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Stage 2 First Phonics

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2 min 응용 말하기 01 I set my alarm for It goes off. 03 It doesn t go off. 04 I sleep in. 05 I make my bed. 06 I brush my teeth. 07 I take a shower.

퇴좈저널36호-4차, page Preflight (2)

가정법( 假 定 法 )이란, 실제로 일어나지 않았거나 앞으로도 일어나지 않을 것 같은 일에 대해 자신의 의견을 밝히거나 소망을 표현하는 어법이다. 가정법은 화자의 심적 태도나 확신의 정도를 나타내는 어법이기 때문 에 조동사가 아주 요긴하게 쓰인다. 조동사가 동사 앞에


Page 2 of 6 Here are the rules for conjugating Whether (or not) and If when using a Descriptive Verb. The only difference here from Action Verbs is wh

Page 2 of 5 아니다 means to not be, and is therefore the opposite of 이다. While English simply turns words like to be or to exist negative by adding not,

I&IRC5 TG_08권

004 go to bed 잠자리에 들다 He went to bed early last night. 그는 지난밤 일찍 잠자리에 들었다. 유의어 go to sleep, fall asleep 잠들다 005 listen to n ~을 (귀 기울여) 듣다 week 1 I lik

Hi-MO 애프터케어 시스템 편 5. 오비맥주 카스 카스 후레쉬 테이블 맥주는 천연식품이다 편 처음 스타일 그대로, 부탁 케어~ Hi-MO 애프터케어 시스템 지속적인 모발 관리로 끝까지 스타일이 유지되도록 독보적이다! 근데 그거 아세요? 맥주도 인공첨가물이

하나님의 선한 손의 도우심 이세상에서 가장 큰 축복은 하나님이 나와 함께 하시는 것입니다. 그 이 유는 하나님이 모든 축복의 근원이시기 때문입니다. 에스라서에 보면 하나님의 선한 손의 도우심이 함께 했던 사람의 이야기 가 나와 있는데 에스라 7장은 거듭해서 그 비결을


중학영어듣기 1학년

2 소식나누기 대구시 경북도 영남대의료원 다문화가족 건강 위해 손 맞잡다 다문화가정 행복지킴이 치료비 지원 업무협약 개인당 200만원 한도 지원 대구서구센터-서부소방서 여성의용소방대, 업무협약 대구서구다문화가족지원센터는 지난 4월 2일 다문화가족의 지역사회 적응 지원을


May 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.3 감사합니다. 그리고 고맙습니다. 목차 From Editor 당신에게 소중한 사람은 누구인가요? Guidance 우리 아이 좋은 점 칭찬하기 고맙다고 말해주세요 Homeschool [TIP] Famil

2007 학년도 하반기 졸업작품 아무도 모른다 (Nobody Knows) 얄리, 보마빼 (AIi, Bomaye) 외계인간 ( 外 界 人 間 ) 한국예술종합학교 연극원 극작과 예술전문사 안 재 승

여: 좋습니다. 샐러드도 같이 드시겠어요? 남: 어떤 종류의 샐러드가 있나요? 여: 양상추와 토마토 샐러드만 있습니다. 남: 아, 아뇨, 그거면 됐습니다. 그냥 피자만 시킬게요. 여: 네. 6개들이 탄산음료 한 팩도 드릴까요? 남: 괜찮습니다. 여: 알겠습니다. 주방장


< B3E232C8B820C1DFC1B92DB1B9BEEE5F BFC0C8C437BDC3B9DD2E687770>


2 2010년 1월 15일 경상북도 직업 스쿨 운영 자격 취득 위한 맞춤형 교육 시 10곳 100명에 교육 기회 제공 본인에게 적합한 직종 스스로 선택 1인당 최고 100만원까지 교육비 지원 경상북도는 결혼이주여성 100명에게 맞춤형 취업교 육을 제공하는 결혼이민자 직

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Unit 2. Spring Is Here Spring Is Here Spring is (here / in). The snow is melting. Spring is here. The (flowers / bees) are blooming. Spring is here. T



CD The new academic year is starting soon and I need to set new goals. You finally realized that you ve been slacking off too much, huh? I m a senior

49-9분동안 표지 3.3



When I look in the mirror, it s hard for me to see anything positive in myself. Rather, there are many things [that I don t like about myself]. I m no




중학영어듣기 2학년



소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로


Reader s Club Read at Home Level 2 : Poor Old Rabbit! 업그레이드된 Read at Home 활용법입니다. 기존에활용법에서보다자세하고구체적으로아이들에게이야기를쉽고재미있게들려주실수있는여러가지예문을추가하였습니다. 기본적인팁들을꼭기억하



Being friends with the face in the mirror


Unit 1 reading.hwp


Read Together Kitty lived near the sea. 키티는 바닷가에 살았어요. She played alone on the beach. 키티는 해변에서 혼자 놀았답니다. She wanted to make friends. 키티는 친구를 사귀고 싶었어요.

4. 수업의 흐름 차시 수업모형에 따른 단계 단계 활동내용 요소 요소 유추 사전 인터뷰의 형식 소개하고 대상 짐작해 보기 Ex. My Mom 호기심, 몰입, 5 차시 관찰 핵심 가상의 인터뷰 꾸며보기 - 알고 있는 대상을 정하고 그 사람의 하루 생활 인터뷰로 만들어 보



3항사가 되기 위해 매일매일이 시험일인 듯 싶다. 방선객으로 와서 배에서 하루 남짓 지내며 지내며 답답함에 몸서리쳤던 내가 이제는 8개월간의 승선기간도 8시간같이 느낄 수 있을 만큼 항해사로써 체질마저 변해가는 듯해 신기하기도 하고 한편으론 내가 생각했던 목표를 향해

How to use this book Preparation My family I have a big family. I have grandparents, parents. I m the oldest in my family. My father is strict. 다양한 생활

_KF_Bulletin webcopy

June July August October Decamber. 대화의 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것은? A: Would you like to go to the concert with me? B:. Why not? Sure, I'd love to I'm sorry, I can'


1번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: Many people use this every day. You can do many things with this. You can watch video clips, take pictures, and



4. 수업의 흐름 차시 창의 인성 수업모형에 따른 단계 수업단계 활동내용 창의 요소 인성 요소 관찰 사전학습: 날짜와 힌트를 보고 기념일 맞춰보기 호기심 논리/ 분석적 사고 유추 5 차시 분석 핵심학습 그림속의 인물이나 사물의 감정을 생각해보고 써보기 타인의 입장 감정

- 2 -



Testimonial 처음 있었던 주말의 Business English과정을 듣다.


I&IRC5 TG_03,04권



Page 2 of 8 Here s how we can change the previous sentence to use honorific speech, to show extra respect to the father. 아버지가어디에계세요? Where s dad? Usin

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#1_초급 본문

- 이 문서는 삼성전자의 기술 자산으로 승인자만이 사용할 수 있습니다 Part Picture Description 5. R emove the memory by pushing the fixed-tap out and Remove the WLAN Antenna. 6. INS

Microsoft Word - MW

< FC1DF315FC1A631C8B85FB4EBBABB2E687770>

새천년복음화연구소 논문집 제 5 권 [특별 기고] 說 敎 의 危 機 와 展 望 조재형 신부 한국천주교회의 새로운 복음화에 대한 小 考 정치우 복음화학교 설립자, 교장 [심포지엄] 한국 초기 교회와 순교영성 한반도 평화통일과 한국 교회의 과제 교황 방한의 메시지와 복음의






3. 수업의 개요 현 수업 개요 창의수업모형 1 차시 읽기, 말하기 쓰기, 1 차시 현수업 모형 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기 2 차시 듣기, 말하기 2 차시 현수업 모형: 듣기, 말하기 3 차시 읽기, 말하기 3 차시 핵심, 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기: 시를 읽고 상상력과 시각적

Mom: What s he wearing? Child: He is wearing some space clothes. Mom: Yes, he is an astronaut. [Page 8-9] Mom: Where is this? Child: It is a desert. C

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6단계 08권 TG

<C0CEBBEA2032BFF92D DB4DCC7C72E706466>


April 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.2 생명을 꿈꾸다 목차 From Editor 아침에는 다리가 4개,점심에는 2개, 저녁에는 3개인 것은? Guidance 익숙해지는 일상 속에서 우리아이 자립심 키우기 환경을 지키는 아이들의 좋은 습


; Poor Old Mum! Cover/Introduction This story is called Poor old Mum! I wonder what can have happened to her. Mum and Dad are wearing tracksuits and Dad has a rosette pinned onto his. What do you think this means? Well, we d better read the story and see. ( 이이야기는 ' 불쌍한엄마!' 라는이야기입니다. 엄마에게무슨일이있었을까요? 엄마와아빠는운동복을입고있습니다. 아빠운동복에는장미꽃장식이달려있었어요. 무슨뜻일까요? 이야기를읽고알아봅시다.) *Page 1 Every Summer, towards the end of term, the school held its annual sports day. The mums and dads would come and watch the events and competitions, and there were races for the parents too. ( 매해여름학기가끝나갈때쯤학교에서는운동회를엽니다. 어머니와아버지들이와서경기와경주들을보고부모님들을위한경주도있었지요.) On your marks.. get set..! Mr. Johnson would shout. Then he would fore the starting pistol which would go off with a loud bang, and a race would start. (" 준비, 시작!" 이라고 Johnson 선생님이소리칩니다. 그리고선생님이큰소리를내는총을쏘면경주는시작됩니다.) This year, when it was sports day, Wilf and Wilma s mum and dad wore their tracksuits and trainers. ( 올해운동회날에는 Wilf 와 Wilma 의어머니와아버지는운동복을입으셨습니다.) Are you entering the Dad s 2,000 Metre Dash? laughed Wilma, when she saw Dad in his tracksuit. Not quite, said Dad, but I ve been in secret training for the egg and spoon race. ( 아버지가운동복을입고있는것을보고 Wilma는 " 아빠, ' 아빠들의 2000미터달리기 ' 에나가세요?" 라고웃으며물었습니다. 아니란다. 달걀들고뛰기를위해서몰래준비를했단다.")

