변혁적리더십과서번트리더십이직무만족, 조직몰입, 서비스품질및고객만족에미치는영향 The effects of transformational leadership and servant leadership on job satisfaction, organizational commitment, service quality and customer satisfaction 저자 (Authors) 출처 (Source) 발행처 (Publisher) URL APA Style 이용정보 (Accessed) 박희욱, 이준혁 Hee Wook Park, Jun Hyuk Lee 호텔경영학연구 23(2), 2014.4, 167-194 (28 pages) Korean Journal of Hospitality & Tourism 23(2), 2014.4, 167-194 (28 pages) 한국호텔외식관광경영학회 Korean Hospitality and Tourism Academe http://www.dbpia.co.kr/article/node02484680 박희욱, 이준혁 (2014). 변혁적리더십과서번트리더십이직무만족, 조직몰입, 서비스품질및고객만족에미치는영향. 호텔경영학연구, 23(2), 167-194. 대구대학교 203.244.***.232 2018/05/24 06:02 (KST) 저작권안내 DBpia에서제공되는모든저작물의저작권은원저작자에게있으며, 누리미디어는각저작물의내용을보증하거나책임을지지않습니다. 그리고 DBpia에서제공되는저작물은 DBpia와구독계약을체결한기관소속이용자혹은해당저작물의개별구매자가비영리적으로만이용할수있습니다. 그러므로이에위반하여 DBpia에서제공되는저작물을복제, 전송등의방법으로무단이용하는경우관련법령에따라민, 형사상의책임을질수있습니다. Copyright Information Copyright of all literary works provided by DBpia belongs to the copyright holder(s)and Nurimedia does not guarantee contents of the literary work or assume responsibility for the same. In addition, the literary works provided by DBpia may only be used by the users affiliated to the institutions which executed a subscription agreement with DBpia or the individual purchasers of the literary work(s)for non-commercial purposes. Therefore, any person who illegally uses the literary works provided by DBpia by means of reproduction or transmission shall assume civil and criminal responsibility according to applicable laws and regulations.
23 2( 78) pp. 167194 2014.04 The effects of transformational leadership and servant leadership on job satisfaction, organizational commitment, service quality and customer satisfaction - The Case of the F&B department of Casino Hotels in Kangwon Province and Deluxe Hotels in Seoul- Park, Hee-WookLee, Jun-Hyuk The purpose of this study was to empirically determine the relationship between the hotel managers leadership and internal and external customer satisfaction. 522 data were collected from the food and beverage department employees of one casino hotel in Kangwon province and six deluxe hotels in Seoul. Results showed that transformational leadership had a significant effect on employee satisfaction, and service quality, yet did not influence organizational commitment. Servant leadership had also a significant effect on employee satisfaction, yet had no significant effect on organizational commitment and service quality. These organizational status might be influenced by an organizational behavior which had a normative characteristics. Especially, the servant leadership might not be applied to Korean hotel employees. Therefore, the servant leadership training should be reinforced to employees and managers in Korean hotel industry. We also found that employee satisfaction had a significant effect on organizational commitment; organizational commitment had a significant effect on service quality; service quality had a significant effect on customer satisfaction(heskett et al., 1994; Kim, 2014). However, as a result of identification of indirect effect, transformational leadership had a significant effect on organizational commitment, and servant leadership also had a significant effect on organizational commitment. Therefore, we have to consider the indirect effect of employee satisfaction. The last hypothesis(comparison between casino hotel and general hotel) was partially supported by the impact difference of the relationship between organizational commitment and service quality. Finally, the study s contributions and implications for theory and practice, limitations, and suggestions for future research were discussed.
transformational leadership, servant leadership, employee satisfaction, organizational commitment, service quality, customer satisfaciton, service profit chain model. (transformational leadership), (servant leadership). Brownell(2010).,.. (, ) (, 2013;, 2012;, 2012;, 2012;, 2012).,. (employee satisfaction), (growth) (productivity) (, 2011). Kim(2014) (service profit chain model) (),.,. Kim(2014) 1),. (Kralj & Solnet, 2010). 2) 10. (Kralj & Solnet, 2010),..
