A Study on Measuring the Levels of Perception on Privacy (Protection of Personal Information) by Internet Users and Service Providers :

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Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2017, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp DOI: : Researc

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A Study on Measuring the Levels of Perception on Privacy (Protection of Personal Information) by Internet Users and Service Providers 2011. 12 :

1 2 3 - i -

4 5 - ii -

< 2-1> 5 < 2-2> 6 < 2-3> 8 < 2-4> 61 < 2-5> 71 < 2-6> 71 < 2-7> 62 < 3-1> 83 < 3-2> 93 < 3-3> 04 < 4-1> :,, 38 < 4-2> :,, 15 < 4-3> 120 < 4-4> 121 < 4-5> 12 < 4-6> 3 123 < 4-7> 124 < 4-8> 125 < 4-9> 126 < 4-10> 127 < 4-11> 127 < 4-12> 128 < 4-13> 129 < 4-14> 129 - iii -

< 4-15> (SNS) 03 1 < 4-16> SNS 131 < 4-17> : - 132 < 4-18> : - 132 < 4-19> 13 < 4-20> < 4-21> 134 < 4-22> < 4-23> < 4-24> 136 < 4-25> 137 < 4-26> < 4-27> 138 < 4-28> < 4-29> 139 < 4-30> < 4-31>,,, < 4-32> 142 < 4-33> < 4-34> < 4-35> 14 < 4-36> < 4-37> 145 < 4-38> < 4-39> 146 < 4-40> < 4-41> < 4-42> - iv -

< 4-43> < 4-44> 3 < 4-45> 151 < 4-46> < 4-47> < 4-48> < 4-49> 154 < 4-50> (SNS) < 4-51> SNS < 4-52> : - < 4-53> : - < 4-54> < 4-55> : < 4-56> : < 4-57> 3 < 4-58> 3 < 4-59> < 4-60> < 4-61> < 4-62> - v -

.,...,,,,...,,.,. - vi -

..,,,,..,, SNS,,., (, ),,, SNS.,,,,..,.,,.,,,,..,,, SNS. - vii -

,,.,,,,,.,,.,,.,.,.,.,..,., - viii -

.,.. - ix -

2. Objective and Importance of the Research It is necessary to understand the perception on protection of personal information by internet users and service providers in order to make a relevant policy and develop effective education/public relations programs. This paper aims to suggest an analysis frame for understanding the perception on internet privacy and to create an instrument to measure it in the specific levels. The measuring instrument developed in this paper is expected to be an important standard in planning and evaluating the policies on the protection of personal information in internet. The contents of this paper consist of four sections. The first section deals with the theoretical discussion on the protection of personal information in internet; the concept of personal information, legal logic, law and system, collection and use of personal information, the state of damage and protection, the measuring model for the perception on protection of personal information. In the second section the conceptual - x -

frame for measuring the perception on protection of personal information is suggested. The measuring scales are developed in the third section. The scales include perception and knowledge on protection of personal information, the present state of the practice and other matters. Finally the utilization and the validity of the scales are verified by surveying internet users and service providers on the internet. The political implications are proposed based on these results. The main result of this study is the scales to measure the perception levels of internet users and service providers. The scales for internet users are composed of the user information, the internet using pattern and the perception on internet, the perception on the protection of personal information and the practice of the protection. The user information includes the demographic factors, such as sex, age and education. The internet using pattern and the perception on internet are composed of the time in using internet, internet activity, internet literacy, using pattern of SNS and smart media, the perception on internet space, and the practice and the perception on the user agreement and privacy policy. The scales for the perception on the protection of personal information are developed to measure the perceptions on the importance of privacy protection, on the process of dealing with personal information, the rights of the subjects of information and the protection of personal information in SNS. Finally the scales for measuring the practice of the protection are suggested as follows: providing personal information, practicing a means for internet privacy, damage cases and redress mechanism. The scales for internet service provider are developed based on similar measures for internet users. The data comparison of two groups can be analyzed because the scales for measuring the overall awareness on the protection of personal information for - xi -

internet service providers are the same with those for the users. The scales include website and respondent information, internet awareness, overall awareness and privacy practice. The website and the respondent information are measured by the questions on the type and size of the website and the position and department of the respondent. The baseline data to analyze the results of the survey can be generated by these questions. Internet-awareness scales are developed to analyze the relationship between the perceptions on internet space and on protection of personal information. Privacy awareness is developed in detail along with the importance of protecting the privacy of personal information, collecting-delivery-management, and the types of personal information, SNS's privacy, and so on to measure the perception of providers for each item. Finally, the survey questions are developed to measure the privacy practices of providers in order to measure the obligation to protect personal information, means of protecting personal information, and practicing security and redress. First, in oder to improve the perceptions on protection of personal information by internet users and information service providers and to increase the effectiveness of policy, it is better to make the policy focused on education, enlightenment, public relations and consulting rather than on strict restriction through regulation. Second, it is necessary to find the gaps between the perceptions of the users and ISPs on protection of personal information and the gaps between their perceptions on privacy and privacy practices with the measure scales developed in this research, and to make protection policies for personal information which can reduce these gaps based on the results of the survey. Third, it is essential to make protection policies for personal information by using the accumulated data and reflecting the change of the perception - xii -

level from the regular survey conducted with the measure scales developed in this research. Fourth, it needs to improve the process of collecting personal information for a membership sign up of a website so that internet users can choose other methods for sign up other than providing their resident registration number. Fifth, an additional article for the users' right to choose the scope of public information should be included in Personal Information Protection Law and the Law for Promotion of the Use of Information Network and the Protection of Information. Sixth, it is important to improve the process of checking whether the information is deleted or not following the request of a user. And the provision should be put in a related law in order to prohibit the restoration of the personal information after an ISP deletes it. First, this research will contribute to make the society ideal for the protection of personal information by enhancing the users' perceptions on it. Second, this research will have an expected effect to reduce unnecessary expense for the social exchange by preventing in advance the infringement of the personal information of internet users. Third, this research is expected to promote the injury relief system of personal information and to encourage internet users to use it when their privacy rights are infringed. Fourth, this research will have an expected effect to enhance the perceptions of ISPs for the protection of personal information on internet and to increase the effect of self-regulation. Lastly, through proposing an analysis frame that can be applied to followed-up studies, this research will have an expected effect to provide a theoretical background for the study on the protection of personal information by internet users and ISPs. - xiii -

