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2..,,.,.,.... 2012 12

3 1 9 1 21 1 21 2 29 1 29 3 35 1 35 2 36 1. 36 2. 46 3. 49 3 52 4 55 1 55 1. 55 2. 56 2 56 1. 56 2. 63

4 3. 67 4. 70 5. 77 6. 85 3 90 1. 90 2. 95 3. 99 4. 101 4 104 5 107 1 107 1. : 107 2. 111 3. 114 2 116 1. 117 3 127 6 128 1 128 1. 128 2 130 3 140 1. 140 2. 141

5 3. 141 4. 142 7 144 8 153 163 1 ( ) 170 2 174 3 ( ) 178

6 1 1 22 1 2 24 2 1 2012 EBS 30 2 2 31 3 1 2012 36 4 1 (visible minority) 80 4 2 87 4 3 89 4 4 92 4 5 98 5 1 124 6 1 131 6 2 2011 135 6 3 138 7 1 147 7 2 147

7 4 1 2012 / 64

9 1.,., 10% ( 2.8%) (, 2009). 10%, 2009 26%.,.,,.,.. 2.

10.,. 2.., EBS,,,,,. 3.,,.

11 4. 2000.,,..,... 1 1976 (Commission for Racial Equality) 2006 (the Equality Act). ( ) (HCI: Haut Conseil a I integration)

12 (diversity ) 2006 (NIP: National Integrations Plan) 2000,, 20 ( Americanization ) (melting pot) 1960,, 1896 1960 (Citizenship & Immigration Canada) 1982 (the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom) 1988 (Multicultural Act) 1971 :, (Immigration Restrict Act)

13 (DIAC: Department of Immigration & Citizenship) (Australian Multicultural Council):. (DSCP: Diversity and Social Cohesion Program) 1973 2 (ARD 1, ZDF 2, WDR, NDR ) : ZDF (WDR rbb ) WDR (1 1 ) NDR (1 ),. :,,,, 1991 1) 1974 (Galbally report) a). b). c). d). SBS(Special Broadcasting Service) 60, 68

14 SBS... SBS (WorldWatch) 60. 19 18 SBS 20.,, (department of immigration and citizenship),. 5.,. 1) a),,,,. b). c) CBC( ).,. d) CBC. i), ii), iii).

15.. 3 KBS KBS MBC?! MBC. MBC EBS.,.,......, (2012. 7. 7),,.,,,. 6mm.....,,. 10.

16,.,. EBS( ). (2011 ) EBS( ). (2010 ). EBS( ). ( FM). MBC. ( FM). ( TV). 2..,,,,,. 90%... 3. http://home.ebs.co.kr/kku/index.html... http://home.ebs.co.kr/msmile/index.html.,,..,,. http://home.ebs.co.kr/lovekorea/index.html,,. 1., 2.. 3.,., 1. http://www.tjmbc.co.kr/,.,. https://www.tbroad.com/

17 A( TV).. MWTV ( ) RTV ( TV, ) TV ( ). ( ).... 2 ( ). http://tv.ichannela.com/culture/iloveyou/,,,,,,,,,... http://www.mwtv.or.kr/. MWTV RTV. http://www.rtv.or.kr/ tv. TV (?), (PLAY), ( ).,. http://saladtv.kr/,.... http://hsktv.kr/,.,,,.,.

18 6. IT..,,,.,....,.. 7..,,

19,,,,,., ( ) ( ). KBS PD EBS PD,. 4 PD KBS PD EBS PD,..... KBS PD 1.... EBS.. (* KBS ).

20 8..,.,.,.,,.,.,,.

1 21 1 1 1. 1990, 1990 (, 2005)...,..,.

22. 2011 12 144,681 19,650, 125,031. 6. 64,173 ( 34,989, 29,184 ), 37,516, 11,162. ( 1 1 ). 60,671 205,352. 1 1 ( ) ( : ) 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 93,786 110,362 122,552 125,087 141,654 144,681 10,958 13,126 14,753 15,876 18,561 19,650 82,828 97,236 107,799 109,211 123,093 125,031 54,856 62,779 68,374 69,204 77,401 78,372 17,788 22,214 25,316 25,654 29,033 29,608 8,903 10,878 12,480 13,382 15,317 15,489 9,083 10,886 12,240 12,654 14,678 15,283 3,156 3,605 4,142 4,193 5,225 5,462 56,286 63,203 67,787 65,992 66,687 64,173 14,831 21,614 27,092 30,173 35,355 37,516 6,546 5,823 5,223 5,074 10,451 11,162 4,324 5,033 5,819 6,321 7,476 8,367 11,799 14,689 16,631 17,527 21,685 23,463 : 1),,, :,,,,,,,,,,,, 2) 2012 6 111 4,000 (15 ), 5%

1 23. 79 1,000 6. 30%... CEO (2012) 15, 55, 2008 34 60%. 2015 267,775, 2020 350,862, 2015 723,300, 2020 985,820. 2., 10% ( 2.8%) (, 2009). 10%, 2009 26%.,,.,. 20.,

24 3D, (, )... 2000,. 1 2 (differential exclusionary model) (assimilationist model) (multi-cultural model) : (2011), (2009), (2012). 3D,,,..,.,, 2000.,.,..

1 25... 3. 2012 CEO.,.....,.....

