KISEP Original Article J Korean Neuropsychiatr Assoc Vol 43, No 4 한국정신장애의역학조사연구 (I): 각정신장애의유병률 서울대학교의과대학정신과학교실, 1 가천의과대학교정신과학교실, 2 국립서울정신병원, 3 한국보건사회연

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KISEP Original Article J Korean Neuropsychiatr Assoc Vol 43, No 4 한국정신장애의역학조사연구 (I): 각정신장애의유병률 서울대학교의과대학정신과학교실, 1 가천의과대학교정신과학교실, 2 국립서울정신병원, 3 한국보건사회연구원, 4 을지대학교의과대학정신과학교실, 5 울산대학교의과대학정신과학교실, 6 성안드레아신경정신병원, 7 서울시립은평병원정신과, 8 인제대학교의과대학정신과학교실, 9 인하대학교의과대학정신과학교실, 10 연세대학교원주의과대학정신과학교실, 11 충북대학교의과대학신경정신과학교실, 12 대구가톨릭대학교의과대학정신과학교실, 13 국립나주병원정신과, 14 한국음주문화연구센터 15 조맹제 1 함봉진 2 김장규 1 박강규 3 정은기 3 서동우 4 김선욱 50 조성진 20 이준영 1 홍진표 6 최용성 7 박종익 8 이동우 9 이기철 9 배재남 10 신정호 11 정인원 12 박종한 13 배안 14 이충경 15 Korean Epidemiologic Catchment Area(KECA) Study for Psychiatric Disorders: Prevalence of Specific Psychiatric Disorders Maeng Je Cho, MD 1, Bong-Jin Hahm, MD 2, Jang-Kyu Kim, MD 1, Kang-Kyu Park, MD 3, Eun-Kee Chung, MD 3, Tong Woo Suh, MD 4, Seon-Uk Kim, MD 5, Seong-Jin Cho, MD 2, Jun-Young Lee, MD 1, Jin-Pyo Hong, MD 6, Yong-Seoung Choi, MD 7, Jong-Ik Park, MD 8, Dong-Woo Lee, MD 9, Gi-Chul Lee, MD 9, Jae-Nam Bae, MD 10, Jong-Ho Shin, MD 11, In-Won Chung, MD 12, Jong Han Park, MD 13, Ahn Bae, MD 14 and Choong-Koung Lee, MD 15 Department of Psychiatry, 1 Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Department of Psychiatry, 2 Gachon Medical School, Incheon, Seoul National Mental Hospital, 3 Seoul, Korea Institute of Health and Social Affairs, 4 Seoul, Department of Psychiatry, 5 Eulji University School of Medicine, Seoul, Department of Psychiatry, 6 Ulsan University College of Medicine, Seoul, St. Andrew s Neuropsychiatric Hospital, 7 Icheon, Department of Psychiatry, 8 Seoul Metropolitan Eunpyoung Hospital, Seoul, Department of Psychiatry, 9 College of Medicine, Inje University, Seoul, Department of Psychiatry, 10 College of Medicine, Inha University, Incheon, Department of Psychiatry, 11 Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, Wonju, Department of Neuropsychiatry, 12 College of Medicine, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Department of Psychiatry, 13 Catholic University of Daegu School of Medicine, Daegu, Department of Psychiatry, 14 Naju National Hospital, Naju, Korean Alcohol Research Foundation, 15 Seoul, Korea Objectives:This study aims to estimate the prevalence of the DSM-IV psychiatric disorders in Korean population using the Korean version of Composite International Diagnostic Interview (K-CIDI). Methods:Subjects were selected by taking multi-stage, cluster samples of 7,867 adult household residents, 18 to 64 years of age, in ten catchment areas. Total 78 trained interviewers administered the K-CIDI to the selected respondents, from June 1 to November 30, 2001. Results:Total 6,275 respondents completed the interview. Some 33.5% of respondents reported at least one lifetime disorder, 20.6% reported at least one-year disorder, and 16.7% reported at least one-month disorder. The most common lifetime disorders were alcohol abuse/dependence (17.24%), nicotine dependence/withdrawal (11.19%), specific phobia (5.16%), and major depressive disorder (4.25%). The lifetime prevalence of substance abuse/dependence (0.25%) and schizophrenia (0.16%) was very low. Nicotine and alcohol use disorder showed very high male/female ratio. Mood disorder and anxiety disorder were more prevalent among female than male. Conclusion:The prevalence of psychiatric disorders was high. In comparison with other studies, remarkable differences in distributions of psychiatric disorders across the areas and times were observed. (J Korean Neuropsychiatr Assoc 2004;43(4): 470-480) KEY WORDS:Prevalence Epidemiology Psychiatric disorder K-CIDI. 470