1. Research questions 2. The objectives and contents of research 1. The conceptual discussion on the protection of personal information 2. Legal principles of the protection of personal information 3. Privacy laws and system 4. Trends in domestic privacy Cases 5. Personal information collection, use and damage, and protection practice 6. Measuring the perception of the protection of personal information 1. Analytical framework of the study 2. Research method 1. Scale measuring user's level or perceived privacy 2. Scale measuring service provider's level or perceived privacy 3. Scale measuring user's level or perceived privacy applied 4. Scale measuring service provider's level or perceived privacy applied 5. Scales measuring user and service provider's perceived privacy proposed 1. Results and implications 2. Policy proposals and expectations - xiv -

1., (, 2006),. (, 2003;, 2006).,.,. (SNS: Social Network Service).,..,.,, - 1 -

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., 4,.,.., 22 1,,. 15 2,. 26 2,. 22,,,. 24 2, 23 2,,. C-1.? (7 : 1. --------7.) 4. - 48 -

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14,,, (,, ). 15. (2) 3,,,,.. 3,. 3. 3. 3, 3,,. - 49 -

.. 2.,? (7 : 1 ----7 ) 1. 2. 3 3,,,. 4 ( ). 1, 2, 4,,. 3. 17 1 3. 2,,,. 3 (24 2), (25), (26),,,,.. 3. (3), 34 1, - 50 -

,,,.... C-2.,? (7 : 1 ----7 ) 5. 6. C-7.. (7 : 1 ----7 ) 1. 2,. 3,. 4. 5. 6. (1 ) (2 ),. 5., (1 ), (6 ) (5 ), (7 ), - 51 -

(2 ) (3 ), (4 )..,. 3).. 4,.,,,,,.,..,.,.,,.,, - 52 -

. (16 )., 22 1, 3 24 2, 4 1. 17,., 4 2,. 18,,,., 30 1. 19, 20. 30 2,, 3,., 4 3. 5, 35,. 13) 13) 35( ) 1. 2 1-53 -

, 29 30 2, 29,,,. 30, 3,, (2), (3). 30 6. 3 1 2.,. 4. 1. 2. 3...,,.,.. 5 1 4,,. - 54 -

,. 4 4,, 5, 21( ), 36(, ), 37( )... 49 (2) (3). 4 5, 31 2, 47, 34.,. C-1.? (7 : 1 --------7 ) 16. 17. 18,,. 19. - 55 -

20.. 4), ( ). 14),,, IP,,,.,. (1),,.,.,,.,,.. 14) 2 1-56 -

,.,,....,,,,,.,. 24 1,.,,,,,.. C-3..?. - 57 -

(). (24), 23,,,,,.,,...,,,,,,.. C-4.? - 58 -

(,,, ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7...,,,,. - 59 -

, 24 23... C-5.? (7: 1.----7 ) 1,. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6,,. 7,,. (2), IP,,,,,.,.,.,, 3-60 -

., 3...,,, IP,,...,. C-6. IP,,,,.,? 1 2 6-1.? (7 : 1.----7 ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. - 61 -

6-2.? IP (,, PC ) ( ) ( ).. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7.,.,., ( ). 15).. 15) 2. - 62 -

..,,.,... C-8.,? (,, ) (, ). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7,, - 63 -

.... 5) SNS SNS. SNS. SNS, SNS,, SNS,. SNS., SNS. SNS, SNS. (1) SNS 9-1 1 2 SNS. SNS SNS. SNS SNS. - 64 -

(2) SNS SNS. SNS (3 ) SNS (4 ), SNS. (3) SNS 5 12 SNS.,,. C-9. SNS( ). 9-1. SNS? (7 : ---- ) 1 SNS. 2 SNS. 3 SNS. 4 SNS. 5 SNS,. 6 SNS. 7 SNS,. 8 SNS. 9 SNS. 10 SNS. 11 SNS. 12 SNS. - 65 -

(4) SNS, SNS,.. 9-2 SNS,. SNS,,, SNS, / (%). SNS. SNS., SNS. C-9. SNS( ). 9-2. SNS (, )?( ) 9-2-1. SNS 1 / ( )% 2 ( )% 3/(, ) ( )% 4( ) ( )% : 100% 9-2-2. SNS 1 ( )% 2 ( )% 3 ( )% 4/(, ) ( )% - 66 -

5() ( )% : 100% 6) :,...,., / /,,, //, SNS 16). B-7.. (7 ) 7-1.. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 16),, ( 9 2). - 67 -

(, ) (, ),, ( ) (,,, ) 7-2. (, ) (, ),, ( ) (,,, ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2.,.,,,,,. 1) - 68 -

,.,. 24( ) 1 23. D-2. ( ). 2),. 1 7,,,,,,,,.,,,.,, 22, 24 2, 29,, - 69 -

30 2 3, 49 2 3. 4, 35, 37,, 36, 21. D-1... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5,,. 6,. 7. 3),,,.. (1).,,. - 70 -

,. 3-1 3-5,,,.,.,.,,,,.. (6 )... D-3.. 3-1.? (7 : 1 ------- 7 ) 3-2.? (7 : 1 ------- 7 ) - 71 -

1 2 3 3-3.? 1 2 3 3-4. (3-3 1 )? 1 2 2 1 3 2 3 1 4 4 6 1 5 7 1 1 6 1 1 3-5. (3-3 3 )? ( ) 1 2 3 4 5( ) D-6.. 6-1.,? 1 2 6-2. (6-1 1 )? 1 (,, ) 2 3 ( ) (2).,,,. - 72 -

. D-4.. 4-1.? (7 : 1 ------- 7 ) 4-2.? 1 2 4-3.? 1 2 3. 4-4. (4-3 2 ). 1 2 3 4 5 ( ) (3),.,,,., 29,,. 30. 4, 21, 36, 37., - 73 -

,.,. D-5.. 5-1.? (7 : 1 ------- 7 ) 5-2.,? 1 2 3 /(, ) 4 ( ) 5-3.,, SNS,? (7 : 1 ------- 7 ) 5-3-1.? (7 : 1 ------- 7 ) 5-4.,, SNS,? 1 2 3 /(, ) 4 ( ) 5-5.,, SNS? 1 2 3 5-5-1. (5-5 2 )? 1 2-74 -

3 4 (4)..,,.. D-10. (, )? 1 2 10-1. (10 1 )? 1 2 10-2. (10 1 )? 1 2USB 3 4( ) (5)...,,.. - 75 -

D-9.?. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5,,,. 6 (Siren ). 7. 8, P2P. 9. 10 :. 11. 4),,,,,.,. (1).,,. D-7. ()? (7 : ------- ) - 76 -