26,..,... 2011 36.2%. 73.8%.. 2010 5 (2010 ~2012 ).,,,,,. 2012 12 2,. 2 2013 2017 5. 10, 1), 2),,,, 3), 4),, 5),, 6).

1 27 6 92 13,,..,., TV,.. 4. 2.,.,.,.,,,

28..,,. 5..,.,.,..., /.,,,..

2 29 2... 1 1. EBS. 2012 2 1.

30 2 1 2012 EBS ( : ) 195 2,387 ( ) 0700 52 520.0 10.0 1 52 20 137.0 6.85 *2 *10 38 332.5 8.75 *1 *38 26 390.0 15.0 *1 *26 18 135.0 7.5 *1 *18 EBS ( ) 8 371.3 46.4 *8 33 501.2 15.2 *1 *33 : 2013. 2009 6 2010 20, 2011 24. 2. 1.,., 3D, TV,.. 2012 ( )

2 31 TV,... 2 2 HCN ( ) Digital Radio ( PP) ( PP) EBS 5,600 2009 Speedy,Easy,Live,Fun 1 6,200 2 4,000 2010 2011! 3 6,315 2009 7000 : 1 3,040 13 122 1 2,790 3 3,563 1 482 11 4 4,200 4 1,900 1 6,000 2 6,500 2010 2011..

32.. EBS.. EBS. SBS 4~6%. ABC 15%, 80%. EBS SBS. 2. 3. TV,,. 4. 2012 12

2 33. 2012, 2013.,,,,.. 5.,,,,.,,, 4. 6....

34. 7. TV,.

3 35 3 1,. ( ).,.,,,. 2) 1990,.. 2012 1 1 1,409,577. 50,734,284 2.8%.,. 2),, 77,, 2004. 2, 152..

36 3 1 2012 (%) ( : ) 50,734,284 2.8% 1,409,577 123,513 76,473 47,040 168,583 10,451 146,071 12,061, 2012. 2012 ; (2012) 75.,,., 3).,,.,. 2 1., 3),,, 8 1 3, 2012. 10. 22, 16 ;,,,, 2012. 10. 30, 28.

3 37,.. 1),,.,. 2) 4).,,., ʻ ʼ.,. 4), 2012, 57 12.

38..,,.,.,....,.,,. 2 5),, TV 5),, 2, 2012. 12. 11, 1, 4.

3 39..,,,..,,,.,,. 2,,.,, TV 2.,,.. 1).,.,,

40.. 2). 5,.. 2. 6) 1,,.,,,., 2 1,,. 2,.,., 6), 2, 2012. 11. 28.

3 41,,,,.,,.,,,,,..,.,,,.,,,.,.,.,,.

42.,... 1).,. 1990. 7) 2001 10 9. 2006 10 31 ( : ).,, ( 29 1 ),.,,,, 7),,,, 2012. 10. 30, 65.

3 43,,,.. 2) 8),. 9),,.,, 2,500 1,. 10) 2012 10 24 244,, 4 240,,. 11) 8) 11284, 2012. 2. 1,. 9), 2012, 75. 10),,, 2011. 7. 14. 11),,,, 2012. 10. 30, 102-103.

44 2012 8,., 12),., 2012 3 29 ( ) 13) ( ) 14) ( ) 15). 2012 10 24 7.,,,,,,,. 16),,,. 12) 215, 116. 13) 1. 14) 2. 15) 3. 16),,,, 2012. 10. 30, 93-94.

3 45. 1)... 6 5,., 19.,,,.,,,,,,,.. 2) 17),, 17), 2012, 33.

46. 18),,., PC., ʻ ʼ, ʻ ʼ, ʻ ʼ.,,. 2.,., ( 8 ) ( 3 18), (Integrationsvereinbarung). (Aufenthaltstitel). (https://www. help.gv.at/portal.node/hlpd/public/content/12/seite.120500.html).

3 47 4)..,.,,,..,. 19),.,., SNS,.,.,.. 2012 19),, 2012, 108.

48,. 20) 8 17.,, TV,,, SNS,,,,,, EBS,, TV,,., 5 6. 21), 5 2 TV,,, TV. 22) 20), 2012, 2012. 1. 27, 8. 21),,, 2012. 8. 17. 22),, 2, 2012. 12. 11, 1, 4.

3 49,. 2011 EBS,, 3. 23), EBS 23, 182., 4., 3,,., TV, 2012 16 400 VOD., 5. 3.,.,,.,. 23).

50...,.. (BVerfG) (grundsatz eigenverantwortlicher aufgabenwahrnehmung),,. 24),.... 25) ( ).,.. 24) BVerfGE 63, 1, 41ff. 25) Thomas Groß, Das Kollegialprinzip in der Verwaltungsorganisation, Tübingen, 1999, S. 12.

3 51,. 2,.. 26), 2,. 27).,.,.,..,,..,.., 26), 2, 2012. 11. 28, 1. 27),, 2, 2012. 12. 11, 1.

52,,.. ( ) ( ),...,,., (tool),,.,. 3,.,..,,,.

3 53. 9.. 6 6,., 33 2 8, 44 4,..,,,.. 28),.,,. 29),,,, 28),, 2012, 114. 29),, 16 2, 2010. 6, 21 22.

54..,.,,.,, ( 1 ), ( 3 4 ), ( 6 2 ).

4 55 4 1 1.,. 30)..,,,..,.,. 30) 2006 910,140, 2008 1,158,866, 2010 1,261,415 ( 2.50%) 2009 8%(92,938 ). (E-9) (17%), (8%) (7%). (F-4) (F-5) (68%), (103%) ( 2010, 264).

