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Contents 연사 논문 SY-01 Plant Breeding in the 21 st Century 5 Ronald L. Phillips SY-02 한국의 식량작물 육종- 성과와 전망 6 김광호 SY-03 한국 원예육종- 지난 40년의 성과와 금후 전략을 위한 고려 7 윤진영, 신용억, 김영진 SY-04 Achievements and Prospects of Tree Breeding in Korea 8 Eui Rae Noh and Kyu-Suk Kang SY-05 우리나라 종자산업 육성 방안 8 오병석 SY-06 한국육종학회 40년 발자취 9 곽태순, 김연규 SY-07 Genomics-assisted Crop Improvement for Abiotic Stresses 11 Rajeev K. Varshney SY-08 벼 육종의 연구현황 및 앞으로의 방향 12 김연규, 황흥구 SY-09 생명공학 기술에 의한 GM작물 개발 13 서석철 SY-10 벼흰잎마름병 저항성 품종 육성 및 금후 연구 방향 13 신문식, 김기영, 남정권, 노광일, 신운철, 모영준, 고재권 SY-11 Progress Report on Single Genes ohat Enhance Biomass and Grain Yield in Rice Crops 14 Chang-deok Han SY-12 분자표지를 이용한 착색단고추 품종의 육성 전략 15 강병철, 조영득, 양희범, 강원희, 김영민 SY-13 오이 냉해 저항성 유전연구와 육종 15 정상민 SY-14 딸기 신품종 육성에 의한 시장 확대 16 정재완, 조용섭, 노일래, 정호정, 강경희 SY-15 교잡육종에 의한 마늘 품종 개발 17 윤무경, 안율균, 김기택, 최학순, 오대근, 우종규, 김도선 iv

SY-16 우리나라 산림 유전자원의 현황과 보존 18 김찬수 SY-17 산림종자의 생산 보급 및 국가관리 19 조경진 SY-18 토종자원을 활용한 밤나무 신품종 육성 성과 및 향후 계획 20 이 욱, 김만조, 이갑연, 백을선, 권용희 SY-19 생물공학을 이용한 산림자원의 이용 및 전망 21 최명석, 노은운 SY-20 기후변화에 대응한 수종 개발 및 탄소흡수원 확충 22 김인식, 유근옥, 최형순 SY-21 Development of a Basis of Marker-assisted Selection in Breeding 23 Satoshi Tabata SY-22 The Genome Sequence Of Glycine Soja: Massive Parallel Short Read Sequencing Approach 23 Suk-Ha Lee SY-23 우리나라 콩 육종 연구 100년 발자취 24 이영호, 박금룡 SY-24 우리나라 맥류 육종 연구 발자취 25 최재성, 박기훈, 현종내, 김양길, 이미자, 한옥규, 박태일, 정영근, 김기종, 김정곤 SY-25 우리나라 전작물 품종 개발 미래전망 27 서용원 SY-26 한국 과수육종 발달 과정과 전망 28 신용억, 김대일, 허 성, 박재호, 김성철, 강삼석, 권순일, 노정호, 조광식, 안현주, 김정희 SY-27 생명공학을 이용한 과수 육종 성과 29 김정희, 신일섭, 조강희, 허 성, 김현란, 김대일, 신용억, 김기홍, 송관정 SY-28 한국 화훼육종 30년의 성과와 금후 전략 30 김영진, 조해룡, 이혜경, 한봉희 SY-29 생명공학을 이용한 화훼류의 육종 31 안병준 SY-30 특용작물 육종 성과와 전망 32 심강보, 황정동, 배석복, 이명희, 하태정, 박창환, 박금용 SY-31 동아시아에서 들깨와 차조기 작물의 유전적 변이 35 이주경 SY-32 약용작물 생산동향과 발전 전망 36 박호기, 박충범 SY-33 우리나라 약용작물 품종개발 현황 37 김관수 v

구두 발표 수량 및 저항성 육종 OA-01 Isolation and identification of Phomopsis seed decay in Korean soybean 41 Suli Sun, Yeong-Ho Lee, Kyujung Van, Moon Young Kim, Suk-Ha Lee OA-02 Origin of off-type rice plants collected from farmer s field 41 Jung-Hyun Park, Tae-Ho Ham, Wenzhu Jiang, Reflinur, and Hee-Jong Koh OA-03 기존 우량 벼 품종의 작물학적 특성을 보완 확충하기 위한 수단으로서의 돌연변이육종 42 신영섭, 정지웅, 최인배, 김연규 OA-04 국내육성 벼 품종의 주요 작물학적 특성지배 대립인자군 구명을 위한 전자핵산지문 DB구축과 운용 42 정지웅, 김기영, 김춘송, 최인배, 신영섭, 김연규 OA-05 Characterization and genetic analysis of the embryo lethal mutant in rice 43 Back-Ki Kim, Wenzhu Jiang, Rihua Piao, Joohyun Lee, Tae-Ho Ham, Jung-Hyun Park, Reflinur Basyirin, MD. Babul Akter, Hee-Jong Koh OA-06 Fine mapping of grain weight QTLs using near isogenic lines from a cross between Oryza sativa and O. grandiglumis 43 Ji-Min Oh, Dong-Beom Yoon, Dong-Min Kim, Sang-Nag Ahn OA-07 Analysis of QTLs associated with heterosis in rice (Oryza sativa L.) 44 Sang-Ho Chu, Wenzhu Jiang, Young-Il Cho, Joong-Hyoun Chin, Hee-Jong Koh OA-08 Genetic resource of salt tolerance at germination and seedling stages in wild barley (Hordeum vulgare L.ssp. spontaneum) germplasm 44 Kuldeep Tyagi, Hyo Jeong Lee, Chong Ae Lee, Kui Ja Lee, Song Joong Yun 품질육종 및 유전변이 OB-01 Marker Development for Selection of Improved Eating Quality of Rice 45 Puji Lestari, Tae-Ho Ham, Lee Gi An, Ho-Hoon Lee, Mi-Ok Woo, Wenzhu Jiang, Reflinur, Sang-Ho Chu, Soon-Wook Kwon, Rihua Piao, Kyung-Ho Ma, Jeong-Heui Lee, Young-Chan Cho and Hee-Jong Koh OB-02 한국, 중국 및 미국 콩 유전자원의 지방과 지방산 변이 45 송항림, 이윤호, 박경호, 김성진, 박수정, 정헌상, 황영현, 김홍식 OB-03 간편식용으로 적합한 벼 품종선발 및 품질특성 구명 46 오세관, 김연규, 오예진, 오기백, 천아름, 윤미라, 김대중, 김기종, 홍하철 OB-04 양성자 및 감마선처리에 의한 유채의 유용변이체 선발 47 은종선, 김준수, 손용만 OB-05 C3G색소 고함유 계통벼의 안토시아닌 생합성 특징과 기능 47 류수노, 권순욱, 한상준, 김홍열 vi

OB-06 OB-07 Association of Allelic Variations and End-Use Properties of Flour in Korean Wheat Cultivars 48 Chul Soo Park, Chon-Sik Kang, Jong-Chul Park, Sun-Hee Woo, Young-Keun Cheong and Ki-Jong Kim Association of Allelic Variations and Physicochemical Properties of Flour in Korean Wheat Cultivars 48 Chul Soo Park, Chon-Sik Kang, Jong-Chul Park, Sun-Hee Woo, Young-Keun Cheong and Ki-Jong Kim OB-08 Development of a black seed soybean line with extremely high isoflavone content 49 Young-Hyun Hwang, Yeon Shin Jeong, Chang Ho Lee, Seung Min Seo, Krishna Hari Dhakal, Jeong Dong Lee 분자육종 및 유전공학 OC-01 IFS1, 2 유전자 도입 형질전환 벼의 이소플라본 생성량의 연차간 변이 49 박향미, 김율호, 최만수, 최임수, 신동범, 김연규, 이경렬, 손수인, 이장용 OC-02 고효율 형질전환 플랫폼을 활용한 신기능성 작물 개발 50 김율호, 박향미, 최만수, 윤홍태, 최임수, 신동범, 김정곤, 이장용 OC-03 OC-04 OC-05 OC-06 OC-07 OC-08 In Vitro Regeneration and Agrobacterium Transformation of Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) using Leaf Piece Explants 50 Sang-Hoon Lee, Ki-Won Lee, Ki-Yong Kim, Hee Chung Ji, Sei Hyung Yoon, Joung Kyong Lee, Young Chul Lim Isolation and characterization of a dwarf mutant osks2, showing defective gibberellins biosynthesis in rice 51 Sang-Hye Ji, Byung-Ohg Ahn, Jung-Won Lee, Doh-Won Yun, Ung-Han Yoon, Yoon, Sung-Han Park, Gang-Seob Lee, Chang-Kug Kim, Yong-Hwan Kim Comparative Genome Analysis in Model and Crop Legumes: Towards the Application for the Crop Improvement 51 Hong-Kyu Choi, Jeong-Hwan Mun, Dong-Jin Kim, Hongyan Zhu, Jong-Min Baek, Bruce Roe, Nevin D. Young, Jeff Doyle, Noel Ellis, Gyorgy Kiss7 and Douglas R. Cook Over-expression of Rice Starch Branching Enzyme 1 (RBE1) Results in Low Amylose Content in Brown Rice 52 Ming-Mao Sun, Yong-Guk Ju, Reneeliza Melgar, Hye Jung Lee, Hee-Jong Woo, Ung-Han Yoon, Hong-Sig Kim, Sun-Hee Woo, and Yong-Gu Cho Proteomics analysis of wheat-rye translocation lines: Characterization of stress resistance proteins 52 A-Reum Kim, Ju-Hyun Nam, Sang-Oh Kwon, Ki-Na Yun, Yong-Weon Seo, Jong-Soon Choi, and Sun-Hee Woo Identification of a novel chimeric gene, orf725, and its use in development of a molecular marker for distinguishing among three cytoplasm types in onion (Allium cepa L.) 53 Sunggil Kim, Eul-Tai Lee, Dong Youn Cho, Taeho Han, Yul Kyun Ahn, Moo-Kyoung Yoon vii

