Oberlin College Elementary Korean I Chapter 0 2 이 둘 삼 셋 3

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소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로

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0 2 이 둘 삼 셋 3

0 모음 (vowel) - 1 모음 (vowel) - 2 힌트 SIMPLE COMPOUND ㅏㅓㅗㅜㅡㅣㅐㅔ a ʌ,ə o u ɯ i ɛ e Write the vowels the teacher reads out. Approximate place where vowel is articulated. ㅜ & ㅗ are pronounced with lips rounded. ㅔ & ㅐ are pronounced alomost indistinguishably today. WITH SEMIVOWEL Y ㅑㅕㅛㅠㅒㅖ ya yə yo yu yɛ ye SIMPLE VOWEL + SIMPLE VOWEL W ㅘㅙㅚㅝㅞㅟㅢ wa wɛ we wə we wi ui 힌트 ㅗㅓㅗㅔㅜㅏㅜㅐ These combinations are not allowed because bright vowels ( ㅏ, ㅗ ) cannot be combined with a dark vowel ( ㅓ, ㅜ ) within a syllable. yes 야유왜요요예위 why yo-yo jeer 와우에워여우의외 ( 다 ) wow to surround ( 싸다 ) fox Circle the words the teacher reads out. unexpected Each letter must contain at least one consonant & vowel, hence the placeholder consonant ㅇ. above/over 힌트 4 사 넷 오 다섯 5

0 자음 (consonant) ㄲ tense ㄸ tense ㅃ tense ㅆ tense ㄱㄴㄷㄹㅁㅂㅅ k~g n t~d l~r m p~b s~ɕ ㅇㅈㅊㅋㅌㅍㅎ silent, ŋ tɕ~dɕ tɕ h k h t h p h h 힌트 METHOD OF ARTICULATION NASAL (NOSE) PLOSIVE FRICATIVE (HISS) ㅉ tense LIQUID (TRA-LA-LA) PLAIN ASPIRATED (~h) TENSE PLACE OF ARTICULATION 기역니은디귿리을미음비읍시옷 이응지읒치읓키읔티읕피읖히읗 Above are the names of each consonant - which begins and ends with the sound in question. For some, the endging sound is different. Fill in the consonants as the teacher reads out. 힌트 ㅔㅜㅏㅓㅏㅟㅗㅗㅇㅏㅣㅕㅝㅜㅠ 6 육 여섯 칠 일곱 7

0 조합하기 (syllable block building) 발음규칙 (pronunciation rules) ㅎ, ㅏ, ㄴ ㅅ, ㅛ ㄷ, ㅏ, ㄹ, ㄱ ㄱ, ㅗ, ㅁ ㅍ, ㅏ 8 팔여덟 These are called 받침 (final consonant) and always go to the bottom. ㅃ, ㅛ, ㅇ ㅇ, ㅙ ㄴ, ㅓ ㅇ, ㅔ, ㅇ ㅅ, ㅟ, ㅅ 1. Resyllabification linking When 받침 is followed without pause by ㅇ (vowel), the consonant is carried over. ex. 앞을 [ 아플 ] 꽃이 [ 꼬치 ] 볶아 [ 보까 ] 2. Syllable-final closure unrelease When 받침 is at the end of the word, or is followed by consonants, the consonant is pronounced without releasing air. ㅂ, ㅍ [ ㅂ ] ㄷ, ㅌ, ㅅ, ㅆ, ㅈ, ㅊ [ ㄷ ] ㄱ, ㅋ, ㄲ [ ㄱ ] ex. 앞 [ 압 ] 꽃 [ 꼳 ] 볶 [ 복 ] 3. Nasal assimilation When 받침 is followed by a nasal consonant ( ㅁ, ㄴ ), the consonant may be pronounced differently. ㅂ, ㅍ [ ㅁ ] ㄷ, ㅌ, ㅅ, ㅆ, ㅈ, ㅊ, ㅎ [ ㄴ ] ㄱ, ㅋ, ㄲ [ ㅇ ] ex. 앞만 [ 암만 ] 꽃물 [ 꼰물 ] 볶니 [ 봉니 ] 4. ㄴ to ㄹ assimilation When ㄹ and ㄴ come together, the ㄴ sound is replaced by ㄹ. When ㄹ is followed by ㅇ in some compound words, another ㄹ is inserted between them. ex. 진리 [ 질리 ] 달님 [ 달림 ] 서울역 [ 서울력 ] 5. Tensification When 받침ㅂ, ㄷ, ㅈ, ㄱ, ㅅ is followed by ㅂ, ㄷ, ㅈ, ㄱ, ㅅ, the sound is reinforced to become a corresponding tense consonant. ex. 학교 [ 학꾜 ] 숙제 [ 숙쩨 ] 책상 [ 책쌍 ] 6. Aspiration and ㅎ weakening When ㅎ is followed or preceded by ㅂ, ㄷ, ㅈ, ㄱ, it merges with the consonant to produce the correponding aspirate consonant. ex. 많다 [ 만타 ] 좋고 [ 좋코 ] 꽃하고 [ 꼬타고 ] 7. Double consonant reduction If there are two consonants at the 받침, one of them becomes silent at the end of a word or before a consonant. 여덟 [ 여덜 ] 없다 [ 업따 ] 괜찮습니다 [ 괜찬씀니다 ] 8. Palatalization When ㄷ, ㅌ받침 is followed by vowel/semivowel, the consonants are pronounced as ㅈ, ㅊ. 붙여요 [ 부쳐요 ] 같이 [ 가치 ] 해돋이 [ 해도지 ] 9. Place assimilation In casual speech, ㄷ is optionally produced ㅂ before ㅂ or ㅃ and as ㄱ before ㄱ or ㄲ. ex. 꽃병 [ 꽃뼝 ] 갔고 [ 갓꼬 ] 9 구 아홉