(2),,,.,,, (8-1 ),, (8-2, 8-3, 8-4 ).,,,.,,,,,.,,,,. 34 1,,,,.,. D-8.. 8-1.? 1 2 3 8-1-1. (8-1 1 )? 1-77 -

2 3 4 5 ( ) 8-1-2. (8-1 1 )? 1 2 8-1-3. (8-1-2 2 )? 1 2 3 8-1-4. (8-1 1 ). 1,, 2 3,, (, ). 4 5. 6,,. 7 8 ( ) D-8-2.,,? 1 2 8-3. (8-2 1 )? 1 2 3 8-4.? ( ) 1. 2. 3 (,, ). 4. - 78 -

5. 6 ( ) 5),.,.,.., 4 5, 31 2, 47, 34. 49 (2) (3).. D-11... 1 2 3 4 5. - 79 -

6) :.. 3 5,. 30,,, 3,,., 27 2,. 17).,,,.,. 17) 14( ) 1 2721, ''. < 2009.1.28> 1. 2722.,. 2.. 3. 2-80 -

,,. (1 ), (2 ), (4 ), (5 ), (3 ), (6 ).,. B-9.. 9-1.? (7 : 1 -----7 ) 9-2. (9-1 123 )-?. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ( ) 9-3. (9-1 567 )? 1 2 3 4 5. - 81 -

. 44 2. 47 3 (2), (4)..,,,..,,,. (1 ), ( 2 ), (4 ), (5 ), (3 ), (6 ).,. - 82 -

B-8.. 8-1.,? (7 : 1 -----7 ) 8-2. (8-1 123 )-?. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ( ) 8-3. (8-1 567 )-? 1 2 3 4 5. 8-4.,? 1 2 3,,,, < 4-1>. < 4-1> :,, A 1-6 /// // - 83 -

B 1-9 C 1-9 (, ) / / / /SNS / / / / / C-1-1~3 C-1-4~5 C-1-6~7 C-1-8 C-1-9 C-1-44 2 ( ) 473( ) 27 2 ( ) 3( ) 2 23( )2 23( ) 22( 3( )5 30( ) 3( )12 3( )1 16( ) 1 4( ) -> / -> (, - 84 -

10~11 C-1-12 C-1-13 C-1-14 ) 1 262( 15( ) 2 22( ), C-1-15 232( ) 24 2( ) C-2-1 C-2-2 3 C-2-3 C-2-4 C-2-5 C-2-6 C-7 242( ), 25( ) 26( ) 262( ) 4( )2 17( ) 34( ) 3-85 -

C-1-16, C-1-17 C-1-18 C-1-19 C-1-20 22(, ) 24 2 ( ) 30( ) 1 30( ) 2 29( ) 30( ) 2 3 4( ) 1 4( ) 2 4( )3 35( ) 4( )4 37( ) 36(, ) 21( ) C-1-21 49 2 3 4( ) 5 31( )2 47( ) - 86 -

34( ) C-3 24( ) 1 SNS C-4 C-5 C-6-1 C-6-2 C-8 SNS,,, C-9 D-2,, 22(, ) 24( ) 1 23( ) 3( ) ( ) 24( ) 1 23( ) 4( ) 1-5 35( SNS / - 87 -

,,,,, D-2 D-3 D-6 D-4 D-5 D-10 D-9 D-7,,, D-8 24 2 ( ) 29( ) 30( ) 2 3 49 2 3 29( ) 30( ) ) 37( ) 36(, ) 21( ) 36(, ) 21( ) 34( ) D-11 49 2 3 4( ) 5 31( ) 2 47( ) - 88 -

- 89-34( )

2 1. 1).,..? (7 : 1 --------7 ) 1. 2. 3. 272... (1), (2), (3). - 90 -

,..,.,. 2) (1) ( ).,,,,,,,,. 1.? (7 : 1 --------7 ) 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9-91 -

. 10. 11. 12. 13,. 14,,, (,, ). 15. 4 7 ( ).,.,.. 3. 8 9.,. 10 12,. - 92 -

. 22 15. 22,,,., 15,,,. 22 2,., 13., ( 262), ( 22). 14. 232. 15.,., - 93 -

. (2) 3 3. 3,... C-2.,? (7 : 1 --------7 ) 1. 2. 3 3,,. 4 ( ). 1. 17 3. 4,,. 2. 3 (242), - 94 -

(25), (26). (262). 3.,. 4., 3.. (3).... C-2,? (7 : - ) 5. 6. C-5.. (7 :. - ) 1. 2,. 3,. 4-95 -

5. 6,. 7. 5 6,. 34 (,,,, ). 5 6,.,. 5.,., ().,.. - 96 -

3).,,.,.,.,,,,,.. C-1,? (7 : - ) 16. 17. 18,,. 19. 20,,,.,. (22). 16. - 97 -

. 17 18,. 30 4., 19.,.,, ( 29). ( 30). (4, 21, 36, 37 ). 20. ( ). 4, 5... 4) (1). - 98 -

... 3-1..?. () 24,.,,,.,... - 99 -

,.,,,. 3-2.? (7 ) (,,, ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7-100 -

3 4,.,.,.. (2). IP,,,,,... 4. IP,,,,.? 1 2-101 -

..,.....,,... 6.? (,, ) (7 : 1-7 ) - - (, ) 5) SNS SNS SNS. SNS,. - 102 -

SNS,. SNS,, SNS,. C-7. SNS( ). 7-1. SNS? (7 : 1 --------7 ) 1 SNS. 2 SNS. 3 SNS. 4 SNS. 5 SNS,. 6 SNS. 7 SNS,. 8 SNS. 9 SNS. 10 SNS. 11 SNS. 12 SNS. 7-2. SNS (, )?( ) 7-2-1. SNS 1 / ( )% 2 ( )% 3/(, ) ( )% - 103 -

4( ) ( )% : 100% 7-2-2. SNS 1 ( )% 2 ( )% 3 ( )% 4/(, ) ( )% 5() ( )% : 100% 7-1 1 2 SNS. SNS SNS SNS. SNS SNS. 3 4 SNS. 5 12 SNS. SNS,. 7-2 SNS.,, SNS, / (%). SNS.,. SNS. - 104 -

6) :..,.. B-1.. (7 ) 1-1.. (,, ) (, ) (),, (,,, ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1-2. (,, ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7-105 -