OC-09 Characterization and map-based cloning of the EP3 gene controlling panicle erectness in rice 53 Rihua Piao, Wenzhu Jiang, Tae-Ho Ham, Min-Seon Choi, Yongli Qiao, Sang-Ho Chu, Jung-Hyun Park, Mi-Ok Woo, Zhengxun Jin, Gynheung An, Joohyun Lee, and Hee-Jong Koh OC-10 OsPT transgenic rice with enhanced ability of uptake phosphate from soil 54 Hoejeong Wang, Dong-Soo Park, Soo-Kwon Park, Sang-Min Kim, Woon-Ha Hwang, Norvie L. Manigbas, Doh-Hoon Kim, Songyi Song, Min-Hee Nam, Hang-Won Kang and Gihwan Yi 포스터 발표 수량 및 저항성 육종 PA-01 A New Early-Heading and High-Yielding Forage Winter Oat Cultivar, Punghan 57 Ouk-Kyu Han, Hyong-Ho Park, Hwa-Young Heo, Tae-Il Park, Jae-Hwan Seo, Ki-Hun Park, Jung-Gon Kim, Jung-Il Ju, Yun-Gi Hong, Jae-Hyun Jeung and Nam-Geon Park PA-02 Development of a Near Isogenic Line "Milyang244" with Enhanced Resistance to Panicle Blast Disease Using DNA Marker in Rice 57 Jong-Hee Lee, Do-Yeon Kwak, Choon-Song Kim, Jun-Hyeon Cho, Myeong-Gi Jeon, Guk-Hyeon Jung, No-Bong Park, Sang-Yeol Kim, Un Sang Yeo, You-Chun Song, Hang-Won Kang, Mun-Sik Shin, Byeong-Geun Oh, Jin-Gon An, Hung-Goo Hwang PA-03 분자마커 이용 고품질 복합내병충성 벼 품종 개발 전략 58 이종희, 조준현, 곽도연, 김춘송, 전명기, 정국현, 박노봉, 김상열, 여운상, 송유천, 신문식, 강항원, 안진곤 PA-04 볍씨 온탕침지소독 최적조건 및 품종별 발아율 58 노재환, 김건수, 신동범 PA-05 Characterization of the main effects, epistatic effects and their interactions of QTL for yield traits in rice 59 Xinhua Zhao, Yang Qin, Tae-Heun Kim, Young-Hie Park, BaoYan Jia, Jae-Keun Sohn PA-06 내병성 작물육종을 위한 병리검정 지원 사업단 소개 59 최경자, 이선우, 문제선, 김병섭, 최도일, 강병철, 허진회 PA-07 PA-08 Distribution of haplotypes associated with CMS and restoration of fertility among paprika lines for development of a sweet pepper CGMS/Rf system. 60 YoungMin Kim, Yeong-Duek Jo, Byoung-Cheorl Kang Testing of Pine Species and Hybrids for Resistance to the Pitch Canker Pathogen, Fusarium circinatum 60 Kwan-Soo Woo, Jun-Hyuck Yoon and Sang-Uk Han viii

PA-09 In vitro Mutagenesis Study of eif(iso)4e to Engineer Turnip mosaic virus Resistance in Chinese cabbage 61 Jinhee Kim, Byoung-Cheorl Kang PA-10 Pinklight, A New Saxifraga fortunei Cultivar with Light Pink Colored Petals for Pot 61 Jong Taek Suh, Su Young Hong, Dong Lim Yoo, Chun Woo Nam, Seung Yeol Ryu and Eung Ho Lee PA-11 Banggry, A New Asiatic Lily Cultivar with Yellow Colored Petals for Cutting 62 Jong Taek Suh, Dong Lim Yoo, Chun Woo Nam, Su Jeong Kim, Su Young Hong, and Seung Yeol Ryu PA-12 PA-13 Comparative Proteomics Analysis of Biotic Stress-responsive Proteins in Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) 62 Abu Hena Mostafa Kamal, Ki- Hyeon Kim, Dong- Hoon Shin, Kwang-Hyun Shin, Chul-Soo Park, Hwa-Young Heo, Hong-Sig Kim, Seung-Keun Jong and Sun-Hee Woo Functional Proteomics Analysis of Wheat Seed: Systematic identification of Heat Stress Response Proteins 63 Abu Hena Mostafa Kamal, Hyung-Seok Seo, Myung-Hae Han, Seung-Koo Lee, Chul-Soo Park, Hwa-Young Heo, Yong-Gu Cho, Hong-Sig Kim, and Sun-Hee Woo PA-14 SCB액비 처리에 따른 밤나무의 생장 특성 64 권용희, 이 욱, 황석인, 백을선 PA-15 찰옥수수 집단간 순환선발 육종을 위한 Heterotic Population의 구성 64 박기진, 박종열, 고병대, 장은하, 윤병성, 장진선, 고희종 PA-16 Responses of Leymus chinensis Trin. under different salt stresses 65 Yanlin Sun, Soon-Kwan Hong PA-17 답리작 적응 양질 다수성 유채 신품종 보람 65 이영화, 김광수, 장영석, 조현준, 방진기, 서세정 PA-18 답리작 적응 양질 다수성 유채 신품종 신성 66 김광수, 이영화, 장영석, 조현준, 방진기, 서세정 PA-19 답리작 적응 조숙 다수성 유채 신품종 조망 66 김광수, 이영화, 장영석, 조현준, 방진기, 서세정 PA-20 청보리 신품종 영한 의 농업적 특성 67 서재환, 한옥규, 김경훈, 조상균, 오세종, 박기훈, 김기종, 박태일 PA-21 국내 밀의 총체수량 요인관련 줄기특성 분석 67 김경훈, 서재환, 한옥규, 조상균, 송태화, 윤성근, 박태일, 박기훈, 김기종 PA-22 적은 비료로 쌀 소출 많고 품질 좋은 벼 신품종 청청진미 68 김정주, 조영찬, 정종민, 김명기, 최임수, 김연규, 홍하철, 최용환, 신영섭, 오명규 PA-23 Effects of sowing depth, water level and seed pre-germination on rice seedling establishment for wet direct-seeding 68 Jong-Cheol Ko, Man-Kee Baek, Woo-Jae Kim, Hyeon-Jung Kang, Kyu-Seong Lee, Jae-Kwon Ko, Kyung-Ho Kang, Abdelbagi M Ismail, David J. Mackill ix

PA-24 Enhancement of japonica rice germplasm adaptable to the tropical environment by dihaploid breeding 69 Kyung-Ho Kang, Ji-Ung Jeong, Jong-Cheol Ko, Sun-Hee Choi, Jose Kenneth Yap, Jong-Hwa Park, Youn-Lee Oh, Sol Moe Lee, Kwan-Ho Jeong PA-25 녹색성장을 국내 제1의 소비 작물 옥수수와 산림으로 추진 할 것을 제안 69 김순권, 윤지영, 강신구, 강돈호, 문가희, 바부람 판데이, 클라우디노 니나스 나바이스, 뉴윈윈, 헨드리 사푸트라 아부, 뭉흐밭통갈락, 모하마드 아프잘, 남기홍, 정민수, 윤경표 PA-26 기후 변화에 대응하는 공생원리에 근거한 옥수수 신품종 육종 추진 70 김순권, 윤지영, 강신구, 강돈호, 문가희, 남기홍, 바부람판데이, 클라우디노, 헨드리 사푸트라 아부, 뭉흐밭통갈락, 모하마드 아프잘 PA-27 나리(백합) 잎마름병에 대한 주요 품종별 저항성 정도 비교 70 이혜경, 한경숙, 함수상, 유승헌 PA-28 국화 흰녹병에 대한 주요 품종별 저항성 반응 71 박상근, 임진희, 신학기, 최성렬 PA-29 국화의 흰녹병 저항성 유전분석 71 박상근, 임진희, 신학기, 최성렬 PA-30 Blight symptoms are not correlated with bacterial populations during bacterial blight dsease(xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae) 72 강선주, 이성은, 김민정, 최재을 PA-31 보리호위축병(Barley yellow mosaic virus) 저항성 유전자 집적을 위한 DNA marker 개발과 활용 72 박종철, 김홍식, 박철수, 강천식, 노태환, 이정준, 이준희, 박태일, 김태수, 김기종 PA-32 Pathogenicity evaluation of soybean to new soybean virus, Soybean Yellow Mottle Mosaic Virus (SYMMV) 73 Yeong-Hoon Lee, Jung-Kyung Moon, In-Youl Baek, Sang-Ouk Shin, Byong-Won Lee, Hyun-Tea Kim, Jong-Min Ko, Sea-Gyu Lim, Ha-Sik Shim, Myeong-Gi Jeon, Su-Heon Lee, Sang-Mok Kim, Jae-Sun Moon, Gey-Woon Lee, and Keum-Yong Park PA-33 고당도 대추형 토마토 홍조 품종 육성 73 채 영, 정해붕, 조명철, 양은영, 박부희, 김기택, 조용섭, 배도함, 신영안, 고관달 PA-34 PA-35 Cloning, Functional Identification and Expression Study of Chrysanthemum Flavonoid-specific Genes 74 Byung-Whan Min, Jung Min Kim and Suel Hye Hur Identification of a gene contributing to the pod dehiscence using candidate gene approach in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] 74 Green Jhang, Myounghai Kwak, Moon Young Kim, Sung-Taeg Kang, Suk-Ha Lee 품질육종 및 유전변이 PB-01 우리나라 찰옥수수 품종들의 교배친 자식계통들에 대한 유전적 변이성 75 박준성, 사규진, 박기진, 장진선, 이주경 x

