1 Teacher s Guide_ Level 2 Unit 1 Super 튼튼영어 Junior Sasha s Senses_7 차시 Objectives: 사샤의일상속이야기를들으면서자연스럽게사용되는오감을파악하고, 각감각의전달과정이해하기 Key Expressions: 1. I taste ~ / smell ~ / see ~ / feel ~ / hear ~. 2. It enters the nose / eyes / ears. 3. The ears / eyes / taste buds / skin send(s) a message to brain. 4. Smells good! 5. How soft / sweet / loud / pretty! Step Procedure Activities Materials Min Greeting 활기차고반갑게인사하기 - 1 Introduction Warm Up Ice breaking (weather, feeling, daily life, etc.) - 2 Review 간단한질문을통해다시한번이야기떠올리기본책 5 Development Play Time 보드게임을통해스토리를떠올려보고, 본문문장을읽고 말해보기 Game KIT 8 Preview 짝꿍책 My Five Senses 학습방법소개하기 짝꿍책 (My Five Senses) 3 Closing Saying Goodbye 다음수업약속하며마무리인사하기 - 1 Advising for Parents 수업에대한아이의반응을전달하고학부모상담하기 - - Review Sasha: My name is Sasha. 내이름은사샤야. This is my home. 여기는우리집이야. Q1: What s the title of this book? A1: Sasha s senses. Q2: How many senses does Sasha have? A2: She has five senses. Q3: How about you? How many senses do you have? A3: I have five senses, too
2 Teacher s Guide_ Level 2 Unit 1 Super 튼튼영어 Junior Sasha s Senses 사샤의감각 Sasha: I wake up in the morning. 나는아침에일어나지. My nose smells the air. 내코로냄새를맡아. Sniff, sniff. 킁킁. Something smells good. 뭔가맛있는냄새가나. Q1: Sasha wakes up in the morning. What does she smell when she wakes up? A1: Her nose smells the air. Q2: Sniff, sniff. What does she smell? A2: She smells bread, flowers and her breakfast. How does Sasha smell? 사샤는어떻게냄새를맡을까요? A smell goes through the air. 냄새가공기중에떠다녀요. Q: How does Sasha smell? A: A smell goes through the air and then it enters Sasha s nose.
3 Teacher s Guide_ Level 2 Unit 1 Super 튼튼영어 Junior It enters the nose. 냄새가코로들어가지요. The nose sends a message to the brain. 코는메시지를뇌로보내요. What does Sasha smell? 사샤가무슨냄새를맡나요? It s soup. 수프랍니다. Q1: What happens when the smell enters her nose? A1: The nose sends a message to the brain. Q2: What does Sasha smell? A2: It s soup. Q3: How does she like the smell of the soup? A3: I think she likes it. Q4: What kind of soup do you like? Sasha: I play with my cat. 나는고양이랑놀아. My fingers touch her fur. 손가락으로고양이털을만져. Pat, pat. 토닥토닥. Her fur is soft. 고양이털은부드러워. Q1: Who does Sasha like to do with her cat? A1: She plays with her cat. Q2: What do her fingers do? A2: They touch her cat s fur.) Q3: Pat, pat. How is the cat s fur? A3: Her fur is soft. How does Sasha feel? 사샤는어떻게느낄까요? The body is covered with skin. 몸은피부로덮여있답니다. Q: What is Sasha s body covered with? A: Her body is covered with skin.
4 Teacher s Guide_ Level 2 Unit 1 Super 튼튼영어 Junior The skin touches something. 무언가가피부에닿아요. The skin sends a message to the brain. 피부는메시지를뇌로보내지요. How does Sasha s cat feel? 사샤의고양이는어떤느낌일까요? It s soft. 부드럽지요.. Q1: What happens the skin touches something? A1: The skin sends a message to the brain. Q2: What does the brain say? A2: Soft. Q3: How does Sasha s cat feel? A3: It s soft. Sasha: I eat ice cream with Mom. 나는엄마와아이스크림을먹어. My tongue licks the ice cream. 혀로아이스크림을핥아. Drip, drip. 뚝뚝. It is sweet. 아이스크림은달콤해. Q1: Sasha is eating ice cream with her mom. What does she do with her tongue? A1: Her tongue licks the ice cream. Q2: Drip, drip. How does the ice cream taste? A2: It s sweet. How does Sasha taste? 사샤는어떻게맛을느낄까요? Q: Look at the picture of Sasha s tongue. What is it covered with? A: It s covered with taste buds.
