Yoon s BEFL Note Yoon s New English Fun B의 BEFL Note 내용이일부수정됨에따라, 본파일에는 2가지종류의정답이포함되어있습니다. 본인의 BEFL Note 뒤에정답이수록되어있지않을경우, 파일앞부분에제시된정답으로내용을확인하시기바랍니다. Yoon s New English Fun B Book 3 Dictation 은 베플리 < 베플리학습 <BEFL Note 에서들으세요.
Book 3 Study Planner 교재명 학습목표 소풍, 캠핑, 낚시등야외활동에서사용하는행동표현과주요단어익히기 날짜 Unit Title Page 학습 시작시간 학습 종료시간 학습한내용 ( 단어, 표현, 문법, 줄거리등을자유롭게쓰세요.) 체크리스트 평가 1. 매일매일계획대로공부했나요? 2. 학습내용을충실히공부했나요? 3. 교재학습이끝난후부족한부분은복습했나요? 학부모확인 선생님확인 2
Yoon s New English Fun B Book 3 Word List Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 펴다 spread out 건네주다 pass 꺼내다 take out 1A 먹다 접시 eat plate 샌드위치 sandwich 돗자리 mat 점심 lunch 세우다 set up 굽다 roast 1B 노래를부르다캠프장텐트 sing campground tent 모닥불 campfire 풀다 unpack 핫도그 hot dog 3
Yoon s New English Fun B Book 3 Word List Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 지켜보다파도타기를하다모으다 watch surf collect 2A 해변 바다 beach sea 파도 wave 모래성 sandcastle 조개껍질 seashell 땅을파다 dig 떨어뜨리다 drop 들여오다 bring in 2B 낚싯대 낚싯바늘 fishing pole hook 양동이 bucket 낚싯줄 line 벌레 worm 4
Yoon s New English Fun B Book 3 Word List Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 타다 ride 스키 ski 스키폴 ski pole 3A 스키리프트 꼭대기, 정상 ski lift top 스키슬로프 ski slope 위로올라가다 go up 아래로 내려가다 go down 확인하다 check 잡다 hold 말하다 say 3B 카메라 필름 camera film 사진 picture 가져오다 get 건전지 battery 5
Book 3 Unit 1 Have a Picnic 1A Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 spread out 펴다 9 전달하다 pass 2 pass 전달하다 10 펴다 spread out 3 take out 꺼내다 11 돗자리 mat 4 eat 먹다 12 꺼내다 take out 5 plate 접시 13 샌드위치 sandwich 6 sandwiches 샌드위치 14 점심 lunch 7 mat 돗자리 15 먹다 eat 8 lunch 점심 16 접시 plate 16 개중 개정답 6
Key Points 1. 내게 ~ 을건네줘. 라는표현을쓸때 A: Pass me your banana. B: Here you are. 2. 나 ~ 해도돼? 라는표현을쓸때 A: Can I have some juice? B: Sure. 식탁이나카운터에서물건을좀건네달라고할때쓰는표현입니다. 공손한표현으로는문장앞뒤에 please를붙이거나 Would you pass me ~? 라고말합니다. * 미국에서는식사중에눈앞에다른사람손이스치는것을싫어한답니다. Can I have ~? 는허락을구할때사용하는표현입니다. 여기서 have는상황에따라 먹다, 또는 가지다 로해석할수있습니다. Let s Practice 보기의표현을사용하여대화를완성해보세요. < 보기 > Pass me ~. Can I have ~? 1. A: Pass me the cards. ( 카드좀건네줘.) B: Here they are. 2. A: Pass me some cookies. ( 쿠키좀건네줘.) B: Here you are. 3. A: Can I have some chocolate? ( 나초콜릿좀먹어도돼?) B: Sure. 4. A: Pass me the plate. ( 접시좀건네줘.) B: Here it is. 5. A: Can I have some water? ( 나물좀마셔도돼?) B: Sure. 7
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 네도시락은어디있니? (where / lunch / is / your /?) Where is your lunch? 2. 집에있어. (it s / home / at /.) It s at home. 3. 너샌드위치싸왔니? (did / pack / sandwich / you / a /?) Did you pack a sandwich? 4. 내게너의바나나를건네줘. (pass / me / banana / your /.) Pass me your banana. 5. 주스를좀마실수있을까? (can / have / juice / I / some /?) Can I have some juice? Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Pack a basket with food. 2. Walk to the park. 3. Spread out the mat. 4. Pass the plate. 5. Take out the sandwiches. 선생님확인 8