1. Why does Mr. Johnson fire a pistol to start each race? ( 왜 Johnson 선생님은경주를시작할때마다총을쏘지요?) 2. Have you ever run in a race? What happened? ( 경주에서뛴적이있나요? 어떻게되었나요?) *Page 2/3 Wilma was in the long jump. She was very god at it. The important thing to do, she said, is to get a good run up to the mark, and then take off, as if you are going to fly. (Wilma는멀리뛰기에참가했지요. Wilma는아주잘했습니다. " 중요한것은줄까지뛰어간다음에날아갈것처럼멀리뛰는거야." 라고말했습니다.) And that was what she did each time. On her third jump, she ran really fast. She got her past few paces just right and then she jumped. It was the longest jump she had ever made. It was such a good jump, she came first. ( 그리고매번그렇게했습니다. 세번째시도에서 Wilma는아주빨리달렸습니다. 마지막몇발작을잘맞추어서뛰었습니다. 지금까지뛴것중에서가장멀리뛰게되었습니다. 너무잘해서일등을했지요.) Hooray! shouted Kipper. (" 야호!" 라고 Kipper 는소리질렀습니다.) Well done, shouted Wilma s mum. (" 잘했다." 라고 Wilma 의어머니께서말씀하셨습니다.) 1. Why is it called long jump? ( 왜그경기는멀리뛰기라고불리지요?) 2. Why do long jumpers land in the sand? ( 왜멀리뛰기선수들은모래위에떨어질까요?) 3. Why is Mr. Johnson holding a tape measure? ( 왜 Johnson 선생님은줄자를가지고있나요?)

*Page 4/5 Wilf and Chip were in a race. It was a race called a three-legged race. You can see why. Chip has his right leg tied to Wilf s left leg. Se when they run, they have to move their tied-together legs at the same time just as if it were one leg. That s not an easy thing to do! (Wilf와 Chip은달리기경주에참여했습니다. 그것은 2인 3각경주라는것이었지요. 왜그런지알겠지요? Chip의오른쪽다리는 Wilf의왼쪽다리와묶여있어요. 그래서뛸때에하나로묶여진두다리를동시에움직여야했어요. 정말힘든일이었지요!) Come on, you two, shouted Biff and Chip s dad. Chip and Wilf went well, and they came second. Hooray! shouted Kipper. Well done! called Wilf and Wilma s dad. (" 빨리달려라." 라고 Biff와 Chip의아버지께서응원하셨습니다. Chip과 Wilf는잘뛰어서이등을했습니다. " 야호!" 라고 Kipper는소리쳤습니다." 잘했다." 라고 Wilf와 Wilma의아버지께서말씀하셨습니다.) 1. Why isn t a three-legged race easy? (2 인 3 각경주는왜어려운가요?) 2. Have you ever tried running like that? What happened? ( 그렇게해서뛰어본적이있나요? 어떻게되었나요?) *Pages 6/7 Dad was in the egg and spoon race. Egg and spoon races are not easy either. You have to run very carefully or the egg wobbles and falls off the spoon. ( 아버지는달걀경주에참여했지요. 달걀을숟가락위에들고뛰는경기도어려웠어요. 아주조심해서달리지않으면달걀이흔들려서숟가락에서떨어지지요.) Dad concentrated really hard. ( 아버지께서는정말열심히집중하셨어요.) Don t drop the egg, Dad, yelled Wilf. Dad ran really well. He came third. (" 아버지달걀을떨어뜨리지마세요!" 라고 Wilf 는소리쳤습니다. 아버지는아주잘하셔서 삼등을했습니다.)

Well done, Dad, shouted Wilf. Your hours of secret training pad off. (" 아주잘하셨어요아버지." 라고 Wilf 는말했습니다. " 몰래연습한보람이있었네요." 라고 말했습니다.) 1. Why isn t the egg and spoon race easy? ( 달걀경주는왜어려운가요?) 2. Have you ever been in an egg and spoon race? What happened? ( 달걀경주에참여해본적이있나요? 어떻게되었나요?) *Pages 8/9 8 Mum was in the race capped a sprint. She had always been good at running, ever since she was at school. I haven t run for ages, she said, but I m sure I am still a pretty fast sprinter. ( 어머니는단거리경주에참가했어요. 어머니는옛날에학교다닐때부터달리기를잘하셨지요. " 달려본지오래되었지만아직까지는빨리달릴수있을꺼야." 라고어머니께서말씀하셨어요. ) Then you ought to have a proper pair of running shoes, said Dad. Oh these old trainers will be all right, said Mum. After all, this is not the Olympic Games. (" 그러면제대로된운동화가필요하겠네." 라고아버지께서말씀하셨지요. " 아, 이오래된운동화도괜찮아요. 올림픽도아닌데요뭐." 라고어머니께서말씀하셨어요.) But in the end, Mum wished she had worn a proper pair of running shoes. Just as she was in the lead, her trainer came off. In fact the trainer broke and Mum stumbled. ( 그런데나중에어머니는제대로된운동화를신지않은것을후회했습니다. 일등으로달리고있는데운동화가벗겨졌지요. 사실운동화가찢어져서어머니가넘어졌어요.) Oh no! said Wilma. (" 이런!" 이라고 Wilma 가말했어요.) 1. What happened to Mum s trainer? ( 어머니의운동화는어떻게되었나요?) 2. What do you think Wilma is thinking? (Wilma가무슨생각을하고있을까요?)

*Pages 10/11 In the end, Mum came last. Poor old Mum, said Wilf. Dad was right, said Mum. I should have got myself a new pair of trainers. I knew the sole on this pair was a bit weak but I didn t expect it to come off like that. ( 결국에어머니는꼴찌로들어오셨지요. " 불쌍한엄마." 라고 Wilf가말했어요. " 아빠가맞았다. 새로운운동화를신었어야하는데. 이운동화바닥이낡은것은알았지만이렇게벗겨질줄은몰랐는데." 라고어머니께서말씀하셨어요.) Well, never mind, said Dad. You were still the fastest sprinter, even of you did come last. (" 상관없어요. 꼴찌로들어왔어도가장빠른단거리경주선수였어요." 라고아버지께서말씀하셨어요.) 1. What is a sprint? ( 단거리경주가무엇이지요?) *Pages 12/13 Mum was disappointed about her broken trainer. What a shame, said Dad, but never mind. It s not winning that matters. It s taking part and trying hard that counts. ( 어머니는찢어진운동화때문에실망했어요. " 안타깝다. 그래도괜찮아. 중요한것은이기는것이아니라열심히노력했다는것이지." 라고아버지께서말하셨어요.) I know, said Mum. I don t mind about not winning, but I am cross with myself for wearing these broken old trainers. Wilma and Wilf agreed with Mum, but Wilma said, I suppose I am please I came first, but I m more excited because I did my best ever jump. Perhaps doing your best is more important. (" 알아요. 이기지못한것은괜찮지만이낡은운동화를신었던것이화가나네요." 라고어머니께서말씀하셨지요. Wilma와 Wilf는어머니와같은생각이었지만 Wilma는 " 일등을해서좋기도하지만제가지금까지가장멀리뛰어서더신이났어요. 최선을다하는것이더중요한것같아요." 라고말했지요.) 1. Why was Wilma pleased? (Wilma 는왜기뻤나요?)

2. Why was Mum cross with herself? ( 왜어머니는화가나셨지요?) *Pages 14/15 At the weekend Dad, Wilf and Wilma thought of a good idea. Dad put a blindfold on Mum. What is this all about? laughed Mum. What are you three up to? ( 주말에아버지, Wilf 와 Wilma는좋은생각이떠올랐습니다. 아버지는어머니의눈을가리개로가렸습니다. " 이게다무엇이지?" 라고어머니께서물으셨지요. " 세명이무엇을하는거야?") Wilf and Wilma had a surprise for Mum. So did Dad. Ah-ha! said Wilma. You ll have to wait and see. (Wilf와 Wilma는어머니를위한선물을준비했습니다. 아버지도요. " 아!. 기다리셔야해요." 라고 Wilma가말했습니다.) 1. What has Wilma got behind her back? What do you think Wilf is holding? (Wilma는뒤에무엇을숨기고있지요? Wilf는무엇을들고있는것같나요?) 2. What do you think the surprise is going to be? ( 깜짝선물은무엇일까요?) *Page 16 When Dad took the blindfold away from Mum s eyes, she didn t know what to say. Dad hd bought her a new pair of trainers and a big bunch of flowers. Wilma had made her a rosette which said Best Mum and Wilf had made a card on which he had written, Mum, you re the tops. ( 아버지가어머니눈에서가리개를풀자어머니께서는할말을잃으셨지요. 아버지께서새로운운동화와커다란꽃다발을사오셨지요. Wilma는 ' 최고의엄마 ' 라고써있는장미꽃장식을만들었고 Wilf는 ' 엄마가최고예요 ' 라고써있는카드를만들었습니다.) You didn t come first in the race, said Dad, but that doesn t matter. Winning isn t important. It s what you are that counts. (" 경주에서는일등을하지못했지만상관없어요. 이기는것이중요한것이아니지. 자신이어떤사람인가가중요하지." 라고아버지께서말씀하셨어요.)

And you are the best Mum in the world, said Wilf. (" 그리고엄마는세상에서최고의엄마예요." 라고 Wilf 가말했습니다.) Well, said Mum, I don t know what to say. (" 정말뭐라고해야할지모르겠구나." 라고어머니께서말씀하셨어요.) We do, said Wilma. Good old Mum! said everyone. (" 우리는알아요." 라고 Wilma 가말했지요. " 좋은우리엄마!" 라고모두가말했어요.) 1. How do you think Mum felt? What do you think she said? ( 어머니기분은어떨까요? 무엇이라고하셨을까요?) 2. Have you made a special card or a rosette for you Mum, or someone special? 어머니나특별한사람을위해서특별한카드를만들거나장미꽃장식을만든적이있나요?

