TNF- Mi noxi di l Effect s of T NF - and Minoxidil on Hum an Hair Growth in V itro 2002 7 ( )
TNF- Mi noxi di l Effect s of T NF - and Minoxidil on Hum an Hair Growth in V itro 2002 7 ( )
2002 7
TNF- Mi nox i d i l ( : ) : T NF -. T NF -,. Minoxidil. T NF - Minoxidil Minoxidil. : - i -
., T NF -, Minoxidil, T NF - Minoxidil.. : T NF -, Minoxidil T NF -. : Minoxidil T NF - Minoxidil. :, T NF -, Minoxidil - ii -
=A bs tract = Effects of T NF - and Minoxidil on Hum an Hair Growth in V itro T ae Gyun Lim, M.D. (Director : Professor, Gwang - Seong Choi, M.D.) Department of Dermatology, College of Medicine, Inha Univer sity, Incheon, Korea B ack g roun d : T he factor s that regulate hair follicle growth are still poorly under stood. In vitro m odels may be u seful in elucidating some aspects of hair follicle biology. T NF - is potent inhibitor of hair follicle growth. T NF - induces the formation of a club - like hair follicle, similar to catagen morphology of the hair bulb. Minoxidil induces generalized hypertrichosis when administ ered sy stemically, or localized hair r egr ow th w hen applied t opically to sites of alopecia ar eata. Minoxidil inv olve the dev elopment of derm al papilla vascularization. Obje c t iv e : T he purpose of this study is to inv estigate the effect of T NF - and minoxidil on human hair growth using in vitro - iii -
model. M e th o d s : After the healthy hum an hair follicles w ithout any visible damage w er e collected, they w ere cultured in William s E m edium with sev eral combination of supplement s including insulin, hydr ocortisone, sodium selenite, human transferrin, fetal bovine serum at 37 in an atmosphere of 5% CO2/ 95% air incubator, and T NF - and minoxidil w ere added to the media. T he results w er e evaluat ed by measuring linear hair fiber growth and hair follicle morphology on light microsocopy. R e s ult s : T he following results were obtained from this study. 1. T NF - have an statistically significant inhibitory effect on the r ate of linear hair grow th in cultur ed hair follicles. 2. Minoxidil do not hav e an statistically significant stimulatory effect on the r ate of linear hair grow th in cultur ed hair follicles with or without T NF -. Con clu s ion : T NF - has growth - inhibitory effect and minoxidil does not have gr owth - stimulatory effect. Key W ords : Human hair follicle culture, T NF -, Minoxidil - iv -
List of Fig ures Figure 1. T hese photogr aphs show incr ease in length of the same hair follicle in culture without T NF - and minoxidil (contr ol group). T he arr ow indicates the hair length m easur ed. A ) 1st day, B) 4th day, C) 8th day (X40) Figure 2. T hese photogr aphs show incr ease in length of the same hair follicle in culture w ith minoxidil. T he arr ow indicates the hair length measured. A ) 1st day, B) 4th day, C) 8th day (X40) Figure 3. T hese photogr aphs show incr ease in length of the same hair follicle in culture with T NF -. T he arr ow indicates the hair length measured. A ) 1st day, B) 4th day, C) 8th day (X40) Figure 4. T hese photogr aphs show incr ease in length of the same hair follicle in culture with T NF - and minoxidil. T he arr ow indicates the hair length measured. A ) 1st day, B) 4th day, C) 8th day (X40) - v -
Figure 5. Effects of T NF - and/ or minoxidil on the length of hum an hair follicles gr ow n for 8 day s in vitro. - v i -
Lis t of T ab le T able 1. Daily human hair follicle elongation - v ii -
I. 1 II. 6 III. 9 IV. 17 V. 21 VI. 22 - v iii -
I.,.,.,..,, (hair follicle). (hair matrix cell) (outer root sheath ) (hair papilla cell) (connective tissue). (anagen), (catagen), (telogen) 6, 7 (Philpott et al, 1990, Paus et al, 1999). (Messenger, 1994). (growth factors), (steroid hormone), - (dermo- epithelial interactions), (immune system ) - 1 -
(Philpott et al, 1994). (Paus et al, 1999). (Jahoda et al, 1981; Wetering s et al, 1981; Wells, 1982; Messenger et al, 1984). (keratinocyte) interleuin (IL)- 1, - 1, - 3, - 6, - 8, - 10 granulocyte- macrophage colony - stimulating factor (GM - CSF ), gr anulocyte colony - stimulating fact or (G- CSF ), tum or necrosis factor - alpha (T NF - ), (fibroblast ) IL- 1, IL- 6, IL- 8 G- CSF (Ansel et al, 1990).,.. cyclosporin A (Harper et al, 1984), (macrophage) (W estgate et al, 1991). (Philpott et al, 1995).,. T NF -. (vascular endothelial cell) - 2 -
