: * Yang, Hyun-Kwon ** Kim, Rakhun Sung, Min-Chang Seoul National University ARTICLE INFO Article history: Received Mar Revised Mar Acc

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: * Yang, Hyun-Kwon ** Kim, Rakhun Sung, Min-Chang Seoul National University ARTICLE INFO Article history: Received Mar 6 2017 Revised Mar 28 2017 Accepted Mar 29 2017 Keywords: English indefinite article, indefiniteness, social-psychology, educational grammar :,,,, ABSTRACT The paper explores the grammatical nature of the English indefinite article, employing Nisbett s socio-psychological framework. It reveals that this category serves to encode individuated oneness of a countable noun. In performing this task, the paper suggests pedagogical implications of its main proposal for teaching the English indefinite article to Korean-speaking English learners. Nisbett... *. ** Corresponding author, yhkeun@snu.ac.kr

80 I..,. (school grammar), (pedagogical grammar) (descriptive grammar), (1987) : Celce-Murcia Larsen-Freeman(1999), Quirk, Greenbaum, Leech Svartvik(1985), Willis(1991). (1), (indefinite). They bought a house. I want a car. (2) one. He didn t say a word. May I have an apple? (3) (complement),. Tom is a fool. She once was a beauty. (4). A cat can see in the dark. An insect has six legs. (5) per. Take a medicine four times a day. The car ran at the speed of 80 miles an hour. (6) the same. The two boys were of a size. Birds of a feather flock together. (1)~(4).,

영어부정관사의문법적본질에대한사회심리학적이해 81, (5) (6)., (1) (4), (open context). (1)~(4), (7). (7)? Nisbett(2003) : (8) Nisbett(2003: 1) More than a billion people in the world today claim intellectual inheritance from ancient Greece. More than two billion are the heirs of ancient Chinese traditions of thought. The philosophies and achievements of the Greeks and Chinese of 2,500 years ago were remarkably different, as were the social structures and conceptions of themselves. And, as I hope to show in this chapter, the intellectual aspects of each society make sense in light of their social characteristics. Nisbett(2003). Nisbett, (intellectual aspects), (social characteristics). Nisbett. ( ). (9)? ( ) ( ).. 2 (1)

82. 2 (2). 3 (3). 3 (4),. 4, 5. II. (10). (10) a. They bought a house. b. There was a pretty doll on Tom s table.,, (indefiniteness).. (11) a. The house had a large living room and three bedrooms. b. The pretty doll is a birthday present for Tom. (11) (definiteness) (10)., ( ). (12) John went out to buy milk. (13) I have already put spoons on the table.

영어부정관사의문법적본질에대한사회심리학적이해 83 milk spoons.., milk spoons. Lyons(1999),.,, (definite determiner)., ( ). (14) Lyons(1999) Indefinite noun phrases are characterized by the non-occurrence of a definite determiner., Lyons, a(n)., (10a) a house,. a(n) (1). 1) a(n) : (15) one. He didn t say a word. May I have an apple? a(n) one, (oneness). A(n), one Quirk et al.(1985). (16) Quirk et al.(1985) The indefinite article derives historically from the unstressed form of one, and in present-day English there are still many contexts in which this numerical function is uppermost. 1) Celce-Murcia & Larsen-Freeman(1999: 272)

84 A(n) Lyons(1999),. a(n) Nisbett(2003),. III. a(n) Nisbett(2003),. (17) Nisbett(2003: 10)... more basic to Greek philosophy is its background scheme, which regarded the object in isolation as the proper focus of attention and analysis. Most Greeks regarded matter as particulate and separate formed into discrete objects just as humans were seen as separate from one another and construed as distinct wholes. Nisbett,., (mass). Nisbett,. (18) Nisbett(2003: 18) For the Chinese, the background scheme for the nature of the world was that it was a mass of substances rather than a collection of discrete objects.. (19) Nisbett(2003: 19) Chinese social life was interdependent and it was not liberty but harmony that was the

영어부정관사의문법적본질에대한사회심리학적이해 85 watchword the harmony of humans and nature for the Taoists and the harmony of humans with other humans for the Confucians.... The Chinese philosopher would see a family with interrelated members where the Greek saw a collection of persons with attributes that were independent of any connections with others..,, ( ) (individuated), ( )., ( ), ( ) (individuated)., a(n). A. A(n) a fool. (20). We have a fool in the class.. He felt a fool.. He felt foolish. (20 ) a fool one fool (20 ) a fool.,. Quirk et al.(1985: 273) (20 ),. (21) The indefinite article is strongly associated with the complement function in a clause, or more generally with noun phrases in a copula relationship. Here it has a descriptive role (similar to that of predicative adjectives), rather than a referring role.

86,,., (17) Nisbett, :. (22) Nisbett(2003: 10) Once the object [in isolation] is taken as the starting point, then many things follow automatically: The attributes of the object are salient; the attributes become the basis of rule construction., (17),. (22) Nisbett, (attributes).,,. Nisbett, ( ) ( ).,. B. A(n) a(n). a(n)+. (23) A terrier is very faithful., a terrier terrier. A(n), Nisbett :

영어부정관사의문법적본질에대한사회심리학적이해 87 (24) Nisbett(2003: 9) A routine habit of Greek philosophers was to analyze the attributes of an object person, place, thing, or animal and categorize the object on the basis of its abstracted attributes. They would then attempt to understand the object s nature and the cause of its actions, on the basis of rules governing the categories. Nisbett,, an object. ( ) ( ). Nisbett, a(n) ( ) ( )., ( ),. C., a(n). a(n),. a(n), ( ).. (25) a(n) (A B: A B ),.,.

88. (26) (27) (28) (29). (26) (27) (28) one chair (29) one cook (26) (27). (26) (27). (30), (phrase structure) (28) (29) : Haegeman(1991). (31(=28)) [NP one [N chair]] (32(=29)) [NP one [N cook]] (31) (32) ( ; endocentric), (head) ( ). (26) (27), (28) (29),, ( ). 2) (33), (34). (33(=9))? (34) ( ) (oneness) ( ) 2), ( ) ( ) : ( ) a chair ( ) [NP a [N chair]]

영어부정관사의문법적본질에대한사회심리학적이해 89 ( ), ( ). 3) 4) ( ), Nisbett, (mass). 5) 3), ( ) :.. (2001),. 4), : ( )., : Classifier P: ; Num:. ( ) [NP [PP [ClassifierP [Num ] ] ] [N ]].. 5) ( ) ( ), (26). ( ) [yì yǐzi] ( ) [ich isu], (26),. (26) ( ) ( ),.. ( ) (oneness),.

90 IV..,. (35)~(37), (35) :. (35) a(n) 1. Kathy is from London. A boy/the boy/the (two) boys ran in the park. Water is very important for life. The water in this water is very clear.... (36). (36) a(n) 3. A lion is brave. The lion is brave. Lions are brave.... (37). (37) a(n) 10. The baby cried. She stayed in bed. He is a teacher. You look happy today....

영어부정관사의문법적본질에대한사회심리학적이해 91. ( ),, (38),?. (39)? (25), (25) a(n) (A B: A B ) (39). (40)......

92 (41) a(n) 1. Kathy is from London. A boy/the boy/the (two) boys ran in the park. Water is very important for life. The water in this water is very clear...., A boy The boy,., 2,.. (countability),. 6). (countable noun),.,. 3.4. ( ), ( ),,.,.., Nisbett,..., 6) (1987: 220).

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