; The Camcorder Cover/Introduction Do you know what a camcorder is? It s a camera that makes a film. The film is taken on a little cassette that fits into a video. If you play the video, you can see the film on your television. It s fun using your camcorder because you can make a film of something exciting like your birthday party, then you can see it on television when it s all over. ( 비디오카메라가무엇인지알고있나요? 영화를만드는사진기지요. 영화는비디오에들어가는작은카세트에찍힙니다. 비디오를틀면텔레비전으로볼수있지요. 비디오카메라를사용하는것은즐거워요. 왜냐하면생일파티처럼신나는것을찍어서끝나고도다시볼수있으니까요.) 1. Have you ever seen a camcorder? ( 비디오카메라를본적이있나요?) 2. What is a video player? ( 비디오플레이어는무엇이지요?) *Page 1 Dad bought a camcorder. He had wanted one for ages and ages. Think how nice it will be to have a film of all the important times in the family, he said. We can make a film on our holiday each year. When Wilf and Wilma are grown up, we can show the films to their children. ( 아버지께서비디오카메라를사셨어요. 아버지는아주오랫동안비디오카메라를사고싶어하셨어요. " 가족에게중요한일이있을때마다비디오로찍어놓으면얼마나좋을지생각해보렴." 이라고말씀하셨지요. " 매년휴가때영화를찍을수있지. Wilf와 Wilma가자라면아이들에게비디오를보여줄수있을거야.) Wilf and Wilma were pleased Dad had the camcorder, and so was Mum. I can t wait to see is all on television, said Wilma. (Wilf와 Wilma는아버지가비디오카메라를갖고있는것이기뻤습니다. 어머니께서도기뻐하셨어요. " 빨리텔레비전에서우리얼굴을보았으면좋겠다." 라고 Wilma가말했습니다.)

1. Why did Dad think it would be nice to keep the videos? ( 아버지는왜비디오를찍어두는것이좋다고생각하셨지요?) 2. What do you think Dad will make a film of? ( 아버지께서는어떤영화를만드실까요?) *Pages 2/3 When Biff, Chip, and Kipper came round to play, Dad said he would make a video of them to try out his camcorder. But when he began to make the video, the children didn t know what to do, so they just stood in a line and went very quite. (Biff와 Chip, Kipper가놀러왔을때아버지께서는비디오카메라를시험해보시겠다고비디오를찍겠다고하셨어요. 그런데비디오를찍기시작하자아이들은어떻게해야할지몰라그냥한줄로서서가만히있었지요.) This is no good, said Dad. I need some action. Do a dance or run around a bit so that I get lots of movement on the film. I ve got an even better idea, said Biff. Let s have a wheelbarrow race with the boys as wheelbarrows. (" 아니야안돼. 움직이는것이있어야돼. 움직이는것을찍게춤을추거나조금뛰어다녀." 라고아버지께서말하셨어요. " 더좋은생각이있다." 라고 Biff가말했습니다. " 남자아이들을일륜차로해서일륜차놀이를하자." 라고말했습니다.) So that s what happened. The children had a race and Dad made a video. smile everyone, said Dad, but he didn t need to because Wilf and Chip began laughing so much that they both collapsed on the grass in a heap. ( 그래서그것을했지요. 아이들은경주를했고아버지께서는비디오를찍으셨지요. " 모두웃어봐." 라고아버지께서말씀하셨지만그럴필요가없었지요. 왜냐하면 Wilf와 Chip이너무웃어서잔디밭에둘다뒹굴었으니까요.) 1. What is a wheelbarrow race? ( 일륜차경주가무엇이지요?) 2. Why did Dad say he needed lots of movement? ( 왜아버지는많이움직이는것이필요하다고했지요?) 3. Why didn t anyone win the wheelbarrow race? ( 왜아무도일륜차경주에서이기지못했나요?)

*Pages 4/5 Dad was pleased that the school sports day was to take place that week. I ll be able to make a video of some of these races and events, he said. So when Dad went to the sports day, he took the camcorder. ( 아버지는그주에학교체육대회가열리는것이기뻤습니다. " 경기와일어나는일에대한비디오를만들수있을거야." 라고말씀하셨지요. 그래서체육대회에갈때비디오카메라를가지고가셨지요.) Wilma was very good at the long jump. In fact she came first with the longest jump. Dad was really pleased when he made a video if Wilma. You ll be able to show your winning jump to your grandchildren one day Wilma, he said. (Wilma는멀리뛰기를잘했어요. 가장멀리뛰어서일등을차지했지요. 아버지는 Wilma의비디오를찍고기뻤습니다. " 손자들에게멀리뛰기하는모습을보여줄수있어 Wilma야." 라고말씀하셨지요.) 1. Find the story about the sports day and see of you can see Dad with the camcorder. ( 체육대회였던날의대한이야기를찾고, 아버지가비디오카메라를들고있었는지확인해 보세요.) 2. Have you ever been filmed by a camcorder? Tell me about it. ( 비디오카메라에찍힌적이있나요? 이야기해보세요.) *Page 6/7 Everyone was excited when it was jo s wedding. Jo is wilma s auntie and Wilma was her bridesmaid. Dad was pleased. Ho took the camcorder and he made a video of the wedding. Here he is filming the bride and groom cutting their wedding cake. (Jo의결혼식때모두신이났습니다. Jo는 Wilma의이모였고 Wilma는이모의들러리였습니다. 아버지는매우기뻤지요. 비디오카메라를가지고가서결혼식비디오를찍으셨어요. 여기서아버지는신랑과신부가같이케이크를자르고있는모습을찍고있습니다.) I ll make a copy of the cassette and give them the film of their wedding as a present, said dad. This camcorder has been worth the money I paid for it. (" 이카세트를복사해서결혼선물로비디오를주어야겠다." 아버지께서말씀하셨어요. " 이비디오카메라가제값을하는구나.")

Smile, he called as he filmed the happy couple. Don t be nervous! (" 김치 ~" 라고행복한부부를찍으면서말했답니다. " 긴장하지마세요.!") 1. Find the picture of dad with a camcorder in the story about jo s wedding. ( Jo 이모의결혼식에서비디오카메라를들고있는그림을찾아보세요 ). 2. Why do the happy couple always cut the cake together like this? ( 왜행복한부부들은항상케이크를같이자를까요?) 3. Why do you think they are nervous? ( 왜긴장하고있을까요?) *Page 8/9 A few weeks later it was mum and dad s anniversary. We ve been married for ten years! said mum. Think of it. Ten years, and it only seems like yesterday! ( 몇주후에어머니와아버지의결혼기념일이었습니다. " 우리는십년동안결혼해있었어!" 라고어머니께서말씀하셨어요. " 생각해봐요. 십년인데결혼한것이엊그제같네요!") Dad and mum bought a special joint present. Can you guess what it is? It s a very smart garden seat that swings gently back and forward. ( 어머니와아버지는함께공동선물을샀습니다. 무엇일까요? 앞뒤로흔들리는멋있는정원그네였지요.) Wilf and Wilma made some special cards for the anniversary, and wilf pretended to be a waiter and brought out a bottle of cola and two glasses. Cola with our compliments, madam! he said to mum in his best waiter s voice. Wilma wanted to make a video of the anniversary. It would be nice if we had a film of us both on our new swing seat, said mum. So dad showed Wilma the camcorder. It s easy, he said. (Wilf와 Wilma는결혼기념일을위해특별한카드를만들었지요. Wilf는웨이터처럼콜라한병과컵두개를가지고왔습니다. " 콜라서비스입니다, 부인!" 이라고멋있는웨이터목소리를내면서말했지요.Wilma는결혼기념일비디오를만들고싶었습니다. " 둘다새그네위에있는것을찍으면좋을텐데." 라고어머니께서말씀하셨어요. 그래서아버지는 Wilma에게비디오카메라찍는것을가르쳐주셨지요.)

1. How many years had mum and dad been married? ( 어머니와아버지가결혼한지몇년이지났나요?) 2. Why was Wilma allowed to use the video? ( 왜 Wilma 가비디오를써볼수있게되었지요?) *Pages 10/11 Mum and Dad sat together on the smart new swing seat. Wilma made the video. Mum and Dad didn t know what to do so they just sat and looked at Wilma. Wilma looked through the viewfinder and pressed the button. It s easy, she said, but the trouble is I need action. Do something you two. So dad gave Mum a big kiss. Smile please, said Wilf, but he didn t need to. Mum was too busy laughing ( 어머니와아버지는함께멋있는그네의자위에앉았지요. Wilma는비디오를찍었습니다. 어머니와아버지는어떻게해야할지를몰라서그냥 Wilma를보았습니다 Wilma는그냥렌즈를보고버튼을눌렀습니다. " 아주쉬워요. 그런데움직임이필요해요. 두분이무엇인가하세요. " 라고말했지요. 그래서아버지는어머니께뽀뽀를하였습니다. " 웃으세요." 라고 Wilf 는말했지만그럴필요가없었지요. 어머니는웃느라고정신이없으셨지요.) 1 Why did Wilma want action ( Wilma 는왜움직임이필요하다고했지요?) 2. How did Dad make Mum laugh? ( 아버지는어떻게어머니를웃게만들었나요?) * Pages 12/13 It was good fund looking at the home-made video on the television. Biff and Chip came round and the children watched the race that Dad filmed. They saw the sports day and they looked at Jo s wedding. They laughed at Wilma s video. She hadn t quite managed to film the top of Mum and Dad s heads. At least you got Dad s kiss, laughed Wilf. But only just. ( 텔레비전으로집에서만든비디오들을보는것은재미있었습니다. Biff와 Chip은놀러와서아버지께서찍은경주를보았습니다. 체육대회도보았고 Jo 이모의결혼식도보았습니다.

Wilma 의비디오를보고는웃었습니다. 어머니와아버지의얼굴을그만못찍었지뭐예요. " 그래도아버지의뽀뽀는찍었네. 그것도겨우찍었지만." 이라고 Wilf 가웃었습니다.) 1. Look through the story and find the pictures you see on the television screen. ( 텔레비전화면에나오는장면들을이야기책에서찾아보세요.) 2 Which two pictures can be found in other stories? ( 다른이야기에서찾을수있는사진두개는어떤것이지요?) *Pages 14/15 I ve got a good idea, said Wilma. Why don t we ask Dad to make a video of Biff and Chip s tree house? Biff and Chip s dad had only just finished mending the tree house, and the children had helped him. Wilma asked Dad, and he said, All right. I think a video of you all having fun in the tree house is a really good idea. So Wilf and Wilma went round to see Biff and Chip and they went to the tree house. Wilma wanted to make a video all by herself, but Dad said, I think I d better be there when you do. Wilma was pleased Dad let her use the camcorder. I ll be really careful with it, she said. (" 좋은생각이있다." 라고 Wilma가말했습니다. " 아버지께 Biff와 Chip의나무위에있는작은집에서비디오를찍어달라고물어보자." Biff와 Chip의아버지는나무집을방금다고쳤고아이들은도와주었습니다. Wilma는아버지에게물어보았고아버지는 " 그래. 너희들이나무위의집에서재미있게놀고있는비디오는아주좋은비디오가될것같다." 라고말씀하셨어요. 그래서 Wilf와 Wilma는 Biff와 Chip네집으로찾아가서모두나무위의집으로갔어요. Wilma는혼자서비디오를찍고싶어했지만아버지께서 " 네가찍을때내가같이있는것이나을것같다." 라고말했습니다. Wilma는아버지께서비디오카메라를쓸수있게해주셔서정말기뻤습니다. " 정말조심할게요." 라고말했습니다.) 1 Find some other stories about Biff and Chip s tree house. ( Biff 와 Chip 의나무집에대한이야기를찾아보세요.) 2 Why is a tree house fund to play in? ( 왜나무위의집에서는놀기좋은가요?)