..,., (->->-> ).,,,. Burns(1978). (transactional leadership), (bureaucratic authority).,,. (compliance)..,. Bass (1985, 1990; Bass & Avolio, 1989, 1994; Seltzer & Bass, 1990) Burns(1978), House(1977), Conger & Kanungo(1987). Bass & Avolio(1994) 4. (idealized influence).,,,. (inspirational motivation)..,. (intellectual stimulation)... (individual consideration).. (destructive leader) (-) (Schyns & Schilling, 2013).. Griffith(2003),, 3, (0.88, p<0.01). Braun, Peus, Weisweiler, & Frey(2013)
. Kara, Uysal, Sirgy, & Lee(2013),.,.. (2013),,, IT,,, (+). (2012),,. 1.. (2012). (2012),,. (2010) (2012),,. (2009) (0.50, p<0.01)(0.15, p<0.01). (2009),,.. (organizational commitment) Lee, Cheing, Yeung, & Lai(2011),, (team cohesion). (2012) (0.211, p<0.05), (0.615, p<0.001). (2010). (2010),,. (2009),,,,,,. Greenleaf(1970) (The Servant as Leader),.,,, (Greenleaf, 1977).
,,, 1 1..,,,,,.. (Graham, 1991).,,., Liden, Wayne, Zhao, and Henderson(2008) 7. (emotional healing), (creating value for the community), (conceptual skills), (empowering), (helping subordinates grow and succeed), (putting subordinates first), (behaving ethically). Dierendonck(2011) (empowering and developing people), (humility), (authenticity), (interpersonal acceptance), (providing direction), (stewardship).,, (Dierendonck, 2011). Hebert(2003) (0.70). Kim & Brymer(2011). (2006),,,,,,. (2010) (.499)(.476).,,. (2013),. (2013),,. (+).. Liden et al.(2008) 7 (helping subordinates grow and succeed) (+). (behaving ethically) (+). (emotional intelligence training). Bobbio, Dierendonck, & Manganelli(2012) (empowerment), (accountability), (standing back), (humility), (authenticity), (courage),
(forgiveness), (stewardship) (affective commitment),,,. (continuance commitment) (-), (authenticity). (normative commitment),,,, (-). (2006),,,,. (2010). Bobbio et. al.(2012). (2012),,,, 5,. (+). (service profit chain model) Heskett, Jones, Loveman, Sasser, and Schlesinger(1994). (internal service quality),,,,.. Kim(2014).. Kim(2014) (service ability) (working environment)(.413, p<0.01), (.337, p<0.01) (.489, p<0.01), (.261, p<0.01) (.568, p<0.01). (.382, P<0.01) (.935, p<0.01) (.431, p<0.01) (.542, p<0.01), (.598, p<0.01), (.352, p<0.01). Bruhn(2003) (competence), (reliability), (accessibility), (friendliness), (reaction speed), (time to provide the service), (flexibility), (customization), (added value generated), - (cost-benefit ratio), (transparency in services offered), (cost transparency). (,, ) (,,,
, ) 0.94, 0.37, 0.56. Bouranta, Chitiris, and Paravantis(2009) (responsiveness), (empathy), (safety), (professionalism), (tangibles), (reliability), (interest), (product), (organizational image), (safety and choice), (empathy), (reliability), (responsiveness).,,,,.. Chi & Gursoy(2009), (+),.... (Schneider, Parkington, and Buxton, 1980; Sergeant & Frenkel, 2000). Schneider & Bowen(1985) Wiley(1991). Johnson(1996). Kralj & Solnet(2010) (service climate) (customer treatment), (employee empowerment), (service technology), (service failure prevention), (service failure recovery), (service communication), (service vision), (servant leadership) 8...,,,,,,,.. Wu, Tse, Fu, Kwan, & Liu(2013) (customer-oriented organizational citizenship behavior)., (ie., extends beyond formal job descriptions)
(Organ, 1988). (Dimitriades, 2007). (Greenleaf, 1977).. (Dimitriades, 2007). Chen(2013) (internal service quality) Frederick & Mukesh(2001) INTERSERVQUAL,,,,. (),,,,. (bureaucratic culture),.. Yee, Lee, Yeung, & Cheng(2013),. Lee, Cheng, Yeung, & Lai(2011) (intellectual stimulation),.. (2011),,,. 1. (2005),.,,. (,,,,,,,, ) (.270, p<0.01), (.235, p<0.05), (.178, p<0.05) (,,,,, ). (.172, p<0.01), (.111, p<0.1).. (2004),,,
.,,.,. <1>. (Griffith, 2003; Braun et al., 2013; Kara et al., 2013;, 2013;, 2012;, 2012;, 2010;, 2009;, 2009) 1. 1: (+). (Lee et. al., 2011;, 2012;, 2010;, 2010;, 2009) 2. 2: (+). Yee et. al., (2013) Lee et al.(2011), (2011), (2005). 변혁적리더십 H1 H2 H3 직무만족 조직몰입 서비스품질 고객만족 H4 H7 H5 H8 H6 H9 서번트리더십 H10 카지노호텔종사원과일반호텔종사원들의인식차이비교
(2004) 3. 3: (+). (Dierendonck, 2011; Hebert, 2003; Kim & Brymer, 2011;, 2006,, 2010;, 2013;, 2013) 4. 4: (+). Liden et al., (2008), Bobbio et al.(2012),. (2006), (2010), (2012) 5. 5: (+). Wu et al.(2013) Dimitriades(2007). 6. 6: (+). (Heskett et la., 1994; Kim, 2014;, 2007;, 2010;, 2010), Bass(2000),, 7. 7: (+). (Heskett et al., 1994; Kim, 2014; Chi & Gursoy, 2009) 8. 8: (+). Bruhn(2003) Kralj & Solnet(2010),,, 9. 9: (+). Kralj & Solnet(2010). 10.
