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. (intergovernmental relationship),,,. *

..,..., (NIMBY)/ (PIMFY).,. % ( ).,., ( ). (rent-seeking)..,.,,, (Buchanan, - ; Tollison, -; Levi ). (, )....

.,,,. (over dissipation).,,, (under dissipation) (, - ; Tollison, )..,.?,?,?.,.,.,. (pilot study),... :..;.. NIMBY PIMFY :. ;.. :,;,. :,. ;, a. NIMBY PIMFY ( ):,.;, b. NIMBY PIMFY ( ):,.

,.. ( ), ( ), ( a, b). ( ).. ( ).. ( ), (internalization). ( ) ( ). ( ).,. ( )..,,.,.

..,...... (non-excludability) (non-rivalry)., (externality). (free rider) (the tragedy of the commons) (Olsen ; Hardin ; Musgrave & Musgrave ).., (Smith, ).,. (positive)...

.,. (politics of exchange) (Buchanan, - ).,..,.,,,,,,,, (, ).,.,. (, ).,.. (Tullock, - )...,,

, (decision function),,, / (payoff) (, )....,,.,. (, - ;, -)...,,,,. (ASEM),,,, (, )..

.,, (place marketing). (Phlio & Kearns, : - ), ( )., (Bradley, et al., ; Hall, ;, : ;, : -)....,

,. (collective action)., (growth machine). (Logan & Molotch ),..,,,,,,,,.,,,, (, ).,. (, -). (follower). - (leader-leader), ((leaderfollower) (follower-follower) ( ).... (, - )..

(uncertainty)., (John, -). -... ( ; ).,,.,,. % GDP %.,,., ( a ).. (Louis Berger),

(Campsax),, -. ( ).. ( ), ( ), ( ).. ().,...,.,, (Kriesberg ; Rummel ; Walton ).., ( -) (. ).,.,. ( ) ( ). (Himes ).

,.,.,.,. ( ).,.., ( )......,., ( )..,. (avoidance), ((accommodation), (collaboration), (compromising), (competition). Lan ; Roxane & Dudley.

.. ( ) ( ). ( )..,. ( - ).,,,.,,.,.,,,,,,,..,,,,. ( - ) (- ) ( )...,,,,,, (one-stop).,, ( ; )..,

..., (Auphan ; Pol ).. - %. % ( ).,,...., km ( / / ; / / ).,., SDI., ( )...,,.

( / / ).,.,,,.., (hub) ( ; ).,..,, (, ).,...,. (local public good)....,. ( )..

,.,, (Kiser & Ostrom ).,,... ( ),. (),.,,.......,. ( )...

. :. %,.. :.. IC ( / / ). ( ). ( ).,..,,,,. (. ), (. ), ( ), ( - ), (. ).!(. ),.,., ( / / ).

.,.,.,.,., (, -).. ( - )...,.. (, -). (conciliation), (mediation), (arbitration), (adjudication) (Gawthrop )....,,,,..

,.,....,.,.., ( ),,,,.. ( ),, ( b )., ( ).,

. ( ) ( b )..,.,.,.,,.,,., IC,, ( / / )..,.,.., IC,.., (a ).....

. (b ).....,,,. ( ) ( c ).,, (,,,, ). (),...,.,..,, (),,,,,,,, ( c ).

., ( c )... (). ( )....,,,,. ( ),... - - -.., (b ).,.,,,. ( ).,,,,.

.,.,... ( ). (b ).. ( / / )...,, ( / / ).. -( ) - (, / / ).....,..

, ( / / )... ( ),, ( ) ( ).,.. ( ) ( / / ).,. ( )..,... (, -; )., ( ),,..,.

. ( / / )... ( / / )......,.,,,,,, ( -)..,,,. ( ).., (,),. %. %. (. %), ( %),,. ( ) ( ). - ( ) ( / / ; d )..

. :.. ( ),. ( )., ( / / ). ( ),......, ( ),..., (. %),. ( ), ( ).

,.,.,.,.... ( ). ( )...,.,.. IC. ( ), ( ).,... (negative sum) ( ).

.,. (, -;, ). (Tullock, Seldon & Brady ),.,..,...,,,, (Congleton )..

.. :.... :,,. :. a... :. b... :. c... :. d..,. :.... :... :.... NIMBY PIMFY :......... :... :.... NIMBY PIMFY ( ):,

........... :... :,, ( ): -)... :............. :... :.. a.. -. :. b..,. :....... :... :... :....,, ( ): -..( )

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