*Pages 16/17 Up on the tree house platform, Wilma made the video. She filmed everyone inside the little house, then she decided to film the view from the platform itself. As she looked through the viewfinder, she saw two men,. They were running out of the house next door, Wilma saw that they had smashed the window to get inside. She knew at once what the men were. They were burglars. Oh dear! thought Wilma, they have broken in to the house next door, now they are getting away. ( 나무위의집에서 Wilma는비디오를찍었습니다. 작은집안에있는아이들을다찍고플랫폼에서보이는경치를찍기로했어요. 렌즈로보다가 Wilma는두남자를보았습니다. 옆집에서뛰어나오고있었습니다. Wilma는아저씨들이안에들어가려고유리를깬것을보았습니다. Wilma는그사람들이누군지당장알았지요. 바로도둑이었습니다. ' 이런! 옆집에들어갔다가지금도망을간다.' 라고 Wilma는생각했습니다.) 1 What is a burglar? ( 도둑이무엇인가요?) 2 What do you think Wilma will do? (Wilma 는어떻게할까요?) *Pages 18/19 When she saw that the burglars were running away, Wilma made a video of them. One of the burglars ran one way and one of them ran the other way. What are you doing? said the big burglar. I m running away, said the smaller burglar. But we ve parked our car out in the road, said the big one, and you ve got the keys. Oh! Sorry, said the smaller one, I forgot that. Wilma watched the two men. Call the police, she shouted. ( 도둑들이도망가는것을보고 Wilma는비디오로찍었습니다. 도둑한명은한쪽으로가고나머지한명은다른쪽으로갔습니다. " 지금뭐하는거야?" 라고큰도둑이말했습니다. " 도망가는거지." 라고작은도둑이말했습니다. " 우리는길쪽에차를세웠어. 그리고열쇠를네가가지고있자나." 라고큰도둑이말했지요.

" 아미안! 잊어버리고있었다!" 라고작은도둑이말했지요. Wilma 는두도둑을보았지요. " 경찰을불러요." 라고소리쳤습니다.) 1 Why aren t the burglars very clever? ( 도둑들은왜똑똑하지않을까요?) 2 Why was Wilma sensible? ( Wilma 는현명하게행동했나요?) *Pages 20/21 Dad got the phone. He phoned the police. The burglars jumped into their getaway car and zoomed off down the road. By the way, grumbled the big burglar, why is our getaway car bright pink? Any other colour might not be so easily seen, but bright pink? It s the only one I could get, said the other burglar. Meanwhile, Wilma got the burglars on video. They should be easy to spot in a bright pink car, she said. ( 아버지는전화를가지고오셔서경찰에전화를했습니다. 도둑들은차를타고도망갔습니다. " 그런데왜우리가도망치는차는핑크색차지? 다른색차는잘안보일지도모르는데형광핑크색차?" 라고큰도둑이불평했지요. " 이것밖에없었어." 라고다른도둑이말했습니다. 그동안 Wilma는도둑들을비디오로찍었습니다. " 핑크색차를타고가니깐눈에잘띌꺼야." 라고말했지요.) 1 What do you think Dad said to the police? ( 아버지께서경찰에무엇이라고했을까요?) *Pages 22/23 It wasn t long before the police came. They looked at the video Wilma had made. See. said Wilma, I got a good close-up of their faces, thanks to Dad s new camcorder. The police watched as the two burglars ran to their pink car. It s a good video. We should easily catch the burglars after this. Well done, they said.

( 곧경찰이왔습니다. Wilma가찍은비디오를보았지요. " 보세요. 아버지의새비디오카메라덕분에얼굴을크고자세하게찍을수있었어요." 라고 Wilma가말했습니다. 경찰은두도둑이핑크색차로가는모습을보았습니다. " 아주잘찍은비디오다. 이제도둑을쉽게잡을수있을꺼야. 잘했어." 라고경찰이말했습니다.) 1 why were the police pleased? ( 왜경찰들은기뻐했나요?) 2 What is Kipper thinking? How is he feeling? (Kipper 는무슨생각을하고있나요? 어떤기분이지요?) *Page 24 Well it wasn t long before the police caught the burglars. Well done, said the policewoman. It was a brilliant idea to make a film of them running away like that. Yes, it s thanks to your camcorder that we ve caught them, said the policeman. Thanks to Wilma, said Dad. She was the one who made the video. ( 경찰은곧도둑을잡았습니다 " 잘했어요." 라고여경찰이말했어요. " 그렇게도망가는것을비디오로찍다니정말좋은생각이었어요." " 비디오카메라덕분에도둑을잡을수있었어요." 라고경찰은말했어요. "Wilma 덕분이지." 라고아버지께서말씀하셨어요. "Wilma가비디오를찍었으니까.")

; The Balloon Cover/Introduction Have you ever looked up and seen a hot air balloon go floating by? Every time Wilf saw a hot air balloon high, high up it reminded him of a giant sweet floating in the sky. Once when he saw one, he closed one eye and stretched out his arm and he imagined he was a giant about to pluck the sweet out of the air and pop it in his mouth. There are hot air balloons in this story- but it s also about a very good idea Wilf had. ( 열기구가날아가는것을본적이있나요? 매번열기구가높이떠있는것을보면 Wilf는하늘에큰사탕이떠있는것같았지요. 한번은열기구를보고한쪽눈을감고팔을뻗어서자기가하늘에서사탕을빼서입안에다넣으려는거인이라고상상했지요. 이이야기에는열기구도나오지만 Wilf의좋은생각에대한이야기이기도하지요.) *Page 1 One day, when the children were outside on the field with Mrs May, a hot air balloon went by. Everyone stopped to have a look. Aren t they colourful? said Mrs May. Imagine what it must be like to have a ride underneath. ( 어느날아이들이 May 선생님과운동장에서놀고있을때열기구가지나갔습니다. 모두구경하려고하던일을멈추었습니다. " 정말색색깔로화려하지않니? 저안에서기구를타보는게어떨지상상해보렴." 이라고 May 선생님이말씀하셨어요.) Please Mrs May, I know how they float, said a boy called Nicky. They have a burner that sends very hot air into the balloon. Heat always rises, so the balloon floats up because it is full of hot air. ("May 선생님, 저는어떻게기구가뜨는지알아요." 라고 Nicky 라는남자아이가말했습니다. " 기구안에는아주뜨거운공기를불어넣는버너가있어요. 따듯한공기는위로올라가기때문에뜨거운공기로가득찬기구가뜨는것이에요.") Very good, Nicky, said Mrs. May. I think they look like giant sweets said Wilf. I beg your pardon? said Mrs May. (" 아주잘했다 Nicky." 라고 May 선생님이말했습니다. " 나는아주큰사탕같이보여요." 라고 Wilf가말했습니다. " 뭐라고?" 라고 May 선생님이말했어요.) 1. Have you ever seen a hot air balloon? Talk about it. ( 열기구를본적이있나요? 이야기해보세요.)

2. What makes a hot air balloon float up in the sky? ( 열기구는어떻게뜨지요?) *Pages 2/3 As the children watched, some more balloons went floating past. I suppose they do look like great big sweets, said Mrs May. ( 아이들이보고있을때열기구몇개가더지나갔습니다. " 큰사탕같이보이기도하는구나." 라고 May 선생님이말했습니다.) Mrs May had a secret because it was a secret she didn t tell all the children, but she told Wilf what it was. She wanted to go in a balloon. (May 선생님은비밀이있었습니다. 비밀이었기때문에모두에게말하지않았지만 Wilf에게는가르쳐주었습니다. May 선생님은열기구가타고싶었습니다.) I ve always wanted to have a ride in one, she said. But I don t suppose I ever shall. Imagine looking down at the houses and cars and trees. It must be like being a bird. (" 언제꼭한번열기구가타고싶었단다. 그런데그럴수없을것같아. 집과차와나무를내려다보는것을상상해봐. 새가된것같을꺼야.") 1.How many balloons went floating past? ( 몇개의열기구가떠지나갔지요?) 2. What was Mrs May s secret? (May 선생님의비밀은무엇인가요?) 3. Do you have a secret ambition? ( 비밀로하고싶은것이있나요? 무엇이지요?) *Pages 4/5 Later that morning Mrs May called the children into the reading corner because it was time to watch television. Everyone was looking forward to the programme because it was all about the way children lived a hundred years ago. Mrs May switched the set on but the picture was all fuzzy. Ohhh! moaned the children.

( 그날오후텔레비전을볼시간이어서 May 선생님은아이들은책읽는곳으로불렀습니다. 백년전의아이들에대한프로그램이었기때문에모두기대하고있었습니다. May 선생님은 텔레비전을켰지만화면이잘안나왔지요. " 아!!" 라고아이들은투덜댔지요.) They didn t have televisions a hundred years ago, said Mrs May, and they didn t have nice bright reading corners like this one, so stop fidgeting while I try adjust the picture. (" 백년전에는텔레비전도없었단다. " 라고 May 선생님은말씀하셨어요. 그리고여기와같이책읽는예쁜장소도없었지. 그러니까화면을맞출때까지가만히있으렴.") Suddenly the television went wrong. Some smoke curled out of the back of the set. ( 갑자기텔레비전이이상해졌어요. 뒤에서검은연기가나기시작했어요.) Oh no! said Mrs May. (" 이런!" May 선생님이말했습니다.) 1. Where do you watch television at school? ( 학교에서는텔레비전을어디서보지요?) 2. Which is your favorite schools programme? ( 가장좋아하는학교프로그램이무엇이지요?) 3. How did the children feel when the television went wrong? ( 텔레비전이고장나자아이들은어떤기분이었나요?) *Pages 6/7 At lunch time, Mrs May asked Nadim and Wilf to help her. She had to do some photocopying. You two can put the sheets of paper in the right order, said Mrs May. I want to make them into little booklets. ( 점심시간에 May 선생님은 Nadim과 Wilf에게도와달라고하였습니다. 복사를해야했습니다. " 너희둘은종이를순서대로놓으면돼. 나는작은책자로만들고싶단다." 라고말했습니다.) Suddenly the photocopier went wrong. A curl of nasty-smelling smoke rose up out of the side of the copier. Oh blow! said Mrs May. Now I shan t get my booklets ready in time.