(, ) (),, (,,, ) 2. 1),.,,,.. D-1.? 1 2 1-1. (1 1 )? 1 2 2.? 1 2 2-1.? 1 2 3.? 1 2 3 4.. - 106 -

1, 2 3, 3, 4 5 6 7 8.,,,. 27 2, 27. 272. 4. 27.,. 28 2.,.. 3, 28, 31. - 107 -

,.,. 2)., 3,,,.,.. D-5.,. 1 2 3 5-1.. 1 2 3 4 5 ( ) D-6. 3? 1 2 6-1. (6 1 ) 3-108 -

?. 1, 3 2 6-1-1. (6-1 1, 1 2 ) 3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 6-1-2. (6-1 2, 1 2 ) 3,. 1 2 D-7.,?. 1 2 3 4 D-8.,? - ( ) - - - - 1 2 D-10.. - 109 -

() 5,. 22,,,. 262,., 5., 17, 22. 6 3. 3,.,. 242, 3 18), 18) ( 22 2 2 3). - 110 -

,,. 25, 3 19). 3. 17 24. 6. 7.,. 20.,. 29. ( ),,,,. 21. 8. 10. 23,,, 19),,,,,, ( 25 1). - 111 -

..,., ( ) 10.... 3).,,, 3,., ---..,,,.. D-9. - 112 -

? 1 2 D-11.. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 D-12.,? 1 2 12-1. (12 1 ). 1 2 2, 3 ID 4 D-13. 3(2009 2011)? 1 2 13-1. (13 1 ). 1 2 3, 4 (, ) 5 6-113 -

9..,. 11 12 28 29. 28,.,,,,,,. 29.,,. (13 ) 34,,,,., - 114 -

..,,,, < 4-2>. < 4-2> :,,, // / C-1-1~3 C-1-4~7 C-1-8 9 C-1-10~11 272( ) 23( ) 22( ) 3( ) 16( ) 15( ) 4( - 115 -

C-1-12 C-1-13 C-1-14 C-1-15 C-1-16 22( ) 2 262( 232( ) 22( ) ) 15( ) 2 22( ) 24 2( ), C-1-17 C-1-18 C-1-19 C-1-20 C-1- C-2-1 30( ) 29( ) 30( ) 4( ) 35( ) 38( ) 4( ) 21( ) 36(, ) 37( ) 4( ) 39( 17( ) 3-116 -

C-2-2 4( ) 3 C-2-3 242( ) 25( ) 26( ) 262( ) 4( )2 17( ) C-2-4 C-2-5 C-2-6 C-5 C-3 C-4 34( ) 24( ) 23( ) 3( ) 3( ) - 117 -

S N S C-6 SNS,,, C-7 D-1 D-2 D-3 272( ) 27( ) ( ) 3( ) 28( ) 31( ) SNS D-4 D-5 3 D-6 D-7 272( ) 22( ), 262( ) 242( ), 25 ( ) 30( ) 17( ) 22( ) 17( ) 24( ) 20( - - 118 -

D-8 29( ) 23( D-10 ) D-9 D-11 28( ) D-12 D-13 ) 21( ) 24( ) 29( ) 34( ) -> - 119 -

3 1.,. < 4-3>. 300, 149 151. 20 72, 30 76, 40 74, 50 78. / 41.3%, (15.0%) /(107%). 179 59.7% 67 (22.3%). < 4-3> 149 (49.7) 20 72 (24.0) 151 (50.3) 30 76 (25.3) 300 (100.0) 40 74 (24.7) 50 78 (26.0) 300 (100.0) 22 (7.3) 16 (5.3) - 25 (8.3) 3 (1.0) / 124 (41.3) 15 (5.0) // 10 (3.3) 1 (0.3) / 32 (10.7) 67 (22.3) / 2 (0.7) 179 (59.7) 45 (15.0) 10 (3.3) 15 (5.0) 24 (8.0) 9 (3.0) 1 (0.3) 300 (100.0) 300 (100.0) * : (%) - 120 -

1. 1). 7 5 6,. (6.18) (6.10), (5.01). < 4-4> 1. 6.18 1.22 2. 5.01 1.49 3. 6.10 1.46 2) (1) ( ) 12. (5.25), (3.19). (2.79), (2.97). (8, 9) - 121 -

(5.84), (5.65). (10, 11, 12) 6, 2.,, (14, 15).,,,. 6 ( ), 10 11 (), 14 (). < 4-5> 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11. 12. 3.19 1.73 2.79 1.53 2.97 1.57 5.25 1.71 5.84 1.49 5.65 1.67 6.03 1.40 6.02 1.38 6.07 1.37 13 2.43 1.70-122 -

. 14,,, (,, ). 15. 5.72 1.52 5.85 1.46 (2) 3 3 < 4-6>. 6.3, 1. 3.. 1~2. < 4-6> 3 1. 2. 3 3,,,. 4 ( ). 6.37 1.03 6.36 1.04 6.38 1.01 6.30 1.08-123 -

(3) < 4-6>. 6.27 6.31, 6.34. 3.97 7.., 5.59.,.,, (5, 6, 7), 5.76, 5.98. 5.93. 1. < 4-7> 5. 6. 1. 2,. 3, 6.27 1.19 6.31 1.10 6.34 1.07 3.97 2.17 5.59 1.57-124 -

. 4. 5. 6. 7 4.40 1.89 5.76 1.29 5.98 1.24 5.93 1.28 3), 7 6.3..,.,., 1. < 4-8> 16. 17. 18,,. 19. 6.31 1.04 6.30 1.01 6.35 1.03 6.28 1.09-125 -

20.. 6.35 1.07 6.34 1.05 4) (1)., (77.0%) (68.3%), (59.3%), (59.0%), (8.0%) (16.3%). < 4-9> (%) (%) 231 (77.0) 112 (37.3) () 178 (59.3) 136 (45.3) 205 (68.3) 112 (37.3) 130 (43.3) 88 (29.3) 104 (34.7) 177 (59.0) 195 (65.0) 101 (33.7) 70 (23.3) 79 (26.3) 24 (8.0) 74 (24.7) 49 (16.3) * (%) (300). < 4-10>.,,,.,,, - 126 -

,. < 4-10> 3.74 1.90 4.09 1.80 2.49 1.52 3.73 1.83 2.60 1.55 5.13 1.73 6.21 1.26 5.93 1.50 4.53 1.85 5.06 1.75 5.29 1.56 4.87 1.78 5.28 1.66 4.26 1.98 5.39 1.58 4.87 2.12 4.22 1.80 4.19 1.97 3.56 1.90 4.38 1.88 5.25 2.01 5.26 1.79 5.08 1.86 5.44 1.65 *.. < 4-11>. 6,. < 4-11> 1,. 2. 6.08 1.19 6.15 1.14 3. 6.20 1.09 4. 6.30 1.06 5. 6.35 1.01-127 -