Book 3 Unit 2 Go Camping 1B Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 set up 세우다 9 풀다 unpack 2 roast 굽다 10 캠프장 campground 3 sing 노래를부르다 11 텐트 tent 4 campground 캠프장 12 세우다 set up 5 tent 텐트 13 굽다 roast 6 campfire 모닥불 14 노래를 부르다 sing 7 unpack 풀다 15 핫도그 hot dog 8 hot dog 핫도그 16 모닥불 campfire 16 개중 개정답 9
Key Points 상대방에게시키는말 ( 명령문 ): ~ 해, ~ 하세요 라고말할때는주어를생략하고동사의원형으로문장을시작합니다. 닭을구워. Roast chicken. 노래를불러봐. Sing a song. 모닥불을피워. Make a campfire. 덤불로가봐. Go to the bush. 컴퓨터를조립해. Set up the computer. 배낭을풀어. Unpack your backpack. Let s Practice 주어진동사를사용하여명령문을완성해보세요. 1. roast Roast chicken. 2. unpack Unpack your bag. 3. set up Set up the tent. 4. Go to Go to the park. 5. Make Make a campfire. 10
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 모닥불을피우자! (make / campfire / let s / a /!) Let s make a campfire! 2. 마시멜로우들을좀구워. (some / marshmallows / roast /.) Roast some marshmallows. 3. 귀신얘기해줘. (tell / ghost / a / story /.) Tell a ghost story. 4. 저게뭐지? (what / that / is /?) What is that? 5. 덤불로가봐. (to / bush / go / the /.) Go to the bush. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Go to the campground. 2. Set up a tent. 3. Unpack your backpack. 4. Roast hot dogs. 5. Sing campfire songs. 선생님확인 11
Book 3 Unit 3 Go to the Beach 2A Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 watch 지켜보다 9 모으다 collect 2 surf 파도타기를하다 10 지켜보다 watch 3 collect 모으다 11 바다 sea 4 beach 해변 12 파도 wave 5 sea 바다 13 해변 beach 6 wave 파도 14 모래성 sandcastle 7 sandcastle 모래성 15 조개껍질 seashell 8 seashell 조개껍질 16 파도타기를 하다 surf 16 개중 개정답 12
Key Points 1. 라디오를켜. 라고말할때, Turn on the radio. 전기, 가스, 수도등을 켜다 라고 말할때는 turn on 을써서말합니다. 2. 나지루해. 라고말할때, I m bored. 자신의현재기분상태나느낌에대해 말할경우 be 동사뒤에형용사를써서 말합니다. Let s Practice 우리말뜻을참고하여문장이나대화를완성해보세요. 1. Turn on the light. ( 불을켜.) 2. Turn off the TV. (TV 를꺼.) 3. Turn on the power. ( 전원을켜.) 4. A: I m hungry. ( 나배고파.) B: Let s have some food. ( 먹을것을좀먹자.) 5. A: I m bored. ( 나지루해.) B: Let s swim in the sea. ( 바다에서수영하자.) 13
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 나지루해. ( bored / I m /.) I m bored. 2. 차고로가자. (go / to / garage / let s / the /.) Let s go to the garage. 3. 부품들을모아. (collect / parts / the /.) Collect the parts. 4. 라디오를켜봐. (turn / radio / on / the /.) Turn on the radio. 5. 뭐가잘못된거지? (wrong / what s/?) What s wrong? Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Go to the beach. 2. Swim in the sea. 3. Surf on the wave. 4. Make a sandcastle. 5. Collect seashells. 선생님확인 14
