어휘의미추측전략을활용한자기주도적어휘학습방안 16) 유민애 * < 次例 > Ⅰ. Ⅱ. Ⅲ. Ⅳ. Ⅰ. 서론 1).,,,. * 1) (Hymes). (Canale & Swain) (grammatical competence), (sociolinguistic competenc

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어휘의미추측전략을활용한자기주도적어휘학습방안 16) 유민애 * < 次例 > Ⅰ. Ⅱ. Ⅲ. Ⅳ. Ⅰ. 서론 1).,,,. * 1) (Hymes). (Canale & Swain) (grammatical competence), (sociolinguistic competence), (discourse competence), (strategic competence).

206 국어교육연구제 33 집. (Davis, 1989),.,., ().. (Krashen, 1989), (Nation, 2011).,,.. 1. 연구의목적및필요성. (target language)

어휘의미추측전략을활용한자기주도적어휘학습방안 207,. (Nation, 2011). (proficiency).,. 2). (Hulstijn, 1992) 3), 4).,.,.,. 2) (Nation, 2011) L1( ) L2( ). 3) (Schmitt, 1997) (incidental).,. 4).

208 국어교육연구제 33 집 1.? 1.. 2.? 2.. 3.? 3.... 2. 선행연구,.,.

어휘의미추측전략을활용한자기주도적어휘학습방안 209, (Jacob, 1994), (2005). (1994).,. (2005).., (Johnson, 1982).., (Hulstijn, 1992), (Watanabe, 1997), (2003), (2005). (1992) 5... (1997) 231.,. (2003) L1( ), L2( )

210 국어교육연구제 33 집 258,,.,,. (2005). 300,,,.,. (2007), (2008), (2009). (2007).,.. (2008). 84,,.,. (2009),

어휘의미추측전략을활용한자기주도적어휘학습방안 211.,..,.,. Ⅱ. 어휘의미추측전략 1. 이해가능한입력 (comprehensible input) (Krashen, 1985)L2, (i+1). L2, L2 L2 (intake) (, 2005: 11).,. (i+1),.

212 국어교육연구제 33 집,. (Liu & Nation, 1985) 95% (Nation, 2011: 227 ). (Nation, 2011) 5 16.. 2. 선다형어휘주석제시,. (, 2002: 91).,,,. 5) L1( ) L2( ), (single) 5) (2013)(definition), (exemplification), (synonym).,,..,,.

어휘의미추측전략을활용한자기주도적어휘학습방안 213 (multiple-choice). (2007),. (Nation, 2011) (Hulstijn, Hollander & Greidanus, 1996; Dufon & Fong, 1994; Myong, 1995; Watanabe, 1997),.,.,.,.,.,. (Watanabe, 1997). (retention). (Hulstijn, 1992).,.. 6) 6)., (Watanabe, 1997)

214 국어교육연구제 33 집, 1.. (Hulstijn, 1992) (mental effort hypothesis). (depth of processing hypothesis),,.,,,, (Craik & Lockhart, 1972;, 2003)..,. 1, 2, 3 7) 1. (2007),. 7) 1), ( ). 2),. 3),.

어휘의미추측전략을활용한자기주도적어휘학습방안 215, (88.1%).. 3. 자기주도적어휘학습..,.... (Schmitt, 1997) (discovery strategies) (consolidation strategies),,,,,..,,..

216 국어교육연구제 33 집 Ⅲ. 연구방법및분석결과 1. 실험설계 1) 실험대상 52., 14 42. 8) 2 1., 1, 2 9).. < 1> 14 14 14 8) 18, 11, 13.. (Test of proficiency in Korean: TOPIK)(3 4 )(5 6 ).,. 9),.

어휘의미추측전략을활용한자기주도적어휘학습방안 217 2) 실험도구.., (TOPIK).,.,, 10). 2.. (TOPIK) (2009) (2003). 11) 10) 31. 11) X. (2003) 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3.. TOPIK X X X 3 2 2 3 X 3 2 2 2 3

218 국어교육연구제 33 집. (Hulstijn et al, 1996),. ()... 12) < 1> 1... 1-1 1. ❷. 1-2? ❶ 42km 2.,., 12) (input enhancement).

어휘의미추측전략을활용한자기주도적어휘학습방안 219. < 2> 13).., 4..,... 3 13),..

220 국어교육연구제 33 집. 2. 실험절차. 3. 2014 1 20 2 6.,. 14). < 2> 2 ( ) 14) 14, 3,4, 18, 4...

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222 국어교육연구제 33 집,.,,,. (frequency analysis) 17). 2) 실험결과,,. < 3> N 14 1.86 1.03.27451 28 2.29 1.05.19825 14 1.86, 28 2.29, 0.43. t-, 0.216 0.05., (chi-square analysis).(, 2012: 101) 17).