6,,. 7,,. 5.93 1.27 6.31 1.12 (2). 300 34% 102, 3 2..,.,. 6.2,. < 4-12> 1. 2. 6.22 1.14 6.25 1.12 3. 6.27 1.11 4. 6.35 1.08 5. 6.38 1.02 6. 6.44 1.01-128 -

, IP,,,. 5.13 5.59. < 4-13> IP 5.59 1.43 (,, PC ) 5.51 1.50 ( ) 5.13 1.59 ( ) 5.49 1.50..,.,.. < 4-14> 3.18 1.70 (, ) 4.12 1.84 *, 5) SNS (1) SNS /SNS /SNS SNS. SNS,. SNS - 129 -

,. SNS, SNS. SNS. SNS,., 1~2. < 4-15> (SNS) 1 SNS. 5.15 1.28 2 SNS. 5.06 1.24 3 SNS. 3.04 1.55 4 SNS. 5.51 1.38 5 SNS,. 2.79 1.58 6 SNS. 2.90 1.62 7 SNS,. 5.23 1.62 8 SNS. 9 SNS. 10 SNS. 11 SNS. 12 SNS. 5.23 1.57 5.36 1.48 3.33 1.68 5.04 1.54 5.41 1.47-130 -

(2) SNS SNS. 3 1, 20%.. < 4-16> SNS = (%) / 48.27 50.75 30.61 32.30 /(, ) 19.41 20.20 9.38 4.95 107.67 108.2 6) :,..,. -.,. - 131 -

< 4-17> : - (,, ) 5.53 1.25 (, ) 5.28 1.24 (),, 5.10 1.22 (,,, ) 5.49 1.31 * < 4-18> : - (,, ) 5.00 1.38 (, ) 4.81 1.52 (),, 3.76 1.71 (,,, ) 4.00 1.70 * 2..,.. 1). 90%,,,,,. - 132 -

,. < 4-19> (%) (%) 279 (93.0) 251 (83.7) () 280 (93.3) 246 (82.0) 256 (85.3) 233 (77.8) 229 (76.3) 38 (12.7) 212 (70.7) 253 (84.3) 264 (88.0) 200 (66.7) 232 (77.3) 200 (66.7) 2).,, 62, 20%. 169 56.3%. < 4-20> (%) 1. 2. 45 (15.0) 44 (14.7) 3. 23 (7.7) 4. 50 (16.7) 5,,. 62 (20.7) 6,. 18 (6.0) - 133 -

7. 169 (56.3) * (%) (300) 3) (1),.. 10%, 142(47.3%). 42.3%(127). 2~3,,. < 4-21> 3-1. 4.91 1.77 1 5.08 1.53 2 5.48 1.42 3 5.71 1.35 < 4-22> (%) 1 31 (10.3) 2 142 (47.3) 3 127 (42.3) 300 (100.0) - 134 -

1 2 2 (6.5) 2 1 8 (25.8) 3 2 3 1 18 (58.1) 4 4 6 1 1 (3.2) 5 7 1 1 1 (3.2) 6 1 1 1 (3.2) 31 (100.0) 1-2 3 (2.2) 3 44 (31.9) 4 73 (52.9) 5 18 (13.0) 138 (100.0), 20%.,, (77%),. <4-23> (%) 1 61 (20.3) 2 239 (79.7) 300 (100.0) 1 (,, ) 47 (77.0) 2 10 (16.4) 3 4 (6.6) 61 (100.0) (2) 5.76 ( 1.34). - 135 -

, 24(8%). (115, 38.3%).. < 4-24> (%) 1 191 (63.7) 2 109 (36.3) 300 (100.0) 1 161 (53.7) 2 24 (8.0) 3 115 (38.3) 300 (100.0) 1 2 5 (17.2) 10 (34.5) 3 10 (34.5) 4 4 (13.8) 5-29 (100.0) (3),,, SNS.. - 136 -

. SNS 32, 31.. < 4-25>?,, SNS,?? 6.47 1.17 6.16 1.22 5.94 1.19 < 4-26> () (SNS) 1 48 (16.0) 1 98 (32.7) 2 232 (77.3) 2 192 (64.0) 3 /(, ) 18 (6.0) 3 /(, ) 7 (2.3) 4 2 (0.7) 4 3 (1.0) 300 (100.0) 300 (100.0) 138 (46.0%) 97(32.3%).,. - 137 -

< 4-27> (4). 37.. < 4-28> (%) 1 263 (87.7) (, ) 2 37 (12.3) 300 (100.0) 1 37 (16.2) (, ) 2 191 (83.8) 228 (100.0) (5). < 4-29>, - 138 -

43%. 3 1, 3 1.. < 4-29> (%) 1. 80 (26.7) 2. 28 (9.3) 3. 85 (28.3) 4. 85 (28.3) 5,,,. 153 (51.0) 6 (Siren ). 57 (19.0) 7. 128 (42.9) 8, P2P. 69 (23.0) 9. 81 (27.0) 10 :. 94 (31.3) 11. 32 (10.7) * (%) (300) 4) (1), 7., 168. < 4-30> (%) - 139 -

1-2 - 3 7 (2.3) 4 19 (6.3) 5 50 (16.7) 6 56 (18.7) 7 168 (56.0) 300 (100.0) (2),,, 160. 125 41.7%.,. 13(8.1%), 19(11.9%). 16% 26.,..,. < 4-31>,,, (%) 1 160 (53.3) 2 15 (5.0) 3 125 (41.7) - 140 -

300 (100.0) 1 81 (50.6) 2 13 (8.1) 3 38 (23.8) 4 19 (11.9) 5 9 (5.6) 160 (100.0) 1 26 (16.3) 2 134 (83.8) 160 (100.0) 1 33 (24.6) 2 86 (64.2) 3 15 (11.2) 134 (100.0) 1,, 28 (9.3) 2 124 (41.3) 3,, (, ). 10 (3.3) 4 24 (8.0) 5. 40 (13.3) 6,,. 10 (3.3) 7 17 (5.7) 8 4 (1.3) *,,,. 3 2. 45.6%, 42.5%., - 141 -

. < 4-32> (%) 1 108 (36.0) 2 192 (64.0) 300 (100.0) 1 73 (45.6) 2 68 (42.5) 3 19 (11.9) 160 (100.0) 1. 209 (69.7) 2. 273 (91.0) 3 (,, ). 192 (64.0) 4. 241 (80.3) 5. 174 (58.0) 6 1 (0.3) 5).,. 25%, 20%. 15%. - 142 -

