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. 12) 2 1, 13) 14). ), ), ) 3. 4 1 9.. 12 1. 13 2 1., 102 original works of author ship fixed in any tangible medium of expre- ssion, now known or later developed, from which they can be perceived, reproduced, or otherwise communicated, either directly or with the aid of machine or device ". 14 1979. 12. 28, 79 1482. 2. 1 ) ( 2 (1) the literary, scientific and ar- tistic domain" U.C.C ( ) 1 the literary, scientific and artistic").,.,. 15) 2 ) (orig inality )..,, 15,,, 1999. 20 89
(not substantially copied, and independently created). 16) 3 ). 17).,..,,. 18)19) 16,. 20-21 17, 1977.3.12, 77 90,. 18, 21,, 1999. 63,.,. 20).,. 21) (fixa- tio n ) 22), 102 (a ) 23) (fixed in tangible medium of expression ) 19 1993. 6. 8. 93 3073, 3080 ; 3. 20 102. 17 U.S.C sec. 102(b) In no case does copyright protection for an original work or authorship extend to any idea, procedure, process, system, method of operation, concept, principle, or discovery, of the form in which it is described, explained, illustrated, or embodied in such work 21,,, 1999. 38 22 (fixation). 23 17 U.S.C. 102.(a) Copyright protection subsists, in accordance with this title, in original works or authorship fixed in any tangible medium or expression, now known or later developed, from which they can perceived, reproduced, or otherwise communicated, either directly or with the aid of a machine or device. 90
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., (4). 1952 9 Pagliero 34), (ingredient ), (de jure functionality ). Pagliero.,.. 35), 3 Restatement 17 (c),,. 36) 34 Pagliero v. Wallace China Co., 198 F.2d 339, 95 U.S.P.Q. 45 (9 Cir. 1952). 35 3) Qualitex (1995) 36,.,,,.,. 37).,,. 37.. 20 (merchandising),., 20,,.,,, ( ),. 95
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. (Graphic User Interface GUI),,, (prompt ). (Icon ),,. 39) 2. (1),, 40)., ),,, ), ) 39. (MPEP 1504.01(a)) 40 1 ( ).. (2 ) (GUI),. 1) (GUI) ), CIT Y BANK ) Web Site GUI 41), Window s Media Player S/ W GUI ), PDA, Web Pad Mobile GUI 42) ) Navigator,, MP3, CDP, TV GUI 2) (Icon ) ), Application Icon ) Set Icon 43) ) 41 Web Site GUI, Web Site,. Web Site GUI Homepage, Community site, Shoppingmall site. 42 Mobile GUI. 43 Icon Set, Icon set. 97
GUI Icon 3) (Graphic Images) 44) ) Contents ) ) ) set ) ) 3D. 1. (1) 2 ( ) 1 ( ), 7, 1 1. ( 12 1 5 ) 44 3D..,. 45) (2), ) 19,. ),. ). -, 50, 45,. ( 1996. 2. 13., 94 3266) GUI text, lay out. 98
. 46) ),. 47) 2. 48), 46 1968 [1956 ] 15, [1988 CDPA] 25.,. 47. 48 1991 5 14 1 2 GUI Icon,.. 3. (2002. 1. 14. 6603 ) 2002. 7. 15.,,., ), ), ) 49), ) 50), ) 5 51) 49, Off- line. 50. 51 5,. 99
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2003 7 1 ( 3 1 ). ( ). (1) 4 4. (2)..,, 13 2. ( ), (GUI), (PDA), Icon GUI 2003 7 1. < 1>. 101
2. 2 3., 2 3. 3,, KFC,.,,, Enjoy Coca Cola.. 1960.. MGM. SBS CI.., (feature) (directed to) ( ; de facto func- tionality ),,.,,. Game Boy Advance, MP3. 3.,.,,,,,,,, 102
,,.,... 2 1., ) 19,. ),. ). -, 50,. ),.,,,,.. 103
,,,,.. UCC..,,.,.., EU GUI Icon,..,.,,..,.,, 104
..,.,,,,,., WT O/ T RIPs. T LT,., 19,.,,,,,..,. < > -,, ( ), 2001( 3 2 ) -,,, 2000 -,,, 2003. 7 -,, ( ), 2001( 4 ) -,,, 2002 -,,, 1999 -,, 105
, 1995 -, 21,, 1999. -,,, 1984 -,,, -,, ( ), 1995.12,. -,, ( ), 1992. 12,. -,,, 2002. 106