10:,,,,. 10-1: -->. 10-2: -->. 10-3: -->. 10-4: -->. 10-5: -->. 10-6: -->. 10-7: -->. 10-8: -->. 10-9: -->. Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire(MLQ)(Bass & Avolio, 2000) 20 (2012) 5 10. 5 (1., 5. ). Ehrhart(2004), Page & Wong(2000), Barbuto & Wheeler(2006) Liden et al.(2008) 7. 1. 5 (1., 5. ). Hartline & Ferrell(1996) Megginson & Netter(2001) Kim(2014) 8 7. 5 (1., 5. ). (Allen & Meyer, 1990; Meyer & Allen, 1991) Kim(2014) 5. 5 (1., 5. ). Yee et al.(2013) SERVQUAL 5 (Parasuraman, Zeithaml, & Berry, 1988). 5 (1., 5. ).
Deng, Yeh, and Sung(2013). 5 (1., 5. ).. 2013 10 21 11 8 19, (37) (8) 45. (Kralj & Solnet, 2010). 300 6(S, C, P, LZ, L, I) 120 1,020.,. 628, 1 (81) 25 522..,,,,,,..5, (cronbach α).,.,. SPSS for window 18.0 AMOS 18.0. <1>. 320, 202. 20(19.9%), 30(57.2%), 40 (22.8%) 30, 35.61.,,. (48.9%), 43.5%. 10.21, 6-10. 11.28, 6-10, 16 132. <2>. KMO(.942), Bartlett (2974.427) p<.000. 58.867%. ( ).921.
<3>. KMO(.905), Bartlett (1831.078) p<.000. 61.332%. ( ).895.
<4>. KMO(.878), Bartlett (1406.823) p<.000. 54.375%. ( ).860. <5>. KMO(.847), Bartlett (1093.223) p<.000. 63.098%. ( ).850.
<6>. KMO(.881), Bartlett (1521.488) p<.000. 63.098%. ( ).900. <7>. KMO(.748), Bartlett (899.567) p<.000. 82.081%. ( ).890. <8>. (modification indices). 4 6. 3. 2., 1. 1.. (average variance extracted) 0.5, (construct reliability) 0.7., χ2=212.595, d.f=120, p=.000, AGFI=.937, RMR=.022, RMSEA=.038, CFI=.981,
χ GFI=.956 (, 2009). <9> AVE. <9> AVE,. AVE (R 2 ) (Ping, 2004). AVE.
,,,,,, χ 2 =245.325, d.f=125, p=.000, AGFI=.931, RMR=.032, RMSEA=.043, CFI=.975, GFI=.949 (2, 10 ).., (+) (.524, t=5.236, p<.01)(griffith, 2003; Braun et al., 2013; Kara et al., 2013;, 2013;, 2012;, 2012;, 2010;, 2009;, 2009). 1. Burns(1978)., χ χ
,, Griffith(2003), (2012), (2010)., (+) (.162, t=1.580). 2. Lee et al.(2011), (2012), (2010), (2010), (2009). 1.