< 4-33> (%) 1 55 (18.3) 2 74 (24.7) 3 207 (69.0) 4 148 (49.3) 5. 44 (14.7) * (%) (300) 6) : 7(4.2%). 20%. 65%. < 4-34> (%) 1 61 (20.3) 2 57 (19.0) 3 49 (16.3) 4 72 (24.0) 5 39 (13.0) 6 15 (5.0) 7 7 (2.3) 300 (100.0), 70%. 67.1%,.. - 143 -

< 4-35> (%) 1 112 (67.1) 2 120 (71.9) 3 73 (43.7) 4 26 (15.6) 5 66 (39.5) 6 43 (35.7) 7 7 (4.2) * (239),, 3.. < 4-36> (%) 1-2 3 (4.9) 3 24 (39.3) 4 32 (52.5) 5. 2 (3.3) 61 (100.0),. 7, 39%.. - 144 -

< 4-37> (%) 1 50 (16.7) 2 58 (19.3) 3 45 (15.0) 4 70 (23.3) 5 47 (15.7) 6 23 (7.7) 7 7 (2.3) 300 (100.0).,. < 4-38> (%) 1 104 (68.0) 2 110 (71.9) 3 54 (32.3) 4 27 (17.6) 5 62 (40.5) 6 47 (30.7) 7 5 (3.3) * (153), (77) 57.1% 2..,, - 145 -

.,. < 4-39> (%) 1-2 2 (2.6) 3 31 (40.3) 4 44 (57.1) 5. - 77 (100.0), 82%.. < 4-40> (%) 1 246 (82.0) 2 22 (7.3) 3 32 (10.7) 300 (100.0) - 146 -

4,.,. < 4-41> 155, 269, 6 430. 100 151(35.1%), 10000 70(16.3%)., 9 111(25.8%), 50 249 102(23.7%), 10 49 98(22.8%). 193, 18.6%, 90%. < 4-41> : 155 (36.0) 100 151 (35.1) 269 (62.6) 100~499 95 (22.1) 6 (1.4) 500~999 48 (11.2) 430 (100.0) 1000~9999 66 (15.3) 10000 70 (16.3) 430 (100.0) 90 (20.9) : 80 (18.6) 9 111 (25.8) 193 (44.9) 10~49 98 (22.8) 4 (0.9) 50~249 102 (23.7) 31 (7.2) 250~299 20 (4.7) 32(7.4) 300~999 36 (8.4) 1000 63 (14.7) 430(100.0) 430 (100.0) * : (%) 1. - 147 -

1). < 4-42> 6,. 5 6.06.. < 4-42> 1. 6.31 1.12 2 6.06 1.12. 3 6.10 1.11. 2) (1) 11. 4,. ( ) 6,., - 148 -

.,,,. < 4-43> 4 4.15 1.78. 5. 3.65 1.79 6. 3.84 1.77 7. 5.41 1.45 8. 5.78 1.33 9. 5.85 1.36 10. 5.94 1.27 11. 5.99 1.23 12. 13,. 14,,, (,, ). 15. 6.01 1.24 3.08 2.02 5.94 1.14 6.00 1.17 (2) 3-149 -

3.,,. < 4-44> 6. 6.3, 3. < 4-44> 3 1. 6.07 1.14 2. 6.05 1.11 3 3,, 6.19 1.05. 4 ( ). 6.06 1.09 (3).,. 6.2. 3-150 -

. < 4-45> 5. 6.2 1.11 6. 6.1 1.14 3), 6...,.,,, 6... < 4-46> 16. 17. 18,,. 5.99 1.21 5.95 1.26 6.09 1.14-151 -

19. 20,,,.,. 6.04 1.18 6.17 1.16 6.15 1.17 4) (1).. < 4-47>. (74.9%), (69.8%), (68.1%), (64.0%), (60.9), (6.3%) (12.8%), (20.0).. < 4-47> (%) (%) 322 (74.9) 185 (43.0) () 300 (69.8) 200 (46.5) 275 (64.0) 27 (6.3) 199 (46.3) 177 (41.2) 140 (32.6) 262 (60.9) 293 (68.1) 131 (30.5) 90 (20.9) 145 (33.7) 55 (12.8) 119 (27.7) 86 (20.0) * (%) (430) - 152 -

.,,,,,,,,.,.. < 4-48> 4.22 1.80 4.31 1.62 3.10 1.67 4.58 1.76 3.19 1.70 5.13 1.64 6.34 1.07 6.12 1.30 4.97 1.65 4.90 1.67 5.59 1.29 4.62 1.66 5.70 1.35 4.19 1.74 5.52 1.37 5.57 1.55 5.00 1.65 4.56 1.55 4.55 1.84 4.61 1.58 6.00 1.54 5.43 1.54 5.69 1.65 5.57 1.43 *. (2) 107(24.9%), 323(75.1%).,. - 153 -

,.. < 4-49> 3.50 1.75 (, ) 4.20 1.74 *, 5) SNS 12., SNS. SNS,. SNS, SNS.. < 4-50> (SNS) 1 SNS. 5.31 1.15 2 SNS. 5.23 1.21-154 -

3 SNS. 3.22 1.71 4 SNS. 5.46 1.33 5 SNS,. 3.05 1.74 6 SNS. 3.27 1.70 7 SNS,. 5.20 1.50 8 SNS. 9 SNS. 10 SNS. 11 SNS. 12 SNS. 5.17 1.38 5.46 1.21 3.32 1.63 5.02 1.37 5.23 1.34 SNS,. 30%,.,. < 4-51> SNS / (%) = 47.08 47.61 30.05 32.64 /( 18.23 19.09-155 -

, ) 9.59 6.49 104.95 105.83 6) :.,,,. -,,.,. < 4-52> : - (,, ) 5.63 1.28 (, ) 5.26 1.29 (),, 4.89 1.37 (,,, ) 5.50 1.25 * < 4-53> : - (,, ) 4.97 1.53 (, ) 4.63 1.63 (),, 3.54 1.80 (,,, ) 3.80 1.83 * 2. - 156 -

1), 238(55.3%) 12 (44.7%). 238 211. 186 43.3%, 242 56.3%., 176(40.9%), 137(31.9%), 117(27.2%)..,, 65.3%, 3, 57.0%,, 52.3%. 38.1%, 38.6%, 44.2%. < 4-54> (%) 1, 281 (65.3) 2 3, 245 (57.0) 3, 225 (52.3) 4 190 (44.2) - 157 -