56 2..,,,,,,.,,..,.. 2 1.., 31) (multicultural tendency). ( ) 31), 1999,,. 7000.,,.

4 57 (multiculturalism) (, 2008).,. (, 2010). 19, 20, 2. (British Commonwealth) 32) (, 2008). 1950,,., 1980 2000. 2007 10.6%, 2001 2.3%.,. 2009,,,,,,,,,. 33), 32) 54,,,,,,,,. 33) http://www.migrationpolicy.org/pubs/immigration-in-the-uk-the-recession-and-beyond.pdf

58.,, (, 2012). (, 2012). ( ). 2.. (individual assimilation).. (, 2012). 1958,. 1997,. 1990, 2004. 34)

4 59. 35),,. 2001 (, 2010).. 2005,, (Immigration, Asylum, and Nationality Act 2006). 2008.. 2008... 1960.., 34) (liberal deliberative muticulturalism),,, (, 2010). 35) 2005 7 7 2.

60 (, 2010). 2,. 36) (Start Children s Centers).,,,.,. 1976 (Race Relations Act) (Commission for Racial Equality) (, 2012). (, 2007). 1976 2000.,,, (, 2007). (good race relations). 37) 36), (MEAS: Minority Ethnic Achievement Service). MEAS 1. (inclusion), 2., 3.. 37), (EHRC: Equality and Human Rights Commission)..,,,,,,,

4 61 2006 (Equality Act 2006),,,,,,,... 2005 2...,, (Britishness),.,,... 2006. (multicultural Britain). (Trevor Phillips) (multi-ethnic nation).,, 9,,.

62. 38),. : (Not A River of Blood, But A Tide of Hope) /., (Anthony Giddens),. (the community secretary) (Ruth Kelly),. (David Cameron) 2011 2 48 (Munich security conference) ( 2011. 7. 27 A 13 ). (doctrine), (mainstream).. Cameron (passive tolerance)., 38) http://www.equalityhumanrights.com/key-projects/race-in-britain/modern-multiculturism/

4 63.. 39) Cameron,. 40) ( ). (, 2012).. 2... 19, 1890. 1 39) (Joppke, 2007) :,, (civic integration) (antidiscrimination). 40),, 1983, 1989,.

64,.. 2 1970. (Maghreb,, )..,, 1990., (2012 ) 534, 372, ( 4 1 ). 400.. 4 1 2012 / : http://www.insee.fr/fr/publications-et-services/default.asp?page=abonnements/ dossiers_actualite/ situation-des-immigres.htm

4 65, 41).,.,,,.,,.,,.. (laïcité).,. 1989 2004, (, 2010).,. 41),., 1945 1975 30, 1973.

66,.,...,... 2012.,.... (HCI: Haut Conseil à I integration).,...

4 67.,. 2005 2 3..., 2005, (, 2011).,.. 3...,,, (, 2012).,

68 (, 2010). 42) 9%. 2011 19.5% 1,600. 43) 1950 (gastarbeiter)., (, 2012). 2, 3... 1950 (, 2010)... 1960 70. 42) 2011 693 23% 7.5%, 6.8%, 4.1%, 3.2%, 2.8%, 19.1%, 33.3%. 43), 300.

4 69 1980. 1991,. 1990,. (, 2010). 2000. 2005. 2005 44) (, 2012)., 2000.. 45). 2005, 2006 (Angela 44) 2005. 45), (Multi-Kulti) (, 2012).

70 Merkel) (NIP: national integrations plan).,., 5 1. 400, 11 (, 2012). 46) 11 1. 2.,, 3., 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. (Bundesregierung, 2011).,,,.,, (Bundesregierung, 2011).,. 4..,, 46) 400 150, 250 (NGO), 50.

4 71.,,,,,.., 2050 50% 2000. 1965 2007 1,000 3.05. 47), (the Canada Multicultural Act),. 20. 19. 1 (americanization) (, 2011)..,, (melting pot)., 47) 1,000 5.79. 2006,,, (Fleras, 2009).

72 48),,.,, 19, 1882, 1891 (, 2010). 1920 (Robert E. Park) 1940 50 (, 2009a)... (black is beautiful) 20,, (new ethnicity), 1960. 49). (, 2009a). 48) (2009a).,,,,,,,,,, (, 2009a). 49) (Daniel Patrick Moynihan) (Nathan Glazer) (Beyond the Melting Pot) (empowering).

4 73, 1960. 1965, (affirmative action) (Fleras, 2009).. 1990 (salad bowl). (2009b), (multiculturalism) 1989, 1991., 1991 1992 LA., (, 2009b).. 1)..,, 50) (, 2009)., (celebratory) 50) (USCIS: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services),,,, (, 2009).

74, (communitarian), (critical) (, 2011).,,,.. (Head Start), (Emergency Immigrant Education Program), (Bilingual Education Act)., 0 5.. (, 2009).,, 100. 1965 3. 51),,. 51) (Department of Health and Human Services) (OHS: Office of Head Start) (http://transition.acf.hhs.gov/programs/ohs ).

4 75,,...,, (, 2009). 1968 52)... (NCLB: No Child Left Behind Act) 2001, ESL(English as Second Language). 2000 / (OVAE: Office of Vocational and Adult Education) 53) (English Literacy).,. 2) 9/11 52) 1968, 1974, 1978, 1984, 1988. 53) http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ovae/index.html.