., (+) (.270, t=2.761, p<.01). (Yee et al., 2013; Lee et al., 2011;, 2011;, 2005;, 2004). 3. Kim(2014)., (+) (.201, t=2.114, p<.05). (Dierendonck, 2011; Hebert, 2003; Kim & Brymer, 2011;, 2006;, 2010;, 2013;, 2013). 4..,,. Hebert(2003), (2006),. (2010). (2013)., (+) (-.096, t=-1.052). 5. (Liden et al., 2008; Bobbio et al., 2012;, 2006;, 2010;, 2012).., (+) (.067, t=.756). 6. (Wu et al., 2013; Dimitriades, 2007)., (+) (.685, t=7.961, p<.01). (Heskett et al., 1994; Kim, 2014;, 2007;, 2010). Heskett et al.(1994). Kim(2014)., (+) (.392, t=6.760, p<.01). (Heskett et al., 1994; Kim, 2014; Chi & Gursoy, 2009). (Kim, 2014)., (+) (.692, t=14.869, p<.01). (Bruhn, 2003; Kralj & Solnet, 2010). (Kim, 2014). Kralj & Solnet(2010). <11>,,.. AMOS
(bootstrap) (12)., (, 2012). (.359, p<.010), (.204, p<.010). (.328, p<.010). (.137, p<.096), (.268, p<.010), (.186, p<.010) (Chi & Gursoy, 2009). (.271, p<.010)., 2 -->, 5-->. 6 --> (.016, p<.757)., -->.,,,, 10 <13>. <13>. (free model) (constrained model) χ2 (, 2012). χ2 = 371.328, d.f=250 χ χ χ χ
, χ2 < 13>., ( ) (χ2 > 3.84). 10 (10-8 ). Kralj & Solnet(2010).,.,,,,.. ().,..,. Heskett(1994) Kim(2014).,,,. --->...,.., construct.,..,.. (, 2010)..
..,.... 2013 10 11,.
The effects of transformational leadership and servant leadership on job satisfaction, organizational commitment, service quality and customer satisfaction - The Case of the F&B department of Casino Hotels in Kangwon Province and Deluxe Hotels in Seoul- Park, Hee-WookLee, Jun-Hyuk 본연구는변혁적리더십, 서번트리더십의선행연구를토대로직무만족, 조직몰입, 서비스품질및고객만족과의상관관계를파악해보고자하였다. 서울지역의특1급호텔과강원랜드 ( 카지노호텔 ) 의식음료부서종사원을대상으로자기기입식에의한설문조사를수행하여, 총 522부의유효한설문지를확보한후 SPSS for Window 18.0과 AMOS 18.0으로실증분석을수행하였다. 구조모형분석결과변혁적리더십은직무만족에영향을미치며, 서비스품질에영향을미치는것으로나타났다. 그러나변혁적리더십은조직몰입에영향을미치지않는것으로나타났다. 또한서번트리더십은직무만족에영향을미치는것으로나타났으나, 조직몰입및서비스품질과는무관한것으로나타났다. 이는서번트리더십에대한현업에서의현상을내포하고있어향후서번트리더십에대한보다심도있는교육및연구가필요할것으로파악된다. 그러나 Heskett(1994) 의연구및 Kim(2014) 의연구를토대로살펴보고자하였던내부고객만족의흐름은외부고객의만족에영향을미치는것으로나타났다. 즉, 직무만족은조직몰입에, 조직몰입은서비스품질에, 서비스품질은고객만족으로각각영향을미치는것으로나타났다. 한편간접효과의유의성을판단한결과가설6( 서번트리더십--> 서비스품질 ) 만을제외하고모두유의적인영향관계가있다는것을알수있었다. 즉, 변혁적리더십은직무만족을통해조직몰입에유의적이며, 서번트리더십역시직무만족을통해조직몰입에유의적임을알수있었다. 따라서현업에서는변혁적리더십뿐만아니라서번트리더십에대한교육을통해향후종사원만족을통한서비스품질의제고및고객만족을유도해나가야할것으로판단된다. 한편카지노호텔과일반호텔의차이를살펴본결과대부분의영향관계는차이를보이지않았으나조직몰입 ---> 서비스품질의차원에서는매우유의적인차이를보이는것으로나타났다. 이는서울지역호텔과카지노호텔의차이를명백하게보여주는부분으로판단된다. 끝으로본연구의한계점및향후연구방향에대하여논하였다. 변혁적리더십, 서번트리더십, 직무만족, 조직몰입, 서비스품질, 고객만족, 서비스이익사슬모델