Ch1. 하이테크 마케팅이란 무엇인가
하이테크마케팅 = ( ) 마케팅 애플의 CEO John Sculley 가몰랐던것 왜 ( 언제 ) 하이테크마케팅이필요한가?
What is High-Tech Marketing? 도대체 마케팅이란무엇인가? Key words Definition Marketing Process: 3C STP 4P 마케팅을잘한다는것
Marketing = Value Realization Process* UNDERSTAND VALUE CHOOSE VALUE DELIVER VALUE Aligned Value Realization CREATE VALUE COMMUNICATE VALUE EXTRACT VALUE *IBM Value Realization Model
What is High-Tech Marketing? 하이테크상품이란무엇인가? any product manufactured with some type of advanced (cutting edge) technology high-tech industry sectors characteristics of high-tech products
How Different is HTM? High Better Mousetrap Marketing High-Tech Marketing Technological Uncertainty Low Low-Tech Marketing High-Fashion Marketing Low Market Uncertainty High Source: Moriarty and Kosnik (1989)
Market Uncertainty 시장불확실성 Ambiguity about the type and extent of customer needs that can be satisfied by the technology 시장불확실성의원천 What needs might be met by new technology? How will needs change in the future? Will the market adopt industry standards? How fast will the innovation spread? How large is the potential market?
Technological Uncertainty 기술불확실성 Ambiguity about the extent of technological performance to keep the promise to customers 기술불확실성의원천 Will the new product function as promised? Will there be any side-effects? Will the vendor give high-quality service? Will the delivery time be met? Will new technology make ours obsolete?
예 : 로봇산업의불확실성 소비자들이정말로봇을원할까? 로봇이제대로작동할것인가? 고가의로봇을살잠재시장은얼마나될까? 대표이사시장불확실성 로봇에대한고객니즈는어떻게변화할것인가? 로봇기술이진부화되지는않을까? 대표이사기술불확실성 로봇이인간에게주는부작용은없을까? 로봇상품의확산속도는어떠할까? 로봇산업의표준은어떻게결정될것인가? 적시에제품을출시할수있을까? 최종사용자가로봇의기능을모두사용할수있을까? 시장불확실성의원천 기술불확실성의원천
Mohr, Sengupta, Slater Model Market Uncertainty Marketing of High-Technology Products and Innovations Competitive Volatility Technological Uncertainty Sources of Competitive Volatility 1. Who will be the new competition in the future? 2. What competitive tactics will be used? 3. What products will we compete with?
새로운 마케팅이필요하다 하이테크마켓은다르다 하이테크상품은새로운시장을만든다 Create and Own! (vs. Divide and Own) 높은시장불확실성과기술불확실성 기술과마케팅의연계가중요하다 차별화된상품기획의어려움 ( 기술이필요 ) 혁신상품성공, 확산의어려움 ( 마케팅이필요 ) 시장지향성의재정의 ( 시장조사의한계 ) 기능간연계중요 : 마케팅 - 생산 - 연구개발 하이테크소비자의행동 Greater Heterogeneity in Value, Attitude, Behavior Adoption delay and the Chasm 제품전략과시간전략의중요성
전통적마케팅과하이테크마케팅의차이 전통적마케팅기존제품, 기존시장중심시장의발견 (Discovery) 연속적혁신 Market Pull 수요측면마케팅강조반응적 (reactive) 긴수명주기성숙기마케팅전략 (red ocean) 하이테크마케팅신상품, 신시장중심시장의창조 (Creation) 불연속적혁신 Tech push & Market Pull 공급측면함께고려선제적 (proactive) 짧은수명주기초기시장마케팅전략 (blue ocean)
하이테크기업의시장지향성 하이테크기업들은시장지향적인가? 시장지향성이바람직한가? Technology push vs market pull 시장조사의한계 Judiciously ignore what customers say, and rather, watch what they do. 높은시장불확실성하에서고객중심적사고는여전히중요! 소비자의 3 대 dilemma ( ) over past purchase ( ) for upgrading ( ) for future obsolescence High-Tech has to Stay Humble Find out what customers want Make customers co-creators
High Uncertainty Warrants a New Paradigm 고도의시장지향성추구 단순히소비자조사결과에의존하기보다는능동적인시장지향성필요 Judiciously ignore what customers say, and rather, watch what they do. Informed Intuition 으로 Market Insight 발견 경영관리 Skill set 의확대 : Tech & Business Dream Team 지식과경험의진부화 변화의연속성 을위한 Fundamental 에집중 예견 (foresight) 과예측 (forecasting) 의중요성 과감한결단과실행 기업간파트너십은필수전략