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성공적인유통회사들은 목표로하는 mobile 경험을바탕으로수많은고객에게접근합니다. 고객상호작용개인화 새로운영업기회를확인하고발굴함 실행주기를가속화 결과 : 항상연결된고객들에게의미있는상품과서비스를제공 새로운영업기회로수익률증대 고객서비스및충성도향상 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 3

Mobility 통한사업의가속화 Mobility enables you to connect to enterprise data consume information control your business anytime, anywhere Customer Supply Chain Mobile commerce Loyalty management.. Stock enquiries Mobile checkout Social media Service Marketing Store Operations IT Merchandising 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 4

Mobility Accelerates Business through On-Device Access to Information and Collaboration Anna s Linens 4. 기업리더들은실적과변화, 규정준수, 인재관리및전략을모니터합니다. 관리자들은출장, 시간, 휴가와경비를승인합니다. Hobby Lobby 지식근로자들은브랜드주도권을위해소통하고협업하며, 지원합니다. Casino, Target 마케팅은모바일소비자에게다가가기위한캠페인및프로모션실행합니다. Web Channel Suppliers Home Office End Consumer 창고직원은물건을받아유통업체또는상점에양도합니다. 구매자는공급자와함께일하고요구사항을예상합니다. Tommy Hilfiger Merchandising 은스타일과유형, 할당및보급, 프로모션과창고관리를계획합니다. IT 관계자들은모바일장비들을관리합니다. Fossil, Best Buy, Luxottica, Williams-Sonoma Distributor 1. 매장관계자들은주문을하고, 재고를관리하며, 고객에게서비스를제공 The Home Depot, Wolverine Retail Store 2. 소비자들은모바일 POS 로모바일상거래를이용하거나주변상품에대해비용지불합니다. Sephora, Co-op, Williams-Sonoma 3. 소비자들은모바일을통해제안과의사소통을받습니다. Casino, Rite Aid 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 5

혼돈에서질서를현실로 SAP mobility platform, services, and applications Create Connect heterogeneous data sources Eclipse Consume heterogeneous mobile devices Sybase Unwired Platform Mobile Business objects Container Apps Native Apps Afaria Management console Control Device and server management and security 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 6

Implementation and Managed Mobility Services SAP s mobile solutions 업계에서가장광범위한포트폴리오 Support for All Popular Devices SAP Store LoB/Industry Apps Customer Apps Analytics Apps Instant Mobilization SAP Mobility Platform Mobile Enterprise Application Platform (MEAP) Mobile Device Management Mobile Consumer Application Platform (MCAP) Full-Service Platform SAP Business Suite Databases 3 rd Party Applications Support for SAP & Third Party Apps/Databases 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 7

유통산업을위한 Mobility Value proposition 의사결정을향상시키고생산성을증대함 매장관계자는쉽게조언및조치를취할수있습니다 신규상품및프로모션정보 모바일인력의직원배치를보장하기위한일정관리 우수한매장고객서비스 모바일로간소화된체크아웃프로세스 고객들은어디에서든지가격과정보확인 모바일지불은고객의편의를증가 고객편의 M-commerce 은쇼핑경험을확장함 라이프스타일과소셜미디어환경을반영하는맞춤제안 충성도보상및상태관리를포함한위치기반서비스 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 8

새로운유통기업들 : SAP mobility 솔루션은유통사에게아래를가능케함 기업운영 매장운영 마케팅 멀티채널고객 IT 운영 이동에대한역할기반액세스권한이있는모든리포트를제어 승인및워크플로프로세스를합리화하고빠른결정을내릴수있게함 모든직원을위한총소유비용 (TCO) 으로고품질의인적자원서비스를제공 개선된매장프로세스및작업관리를통해직원의생산성증대 새로운제품, 판촉및서비스에대한직원교육 매장매니저에게모든정보와효율성을높이기위해필요한프로세스를제공함 모든직원장비에 mobile POS 를구현하여비용감소 고객충성도를증가하게하는개인화된맞춤프로모션을제공 위치기반기능을사용하여매장방문증가 완벽히통합된구매포인트, 모바일 couponing (Mcouponing) 로우수한경험창출 모바일카탈로그브라우징, 주문및매장픽업을통해고객의범위를증대 모바일결제로고객의매장경험을향상 가격및가용성정보를저장하는모바일액세스로고객만족도증대 하나의통합플랫폼을통해이기종장치를지원하고규정을관리 단일통합플랫폼에서사용자지정구축응용 Applications 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 9