(apoptosis ) (T sutomu, 1998). T NF - (inner root sheath ) (Henle layer ) (suprapapillary level) IL- 1, IL- 1, IL- 6. (cuticle) IL- 1 T NF -. (Mcdonach et al, 1993; Ahmed et al, 1996; Stenn et al, 1996). T NF - Henle, (Ahmed et al, 1996). T NF - T (T hein et al, 1997)., (Ahmed et al, 1996; Stenn et al, 1996). T NF -. T NF - (Philpott et al, 1996; Hoffmann et al, 1996). - 3 -
(Hoffmann, 1999; Ruckert et al, 2000). Minoxidil (Clissold et al, 1987). Minoxidil DNA (Cohen et al, 1984). minoxidil mitogen minoxidil. Minoxidil, minoxidil minoxidil. Minoxidil (W eiss et al, 1983) minoxidil (Gilmore et al, 1970). vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF ) (, 1999). VEGF minoxidil (Lachgar et al, 1998). minoxidil - 4 -
(Katsuoka et al, 1987; Imai et al, 1993).., T NF - minoxidil. - 5 -
II. 1. 1) (facial lift ) 2,. 2 ) Williams E medium, penicillin, streptomycin antibiotic solution ( Gibco, NY, U.S.A ), hydrocortisone, fetal bovine serum, IT S (in sulin tran sferrin selenate) liquid supplement (X 100), minoxidil, T NF - ( Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO, U.S.A ). 3 ) William se media (Gibco, NY, U.S.A ) Penicillin (50 IU/ ml), streptomycin (50 ug/ ml) antibiotics hydrocortisone(10 ng/ ml), fetal bovine serum (10 %), IT S (insulin transferrin selenate) liquid supplement (X 100). T NF -, minoxidil. 2. 1), - 6 -
15 scalpel blade. w atch makers ' forcep.,. 2 ) 24 w ell plate(corning, NY, U.S.A ) well 1ml 1 37, CO2 5% air 95%. 2. 3 ). minoxidil minoxidil 200 ng/ ml. T NF - T NF - 200 U/ ml. T NF - minoxidil minoxidil 200 ng/ ml T NF - 200 U/ ml. 4 20 2. 4 ). - 7 -
X 4 X 10 Leica 1 8, 1, 4, 8. 10% tris - buffered formalin H&E. 5 ) (SAS ), p < 0.05. - 8 -
III. 1. minoxidil 8. 8 (Fig. 1, 2). 6. 8. T NF - T NF - minoxidil 6, (Fig. 3, 4). 4 6. minoxidil T NF - T NF - minoxidil (T able 1)(Fig. 5). 2. m in ox idil 1 0.31 0.170 mm minoxidil 200 ng/ ml 1 0.29 0.184 mm. - 9 -
.. 3. T N F - 1 0.31 0.170 mm T NF - 200 U/ ml 1 0.10 0.191 mm.. 3,. 4. T N F - m in ox idil T NF - 200 U/ ml minoxidil 200 ng/ ml 1 0.12 0.161 mm. minoxidil T NF -. - 10 -
A B C Fig. 1 : T hese photogr aphs show incr ease in length of the same hair follicle in culture without T NF - and minoxidil (contr ol gr oup). T he arrow indicates the hair length measured. A ) 1st day, B) 4th day, C) 8th day (X40) - 11 -
A B C Fig. 2 : T hese photogr aphs show incr ease in length of the same hair follicle in cultur e w ith minoxidil. T he arrow indicates the hair length measur ed. A ) 1st day, B) 4th day, C) 8th day (X40) - 12 -
A B C Fig. 3 : T hese photogr aphs show incr ease in length of the same hair follicle in culture with T NF -. T he arrow indicates the hair length measur ed. A ) 1st day, B) 4th day, C) 8th day (X40) - 13 -
A B C Fig. 4 : T hese photogr aphs show incr ease in length of the same hair follicle in culture with T NF - and minoxidil. T he arrow indicates the hair length measured. A ) 1st day, B) 4th day, C) 8th day (X40) - 14 -
Fig. 5 : Effects of T NF - and/ or minoxidil on the length of human hair follicles gr own for 8 day s in vitr o. - 15 -
T able 1. Daily human hair follicle elongation Group T NF - Control T NF - Min ox idil Day + Min ox idil 1th 0 0 0 0 2n d 0.42 0.24 a 1)2 ) 0.39 0.06 a 0.36 0.07 a 0.39 0.14 a 3rd 0.63 0.26 a 0.55 0.06 a b 0.56 0.09 a b 0.53 0.15 b 4th 1.17 0.32 a 0.77 0.11 b 1.09 0.16 a 0.73 0.20 b 5th 1.60 0.33 a 0.80 0.15 b 1.60 0.20 a 0.82 0.20 b 6th 1.93 0.34 a 0.98 0.26 b 1.84 0.16 a 1.00 0.22 b 7th 2.14 0.34 a 0.88 0.47 b 2.02 0.17 a 0.98 0.21 b 8th 2.18 0.35 a 0.72 0.67 b 2.04 0.21 a 0.87 0.21 b 1) T he data present the mean SD, n =20 2) With different lett er s within ev ery groups ar e significantly different from each other at =0.05 as determined by Duncan ' s multiple range test (a >b ) - 16 -
IV.,.,.,,. 0.35 mm/ d.(, 2001) 8 0.31 0.17 mm/ d.,,.. 6. 8. - 17 -
T NF -. 3 4. 6 7.,. 6,.. Minoxidil. minoxidil. minoxidil minoxidil. Minoxidil. minoxidil. minoxidil. minoxidil - 18 -
. T NF - minoxidil T NF -. minoxidil. minoxidil, T NF - minoxidil minoxidil. minoxidil. minoxidil minoxidil (Cohen et al, 1984; Philpott et al, 1990). minoxidil minoxidil.. minoxidil minoxidil monixidil. T NF - - 19 -
T NF -. minoxidil minoxidil. - 20 -
V.. 1. T NF -,. 2. minoxidil,. 3. T NF - minoxidil minoxidil. T NF -,,. T NF - minoxidil minoxidil.,. - 2 1 -
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