서론 - - 연구방법 조사도구개발 훈련센터설립 조사지역및연구진선정 예비조사 471

Table 1. Catchment areas and research centers for Korean Epidemiologic Catchment Area study for psychiatric disorders Catchment area Seoul East Gwangjin-gu West Eunpyoung-gu South Songpa-gu, Kangdong-gu North Nowon-gu Incheon Jung-gu Kangwha-gun Chungcheongbuk-do Cheongwon-gun Kyungsangbuk-do Daegu Chenlanam-do Naju Kangwon-do Wonju Center Seoul National Mental Hospital Seoul Metropolitan Eunpyoung Hospital Ulsan University Seoul National University Inha University Gacheon Medical School Chungbuk National University Catholic University of Daegu Naju National Hospital Yonsei University Wonju 1 Seoul East (Gwangjin-gu) 2 Seoul West (Enpyoung-gu) 3 Seoul South (Songpa-gu, Kangdong-gu) 4 Seoul North (Nowon-gu) 5 Incheon Jung-gu 6 4 2 1 3 5 7 10 6 Incheon Kangwha-gun 7 Chungcheongbuk-do Cheongwon-gun 8 Kyungsangbuk-do Daegu 9 Chenlanam-do Naju 8 10 Kangwon-do Wonju 9 Fig. 1. Location of sampling areas. 표본추출 - 472

본조사 사전준비 조사요원선발및교육 가정방문및면담 가정방문결과처리 자료정리및분석 연구결과 반응율및반응자의인구학적특성 Table 2. Age and sex distribution of the respondents Age years Male Female Total No % %* No % %* No % %* 1829 0.556 020.2 031.3 0.692 019.6 030.6.1248 019.9 031.0 3039 0.776 028.2 027.7 1,043 029.6 027.1.1819 029.0 027.4 4049 0.682 024.8 022.3 0.751 021.3 022.1.1433 022.8 022.2 5059 0.431 015.7 013.4 0.541 015.4 014.1.0972 015.5 013.7 6064 0.306 011.1 005.1 0.497 014.1 006.1.0803 012.8 005.6 Total 2,751 100.0 100.0 3,524 100.0 100.0 6,275 100.0 100.0 Age and sex distribution of general population 2000 census data 473

