글내용의전개방식에대하여 14) 이성영 * < 次例 > Ⅰ. Ⅱ. Ⅲ. Ⅳ. Ⅰ. 들어가며..,..,.,., *
200 국어교육연구제 31 집,. ( ), ( ), ( ).,... 1).,,.,. Ⅱ. 전개방식의개념과성격 1. 전개방식의개념 1) 개념의혼란양상 1),.
글내용의전개방식에대하여 201.. 2007 < > < >. < > - (2) - ( ) - 1 - 다...,,,,,,,.., (expository text),,,,, (narrative text). ( ) - - - - - -,,,,,. < >. < > - (1) - ( ) - 3. ( ),,,,,,, ( ),,,,
202 국어교육연구제 31 집,,.. ( ) < > < >. 2011. < > - - (16).,..,,..,,,. ( ) (,, / - - ), (,, ) ( / ),.,. 2) 2) (2012: 88-90),,,,
글내용의전개방식에대하여 203,.,,,,. 3) (1994), (2000), (2003). 2) 전개방식의변별자질 ( )- ( )... ( ) ( ). -, -...,.. 3),,,,,. 2011.(, 2011: 39, 54, 57).,,.
204 국어교육연구제 31 집,,, -.,,.,. 4)...,..,,,,. - -.. - - - - -., 4).
글내용의전개방식에대하여 205 - - - - -. 5) 3) 인접용어들과의구별,.,... < 1> ( ).. 5) (1970: 39-46),,,.,.
206 국어교육연구제 31 집 -. - - -,,...,.,.,. 4) 다네쉬 (Danes) 의화제전개유형 Danes ( ). Danes (Topic, Theme) (Focus, Comment, Rheme).,,,, 5. 6)
글내용의전개방식에대하여 207.,.,.......,.,,,, 6) (2011). (2011) Danes 5 6.
208 국어교육연구제 31 집. 2. 전개방식의성격 1) 다층성. 7),.?...,, ( ),..,,,, 7).,.,.
글내용의전개방식에대하여 209... 2, -.,.. 2) 다면성... 2011 < >....
210 국어교육연구제 31 집,...,. 8).,,, (, 2011: 55)...,,. - -,.,. 8) D'Angelo(1980),,,,, (patterns of thought) (invention) (structure). (2004: 238-240).
글내용의전개방식에대하여 211.. (1995: 34-45),,.,,.,,.,,,. 3) 다변성...,...,.
212 국어교육연구제 31 집,. (,, )..,, -. Ⅲ. 전개방식의유형과종류 1. 전개방식의유형 1) 유형에대한연구현황 (1994), (1996) (1997). (1994),,,,,,, -,. (1996: 8-42) - ( ), - ( ), - ( / ), - ( ), - ( ). (1997),,,, -, 6. Meyer(1985) (collection), (causation), (response), (comparison), (description) (rhetorical predicate).
글내용의전개방식에대하여 213 (2003),,, /,,,,, /,,. (1994) (1996), (1997), (2003).. - -, - -. 2) 과제유형에따른분류... (, ) (, )... (, ) (, ).
214 국어교육연구제 31 집.....,.,,.,,. 9).,,,. 9) (2002: 78-109). (2007: 284-285). Meyer(1985) Kienpointner(1992). Kienpointner (2003: 189-190).
글내용의전개방식에대하여 215.,,.... : -, - : +, + : -, -.....,..,,
216 국어교육연구제 31 집,,..,,..,,. 3) 전개방식의성격에따른분류..,......,,,,. 10) 10).,
글내용의전개방식에대하여 217, -... -.,..,.,.,.,,,,,..,,.,.,,,.
218 국어교육연구제 31 집,. 11),. ( ) ( ), ( ).,. 2. 전개방식의종류 2011,, -,,,,,,,,, (, 2011: 39-40, 57, 110, 113, 130). (2003),, /,,,,, /,,.,,, 12), /, /, 11) < 2>. 12),.(, 1994: 66).,.
글내용의전개방식에대하여 219.,,,,,,,,,,,,, -. 13. 13.,.. (, 2003: 170). Mann & Thompson(1988). 24. 13),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 13) (2012: 444). (1994: 132-149). (2003: 41).