PB-02 우리나라와 일본에서 수집한 들깨와 차조기 작물의 유전적 변이성 75 정지나, 이상표, 김은지, 유창연, 이주경 PB-03 Selection of Turfgrass collected in Korea 76 Hee Chung. Ji, Ki Yong. Kim, Sang Hoon Lee, Sei Hyung Yoon and Young Chul Lim PB-04 Growth and Germination Characters of Orchardgrass Varieties to Different Irradiation Conditions 76 Hee Chung. Ji, Ki Yong. Kim, Sang Hoon Lee, Sei Hyung Yoon and Young Chul Lim PB-05 국내 유전자원에서 분리 육성된 조생종 박과피 유색 옥수수 계통의 주요 특성 77 이희봉,최윤표, 차희정 PB-06 다수성 흰 찰옥수수 대덕 1호 에 대한 식미관련 형질 및 주요 농업적 특성 77 이희봉,최윤표, 차희정, 최현구, 주정일 PB-07 A New Yellow Waxy Corn Hybrid with High Yield Daehakchal Gold 1 for Edible 78 Hee-Bong Lee, Yun-Pyo Choi, Hui-Jeong Cha, yeon-gu Choi, Jeong-Il Joo, Myung-Kwon Kim, Hee-Chung Ji PB-08 Effect of Harvest Time and Cultivars on Forage Yield and Quality of Whole Crop Barley 78 Seong-Kun Yun, Ouk-Kyu Han, Tae-Il Park, Jae-Hwan Seo, Kyeong-Hoon Kim, Tai-Hua Song and Ki-Hun Park PB-09 Breeding new hybrids of brittle super sweet corn 79 Myoung Hoon Lee, Hyun Jeoung Kim, Yun Mi Woo, and Mi Sook Lee PB-10 Selection of superior black colored hybrids of waxy corn 79 Myoung Hoon Lee, Hyun Jeoung Kim, Yun Mi Woo, and Mi Sook Lee PB-11 고온에서 등숙한 벼 조생품종의 현미 정립비율 80 신영섭, 최인배, 정지웅, 최임수, 김연규 PB-12 방사선처리에 의한 유채의 단간 조숙 변이체 선발 80 은종선, 김준수, 임환수 PB-13 PB-14 PB-15 PB-16 Near-Infrared Reflectance model for the rapid prediction of the functional chemical components in foxtail millet(setaria italica) germplasm of grain 81 Young Yi LEE, Jeong Bong KIM, Ho Sun LEE, Sok Young LEE, Min Hee KIM, Jae Gyun GWAG, Ki Hun PARK, Yong Beom LEE Near-Infrared Reflectance model for the rapid prediction of the functional chemical components in sorghum(sorghum bicolor) germplasm of grain 81 Young Yi LEE, Jeong Bong KIM, Ho Sun LEE, Sok Young LEE, Min Hee KIM, Jae Gyun GWAG, Ki Hun PARK, Yong Beom LEE Characterization of millet germpalsm for the total phenolics and phytosterol of grain using near-infrared spectroscopy(nirs) 82 Young Yi LEE, Jeong Bong KIM, Ho Sun LEE, Sok Young LEE, Jeong Won LEE, Jae Gyun GWAG, Ki Hun PARK, Yong Beom LEE Rapid analysis of red bean and mung bean germpalsm for the protein and fatty acid of grain using near-infrared spectroscopy(nirs) 82 Jeong Bong KIM, Young Yi LEE, Ho Sun LEE, Sok Young LEE, Min Hee KIM, Jae Gyun GWAG, Ki Hun PARK, Young Chun KIM xi

PB-17 Characteristic Changes in Physicological Properties on Korean Brown Rice Cultivars under Germination during 2 Harvest Years 83 Sea-Kwan Oh, Jeong-Huei Lee, Heung-Gu Hwang, Ae-Ran Park, Dong-Hyun Lee, Yeon-Gyu Kim PB-18 Selection Criteria of Rice Breeding Lines with Good Quality Traits for Rice Noodle Noodles 83 Jun Hyeon Cho, You Chun Song, Ji Yun Lee, No Bong Park, Jin Il Choung, Dong Soo Park, Jong Hee Lee, Un Sang Yeo, Gi Hwan Lee, Hang Won Kang PB-19 Combining ability on rice preharvest sprouting according to panicle position and kind of rachis-branch 84 Hyun-Su Park, Ki-Young Kim, Gwang-Il Noh, Young-Jun Mo, Jeong-Kwon Nam, Bo-Kyeong Kim, Mun-Sik Shin, Jin-Il Choung and Jae-Kwon Ko PB-20 Selection of soybean line with small yellow seed coat and lacking lipoxygenase 84 Sung-Mi Kyung, Kyung-Roc Kim, Jung-Soo Park, Kyo-Jin Hwang, Jong-Il Chung PB-21 Inheritance of P34 allergen protein in mature seed of soybean 85 Sung-Mi Kyung, Kyung-Roc Kim, Jung-Soo Park, Kyo-Jin Hwang, Jun-Su Seo, Min-Chul Kim, Jong-Il Chung PB-22 방사선 조사를 통한 새우난초(Calanthe spp.)의 돌연변이 유기 및 선발 85 김종선, 박종환, 강시용, 김광수 PB-23 QTLs analysis for eating quality in temperate japonica rice variety Ilpumbyeo 86 Young-Chan Cho, Jung-Pil Suh, Jeong-Heui Lee, Jeong-Ju Kim, Jong-Min Jeong, Myeong-Ki Kim, Jeom-Ho Lee, Sae-Jun Yang, Yeon-Gyu Kim PB-24 Relationship between rice kernel grade and traits of rachis branch in the lines of Koshihikari//Gyehwa21/Junambyeo 86 Gwang-Il Noh, Ki-Young Kim, Young-Jun Mo, Hyun-Su Park, Jeong-Kwon Nam, Gun-Mi Lee PB-25 배 꽃받침의 탈리 유전 87 강삼석, 김윤경, 정상복, 조광식, 최장전, 황해성, 이희재 PB-26 (B 1) Correlation of the characters between the major agronomic trait and the 4th internode length and thickness in Barley 87 Jong-Nae Hyun, Yang-Kil Kim, Mi-Ja Lee, In-Duk Choi, Na-Young Lee, Jae-Sung Choi, Ki-Jong Kim, Mi-Jung Kim, Jung-Gon Kim PB-27 Floral mutant induction of asparagus by irradiation of Heavy-ion beam 88 So-Young Kim, Kee-Hwa Bae7, Tomoko Abe, Chang-Hyu Bae, Hyo-Yeon Lee, Yong-Pyo Lim, Toshiaki Kameya, Pil-Yong Yun PB-28 Selection of mutants derived from seed irradiated with gamma-ray in black raspberry 88 Heh-Ran Choi, Pill Jae Park, Hee Kwon Lee, In Sok Lee, Sang-Eun Lee and Song-Joong Yun PB-29 Hiami - Premium Eating Quality and High Essential Amino acid Contents Rice Cultivar 89 Yong-Hwan Choi, Yeon-Gyu Kim, Ha-Cheol Hong, Chang-In Yang, Hung-Gu Hwang, Jeom-Ho Lee, Sang-Bok Lee, Hong-Yeol Kim, Kyu-Seong Lee, Sae-Jun Yang, Myeong-Ki Kim, O-Young Jeong, Young-Chan Cho, Yong-Hee Jeon, Im-Soo Choi, Eung-Gi Jeong, Sea-Kwan Oh, Myeong-Gyu O, Young-Seoup Shin, Jeong-Ju Kim xii