0 한걸음더 How to type in Korean For Mac users: 1. Do you see the little American flag/country flag way up to the right? If yes, click on it! * If NOT, find the apple icon at the top left corner, and open System Preferences click International select Input Menu check Show input menu in menu bar 2. When you click on the flag, do you see 2-Set Korean with a Korean flag symbol? If yes, click on it! * If NOT, on the bottom, you will see, Open International - click on this click on Hangul (we ll be using 2-set Korean) 3. Now you can type in Korean! Click on the flag again and select Show keyboard viewer to see the layout of the Korean keyboard. You can make it larger by clicking the green dot on the top left corner. For PC users: 1. Somewhere on or near the task bar, you should see a little icon that says EN. Click on it, and then hit Show the language bar 2. On the right bottom corner of the language bar, there is a little triangle. Click on it, and go to Settings 3. Click on Add and find Korean. Expand it and check Microsoft IME 4. Now you can write in Korean! Use the language bar to toggle back between languages. To see the layout of the Korean keyboard, go to the Start Menu - All Programs - Accessories - Ease of Access - On-Screen Keyboard. 10 십 열 십일 열하나 11

0 안녕하세요안녕히계세요안녕히가세요안녕히주무세요 일상표현들 common expressions Hello (lit. Are you in peace?) Good-bye (to peson staying, lit. Stay in peace) Good-bye (to person leaving lit. Go back in peace) Good night (lit. Sleep in peace) 숫자 -1 sino-korean numbers 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ( 영 / 공 ) 일 이 삼 사 오 육 칠 팔 구 십 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 십일십이십삼십사십오십육십칠십팔십구이십 감사합니다 ( 고맙습니다 / 고마워요 ) 죄송합니다 ( 미안합니다 / 미안해요 ) 실례합니다괜찮습니다 ( 괜찮아요 ) 처음뵙겠습니다만나서반갑습니다 ( 반가워요 ) 잘부탁드립니다 Thank you Sorry Excuse me It s okay Nice to meet you (lit. It s first tme seeing you) Nice to meet you Nice to meet you (lit. Please consider me well) 숫자 -2 pure Korean numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 하나둘셋넷다섯여섯일곱여덟아홉열 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 열하나열둘열셋열넷열다섯열여섯열일곱열여덟열아홉스물 다같이따라하세요한번더 / 다시천천히말씀해주세요잠시만요모르겠어요질문있어요 Everyone (together) repeat Once more / again Please speak slowly Wait I don t now, I don t understand I have a question 요일 days of the week 월요일화요일수요일목요일금요일토요일일요일 12 십이 열둘 십삼 열셋 13

1 14 십사 열넷 십오 열다섯 15

1 직업 occupation 선생님 중국 ( 북한 ) ( 남한 ) 일본 학생 의사 한국 가수 운동선수 대만 나라 countries 미국영국독일인도 회사원 백수 오스트레일리아 ( 호주 ) 프랑스 이탈리아 러시아 헝가리 네팔 아프가니스탄 모로코 케냐 뉴질랜드 캐나다 브라질 콜롬비아 멕시코 16 십육 열여섯 십칠 열일곱 17

1 저는 [ ] 이에요 / 예요. 저는 [ ] 학년이에요. 이름 숫자 ( 일, 이, 삼, 사, 오..) 보기 저는김연아예요. 저는박지성이에요. 보기 저는일학년이에요. 저는삼학년이에요. How would you write your name in Hangul? There is no right/wrong answer, it s your name. Note: Korean names are written last name - first name, whereas English names are usually written first name - last name. ex. 김연아 (Yuna Kim) 버락오바마 (Barack Obama) 일학년이학년삼학년사학년오학년 이에요 vs. 예요 김영미이에요 / 예요. 지승윤이에요 / 예요. 마이클이에요 / 예요. 애나이에요 / 예요. 박지성이에요 / 예요. Circle either 이에요 or 예요 - read each case out loudly and go for the one you think sounds more natural. Can you see the pattern? 힌트받침! ( 샐리 ) 2학년이에요. 저는... ( 제임스 ) 1학년이에요. ( 예슬 ) 4학년이에요. ( 진영 ) 3학년이에요. Note: 초등학교 - 중학교 - 고등학교 - 대학교 elementary school - middle school - high school - college/university 18 십팔 열여덟 십구 열아홉 19