( 갑자기복사기가이상해졌어요. 복사기옆쪽에서지독한냄새가나는연기가나기시작했 어요. " 아니이런! 이제책자를제시간까지못만들겠네." 라고 May 선생님은말하셨어요.) 1. What does a photocopier do? ( 복사기로무엇을하지요?) 2. Why is a photocopier useful in school? ( 학교에서복사기는쓸모가있나요?) *Pages 8/9 It was Wilf s turn to use the computer. The trouble was that every time he pressed the Enter key, nothing happened. Mrs May Mrs May! called Wilf. I can t get the computer to work properly. Mrs May called Mr Johnson. Hmmmmm! said Mr Johnson. I don t know! (Wilf가컴퓨터를쓸차례였습니다. 문제는 Wilf가 enter 키를눌러도아무일도일어나지않는다는것이었어요. "May 선생님! May 선생님!" Wilf가불렀습니다. " 컴퓨터를제대로못하겠어요. May 선생님은 Johnson 선생님을불렀습니다. " 흠.. 나도잘모르겠다." 라고 Johnson 선생님이말했습니다.) Suddenly the computer went wrong altogether. Oh bother! said Mrs May. ( 갑자기컴퓨터가아예고장났습니다. ' 아니이런!" May 선생님이말했습니다 ) 1. What do you think Wilf is saying to Mr Johnson? (Wilf 가 Johnson 선생님에게무엇이라고말하고있을까요?) 2. What is happening to the graphics on the computer screen? ( 컴퓨터스크린의그래픽스는어떻게되고있나요?) *Pages 10/11 Later in the week, when Wilf and Wilma came home, they had a letter to give to their mum and dad. The school wanted some money because they had to buy a new television and a new computer and pay to have to photocopier mended. ( 같은주며칠뒤에 Wilf와 Wilma는어머니와아버지께드릴편지를가지고집에왔습니다. 학교는새로운텔레비전과컴퓨터를사고복사기를고쳐야해서돈을필요로했습니다.)

Well, said Dad. The letter want to know how we can raise lots of money to buy the new equipment, (" 이편지는우리가어떻게돈을모을지에대한생각을알려달라고했구나." 라고아버지께서말씀하셨어요.) Wilf had an idea. He remembered the hot air balloon he had seen that morning. I think I know a way the school could raise lots of money, he said. (Wilf에게좋은생각이있었습니다. Wilf는그날아침본열기구가생각났습니다. " 학교가돈을많이모을수있는방법을알것같아요." 라고 Wilf가말했습니다.) 1. Why did the school write to the parent? ( 왜학교에서부모님께편지를보냈지요?) 2. What do you think Wilf s idea is? (Wilf 의계획은무엇일까요?) *Pages 12/13 Wilf told Dad what his idea was, and Dad liked it, so he told Mr Johnson. The idea was to sell tickets to win a ride in a hot air balloon. Everyone liked Wilf s idea. It s a good idea, everyone said. And because it was a good way to make money for the school fund, everyone bought tickets. (Wilf는아버지께계획을말씀드렸고아버지도마음에들어하셔서 Johnson 선생님께말씀드렸습니다. 바로열기구에타는당첨티켓을파는것이었습니다. 모두들 Wilf의계획을좋아했습니다. " 좋은생각이다." 라고모두가말했지요. 그리고학교를위해돈을모을좋을방법이어서모든아이들이티켓을샀습니다.) 1. What was Wilf s idea? (Wilf 의계획은무엇이었지요?) 2. Do you think children would be allowed to go up in the hot air balloon? ( 아이들은열기구를탈수있을까요?) *Page 14/15 Mrs May bought lots of tickets. She was really excited by the idea of the competition

and she wanted to go in the balloon. I hope you sod me the winning ticket, she joked as she gave Mr Johnson the money. There s almost enough here for you to buy your own balloon Noreen, laughed Mr Johnson. (May 선생님은티켓을많이샀습니다. 추첨이야기에신이나셨고열기구를정말타고싶어하셨지요. " 당첨티켓을샀으면좋겠어요." 하고 May 선생님은 Johnson 선생님께돈을내면서농담으로말했답니다. " 열기구를살수있을만큼여기많이있네요, May 선생." 이라고 Johnson 선생님은웃으셨지요.) 1. Why did Mrs May buy so many tickets? (May 선생님은왜그렇게티켓을많이사셨지요?) 2. Why would it be nice if Mrs May won the prize? (May 선생님이당첨되면왜좋을까요?) *Pages 16/17 Because it had been Wilf s idea, Mr Johnson said that he could draw out the winning ticket from the big wire drum. Wilf put on his suit because he wanted to look smart on the day. Mrs Richards, the Chairman of the School Governors was going to announce who the winner was. (Wilf의생각이었기때문에 Johnson 선생님은 Wilf가큰드럼통에서당첨티켓을뽑을수있게해주었습니다. Wilf는멋있어보이려고양복을입었습니다. 학교이사회장인 Richard 부인이당첨자를발표하기로했습니다.) All the tickets stubs were in a big wire drum. Turn the handle, Wilf, said Mr Johnson, to make sure the tickets are all mixed up. Wilf turned the drum round three times. Three s a lucky number, he thought, and I wish I wish ( 모든티켓표는큰드럼통안에있었습니다. "Wilf야티켓이잘섞이도록손잡이를돌리렴." 이라고 Johnson 선생님이말했습니다. Wilf는드럼을세번돌렸습니다. '3은행운의숫자이지요. 그리고꼭... 꼭...' 이라고생각했지요.) Then he opened the little flap in the drum and pulled out a ticket. Mrs Richards read out the name written on it. The winner is Mrs May, she announced. So Mrs May won the prize. She won a ride in the balloon. Her secret dream had come true after all. Hooray! said Wilf. ( 드럼의뚜껑을열고티켓을꺼냈습니다. Richard 부인이적혀진이름을발표했습니다. " 당첨자는 May 선생님입니다." 라고발표했지요. May 선생님이당첨되었어요. 열기구를탈수있게되었지요. 비밀의꿈은이루어졌지요. " 야호!" 라고 Wilf는말했습니다.)

1. What do you think Wilf s wish was? (Wilf 의소원은무엇이었을까요?) 2. Why was Mrs May so ecited? (May 선생님은왜그렇게기뻐했을까요?) *Pages 18/19 That afternoon, Mrs May went up in the balloon. Hooray, shouted everyone, as the balloon slowly began to rise up in the air. It s wonderful, said Mrs May. ( 그날오후 May 선생님은열기구를탔습니다. 열기구가뜨자 " 야호!" 라고모두들소리를지르기시작했습니다. " 정말아름답다." 라고 May 선생님이말씀했습니다.) Have a safe trip! called Mr Johnson, and don t forget to take some good photographs. I won t! called Mrs May, and they both had to shout quite loudly to say this because by then the balloon had floated up over the school and Mrs May s secret dream had begun to come true. (" 조심히다녀오세요. 그리고좋은사직찍는것잊지마시고요." 라고 Johnson 선생님께서말했습니다. " 안잊을게요." 라고 May 선생님은소리쳤습니다. 둘다큰소리로말해야했지요. 왜냐하면기구는학교위로높이올라가기시작했고선생님의꿈이이루어졌으니까요.) 1. How do you think Mrs May was feeling? (May 선생님의기분은어떨까요?) 2. Why did Mrs May have a camera? What do you think she will photograph? ( 왜선생님은사진기를가지고있었을까요? 어떤사진을찍을까요?) *Pages 20/21 The balloon floated up over the school. Higher and higher it went. Mrs May saw the stream that ran through the park. It looks like a thin silver ribbon, she thought. ( 기구는학교위로날아올라갔어요. 높이높이올라갔지요. May 선생님은공원을질러가는냇물을보았어요. " 얇은은색실같구나." 라고생각했습니다.)

Everything looked so much smaller from high up. The people looked like tiny dolls and the cars looked like toy cars. Below she saw the houses with their little gardens, with tiny sheds and greenhouses. She looked down at the park and saw the pond and the play area. This is what a bird must see, she thought. ( 모든것은위에서조그맣게보였습니다. 사람들은작은인형같고자동차들은장난감자동차같았어요. 밑에있는집과작은창고와온실이있는작은정원을보았지요. 공원을내려다보고연못과놀이터를보았어요. ' 새는이런것을보겠구나.' 라고그녀는생각했어요.) Then she remembered that she had here camera, so she took this photograph. ( 그리고사진기가있다는것이생각나서사진을찍었지요.) 1. Find the house with the swing in the garden. Who lived there? ( 그네가있는집을찾아보세요. 누가살고있지요?) 2. Wilf and Wilma live in a house with a red wheelbarrow in the garden. Where is it? (Wilf 와 Wilma 는정원에빨간수레가있는집에살지요. 집을가리켜보세요.) 3. Talk about places on the photograph where other stories have taken place. ( 다른이야기들이있었던사진속의장소에대해이야기해보세요.) *Pages 22/23 Everyone was pleased with the Grand Draw. The school made lots of money. The teachers were especially pleased. They bought lots of things- everything that the school badly needed. In fact they were able to afford two new computers. They had a photocopier mended and they hired a new television. ( 모두들당첨에대해기뻐했어요. 학교는돈을많이모았지요. 선생님들이특히기뻐했어요. 많은것을샀답니다. 전부학교가꼭필요로하던것이었지요. 실제로두개의새로운컴퓨터도살수있게되었지요. 복사기도고치고텔레비전도새로샀어요.) Mrs May was pleased. Not only did my secret dream come true, she said, but the school made lots of money to buy new equipment. She was so pleased, she gave Wilf a present. After all, the balloon was your idea, she said. (May 선생님은기뻤습니다. " 내비밀꿈도이루어지고학교도돈을모아서새로운물건을샀어." 라고말하셨습니다. 선생님은너무기뻐서 Wilf에게선물을주셨습니다. " 열기구타는것은너의생각이었잖아." 라고말했지요.)