PB-30 (PB) A New Black Pericarp Glutinous Rice Cultivar 'Boseogheugchal' 89 Yong-Hwan Choi, Jeom-Ho Lee, Sang-Bok Lee, Hong-Yeol Kim, Chang-In Yang, Myeong-Ki Kim, Yong-Hee Jeon, Kyu-Seong Lee, Yeon-Gyu Kim, O-Young Jeong, Hung-Gu Hwang, Sae-Jun Yang, Young-Chan Cho, Sea-Kwan Oh, Jeong-Hee Lee, Yong-Jae Won, Jeong-Ill Lee, Kuk-Hyun Jung, Ki-Ho Hwang PB-31 Genetic variability of amino acid ratio and their correlation with protein content in soybean 90 Byong Won Lee, Jong Min Ko, Hyun Tae Kim, Myeong Gi Jeon, Jung Kyeong Moon, In Youl Baek, Sun Lim Kim, Keum Yong Park PB-32 방사선을 이용한 재래종 서리태 개량 신품종 조생서리 90 송희섭, 이경준, 김동섭, 김진백, 김상훈, 이상재, 이덕만, 강시용 PB-33 Epigallocatechin gallate(egcg) 고함유 차나무 계통 육성 91 이민석, 이진호, 이정대, 김영걸, 황영선, 정명근 PB-34 신규 카테친 유도체 함유 차나무의 녹차품질 특성 92 이민석, 이진호, 이정대, 김영걸, 황영선, 정명근 PB-35 중국 윈난 도입 벼 유전자원의 미질특성 평가 93 양세준, 오세관, 김명기, 원용재, 안억근 PB-36 벼 조생계통의 수발아 변이 93 원용재, 안억근, 최용환, 김홍열, 고희종, 양세준, 김연규 PB-37 A simplified approach of scale of regeneration response in Leymus chinensis Trin. 94 Yanlin Sun, Soon-Kwan Hong PB-38 PB-39 PB-40 PB-41 PB-42 Shoot organogenesis response evaluated by a simplified approach in JS tissue culture system of Leymus chinensis Trin. 94 Yanlin Sun, Soon-Kwan Hong, The Change of Hypocotyl Elongation and Chemical Compound in Peanut Sprout According to Germinating Period 95 Suk-Bok Pae, Tae-Joung Ha, Chang-Hwan Park, Myoung-Hee Lee, Chung-Dong Hwang, Eun-Mi Park, Kang-Bo Shim, Keum-Yong Park Analysis of the essential oil from aerial part of Perilla frutescens (L.) by gas chromatography with electron impact mass spectrometry 95 Tae Joung Ha, Myoung-Hee Lee, Chang-Hwann Park, Suk-Bok Pae, Chung-Dong Hwang, Kangg-Bo Shim, Byeong Won Lee, Keum-Yong Park Mechanism and inhibitory effect of apigenin from Perilla frutescens (L.) on mushroom tyrosinase 96 Tae Joung Ha, Myoung-Hee Lee, Chang-Hwan Park, Suk-Bok Pae, Chung-Dong Hwang, Kang-Bo Shim, Byeong Won Lee, Keum-Yong Park Alpha-glucosidase and aldose reductase inhibitory activity of rosmarinic acid and luteolin from Perilla frutescens (L.) 96 Tae Joung Ha, Myoung-Hee Lee, Chang-Hwan Park, Suk-Bok Pae, Chung-Dong Hwang, Kang-Bo Shim, Byeong Won Lee, Keum-Yong Park xiii

PB-43 ACE 저해활성이 높은 한국산 수수계통의 선발 및 특성 97 최재근, 변학수, 조수현, 이세종, 사종구, 김장원, 김희웅, 이해익 PB-44 Effects of Long-Day Treatment on seed composition and functional substances in Korean Soybean Cultivars 97 Sang-Ik Han, Ki-Won Oh, Sea-Gyu Lim, Jong-Min Ko, In-Youl Baek, Keum-Yong Park, Min-Hee Nam, Hang-Won Kang PB-45 백합 F 1 hybrids의 불임 극복을 위해 caffein을 이용한 2n-gamete 형성 98 박송경, 김기열, 송창민, 박인숙, 임기병 PB-46 국내 육성 벼 품종의 배아잔존특성 98 김춘송, 이종희, 곽도연, 김상열, 박노봉, 전명기, 정국현, 송유천, 여운상, 신문식 강항원 PB-47 재래종 콩 유전자원의 주요성분 변이에 관한 연구 99 전명기, 문중경, 백인열, 고종민, 김현태, 신상욱, 이병원, 이영훈, 박금룡 PB-48 질소시비량에 따른 쌀의 이화학적 및 아밀로그램 특성 변화 99 신문식, 김춘송, 전명기, 노광일, 고재권 PB-49 온주밀감 주심배 실생의 왜성 특성 100 윤수현, 채치원, 이동훈, 박재호, 고상욱, 강성구 PB-50 쌀 품질 향상을 위한 국내 육성 품종의 穗 型 과 쌀 品 位 특성 100 김명기, 오명규, 이정희, 김정주, 정종민, 조영찬, 오세관, 김연규 PB-51 감귤돌연변이육종 연구현황 101 김인중, 이성훈, 이효연, 홍민정, 이혜진 PB-52 PB-53 Major Ingredient Changes of 100 Soybean Varieties with different Seeding Dates and Maturity Groups 102 Sang-Ouk Shin, Hyun-Tae Kim, Jong-Min Ko, Tae-Joung Ha, Won-Young Han, Kyung-Jin Choi, In-Youl Baek, Jung-Kyung Moon and Keum-Yong Park Interpretation of Relationship Between Sesame Yield and It's components Using Multiple Liner Regression Analysis 102 Kang-Bo Shim, Suk-Bok Pae, Chung-Dong Hwang, Myoung-Hee Lee, Tae-Jung Ha, Chang-Hwan Park, and Keum-Yong Park PB-54 벼 저아밀로스 계통의 미질관련 특성 103 정종민, 김정주, 오세관, 유다정, 이상복, 조영찬, 김명기, 김연규, 손재근 PB-55 콩 유전자원의 저 알러지 자원 탐색 103 송항림, 장성진, 박경호, 박수정, 우선희, 조용구, 정승근, 김홍식 PB-56 한국 콩 재래종, 야생종의 SSR Marker에 의한 유전적 다양성과 유연관계 104 박수정, 장성진, 박경호, 김성진, 송항림, 조용구, 정승근, 김홍식 PB-57 해바라기 유전자원의 지방함량 및 지방산 조성 변이 104 이윤호, 이재홍, 송항림, 김성진, 김인재, 남상영, 김홍식 PB-58 Genetic Diversity and Identification of Korean Elite Soybean Cultivars Based on SSR Markers 105 Su Jeong Park, Kyeong Ho Park, Seong Jin Jang, Hang Lin Song, Yong Gu Cho, Seung Keun Jong, Jung Hoon Kang, and Hong Sig Kim xiv

PB-59 Variations of 7S and 11S Seed Proteins in Soybean Germplasm 105 Gun Hur, Seong Jin Jang, Kyeong Ho Park, Sun Hee Woo, Yong Gu Cho, Seung Keun Jong, Heon Sang Jeong, Hong Sig Kim PB-60 The effects of boron and calcium content on pollen germination of Citrus 106 Hyun Joo An, Chi Won Chae, Young Hun Choi, Su Hyun Yun, Jae Ho Park, Ji Hyun Lee, Sun Yi Lee PB-61 콩 품종의 주요특성의 연차간 안정성 106 정광호, 서민정, 이석기, 김율호, 이영호, 윤홍태, 김정곤 PB-62 콩 가공적성 향상을 위한 Lipoxygenase와 7S의 α' 및 α-subunit 결실 계통육성 107 박경호, 장성진, 박수정, 허 건, 김성진, 정승근, 정헌상, 김홍식 PB-63 PB-64 Study on the Improvement Roasting Conditions and Selection Optimum Varieties for the use of Roast Peanut. 107 Chang-Hwan Parkp, Jae-Cheon Byun, Kyung-Jin Choi, Suk-Bok Pae, Tae-Joung Ha, Myoung-Hee Lee, Chung-Dong Hwang, Kang-Bo Shim, Keum-Yong Park Selecting high amylose lines of rice varieties using NIR spectroscopy at the RDA genebank conserved 108 Sok-young Lee, Young-yi Lee, Su-kyeung Lee, Yang-hee Cho, Kyoung-ho Ma, Hee-kyoung Kang, Jae-gyun Gwag, Ki-hun Park, and Ho-sun, Lee PB-65 Barley cultivar and grain characteristics for high bioethanol production 108 Mi-Ja Lee, Yang-Kil Kim, In-Duck Choi, Na-Young Lee, Jae-Sung Choi, Jong-Nae Hyun, and Kee-Jong Kim PB-66 Essential oil compositions in the leaves of four perilla species from Korea 109 Myoung-Hee Lee, Tae Joung Ha, Chang-Hwann Park, Suk-Bok Pae, Chung-Dong Hwang, Kang-Bo Shim, Keum-Yong Park PB-67 접목선인장 분홍색계 비모란 신품종 핑크탑 육성 109 조창휘, 이상덕, 박흥배, 박영수, 박인태 PB-68 접목선인장 황색계 산취 신품종 골드마운틴 육성 110 조창휘, 이상덕, 박흥배, 박영수, 박인태 PB-69 팔레놉시스 대륜 적색계 디바 육성 110 박영수, 임성희, 조창휘, 박인태 PB-70 팔레놉시스 미니 다화성 샤이닝 육성 111 박영수, 임성희, 조창휘, 박인태 PB-71 다육식물 분홍색계 꽃기린 신품종 청순 육성 111 박흥배, 조창휘, 박영수, 박인태 PB-72 다육식물 적색계 꽃기린 신품종 쌍떼화 육성 112 박흥배, 조창휘, 박영수, 박인태 PB-73 Varietal Variation of Textural Properties of Cooked Rice by High Temperature during Grain Filling 112 Areum Chun, Jin-Seok Lee, Kee-Jong Kim, Yoon-Hee Choi, Jun-Hwan Kim PB-74 식미가 우수한 감 신품종 자미시 의 특성 113 김성철, 손지영, 최태민, 조용조, 노치웅, 강성모 xv