76 9.11.,.. 9.11. 2001 10 (The Patriot Act) 54). 2001,. (Enhance Border Security and Visa Entry Reform of 2002) 55).. 2006, 54) 2001 (Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism, USA PATRIOT Act of 2001),. (http://www.fincen.gov/statutes_regs/patriot/ index.html). 55) http://travel.state.gov/visa/laws/telegrams/telegrams_1403.html.

4 77. 56),. 5... 1971 200 40. 50%.,,,. 57). 3. /, 56) http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=lsd&mid=sec&sid1=104&oid=001&aid= 0005663624 57) http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/korea-coree/about-a_propos/multiculturalism-multicul turalisme.aspx?lang=kor&view=d

78 (, 2011;, 2008). 1960,..,, (, 2008)..., (, 2010)., 80% 100..,,,, (, 2005). 2006 80%.,,,, 4 (Fleras, 2009).,,,. 60%.. 70 1971. 1971 (Pierre Trudeau)

4 79. (Citizenship & Immigration Canada)..,.,,. 58) 1982 (The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom) 15 27,,,,, 1988 (Multicultural Act)., 2002 6 27 (Canadian Muticultural Day). 59). 1896 1896 1911 100...,,,. 60) 1, 2., 1930 58) http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/multiculturalism/index.asp 59) http://www.pch.gc.ca/eng/1292265796693/1292265796695 60), 1885..

80. 2. 1960.,. (visible minorities) 61) 1970 52%, 1980 68%, 1990 73% (, 2005). 2006 200. 62). 4 1 (visible minority) (2006 ) Canada Visible Minorities 31,241,030 5,068,090 1,262,865 1,216,570 783,795 410,695 304,245 239,935 1) 1971 70 61) (The Employment Equity Act). (Caucasian). http://www12.statcan.ca/census-recensement/2006/dp-pd/hlt/97-562/pages/page.cfm?lan g=e&geo=pr&code=01&table=1&data=count&startrec=1&sort=2&display=page 62) 2011 UN 3 1 3. 3 4. 9. World Population Prospects The 2010 Revision. (http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/documentation/pdf/wpp2010_volume-i_comprehensive-tables.pdf)

4 81, 80, 1995 (Fleras, 2009;, 2011 ).,... 1963.,,.,,,. 1977, (heritage language).. (, ),.,, (, 2007).,

82. (non-profit organization), (, 2009). 1:1,,..,,, (, 2010).,. 2007 (settlement workers in schools).,.. (citizenship and immigration Canada) (immigrant settlement adaptation program) 63) (, 2010). 63) http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/evaluation/ isap/2011/appendixc.asp., (Carreer and Work Counsellor for Internationally Educated Professionals) (Social Worker-Immigrants and Refugees).

4 83 17 (LINC: language instruction for newcomers)..,,. 64),,,,. 65),,,..,, (, 2009, 57-58). 2).,. 64) 2004 2005 38 3.http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/audit/isap-host.asp 65) OCASI (Ontario Counsil of Agencies Serving Immigrants, http://ocasi.org/index.php) 1978, 200.

84, 1985. 10 4 (, 2009, 270-271)..,, ( ).,. 66). 1971,.,. (, 2012). 67) / 66) 2006,, 1,172,790. 1996-2006 6%, 45%. 50,485, 389,785 698,025. 0.038%. 67),, (, 2012).

4 85,,..,,.,,. 6.. 1901 (white Australia).,, (Immigration Restrict Act) 50. 2,., 2%,. 2007 23%,. 40%,.

86 1972 24.,. 1973, (a multicultural society for the future). 1973. 1975. 1983., 1989.,. 68). 2003.. 1),, (DIAC: department of immigration & citizenship) 69) (spectrum migrant resource centre) 70). 68) 1996,,. 69) 1945 (Department of Immigration) 2007. http://www.immi.gov.au/.

4 87,,,. 2009 25,,. 4 2. 4 2 1 1., 2. (knowledge transfer),, (client-focused ways of working) 3. /, (supporter) 4. (funder) 2 1., 2. ;. 3.,,. 3 1. 2. 3.,, 4.,,,, : (2012) 70) http://www.spectrumvic.org.au/.

88 (adult migrant english program). (humanitarian entrants),, 27,, (AMEP Facts & Fitures). 1998 (living in harmony program) (DSCP: diversity and social cohesion program).. 2011 2012, (multicultural arts and festivals grants). 71),.,,,. 2011 2 (the people australia: australia s 71). 125,000 MAFG, 2014 15. MAFG 5,000...

4 89 multicultural policy)., 72),,,,,. (Australian Muticultural Council). 73) 4 3,. 4 3 1 2 3 4 5 (multicultural ambassador) : http://www.multiculturalaustralia.edu.au/links/to/multicultural-organisations.,,,,,., 72) http://www.immi.gov.au/living-in-australia/a-multicultural-australia/multicultural-policy/. 73) http://www.multiculturalaustralia.edu.au/links/to/multicultural-organisations.

90,. 2) (, 2011)..,.,.,.,,., 2011. 3 1.. (NIP) 11.,.

4 91, (, 2012).,. 2006,,, (medien vielfalt nutzen!) (Bundesregerung, 2011). 2007 (, 2012).,..,.,,.,, 74).. 74) (Bundesregierung(2011), 324, (2012) ).