새로운유통기업들 : SAP mobility 솔루션은유통사에게아래를가능케함 기업운영매장운영마케팅멀티채널고객 IT 운영 Mobile BI Product look up Precision Retailing mcommerce SAP Mobile Platform Mobile HCM Retail Store Opps Manger/ Associate mcouponing mpayment Sybase 365 Workflow On Shelf Availability mloyalty Streamworks Mobile POS Interview Assistant Contract2go Available Partner Solution In Production 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 10

유통산업을위한 Mobility use cases 기업운영 Opportunity for Your Business Mobility-Enabled Innovations Capability Enabled By 이동에대한역할기반액세스권한이있는모든리포트를제어 Mobile analytics 비즈니스와경영진의모든라인에대한주요기업의핵심성과지표를한눈에요약보고 Exploration views (available end of 2011) SAP BusinessObjects Explorer software 승인및워크플로프로세스를합리화하고빠른결정을내릴수있게함 모든직원을위한총소유비용 (TCO) 으로고품질의인적자원서비스를제공 Mobile workflow 일원화된내부승인 ( 예를들어, 구매, 직원휴가, 근무시간변경 ) Human capital management (HCM) services 호황기에직원근무일정을능동적으로조정할수있는솔루션 명단확인, 주소, 은행변경, phone details, 휴가신청, 근무환경설정, 시간기록, 시간보고서에대한 Apps Mobile workflow Future build potential HCM leave requests HCM time capture Interview assistant 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 11

유통산업을위한 Mobility use cases 매장운영 Opportunity for Your Business Mobility-Enabled Innovations Capability Enabled By 개선된매장프로세스및작업관리를통해직원의생산성증대 새로운제품, 판촉및서비스에대한직원교육 매장매니저에게모든정보와효율성을높이기위해필요한프로세스를제공함 Mobile In-Store Inventory Management - 실시간재고정보 - 재고조정과같은모든종류의상품이동에대한완벽한가시성제공 - 작업의가시성을제공하는차별화된 Work Lists - 상품영수증, 이동, 그리고문제에대한재고및재무에대한즉각적인업데이트 Task management 모바일을통한작업할당및모든활동관리 Mobile Sales 교육모듈은기업전반에걸쳐이미구현된새로운상품특성에접근함 Scheduling Store managers 는직원스케쥴링과관리를모바일장비에서가능하게함 Merchandise management for store managers Store managers 에게일정및상품관리 Application( 예를들어, 프로모션진행날짜 ) 이제공됨 Interview assistant Mobile 은매니저가새로운직원을인터뷰하고고용하는것을 support 함 Mobile In-Store Inventory Management In-store operations For task management, use of mobile workflow Mobile sales already existing Future build potential In-store operations Interview assistant Scheduling 모든직원장비에 mobile POS 를구현하여비용감소 Mobile POS SAP Point-of-Sale application delivered on a retailer-owned mobile device. Future build potential 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 12

유통산업을위한 Mobility use cases 마케팅 Opportunity for Your Business Mobility-Enabled Innovations Capability Enabled By 고객충성도를증가하게하는개인화된맞춤프로모션을제공 위치기반기능을사용하여매장방문증가 완벽히통합된구매포인트, 모바일 couponing (M-couponing) 로우수한경험창출 Targeted/ personalized mobile promotions Dependant on the shopping list Personalized coupons and offers based on customer lifestyles and social media interaction preferences Location-based services Increased customer loyalty and an intelligent way to create instant demand Scenarios including rewards and status management M-couponing redemption at POS Especially important for targeted coupons as they would need a real-time redemption Apollo (future build potential) prototype available Sybase mcrm offering on mobile couponing Apollo (future build potential ) prototype available future build potential : CRMrelated loyalty management Sybase 365 (SMS couponing) 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 13

유통산업을위한 Mobility use cases 멀티채널고객 Opportunity for Your Business Mobility-Enabled Innovations Capability Enabled By 모바일카탈로그브라우징, 주문및매장픽업을통해고객의범위를증대 M-commerce Full access to common data and common processes across all channels Future build potential 모바일결제로고객의매장경험을향상 가격및가용성정보를저장하는모바일액세스로고객만족도증대 Mobile self-scanning Customer able to use own device to scan items and initiate a checkout M-payment Customer able to use own device to pay Price and inventory check Checking merchandise prices and information via scans or minimal key entries, any time, any place, any channel Mobile self-scanning (future build potential) Sybase mpayments 365 (available today) On-device charging (planned) Future build potential : ERP material search and available-to-promise (ATP) check (future build potential) 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 14