1. What else did the school buy? ( 학교는또무엇을샀지요?) 2. What do you think Mrs May is going to give Wilf? (May 선생님은 Wilf 에게무엇을줄까요?) *Page 24 Mrs May gave Wilf a photograph. It s a bird s eye view of the area, she said. Wilf was thrilled with the photograph. I can see our house, he said. And look, there s Biff and chip s neighbour looking over the fence. ( 선생님은 Wilf에게사진을주었습니다. " 이지역을 ' 새의눈 ' 으로본거야." Wilf는사진을받고기뻐했습니다. " 우리집도볼수있다. 그리고 Biff와 Chip의옆집이웃이담을넘겨보고있어요.") Mrs May smiled. I m glad you like it, she said. I do. Thank you, said Wilf. (May 선생님은웃었습니다. " 좋아한다니기쁘다." 라고말하셨지요. " 예좋아요. 감사합니 다." 라고 Wilf 가말했습니다.)

; The Weather Vane Cover/Introduction Do you know what a weather vane is? You sometimes see them on the top of tall buildings. There is usually one on the top of a church spire. Sometimes you see them on e quite new buildings, like a supermarket or a modern town hall. ( 풍향계가무엇인지아나요? 높은빌딩위에서가끔볼수있지요. 주로교회의뾰족탑위에있어요. 때때로슈퍼마켓이나마을회관같이새로운건물위에있을때도있답니다.) Which ever way the wind blows, the weather vane will swing round. When people look up at it they can see which direction the wind is blowing from. If the wind is coming from the south-west, people say, We re in for some rain. If the wind blows from the north-east, people say, It s going to be cold. Maybe we re in for some snow. ( 바람이부는방향대로풍향계는돌아갑니다. 사람들은풍향계를보면바람이어느쪽으로불고있는지알수있지요. 만약바람이남서쪽에서불어오면사람들은 " 비가오겠네." 라고말하지요. 바람이남동쪽에서불어오면사람들은 " 추워지겠구나. 어쩌면눈이올수도있겠네." 라고말합니다.) This story is all about what happened when Wilf and Wilma went to a building site with their Dad to see a weather vane being pit on the new supermarket. ( 이이야기는 Wilf와 Wilma가아버지와함께새로운슈퍼마켓에풍향계를다는것을보러갔을때생긴일입니다.) *Page 1 Dad worked for a building company. He was the site manager. His company was building a big supermarket. ( 아버지는건물을짓는회사에서일하셨어요. 아버지는현장감독입니다. 아버지회사는큰슈퍼마켓을짓고있었습니다.) We re putting a weather vane on top of the supermarket this morning, he said. Do you want to come and watch? (" 오늘아침에슈퍼마켓위에풍향계를놓는단다. 와서구경하고싶니?" 라고아버지께서물어보셨어요.)

I d like to come, said Wilf, but I don t know what a weather vane is. Well you ll soon find out, said dad, and on the way we ll look up at all the tall buildings, to see if we can see any other weather vanes. (" 가고싶은데풍향계가무엇인지몰라요." 라고 Wilf가말했어요. " 그래, 곧알게될거야." 라고아버지는말씀했습니다. " 그리고오는길에큰빌딩을모두보고다른풍향계들도찾아보자." 라고하셨어요.) So when Dad went to the building site that morning. He took Wilf and Wilma. ( 그래서그날아침아버지께서빌딩을짓는장소에 Wilf 와 Wilma 도함께데리고가셨어 요.) 1. What are they wearing on the heads? Why? ( 머리에무엇을쓰고있나요? 왜쓰고있지요?) 2. What are they wearing on their feet? ( 발에는무엇을신고있나요?) 3. What else can you wear to protect yourself? ( 또몸을보호하기위해서무엇을입을수있지요?) 3. Point to where on the building you think the weather vane will go. ( 빌딩의어디에풍향계가생길지가리켜보세요.) *Pages 2/3 Dad showed Wilf and Wilma the building site. They looked at the crane. The cab is such a long way up, said Wilma, looking up. How does the crane operator know what to do? ( 아버지는 Wilf와 Wilma에게건물을짓는곳을보여주었습니다. 아이들은크레인을보았지요. " 조종사실이굉장히위에있어요." 라고 Wilma가위를바라보면서말했지요. " 어떻게조종사가무엇을해야할지알지요?") Dad had a two-way radio. We can talk to him with this, he said. ( 아버지는무선라디오가있었습니다. " 이걸로이야기를할수있지." 라고말했습니다.) What s it like working up there? asked Wilma. (" 저위에서일하는것은어떻지요?" 라고 Wilma 가물었습니다.)

Dad handed her the radio. Why don t you ask him? he said. ( 아버지는 Wilma 에게라디오를주었습니다. " 아저씨에게물어보는것이어떠니?" 라고말했 습니다.) So Wilma spoke to the man in the cab. ( 그래서 Wilma 는기관사실의아저씨와이야기했답니다.) That was great! she said afterwards. I d like to be a crane operator when I grow up. (" 정말굉장했어!" 라고 Wilma 는나중에말했습니다. " 나도커서기관사가되어야지.") 1. What would you ask the man in the cab? ( 기관사실의아저씨에게무엇을물어볼건가요?) 2. Would you like to be a crane operator? Why? ( 크레인의기관사가되고싶나요? 왜그런가요?) 3. Why does a building site need a big crane like this one? ( 왜건물을짓는데는이렇게큰크레인이필요한가요?) *Pa Pages 4/5 Later on, a van came to the building site. It had a weather vane on the back. The weather vane was a large, flat metal cockerel. ( 나중에건물짓는현장에차가왔습니다. 뒤에는풍향계를싣고있었어요. 풍향계는금속으로된커다랗고납작한수탉모양이었지요.) That s the weather vane, said Wilma. When they are shaped like a cockerel, people call them weather cocks. (" 저것이풍향계야. 수탉같이생겼으면닭모양풍향계라고하지.") It s not made of real gold is it? asked Wilf. (" 진짜금으로만든것은아니지?" 라고 Wilf 가물었습니다.) No, laughed Dad. If it was gold, it would be worth a fortune. (" 아니야. 만약에진짜금이었으면정말비쌌겠지." 라고아버지는웃으면서말씀하셨어요.) 1. What letter can you see on the weather cane? What does it stand for? What other letters are on the weather vane?

( 풍향계에는어떤글씨들이써있지요? 무엇의약자이지요? 풍향계에왜글씨가써있지요?) 2. Why is the metal cockerel flat and not round and fat? ( 왜풍향계는둥그렇지않고납작한가요?) *Pages 6/7 Dad helped to lift the weather cane from the can. Wilf gave the metal cockerel a gentle push and it slowly spun around and round. ( 아버지는차에서풍향계를꺼내는것을도와주었습니다. Wilf는풍향계를살짝돌렸고풍향계는느릿느릿돌기시작했습니다.) Now I can see what happened when the wind blows, said Wilf. The cock swings round and the head points to where the wind is coming from. (" 이제바람이불면어떻게되는지알겠어." 라고 Wilf가말했어요. " 닭은돌아가면서바람이부는쪽으로머리를돌리지.") Dad pointed to the roof of the supermarket. It will look good up there, he said. People will see it every time they go past. ( 아버지는슈퍼마켓의지붕을가리켰습니다. " 저위에다놓으면멋있을거야." 라고말씀하셨지요." 사람들은지나갈때마다풍향계를볼꺼야.") Wilf looked at the weather vane. Dad had an idea.. a very good idea indeed. (Wilf 는풍향계를보았습니다. 아버지에게좋은생각이떠올랐습니다. 아주좋은생각이었지 요.) 1. See if you can explain how the weather cane works. ( 풍향계가어떻게돌아가는지설명해보세요.) 2. What do you think Dad s idea is? ( 아버지의계획이무엇일까요?) *Page 8/9 Wilf found a big wooden box which he pulled close to the weather vane. He asked Wilma to hold his camera. Then he climbed on to the box. (Wilf는커다란나무상자를찾아서풍향계가까이놓았습니다. Wilf는 Wilma에게사진기를가지고있으라고했지요. 그리고상자위에올라갔습니다.)

Be careful! warned Dad. Make sure you don t injure yourself or damage the weather vane. (" 조심해라!" 라고아버지께서이야기하셨지요. " 다치지말고풍향계도망가트리지말아라.") Then, with one enormous leap, Wilf jumped over the weather vane. Be careful, said Dad. Now I can say I jumped over it, said Wilf. ( 그리고나서한번크게뛰어 Wilf는풍향계위를뛰어넘어갔습니다. " 조심해!" 라고아버지가말했습니다. " 이제내가풍향계위를뛰어넘었다고할수있다." 라고 Wilf가말했습니다.) Wilma wanted to jump, too. I don t get it yet, she said, but I want to jump all the same. (Wilma도뛰어넘고싶었습니다. " 왜뛰어넘는지아직잘모르겠지만나도똑같이하고싶어." 라고 Wilma가말했지요.) 1. Why did Wilf want to jump over the weather vane? ( 왜 Wilf 는풍향계위를뛰어넘고싶어했나요?) *Pages10/11 Wilma climbed on the box. Be careful, shouted Dad. Don t worry, she said. This is easy-peasy. (Wilma는상자위에올라갔습니다. " 조심해라." 라고아버지께서소리치셨어요. " 걱정마세요. 정말쉬운데요." 라고 Wilma가말했습니다.) Take a photograph, said Wilma. Wilf took a photograph as she jumped over the weather vane. Brilliant! said Wilf. Don t you see, Wilma. Now we can say we have jumped over it. Oh I get it, now, said Wilma. (" 사진을찍어줘." 라고말했지요. Wilf는 Wilma가풍향계위를넘을때사진을찍었습니다. " 잘됐다!" 라고 Wilf가말했습니다. " 아직모르겠니 Wilma야, 이제우리는풍향계위를뛰어넘었다고말할수있어." 라고했지요. " 아이제알겠다." 라고 Wilma가말했습니다.) 1. Do you get it? ( 이해가되나요?)