PB-75 새로운 조생 품종 감, 미감조생 113 김성철, 박여옥, 최태민, 조용조, 노치웅, 강성모 PB-76 Differential Expressed responses of Alcohol dehydrogenase and Pyruvate decarboxylase between Anoxic and Aerobic Conditions 114 Woo-Jae Kim, Hyo-Jin Kim, Keon-mi Lee, Jong-Cheol Ko, Ji-Young Son, Man-Kee Baek, Ki-Yong Ha, Hyeon-Jung Kang and Jae-Kweon Ko PB-77 몇가지 쌀 품종의 설기떡 가공적성에 관한 연구 114 하기용, 강현중, 백만기, 고종철, 김우재, 고재권, 정진일 PB-78 Resistant response of japonica elite lines to Philippine bacterial blight races 115 Woo-Jae Kim, Ki-Young Kim, Jong-Cheol Ko, Man-Kee Baek, Ki-Yong Ha, Hyeon-Jung Kang and Jae-Kweon Ko PB-79 Properties of Endosperm Components in Seven Rice Cultivars Showing Different Palatability 115 Mi-Ra Yoon, Hee Jong Koh, and Mi-Young Kang PB-80 HaploTable - 핵산표지인자를 활용한 국내육성 벼 품종들의 Haplotype DB 116 정지웅, 김기영, 김춘송, 최인배, 신영섭, 최임수, 김연규 PB-81 콩 1립 비파괴분석을 통한 고올레산 자원의 교잡 초기세대 분리 양상 비교 116 고종민, 한상익, 김현태, 한원영, 하태정, 백인열, 전명기, 문중경, 정명근, 박금룡 분자육종 및 유전공학 PC-01 SSR 및 SNP 분자마커를 이용한 찰옥수수 RIL 집단에 대한 고밀도 분자유전자지도 작성 117 사규진, 장철성, 김남수, 박종렬, 장진선, 이주경 PC-02 국화에 OgPAE1, CaLTP1 및 virus coat protein의 형질전환 117 한봉희, 이수영 PC-03 Development of NILs conferring Xa4, xa5 and Xa21 Genes Resistant to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae in Korea 118 Ki-Young Kim, Mun-Sik Shin, Tae-Hwan Noh, Bo-Kyeong Kim, Jae-Kwon Ko PC-04 Genomic organization and evolution of NBS-encoding resistance genes in Brassica rapa 118 Jeong-Hwan Mun, Hee-Ju Yu, Soomin Park, Beom-Seok Park PC-05 Identification of a new spotted leaf 28 mutant in rice 119 Yongli Qiao, Wenzhu Jiang, Min-Seon Choi, Rihua Piao, Sang-Ho Chu, Mi-Ok Woo, JooHyun Lee and Hee-Jong Koh PC-06 PC-07 Identification and characterization of three wheat Myb transcription factor genes: roles in responses to abiotic stresses and hormonal treatments 119 Tong Geon Lee, Yong Jin Lee, Woong Bae Jeon, Dae Yeon Kim, Min Jeong Hong, Tae Hoon Kang, Man Bo Lee, Yong Weon Seo Identification of two novel inactive DFR-A alleles responsible for failure to produce anthocyanin and development of a simple PCR-based molecular marker for bulb color selection in onion (Allium cepa L.) 120 Sunggil Kim, Doohyun Baek, Dong Youn Cho, Eul-Tai Lee, Moo-Kyoung Yoon xvi

PC-08 PC-09 PC-10 PC-11 Distribution of three cytoplasm types in onion (Allium cepa L.) cultivars developed in Korea and Japan 120 Sunggil Kim, Eul-Tai Lee, Cheol-Woo Kim, and Moo-Kyoung Yoon Identification of a cluster of oligonucleotide repeat sequences and its practical implication in melon (Cucumis melo L.) breeding 121 Hyojung Kim, Jongyeul Baek, Yeon-Ok Choi, Jeong Hyun Lee, Soon-Kee Sung, Sunggil Kim Preliminary Studies of Molecular Mechanism of Hybrid Sterility Genes in Inter-subspecific Crosses in Rice 122 Reflinur Basyirin, Joong-Hyoun Chin, Jung-Hyun Park, Sang-Ho Chu, Back-Ki Kim, Tae-Ho Ham, Md Babul Akter and Hee-Jong Koh Genotypic x environment interactions for agronomic traits of rice recombinant inbred lines under low temperature conditions 123 Wenzhu Jiang, Sang-Ho Chu, Tae-Ho Ham, Young-Il Cho, Joong-Hyun Chin, Longzhi Han, Donglin Yuan, Luyuan Dai, Jong-Doo Yea, and Hee-Jong Koh PC-12 Overexpression of maize TB1 gene in rice negatively regulates tiller development. 123 Min-Seon Choi, Eun-Byeol Koh, Mi-Ok Woo, Tae-Ho Ham, Hee-Jong Koh PC-13 PC-14 Monitoring of Living Modified Maize and Soybean in Imported and Marketed Seeds on the Korea Seed Market 124 Jee-Hwa Hong, Yong-Sham Kwon, Kyung-Mi Bae and Young-Hwan Song Characterization and Genetic Analysis of sy-2, A Low Temperature Sensitive Mutant, in Capsicum chinense 124 Song-Ji An, Jinjie Li, Jin-Kyung Kwon, Sota Koeda, Hosokawa Munetaka, Byoung-Cheorl Kang PC-15 High-resolution mapping of ms10 35 conferring to male sterility in Tomato 125 Hee-jin Jeong, Jin Kyung Kwon, Jung Hwan Bae, Byoung-Cheorl Kang PC-16 PC-17 PC-18 PC-19 Genetic study and molecular mapping of a dominant CMV resistance gene in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) 125 Won-Hee Kang, Hoang Ngoc Huy, Hee-Bum Yang, Doil Choi, Byung-Dong Kim, Byoung-Cheorl Kang Development of SNP markers linked to the L 4 gene and an allelism test between L 3 and L 4 126 Hee-Bum Yang, Wing Yee Liu, Won-Hee Kang, Byoung-Cheorl Kang The discovering polymorphic changes of AS(anthranilate synthase) gene from 4 rice mutants lines by mutation discovery using CEL1 enzyme treatment 126 Dong Sub Kim, Jae Beom Jeon, Young Mi Lee, Jae Young Song, Kyung Jun Lee, Sang Hoon Kim, Jin-Baek Kim, Si-Yong Kang, Yong Weon Seo Development of SNP-Based Markers by HRM Analysis and Construction of Inter-specific Molecular Linkage Map in Capsicum 127 Soung-Woo Park, Jin-Kee Jung and Byoung-Cheorl Kang PC-20 The effects of Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) seedlings by gamma-ray irradiation 127 Wook-Jin Kim, Jin-Baek Kim, Dong-Sub Kim, Sang-Hoon Kim, Si-Yong Kang xvii

PC-21 The effects of Rape (Brassica napus L.) seedlings by gamma-ray irradiation 128 Wook-Jin Kim, Jin-Baek Kim, Dong-Sub Kim, Sang-Hoon Kim, Si-Yong Kang PC-22 PC-23 Functional Characterization of Stress-Related Putative Caleosin (SRC) that Plays on Biotic and Abiotic Stress Response in Arabidopsis and Rice (Oryza sativa) 128 Yun Young Kim, Mei Hua Cui, Kyoung Shin Yoo and Jeong Sheop Shin Comparative Analysis of Defense-Related Gene Expression of Rhizobium vitis-inoculated Resistant and Susceptible Grapevines 129 Youn-Jung Choi, Hae-Keun Yun, Kyo-Sun Park, Youn-Young Hur, Jeong-Ho Roh, Myung-Sang Ryou, and Hee-Jae Lee PC-24 벼 형질전환계통의 농업적 특성 검정 129 최인배, 정지웅, 신영섭, 최임수 PC-25 벼 형질전환체중 생산력 검정 선발계통의 농업적 특성평가 130 최인배, 정지웅, 신영섭, 최임수 PC-26 PC-27 PC-28 Expression of wheat F-box protein gene under various phytohormones and abiotic stresses 130 Min Jeong Hong, Dae Yeon Kim, Tong Geon Lee, Yeon Ju Jung, Yong Jin Lee, Tae Hoon Kang, Man Bo Lee, Woong Bae Jeon and Yong Weon Seo 파이토크롬 유전자가 도입된 잔디들 (Zoysia japonica, Agrostis stolonifera)의 우수품종 선발을 위한 형태적 특성 조사 131 배태웅, 고창효, 송인자, Markkandan Ganesan, 선현진, 김정일, 송필순, 이효연 Physiological response and gene expression profiling responding to salinity in salt tolerant rice mutants 132 Jae Young Song, Dong Sub Kim, Jae Beom Jeon, Kyung Jun Lee, Jin-Baek Kim, Sang Hoon Kim,Song Joong Yun, Si-Yong Kang PC-29 Efficient Wheat Haploid Production through Wheat X Maize Crosses in Korea 132 Young Jin Kim, Hag Sin Kim, Chon Sik Kang, Induck Choi, Young Keun Cheong PC-30 Effects of Various Plant Growth Regulators on Haploid Production in Wheat Crossed with Maize 133 Young Jin Kim, Hag Sin Kim, Chul Soo Park, Young Keun Cheong, Kee Jong Kim PC-31 장미 재배종 38종의 배수성 검정 133 황윤정, 김원희, 한윤열, 권민경, 김성태, 송창민, 이은정, 박유리, 최신애, 임기병 PC-32 Production and characterization of intraspecific hybrids between Habenaria radiata and H. radiata cv. Hishou. 134 So-Young Kim and Akira Kanno PC-33 Karyotype analysis of Lilium lancifolium by FISH technique 134 Yoon-Jung Hwang, Song Kyoung Park, Aung Htay Naing, Ki Yul Kim, Chang Min Song, In Sook Park, In Suk Ahn, Ki Byung Lim PC-34 GM유채와 근연 종 속 식물 사이의 도입유전자 이동성 연구 135 이영화, 김광수, 장영석, 조현준, 방진기, 서세정 xviii