정신장애의평생유병률 Table 3. Lifetime prevalence of psychiatric disorders by sex, weighted to the general population Diagnoses Male Female Total % SE % SE % SE Nicotine dependence/withdrawal 20.76 1.31 01.90 0.33 11.19 0.75 Nicotine dependence 19.00 1.31 01.79 0.32 10.27 0.71 Nicotine withdrawal 05.35 0.50 00.43 0.16 02.85 0.29 Alcohol abuse/dependence 28.38 1.83 06.42 0.70 17.24 1.07 Alcohol abuse 12.58 0.86 01.79 0.57 07.11 0.50 Alcool dependence 15.97 1.46 04.64 0.57 10.20 0.89 Substance use disorder 00.33 0.15 00.18 0.09 00.25 0.08 Substance abuse 00.28 0.15 00.13 0.09 00.20 0.09 Substance dependence 00.04 0.04 00.05 0.04 00.05 0.03 Mood disorder 02.67 0.57 06.89 0.43 04.81 0.35 Major depressive disorder 02.57 0.56 05.89 0.48 04.25 0.36 Dysthymic disorder 00.06 0.04 00.92 0.21 00.50 0.11 Bipolar disorder 00.04 0.03 00.28 0.13 00.16 0.07 Psychotic disorder 00.74 0.25 01.63 0.34 01.19 0.20 Schizophrenia 00.08 0.06 00.24 0.11 00.16 0.07 Schizophreniform disorder 00.13 0.07 00.12 0.06 00.12 0.06 Schizoaffective disorder 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 Delusional disorder 0.00 0 00.07 0.07 00.04 0.04 Brief psychotic disorder 00.54 0.25 01.19 0.27 00.87 0.17 Anxiety disorders 04.95 0.54 13.14 0.99 09.11 0.62 Panic disorder 00.07 0.07 00.72 0.22 00.40 0.12 Specific phobia 02.43 0.40 07.82 1.05 05.16 0.65 Social phobia 00.08 0.06 00.35 0.10 00.22 0.06 Obsessive-compulsive disorder 00.62 0.22 01.04 0.26 00.83 0.14 Posttraumatic stress disorder 00.86 0.21 02.54 0.41 01.71 0.27 Generalized anxiety disorder 01.19 0.29 03.37 0.38 02.30 0.24 Somatoform disorder 00.27 0.13 01.00 0.23 00.64 0.14 Somatization disorder 0.00 0 00.01 0.01 0.00 0 Conversion disorder 00.12 0.11 00.54 0.15 00.33 0.10 Pain disorder 00.04 0.02 00.34 0.15 00.19 0.08 Hypochondriasis 00.11 0.02 00.23 0.10 00.17 0.06 Eating disorder 00.19 0.10 00.18 0.10 00.19 0.07 Anorexia nervosa 00.19 0.10 00.13 0.08 00.16 0.06 Bulimia nervosa 0.00 0 00.06 0.05 00.03 0.02 Any diagnoses 43.65 2.30 23.57 1.00 33.46 1.31 Any diagnoses except nicotine disorders 33.41 2.08 22.82 1.09 28.03 1.22 Any diagnoses except nicotine & alcohol disorders 07.97 0.76 18.73 0.91 13.43 0.65 SEstandard error, Exclusion criteria operationalized 474

정신장애의일년유병률 Table 4. One-year prevalence of psychiatric disorders by sex, weighted to the general population Diagnoses Male Female Total % SE % SE % SE Nicotine dependence/withdrawal 13.66 1.25 01.23 0.32 07.35 0.71 Nicotine dependence 12.11 1.28 01.16 0.30 06.54 0.70 Nicotine withdrawal 03.62 0.57 00.10 0.05 01.83 0.30 Alcohol abuse/dependence 11.89 1.08 02.50 0.33 07.11 0.64 Alcohol abuse 03.46 0.59 00.58 0.18 02.00 0.32 Alcool dependence 08.39 0.80 01.92 0.36 05.09 0.49 Mood disorder 00.90 0.26 03.22 0.41 02.07 0.24 Major depressive disorder 00.84 0.25 02.45 0.37 01.65 0.24 Dysthymic disorder 00.05 0.03 00.64 0.20 00.35 0.10 Bipolar disorder 00.01 0.01 00.28 0.13 00.14 0.07 Psychotic disorder 00.22 0.10 00.80 0.25 00.51 0.15 Schizophrenia 00.08 0.06 00.24 0.11 00.16 0.07 Schizophreniform disorder 00.02 0.02 00.12 0.06 00.07 0.03 Schizoaffective disorder 00.00 00 00.00 00 0.00 0 Delusional disorder 00.00 00 00.07 0.07 00.04 0.04 Brief psychotic disorder 00.11 0.08 00.37 0.16 00.24 0.10 Anxiety disorders 02.93 0.29 09.38 0.88 06.20 0.49 Panic disorder 00.07 0.07 00.29 0.12 00.19 0.08 Specific phobia 01.67 0.25 06.59 0.89 04.17 0.45 Social phobia 00.08 0.06 00.23 0.09 00.16 0.06 Obsessive-compulsive disorder 00.47 0.21 00.70 0.22 00.58 0.12 Posttraumatic stress disorder 00.07 0.04 01.26 0.31 00.68 0.17 Generalized anxiety disorder 00.65 0.22 01.42 0.34 01.04 0.26 Somatoform disorder 00.24 0.13 00.72 0.20 00.49 0.13 Somatization disorder 00.00 00 00.01 0.01 0.00 0 Conversion disorder 00.12 0.11 00.37 0.15 00.25 0.11 Pain disorder 00.03 0.02 00.19 0.10 00.11 0.05 Hypochondriasis 00.10 0.06 00.17 0.07 00.13 0.05 Eating disorder 00.00 00 00.07 0.05 00.03 0.02 Anorexia nervosa 00.00 00 00.05 0.05 00.03 0.02 Bulimia nervosa 00.00 00 00.02 0.01 00.01 0.01 Any diagnoses 26.23 1.77 15.17 0.96 20.64 1.16 Any diagnoses except nicotine disorders 15.80 1.20 14.31 1.00 15.04 0.89 Any diagnoses except nicotine & alcohol disorders 04.44 0.41 12.50 0.96 08.51 0.55 SEstandard error, Exclusion criteria operationalized 475