2. Why is Wilf taking a photograph? ( 왜 Wilf 는사진을찍었나요?) *Pages 12/13 At last everything was ready. Big strips were put on the weather vane so that it could be lifted up by the crane. The weather vane went on the roof. Wilf took a photograph. ( 드디어모든준비가끝났습니다. 크레인으로끌고올라갈수있도록풍향계에큰줄을달았지요. 풍향계는지붕위에올려졌습니다. Wilf는사진을찍었지요.) It looks small, said Wilma. We;;, it looks small from down here. It was quite big, really. Things always look small when they are a long way away, said Dad. (" 아주작아보인다." 라고 Wilma가말했습니다. " 이밑에서는작아보이네. 실제로는꽤컸는데." " 멀리있는물건은항상작아보인단다." 라고아버지께서말씀하셨어요.) 1. What other things look small because they are far away? ( 다른어떤것들이멀리있어서작아보이나요?) *Pages 14/15 About a week or two later, Biff and Chip s Dad took Wilf and Wilma and Biff to the new supermarket. ( 이주일후에 Biff와 Chip의아버지가 Wilf와 Wilma와 Biff와 Chip을새로운슈퍼마켓으로데리고갔지요.) It s the Grand Opening today, said Biff. Dad says he might come here to do all the shopping in the future. It looks very smart, said Biff. (" 슈퍼마켓이열리는개장일이다." 라고 Biff가말했습니다. " 이제부터는여기에서쇼핑을할지도모른다고아빠가말했어. 정말멋있다.") Wilf winked at Wilma. They both looked up at the roof. See the weather vane, said Wilf pointing up at it. We ve jumped over it, said Wilma. (Wilf는 Wilma에게윙크를했습니다. 그리고둘다지붕을보았지요. " 저풍향계가보이지." 라고 Wilf가위를가리키면서말했습니다. " 우리는저위를뛰어넘었다." 라고 Wilma가말했습니다.)

Biff and Chip laughed. Don t be silly, said Chip. It s much too high for anyone to jump over. Nobody can jump over a roof - except Superman. What a tall story! said Biff. (Biff와 Chip은웃었습니다. " 웃기지마. 저위는사람이넘기에는너무높아. 아무도지붕위를뛰어넘을수없어. 슈퍼맨빼고는." 이라고 Chip이말했지요. " 거짓말!" 이라고 Biff가말했습니다.) 1. What sort of shopping will Dad do in the supermarket? ( 아버지는슈퍼마켓에서어떤것을살까요?) 2. Does your mum or dad shop in a local supermarket? What is it like? ( 아버지나어머니가동네슈퍼마켓에서물건을사나요? 어떤가요?) 3. Why didn t Biff and Chip believe Wilf and Wilma? ( 왜 Biff 와 Chip 은 Wilf 와 Wilma 를믿지않았지요?) *Page 16 So you don t believe we ve jumped over that weather vane, said Wilma. Of coarse not, said Biff. You re pulling our legs. (" 우리가저풍향계위를뛰어넘었다는것을믿지않는구나." 라고 Wilma가말했습니다. " 당연하지." 지금속이고있잖아." 라고 Biff가말했습니다.) But Wilf had a photograph. It showed Wilma leaping over the weather vane. See, he said. ( 그런데 Wilf는사진을가지고있었습니다. Wilma가풍향계위를뛰어넘는사진이었습니다. " 자봐." 라고 Wilf가말했습니다.) 1. What do you think Biff and chip said when they say the photograph? (Biff 와 Chip 이사진을보고뭐라고했을까요?) 2. What does the expression pull someone s leg mean? (' 놀리다. 속이다 ' 는무슨뜻인가요?) 3. Do you think Biff and chip guessed how Wilf and Wilma had jumped over the weather vane? ( Biff 와 Chip 이 Wilf 와 Wilma 가어떻게풍향계위를뛰어넘었는지알아낼수있을까요?)

; The Wedding Cover/Introduction In this picture you can see Wilf and Wilma with their Auntie Jo. Don t Wilf and Wilma look smart? Do you know why? They are just about to go to a wedding. You can see that it is Jo who is getting married. She is the bride. Wilma is going to be a bridesmaid at Jo s wedding. Wilf is just going to the wedding to enjoy himself. He didn t want to go to the wedding when he first heard about it because he didn t want to be a pageboy. ( 이사진에서 Wilf와 Wilma와 Jo 이모를볼수있지요. Wilf와 Wilma가멋있어보이지않나요? 왜그런지알고있나요? 막결혼식에가려는참이지요. 결혼하는것은 Jo 이모라는것을알수있지요. Jo 이모는신부입니다. Wilma는 Jo 이모의결혼식에서들러리를섰습니다. Wilf는그냥좋아서결혼식에가는것입니다. Wilf는들러리가되기싫어서처음엔결혼식에가고싶어하지않았지요. ) 1. Have you ever been to a wedding? Tell me about it. ( 결혼식에가본적이있나요? 이야기해보세요.) *Page 1 Jo was Mum s sister. She had some exciting news for everyone. She was getting married. Her fiancée, Jake, had given her a beautiful engagement ring. (Jo는어머니의여동생입니다. 모두에게기대되는소식을가지고왔지요. 바로결혼을한다는소식이었습니다. 약혼자인 Jake가아름다운약혼반지를주었습니다.) Congratulations! said Mum. I love weddings, and this one will be really special, because it s my sister s wedding. (" 축하한다!" 라고어머니께서말씀하셨어요. " 나는결혼식이좋아그리고이번결혼식은내동생결혼식이라서특별할꺼야." 라고말했습니다.) I would like Wilma to be my bridesmaid, said Jo. ("Wilma 가내들러리를했으면좋겠어." 라고 Jo 이모는말했지요.) Oh yes, I d love to, said Wilma, excitedly. (" 좋아요, 저하고싶어요." 하고 Wilma 는신나서말했습니다.)

Do you want to be a pageboy? joked Mum. ("Wilf 도들러리가되었으면좋겠니?" 라고어머니께서농담하셨지요.) What a good idea! laughed Jo. (" 정말좋은생각이다!" 리고 Jo 이모가웃으셨습니다.) 1. What is a pageboy? ( 들러리가무엇이지요?) 2. Did Jo really want Wilf to be her pageboy? (Jo 이모는정말로 Wilf 가들러리가되기를바랬나요?) 3. What is Jo s ring called? (Jo 이모의반지는어떤반지인가요?) *Pages 2/3 Wilma was happy. She loved the idea of Jo s wedding. Well, she wanted to be a bridesmaid. Wilf was unhappy. He hadn t realized that Mum and Jo were only joking and although he loved the idea of J s wedding, too, he didn t want to be a pageboy. (Wilma는기뻤습니다. Jo 이모의결혼식생각을하면너무좋았습니다. 신부들러리가되고싶었지요. Wilf는별로기분이좋지않았어요. 어머니와 Jo 이모가농담하고있었다는것을몰랐지요. Jo 이모의결혼식은좋았지만들러리가되기는싫었어요.) He wasn t too sure what a pageboy actually did at a wedding, but in his mind, he saw himself as a sort of boy bridesmaid. What would a boy bridesmaid look like, he wondered. Would he have to dress up in a yellow and pink satin suit, with bows and frills on it? The more he thought about being a pageboy, the more unhappy he became. (Wilf는들러리가결혼식에서무엇을하는지확실히잘몰랐지만그냥신부들러리와같다고생각했지요. 신랑들러리는어떨지궁금했어요. 노랗고핑크로되어있고리본과레이스가달린옷을입어야하나요? 들러리가되는생각을하면할수록더기분이안좋아졌어요.) 1. What was Wilf unhappy about? (Wilf 는왜기분이안좋았지요?)

2. What did he imagine he d have to wear? ( Wilf 는어떤옷을입어야할것이라고생각했나요?) 3. Do you think he looks good in this pageboy outfit? (Wilf 는신랑들러리옷이잘어울릴까요?) *Pages 4/5 As the day of Jo s wedding drew nearer, the grandparents came. They came for the wedding, of course, but they also came for a long holiday. Wilf and Wilma had never seen these grandparents before because they lived on an island in the Caribbean. Dad had been to meet them at the airport, and when they arrived home, Wilf and Wilma ran to greet them. Grandmother! called Wilma, running to give her a hug. (Jo 이모의결혼식날이가까워지자할머니와할아버지께서오셨습니다. 물론결혼식때문에오셨지만긴휴가를즐기려고오셨지요. Wilf와 Wilma는할머니할아버지께서 Caribbean의섬에사셨기때문에두분을한번도본적이없었어요. 아버지는공항에마중을나가셨고집에도착하셨을때 Wilf와 Wilma가인사를하러달려나갔습니다. " 할머니!" 라고 Wilma가할머니를안으러달려가면서불렀습니다.) Hello! called the grandparents. Here we are at last. (" 안녕얘들아우리가드디어왔단다." 라고할아버지할머니는말씀하셨습니다.) What a journey! they said. Getting to England was easy. The worst part was driving on the motorway! (" 정말대단한여행이었다! 영국에오는것은쉬웠는데고속도로를타고오는것이가장힘들었지!" 라고말씀하셨어요.) 1. Do your grandparents live near you, or do they live a long way away? ( 할머니할아버지께서근처에살고계신가요아니면멀리살고계신가요?) 2. Why hadn t Wilf and Wilma ever seen these grandparents before? ( 왜 Wilf 와 Wilma 는할아버지할머니를한번도보지못했나요?) *Pages 6/7 For the next few days, Jo s wedding was the only thing that anyone talked about. Wilf didn t mind, except that all the time he kept dreading the moment when Jo and Mum

would round thinking about his pageboy suit. Jo bought some pretty pink material, and Mum made Wilma s dress. Grandmother helped. ( 다음며칠동안모두들 Jo의결혼식에대해서만이야기했습니다. Wilf는상관이없었지만 Jo 이모와엄마가들러리옷생각을할때가올까봐걱정이되었습니다. Jo 이모는예쁜핑크색천을사오셨고어머니는 Wilma의옷을만들었습니다. 할머니께서도와주셨습니다.) Jo had rather a lot of the material over. Grandmother looked at Jo and winked. There s enough there for a pageboy outfit, she said. (Jo 이모에게꽤많은천이남았습니다. 할머니께서 Jo 이모를보시고는윙크를하셨지요. " 신랑들러리옷을만들기에도충분하구나." 라고말씀하셨지요.) Wilf looked at the material. He tried to imagine what he would look like in a suit made out of it. Oh no! he thought. (Wilf는천을보았습니다. 그것으로양복을만들면어떨지상상해보았습니다. ' 안돼!' 라고생각했습니다.) 1. Describe to me the suit that Wilf thinks he might have to wear. ( Wilf 가입어야될지도모르겠다고생각한옷을설명해보세요.) 2. How do you know that Grandmother and Jo are joking? ( 할머니와이모께서농담하고있다는것을어떻게알수있지요?) *Page 8/9 The next thing to think about was the food for the wedding. Grandmother made the cake. It wasn t just one cake. It was three cakes, each one getting smaller. Grandmother put on top of the other. Then she iced it. Why is it called a wedding cake? asked Biff. After all, there are three caked altogether, ( 다음에생각해야할것은결혼식음식이었습니다. 할머니께서케이크를만드셨습니다. 그냥케이크하나가아니었지요. 세개의케이크였는데점점작아졌습니다. 할머니께서는하나씩쌓아올리셨습니다. 그리고나서아이싱크림을발랐지요. " 왜결혼식케이크라고부르죠?" 라고 Wilma가물었습니다." 그냥케이크세개를쌓아놓은것인데.") I don t know, said grandmother. It s just that when you put them all together, it s called a cake.