92, (, 2012).... ( ),,. TV. 5 1 (, 2012).. 4 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. : (2012). p.83 /,,

4 93.,.., SWR( ) WDR( ), rbb, NDR 2008, 75) (, 2012). 1 ARD 2 ZDF. 76) ZDF. WDR 2004, rbb 2009. 77),.,. 75) (Charter der Vielfalt) 2004, 2006, 1,250, 8. http://www.diversity-charter.com 76) ZDF, 18% 2, 3 ( 2010. 3. 30. http://www. segye.com/articles.asp?aid=20100330003457). 77), (, 2012) p.85.

94., WDR 2005, 13 17%. WDR!. ZDF( 2 TV) 20%. NDR( ) (Zambonini, 2009).,.. WDR 1. NDR 1, (, 2012).,.,. 78), 78) BWK(BildungsWerk Kreuzberg) 2009. 15,, (, 2012).

4 95.,,,. 79) 2.., (department of canadian heritage). 1993,,,,,,,,, ( ),. (canadian radio-television and telecommunications commissions: CRTC) 1968.,,.,,.,. 80% 100.,,. 79),,,, IT,,.

96 (canadian broadcasting corporation: CBC). 3 (CBC Radio 1, 2, 3),.,, CBC, RDI, ARTV.. 1) 2005 11..,,,,.,.,,.,.,,.,.,,,.,,,. 27,.,

4 97,.,. 1991. 1),,,,. 2). 3) CBC( ).,. 4) CBC. a), b), c). 2) 1971 (1982, 1988 ). 1991., (good race relations), /

98. 80 (Multiculturalism Act), /. (CRTC) 1984 (ethnic broadcasting hearings) (broadcasting policy reflecting Canada s linguistic and cultural diversity). 5. 4 5 A B C D E,, (a program in a language other than English, French, or native Canadian),, (a program in English or French that is specifically directed to culturally or racially distinct groups whose first or common language is English or French) B, (a program in English or in French that is specifically directed to any ethnic group other than in type B) (,, A ) (English or French plus type A) that is specifically directed to any ethnic group(such as French and Arabic, English and Italian, English and Punjabi) (a program in French or in English that is directed to any ethnic group or to a mainstream audience and that depicts Canada s cultural diversity through services that are multicultural, educational, informational, cross-cultural or intercultural in nature) : Roth, L.(1998). The delicate Acts of Colour Balancing: Multiculturalism and Canadian television broadcasting policies and practices. Canadian Journal of Communication, 23(4).

4 99 3.. 1978 galbally report 4. 1). 2). 3). 4).,.,,,,,, TV., 2,.. SBS(special broadcasting service), 60, 68. SBS,,. SBS,,,,,. SBS,

100 ABC(Australian broadcasting corporation). SBS 700, 400.,.. 2000, 80%, ABC 15%, SBS 4 6%.,,,,,, SBS., SBS, SBS (WorldWatch) 60. 300, 19 18. SBS. 20, 140., 4,000, 18 250.,., 2004 800,., 30,. SBS,,. SBS

4 101,.. SBS (department of immigration and citizenship) 80). (peace song tapestries),,,,. SBS,,. (harmony day). 4.. 2007 215. 1980, 2005. 81) 80) (living in harmony),., 3 21 ( ),.. http:// www.harmony.gov.au

102 ( ).. 2005 200,. 2006,.,,.,..,,,,.,., 81). (old-comer) 1950.. (new-comer), 1945. 1975. 7, 1979.

4 103..,.. ( ) KONBANWA SHIGA. 2011 4. 2 ( ) 5.,,,. 75%... 90., 1982 4(channel four). BBC(british broadcasting corporation) 1996. BBC (broadcasting standards commission), TV (independent television commission) (radio authority) 2002

104 11 multicultural broadcasting: concept and reality. / TV,,., 5.,,,.,,,. 82) 4 90,..,,,. 82) http://www.bbc.co.uk/pressoffice/pressreleases/stories/2002/11_november/11/multicultural_ report.shtml

4 105.,,,.,,., 9/11,. 1990..,,,,.,. SBS,,..,


5 107 5 1 1. :. 2012. 2000,., (, 2012).,. (2012).. (Edgar & Sedgwick, 2002).

108., (2010) (perceived reality)., (Potter, 1988)..,. (, 1993)..,... (2009) MBC PD KBS.,,,.,,

5 109.. (2011),.,,.,,.,..,,.,...

110, (, 2008).,.,. (2011).. (2011) 1 27,,.,., (2011).,

5 111.,.,. (2011) 1990.,,,.,..,,.. ( ) (2011),.. 2..

112....,.. (2009)..,,.,.., (KBS ), (MBC ), (SBS ).

5 113. SBS, MBC 300, KBS.. KBS..., (, 2009).. (2010) KBS,,.,

114. (2009). ( ).. 3. (, 2009;, 2007;, 2007).,.. (2011).,,,,.,,

5 115,.,....,. (2007),.., ( ) (63.3%), (21.8%), (19.5%),..,,. 38.6%.,

116 (51.0%) (39.3%). (3.6%), (1.9%), (1.0%), (0.6%).,,,,. 2. 2000,... EBS.,...,

5 117. 1.. (TJB), (TJB) 2011 6 21,.,..,,.,....,..,

118.....,. 10,,. 10.,, 2011. 83),... (JTV) 5 83) TJB, 6 :.. (http://www.dtnews24.com/news/articleview.html? idxno=101858)

5 119,,,,.,., ~ (2012. 5. 8. ),...,......., 1, 2.....,

120.,...., 11,...,..,...

