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. 2014,.. 2015 1 39.1%( ),, (, 2015.01.01.), OECD 34 27 (, 2014.12.03.). (Kohlberg, 1981; Piaget, 1932),, (Gilligan, 1982). (,, 1993;, 1996), (,, 2014;, 2004; Eisenberg, Hofer, Sulik, & Liew, 2014). (Dana, Weber, & Kuang, 2007; Shu, Mazar, Gino, Bazerman, & Ariely, 2011).. (Conflict of Interest) (OECD, 2003)., (Thompson, 1993; Wazana, 2000), (DeAngelis, 2000), (Ariely, 2012; Bazerman, Loewenstein, & Moore, 2002). 2001 Enron (Cunningham & Harris, 2006; Li, 2010), (Cain, Lowenstein, & Moore, 2005, 2011; Church & Kuang, 2009; Moore, Tetlock, Tanlu, & Bazerman, 2012). (Mazar & Ariely, 2006; Harvey, Kirk, Denfield, & Montague, 2010),. (disclosure). (Ariely, 2012),
(Dalley, 2007; Koch & Schmidt, 2009).,, (Sah, Cain, & Loewenstein, 2013; Weinfurt, Friedman, Dinan, Allsbrook, Hall, Dhillon, & Sugarman, 2006).., (Fung, Graham, & Weil, 2007) (Bero, Glantz, & Hong, 2005).. Cain, Loewenstein Moore(2005) 147,,.., (), ().,,., (morally-licensed) (Cain et al., 2011).,.,., (strategic exaggeration) (Loewenstein, Cain, & Sah, 2011).,., Koch Schmidt(2009) 148 Cain (2005). Cain, Koch Schmidt(2009) 2., 1 2.
,., (bias). (Koch & Schmidt, 2009).,.,. (Rest, 1979; Walker, 1984), (Rest, Davison, & Robbins, 1978), (,, 2013), (Farrington, 2001), (Juby & Farrington, 2001; Morash & Rucker, 1989), (Hoffman & Saltzstein, 1967; Palmer & Hollin, 1997), (, 2015;, 2008; Shweder, Mahapatra, & Miller, 1987)., (Sah & Loewenstein, 2014).,..,.,.,., ().,.,.,.,, (Cain et al., 2011; Loewenstein, Cain, & Sah, 2011) (moral licensing) (strategic exaggeration).. KISS, KERIS, DBPia
., 1 (Kang, Moon, Chang, Koo, & Koh, 2013)..,. 1 40 155. 15-39 350, 40,.,., 39.,,,., 0 100 5 190 (: 65, : 125). (IRB) (1040917-201506-SB-165-01). (Cain et al, 2005; Sah et al, 2013). Ruby Rails. IBM, Windows PC.., 2...
,.,., ( 1). 2 1 &., 6.,., 3 3.,.. 5,,.., 1,000,.,.,,. 1:,., 10,000., A 6,000, 3,000
, B 3,000, 6,000.,., 1,000,. A, B.,. 2: 15,., 500.,.,.?,., 15.,.
1 2 2 1. 2 1 :, 2. 6, : 3. :, 4. : A = > : B = > 5. 2 :, 6., : 7. SPSS 20.0. 1..., 2 t-.
1, () 55.3%(N=105), () 44.7%(N=85) 10%.,.,, (x 2 =.110, n.s.)( 1)., t-., (t=-1.975, df=103, p<.05; cohen's d: 0.39)( 2).. (t=-1.115, df=83, n.s.) x 2 (%) 125 (65.8) 68 (64.8) 57 (67.1) (%) 65 (34.2) 37 (35.2) 28 (32.9) 190 (100) 105 (100) 85 (100).110 M (SD) (N) (68) 5.85 (6.15) (37) 8.57 (7.70) 103 t=-1.975* (N) (57) 9.49 (7.87) (28) 11.28(10.05) 83 t=-1.115 * p<.05
2. 1,. 1, (55.3%) (44.7%). 2.,,.,,,..,..,..,,,.,,.,,,,.,, (Sah & Loewenstein, 2014), (Dye, 2001; Gunderson, 1997; Healy & Palepu, 2001; Verrecchia, 2001; Güth et al., 1996, Dalley, 2007; Hall & Berenson, 1998).. (Cain et al., 2005, 2011; Loewenstein et al., 2011),.,.,.
.,.,...,. (unconsciously)., (Mazar & Ariely, 2006; Mazar et al., 2008; Moore et al., 2012).,..,.,..,.,. (moral licensing),..,,..,.,.,
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Factors affecting Disclosing conflicts of Interest on consultation: comparison with Role-oriented and Self-interest Groups Su-Bin Kim 1) Ji-Hye Kim 2) Kyong-Mee Chung 2) 1) The Graduate School of Education, Yonsei University 2) Dept. of Psychology, Yonsei University A conflict of interest (COI) places people in ethical dilemma when providing consultation in a field of business, medical/pharmaceutical industry, research etc. Disclosure is a commonly adopted strategy for the adverse effect of COI, but previous studies have reported inconsistent results. This investigated whether individual differences in pursuing self-interest influence differently on consultation behavior during voluntary- or no-disclosure of COI conditions. A total of 190 adults participated in an on-line experiment which consisted of two tasks. On the 1 st task, participants were divided into either a role-oriented group or a self-interest group depending on their consultation choice on the task. On the 2 nd task, participants were required to choose whether to disclose COI to his/her virtual partner and provided consultation to them. No group differences were found in frequency of choosing voluntary disclosure. For the role-oriented group, the voluntary disclosure group provided unbiased information to the virtual partners than the no disclosure group. However, no group difference between voluntary- and no-disclosure group in the self-interest group. Implications and limitations are further discussed. Key words : Conflicts of interest, Disclosure, Consultation, Moral behavior, Adults' Morality