(" 나도모르겠다." 라고할머니께서말씀하셨습니다. " 다합쳐놓으면그냥결혼식케이크가 된단다.") Wilma stood on a chair. She reached up to the top of the cake and put a bride and groom on it. It s so wonderful, said Jo. (Wilma는의자위에올라갔습니다. 케이크위에신랑과신부를올려놓았습니다. " 너무예쁘다." 라고 Jo 이모가말씀하셨습니다.) 1. What was Wilma puzzled about? (Wilma 는무엇을궁금해했나요?) 2. What do you think Wilf is thinking? (Wilf 는무슨생각을하고있을까요?) *Page 10/11 At last Wilma s dress was finished. Biff and Chip came to see it. So did their Mum. Everyone thought that the dress looked lovely, and Biff and Chip s mum said how clever Wilma s mum was. ( 드디어 Wilma의드레스가완성되었습니다. Biff와 Chip이구경하러왔습니다. 아주머니도오셨지요. 모두들드레스가예쁘다고생각했고 Biff와 Chip의어머니는 Wilma의어머니께서현명하시다고하셨어요.) I just love the bridesmaid s elegant footwear! said Biff in a funny voice, as she looked at Wilma s trainers. Everyone laughed. (" 들러리의세련된신발이정말마음에들어!" 라고 Biff가 Wilma의운동화를보고이상한목소리로말했습니다. 모두가웃었지요.) I like weddings, said Chip. I don t, said Wilf. He dreaded the moment that Mum would begin making his pageboy suit. (" 나는결혼식이좋아." 라고 Chip이말했습니다. " 나는싫어." 라고 Wilf가말했습니다. Wilf는어머니가들러리옷을만들기시작할까봐겁이났습니다.) 1. Do you think Wilma will wear her trainers for the wedding? (Wilma 가결혼식날에운동화를신을까요?)

*Pages 12/13 13 The moment came! Jo took Wilf s measurements, and she gave them to Mum. We ve got to think about your suit now, said Mum. ( 그순간이왔습니다! Jo 이모는 Wilf의옷치수를재고어머니께드렸습니다. " 이제네양복을생각해보아야겠구나." 라고어머니께서말씀하셨어요.) Wilf was unhappy. He saw himself in dreadful pageboy suit. What would Biff and Chip say when they saw him dressed up with bows and frills and maybe-yuk!-even a hat! (Wilf는기분이안좋았어요. 이상한들러리옷을입고있는모습을상상했지요. 리본과레이스가달리고어쩌면으악! 모자까지쓴 wilf를보고 Biff와 Chip이뭐라고할까요!) One think was certain. He didn t want to be a pageboy. ( 한가지는분명했습니다. Wilf 는신랑들러리가되기싫었지요.) 1. Talk about the suit that Wilf is thinking about. (Wilf 가생각하고있는양복에대해서이야기해보세요.) 2. What do the letters and numbers on the horseshoe mean? ( 편지에새겨진숫자와글자들은무슨뜻일까요?) *Pa Page 14/15 Mum had been shopping. She had a surprise for Wilf. She, and Grandmother and Jo came home with loads of bags and packages and parcels. ( 어머니께서쇼핑을하셨습니다. Wilf에게깜짝선물이있었지요. 어머니와 Jo 이모와할머니께서는집에많은상자와봉지를들고오셨지요.0 I haven t enjoyed myself for ages, said grandmother. Mum handed Wilf a carrier bag. What is it? asked Wilf. (" 이렇게즐거웠던것은정말오랜만이구나." 라고할머니께서말씀하셨습니다. 어머니는 Wilf에게쇼핑백을주셨어요. " 이게무엇이지요?" 라고 Wilf가물었습니다.)

1. What do you think the surprise is? ( 깜짝선물은무엇일까요?) *Page 16/17 It s a suit, said Mum. She pulled a smart blue suit out of the bag and held it up to show Wilf. But but I thought! said Wilf. (" 양복이란다." 라고어머니께서말씀하셨어요. 어머니께서는멋있는파란양복을꺼내서 Wilf에게보여주려고들고계셨습니다. " 그.. 그런데저는!" 이라고 Wilf는말했지요.) You thought I wanted you to be a pageboy. Well you re not a pageboy, said Jo. (" 내가 Wilf 가들러리가되었으면좋겠다고생각하는줄알았지? 너는신랑들러리가아니 야." 라고 Jo 이모께서말씀하셨어요.) Grandmother laughed so much that everyone else began too. Even Wilf. It was a joke, said Grandmother. Now try the suit on. I can t wait to see you in it. It s your first suit, and I m going to be so proud of you when I see you looking so smart and grown up. ( 할머니께서너무웃으셔서모두웃기시작했습니다. Wilf도웃었지요. " 그냥장난이었단다." 라고할머니께서말씀하셨습니다. " 자이제양복을입어보렴. 빨리입은모습을보고싶구나. 첫번째양복이니깐멋있고어른같은모습을보면자랑스러울거다." 라고말씀하셨어요.) 1. What was Wilf thinking? (Wilf 는무슨생각을하고있었나요?) 2. Why is Grandmother laughing so much? ( 할머니께서는왜그렇게웃고계시지요?) *Pages 18/19 At last it was the day of the wedding. Jo looked really pretty, and so did Wilma. As for Wilf, he looked so smart in his new suit that Biff, Chip and Kipper hardly recognized him. ( 드디어결혼식날이었습니다. Jo 이모는매우예뻤고 Wilma도예뻤습니다. 그리고 Wilf가새양복을입은모습이너무근사해서 Biff, Chip, Kipper가거의알아보지못할정도였습니다.)

Dad made a video with his new camcorder, and Biff took a photograph. It s almost time to go, said Grandfather. I m feeling quite nervous, said Wilma, and I m not the one getting married. ( 아버지는새로운비디오카메라로비디오를찍었고 Biff는사진을찍었습니다. " 이제가야할시간이다." 라고할머니께서말씀하셨습니다. " 긴장이되요. 제가결혼하는것도아닌데말이에요." 라고 Wilma는말했어요.) 1. In what other stories does Dad use his camcorder? ( 아버지는다른어떤이야기에서비디오카메라를찍으셨지요?) 2. Find the picture that Dad took of the wedding in a another storybook ( 다른이야기책에서결혼식사진을찍은사진을찾아보세요.) *Pages 20/21 These are all the people who came to the wedding. There are grandparents, uncles and aunts, cousins, and friends. Here they are, all lining up to have a big photograph taken. Wilf liked his suit. He felt really proud. He was glad he wasn t a pageboy and he didn t mind about the joke that Mum and Jo had played on him. He felt rather pleased that they had played on him. ( 이사람들이모두결혼식에온사람들입니다. 할머니할아버지, 이모, 삼촌, 친척, 친구들입니다. 큰사진을찍으려고다들모여줄을섰습니다. Wilf는양복이마음에들었습니다. 아주자랑스러웠지요. 들러리가아니어서기뻤고어머니와이모가한장난도상관하지않았습니다. 오히려그런장난을해주셔서기뻤습니다.) So he was happy. In fact, everyone was happy. But then, wedding are happy occasions! ( 그래서 Wilf 는기뻤습니다. 사실모두가기뻤습니다. 그러고보면결혼식은행복한행사이 지요!) 1. What are cousins? ( 사촌들은누구이지요?) 2. Point to Wilf and Wilma s cousins. (Wilf 와 Wilma 의사촌들을찾아보세요.)

*Pages 22/23 Later on there was a big party. Everyone danced to the disco music, even the grandparents. It was a wonderful party. I like weddings, said Wilf. He had taken off his smart new jacket and hung it carefully over the back of a chair. ( 나중에큰파티가있었습니다. 모두디스코음악에맞추어춤을추었습니다. 할머니할아버지도요. 정말좋은파티였어요. " 나는결혼식이좋아." 라고 Wilf가말했습니다. Wilf는양복재킷을벗고의자뒤에조심스럽게걸어놓았습니다.) He and his cousins had invented a new sort of dance, and after a while everyone else began to do it. (Wilf 와사촌들은새로운춤을만들었고곧모두가따라했습니다.) 1. Have you ever been to a disco? Tell me about it. ( 디스코에가본적이있나요? 이야기해보세요.) *Page 24 The party went on quite late. Wilf and Wilma had enjoyed themselves so much, they were quite exhausted. I think weddings are brilliant, said Wilf. Everyone is good fun. There is lots of lovely food. The grown-ups are having such a good time they don t even tell you off. ( 파티는늦게까지했어요. Wilf와 Wilma는너무즐거운시간을보내서매우힘들었답니다. " 결혼식은정말좋은것같아." 라고 Wilf가말했습니다. " 모두가즐거워해. 맛있는음식도많지어른들도즐거운시간을보내느라고혼내지않아.") It s been wonderful, said Wilma. Will you get married? asked Wilf. (" 정말재미있었다." 라고 Wilma 가말했지요. " 너는결혼할거니?" 라고 Wilf 가물었습니다.) Wilma thought about it. She imagined that one day she would, but she had no idea who she d marry. I don t know, said Wilma. (Wilma는생각해보았습니다. 언젠가는할것이라고생각했지만누구와할지는전혀몰랐습니다. " 모르겠어.." 라고 Wilma가말했지요.) I wonder of anyone will ask me, said Wilf. It s hard to say, said Wilma. (" 누가나에게결혼하자고할까." 라고 Wilf 가말했지요." 글쎄.. 잘모르겠다." 라고 Wilma 가 말했습니다.)