5 121.. (UBC) (TBC) 2012... 80%,,...,, =...

122. =.., 47. KBS1 EBS PD,.......,,.. ( ).,

5 123..,., TV 2,..,.,., 1 6 (, 2011. 12. 25~2012. 1. 15 ). A.,.,. 2012 8, 1, 2,. 1

124.,,..,.. 5 1 KBS KBS MBC?! MBC.,......, (2012. 7. 7.),,.

5 125 MBC EBS.,.,.,. EBS( ). (2011 ) EBS( ). (2010 ). EBS( ). ( FM).,,,. 6mm.....,,. 10..,,,,,. 90%... 3. http://home.ebs.co.kr/kku/index.html... http://home.ebs.co.kr/msmile/index.html.,,..,,. http://home.ebs.co.kr/lovekorea/index.html

126,, MBC.. 1., 2.. 3.,. ( FM), 1.. http://www.tjmbc.co.kr/ ( TV). 2. A( TV).. MWTV ( ) RTV ( TV, ) TV ( ). ( ),.,. https://www.tbroad.com/.... 2 ( ). http://tv.ichannela.com/culture/iloveyou/.,,,,,,,,,... http://www.mwtv.or.kr/. MWTV RTV. http://www.rtv.or.kr/ tv. TV (?), (PLAY), ( ).,. http://saladtv.kr/,.... http://hsktv.kr/

5 127 3 2011, 2012. 5 1 TV.. 2011,.,.,,,.,.

128 6 1 1. (deliberative democracy) (Gimmler, 2001). (selective exposure) (Stroud, 2007)., (2011),..,. (Ikeda

6 129 & Kobayashi, 2009).,. (2007) (2011). (,, )... (2012)... 2011.,...,.,

130,..... (2011)..,.. 2 64,173, 37,516, 11,162. ( )

6 131, 34,989 29,184,.. 2011 12. 84) 10. 6 1 (2012 12 ) Nationality Grand-Total Sex Total Grand-Total 144,681 Vietnam 37,516 China 34,989 Korean-Chinese 29,184 Japan 11,162 Philippines 8,367 Cambodia 4,583 Thailand 2,603 United States 2,410 Mongolia 2,393 (T) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) 144,681 19,650 125,031 181 37,335 3,897 31,092 7,558 21,626 1,010 10,152 227 8,140 6 4,577 42 2,561 1,808 602 59 2,334 84) http://www.index.go.kr/egams/stts/jsp/potal/stts/po_stts_idxmain.jsp?idx_cd=2819&bbs= INDX_001

132 Nationality Grand-Total Sex Total Uzbekistan 1,840 ( ) Russia 1,174 Canada 1,158 Nepal 840 Pakistan 720 United Kingdom 558 Taiwan 520 Indonesia 507 Kyrgyzstan 452 Bangladesh 397 Australia 317 New Zealand 219 Kazakhstan 213 France 199 Srilanka 175 Germany 175 Korean-Russian 145 India 144 (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) 52 1,788 65 1,109 1,009 149 135 705 669 51 518 40 76 444 55 452 5 447 355 42 260 57 196 23 8 205 169 30 142 33 138 37 5 140 124 20

6 133 Nationality Grand-Total Sex Total Hongkong 126 Iran 105 Laos 103 Malaysia 94 Nigeria 86 Myanmar 76 Peru 76 Ireland 68 South Africa 65 Turkey 62 Ukraine 55 Mexico 52 Italy 47 Brazil 42 Morocco 42 Switzerland 35 Poland 33 (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) 32 94 98 7 0 103 10 84 86 0 25 51 25 51 62 6 54 11 50 12 9 46 10 42 39 8 13 29 27 15 32 3 14 19

134 Nationality Grand-Total Sex Total Singapore 30 Netherlands 30 Spain 29 Egypt 29 Sweden 22 Stateless 21 Belgium 18 Belarus 18 Rumania 17 Norway 15 Austria 14 Hungary 13 Argentina 12 Colombia 12 Bulgaria 12 Finland 11 Guatemala 10 Bolivia 10 (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) 8 22 23 7 20 9 27 2 13 9 4 17 16 2 2 16 5 12 13 2 8 6 4 9 3 9 7 5 7 5 7 4 1 9 1 9

6 135 IT. 2011 (NIA),,,,.,.,.. 6 2 2011 (2011 ) ( : %) 81.9 68.5 13.4 78.3 55.3 23.0 39.6 16.2 23.4 100 40.9 59.1 : (2011).,. ICT ( ), ( ). 100 12.5 44.3.,

136, 33.3 56.9. 3 ICT. (36.7%), (21.7%), (14.5%)......... (2012. 12. 11),,,,.

6 137......,,,. (liveinkorea.kr).,..,,. ICT,,,. ICT,.

138.. ICT,,.,,,.. 6 3 (2012 ) 2000 2012 (6 ) (2012 9 ) 1,343,239,923 22,500,000 538,000,000 40.1% 611,640 127,368,088 47,080,000 101,228,736 79.5% 15,691,380 91,519,289 200,000 31,034,900 33.9% 7,876,200 103,775,002 2000,000 33,600,000 32.4% 29,657,780 : http://www.internetworldstats.com/stats3.htm (socialbakers.com) 2012 12 8 (30.09%), 17 (13.20%), 23 (11.07%). 19.80% 27. 0.04% 100

6 139.,,. ( ).......,.. ( )....

