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K O R E A C E N T E R S F O R D I S E A S E C O N T R O L & P R E V E N T I O N PHWR Vol. 6 No. 13 www.cdc.go.kr 2013 3 29 6 13 ISSN: 2005-811X 10-years of Hepatitis B Perinatal Transmission Prevention Program CONTENTS

246 PUBLIC HEALTH WEEKLY REPORT, KCDC Figure 1. Hepatitis B Control Program and HBsAg Positive Rate * Abbreviation: NIP= National Immunization Program

www.cdc.go.kr 247 Figure 2. Hepatitis B Perinatal Transmission Prevention Program * Abbreviation: KCDC= Korea centers for disease control & prevention Table 1. Registered infants born to HBsAg positive mothers in 'Hepatitis B Perinatal Transmission Prevention Program', 2002.7-2012.6 * Estimated number of infants at risk of perinatal hepatitis B infection = number of live births x 0.032 (HBsAg seropositivity of pregnant women)

248 PUBLIC HEALTH WEEKLY REPORT, KCDC Figure 3. Cumulative Hepatitis B Carriers by Different Scenarios

www.cdc.go.kr 249 Table 2. Estimates costs for category program and cut expenses of patient medical costs (unit: million won) 1) Proportion of HBV infection : no vaccine 45.0%, Vaccination 22.5%, Vaccine + HBIG 3.1% 2) Estimates of anuual direct medical costs per capita : 1,230,000won 3) Number of patients per year x 1,230,000 4) Number of patients per year x 1,230,000 x duration of illness(time of onset)

250 PUBLIC HEALTH WEEKLY REPORT, KCDC Cross-reactive antibody to swine influenza viruses in adults after vaccination with seasonal influenza vaccine in Korea

www.cdc.go.kr 251 Table 1.Cross-reactive antibody titers in reference ferret anti-sera to swine influenza viruses in Hemagglutination inhibition and Microneutralization assays. * Assays conducted using 0.5% turkey red blood cells, 4 hemagglutinating unit of virus and sera treated with receptor-destroying enzyme, followed by adsorption with red blood cells if the serum sample contained nonspecific agglutinins. Assays conducted using 100 tissue-culture infectious doses (TCID50) of virus and heat inactivated sera. A/California/07/2009 ferret antiserum A/Perth/16/2009 ferret antiserum A/California/07/2009 (2011-12, 2012-13 vaccine strain) A titer of 5 was used for all samples with a titer of 10. * * A/Perth/16/2009 (2011-12 vaccine strain) A/Swine/GC503/05 A/Swine/GC502/05 A/Swine/GC407/05 A/Swine/Korea/CY02-09/2012

252 PUBLIC HEALTH WEEKLY REPORT, KCDC Table 2. Cross-reactive hemagglutination inhibition and microneutralization antibodies to swine influenza viruses among healthy adults before and after receipt of 2011-12 and 2012-13 trivalent inactivated seasonal influenza vaccine in Korea * A titer of 5 was used for all samples with a titer of 10. The dilution of serum in the first well is based on the combination of a 1:10 serum dilution with an equal volume of diluted virus for a final serum dilution referred to as 1:10 confidence interval A fourfold or greater increase in antibody titer, achieving a minimum titer of 40, indicates seroconversion(i.e., a response to the vaccine) A/Swine/GC503/05 A/Swine/GC502/05 A/Swine/GC407/05 ** A/Swine/Korea/CY02-09/2012 (M gene of H1N1pdm09 virus was introduced swine H3N2 virus) A/California/07/2009 (2011-12 and 2012-13 vaccine strain) A/Perth/16/2009 (2011-2012 vaccine strain) and A/Victoria/361/2011 (2012-2013 vaccine strain)

www.cdc.go.kr 253 Figure 1. Percentage titer achievement for cross-reactive hemagglutination inhibition and microneutralization antibodies to swine influenza viruses among healthy adults before and after receipt of 2011-12 and 2012-13 trivalent inactivated seasonal influenza vaccine in Korea

254 PUBLIC HEALTH WEEKLY REPORT, KCDC Customized Welfare Services for the Public Happiness, 2013 - Pursuing Active Welfare Policy as Six Key Tasks of the Ministry of Health and Welfare-

www.cdc.go.kr 255 Figure 1. Diagram on Introduction of Basic Pension scheme Figure 2. Diagram on Reforming Welfare Delivery System

256 PUBLIC HEALTH WEEKLY REPORT, KCDC Figure 3. Diagram on Reforming Customized Individual Benefit System

www.cdc.go.kr 257 Current status of selected infectious diseases Figure 1. The weekly proportion of influenza-like illness visits per 1,000 patients, 2008-2009 season - 2012-2013 season Figure 2. The number of influenza virus isolates, 2012-2013 season Current status of hospital based Pneumonia and Influenza (P&I) mortality