어휘의미추측전략을활용한자기주도적어휘학습방안 223. 18).,,. < 4> N 14 3.50 2.31.61795 28 7.54 2.15.40657 14 3.50, 28 7.54, 4.04. t- 0.000 0.05.,,.,.,. 18) 4.

224 국어교육연구제 33 집 < 3>,.,,, 0.6,. 19).,., 19),,,.,,.,.

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어휘의미추측전략을활용한자기주도적어휘학습방안 231 [ ] ( ) [ ] : ( ) : 010-****-**** / liebeminae@snu.ac.kr?...... 2014 1.,.. : : 2014. ( ). 1. : 2. : 10 20 30 3. : 4. : ( ) 5. : 6. (TOPIK)?, (TOPIK):

232 국어교육연구제 33 집 [ ],.. <> 1... 1-1 1. ❷. 1-2? ❶ 42km 2 [1-2 ]. 1 2 3. 4.. 5. 6. ( ). 1-1 1. 2. 1-2? 1 2 2-1 1. 2. 2-2? 1 2 3-1 1. 2. 3-2? 1 2 4-1 1. 2. 4-2? 1 2 5-1 1. 2.

어휘의미추측전략을활용한자기주도적어휘학습방안 233 5-2? 1 2 6-1 1. 2. 6-2? 1. 2 1.. 1. 2. 3. 4. 2. ( ). 1 2 3 4 [3-4 ].... 1. 2 1-1 1. 2. 1-2? 1 2 2-1 1. 2. 2-2? 1

234 국어교육연구제 33 집 3. ( ).. 4.. 2 3-1 1. 2. 3-2? 1. 2. 4-1 1. 2. 4-2? 1. 2. 3.. 1. 2. 3. 4. 4. ( ). 1 2 3 4

어휘의미추측전략을활용한자기주도적어휘학습방안 235 [ ]. ( ). 1 2 3, ( ).,.,. 4, -. 5 6 7... [ ].

236 국어교육연구제 33 집 어휘의미추측전략을활용한자기주도적어휘학습방안 유민애 본연구는읽기학습중에선다형어휘주석을추가하는것이텍스트이해뿐만아니라어휘학습에유의미한지밝히기위한실험연구이다. 이를위해, 중 고급수준의한국어학습자총 42명을대상으로, 주석의유형에따라 2개의실험집단과 1개의통제집단으로나누어 2014년 1월 20일부터 2월 6일까지실험을하였다. 그결과를제시하면다음과같다. 첫째, 어휘설명을추가하는입력수정이텍스트이해에미치는영향을알아보기위해두집단의 읽기이해평가지 점수의평균을비교하였다. 그결과두집단의평균은유의미한차이를보이지않아어휘주석이텍스트이해에큰영향을미치지않는다고볼수있다. 둘째, 어휘설명을추가하는입력수정이우연적어휘학습에미치는영향을알아보기위해두집단의 어휘평가지 점수를분석하였다. 그결과주석을제공받은집단이그렇지않은집단에비해높은점수를받았으므로, 어휘설명을추가하는어휘주석은우연적어휘학습에긍정적인영향을미친다고할수있다. 셋째, 어휘주석의제시언어에따라우연적어휘학습에미치는영향을알아보기위해모국어주석집단과한국어주석집단의학습된어휘의양을비교하였다. 그결과모국어주석집단이한국어주석집단보다약간높은점수를받았다. 특히 고려하다, 포함, 성분, 건조, 방해 의목표어휘에서우연적어휘습득이원활하게이루어짐을확인하였다. [ 주제어 ] 이해가능한입력, 선다형어휘주석, 어휘의미추측, 우연적어휘학습, 자기주도적어휘학습

어휘의미추측전략을활용한자기주도적어휘학습방안 237 Abstract The Study on the Ways of Self-directed Learning Using Vocabulary Inferencing Strategy Yu, Min-ae This study aims to clarify, multiple-choice glosses during the reading process can be useful on both comprehending and acquiring vocabulary in Korean education. Therefore, depending on form of glosses an experiment has been run from 20/01/2014 to 06/02/2014 including 2 experimental and 1 control group and each group takes 14 people in as subject. The results are as in the following. Initially, average of the score of the evaluation of reading was compared between two groups to figure out the effects of additional explanation of vocabulary. Yet because of the average difference between two groups wasn t significant it may be considered the glosses are not effective enough to understand the text. Second, the score of evaluation of vocabulary between two groups was analyzed to find out if additional explanation of vocabulary effects the incidental vocabulary learning. As a result score of gloss supplied group was higher than that of non-supplied group. Third, amount of acquired vocabulary in mother tongue gloss group and the Korean gloss group was compared to find out if the presentation of gloss affects the incidental vocabulary learning. As a result, mother tongue gloss group s score was little bit higher than Korean gloss group. Especially, vocabularies such as 고려하다, 포함, 성분, 건조, 방해 were acquired more smoothly. [Key words] comprehensible input, multiple-choice gloss, inferencing vocabulary meaning, incidental vocabulary learning, self-directed learning