영어 ) 넷째목요일오후 7 시 ( 소성당 ) 성체조배 일요일오전 9:10~9:50 셋째금요일오후 11시 ~ 공지사항 오전 9 시 - 오전 9 시 50 분, 성령기도회성경공부교리 토요일오전 5시 ( 소성당 ) 금요일오후 7시 30분금요일오후 8시30분일요일오전 9시 * 기도의목적 : 기도의목적은지적사색에있다기보다는사랑에, 그리고의지의실천에더많다. ( 아빌라의성녀데레사 ) 판공성사 : 12 월 9( 일 ) & 12 월 16( 일 ), 중재기도 : 전순섭 ( 마리아 ), 전순홍 ( 요셉 ), 윤호문 ( 모니카 ), 윤화진 ( 다니엘 ), 문야고보김정영 ( 마리아 ), 김영숙 Stapleton 주임신부 : 채수길 ( 치릴로 ) 신부 ( 770-448-2028)/ Website:

Your Holiday Shopping can help the St. Vincent de Paul Society! Give more meaning to Christmas gifts this year! Make a donation to St. Vincent de Paul Society with every Amazon purchase. It s easy as 1-2-3! 1. Visit to enroll. 2. Select St. Vincent de Paul Society Inc., Atlanta, Georgia. 3. Amazon contributes 0.5 percent of eligible purchases to St. Vincent de Paul Society. REMEMBER: The sooner you enroll, the sooner your shopping will make a difference in someone s life! ENROLL AT today. Sus compras navideñas pueden ayudar a la Sociedad San Vicente de Paul! Dele más significado a los regalos de Navidad este año! Haga una donación a la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul con cada compra de Amazon. Es tan fácil como 1-2-3! 1) Visite para inscribirse. 2) Seleccionar - St. Vincent de Paul Society Inc., Atlanta, Georgia. 3) Amazon contribuye con el 0.5 por ciento de las compras elegibles a la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul. RECUERDE: Cuanto antes se inscriba, más pronto sus compras marcarán la diferencia en la vida de alguien! INSCRÍBASE EN hoy. WCFO 1160 AM Florida

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