5 Teacher s Guide_ Level 2 Unit 1 Super 튼튼영어 Junior Q1: What happens when the tongue touches the food? A1: The taste buds send a message to the brain. Q2: What does the brain say about the ice cream? A2: Sweet! Q3: Look at the page on the left. What do you think tastes sweet? A3: A cake, an apple and watermelon taste sweet. Q4: How about a lemon? A4: It tastes sour. How does Sasha taste? 사샤는어떻게맛을느낄까요? The tongue touches the food. 음식이혀에닿아요. The tongue is covered with taste buds. 혀는미뢰로덮여있지요. The taste buds send a message to the brain. 미뢰는메시지를뇌로보낸답니다. How does the ice cream taste? 아이스크림맛이어떤가요? It s sweet. 달콤하지요. Sasha: My ears hear something. 내귀는소리를들어. Boom, boom. 둥둥. I hear my brother play his drums. 오빠가드럼치는소리가들려. Q1: How does Sasha hear? A1: Her ears hear sounds. Q2: Boom, boom. What does she hear? A2: She hears her brother play his drums. How does Sasha hear? 사샤는어떻게들을수있나요? A sound travels through the air. 소리가공기중을떠다닙니다. Q: How does Sasha hear? A: A sound travels through the air and it enters her ears.
6 Teacher s Guide_ Level 2 Unit 1 Super 튼튼영어 Junior It enters the ears. 소리가귀로들어가지요. The ears send a message to the brain. 귀는메시지를뇌로보냅니다. What does Sasha hear? 사샤가무엇을듣고있나요? Drums. 드럼소리지요. Q1: What happens when the sound enters her ears? A: The ears send a message to the brain. Q2: What does Sasha hear? A2: Drum. Sasha: I watch Dad paint. 나는아빠가그림을그리시는걸봐. My eyes see many colors. 내눈으로많은색을보지. Swish, swish. 휙휙. He makes a funny picture. 아빠가재미있는그림을그리셔. Q1: What is Sasha s dad doing? A1: He s painting. Q2: What do Sasha s eyes see? A2: Her eyes see many colors. Q3: Swish, swish. What does Sasha s dad paint? A3: He makes a funny picture. How does Sasha see? 사샤는어떻게보는걸까요? Light travels through the air. 빛이공기중을이동합니다. Q: How does Sasha see? A: Light travels through the air and it enters her eyes.
7 Teacher s Guide_ Level 2 Unit 1 Super 튼튼영어 Junior It enters the eyes. 빛이눈으로들어가지요. The eyes send a message to the brain. 눈은메시지를뇌로보냅니다. What does Sasha see? 사샤가무엇을보고있나요? It s Sasha. 사샤예요. Q1: What happens when the light enters Sasha s eyes? A1: The eyes send a message to the brain. Q2: What does Sasha see? A2: It s Sasha. Sasha: I taste my strawberry toothpaste. 나는딸기치약의맛을보지. I smell the soap. 비누냄새도맡아. I feel my teddy bear. 곰인형의촉감을느껴. I hear a story. 이야기를듣지. I see the moon. 달이보이네. It s time for bed. 이제잘시간이야. Q: Sasha has five senses. What does she do at night with her five senses? A: She tastes her strawberry toothpaste. She smells the soap. She feels her teddy bear. She hears a story. She sees the moon. Song * T: Now let s sing together! Five Senses 다섯가지감각 With your nose, what do you smell? 코로어떤냄새를맡나요? I smell soup. Smells good! 수프냄새를맡아요. 냄새가좋아요! With your hands, what do you feel? 손으로무엇을느끼나요? I touch the cat. How soft! 고양이를만져요. 정말부드러워요! With your tongue, what do you taste? 혀로무엇을맛보나요? I taste ice cream. How sweet! 아이스크림을맛보아요. 정말달콤해요! With your ears, what do you hear? 귀로어떤소리를듣나요? I hear the drums. How loud! 드럼소리를들어요. 정말시끄러워요! With your eyes, what do you see? 눈으로무엇을보나요? I see a picture. It s me. 그림을보아요. 바로나예요.
8 Teacher s Guide_ Level 2 Unit 1 Super 튼튼영어 Junior Play Time_ Bingo Game < 활동목표 > 빙고게임을통해오감관련어휘와표현들을떠올리고, 말해볼수있다. < 게임자료 > 1. 빙고판 : 2장 ( 양면 : side A / side B) 2. 빙고칩 : 18개 3. 주사위 : Sight, Hearing, Taste, Touch, Smell이쓰여있는주사위 빙고판 side A 1 면 빙고판 side A 2 면 빙고판 side B 1 면 빙고판 side B 2 면 빙고칩 (18 개 ) 주사위 < 게임방법 > 1. 게임을할때는두사람이같은빙고판의동일한면을펴서게임을진행하세요. (side A, B 두가지게임가능 ) 2. 게임시작전에주사위에있는단어를읽어보고감각에대해이야기해본다. 3. 한사람씩주사위를굴려서해당하는감각 ( 오감 ) 칸위에빙고칩을올려놓으면됩니다. 예를들어 Hearing이나왔다면청각에해당하는단어칸 (loud, Arf Arf, Boom Boom) 위에두사람모두빙고칩을올려놓으세요. ( 이때, 청각에해당하는단어칸이남지않은사람은칩을올릴수없게됩니다.) * 주사위의면색깔과빙고판칸의면색깔이아이들에게힌트가될수있습니다. 4. 가로나세로, 또는대각선등으로먼저세줄을완성한사람이 빙고! 를외치면승리하게됩니다.