Book 3 Unit 4 Go Fishing 2B Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 dig 땅을파다 9 떨어뜨리다 drop 2 drop 떨어뜨리다 10 들여오다 bring in 3 bring in 들여오다 11 낚싯대 fishing pole 4 fishing pole 낚싯대 12 땅을파다 dig 5 hook 낚싯바늘 13 벌레 worm 6 bucket 양동이 14 양동이 bucket 7 line 낚싯줄 15 낚싯줄 line 8 worm 벌레 16 낚싯바늘 hook 16 개중 개정답 15
Key Points what, where: what 은 무엇 이라는뜻으로사물의이름, 사람의직업이나 신분을물을때사용합니다. where 는 어디에 라는뜻으로장소나위치를 물을때사용합니다. 자루안에뭐가들었을까? What is in the bag? 이건뭐니? What is this? * What is 는 What s 와같이축약해서사용할수있다. 보물이어디있지? Where is the treasure? Let s Practice 밑줄친부분에 What 과 Where 중알맞은말을써넣어보세요. Practice 1. A: Where is your bag? B: Over there. 2. A: What is in the box? B: A treasure map! 3. A: Where is your brother? B: I can t find him. 4. A: Where is the camera? B: Here you are. 5. A: What is in your pocket? B: Nothing. 16
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 보물을찾자! (find / treasure / let s / the /!) Let s find the treasure! 2. 보물이어디있지? (is / treasure / where / the /?) Where is the treasure? 3. 밧줄을떨어뜨려. (rope / drop / the /.) Drop the rope. 4. 밧줄을끌어올려. (bring / rope / in / the /.) Bring in the rope. 5. 자루안에뭐가들었을까? (what / in / bag / is / the /?) What is in the bag? Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Get your fishing pole. 2. Dig for worms. 3. Put the worm on the hook. 4. Throw the line into the water. 5. Drop the fish in the bucket. 선생님확인 17
Book 3 Unit 5 Go Skiing 3A Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 ride 타다 9 위로올라가다 go up 2 ski 스키 10 아래로 내려가다 go down 3 ski pole 스키폴 11 타다 ride 4 ski lift 스키리프트 12 스키 ski 5 top 꼭대기, 정상 13 스키폴 ski pole 6 ski slope 스키슬로프 14 스키리프트 ski lift 7 go up 위로올라가다 15 꼭대기, 정상 top 8 go down 아래로내려가다 16 스키슬로프 ski slope 16 개중 개정답 18
Key Points 1. ~ 에서놀자. 라고말할때, Let s play in the snow. Let s play in the garden. Let s play in the pool. in 은 ~ 안에 라는뜻으로건물이나어떤 공간의내부또는비교적넓은장소를 나타냅니다. 1. 난 ~ 을찾을수없어. 라고말할때, A: I can t find my gloves. B: Here are the gloves. A: Thanks! I can t 뒤에동사원형을써서 나는 ~ 할수없다 라고표현합니다. cannot 은 can t 로줄여쓸수있습니다. Let s Practice 오른쪽단어를참고하여예문과같이대화를완성해보세요. Expression 1 A: Let s play in the snow. B: Sure! New Word 1. A: Let s play in the garden. B: Sure! the garden 2. A: Let s play in the pool. B: Okay! the pool 3. A: Let s play in the living room. B: Sure! the living room Expression 2 A: I can t find my gloves. B: Here are the gloves. New Word 1. A: I can t find my socks. B: Here are the socks. my socks 2. A: I can t find my boots. B: Here are the boots. my boots 19