220 국어교육연구제 31 집 Mann & Thompson 2011 32 (, 2012: 443).. < 2>. < 2> ( (, (,, ( (,,, (,, (,,, (, (,, ( (,,, (,,, ( (,, (,, ( (, ( (, (,,, (,, (,, (,,, (,,, ( (,,, (,, (, (, (, (,,, (,, (,,, (,
글내용의전개방식에대하여 221 (,, (, (,, (,, (,, (,, (, (,, (,,,, (2004). (2004: 69-119) 926,..,.,.,.,.,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,
222 국어교육연구제 31 집. Ⅳ. 나가며...,.,,,,.,.,,,,,..,,
글내용의전개방식에대하여 223,.,,,..,.,.,,.. * 14) 참고문헌 (2011),, 211-361 [ 5]. (2002),, ( ). (1996),,. (2000), - 11, 102,, pp.27-85. (2003), * 2013. 4. 24., 2013. 5. 20. 2013. 6. 3., 2013. 6. 7..
224 국어교육연구제 31 집, 18,, pp.183-221. (2012),, 16,, pp.77-103. (1997),,. (2003), -, 9,, pp.147-178. (2003),, 11-4,, pp.39-58. (1970), -, 14,, 39-55. (1995), -,. (2004),,. (2011), -, 87,, pp.165-194. (1994), RST, 1,, pp.127-167. (2012), - 1, 6, 33,, pp.435-466. (1994),,. (2004), -, 115,, pp.221-247. (2007),, 123,, pp.279-303. D'Angelo, F. J.(1980), Process and thought in composition(2nd), Cambridge, massachusetts: Winthrop Publishers, Inc..
글내용의전개방식에대하여 225 Mann, W. & Thompson, S.(1988), Rhetorical structure theory : Toward a functional theory of text organization, Text 8-3, pp.243-281. Meyer, B. J. F.(1985), Prose analysis : Purposes, procedures, and problems. In Britton & Black(Eds.), Understanding expository text. Hillsdale, NJ: LEA., pp.11-64.
226 국어교육연구제 31 집 글내용의전개방식에대하여 이성영 이글은전개방식의개념, 성격, 유형, 종류에대해천착해보는것을목적으로한다. 전개방식이란필자가글의내용을구성해가는과정의각시점에서해당부분의내용을펼쳐나가는방식이다. 이개념정의에는 동적과정 과 부분 이라는변별자질이포함되어있다. 그리고전개방식은문장, 단락, 부분등여러층위에서작용하는다층성, 생성활동과조직및표현활동으로서의성격을동시에지니는다면성, 동일한전개방식이라도글을쓰는목적이나상황에따라구체적인적용양상이달라지는다변성을지니고있다. 전개방식을유형화하는기준은 2가지이다. 첫째는과제유형에따라 정체및특성밝히기, 과정및경위밝히기, 이치및가치밝히기 의세가지로나눌수있다. 둘째는전개방식그자체가지니고있는특성에따라 내용생성형전개방식, 내용속성형전개방식, 내용배열형전개방식 의세가지로분류할수있다. 그리고이렇게분류된각유형에는구체적인전개방식들이여러가지씩존재한다. 이연구는국어교육의효율성을높이기위해서는무엇보다먼저교육내용에대한천착이필요하다는점을보여주는사례로서의미를지닌다. [ 주제어 ] 전개방식, 구조, 의미관계, 내용생성, 조직
글내용의전개방식에대하여 227 Abstract On the developing methods of contents in writing Lee, Seong-young The purpose of this paper is to scrutinize the developing methods of contents in writing. The developing methods are ways that writers use to expand contents in each stage during writing. In this definition, there are two distinct features of the developing methods : 'active process' and 'part'. And the developing methods have three characters. First, they operate in each layers of text parts, namely sentence, paragraph, chapter etc.. Second, they operate in each stage during writing, namely inventing, organizing, expressing. Third, they operate with diverse forms depending on the purpose or situation. There are two aspects to classify types of the developing methods. We can classify three types of the developing methods on the base of writing tasks : 'clarifying identity and property', 'clarifying process and cause', 'clarifying reason and value'. And we can classify three types of the developing methods on the base of characteristics of developing methods themselves : 'inventing methods', 'organizing and expressing methods', 'developed contents'. There are many specific developing methods contained in each type. The result of this paper has the significance that we have to scrutinize each educational content in order to improve the efficiency of korean language education. [Key words] developing methods, structure, meaning relation, invention, organization