258 PUBLIC HEALTH WEEKLY REPORT, KCDC Table 1. Provisional cases of reported notifiable diseases-republic of Korea, week ending Mar 23, 2013 (12nd Week) -: No reported cases. Cum: Cumulative counts of the year from 1st week to current week. EHEC: Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli. HFRS: Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome. CJD/vCJD: Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease / variant Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease. * Incidence data for reporting year 2012, 2013 is provisional, whereas data for 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 are finalized. Reported cases contain all case classifications(confirmed, Suspected, Asymptomatic carrier) of the disease respectively. Excluding Hansen's disease, diseases reported through the Sentinel Surveillance System(Data for Sentinel Surveillance System are available in Table III), and diseases no case reported(diphtheria, Poliomyelitis, Epidemic typhus, Anthrax, Plague, Yellow fever,viral hemorrhagic fever, Smallpox, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, Avian influenza infection and humans, Novel Influenza, Tularemia, Newly emerging infectious disease syndrome, Tick-borne Encephalitis, Chikungunya fever) Surveillance system for Viral hepatitis A, Viral hepatitis B, Syphilis, CJD/vCJD, West Nile fever was altered from Sentinel Surveillance System to National Infectious Disease Surveillance System as of December 30,2010. Calculated by summing the incidence counts for the current week, the 2 weeks preceding the current week, and the 2 weeks following the current week, for a total of 5 preceding years(for Viral hepatitis A, Viral hepatitis B, Syphilis, CJD/vCJD, West Nile fever, Lyme Borreliosis, Melioidosis, this calculation used 2 year data(2011, 2012) only, because of being designated as of December 30,2010). **Viral hepatitis B comprises acute Viral hepatitis B, HBsAg positive maternity, Perinatal hepatitis B virus infection. Scarlet fever's case classifications added suspected cases in addition to confirmed cases. Cases who have not Korean citizenship were excluded.

www.cdc.go.kr 259 Table 2. Provisional cases of selected notifiable diseases, Republic of Korea, weeks ending Mar 23, 2013 (12nd Week) -: No reported cases. Cum: Cumulative counts of the year from 1st week to current week. * Incidence data for reporting years 2012, 2013 is provisional, whereas data for 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 are finalized. Reported cases contain all case classifications (Confirmed, Suspected, Asymptomatic carrier) of the disease, respectively. Surveillance system for Viral hepatitis A was altered from Sentinel Surveillance System to National Infectious Disease Surveillance System as of December 30,2010. Calculated by averaging the cumulative counts from 1st week to current week, for a total of 5 preceding years.

260 Table 2. Provisional cases of selected notifiable diseases, Republic of Korea, weeks ending Mar 23, 2013 (12nd Week) -: No reported cases. Cum: Cumulative counts of the year from 1st week to current week. * Incidence data for reporting years 2012, 2013 is provisional, whereas data for 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 are finalized. Reported cases contain all case classifications (Confirmed, Suspected, Asymptomatic carrier) of the disease, respectively. Surveillance system for Viral hepatitis A was altered from Sentinel Surveillance System to National Infectious Disease Surveillance System as of December 30,2010. Calculated by averaging the cumulative counts from 1st week to current week, for a total of 5 preceding years. Scarlet fever's case classifications added suspected cases in addition to confirmed cases.

www.cdc.go.kr 261 Table 2. Provisional cases of selected notifiable diseases, Republic of Korea, weeks ending Mar 23, 2013 (12nd Week) -: No reported cases. Cum: Cumulative counts of the year from 1st week to current week. * Incidence data for reporting years2012, 2013 is provisional, whereas data for 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 are finalized. Reported cases contain all case classifications (Confirmed, Suspected, Asymptomatic carrier) of the disease, respectively. Calculated by averaging the cumulative counts from 1st week to current week, for a total of 5 preceding years.

262 Table 2. Provisional cases of selected notifiable diseases, Republic of Korea, weeks ending Mar 23, 2013 (12nd Week) -: No reported cases. Cum: Cumulative counts of the year from 1st week to current week. * Incidence data for reporting years2012, 2013 is provisional, whereas data for 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 are finalized. Reported cases contain all case classifications (Confirmed, Suspected, Asymptomatic carrier) of the disease, respectively. Surveillance system for Syphilis, CJD/vCJD was altered from Sentinel Surveillance System to National Infectious Disease Surveillance System as of December 30,2010. Calculated by averaging the cumulative counts from 1st week to current week, for a total of 5 preceding years.

www.cdc.go.kr 263 Table 3. Provisional cases of reported sentinel surveillance disease, Republic of Korea, weeks ending Mar 16, 2013 (11th Week) -: No reported cases. Cum: Cumulative counts of the year from 1st week to current week. * Above data for reporting years 2012 and 2013 are provisional. Reported cases contain all case classifications (Confirmed, Suspected, Asymptomatic carrier) of the disease, respectively. Calculated by averaging the cumulative counts from 1st week to current week, for a total of 5 preceding *

www.cdc.go.kr PUBLIC HEALTH WEEKLY REPORT, KCDC 363-951 Tel. (043)719-7168, 7164Fax. (043)719-7189http://www.cdc.go.kr