PC-35 Vacuolar processing enzymes (VPEs) are differently expressed during kenel development in wheat 135 Tae Hoon Kang, Dae Yeon Kim, Tong Geon Lee, Min Jung Hong, Yong Jin Lee, Man Bo Lee, Woong Bae Jeon and Yong weon Seo PC-36 Analysis of expression patterns of nonsymbiotic and truncated hemoglobins 136 Dae Yeon Kim, Min Jeong Hong, Yong Jin Lee, Tae Hoon Kang, Tong Geon Lee, and Yong Weon Seo PC-37 Expression of cellulose synthase(cesa) in wheat under biotic and abiotic stresses 136 Dae Yeon Kim, Min Jeong Hong, Yong Jin Lee, Tae Hoon Kang, Tong Geon Lee, and Yong Weon Seo PC-38 Increased sterile transgenic plant by OsAOS hairpin RNA interference in rice (Oryza sativa) 137 Hyun-Kyung Bae, Hong-Gyu Kang, Hyun-Joo Eu, Bin-Bin Lee, Young-Sun Lee, Sung-Aeong Oh, Jong-Tae Song, Moo-Young Eun, Soon-Ki Park PC-39 애기장대 Activation tagging을 이용한 농업적 유용유전자의 탐색 137 어현주, 이빈빈, 김균장, 배현경, 오성앵, 소문수, 박순기 PC-40 Variety discrimination of Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) using molecular markers 138 Kyung-Mi Bae, Jee-Hwa Hong, Young-Hwan Song, Min-A Jin, Beom-Seok Park, and Yong-Sham Kwon PC-41 Variety Identification of Barley (Hordeum vulgare) Using the Microsatellite Markers 138 Yong-Sham Kwon, Jee-Hwa Hong, Kyung-Mi Bae, and Young-Hwan Song PC-42 PC-43 Identification of a new gene, dark tip embryo, dte9 using ILs from an interspecific cross between Hwayeong (O. sativa) and O. rufipogon 139 Shi-Dong Ji, Feng-Xue Jin, Ping-Rong Yuan, Sang-Nag Ahn Transfer of specific genes controlling drought and salinity tolerance from O. glaberrima to O. sativa 139 Dong-Min Kim, Ju-Won Kang, Sang-Nag Ahn PC-44 배추의 glucosinolate 합성 관련 유전자의 탐색 140 서미숙, 진민아, Yun-Xiang Zang, 설영주, 권수진, 문정환, 김동헌, 박범석 PC-45 PC-46 Sequence Related Amplification Polymorphism(SRAP) Marker를 이용한 자가불화합성 감귤 조기 선발 140 채치원, 이동훈, 윤수현, 박재호, 고상욱, 안현주 Divergence and allelomorphic relationship of Soybean Mosaic Virus (SMV) resistance in soybean germplasm 141 Jung-Kyung Moon, Jong-Min Ko, Hyun-Tae Kim, Won-Young Han, Sang_Ouk Shin, Ha-Sik Sim, Byeong-Won Lee, Young-Hoon Lee, Myeong-Ki Jeon, In-Youl Baek, Soon-Chun Jeong, Suk-Ha Lee, Keum-Yong Park PC-47 궁천조생의 과육과 과피 차별 발현 유전자 확보 141 윤훈석, 오승규, 정재훈, 고원범, 이하림, 고귀영, 김인중 PC-48 Genetic Characterization of Peach(Prunus persica) Varieties Using SSR Markers 142 Jee-Hwa Hong, Seung-In Yi, Yong-Sham Kwon, Sang-Don Yun, Kyung-Mi Bae and Young-Hwan Song xix

PC-49 Assesment of pollen viability, longevity, and development of wild type and transgenic zoysiagrass (JejuGreen 21) on synthetic media 142 Hong-Gyu Kang, Ok-Chul Chung, Tae-Woong Bae, Tae-Gun Cho, Hyeon-Jin Sun, In-Ja Song, Pyung-Ok Lim, Hyo-Yeon Lee PC-50 콩의 주요 품질특성 대비계통 선발 및 유전적 근연관계 143 정도원, 박나영, 김우열, 정승화, 최병주, 허화영, 정종일, 정우석 PC-51 PC-52 Allelic discrimination of the Restorer-of-fertility (Rf) gene and its inheritance in peppers (Capsicum annuum L.) 143 Woong-Ki Min, Sunggil Kim, Soon-Kee Sung, Byung-DongKim, Sanghyeob Lee Expression analysis of a NAC-type transcription factor ssm1 by transposon tagging with Ac/Ds in rice (Oryza sativa L.) 144 Seul-Ah Park, Yong-Hwan Kim, Gang-Seob Lee, Chang-Kug Kim, Ung-Han Yoon, Sung-Han Park, Doh Won Yun PC-53 Analysis of a flanking sequence of Ds insertion sites in a rice Ac/Ds mutant lines 144 Suk-Man Kim, Byung-Ohg Ahn, Doh-Won Yun, Sang-Hye Jj, Sung-Han Park, Ung-Han Yoon,Gang-Seob Lee, Chang Kug Kim, Byung-Moo Lee, Yong-Hwan Kim PC-54 Identification of variety distniction among carrot (Dacus carota) and celery (Apium graveolens), dill(anethum graveolens) by molecular marker. 145 Nam Hee Kim, Hye Jung An, Young Woo Ryu, Chee Hark Harn PC-55 CGMS를 이용한 고추 역병 저항성 품종 육성용 MAS system 확립 145 윤재복, 이원필, 이준대, 도재왕, 한정헌 PC-56 PC-57 PC-58 PC-59 Efficient Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation of Various Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) Genotypes 146 Sang-Hoon Lee, Ki-Won Lee, Ki-Yong Kim, Sei Hyung Yoon, Hee Chung Ji, Young Chul Lim, Gi Jun Choi Field Testing for Environmental Stress Resistance and Agronomic Performance in Transgenic Tall fescue 146 Sang-Hoon Lee, Ki-Won Lee, Ki-Yong Kim Sang-Soo Kwak, Suk-Yoon Kwon, Byung-Hyun Lee Changes in Free Amino Acids and Protein Expression in Barley Seedlings under Salt Stress 147 Hee-Sun Kook, Tae-il Park, Myoung Ryoul Park, Song-Joong Yun Transgenic Tall fescue Plants Resistant to Herbicide Produced by Agrobacterium tumefaciens 147 Ki-Won Lee, Sang-Hoon Lee, Kyung-Hee Kim, Choong-Hoon Park, Jin-Seog Kim, Byung-Hyun Lee PC-60 들잔디 측지유도 Lateral suppressor 유전자의 분리와 발현분석 148 양대화, 선현진, 송인자, 배태웅, 임평옥, 임용표, 이효연 PC-61 Screening of Molecular Marker for Selecting Pollination-Constant Non-Astringent Type Persimmon (Diospyros kaki Thunb.) 148 Yeo-Ok Park, Ji-Young Shon, Sung-Chul Kim, Seong-Tae Choi, Yong-Cho Cho, Young-Hoon Park,Dong-Wan Kim xx

PC-62 Analysis of Genetic Relationships in Ligularia 5 Species and Collections by RAPD and Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) Sequence 149 Soonyoung Ahn, Su Jeong Kim, Jong Taek Suh, Kwang-Soo Cho PC-63 Production of transgenic cymbidium plants via particle bombardment 149 Jong-Bo Kim, Mi-Seon Kim and Hyang-Young Joung PC-64 벼멸구 저항성 후보유전자 기능검정 150 박나영, 정도원, 김우열, 정승화, 최병주, 허화영, 강경호, 정지웅, 정우석 PC-65 전통육종 및 생명공학기술의 상호보완적 운용을 통한 병해충 저항성 일품벼 근동질품종군 육성 150 정지웅, 신영섭, 최인배, 최임수, 김연규 PC-66 야생벼에서 유래한 두 가지 벼멸구 저항성유전자에 대한 핵산표지인자 개발 151 정지웅, 최인배, 신영섭, 최임수, 김연규 PC-67 Characterization of a protein disulfide isomerase in rice 151 Yeon Jeong Kim, Soon Ho Choi, Bong Soo Park, Hee Jeong Eo, Jong Tae Song and Hak Soo Seo PC-68 Fine mapping of rxp, the bacterial leaf pustule resistant gene in soybean 152 Donghyun Kim, Kyujung Van, Moon Young Kim, Suk-Ha Lee PC-69 Genetic analysis in the genus Actinidia with new 34 microsatellite markers 152 Soon-Jae Kwon, Kyung-Ho Ma, Myung-Chul Lee, Sok-Young Lee, Yun-Soo Yeo, Tae-San Kim, Jae-Gyun Gwag and Gi-An Lee PC-70 QTL analysis for durable resistance to blast and development of QTL-NIL 153 Hun-June Park, Jung-Pil Suh, Jae-Hwan Roh, Myung-Kyu Oh, Yong-Hwan Choi, Jeong-Ju Kim, Sae-June Yang, Myeong-Ki Kim, Yeon-Gyu Kim, Young-Chan Cho PC-71 PC-72 EST Sequences from Full Length Enriched and Normalized cdna library of Korean ginseng cultivar Chun-Poong 153 Jun Ha Kim, Jee Young Park, Hong-Il Choi, Nam-Hoon Kim, Jong Hoon Lee, Yun Sun Lee, Shailendra Karki, Izzah Nur Kholilatul, In-Ok Ahn, Jun-Soo Lee, Tae-Jin Yang Genetic Diversity Analysis in a RDA Mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) Collection Using Microsatellite Markers 154 Jae-Gyun Gwag, Kyung-Ho Ma, Soon-Jae Kwon, Yong-Jin Park, Gi-An Lee, Seok-Young Lee, Hee-Kyoung Kang, and Suk-Ha Lee PC-73 Analysis of insertional mutant population induced by Ac/Ds gene tagging system in rice 154 Doh-Won Yun, Sung-Han Park, Byung-Ohg Ahn, Hyeon-So Ji, Ung-Han Youn, Gang-Seob Lee, Moo-Young Eun, Young-Hwan Kim 농촌진흥청 바이오그린21사업단 유전자연구단 유전자연구단 PD-01 Cis-element- and Transcriptome-based Screening of Root Hair-Specific Genes and their Functional Characterization in Arabidopsis 157 Su-Kyung Won, Yong-Ju Lee, Ha-Yeon Lee, Yoon-Kyung Heo, Misuk Cho, and Hyung-Taeg Cho xxi

