94 年 類 療 療 1 5111 8 1 不 80 1.25 2 不 1 列 不 參 frame of reference for visual perception cognitive analysis skills visual learning visual attention visual memory visual discrimination 2 Ayres prone extension 力 列 兩 functioning vestibular sensationlight tactile proprioception deep pressure 3 列 理 力 dyspraxia sensory modulation sensory discrimination 兩 bilateral coordination 4 列 降 tactile defensiveness vision light tactile vestibular sensation proprioceptiondeep pressure 5 列 spine kyphosis round back 老 年 年 scoliosis 見 烈 lordosis concavity anteroposterior curvature hollow back 不 muscle imbalance bony deformities 理 secondary 6 列 參 norm-referenced test 參 criterion-referenced test School Function Assessment Movement Assessment Battery for Children 魯 力 Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency 量 Peabody Developmental Motor Scales-Second Edition 7 列 play occupation 0 2 1 functional play 索 exploratory playsensorimotor play hierarchical overlap 8 了 developmental coordination disorder 略 行 療 behavioral therapy 參 developmental frame of reference 參 sensory integration frame of reference 略 cognitive orientation to daily occupational performance
8 2 9 列 力 tonic flexion posture 狀 disc swing roller 10 Skeffington s model of vision 力 speech audition 力 vision 力 antigravity centering identification 11 療 來 行 療 列 multidisciplinary interdisciplinary transdisciplinary unidisciplinary 12 person-environment-occupation model 列 行 behavior occupation adaptive response occupational performance 13 列 不 14 列 Piaget 論 schema 理 psychosexual 15 cerebral palsy 列 progressive midbrain ataxia sensory cortex spasticity basal ganglia 力 不 16 療 略 top-down approach 量 列 occupation 參 contextual factors function 17 6 10 middle childhood play 列 9 不 7 了 不 理 10 說 說 6 imaginative play 18 療 列 臨 理 量 理 narrative reasoning 理 interactive reasoning 理 ethical reasoning 理 conditional reasoning 19 列 療 learning disability 來 量 nature 度 年 療 socialization 理 力 年 立 理 psychosocial skills social play perceptual motor integration handwriting skills 不 理 力
8 3 20 列 不 mental retardation 18 onset 力 立 力 adaptive ability 理 psychoeducational tests 來 intellectual ability 21 列 Asperger s syndrome 狀 Rett syndromeprogressive 女 見 developmental disability 行 率 5% 8% Tourette s syndrome 不 tics 力 不 22 列 力 attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 療 略 療 行 力 不 impulsive 力 不 不 motor sensory modulation 狀 年 了 occupational activities 立 23 列 pervasive developmental disorder 行 參 了 autism neuroimaging 度 cell density 不 量 24 列 立 Functional Independence Measure for Children 年 3 15 年 不 錄 度 度 來 年 行 力 領 了 self-care 力 mobility cognition fine motor 25 理 論 dynamic systems theory 列 練 來 理 process 行 度 degree of freedom 26 列 量 Sensory Profile Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory Gross Motor Function Measure-Revised 量 Peabody Developmental Motor Scales-Second Edition 27 列 不 4 0 年 Ages & Stages Questionnaires 丹 Deven Developmental Screening Test-Revised Developmental Test of Visual Motor Integration-Fourth Edition 魯 力 Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency 28 列 切 力 power grasp cylindrical grasp pincer grasp three-jaw chuck grasp
8 4 29 列 不 in-hand manipulationmotor skill prerequisites transverse metacarpal arch opposition pronation 度 30 列 postural reaction protective reaction lateral equilibrium reaction supine 藍 Landau righting reaction 6 10 31 列 不 理 刺 療 刺 度 行 刺 whole body 32 列 路 Rood development of movement mobility stability 立 mobility superimposed on stability 立 stability superimposed on mobility skill 33 列 不 療 legitimate tools nonhuman environment toys pets activity groups 理 療 physical agent modality 34 列 不 sensory integration 念 sensory modulation adaptive response neural plasticity central nervous system organization 35 Ayres 理 論 列 vestibular system visual perception sensory discrimination bilateral integration 36 列 力 dyspraxia 力 不 gravitational insecurity 錄 sensory registration problems vestibular-proprioceptive problems 37 列 行 不 sensory modulation problems 度 overresponsiveness 行 sensory seeking behavior 錄 sensory registration sensory discrimination 38 列 理 論 參 frame of reference 不 motor relearning 理 論 developmental 參 sensory integration 參 略 cognitive orientation to daily occupational performance 39 2 女 90 年 4 4 94 年 7 24 年 4 0 4 2 4 4 4 6
