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The future of work is now

The future of work harnesses the power of key components to change the way work gets done 인력활용최적화, human-machine 협력 Talent AI 및 IoT 와같은엄청난테크놀로지파워활용 Tech The Future of Work Data 더나은비즈니스성과창출을위해데이터이용 Process 효율성및스피트향상을위한워크플로우개선

A new workplace has emerged 1 Fully automated Digital co-workers Transform to a digital workforce 2 Human + bots 3 Humans only 15% 5% 50% 25% 80% Today 2018 25% Tomorrow 2020 4

Rebalance workflows Identifying who & what does the work Human+Machine Co-Existence Eliminating unnecessary human interaction Changing and elevating the employee and customer experience Think 2019 / February 14, 2019 / 2019 IBM Corporation

Harness the growth potential Intelligent Automation helps reduce OPEX by an average of 2.63% and up to 7%, while increasing annual revenue growth by an average of 2.93% and up to 10% typical $1 billion company: Operating costs reduction Annual revenue growth $26.3M 2.63% 2.93% $29.3M $70M Up to 7% Up to 10% $100M

A new fabric to achieve Intelligent Workflow and Automation Engagement Learning Reasoning Doing 차세대상호작용시스템 Next generation interactive system AI 기반상황인지및이해 AI-driven situational awareness and understanding 추론및아이디어생성을위한가설설정및아이디어생성, next-best actions 의사결정지원 forming hypotheses to infer and extract ideas and next-best actions 태스크 / 활동수행, 업무절차, 의사결정, 워크플로우 task/actions, routines, decisions, workflow

Every type of work is undergoing transformation 업무특성 반복적전문적 AI 및자동화된업무보조 전문가의 searching 시간절감 Example: 개인화된상담 EXPERT WORK 자동화된문서화및데이터수집 Example: 컴플라이언스를위한문서화 ADMINISTRATIVE WORK 단순, 반복적, 비전략적인업무 Example: 사무업무 : 시스템간정보복사 / 붙여넣기 REPETITIVE WORK Intelligent/cognitive triggering 및 starting points Example: 비용 tracking 및승인 DEPARTMENTAL WORK 수직적으로통합된워크플로우 and 프로세싱을통한 end-to-end 고객경험제공 Example: 고객 onboarding CROSS-ENTERPRISE WORK 고객경험재창조 비용절감 낮은업무량 업무량 높은업무량

RPA is the first few meters of an automation journey digital workers help accelerate your progress My Digital Workers: 대화를할수있음문서를읽을수있음사진을보고이해할수있음로봇을개발하고유지보수할수있음직원들과협력할수있음서비스와트랜잭션을완료할수있음일이잘못되었을때, 당신에게말해줄수있음실수를하지않음 My team: 직원들은고부가가치업무에포커스할수있음

Intelligent Workflows A better approach to unlock value Intelligent workflows 는일하는방식을변화시키기위해실시간 insights 활용함. 비즈니스성과달성을위하여, 데이터를기반으로, 프로세스를조정하고최신테크놀로지를효과적으로적용함 Agile at the Core Innovation at Scale Speed to Value Customer Centric 10

Lead to Cash Intelligent Workflow Reimagine. Optimize. Operate. Experience Predictable Business Outcomes Data Technology 11

The Anatomy of a Digital Worker Digital Worker e.g. 보험처리프로세싱 (Insurance Claims Processor) 주문결제 (Order-to-Cash) Human Worker Digital Worker e.g. SAP Admin Help Desk Agent Digital Skills 반제처리 (Cash Application) 분쟁 (Disputes) Digital Assistant Task 송금통지서가있는영수증 Human in the Loop Task 송금통지서가없는영수증 Task 리포팅 12

Digital Worker Digital Worker Persona introducing Ocash Ocash Order to Cash Bot IBM Automation Digital Worker Practice Background IBM 에서일한지 3 개월됨 현금영수증처리하는새로운방식을배우는것을좋아함 2 개월전부터 machine learning 을이용하기시작함 Roles and responsibilities Motivations 주요고객들의은행어카운트모니터링 모든새로운영수증파악 영수증을해당청구서와매칭하는것을좋아함 효율적으로영수증을찾고정리하는것 human 팀동료와원활하게상호작용하는것 Intelligent workflows 지원을위해더많은 OTC 파트를배우는것 가끔팀동료나고객에게문제점해결을위한가이드나승인요청함 SMS, e-mail 이용하며 voice mail 사용을테스트중 최대한효율적으로영수증을처리하며쉴틈없이항상일함 Favorite activities 최근에복잡한송금통지서의스캔본을 Digital format 으로전환하는것을배워서 human 동료들이수작업으로데이터를입력하고매칭하던업무에서해방되게해줌 스스로모든문제점들을해결하는것 새로운기술을배우는것 숫자를가지고일하는것 Pain points 1. Human 팀동료가그가원하는만큼언제나빨리대응하지않음 2. 몇몇의 human 동료는그를신뢰하지않음 3. 가끔, 그의고객은업무수행에필요한시스템에대한접근권한을주지않음 4. 동료들의휴가계획에대해서들을때헷갈림 - 그는 IBM 입사이래로휴가를쓴적이없음 13 나에게 나는회계부서에서우리고객들을지원하는 IBM팀원이되어서너무신납니다. Human 팀동료들이보다많은업무를가르쳐주고내가 exceptions을잘관리하도록도와줄때너무좋습니다..

Digital Worker Demo Cash Application 14

Digital Worker IBM s TheWeatherCompany Skill for SAP CoPilot Enterprise Asset Management Package Role : Scheduler, Planner, CSA Reschedule with Weather Insights Powered by TWC Weather Insights Job Assistance Powered by S/4 HANA Technician Assignments Powered by S/4 HANA Greet with Weather Powered by TWC Weather Insights Translation Assistant Powered by SAP Leonardo ML Scheduling Performance Powered by SAP HANA CDS Views EAM Package Skill for SAP Co-Pilot with IBM s TheWeatherCompany Reschedule with ML Powered by IBM Watson ML Additional Tools Assignments Powered by S/4 HANA Scheduling BOT Powered by IBM Watson ML IBM Watson Machine Learning IBM Watson Machine Learning 15

Digital Worker Demo: SAP CoPilot and IBM s The Weather Company 배치담당자 (Dispatcher) 일기예보에따라, 리스케쥴링이될필요가있는우선순위높은업무를체크 운영효율성및생산성증가 16

Digital Worker Demo: SAP CoPilot and IBM s The Weather Company 배치담당자 (Dispatcher) 일기예보에따라, 리스케쥴링이될필요가있는우선순위높은업무를체크 작업에맞는엔지니어스킬을확인, 필요시 Work Center + Job Skill match 를이용하며업무재배정 운영효율성및생산성증가 17

Value for Customers, in One-Click Interactions Re-think how we distribute work. Traditionally, we mapped people to jobs SAP CoPilot Skill Economics * Industry Processes Robotic Process Automation Value Intelligent Decisions Tomorrow, we will map tasks to skills. 18 *IP : Pending

Thank you 김정민 (Niki Kim) 전무 IBM nikikim@us.ibm.com Think Summit 2019 / DOC ID / Month XX, 2019 / 2019 IBM Corporation 19

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