PD-02 Bayesian inference on multiple genotypic effects by Gibbs sampling and experimental designs for its application 157 Younyoung Kim, Chaeyoung Lee PD-03 The web-based integrated environment for fungal comparative genomics 158 Jongsun Park, Kyongyong Jung, Jaeyoung Choi, Donghan Kim, Seungill Kim, Kyong-Chae Chung, Wonho Song, Jaejin Park, Seryun Kim, Sunghyung Kong, Yong-Hwan Lee PD-04 Brachypodium distachyon, a New Model for Grass Crop Research 159 Shin-Young Hong, Pil Joon Seo, Sang-Min Lee, and Chung-Mo Park PD-05 배추 기능유전체 및 실용화 연구 160 박영두, 이윤형, 허윤강, 노일섭, 윤호성, 우은택 PD-06 농축산 식품으로 부터 Listeria monocytogenes, Enterobacter sakazakii, Yersinia enterocolitica 를 검출하기 위한 DNA chip 개발 161 방지현, 구만복, 장효일, 류지훈 PD-07 Proteomic analysis of seed storage proteins in a low-allergenic soybean 161 Jun Su Seo, Sung Cheol Koo, Mi Suk Park, Jong-Il Chung and Min Chul Kim PD-08 Development of High-Value Added Rice Varieties and Mass Analysis of Functional Genes Through Mutation Genomics 162 Dong Sub Kim, Jae Beom Jeon, Jin-Baek Kim, Jae Young Song, Young Mi Lee, Kyung Jun Lee, Si-Yong Kang, Kwon-Kyu Kang, Yong Gu Cho, Bo Kyeong Kim, Man Kee Baek PD-09 Gene network and genotype modeling for crop improvement 163 Sung Don Lim, Won Cheol Yim, and Cheol Seong Jang PD-10 농축산식품으로부터 식중독균 신속, 동시 검출을 위한 DNA chip 개발 163 이진용, 황이택, 구만복 PD-11 닭의 산란 및 발생관련 유전자 발굴 및 실용화 이용 164 ` 한재용, 김진규, 한범구, 이상혁 PD-12 Molecular characterization of soybean FT homologs 164 Kyoung Mi Park, Hyun Jin Chun, Wook-Hun Jung and Min Chul Kim PD-13 PD-14 PD-15 Alcohol Dehydrogenase (ADH) Gene Detection in Transgenic Rice Under Anaerobic Condition 165 Reneeliza Melgar, Sailila Abdula, Jun Yeong Kim, Hye Jung Lee, Kwon-Kyu Kang, Dong- Sub Kim,and Yong Gu Cho Gene expression profiling analysis of a high tillering and dwarf rice mutant revealed TCP transcription factors 165 In Sook Lee, Dool Yi Kim, Jung Sook Lee, Dong Hern Kim, Myung Ok Byun and In Sun Yoon Gene expression profiling analysis of a high tillering and dwarf rice mutant and function of TCP family transcription factors 166 In Sook Lee, Dool Yi Kim, Jung Sook Lee, Dong Hern Kim, Myung Ok Byun and In Sun Yoon xxii

PD-16 Cloning and sequences analysis of seabuchthorn Chitinase I (ChiI) gene 166 Yanlin Sun, Hua Jin, Soon-Kwan Hong PD-17 Study of Seabuchthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) ChitinaseI (ChiI) gene 167 Yanlin Sun, Hua Jin, Soon-Kwan Hong PD-18 Screening of RNA aptamers that specifically bind to and inhibit the respiratory viral proteins 167 Sun Young Park, Sheetal Kalme, Na-Ra Lee, Yong-Joo Jeong, Dong-Eun Kim PD-19 Highly accelerated fibrillation of mad cow disease s prion peptides on solid surfaces 168 Sook Hee Ku, Joon Seok Lee and Chan Beum Park PD-20 PD-21 PD-22 PD-23 PD-24 PD-25 PD-26 Human proline-rich nuclear receptor coregulatory protein 2 mediates an interaction between mrna surveillance machinery and decapping complex. 168 Hana Cho, Kyoung Mi Kim, and Yoon Ki Kim Characterization and functional analysis of micrornas in porcine longissimus muscle and back fat 169 Ik Sang Cho, Jae Sang Hong, and Young Sik Lee A DNA micro-array Chip-based method for rapid and specific detection of spoilage Alicyclobacillus spp. in food. 170 Jun Hyeong Jang, Sun-Joong Kim, Bo Hyun Yoon, Jee-Hoon Ryu, Man Bock Gu, Hyo-Ihl Chang Studies on Structural and Functional Genomics of Winter Mushroom, Flammulina velutipes 171 Won-Sik Kong, Byoung-Moo Lee, Hyungtae Kim, Chang-soo Lee, Hee Wan Kang, Jong-Guk Kim,Jae-Yong Cho Nanoporous membrane-based electrochemical immunosensor for label-free detection of pathogenic microorganisms 172 Han-Nah Kim, Min-Cheol Lim and Young-Rok Kim Characterization of novel specifically expressed genes in non-host pathogen infected pepper leaves and its promoter analysis 173 Sora Choi, Yeon Lee Ji-eun Hong, Jiyoon Lee, Sang Hun Lee, Cheol-Goo Hur, Suk Yoon Kweon,Jeong Mee Park Wild soybean genome studies: massive parallel sequencing, genetic linkage mapping, and virus-induced gene silencing 174 Suk-Ha Lee, Soon-Chun Jeong, Kook-Hyung Kim PD-27 한우육 판별을 위한 이동형 간이 진단 시스템 개발 174 박진휘, 김동식, 이진일, 박해준, 박한이, 임현태, 전진태, 윤두학 PD-28 PD-29 Global identification of Sumo substrate proteins in growing and differentiated bovine myogenic cell 175 Dong-Ho Kang, Jae-Yong Lee, Jae-Bong Park, Jaebong Kim, Sung-Chan Kim Overexpression of Arabidopsis cytochrome P450 gene in rice increases resistance to environmental stresses 175 Ho Bang Kim, Simple Kumari, Myung Shin Kim, Sang-Bong Choi xxiii

PD-30 PD-31 Involvement of the Fas-associated Factor1 Ortholog, CaFAF1, in Regulating Programmed Cell Death in Plants 176 Young Jin Kim, Chang-Jin Park, Byung-Kook Ham, and Kyung-Hee Paek Development of highly infectious in vitro transcription vector of non-aphid- transmissible GFP-tagging clone of Pepper mottle virus 176 Mi Yeon Lee, Yeon Sook Song, Ki Hyun Ryu, Jin Sung Hong PD-32 LAF1 is involved in leaf development of arabidopsis 177 Bong Soo Park, Soon Ho Choi, Yeon Jeong Kim, Ga Hyun Son, Jong Tae Song and Hak Soo Seo PD-33 Functional Gene Searching by FOX-hunting System in Brassica rapa 177 In-Ho Lee, Jong-in Park, Narendra Singh, and Ill-Sup Nou PD-34 Sequence characterization of three BAC clones representing highly redundant repeats which might be derived from heterochromatin regions in ginseng genome 178 Hong-Il Choi, Jee Young Park, Nam-Hoon Kim, Jun Ha Kim, Jong Hoon Lee, Yun Sun Lee, Shailendra Karki, Izzah Nur Kholilatul, Beom-Soon Choi, YongPyo Lim, Ki-Byung Lim, Jinkyung Kwon, Tae-Jin Yang PD-35 Structural characterization of mitochondrial rdna from Flammulina velutipes 178 Hyeokjun Yoon, Yoon-Jong Nam, Ji-Woong Choi, Byung-Moo Lee, Won-Sik Kong, Jong-Guk Kim 종자연구단 농촌진흥청 바이오그린21사업단 종자연구단 OE-01 벼의 전사조절요소 OsMyb4 유전자의 과발현에 의한 생체내 기능검정 181 박명렬, 이 화, Benildo G. de los Reyes, 윤성중 PE-01 The pepper pathogen-inducible, receptor-like cytoplasmic protein kinase CaPIK1 gene modulates the defense signaling in a SA-dependent manner and induces cell death with defense-responsive phenotypes. 182 Dae Sung Kim, Hyong Woo Choi, In Sun Hwang, Du Seok Choi, Nak Hyun Kim, Dong Hyuk Lee, andbyung Kook Hwang PE-02 감마선처리가 해국(Aster spathulifolius)의 감수성과 변이에 미치는 영향 182 박재옥, 박문영, 조혜성, 임동근, 정병준, 강시용, 이긍주 PE-03 Introduction of CaLTP1 gene, LeNPR1 gene, or a viral coat protein gene into chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiflora) for disease resistance 183 Hyo-Young Park, Bong-Hee Han, Jeong-Kook Kim PE-04 Examination of the elite seed potatoes for viral infection 183 Soon-Kap Kim, Jae Whune Kim, Jeong-Kook Kim PE-05 Improvement of transgenic rice producing high levels of flavonoids in the endosperm 184 Dong-Soo Park, HoeJeong Wang, Soo-Kwon Park, Norvie L. Manigbas, Nam-In Baek, Young-Min Woo, Hang-Won Kang, and Gihwan Yi xxiv