유통산업을위한 Mobility use cases IT 운영 Opportunity for Your Business Mobility-Enabled Innovations Capability Enabled By 하나의통합플랫폼을통해이기종장치를지원하고규정을관리 단일통합플랫폼에서사용자지정구축응용 Applications Information and device control Ability to manage and control corporate information on every device Able to let your associates use their own smart phones on the job, If you require Platform for custom-built applications Ability to build your own applications to give you a competitive edge on a single platform Afaria mobile device management solution Sybase Unwired Platform 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 15

Information and device control Afaria(MDM) Description Afaria 는배포크기에대한관리와네트워크를통해모바일장치의보안을보장하는데도움이됩니다. 또한, Afaria 은모든기업의다양한요구를충족하는고도의사용자정의이며호스팅이나 on-premise 구현중하나에배포할수있습니다. Current limitations 고객은오늘날주로포인트솔루션을구축, 플랫폼은중앙및통합접근방식에배제되고있습니다. Value proposition 노동자가개인적으로소유한소비자장치또는특정작업목적의장치를사용하든, Afaria 는 IT 가확신을가지고이동성을관리할수있게합니다. Outcome opportunity 연결시간을최소화하고그것을필요로하는어디서나최신정보를제공함으로써생산성을보장하는데도움이됩니다. 직원들에겐그들의모바일기술에대해확신을가지게하여그들의일을마무리할수있게합니다. 또한마치그들이사무실에있는것처럼모바일근로자의장치및응용프로그램을관리합니다. Plan Transparency Encrypt and Secure Support Diverse Mobile Devices Provide Maximum Control Plan Up Front Define Governance Policies 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 16

Platform for custom(sup)-built applications Description 경쟁력유지하고관련되고시간을절약할수있는특정응용 Application 을직원과고객에게제공하기위해유통업체에서는간소하고, 낮은총비용의접근방식에서자신의 Application 을개발할수있는능력이필요합니다. Current limitations 유통업체에서는 write once, deploy to any device, 에대해단일플랫폼을아직도입하지않고있습니다. Value proposition The Sybase Unwired Platform(SUP) 는모든 application 개발요구사항을위한단일통합플랫폼을제공합니다. 대부분 30 년이상전에 ERP 처럼, 비용, 자원사용량, 및일관성의통합플랫폼의장점은거대합니다. Outcome opportunity 필요로할때마다개발하는방식보다현저하게낮은금액으로 application 개발이가능함으로, 많은 TCO 절감이가능합니다. 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 17

SAP 모빌리티전략비즈니스프로세스, 모바일플랫폼, 모바일기기보안, 모바일앱제공 기업모빌리티를위한핵심고려사항은 Ready-made 모바일애플리케이션다수보유여부, 빠른트렌드변화에따른다양한기기지원을위한유연성및확장성제공, 모바일기기라이프사이클전반에걸친모바일기기관리및보안지원입니다. 모바일솔루션중요요소 SAP 비즈니스애플리케이션 (ERP,SCM,BI 등 ) 의 Mobile Package Apps SAP Partner 제공 Apps 고객고유개발 Apps 모바일기기관리 / 보안인프라 (AFARIA) 모바일앱스 (SAP Store) 세계 1 위모바일제공업체 모바일서비스개발 / 운영플랫폼 (SUP) 제조사와의제휴관계 급변하는모바일기기지원 일원화된통합솔루션 Multi 모바일 OS 를지원하는유연한개발 Platform One source, Multi Device Web 방식 Native Application 방식 Hybrid 방식 기업모바일보안강화플랫폼 Apple, Samsung, HTC, Motorola 등제조사와의기술제휴 커널레벨에서의기기관리가능 Sybase Unwired Platform 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 18