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 눈에서놀자! (play / the / snow / let s / in /!) Let s play in the snow! 2. 부츠에발을집어넣어. (put / feet / the / boots / in / your /.) Put your feet in the boots. 3. 내장갑을찾을수가없어. (can t / my / gloves / I / find /.) I can t find my gloves. 4. 그것들은거기없는데. (they / not / there / are /.) They are not there. 5. 여기장갑있다! (here / the / gloves / are /!) Here are the gloves! Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Find your ski poles. 2. Put your feet in the skis. 3. Ride the ski lift. 4. Go up to the top. 5. Go down the ski slope. 선생님확인 20
Book 3 Unit 6 Take a Picture 3B Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 check 확인하다 9 말하다 say 2 hold 잡다 10 가져오다 get 3 say 말하다 11 확인하다 check 4 camera 카메라 12 잡다 hold 5 film 필름 13 카메라 camera 6 picture 사진 14 건전지 battery 7 get 가져오다 15 필름 film 8 battery 건전지 16 사진 picture 16 개중 개정답 21
Key Points 1. 에 ~ 을넣어라. 라고말할때, Put the film in the camera. B: Here you are. 카메라에필름을넣어. 라고할때, put~ in 을써서 Put the film in the camera. 이렇게말합니다. 여기에서전치사 in은 ~ 안에 라는뜻입니다. 2. ~ 에게작별인사를해. 라고말할때, Say goodbye to your dog. B: Here you are. say goodbye 는 작별인사를하다 라는 표현입니다. 반대로 안부를전하다, 인사하다 는 say hello 라고합니다. Let s Practice 오른쪽단어를사용하여문장을완성해보세요. Expression 1 Put the water in your backpack. New Word 1. Put the film in the camera. the film / the camera 2. Put your hands in your pockets. your hands / your pockets 3. Put the salt in the soup. the salt / the soup Expression 2 Say goodbye to your mom and dad. New Word 1. Say goodbye to your teacher. teacher 2. Say goodbye to your friends. friends 22
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 네배낭을가져와. (your / backpack / bring /.) Bring your backpack. 2. 네배낭에물을넣어. (put / water / your / backpack / the / in /.) Put the water in your backpack. 3. 재킷을가져와. (a / jacket / bring /.) Bring a jacket. 4. 과자를좀가져와. (get / some / snacks /.) Get some snacks. 5. 개한테작별인사를해. (say / to / your / dog / goodbye /.) Say goodbye to your dog. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Get your camera. 2. Check the batteries. 3. Put the film in the camera. 4. Hold the camera. 5. Say cheese. 선생님확인 23
BEFLY Speaking 유형 문제 그림보고질문에답하기 F: No. 1 What is he doing? F: No. 2 What are they doing? 출처 B3, p. 24, 25 힌트 답안 (1) What is he doing? ( 그는무엇을하고있나요?) He is ~ (2) What are they doing? ( 그들은무엇을하고있나요?) They are ~ (1) He is swimming (swims) in the sea. (2) They are making (makes) a sandcastle. 24
BEFLY Writing 유형일상생활에관한글쓰기출처 B3, p. 16, 17 텐트를쳐요. 배낭을풀어요. 힌트 Set up ~ Unpack ~ 답안 (2) Set up a tent. (3) Unpack your backpack. 25
Yoon s BEFL Note Yoon s New English Fun B Book 3 Dictation 은 베플리 < 베플리학습 <BEFL Note 에서들으세요.