140. 3 1..,. 2011 (https://www.facebook.com/#!/geumsanpolice),,. 2012 12 74......

6 141 2.....,..,. 3. 2010 85).,. 2010... 85). ICT.

142 4....., ICT.. e,, KT IT.,.

6 143. ICT..

144 7 1. :.,....,..,,,..,..

7 145..,.,,.,...,,..,,,.,.,,,..

146.,..,,. EBS, 1..,,. 2. ( ).,,,,,, (ethnic media,, ),,,.. MWTV(migrant world TV) 2004 12 (migrant worker TV).,., 2006 (MWFF). 2011 (target audience).

7 147 7 1 / TV(MWTV, MNTV, Salad TV) Radio( FM, ) Internet Ethnic Media(, ) (Internet) Twitter SNS(Facebook) :,, KISDI, 2012. MNTV(migrant s network TV) 2005 5 14. 4. 7 2 MWTV MNTV SaladTV 2004 12 MWTV(Migrant Worker TV) RTV / ( ) 2006 (MWFF) 2011 MWTV(Migrant World TV) 2005 5 (Migrants Network TV) 14 : 4 2005 2006 2009 TV, / : :,, KISDI, 2012. Salad TV 2005

148 2006 2009 TV.. MNTV Salad TV, MWTV. MWTV,. ( ),,,,,.,....,. K-pop,.

7 149.,,,. 3. PD PD. KBS PD EBS PD. KBS PD KBS1. 2012 12%~16%. EBS 2012 8. KBS1 2005 7 PD 1. 7 PD. EBS 6 PD.,....

150. PD PD. PD.,..,.,...,,,. KBS1 EBS.!,!

7 151 100!,.,, ( ),.!!,,.,....,,....... PD.

152. KBS.. EBS.., EBS.

8 153 8.,.,,.,.,,.,.,,.. 1.. 2 3 2 4

154 multiculturalism., (multiculturalism).,....., 1900.,..,..

8 155 (multicultural sensitivity). (diversity).,.,. 2.,..,, ( 1 ),, ( 3 4 ), ( 6 2 ). 3..

156 (, 2012)..,,.. KBS1 PD,,,. EBS. 2011 EBS 11. / 0700( ), ( ), ( ). 2010 13 3 10....

8 157.. TV (, 2009)...,.. (, 2012).,. 4.. (,, 2011).. 2007 /

158 (, 2007).., a) (,, ) b) (,,,, ) c) (,,, ) d),, ( ).,. (., 2009;, 2012)....,. ( )..

8 159.,. 2012 ( ) (2012 12 ). 2013. 5... PD.,.,.,. 3 ( ).

160., (, 2009).. 6.,..... /.. 7.. (,, 2011). 2012 12 31

8 161,. 8., ( ).,, (, 2012).,,. 9.,.... /

162. 10.,...,. vs. (, 2012) (semantic network analysis) (, ),

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164 (2007)., 30, pp.146 161,. (2011). :,. (2010). ( ):,. (2009). TV :, 1, pp.7 25.. 2011. 7. 27 A. 13. (2005)., 14 1,. (2009). ( ):,. (2007)., :.. (2012). 2012, 2012. 1. 27. (2012). 2, 2012. 11. 28. (2012). 2012. (2004)., 77,. 2010. 3. 30. http://www.segye.com/articles.asp?aid=20100330003457 (2009). TV : MBC PD KBS

165, 13 2, pp.121 167. (2012). : KBS, 26 3, pp.371 415,. (2010)., :. (2012)..,,, 2012. 8. 17. (2012)., 2, 2012. 12. 11. (https://help.gv.at/portal.node/hlpd/public/content/12/seite.120500.html). (2011). TV, 11 3, pp.147 180. (2010)., EU 26, EU. (2012)., EU 31. (2009). :, 1 ( 6 ), pp.57 78. (2010)., 3 ( 8 ), pp.153 177. (2005)., 28 1, pp.73 106. (2012). :, 26 3, pp.575

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167 (2009 a). :,. :, :. (2009 b). : 1965,. :, :. (H. H. Hiller), (2009)., :. (2011).,, 2011. 7. 14. Bundesregierung, Die(2011). Nationaler Aktionsplan Integration Edgar, A. & Sedgwik, P.(2002). Kew concepts in chultural theory. New York: Routledge. (2003)... Fleras, A.(2009). The Politics of Multiculturalism: Multicultural Governance in Comparative Perspective. New York: Palgrave. Gimmler, A.(2001). Deliberative democracy, the public sphere and the internet. Philosophy & Social Criticism 27(4), pp.421 39. Ikeda, K. & Kopayashi, T.(2009). Making democracy work via the functioning of heterogeneous personal networks: an empirical analysis based on a Japanese election study. In R. M. Hsung, N. Lin & R. Breiger (Eds.), Contexts of Social Capital: Social Networks in Markets, Communities and Families (pp.72 90). London: Routledge. Joppke. C.(2007). Transfomation of Immigration Integration: Civic Integration and Antidiscrimination in the Netheland, France and Germany World Politics, 59(2). Ngomba, T.(2007). Public service broadcasting and multiculturalism. Media Development, 2.