5 166 (38.6) 6 164 (38.1) 7 175 (40.7) 8 76 (17.7) * (%) (430) 2)., 350(81.4%). 300(69.8%), 201(46.7%). < 4-55> :, 286 66.5%., (36.0%) (20.9%). < 4-56> : (%) 1 90 (20.9) 2 155 (36.0) 3 286 (66.5) - 158 -

4 213 (49.5) 5 ( ) 12 (2.8) * (%) (430) 3., 3. 39 9.1%, 23 5.3%. < 4-57> 3 3 (%) 1, 3 39 (9.1) 2 23 (5.3) * (%) (430) 3, (28, 45.2%) (27, 43.5%). (24, 38.7%), (19, 30.6%), 3 25%. < 4-58> 3 (%) 1 27 (43.5) 2 28 (45.2) 3 24 (38.7) 4 19 (30.6) 5 16 (25.8) - 159 -

* (%) 3 (62) 228(53.0%), 203(47.2%). 149(34.7%). 301 70%., 372(86.5%), (312, 72.6%) (291, 67.7%), (264, 61.4%), (257, 59.8%), (231, 53.7%). < 4-59> (%) (%) 372 (86.5) 6 (1.4) 231 (53.7) 257 (59.8) () 187 (43.5) 291 (67.7) 176 (40.9) 223 (51.9) 26 (6.0) 106 (24.7) 264 (61.4) 312 (72.6) 83 (19.3) 117 (27.2) 116 (27.0) 9 (2.1) 7 (1.6) 3) 200(46.5), (230, 53.5%)., 278(64.7%), (152, 35.3%). - 160 -

, 240 (55.8%), 248(57.5%). 33% 47%,. < 4-60> (%) 1 240 (55.8) 2 248 (57.7) 3 203 (47.2) 4 183 (42.6) 5 190 (44.2) 6 142 (33.0) 7 77 (17.9) * (%) (430), 209 71.6%. 2 199(71.6%), ID 166(59.7). 127 45.7%. < 4-61> (%) 1 2 199 (71.6) - 161 -

2, 209 (75.2) 3 ID 166 (59.7) 4 127 (45.7) * (%) (278) 3 (2009 2011) 14.9% 64.,,,. 10 15.6%. < 4-62> (%) 1 37 (57.8) 2 28 (43.8) 3, 16 (25.0) 4 (, ) 12 (18.8) 5 5 (7.8) 6 10 (15.6) * (%) (64) - 162 -

5 1..?.. 33( ) 34( ).. A. *. 1.? 1 2 2.? 1 20 2 30 3 40 4 50 5 60 3.? - 163 -

1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 4.? 1 2 3 4 / 5 // 6 / 7 / 8 9 10 ( ) 5.? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ( ) 6. (, ) 1 100 2 100 200 3 200 300 5 400 500 7 600 700 4 300 400 6 500 600 8 700 800 9 800 B. 1.,,,. 1-1. - 164 -

1 30 2 30 ~1 3 1 ~2 4 2 ~3 6 4 5 5 3 ~4 7 5 1-2. 1 30 2 30 ~1 3 1 ~2 4 2 ~3 6 4 5 5 3 ~4 7 5 2.. 1 (/,,, ) 2 (,, ) 3 (,,, ) 4 (,, ) 5 /(, /,, mp3 6 ( /) 7 ( ) 8 ( ) 3.. 1 2 (, ) 3 (,, ) - 165 -

4 ( ) 5 (, ) 4.. (7 : ---- ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. 10 11 12 13 14 5. (SNS),,.,,,. SNS - 166 -

? 1 2 5-1. (5 1 ) SNS? 1 30 2 30 ~1 3 1 ~2 4 2 ~3 6 4 5 5 3 ~4 7 5 5-2. (51 ) SNS? 1 30 2 30 ~1 3 1 ~2 4 2 ~3 6 4 5 5 3 ~4 7 5 6.. 6-1.? 1 2 6-2. PC(:, )? 1 2 7.. (7 ) 7-1.. - 167 -

(, ) (, ),, ( ) (,,, ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7-2. (, ) (, ),, ( ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7-168 -

(,,, ) 8.. 8-1.,? (7 : 1 -----7 ) 8-2. (8-1 123 )-?. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ( ) 8-3. (8-1 567 )-? 1 2 3-169 -

4 5. 8-4.,? 1 2 3 9. (). 9-1.? (7 : 1 -----7 ) 9-2. (9-1 123 )-?. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ( ) - 170 -

9-3. (9-1 567 )? 1 2 3 4 5. C. 1.? (7 : 1 --------7 ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. - 171 -

9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14,,, (,, ). 15. 16. 17. 18,,. 19. 20.. 2.,? (7 : 1 ----7 ) - 172 -

1. 2. 3 3,,,. 4 ( ). 5. 6. 3..?. () 4. - 173 -

? (7 ) (,,, ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5.? (7 : 1.----7 ) 1,. 2. - 174 -

3. 4. 5. 6,,. 7,,. 6. IP,,,,.,? 1 2 6-1.? (7 : 1.----7 ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. - 175 -

6-2.? (7 ) IP (,, PC ) ( ) ( ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7.. (7 : 1.----7 ) 1. 2,. 3,. 4. 5. 6-176 -

. 7. 8.,? (,, ) (7 ) (, ). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9. SNS( ). 9-1. SNS? (7 : ---- ) 1 SNS. 2 SNS. 3 SNS. 4 SNS. - 177 -

5 SNS,. 6 SNS. 7 SNS,. 8 SNS. 9 SNS. 10 SNS. 11 SNS. 12 SNS. 9-2. SNS (, )?( ) 9-2-1. SNS 1 / ( )% 2 ( )% 3 /(, ) ( )% 4 ( ) ( )% : 100% 9-2-2. SNS 1 ( )% 2 ( )% - 178 -

3 ( )% 4/(, ) ( )% 5() ( )% : 100% D. 1... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5,,. 6,. 7. 2.. ( ) - 179 -

() 3.. 3-1.? (7 : 1 ------- 7 ) 3-2.? (7 : 1 ------- 7 ) 1 2 3 3-3.? 1 2 3 3-4. (3-3 1 )? 1 2 2 1 3 2 3 1 44 6 1 5 7 1 1 6 1 1 3-5. (3-3 3 )? ( ) - 180 -

1 2 3 4 5( ) 4.. 4-1.? (7 : 1 ------- 7 ) 4-2.? 1 2 4-3.? 1 2 3 4-4. (4-3 2 ). 1 2 3 4 5 ( ) - 181 -