Book 3 Study Planner 교재명 학습목표 소풍, 캠핑, 낚시등야외활동에서사용하는행동표현과주요단어익히기 날짜 Unit Title Page 학습 시작시간 학습 종료시간 학습한내용 ( 단어, 표현, 문법, 줄거리등을자유롭게쓰세요.) 체크리스트 평가 1. 매일매일계획대로공부했나요? 2. 학습내용을충실히공부했나요? 3. 교재학습이끝난후부족한부분은복습했나요? 학부모확인 선생님확인 2
Yoon s New English Fun B Book 3 Word List Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 펴다 spread out 건네주다 pass 꺼내다 take out 1A 먹다 접시 eat plate 샌드위치 sandwich 돗자리 mat 점심 lunch 세우다 set up 굽다 roast 1B 노래를부르다캠프장텐트 sing campground tent 모닥불 campfire 풀다 unpack 핫도그 hot dog 3
Yoon s New English Fun B Book 3 Word List Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 지켜보다파도타기를하다모으다 watch surf collect 2A 해변 바다 beach sea 파도 wave 모래성 sandcastle 조개껍질 seashell 땅을파다 dig 떨어뜨리다 drop 들여오다 bring in 2B 낚싯대 낚싯바늘 fishing pole hook 양동이 bucket 낚싯줄 line 벌레 worm 4
Yoon s New English Fun B Book 3 Word List Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 타다 ride 스키 ski 스키폴 ski pole 3A 스키리프트 꼭대기, 정상 ski lift top 스키슬로프 ski slope 위로올라가다 go up 아래로 내려가다 go down 확인하다 check 잡다 hold 말하다 say 3B 카메라 필름 camera film 사진 picture 가져오다 get 건전지 battery 5
Book 3 Unit 1 Have a Picnic 1A Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 spread out 펴다 9 전달하다 pass 2 pass 전달하다 10 펴다 spread out 3 take out 꺼내다 11 돗자리 mat 4 eat 먹다 12 꺼내다 take out 5 plate 접시 13 샌드위치 sandwich 6 sandwiches 샌드위치 14 점심 lunch 7 mat 돗자리 15 먹다 eat 8 lunch 점심 16 접시 plate 16 개중 개정답 6
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 네도시락은어디있니? (where / lunch / is / your /?) Where is your lunch? 2. 집에있어. (it s / home / at /.) It s at home. 3. 너샌드위치싸왔니? (did / pack / sandwich / you / a /?) Did you pack a sandwich? 4. 내게너의바나나를건네줘. (pass / me / banana / your /.) Pass me your banana. 5. 주스를좀마실수있을까? (can / have / juice / I / some /?) Can I have some juice? Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Pack a basket with food. 2. Walk to the park. 3. Spread out the mat. 4. Pass the plate. 5. Take out the sandwiches. 선생님확인 7
Book 3 Unit 2 Go Camping 1B Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 set up 세우다 9 풀다 unpack 2 roast 굽다 10 캠프장 campground 3 sing 노래를부르다 11 텐트 tent 4 campground 캠프장 12 세우다 set up 5 tent 텐트 13 굽다 roast 6 campfire 모닥불 14 노래를 부르다 sing 7 unpack 풀다 15 핫도그 hot dog 8 hot dog 핫도그 16 모닥불 campfire 16 개중 개정답 8
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 모닥불을피우자! (make / campfire / let s / a /!) Let s make a campfire! 2. 마시멜로우들을좀구워. (some / marshmallows / roast /.) Roast some marshmallows. 3. 귀신얘기해줘. (tell / ghost / a / story /.) Tell a ghost story. 4. 저게뭐지? (what / that / is /?) What is that? 5. 덤불로가봐. (to / bush / go / the /.) Go to the bush. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Go to the campground. 2. Set up a tent. 3. Unpack your backpack. 4. Roast hot dogs. 5. Sing campfire songs. 선생님확인 9
Book 3 Unit 3 Go to the Beach 2A Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 watch 지켜보다 9 모으다 collect 2 surf 파도타기를하다 10 지켜보다 watch 3 collect 모으다 11 바다 sea 4 beach 해변 12 파도 wave 5 sea 바다 13 해변 beach 6 wave 파도 14 모래성 sandcastle 7 sandcastle 모래성 15 조개껍질 seashell 8 seashell 조개껍질 16 파도타기를 하다 surf 16 개중 개정답 10
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 나지루해. ( bored / I m /.) I m bored. 2. 차고로가자. (go / to / garage / let s / the /.) Let s go to the garage. 3. 부품들을모아. (collect / parts / the /.) Collect the parts. 4. 라디오를켜봐. (turn / radio / on / the /.) Turn on the radio. 5. 뭐가잘못된거지? (wrong / what s/?) What s wrong? Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Go to the beach. 2. Swim in the sea. 3. Surf on the wave. 4. Make a sandcastle. 5. Collect seashells. 선생님확인 11