168 Roth, L.(1998). The delicate Acts of Colour Balancing: Multiculturalism and Canadian television broadcasting policies and practices. Canadian Journal of Communication, 23(4). Stroud, N. J.(2008). Media use and political predispositions: Revisiting the concept of selective exposure. Political Behavior 30(3), pp.341 366. Thomas Groß(1999). Das Kollegialprinzip in der Verwaltungsorganisation,Tübingen, 1999, S. 12. Zambonini, G.(2009). The Evolution of German Media Coverage of Migration. Translatlantic Council on Migration. Migrant Policy Institute (MPI). http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/documentation/pdf/wpp2010_volume-i_comprehensive-tables.pdf http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=lsd&mid=sec&sid1=104&oid=001&aid=00 05663624 http://travel.state.gov/visa/laws/telegrams/telegrams_1403.html http://transition.acf.hhs.gov/programs/ohs http://www.bbc.co.uk/pressoffice/pressreleases/stories/2002/11_november/11/multicultural _report.shtml http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/korea-coree/about-a_propos/multiculturalism-multicu lturalisme.aspx?lang=kor&view=d http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/multiculturalism/index.asp http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/audit/isap-host.asp http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/evaluation/isap/2011/appendixc.asp http://www.diversity-charter.com http://www.dtnews24.com/news/articleview.html?idxno=101858 http://www.equalityhumanrights.com/key-projects/race-in-britain/modern-multiculturism/

169 http://www.fincen.gov/statutes_regs/patriot/index.html http://www.harmony.gov.au http://www.immi.gov.au/ http://www.immi.gov.au/living-in-australia/a-multicultural-australia/multicultural-policy http://www.index.go.kr/egams/stts/jsp/potal/stts/po_stts_idxmain.jsp?idx_cd=2819&bbs =INDX_001 http://www.insee.fr/fr/publications-et-services/default.asp?page=abonnements/dossiers_act ualite/situation-des-immigres.htm http://www.migrationpolicy.org/pubs/immigration-in-the-uk-the-recession-and-beyond.pdf http://www.multiculturalaustralia.edu.au/links/to/multicultural-organisations http://www.pch.gc.ca/eng/1292265796693/1292265796695 http://www.segye.com/articles.asp?aid=20100330003457 http://www.spectrumvic.org.au/ http://www12.statcan.ca/census-recensement/2006/dp-pd/hlt/97-562/pages/page.cfm?lang= E&Geo=PR&Code=01&Table=1&Data=Count&StartRec=1&Sort=2&Display=Page http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ovae/index.html

170 1 ( ) 1 1 ( ). 2 ( ). 1.. 2. 90. 3.. 4.. 3 ( ),.. 4 ( ),.. 5 ( ).,. 1. 2. 3.

171 6 ( ). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.. 2 7 ( ) 4 ( ). 1 10,. 1., 2.,. 2. 8 ( ). 1. 2. 3. 4. 9 ( ). 10 ( ).,. 11 ( ).

172 3 12 ( ). 13 ( ).. 1. 14 ( ) 5 21 1.. 1. 2. 3., ( ) 4. 2.. 15 ( ),. 16 ( ). 1. 2.,,..

173 17 ( ).,. 18 ( )..

174 2 1 ( ). 2 ( ). 1... 2 3 2 4. 3 4 2 4 2... 2 3. 4 3 ( ) ( ),. 1.,.,. 4 ( ). 1. 2. 3., 4.,,, 5.

175 6.,, 7. 8. 9. 5 ( ) ( ).. 1. 2...... 3. 4. 5. 6. 1 6.. 6 ( ) ( ). 1 1 7 15.,,. 1. 2.,, 3. 4. 5.

176 2. 1,. 7 ( ). 1. 5 2., 3. 4. 8 ( ),.,. 9 ( ) 2.,. 10 ( )..,. 11 ( ). 1. 2.,, 3. 4. 5. 6.

177 12 ( ) ( ), 4. 1. 3,,. 13 ( ),,. 1. 14 ( ),. 15 ( ) 12.. 16 ( )..

178 3 ( ) 1 1 ( ). 2 ( ). 1. 90. 2... 2 3 2 4. 3 4 2 4 3.. 3 ( ),.. 4 ( ).,. 5 ( ) ( ),..

179 1. 2...... 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. 1 8. 6 ( ).,.. 7 ( ). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.. 1. 2. 3., 4.,,, 5.

180 6.,, 7. 8. 9. 1 2. 2 8 ( ) ( ). 1 15,.. 1.,, 2.,, 1,. 2. 1,. 9 ( ). 1., 2. 3. 4. 10 ( ),. 11 ( ) 2.

181,,. 12 ( ). 13 ( ).,. 14 ( ). 1. 2.,, 3. 4. 5. 6. 3 15 ( ) ( ). 20., 2.. 16 ( ). 1. 7 2. 17 ( ),,.,. 18 ( ).

182. 4 19 ( )..,. 1 3. 1 3.. 20 ( ), 7 1., 7 2. 1 2. 3,,. 21 ( ). 1. 1 2 1. 22 ( ).

183 23 ( ) 5 20 1. 1. 1. 2. 3., ( ) 4. 24 ( ),,.. 25 ( ).,. 26 ( ).

Communication & Information Science Texas A&M Comm & MIS Media studies & Journalism 2012 12 2012 12 3 36( ) TEL: 570-4114 FAX: 579-4695 6 ISBN 978-89-8242-936-1 93320