5.. 5-1.? (7 : 1 ------- 7 ) 5-2.,? 1 2 3 /(, ) 4 ( ) 5-3.,, SNS,? (7 : 1 ------- 7 ) 5-3-1.? (7 : 1 ------- 7 ) 5-4.,, SNS,? 1 2 3 /(, ) 4 ( ) 5-5.,, SNS? - 182 -

1 2 3 5-5-1. (5-5 2 )? 1 2 3 4 6.,? 1 2 6-1. (6 1 )? 1 (,, ) 2 3 ( ) 7. ()? (7: ------- ) 8.. 8-1.? 1 2 3-183 -

8-1-1. (8-1 1 )? 1 2 3 4 5 ( ) 8-1-2. (8-1 1 )? 1 2 8-1-3. (8-1-2 2 )? 1 2 3 8-1-4. (8-1 1 ). 1,, 2 3,, (, ). 4 5. 6,,. - 184 -

7 8 ( ) 8-2.,,? 1 2 8-3. (8-1 1 )? 1 2 3 8-4.? ( ) 1. 2. 3 (,, ). 4. 5. 6 ( ) 9.?. 1. 2. - 185 -

3. 4. 5,,,. 6 (Siren ). 7. 8, P2P. 9. 10.. 11. 10. (, )? 1 2 10-1. (10 1 )? 1 2 10-2. (10 1 )? 1 2 USB 3 4 ( ) 11... - 186 -

1 2 3 4 5. 2.?.. 33( ) 34( ).. A. *. 1.? 1 2 3 ( ) 1-2.? - 187 -

1 (,,, ) 2 ( ) 3 (,, ) 4 (,, ) 5 (,, ) 6 ( ) 2. ( )? 1 100 2 100 499 3 500 999 4 1000 9999 5 10000 3. ( : + ) ( )? 1 9 2 10 49 3 50 249 4 250 299 5 300 999 6 1000 4. /-? 1 2 3 ( ) - 188 -

4-1.? 1 2 3 4 B. 1.?. (7 ) 1-1.. (,, ) (, ) ( ),, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1-2. - 189 -

(,, ) (, ) ( ),, (,,, ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 C. 1.? (7 : 1 -----7 ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. - 190 -

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13,. 14,,, (,, ). 15. 16. 17. 18,,. 19. 20,,, - 191 -

.,. 2.,? (7 : 1 ----7 ) 1. 2. 3 3,,. 4 ( ). 5. 6. 3-1..?. () - 192 -

3-2.? (7 ) (,,, ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7-193 -

4. IP,,,,.? 1 2 5.. (7 : 1 ----7 ) 1. 2,. 3,. 4 5. 6,. 7. 6.? (,, ) (7 ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7-194 -

(, ) 7. SNS( ). 7-1. SNS? (7 : ------ ) 1 SNS. 2 SNS. 3 SNS. 4 SNS. 5 SNS,. 6 SNS. 7 SNS,. 8 SNS. 9 SNS. 10 SNS. 11 SNS. 12 SNS. - 195 -

7-2. SNS (, )? ( ) 7-2-1. SNS 1 / ( )% 2 ( )% 3/(, ) ( )% 4( ) ( )% : 100% 7-2-2. SNS 1 ( )% 2 ( )% 3 ( )% 4/(, ) ( )% 5() ( )% : 100% D. 1.? 1 2-196 -

1-1. (1 )? 1 2 2.? 1 2 2-1.? 1 2 3.? 1 2 3 4.. 1, 2 3, 3, 4 5 6-197 -

7 8 5.,. 1 2 3 5-1.. 1 2 3 4 5 ( ) 6. 3? 1 2 6-1. (6 1 ) 3?. 1, 3 2-198 -

6-1-1. (6-1 1, 1 2 ) 3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 6-1-2. (6-1 2, 1 2 ) 3,. 1 2 7.,?. 1 2 3 4 8., - 199 -

? - ( ) - - - - 1 2 9.? 1 2 10.. () 11.. - 200 -

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 12.,? 1 2 12-1. (12 1 ). 1 2 2, 3 ID 4 13. 3(2009 2011)? 1-201 -

2 13-1. (13 1 ). 1 2 3, 4 (, ) 5 6-202 -

1,,., 4 5. (, ), 4 1 2., 4 3 4.,,,,..,, SNS,,., (, ),,, SNS.,,,,. - 203 -

.,.,,.,,,,..,,, SNS.,,..,., 4 3, 4.,. (7 6 ).. ( ),., - 204 -

,...,.. - 205 -

2 1. ( ),,,.,..,,,..,,.,,.,., - 206 -

. SNS.,.. 2. () 1).,,.. 2). 3) - 207 -

,. 4).,. 5). - 208 -

(2003),,. (1998),,. (2003).., 3 2, 37~64. (2010)... (2003).. 10 4, 73-91. (2003),,. (2008).., 24 3, 1~28. (2006).., 2 2, 45~64. (2007a).., 10 1, 1~27. (2007b).., 45 8, 127~142. (2001).., 29 3, 88. (2001).., 4, 43. (2011). - 209 -

., 21 1, 53~63. (2002),,. (2003).., 13 5, 96~103. (2007).., 2007(1), 966~969 (2007). :.. (2004).., 5 2, 123~149. (2004). - -., 3, 57~81 (2010).., 10 2, 135~141. (2005).., 11 2, 87~118. (2009). 2009 :. KISA-2009-0014. (2009). 2009 :. KISA-2009-0015. (1999).,, 43, 123~143. (2002).., 548, 179. (2005). -., 11, 195~232 (1998),,. (2008).. :. (2009). UCC., 69, 192~221. - 210 -

(2011). :. 2011, 196~219. (2010).., 27 2, 91~119. (2005). :., 13 4, 110~145. (2008).., 2008(1), 165~186. ㆍ (2009).., &, 12, 165~190. (2010).., 9 2, 50 73. (2010).. :. (1999)..,, 64~66. (2007). :., 9 3, 123~144. (2008).., 25 3, 231~247. (2002)... (2003).., 41, 240. (2006).., 17, 163~192. (2008).., 33 5B, 386~394. (1996).., 7 2. (2011). SNS., 30 1. - 211 -

(2000).., 6 3, 51~53. (2002).., 1, 22. (2003).., 7, 419. (1998).. 16. (2007).., 18 3, 388~394. (2005)... (2005).., 6 2, 81~107. (2003).., 76, 5~38. (2001).., 11 4, 35~43. (2010). SNS., 9 2, 75~103. (1999).., 12, 21~38. Wacks, Raymond (1989). Personal Information-Privacy and the Law. Oxford Univ. Press. pp.10~13. - 212 -

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