SAP, 모바일애플리케이션개발플랫폼 리더 SAP 는비전완성도에서가장높으며, SAP 가인수한 Syclo 는수행능력에서가장높게평가되었습니다. SAP 는엔터프라이즈모빌리티시장에서모빌리티리더로평가받고있습니다. Figure 1. Magic Quadrant for Mobile Application Development Platforms 사이베이스언와이어드플랫폼ㆍ SAP 아파리아 수행능력ㆍ비전완성도부문시장리더 평가기준 1) 엔터프라이즈개발자들이 B2C, B2B, B2E 모바일애플리케이션을설계ㆍ코딩ㆍ통합ㆍ테스트ㆍ배포ㆍ관리할수있도록애플리케이션개발플랫폼을제공하는주요업체평가 2) 과거기업들은당면한모바일프로젝트필요에따라모바일애플리케이션개발플랫폼을평가함. 그러나현재많은기업들이모든시나리오상에서앞으로진행될프로젝트요구를만족시킬수있는단일화된개발플랫폼을요구함. 그결과이번 2012 매직쿼드런트평가대상에는 B2C, B2B, B2E 프로젝트의요구조건을충족시킬수있는업체플랫폼이포함됨. 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 19

Why SAP Mobility Enterprise Mobility 구현에는다양한백엔드시스템과댜양한디바이스가고려된모바일서비스개발에대한이슈와안전한모바일서비스를위한보완관리이슈가내포되어있습니다. 주요이슈원인및배경 To Be 방향 멀티백엔드와멀티디바이스지원모바일서비스개발 모바일서비스에따른디바이스관리및보안 스마트폰 / 패드사용자층확장 사용자선호도에따른멀티디바이스지원필요 연동해야할백엔드시스템확대 디바이스및백엔드별개발기술상이 모바일애플리케이션배포방식부재 장애조치및업데이트를위한원격지원부재 디바이스도난 / 분실에따른데이터유출 허가되지않은 S/W 사용에따른보안이슈발생 회사규정에따른디바이스제어부재 1 MEAP* 를통한개발효율성확보 강력한 4GL 개발환경제공 이기종디바이스유형지원을위한소스코드자동생성 커넥터를통한백엔드데이터의쉬운연결 원격데이터동기화엔진을통한오프라인업무지원 2 MDM* 를통한관리및보안인프라구축 OTA 기반의소프트웨어배포 원격디바이스설정및기능제어 원격데이터삭제및디바이스잠금 / 초기화 관리프로세스자동화및헬프데스크지원 H/W, S/W 통계및모니터링 모바일컨텐츠확보 ㅇㅇㅇ 기업업무시스템를을위한바로사용가능한모바일컨텐츠부재 개발을많이해야함 3 App Store 를통한모바일컨텐츠활용 기업용 SAP App Store 운영중 SAP 모바일앱공급 SAP 파트너앱공급 지속적으로 SAP 및파트너사를통한모바일앱개발 *MEAP : Mobile Enterprise Application Platform 솔루션 *MDM : Mobile Device Management 솔루션 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 20

Thank You! Contact information: Yushin Chang 상무 010-5304-4495

Mobile analytics Description Executives and line of business managers need access to key performance indicators, such as revenue, profitability, days sales outstanding, resource utilization, and so on anytime, anywhere. Current limitations Deploying point solutions leads to a lack of consistent data access. These solutions are not on common enterprisewide mobility platforms, and security is a huge cause for concern. Value proposition Make decisions based on real-time data and analytics capabilities, anytime, anywhere. Obtain insight into your business with early alerts to quickly analyze all dimensions of your business. Outcome opportunity Make educated decisions. Have faster response times to all areas of the business covering sales and marketing, R&D, procurement, manufacturing, and logistics. 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 22

Mobile workflow Description Retail managers can assign tasks and perform workflow approvals with their mobile devices. Current limitations Retail companies don t benefit from workflow or task management for their internal processes. A lack of a common mobility platform today will lead to high TCO. Value proposition Real-time decision making and clear workflow shows what has been done and what is still outstanding, with complete compliance tracking. Outcome opportunity Increase the efficiency in the store. Formerly timeconsuming workflow management is now done in real time. This provides new opportunities for value-added services to help customers and not just administrative headaches. 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 23

Human capital management services Description For HR processes and functions, store-based employees do not have easy access to computers at their place of work. However, the great majority own a personal smart phone. Current limitations Retail companies don t want to provide mobile devices to each employee. There are concerns that HCM applications on personal mobile devices violate corporate security policies. Value proposition Provide HR processes and functions via a mobile app on the employee s own phone: checking schedule, changing address, bank, and phone details, vacation and leave requests, shift preferences, time clock, hours report, applicants interview support, and so on. Outcome opportunity No physical distribution of schedules or manual filling of applications. 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 24