1 [ ] 학년이에요? - 네, [ ] 학년이에요. - 아니요, [ ] 학년이아니에요. [ ] 은 / 는 [ ] 살이에요. 저, 이름 숫자 ( 하나, 둘, 셋, 넷, 다섯...) 보기 사학년이에요? 네, 사학년이에요. / 아니요, 사학년이아니에요. 보기 저는열여덟살이에요. 스티브윌슨은스물두살이에요. ~ 이에요 / 예요? 일학년이에요. 일학년이에요? 김연아예요. 김연아예요? Note: What is your name? = 이름이뭐예요? or 성함이어떻게되세요? The latter is more polite and used for seniors. 1 한살 5 다섯살 16 열여섯살 21 스물한살 30 서른살 100 백살 ~( 이 / 가 ) 아니에요. 일학년이에요. 일학년 ( 이 ) 아니에요. 김연아예요. 김연아 ( 가 ) 아니에요. 샐리는사학년이에요? 예슬은이학년이에요? 20 이십 스물 Note: 하나 둘 셋 넷... 스물 한살 두살 세살 네살... 스무살 은 vs. 는 은미은 / 는사학년이에요. 크리스틴은 / 는열여섯살이에요. 잭은 / 는스물한살이에요. 철수은 / 는열여섯살이에요. Circle either 은 or 는 - read each case out loudly and go for the one you think sounds more natural. Can you see the pattern? 힌트받침! 이십일 21 스물하나

1 ( 저는 ) [ ] 이에요 / 예요. 저도 [ ] 사람이에요. 직업 나라 보기 학생이에요. 의사예요. 보기 저도한국사람이에요. 저도미국사람이에요. omission The subject can often be omitted. 저는박지성이에요. 저는축구선수예요. 저는스무살이에요. 도 도 is used in place of 은 / 는 to emphasize similarity. 보라는일학년이에요. 저도일학년이에요. Note: 은 / 는 can be used to empahsize difference. 학생증 (ID) 이름 : 나이 : 직업 : 브라이언은미국사람이에요. 알리슨 미국사람이에요. 저는스무살이에요. 해리 스물두살이에요. 국적 : 은규는. 스테파니도. Note: 이름 (name) 나이 (age) 직업 (occupation) 국적 (nationailty) 22 이십이 스물둘 한걸음더한국어영어일본어프랑스어 안녕 hello おはよう bonjour 이십삼 23 스물셋

1 topic-comment structure ( A ) 는 ( B ) 이에요. topic particle comment copula * a topic is what is being talked about in the sentence. * a particle (or a postposition) is attached to the word before it without a space, and specifies what significance that word has in the sentence. 는 (or 은 after consonant) is a topic particle. It tells us that the word that it is attached to is the topic of the sentence. In other words, because 는 is there, we know that A is the topic. Particles are often not translated in English. 도 is a particle that tells us that the word before it has similarities to something previously mentioned (It s like also or too in English). For example, if someone says 저는이학년이에요, and you are also a second-year, you can say 저도이학년이에요. * 이에요 / 예요 ( 이다, to be ), a copula, is a special form of a particle and is conjugated like adjectives and verbs. particles Why do we need particles?? Consider these two sentences: Dog bites man. Man bites dog. We know which one is the biter (subject) and which is the bitee (object) from the word order. This is why English is order-sensitive. This is not the case for all languages. For example, in Latin, the noun is conjugated according to its role. And in Korean, the particle tells us what the role of the noun is. 개가사람을물어요. = 사람을개가물어요. 사람이개를물어요. = 개를사람이물어요. 명사 - 직업선생님학생의사가수운동선수회사원백수 명사 - 나라한국남한, 북한중국, 대만 ) 일본미국영국독일인도 오스트레일리아 ( 호주 ) 프랑스이탈리아러시아헝가리네팔아프가니스탄모로코케냐뉴질랜드캐나다브라질콜롬비아멕시코 noun - occupation teacher student doctor singer athlete businessman (slang) unemployed noun - country Korea S. Korea, N. Korea China, Taiwan Japan USA UK Germany India Australia France Italy Russia Hungary Nepal Afghanistan Morocco Kenya New Zealand Canada Brazil Colombia Mexico 명사 - 기타초등학교중학교고등학교대학교사람 ~ 어영어이름나이직업국적 대명사저 수사학년살 조사은 / 는도 기타이에요 / 예요 [ 이다 ] 아니에요 [ 아니다 ] 네 / 예아니요 noun - other elementary school middle school hight school college/univerity person (-nationailty) (-language) English name age occupation nationality pronoun I (humble) counter year (in school) age/~ years old particle topic particle too as well other to be to not be yes no Here, 개 is a dog, and 사람 (as you know) is a person. 물어요 is the verb to bite. Regardless of the order of the words, if there is 가 / 이 (which are subject particles) attached to a noun, we know that it s the subject. If there is 을 / 를 (object particles), we know it s the object. In correct Korean grammar, A NOUN CANNOT STAND ALONE WITHOUT A PARTICLE!! (Although they can be omitted, especially in conversational/casual sentences.) 24 이십사 스물넷 이십오 25 스물다섯