정신장애의일개월유병률 Table 5. One-month prevalence of psychiatric disorders by sex, weighted to the general population Diagnoses Male Female Total % SE % SE % SE Nicotine dependence/withdrawal 10.92 1.13 01.23 0.32 06.00 0.69 Nicotine dependence 09.37 1.02 01.15 0.30 05.20 0.61 Nicotine withdrawal 03.30 0.57 00.10 0.05 01.68 0.30 Alcohol abuse/dependence 08.25 0.78 01.38 0.26 04.75 0.48 Alcohol abuse 02.02 0.35 00.39 0.16 01.20 0.20 Alcool dependence 06.20 0.61 00.98 0.23 03.54 0.35 Mood disorder 00.48 0.16 02.17 0.24 01.33 0.15 Major depressive disorder 00.44 0.16 01.79 0.27 01.12 0.17 Dysthymic disorder 00.03 0.01 00.46 0.15 00.25 0.08 Bipolar disorder 00.01 0.01 00.27 0.13 00.14 0.07 Psychotic disorder 00.18 0.10 00.60 0.24 00.39 0.14 Schizophrenia 00.08 0.06 00.24 0.11 00.16 0.07 Schizophreniform disorder 00.01 0.01 00.09 0.05 00.05 0.03 Schizoaffective disorder 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 Delusional disorder 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 Brief psychotic disorder 00.09 0.07 00.28 0.16 00.18 0.09 Anxiety disorders 02.48 0.23 08.24 0.77 05.40 0.42 Panic disorder 00.01 0.01 00.17 0.08 00.09 0.04 Specific phobia 01.62 0.26 05.77 0.74 03.73 0.40 Social phobia 00.06 0.05 00.21 0.08 00.13 0.05 Obsessive-compulsive disorder 00.34 0.20 00.67 0.22 00.51 0.13 Posttraumatic stress disorder 00.07 0.04 01.13 0.25 00.61 0.14 Generalized anxiety disorder 00.46 0.22 01.19 0.28 00.83 0.23 Somatoform disorder 00.24 0.13 00.66 0.18 00.45 0.12 Somatization disorder 0.00 0 00.01 0.01 0.00 0 Conversion disorder 00.12 0.11 00.37 0.15 00.25 0.11 Pain disorder 00.03 0.02 00.15 0.07 00.09 0.04 Hypochondriasis 00.10 0.06 00.15 0.07 00.12 0.04 Eating disorder 0.00 0 00.02 0.01 00.01 0.01 Anorexia nervosa 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 Bulimia nervosa 0.00 0 00.02 0.01 00.01 0.01 Any diagnoses 20.78 1.57 12.72 0.82 16.70 0.96 Any diagnoses except nicotine disorders 11.80 0.90 11.78 0.82 11.79 0.59 Any diagnoses except nicotine & alcohol disorders 03.63 0.34 10.77 0.82 07.23 0.44 SEstandard error, Exclusion criteria operationalized 476

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