Mobile In-Store Inventory Management Description: This is an online solution against ERP and the mobile version of SAP solution for In-Store Merchandising. It will increase the productivity of store associates, giving them access to real-time functions and information during critical operational, sales, and service processes. It is delivered with SAP Merchandising for Retail, EHP2 and above. Easy to use hand held solution Real time receiving Current limitations: The current solution offering supports only the most important inventory functions and its functional footprint is smaller than In-Store MIM (desktop store solution). Value proposition: The solution will provide relevant functions for an efficient inventory management and information that helps employees to support customer satisfaction. Better informed employees increase sales and enforce brand positioning. Outcome opportunity: Typically store solutions generate a large number of enduser licensing. In-Store MIM/Mobile could generate large licensing opportunities. Real time inventory taking during opening hours Real time stock overview 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 25

Mobile In-Store MIM Demo Solution Reduce Total Cost of Ownership and Increase Customer Focus Key Functions Inventory Lookup Price Lookup Product Lookup Customer Order Management (COM) Store Ordering Specifications Mobile In-Store MIM is designed for store associates on the floor. Lookup features give store associates the ability to answer nearly any questions a customer might have about inventory, price, and product details. COM enables store associates to create an order for home deliver or pickup and includes features such as create customer, sales order, and order status. Using Store Ordering store associates can verify the order proposal on the shelf and place an order for an efficient replenishment. Architecture Sybase Unwired Platform Dependencies ECC 6.0 Devices Supported Mode iphone, ipad Online and Offline Delivery Date May / 2011 Delivered by SAP Global Delivery 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 26

Mobile In-Store MIM Demo Solution Reduce Total Cost of Ownership and Increase Customer Focus Description: This solution is built upon the existing business logic for In- Store MIM/Mobile, based on Sybase Unwired Platform, and designed for iphone/ipod Touch devices. It supports Inventory Lookup, Price Lookup/Change, Product Lookup, Customer Order Management, and Store Ordering. It is meant to demonstrate the value of the ERP/SUP/Afaria deployment for retail stores. Current limitations: This a demo solution, is not available on a standard basis today, and can not be sold. Value proposition: It is designed to empower the store associates with information to improve customer satisfaction and branding at retail stores. Better informed employees increase sales and enforce brand positioning. Outcome opportunity: Typically store solutions generate a large number of enduser licensing. In-Store MIM/Mobile could generate large licensing opportunities for ERP and SUP/Afaria. Inventory Information Store Ordering Details, rating, up-sell COM 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 27

On-Shelf Availability Dashboard for Retail Description: This solution is built upon POS-DM/HANA/SUP for ipad. It provides store managers with relevant KPIs, ability to verify the impact of out-of-shelf / out-of-stock on the store sales performance and find out the root cause. It provides store associates with a list of exceptions for products that were not sold as expected. So, store associate can verify the quantity on the shelf and refill the shelf with the backroom inventory in case available. Value proposition: It is designed to optimize on-shelf availability, to increase customer satisfaction and sales. 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 28

Mobile sales for retail Description Mobile sales provides all necessary customer information to store associates, such as access to contact information, purchase history, loyalty, preferences. Current limitations Current sales force automation applications are often B2B (rather than B2C focused) and have limited integration into back end systems. Limited functionality overall and lack of performance necessary are other issues as well. Value proposition The solution covers all CRM functions and making them accessible to store staff. This means faster sales cycles and a tight integration also with web channel and mobile channel. Outcome opportunity Highly effective store staff and information flow and documentation in both directions. Streamlined, up to date information helps with customer service overall. 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 29

Training module access Description For ramping up new store associates on company procedures and training modules on new merchandise and promotions, provide mobilized self-driving training modules for education and certification. Current limitations Currently training happens mainly on paper, which is administratively hard to track and manage. Value proposition Retail staff has access to training material on new products, layouts and is able to serve customers better as well as accomplish tasks in store. Timing is aligned with promotional periods and new merchandise introductions. Outcome opportunity Have quicker on-boarding for new employees. Bettereducated staff members enable a better rollout of corporate strategies and methods. 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 30

