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300 구보학보 12집. 1),,.,,, TV,,.,,,,,,..,...,....,... (recall). 2) 1) 양웅, 김충현, 김태원, 광고표현 수사법에 따른 이해와 선호 효과: 브랜드 인지도와 의미고정의 영향을 중심으로, 광고학연구 18권 2호, 2007 여름

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차 례... 박영목 **.,... * **.,., ,,,.,,

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: 183 ( ) Kim, Jeongah 2004 A functionalist analysis of onset-coda asymmetry: on voicing assimilation and neutralization Studies in Phonetics, Phonology and Morphology 102 183-201 The paper explores the phonetic motivations of onsetcoda asymmetry in voicing assimilation and neutralization, and attempts to offer a functionalist analysis assuming that speech and perception conform to the principle of economy The asymmetry between onset and coda, related to the voicing assimilation and neutralization, is attributable to the differences in numbers and weights of perceptual cues The phonetic interpretation of onset-coda asymmetry provides a ground for re-analyzing the constraints like IDONSLAR, AGREE, *LAR, IDLAR in the light of articulatory efforts and perceptual results By preserving their underlying voicing features (maximizing perceptual effect), the onsets with the relatively rich perceptual cues make the principle of economy realized On the other hand, codas or preconsonatal obstruents actualize the economy by reducing the articulatory efforts as they lack cues, particularly the onset cues In this paper, MIN EFFORT(few cues) and MAX PERCEPTION(more cues) are set up as two main axes for reanalysis, and both axes are respectively subcategorized into GESTURE OVERLAP, *LAR(few cues), etc The asymmetry in perceptual cues and the principle of economy in speech and perception become clues to explain the position of the neutralization of voicing contrast and the typical direction of assimilation Further research and discussion on syllabic structures and psycholinguistic evidence for other asymmetric elements need to be facilitated (Yonsei University) Keywords: onset, coda, cues, assimilation, neutralization, functionalist analysis 1, (prominence privilege),,,,,,, (Beckman 1996), (asymmetries),,

184, (1) IDENT-Position(F) Let β be an output segment in a privileged position P and α the input correspondent of β If β is [γf], then α must be [γf] ( Correspondent segment in a privileged position must have identical specification for [F] ) (Beckman 1996) 1, (perceptual specification) (perceptual result) 2,, ( ),,,,,,,, 1 Position,,,, IDENT-ONSET(F), IDENT-σ 1(F) (1)

185,,,, - (2)(3) (2) (Lombardi 1991; Wetzels and Mascaró 2001) run[d]e round (pl) run[t] round (sg) lo[b]es of praise lo[p] praise ra[d]es of advice ra[t] advise Sär[g]e coffins Sär[k] coffin (3) (Kenstowicz 1994; Grijzenhout and Krämer 1999) hiu[z]en houses a[s]en ashes hiu[s] house a[s] ash hiu[sk]ammer living room a[z]bak ashtray hiu[zb]aas landlord pa[t] toad pa[d]ən toads la[t] lath la[d]ən laths pu:[s] cat pu:[z]ən cats vo[s] fox vo[s]ən foxes, (Raphael 1981),,,,, VOT,

186 (closure voicing), (closure duration), (V 1 duration), F 1 (F 1 values in V 1 ), (burst duration and amplitude), F 0 F 1 (F 0 and F 1 values at the onset of voicing in V 2 ) (Wang 1959; Raphael 1981; Westbury and Keating 1986; Kingston and Diehl 1994, 1995), (4) (Steriade 1997) a, () abra, aba, apra, apa,,, F 1,, VOT, F 0 F 1 b, () bra, ba, pra, pa; asbra, asba, aspra, aspa,,, VOT, F 0 F 1 c, () ab, ap,,, F 1, d, () absa, apsa,,, F 1 e () asbta, aspta, f, () asb, asp, g, () bsa, psa,

187 (voicing), (4d) (4g) (Greenberg 1978: 253) (4a), (4g),, (onset cues), (internal cues), (offset cues), 2 (Raphael 1981; Slis 1986; Duez 1995),,, 3 ( ), 4, 2 V 1-O-V 2 (onset), V 1 (offset) (oral constriction) (contextual cues) (transitional cues) (Steriade 1997) 3,

