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Trading Partner Portals (CPG) Wal Mart
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2004 IBM Corporation 2004 IBM Corporation.
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Trading Partner Portals (CPG) Wal Mart
제조업체(CPG) 관점 제조업체는 유통업체와 협업을 시도할 때, 제조업체의 프로세스와 유통업체의 프로세스를 효과 적으로 연계시킬 필요가 있음. 유통업체 유통업체 DATA Portal Server 유통업체 제조업체 프로세스 제조업체 포탈 유통업체 유통업체 2004 IBM Corporation 2004 IBM Corporation
Portal - Masterfoods,, /
MasterfoodsTradeLink Retail Customer TradeLink FoodService MasterfoodsTradeLink MasterfoodsTradeLink Vet MasterfoodsTradeLink Breeder Update Masterfoods 2000/2001 PrivacyPolicy
Click here to join our Partner-System Come and visit our MasterfoodsTradeLink Retail Customer MasterfoodsTradeLink FoodService MasterfoodsTradeLink Vet MasterfoodsTradeLink Breeder Our B2C Websites Country URL Short Description Germany UK France Our B2B Websites Das Whiskas Haus The quality on-line petshop Survez la vague positive Country URL Short Description Germany UK Netherlands www.local-shop See your sales grow Goedemiddag, welkom terug Masterfoods 2000/2001 PrivacyPolicy
Welcome to MasterfoodsTradeLink Retail Customer UserName: Password: Masterfoods 2000/2001 PrivacyPolicy
TradeLink Info Product Promotion OrderNow Contact Your Details Name : John Smith User-Id : JSmith News New Launch of Celebration in April Your Order History OrdNum Date DeliverPoint Cases Status 00643783 00783673 00637257 01/03/2001 14/03/2001 30/03/2001 Central Warehouse London Distrib.Centre Bristol Small Shop New York 3.456 55.676 456 Delivered Invoiced New Your Sales 1400 1200 Your Promotions Prom-Id StartDate EndDate Text Status 00643783 00783673 00637257 01/01/2001 14/02/2001 01/03/2001 31/12/2001 14/02/2001 16/04/2001 Launch of Celebration St. Valentine Easter Special Running Confirmed Confirmed 1000 800 600 400 200 0 P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12 P13 Masterfoods 2000/2001 PrivacyPolicy Hot-Spot : Easter-eggs are back on stock!!! Today s s Features View your price Display Guide Planogram Just create your profile and check your price on-line Get instructions to build our latest SalesDisplays Boost your sales by optimising your shelf-space using our latest Capital2000 plannogram tool
Trading Partner Portals (CPG) Wal Mart
Trading partners Portal. DATA Portal Server
Portal Royal Ahold, e-procurement,
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Trading Partner Portals (CPG) Wal Mart
Trading Partner Portal Wal Mart. 1991 10,000+ Search Alert Wal*Mart B2B, Auctions, RFQ, CPFR, 100 1,000 104.,,,,,,,,,,, Data Warehouse Centralised architecture DW DW Update - Bentonville wal Mart.
1: Wal-Mart s Retail Link Sales ($ in billions) 240 CAGR: 15.5% 180 120 60 0 1998 1999 2000 2001 *2002 Wal-Mart 1 Video/DVD US Super Center Growth 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 US International CAGR: 62.4% 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 /. Hey Buck! (dollar stores) *2002 Sales are estimated based upon results provided by Source: Hoovers, IBM Institute of Business Value analysis, Retail Forward 8/02, Woman s Wear Daily 11/02
Wal-Mart Challenge. Challenges Product Movement Corporate Mfgr Packing Shipping Receiving DC Allocate Store Distribution In-Store Transaction Post Sale Solutions Simple KPI setting, shared Goals and rigorous Measurement KPI, CPG
Wal-Mart Retail Link (their "Trading Partner Portal"). Wal-Mart Cost as a Percentage of Sales Cost Categories Profit Other** Utiliities/Supplies Distribution Payroll/Benefits True COGS US Norm Wal-Mart 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 80% 70% 60% -43.8% 50% 40% -38.7% 30% 20% 10% 0% -33.1% True COGS -29.4% Utiliities/Supplies Payroll/Benefits Profit Other** Distribution Payroll/Benefits True COGS Distribution Collaboration Return Utiliities/Supplies Collaboration 14.8% Cost Other** 50.0% Profit.00% -40.00% -20.00% 0.00% 20.00% 40.00% 60.00% * Kroger, Safeway Albertson s **,,,, Source: Goldman Sachs Global Perspective, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. 2002/09/25