Merchandise management for store managers Description Store managers are provided with scheduling and merchandise management applications. Current limitations Store managers and regional managers are always in different locations: therefore, they need to operate in a very efficient way, managing their staff as well as their merchandise assortments. Value proposition Decisions can be made faster, especially those regarding critical situations. Outcome opportunity Have an efficient way of scheduling staff in day-to-day business. Take faster action for local assortment building. 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 31

Mobile POS Description With mobile POS, store personnel can interact with their customers and turn a point-of-decision into a point-of-sale instantly. Mobile POS will identify your customer, scan and price the merchandise into a transaction, and perform card payment or suspend the sale for payment at a standard POS device. Current limitations Retailers need to interact with their customers in real time and get them the information they need to close the sale. Value proposition Retailers reduce their queues and provide personalized service for their customers. Outcome opportunity By interacting with customers on the shop floor, retailers have the opportunity to increase basket size. Customer loyalty is increased, often leading to increased shopping frequency. 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 32

Targeted/ personalized promotions Apollo Description Depending on the shopping list, personalized couponing and offers based on customer lifestyles and social media interaction preferences are given to the customer. Current limitations Retailers do not use mobile channel for sending out targeted promotions. Value proposition Customer receives mobile coupons depending on actual preferences. These offers are permission based, customer is able to define what coupons to receive and when. Outcome opportunity For the retail company, the connection with the customers is better, as the customer is treated more personally. 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 33

Location-based services Description Location-based services increase customer loyalty and offer an intelligent way to create instant demand. Current limitations Retailers cannot recognize customers by which locations they are in. Current Web channel solutions do not recognize the location or has very rough location information. Value proposition By recognizing their locations, you can send customers promotions that match their needs. Combined with mobile devices, it can be a very personal form of communication. Outcome opportunity Retailers increase store frequency through location-based services, as important impulsive purchases can be created. This can be made to known customers as well as anonymously. 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 34

M-couponing redemption at POS Description M-couponing redemption at POS provides support for realtime redemption of personalized, retailers own coupons and manufacturers coupons. This requires interaction between SAP CRM, POS, and the mobile device. Current limitations No standard solution exists. Value proposition Shoppers take advantage of all coupons relevant for them, so satisfaction is increased. Retailers streamline the process and eliminate paper coupons and have an opportunity for increased cross-sell and up-sell. Outcome opportunity Increased usage of coupons results in more loyal shoppers. Retailers reduce costs related to weekly flyers and marketing materials. 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 35

M-commerce Description M-commerce offers mobile catalog browsing and ordering. In addition, in-store pickup and in-store delivery can be initiated and tracked. Current limitations There is no integrated offering of Web channel and mobile channel activities. Value proposition This offers the same content and features from Web channel to mobile channel. This is enhanced with the usage of mobile sensors, like GPS and camera. Outcome opportunity M-commerce will be the virtual tie to connect all channels and will lead to a true cross-channel approach for retailers. 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 36

M-payment Description Sybase mpayments 365 allows operators, banks, and financial institutions to introduce new service offerings, such as micropayments, bill pay, and top-ups. You can purchase goods from merchants, top off credit balances for airtime, or make person-to-person payments, loan payments, bill payments, and more. Current limitations Currently, very limited customers do m-payment offerings. Value proposition M-payment is an opportunity to take the functionality provided for financial institutions into the POS device for fast and secure payments. Outcome opportunity Combined with mobile self-scanning, this would deliver what the customer wants today: a secure mobile payment experience. 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 37

Mobile self-scanning Description Customers are able to use their own devices to scan items and complete a checkout. They would use the scanned shopping basket and transfer the data to the cashier and pay with the mobile device. Current limitations Retailers do not allow access to internal data because of consistency and security issues. Value proposition The solution provides a faster checkout for customers. There is an immediate price display as well as visibility to the total amount of shopping basket. Outcome opportunity Retail customers will minimize the inconvenience of shopping, queuing, and paying. Studies show that shoppers scanning items into their basket typically purchase more. 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 38

Prices and inventory check Description Check merchandise prices and information via scans or minimal key entries any time, any place, any channel. Prices and availability may vary from store to store; this application would give you access to this data. Current limitations Currently retailers do not provide access to this data. Value proposition Retailers can provide real-time access to prices and inventory check not only in one store but also in stores nearby. Customers will have full access to information and can plan their purchases better. Outcome opportunity Having full visibility into retailers internal information provides customers with better service. 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 39

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