Book 3 Unit 4 Go Fishing 2B Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 dig 땅을파다 9 떨어뜨리다 drop 2 drop 떨어뜨리다 10 들여오다 bring in 3 bring in 들여오다 11 낚싯대 fishing pole 4 fishing pole 낚싯대 12 땅을파다 dig 5 hook 낚싯바늘 13 벌레 worm 6 bucket 양동이 14 양동이 bucket 7 line 낚싯줄 15 낚싯줄 line 8 worm 벌레 16 낚싯바늘 hook 16 개중 개정답 12
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 보물을찾자! (find / treasure / let s / the /!) Let s find the treasure! 2. 보물이어디있지? (is / treasure / where / the /?) Where is the treasure? 3. 밧줄을떨어뜨려. (rope / drop / the /.) Drop the rope. 4. 밧줄을끌어올려. (bring / rope / in / the /.) Bring in the rope. 5. 자루안에뭐가들었을까? (what / in / bag / is / the /?) What is in the bag? Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Get your fishing pole. 2. Dig for worms. 3. Put the worm on the hook. 4. Throw the line into the water. 5. Drop the fish in the bucket. 선생님확인 13
Book 3 Unit 5 Go Skiing 3A Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 ride 타다 9 위로올라가다 go up 2 ski 스키 10 아래로 내려가다 go down 3 ski pole 스키폴 11 타다 ride 4 ski lift 스키리프트 12 스키 ski 5 top 꼭대기, 정상 13 스키폴 ski pole 6 ski slope 스키슬로프 14 스키리프트 ski lift 7 go up 위로올라가다 15 꼭대기, 정상 top 8 go down 아래로내려가다 16 스키슬로프 ski slope 16 개중 개정답 14
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 눈에서놀자! (play / the / snow / let s / in /!) Let s play in the snow! 2. 부츠에발을집어넣어. (put / feet / the / boots / in / your /.) Put your feet in the boots. 3. 내장갑을찾을수가없어. (can t / my / gloves / I / find /.) I can t find my gloves. 4. 그것들은거기없는데. (they / not / there / are /.) They are not there. 5. 여기장갑있다! (here / the / gloves / are /!) Here are the gloves! Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Find your ski poles. 2. Put your feet in the skis. 3. Ride the ski lift. 4. Go up to the top. 5. Go down the ski slope. 선생님확인 15
Book 3 Unit 6 Take a Picture 3B Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 check 확인하다 9 말하다 say 2 hold 잡다 10 가져오다 get 3 say 말하다 11 확인하다 check 4 camera 카메라 12 잡다 hold 5 film 필름 13 카메라 camera 6 picture 사진 14 건전지 battery 7 get 가져오다 15 필름 film 8 battery 건전지 16 사진 picture 16 개중 개정답 16
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 네배낭을가져와. (your / backpack / bring /.) Bring your backpack. 2. 네배낭에물을넣어. (put / water / your / backpack / the / in /.) Put the water in your backpack. 3. 재킷을가져와. (a / jacket / bring /.) Bring a jacket. 4. 과자를좀가져와. (get / some / snacks /.) Get some snacks. 5. 개한테작별인사를해. (say / to / your / dog / goodbye /.) Say goodbye to your dog. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Get your camera. 2. Check the batteries. 3. Put the film in the camera. 4. Hold the camera. 5. Say cheese. 선생님확인 17
BEFLY Speaking 유형 문제 그림보고질문에답하기 F: No. 1 What is he doing? F: No. 2 What are they doing? 출처 B3, p. 24, 25 힌트 답안 (1) What is he doing? ( 그는무엇을하고있나요?) He is ~ (2) What are they doing? ( 그들은무엇을하고있나요?) They are ~ (1) He is swimming (swims) in the sea. (2) They are making (makes) a sandcastle. 18
BEFLY Writing 유형일상생활에관한글쓰기출처 B3, p. 16, 17 텐트를쳐요. 배낭을풀어요. 힌트 Set up ~ Unpack ~ 답안 (2) Set up a tent. (3) Unpack your backpack. 19