도여베르트의선험적비판 Dooyeweerd s transcendental critique Session One: What is the transcendental critique of theoretical thought? 이론적사고의선험적비판이란무엇인가? Session Two: Transcendental critique as a thought and cultural critique 사고및문화적비판으로서의선험적비판
이론적사고의선험적비판 The transcendental critique of theoretical thought 1. Herman Dooyeweerd 의생애 The life of H. Dooyeweerd www.allofliferedeemed.co.uk/portraits/dooy.jpg
헤르만도여베르트의사상 H. Dooyeweerd s thought 1. 의미로서의실재 Reality as Meaning 2. 실재의기본구조 The basic structure of reality: 선험적기본이념 Transcendental ground idea 1) 만물의기원 The idea of origin 2) 의미의총체 The idea of meaning-totality/unity 3) 우주적시간으로연결된의미의다양성 The idea of meaning-diversity in coherence of cosmic time
헤르만도여베르트의사상 H. Dooyeweerd s thought 1. 개체구조 Individuality structure: 창조에의해주어진구체적사물의법적질서 2. 양상구조 Modal structure: 예기, 회기및핵을가진특정한양상 : 수, 공간, 운동, 물리, 생물, 감각, 분석 ( 논리 ), 역사 ( 문화 ), 언어, 사회, 경제, 미, 법, 윤리, 신앙
헤르만도여베르트의사상 H. Dooyeweerd s thought 법과종속체 Law and Subject 1) 법 : 피조물과창조주의경계 Law: the boundary between Creator & creature 2) 종속체 : 그법에종속된물체 Subject: what is subject to the law 3) 창조주 : 법의제정자 Creator: the Law-Giver
헤르만도여베르트의사상 H. Dooyeweerd s thought 이론적학문활동의중립성비판 Critique of the neutrality of theoretical/scientific activity 1. 의미의총체성을지향하는이론적 / 철학적사고 Theoretical/philosophical thought directed to meaning- totality 2. 이지향의방향성은자아에의해결정됨 This direction is determined by the selfhood. 3. 이자아는다시기원에의존함 This selfhood is again dependent upon the origin.
헤르만도여베르트의사상 H. Dooyeweerd s thought 영역주권의원리 The principle of sphere-sovereignty 마음 Heart: 잠 4:23 - 모든양상들을초월하는집중점 / 초점 - 인간의삶에있어근원과의관계 - 삶의방향이결정됨
이론적사고의선험적비판 The transcendental critique of theoretical thought 1. De Wijsbegeerte der Wetsidee (The Philosophy of the cosmonomic idea): 이론적사고의종교적뿌리발견 2. A New Critique of Theoretical Thought: 이론적사고의선험적비판 3. Reformatie en Scholastiek in de Wijsbegeerte (Reformation and Scholastic in the philosophy)/ Verniewing en Bezinning (Renewal and Reflection): 서양사상 / 문화의종교적근본동인
첫번째방법 The first way 철학 : 의미의총체성에대한탐구 Philosophy: research for meaning-totality 이론적사고의종교적뿌리를밝힘 Revealing the religious root of theoretical thought 문제 : 이철학의정의에동의하지않음 Problem: disagree with the definition of philosophy
이론적사고의 분석 Theoretical antithesis 두번째방법 The second way 이론적 : 종합인간존재의집중점 Theoretical : synthesis heart 마음의기원을향한 지향 Self- reflection 이론적사고는종교적 전제를가진다. of Religious presupposition theoretical thought
서구사상 / 문화의종교적기본동인 The religious ground motive of western thought/culture 희랍 / 로마 : 질료 와형상 Greece/Rome: matter vs form 중세 : 자연 과 은총 Medieval period: nature vs grace 근대 : 자연 과자유 Modernism: nature vs freedom 기독교적동인 : 창조,, 타락구속 Christian motive:, creation fall, redemption
도여베르트사상의영향 / 평가 Influence/evaluation of Dooyeweerd s thought D.H.Th. Vollenhoven upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/f/f2/dhthvollenhoven.jpg www.mullerbook.nl/images/boeken/boek.3692.large.jpg
도여베르트사상의영향 / 평가 Influence/evaluation of Dooyeweerd s thought B. Goudzwaard www.zingeving.net/images/goudzwaard.jpg www.jesuits.ca/orientations/hopeitt.gif
도여베르트사상의영향 / 평가 Influence/evaluation of Dooyeweerd s thought E. Schuurman opunie.nl/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/2010_ap_egbert_schuurman-1-van-2-1.jpg www.allofliferedeemed.co.uk/bookcovers/technologycover.png
도여베르트사상의영향 / 평가 Influence/evaluation of Dooyeweerd s thought S. Griffioen www.felix-en-sofie.nl/boeken/191/001-1001004002000909.jpg http://i.ytimg.com/vi/yoydxvs1mmk/0.jpg
도여베르트사상의영향 / 평가 Influence/evaluation of Dooyeweerd s thought Henk Geertsema www.allofliferedeemed.co.uk/portraits/gertseemasmall.jpg www.allofliferedeemed.co.uk/bookcovers/arpphilref.jpg