Invitation I am honored that we invite you to the Busan Global Water Forum 2014, which is hosted by Busan Metropolitan City and co-organized by the Wa

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Invitation I am honored that we invite you to the Busan Global Water Forum 2014, which is hosted by Busan Metropolitan City and co-organized by the Water and Future City Institute(WCI) and the International Water Association(IWA), held for two days in Busan, Korea from August 28 to 29 in 2014. Busan Global Water Forum starts with a view to encouraging a continuous development in the water industry of Korea and establishing friendly and cooperative relationships in the world s water industry. Under the theme of Sustainable Water Solution for Asia, the Busan Global Water Forum 2014 is expected to gather leaders and experts in the world s water industry and water-related sectors. The Forum aims to come up with solutions on pending issues ranging from strategies to technologies for the balanced development of Water Infrastructure and find measures to establish a cooperative system among Asian countries. The Forum can be an opportunity to predict the future in the field. The Forum is scheduled to provide lectures and discussions led by experts, CEOs, public officials and scholars in the water field. Also, there will be dinners to exchange detailed information and set up a network. In particular, in a special session, a business meeting will be held in connection with Environment & Energy Tech(ENTECH) 2014. Around 60% of world population is living in Asian region and its demand for water has been increasing significantly because of high population growth rate and rapid economic development. However, there are still many issues that must be overcome in terms of stable supply of clean water. We expect that Asian water-stress can be resolved through establishing sustainable water-ycling systems that are based on mutual cooperation among countries and regions. Busan Global Water Forum 2014 will be also held in conjunction with a symposium organized by Korean Society of Water and Wastewater to encourage exchanges in information and networking in the water industry. I cordially ask you to actively participate in discussions and exchange activities to address the Asia s water issues and gain momentum here in the Forum. Finally, I expect you to have a useful and pleasant time. Thank you very much. 부산광역시주최로 ( 사 ) 물과미래도시연구소와 IWA( 국제물협회 ) 가공동주관하여 2014 년 8 월 28 일부터 8 월 29 일까지개최되는제 2 회부산국제물포럼에여러분을초대하게된것을영광으로생각합니다. 작년 9 월개최되었던제 1 회포럼은글로벌네트워크를바탕으로대한민국물산업의지속적인발전과아시아물협력관계구축 (Building Water Cooperation in Asia) 을위해 10 개국 400 여명이참석하였습니다. 올해개최되는제 2 회부산국제물포럼은 Sustainable Water Solution for Asia 라는주제로아시아국가들의물문제와지속가능한해결책에대해 IWA, World Bank, 우리나라및아시아국가들의정부기관그리고국내외물분야전문가들이함께모여토론하고미래에대한새로운비전을제시해줄것입니다. 세계인구의약 60% 를차지하는아시아지역은높은인구증가율과경제발전속도로인해물에대한수요가가장크게증가하는지역입니다. 이러한아시아의물문제는국가간, 지역간상호협력을바탕으로지속가능한물순환시스템을구축함으로써해결할수있을것으로기대됩니다. 또한물분야의전문가네트워크형성과기업의비즈니스기회창출을위해국제환경 에너지산업전 (ENTECH 2014) 과연계한비즈니스상담회도함께개최됩니다. 특히이번포럼에서는대한상하수도학회가주관하는물분야심포지움도함께개최됨으로써보다많은정보와인적교류가이뤄질것으로기대됩니다. 우리모두는진정한물의도시부산에서제 2 회부산국제물포럼을개최하고이를통해아시아지역의지속가능한물문제해결책을모색할수있어매우기쁘게생각합니다. 본포럼을통해아시아지역의물문제에대한실질적인해결책이제시될수있을것이라기대하며, 여러분모두각자의결실을맺을수있는행복한시간이되길기원합니다. 감사합니다. 부산광역시시장서병수 Mayor of Busan Metropolitan City Suh Byung-soo ( 사 ) 물과미래도시연구소이사장황인성 President of the Water and Future City Institute Hwang In-seong

2014 부산국제물포럼 개요 Title Main Theme Hosted by Organized by 행사명 주제 주최 주관 일시 Venue 장소 Official Language Official Website 공식언어 홈페이지 Program 프로그램 Busan Global Water Forum 2014, 2014 부산국제물포럼 Sustainable Water Solutions for Asia, 아시아 물 문제의 지속 가능한 솔루션 Busan Metropolitan City 부산광역시 Water & Future City Institute, WCI((사)물과 미래도시 연구소) International Water Association, IWA (국제물협회) August 28(Thur)~29(Fri), 2014 To be held in conjunction with ENTECH 2014 2014. 8. 28(목)~8. 29(금) / 2일간 2nd Fl. Meeting Room, BEXCO, Busan, Korea 부산 벡스코(BEXCO) 2층 회의실 English, Korean / 영어, 한국어 Session Presentations of world water professionals and experts 물 관련 산업 비즈니스 대표 및 정부기관 전문가들의 주제 발표 Business Session 1:1 Business interview/networking between primary water companies and stakeholders 1:1 비즈니스 상담 Networking Sharing Information and Networking for building water cooperation among participant cities and professionals 참가자간의 물 관련 최신 정책과 정보 공유 및 네트워킹 BEXCO (Busan Exhibition & Convention Center) BEXCO is the perfect venue for the BWF2014. Occupies an area of 92,761 m², consisting of a 4,000-seat capacity auditorium, one convention hall with 22 meeting rooms in various sizes, one multi-functional Hall with 15 additional versatile meeting rooms and two exhibition centers with 16 exhibition halls.