PE-06 PE-07 PE-08 PE-09 Construction of mitochondrial-genome specific BAC libraries for fertile and male-sterile Radishes 184 Jee Young Park, Jong Hoon Lee, Young-Pyo Lee, Sunggil Kim, Tae-Jin Yang Characterization of Phathogenesis-related protein (OgChitIVa) and UV light related transcription factor (OgElr) from Wild Rice (Oryza grandiglumis) 185 Jung-Hun Pak, Eun-Hee Jeon, Mi-Jin Kim, Hye-Jeong Kim, Young-Soo Chung Development of soybean transgenic lines with various functions using highly efficient soybean transformation system 185 Mi-Jin Kim, Hye-Jeong Kim, Eun-Hee Jeon, Jung-Hun Pak, Young-Soo Chung, Dong-Hee Lee Genetic diversity among Calanthe discolor, C. sieboldii, and C. x bicolor revealed by AFLP analysis 186 Sang Hoon Kim, Jong Suk Lee, Geung-Joo Lee, Jong Sun Kim, Jong Hwan Park, Dong Sub Kim, Jin-Baek Kim, and Si-Yong Kang PE-10 감마선 조사에 의한 스프레이 국화의 화색 돌연변이체 육성 187 정성진, 이종숙, 김진백, 김동섭, 김상훈, 박민수, 박하승, 강시용 PE-11 Identification for Quantitative Trait Loci of Seed Shattering Habit in Rice 187 Yang Qin, Xinhua Zhao, Tae-Heun Kim, Young-Hie Park, BaoYan Jia, Suk-Man Kim, Jae-Keun Sohn PE-12 Inheritance of fertility restoration of a novel cytoplasmic male-sterility in radish (Raphanus sativus L.) 188 Kyuhyun Kim, Young-Pyo Lee, Soon-Kee Sung, Sunggil Kim PE-13 Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of carnation plants with flower controlling genes 188 Fatimah Suwardjo, Soo Jung Hyun, Bum Soo Kim, Byung Joon Ahn PE-14 Identification of highly variable chloroplast sequences and development of cpdna-based molecular markers 189 Young-Pyo Lee, Heerae Lim, Young Soon Ahn, Sanghyeob Lee, Sunggil Kim, Soon-Kee Sung PE-15 Identification of host factors essential for virus infection 189 JeeNa Hwang and Byoung-Cheorl Kang PE-16 PE-17 Complete sequence of pepper (C. annuum L.) chloroplast genome : comparative analysis between plastoms in Solanaceous species 190 Yeong-deuk Jo, Jongsun Park, Jungeun Kim, Wonho Song, Cheol-Goo Hur and Byoung-Cheorl Kang Microarray analysis of transgenic tobacco harboring nucleic acid hydrolyzing antibody which confers the resistance against DNA and RNA virus infection 190 Jingweon Yang, Gunsup Lee, Jaelim Yu, Hyejung Lee, Sukchan Lee PE-18 방사선을 이용한 덴드로비움 깅기아넘의 돌연변이 육종 191 강경원, 박광섭, 김미선, 강시용 PE-19 방사선 돌연변이 기술에 의한 석곡 신품종 로얄프레젠트 육종 191 강경원, 박광섭, 김미선, 강시용 xxv

PE-20 EMS처리에 의해 유도된 춘란(Cymbidium goeringii)변이종의 근경증식 및 기관분화에 미치는 기타 첨가제의 영향 192 신윤호, 송인자, 강은정, 배태웅, 강시용, 임평옥, 이효연 PE-21 감마선 조사가 포인세티아의 포엽과 착색엽 색상변이에 미치는 영향 192 이은경, 김원희, 김성태, 강시용 PE-22 New transgenic peppers harboring CMVPI-CP gene are tolerant to a new CMV pathotype 193 Sun Hee Shin, Min Jung, Ji Hee Lee, Joung Mi Park, Soon Ho Choi, Dong Bo Shim, Nam Han Her, Jang Ha Lee, Mi Yeon Lee, Ki Hyun Ryu, and Chee Hark Harn PE-23 Induction of Petal Color Mutation through Gamma Irradiation in Rose 193 Gab-Cheon Koh, Min-Za Kim, Si-Young Kang PE-24 Production of interspecific F 1 hybrids of two Asiatic hybrids by application of two pollination methods 194 Aung Htay Naing, Song Kyung Park, Dong Hee Suh, Yoon Jung Hwang, In Sook Park, In Suk Ahn, Jae Dong Chung, Si Yong Kang and Ki Byung Lim PE-25 N2O를 이용한 백합 Oriental hybrid Medusa 의 2n-gamete 형성 195 박송경, 서동희, 황윤정, Aung Htay Naing, 박인숙, 강시용, 임기병 PE-26 개화조절유전자 도입 국화 형질전환 식물체 개발 195 김지현, 김미영, 권영주, 정지아, 안지훈, 형남인 PE-27 야생벼(O.minuta)에서 이입된 수원497호와 수원506호의 흰잎마름병 및 도열병 저항성인자들에 대한 유전분석 196 정지웅, 신영섭, 강경호, 최인배, 최임수, 김연규 PE-28 Development of Transgenic Peppers Tolerant to PepMoV 196 Min Jung, Sun Hee Shin, Ji Hee Lee, Joung Mi Park, Soon Ho Choi, Dong Bo Shim, Nam Han Her,Jang Ha Lee, Ki Hyun Ryu, Kee Yoeup Paek and Chee Hark Harn PE-29 조직배양 감자종서의 노지 재배에 의한 씨감자 생산 방법 개발 197 김재훈, 최은경, 김순갑, 김정국 PE-30 Functional characterization of soybean DEAD-box RNA helicase induced by high salinity stress 197 Eunsook Chung, Chang-Woo Cho, Hyun-A So, Kyoung-Mee Kim, Yeon-Joo Kwack, Kyoung-Sook Kim, Hong-Kyu Choi, Young-Soo Chung and Jai-Heon Lee PE-31 Molecular analysis of a novel antioxidant 2-Cys Prx isolated from mungbean 198 Chang-Woo Cho, Eunsook Chung, Hyun-A So, Eun-Hee Jeon, Kyoung-Mee Kim, Yeon-Joo Kwack, Kyoung-Sook Kim, Young-Soo Chung, Jai-Heon Lee PE-32 Molecular cloning and characterization of a novel heat shock protein isolated from soybean 198 Hyun-A So, Eunsook Chung, Chang-Woo Choa, Kyoung-Mee Kim, Yeon-Joo Kwack, Kyoung-Sook Kim, Young-Soo Chung and Jai-Heon Lee PE-33 선발마커 제거 시스템을 활용한 마커프리 형질전환체 제작 199 권석윤, 최상봉, 조준형, 김태령 PE-34 기장 유전자원의 농업적 특성 분석을 이용한 핵심집단 선발 199 윤성탁, 張 慶 宇, 許 震 宇, 허화영 xxvi

PE-35 수수 유전자원의 농업적 특성 분석을 이용한 핵심집단 선발 200 윤성탁, 張 慶 宇, 許 震 宇, 허화영 PE-36 조 유전자원의 농업적 특성 분석을 이용한 핵심집단 선발 200 윤성탁, 張 慶 宇, 許 震 宇, 허화영 PE-37 Secondary Metabolites from the Aerial Parts of Oryza sativa L. 201 Lakoon Jung, Dong-Soo Park, Gi-Hwan Yi, Young-Min Woo, and Nam-In Baek PE-38 삼척지역 동강할미꽃 종자 특성 및 발아 환경 조절 201 안찬훈, 이현석, 이재선 PE-39 육종, 종자 산업 발전과 민영화 202 김순권, 윤지영, 강신구, 강돈호, 문가희, 바부람판데이, 클라우디노, 뉴윈윈, 헨드리 사푸트라 아부, 뭉흐밭통갈락, 모하마드 아프잘, 정민수, 김자영, 남기홍 PE-40 대립성 검정을 통한 국내외 고추 F1 품종의 GMS 유전자형 동정 203 윤재복, 도재왕, 이준대, 이용직, 권오열 PE-41 착색단고추(파프리카)의 GMS 유전자형 동정을 위한 대립성 검정 204 윤재복, 도재왕, 한정헌, 안철근, 이용직, 권오열, 김용권 PE-42 PE-43 Inhibition of Broad bean wilt virus by transiently expressed RNAi for early screening of the virus-resistant genetic resources 205 Joo Yeon Yoon, Ki Hyun Ryu Characterization of resistance to herbicide in oriental lily Marco Polo transformed with bar gene 205 Sang Kun Park, Hyang Young Joung, Hye Kyung Rhee, Jin Hee Lim, Byung Joon Ahn PE-44 QTL identification related to broad-spectrum resistance to blast in Korean weedy rice. 206 Young-Chan Cho, Jae-Hwan Roh, Ji-Ung Jeung, Myung-Kyu Oh, Myeong-Ki Kim, Chang-In Yang, Jong-Min Jeong, Jeom-Ho Lee, Yeon-Gyu Kim 한국배추과채소연구회 PF-01 Status of the Brassicaceae Germplasm in National Agrobiodiversity Center 209 Ho-Cheol Ko, Do-Yoon Hyun, Haeng-Hoon Kim, Gyu-Taek Cho, Yu-Mi Choi, Young-Wang Na, Jung-Bong Kim, Yun-Soo Yeo, Jae-Gyun Gwag PF-02 무 웅성불임성 자원 육성 관련 연구 현황 209 박수형, 윤무경, 박부희, 고호철 PF-03 UDP-Glucose Pyrophosphorylase 유전자를 이용한 애기장대의 웅성불임성 유도 210 박종인, 이인호, Narendra Singh, Masao Watanabe, 노일섭 xxvii