8 5 40 列 療 adaptive response sensory input 錄 registration 行 general behavior systematically 41 列 不 勒 Miller Assessment for Preschoolers 力 Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests 魯 力 Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency 臨 Ayres Clinical Observation of Sensory Integration 42 利 來 略 developmental compensatory 理 neurophysiologic neurodevelopmental 43 列 參 frame of reference 理 論 理 psychosocial 行 理 論 behavior theory 理 論 dynamic theory 理 論 developmental theory person-environment-occupation model 44 列 School Function Assessment 50 memory 了 understanding 來 了 力 力 不 structured interview 45 來 來 46 Vygotsky zone of proximal development 列 support teaching 念 不 念 理 論 motor learning feedback 練 practice 力 力 來 47 列 dressing 1 4 2 3 48 Reillyplay multidimensional system 行 play behavior 索 力 exploratory drive of curiosity 力 hierarchical stages 不 索 exploratory 參 participation competence achievement 49 Knoxplayfulness 念 列 role element humor response pattern mood flexibilitysocialization skill object motivation social relationship preference 度 attitude approach social reciprocity
8 6 50 療 力 letter formation spacing size 度 了 列 力 度 speed 識 度 legibility visual perception ergonomic factors 51 列 不 力 hypertonic 來 來 52 列 力 readiness 力 力 練 mastery 力 行 力 gross-motor coordination 了 力 力 列 eye-hand coordination letter perception bilateral coordination 力 53 狀 states of arousal 6 狀 狀 2 3 4 5 54 不 preterm positioning 列 力 scissor legs intrauterine 不 55 列 sucking nutritive sucking suck-swallow-breathe 律 rhythm 2 1 1 mature pattern transitional pattern 不 immature pattern nonnutritive sucking 力 兩 連 不 56 positioning 列 midline position semireclined-sitting position 降 度 更 易 infant death syndrome hand-to-mouth extrauterine 57 療 early intervention family-centered programs 不 不 療 行 療 行 參 行 行 療 練 行 立 行 療 練 療 療 co-therapist primary agents 來 行 療 58 列 療 參 度 level of participation School Function Assessment Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory 魯 力 Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency Developmental Test of Visual Motor Integration-Fourth Edition 59 列 不 療 acquisitional sensorimotor motor relearning neurodevelopmental
8 7 60 列 療 early intervention setting 療 臨 61 列 療 復 立 療 來 62 列 不 參 frame of reference components 理 論 theoretical base 臨 application to practice 連 function/dysfunction continua 理 論 background of theory development 63 列 不 療 cerebral palsy 車 bone fracture developmental coordination disorder 64 降 不 不 列 不 postural insecurity vestibular defensiveness 力 不 gravitational insecurity 理 vestibular processing dysfunction 65 路 Rood development of movement mobility stability skill 立 mobility superimposed on stability 66 弄 bd 不 列 visual memory visual attention visual scanning visual discrimination 67 Ayres 列 body scheme 來 行 praxis tactile system vestibular system proprioceptive system visual perception system 68 列 理 論 Gesell 論 Piaget 論 金 Skinner 行 論 洛 Freud 論 69 列 58% 數 落 數 1 95% 數 落 數 2 96% 數 落 數 3 97% 數 落 數 4 70 力 attention deficit disorder 列 行 率 1~2% 女 率 1 1 來 力
8 8 71 行 chest-to-chest skin-to-skin 列 family care kangaroo care body temperature care 72 列 不 利 Toglia 來 distractibility impulsiveness 索 度 索 練 略 力 理 略 索 73 列 nonnutritive sucking nutritive sucking 率 1 2 兩 度 arousal level 30 32 率 6~8 1 1 1 74 semicircular canals 理 力 列 orientation 力 不 力 來 75 列 12 量 rotary chewing movements suckswallow pause 76 列 不 療 領 performance area temporal adaptation activities of daily living play and leisure activities work and productive activities 77 7 療 來 療 occupation 列 療 therapeutic medium end means function meaning 78 列 練 弄 in-hand manipulation shift 力 79 列 developmental coordination disordermusculoskeletal disorders movement synergies 力 postural tone tight 不 不 力 muscle strength motor planning 行 motor execution 兩 80 occupational analysis 列 不 羅 Rogers 1997 年 instrumental 料