Program 프로그램 Time 09:00 ~ 10:00(60 ) 10:00~11:20(80 ) 11:20~12:10(50 ) August 28 (Thur.) 12:10~14:00(110 ) Registration 등록 Opening Ceremony 개회식 및 기조연설 Exhibition Tour: Environment & Energy Tech 2014 전시회 투어 : 국제 환경 에너지 산업전 Luncheon 오찬 Session Ⅰ: Water Reuse(Organized by IWA) 14:00~15:30(90 ) 세션Ⅰ: 물 재이용(IWA 주관) 15:30~15:50(20 ) Coffee Break 커피 브레이크 15:50~17:50(120 ) 18:30~20:30(120 ) 09:40~11:40(120 ) 11:40~12:00(20 ) August 29 (Fri.) Program 12:00~13:30(90 ) Session Ⅱ: Water Management Issues in Asia 세션Ⅱ: 개도국 물 분야 주요 이슈 및 한국의 지원정책 Official Dinner 공식 환영만찬 Session Ⅲ: Sharing Korean Experiences in Water Solutions 세션Ⅲ: 한국 기업의 우수 수처리 기술 및 해결책 Session Wrap-Up 포럼마무리: 2014 부산국제물포럼의 성과와 미래전망 Luncheon 오찬 Special Session Appropriate Technology for Sanitation and Water Supply 특별세션 위생 및 물 공급을 위한 적정기술 Co-Organized: Korean Society of Water and Wastewater Busan Ulsan Gyeongnam Branch Korean Society of Environmental Engineers Busan Ulsan Gyeongnam Branch Busan Green Environment Center Scientists and Engineers without Borders 공동주관: 대한상하수도학회 부울경지부, 대한환경공학회 부울경지회, 부산녹색환경지원센터, 국경없는과학기술자회 13:30~17:00(210 ) Business Networking 1:1 Business Interview between Invited Speakers and Korean Water Companies 국내 수 처리 기업과 참가 해외연사간 1:1 비즈니스 상담

Busan Global Water Forum 2013 2013 부산국제물포럼 Title Theme Hosted by Organized by Registration Business Networking 행사명주제주최주관일시참가규모비즈니스네트워킹 Busan Global Water Forum 2013 2013 부산국제물포럼 Building Water Cooperation in Asia Busan Metropolitan City 부산광역시 Water&Future City Institute, WCI (( 사 ) 물과미래도시연구소 ) International Water Association, IWA ( 국제물협회 ) September 5(Thur)~6(Fri), 2014 To be held in conjunction with ENTECH 2014 2013. 9. 5( 목 ) 9. 6( 금 ) / 2일간 (2013 국제환경 에너지산업전과연계개최 ) over 400 participants from 10 countries 10개국 400여명 35 meetings among 15 companies 15개사 35건상담 Environment & Energy Tech 2014 2014 국제환경 에너지산업전 Title Venue Hosted by Organized by Scale Exhibit 행사명일시장소주최주관규모전시품목 Environment & Energy Tech 2014 2014 국제환경 에너지산업전 August 27(Wed)~29(Fri), 2014 2014. 8. 27( 수 ) 8. 29( 금 ) BEXCO, Busan, Korea 부산벡스코 (BEXCO) Busan Metropolitan City, The Kookje Daily News 부산광역시, 국제신문 BEXCO, Today Energy, KOTRA 벡스코, 투데이에너지, 코트라 250 companies with 650 Booths 250개업체 650부스 Environment( 환경 ) Waste Treatment( 폐기물처리 ), Resource Recycling( 자원화 ), Air( 대기 ), Pollution Prevention( 사전오염예방 ) Energy( 에너지 ) New Renewable Energy( 신재생에너지 ), Wind( 풍력 ), Solarthermal( 태양광열 ), Fuel Cell( 연료전지 ), Tidal Power( 조력 ), Geothermal Energy( 지력 ), Bio-mass( 바이오매스 ) Electric Power Gas( 전력발전가스 ), Power Plant( 발전플랜트 ), Gas Facility( 가스시설 ), Domestic and Industrial Energy( 가정용, 산업용에너지 ), Public Sector( 공공부문 )

김태은 (Taeeun Kim), E-Mail. BWF 2014 Secretariat Tel. 82-51-711-0048 Fax. 82-51-747-7030 14F, KNN Tower, 30, Centum Seo-ro, Haeundae-gu, Busan, Korea 612-020