188, 3, [voice] (Goldsmith 1990; Rubach 1990),, (Steriade 1995, 1997) 4,,, 5 4 I claim that statements like Position X must license feature F have empirical content only if interpreted to mean The perception or production of F must be enhanced by some phonetic property uniquely available in position X (Steriade 1995) 5 If the nucleus has just one position, the same cannot be said of the onset and the rhyme, for in many languages these positions can host several segments (Goldsmith 1990)

189, (canonical onsets) 6 IDONSLAR, (5) (Gussman 1992; Bethin 1992) [stobow ] with you [zbratem] with(my)brother źa[b]a frog źa[pk]a small frog ró[zg]a rod ró[štšk]a small rod wo[d]a water wó[tk]a vodka ne[ptk]a twit, gensg [bzd]ura nonsense Lombardi (1995) (IDONSLAR) (AGREE),, (6) (Lombardi 1995) a IDLAR: (Consonants should be faithful to underlying laryngeal specification) b IDONSLAR: (Consonants in the position stated in the Laryngeal Constraint should be faithful to underlying specification) c *LAR: (Do not have Laryngeal features) d AGREE: (Obstruent 6, s+obsturent /p, t, k/ s (syllable node) (word node) (Steriade 1982; Borowsky 1986),,

190 clusters should agree in voicing) (7) (Lombardi 1995) AGREE IDONSLAR *LAR IDLAR a /psdura/ psdura *! * bzdura *** ** pstura *! * b /bsdura/ bsdura *! ** bzdura *** * pstura *! ** c /bzdura/ bzdura *** psdura *! * ** pstura *! *** /psdura/, /bsdura/, /bzdura/ AGREEIDONSLAR /d/ [bzdura] IDONSLAR (8) AGREE (8) (Lombardi 1995) /tsvay/ two IDONSLAR *LAR AGREE IDLAR tsvay * * tsfay *! * dzvay **! * IDONSLAR,

191,, (4b),,,, VOT, V 2 F 0 F 1,, 4 5, 4 Passy (1890),, Passy (1890)Boersma (1997) Passy,,,, (the principle of economy) (the principle of emphasis),,, (the maximization of information flow), (maximization of recogni-

192 tion),, Boersma (1997)Passy (1890) (9) a b c e f, Passy,,,,,,,,,,

193,,,,,,,,, (10) a (MIN EFFORT): b (MAX PERCEPTION): ( ),,, (11) a MIN EFFORT(few cues): b MAX PERCEPTION(more cues): ( )

194,, (Gesture Overlap),, (Browman and Goldstein 1990) 7 (Kingston 1990; Ohala 1992), (Jun 1995), (Kingston 1990),, ( ), (4) ( F 1 ) (12) GESTURE OVERLAP(few cues) 8 : 7 (Browman and Goldstein 1990) 8 GESTURE OVERLAP

195,, (11a) (AGREE) 9,, 10 (9a), 11, (13) *MARKED(few cues): (14) *LAR(few cues): 9 AGREE 10 (burst),, (Lamontagne 1993), (Hoard 1978) 11 Iverson and Salmons (1995), (aspiration),

196 (13)(11a), (14) (14),,, (11b),, (11b) MAX PERCEPTION (more cues) IDONSLAR, (15) a MIN EFFORT(few cues): (i) GESTURE OVERLAP: (ii) *MARKED(few cues): *LAR(few cues): b MAX PERCEPTION(more cues): ( ), *LAR, *LAR(few cues)

197 5 5, MIN EFFORT(few cues), *LAR(few cues) (16) (16) MAX PERCEPTION *LAR(few cues) MAX PERCEPTION (more cues) a /rad/ rad *! rat * b /gut/ gut kut *! * /rad/ /gut/ MIN EFFORT(few cues) (GESTURE OVERLAP) *LAR(few cues) /rad/ *LAR(few cues) [rat] /gut/ MAX PERCEPTION(more cues)

198, () (17) (17) GESTURE OVERLAP, MAX PERCEPTION(more cues) >> *LAR(few cues) >> MAX PERCEPTION (18) GESTURE OVERLAP MAX PERCEPTION (more cues) *LAR (few cues) MAX PERCEPTION a /psdura/ psdura *! bzdura ** *** pstura *! * b /bsdura/ bsdura *! * bzdura * psdura *! * c /bzdura/ bzdura ** psdura *! ** pstura *! ***, ((18a) (18c) ) MAX PERCEPTION (more cues) (*LAR(few cues)) (MAX PERCEPTION), ( ) [bzdura]

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