설명깡패! 비법노다지! 테마별핵심구문 RC 박효준 X LC 주지후
PGAODA 인강 광토익전매특허테마별어휘정리 1
[ 파트 3, 4] 주지후전매특허어휘정리 토익에나오는기계들의특징 ( 정답을고르기위한필수마인드매핑 ) Check-up/inspection 점검 => maintenance work 관리작업에도불구하고토익에서는 Machine-equipment 들은항상 Broken-out of order-malfunctioning-not working properly 하다 => fix-repair-work on 고친다 기계들은어디에? ( 정답을고르기위한필수마인드매핑 ) Machine-equipment 기계는주로 Office 나 plant 공장에있다 Printer 가매일 paper 이 jam => broken-malfunctioning-not working properly Machine-equipment이모이면 => assembly line 또는 production line => 매번 broken-malfunctioning-not working properly-out of order => 매번 schedule 에차질이있어요 => delay 그래서토익은매번생산, 배송이늦어요! 그럼어떻게? Call/email => Contact/get in touch with 연락을하죠! Phone number/email address => contact information/contact details 연락처는주로 business card = 명함에들어있죠! 명함을찾으러간다는말은곧연락처를얻어주겠다는말이에요! 토익에나오는사람들은모두바쁘죠! Scheduling conflict 일정차질! ( 이게주된이유입니다!) 토익에나오는사람들은늘바쁘다. 그래서불참 / 결석등이잦다. 토익은마감일을중요시하죠! ~on time ~on schedule ㄴ이같은대사가나오면보기에서다음의표현을찾아보세요! => due date/deadline 마감일 => meet the dealing 마감일을맞추다 2
[ 파트 7] 박효준테마별 100 구문정리 1. direct visitors to the hallway 방문객들을복도로안내하다 2. cooperate with each other 서로협력하다 3. combine the advantages of two systems 두시스템의장점을합치다 4. indicate the general trends 일반적인동향을나타내다 5. contain useful information 유용한정보를포함하다 6. accomplish their goals 그들의목표를달성하다 7. acquire important information 중요한정보를입수하다 8. overcome the difficulty 난관을극복하다 9. differ from the sample 샘플과다르다 10. distinguish fact from opinion 의견과사실을구분하다 11. interrupt a meeting by taking a phone call 전화를받느라회의를중단하다 12. Prices vary according to size 가격은사이즈에따라다르다 13. Noise can disturb other passengers. 소음은다른승객들을방해할수있다 14. delete the file from the disk 디스크에서파일을삭제하다 15. Please connect me to room service. 룸서비스로연결해주십시오 16. contact the sales department 판매부서에연락하다 17. inform the employees of safety measures 직원들에게안전조치를알리다 18. offer customers discounted prices 고객들에게할인된가격을제공하다 19. respond to the community s demand 지역사회의요구에대응하다 20. adapt to a new environment 새로운환경에적응하다 21. affect the overall economy 경제전반에영향을주다 22. cause a serious accident 심각한사고를유발하다 23. An accident occurred in the workplace. 작업장에서사고가발생했다 24. consult the repair manual 수리설명서를참고하다 25. convince them that change is necessary 변화가필요하다고고들을설득하다 26. encourage students to read books 학생들에게독서를권장하다 27. Falling sales forced the company to close. 판매저하로회사를폐업해야했다 28. inquire about the market price 시장가격을문의하다 29. determine a credit limit 신용한도를결정하다 30. declare independence 독립을선언하다 31. demonstrate her ability 그녀의능력을보여주다 32. concentrate on improving services 서비스개선에주력하다 3
33. devote himself to the study of science 과학연구에전념하다 34. emphasize the need for safety 안전의필요성을강조하다 35. Please don t hesitate to contact me. 주저하지말고저에게연락을주십시오 36. You deserve an award for your efforts. 당신은노력에대한상을받을만하다 37. conduct telephone interviews 전화인터뷰를실시하다 38. confirm an order 주문을확인하다 39. establish the principle 원칙을확립하다. 40. the addition of bus lines 버스노선의추가 41. many advantages of computers 컴퓨터의많은장점들 42. a key factor 핵심요인 43. the frequency of flights 항공편의운항횟수 44. different age categories 다양한연령대 [ 범주 ] 45. the contents of this container 이컨테이너의내용물 46. reach an agreement 합의에도달하다 47. receive final approval 최종승인을받다 48. make comments on his work 그의작품에대한의견을말하다 49. all attempts to control inflation 인플래이션을통제하기위한모든시도 50. competition in the job market 고용시장에서의경쟁 51. avoid conflict with others 다른사람들과의갈등을피하다 52. after serious consideration 진지한고려후에 53. economic cooperation between two 양국간의경세협력 54. a slow decline in sales 원만한판매저하 55. increase energy efficiency 에너지효율을증가시키다 56. act with intention 의도적으로행동하다 57. decide by majority 다수결로결정하다 58. try to find a perfect solution 완벽한해결책을찾기위해노력하다 59. walk along a path 길을따라걷다 60. pressures to reduce costs 비용을절감하라는압력 61. suffer a shortage of skilled workers 숙련된인력의부족으로고생하다 62. seek a new export possibility 새로운수출가능성을찾다 63. the credit status of the firm 그회사의신용상태 64. Her statements proved true. 그녀의진술은사실로입증되었다 65. simplicity and complexity 단순함과복잡함 66. recommend without hesitation 주저없이추천하다 4
67. as a means of communication 의사소통의수단으로서 68. offer a variety of choices 다양한선택의기회를제공하다 69. the range of the product line 제품라인의범위 70. be absent from work 회사를결근하다 71. be accustomed to working together 함께일하는데익숙하다 72. be mature for her age 그녀의나이에비해성숙하다 73. an acceptable offer 수락할만한제안 74. an additional cost 추가비용 75. accurate information 정확한정보 76. Teamwork is essential for success. 팀워크는성공에필수적이다. 77. a critical factor 결정적요인 78. a detailed explanation 자세한설명 79. an evident proof 명백한증거 80. Exercise is beneficial to health. 운동은건강에이롭다 81. read the attached memo 첨부된메모를읽다 82. a brief summary 간단한요약 83. send a document in electronic form 전자형태의 [ 이메일등으로 ] 문서를보내다 84. Clean air is vital for our health. 깨끗한공기는우리의건강에필수적이다. 85. obtain a more complete list 보다완벽한목록을얻다 86. flexible working hours 융통성있는근무시간 87. be suitable for the position 그직책에적합하다 88. keep up with current news 지속적으로현재의뉴스를파악하고있다 89. a dramatic increase in crime 범죄의급격한증가 90. record a slight improvement 근소한향상을기록하다 91. the overall effect of imports 수입의전반적인영향 92. a cautious approach to the crisis 위기에대한신중한접근 93. an economical heating system 경제적인난방시스템 94. effective communication skills 효과적인의사소통기술 95. efficient methods of transport 효율적인운송방법 96. improper use of the tool 도구의부적절한사용 97. give a definite answer 명확한답을주다 98. in exceptional cases 예외적인경우에는 99. in the initial stage 초기단계에서 100. overcome temporary difficulties 일시적인난관을극복하다 5