Enhancing English and Intellect via Humanism Introduction: 우리가대학에입학하면교양학부과정을밟게되지요. 본교양과정은우리가살아가는데좋은사람이되는기초를닦는데도움을주고, 다른하나는앞으로전공학문을하는데넓은밑바탕을부여하려는데있지요.

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APC Online Course for Enhancing English & Intellect via Humanism Music Cross-Cultural Understanding Philosophy Situational English Painting 50 First Dates Literature News Leadership Radio Stations Asia Pacific College Honolulu, Hawaii

Enhancing English and Intellect via Humanism Introduction: 우리가대학에입학하면교양학부과정을밟게되지요. 본교양과정은우리가살아가는데좋은사람이되는기초를닦는데도움을주고, 다른하나는앞으로전공학문을하는데넓은밑바탕을부여하려는데있지요. 교양과목은인문과정이지요. 넓고단단한인문의기초가있어야앞으로자기전공의집을높고든든하게지을수가있겠지요. 집을지울때도넓게파야깊히깊히들어갈수있는이치와같습니다. Steve Jobs 가 iphone 을출시할때기술 (Technology) 과인문학 (Liberal Arts) 의접목을뜻하는방향표시판을배경으로발표를한것을기억하실지모르겠습니다. 바로 iphone- 기술의성공은인문을만나서이루어진것을의미하는거겠지요. 우리가살면서문득문득생각이나지요. 이런문득나는귀중하고새로운생각도우리가저장해둔지식의창고에서나오게되는게아니겠습니까. 산책을하다가문득문득새로운생각이떠오르면그귀중한새로운생각을종이쪽지에바로메모해두는일이있으시지요. 어렸을때어머니가입버릇처럼말씀하신 쓰고난다음에는물건을제자리에갖다놓아라 " - " 야 - 잘못했구나 " 하면서문득문득생각이납니다. 나의경우는어려운과제에부딜칠때마다초등학교시절의선생님의 When we enter college, no matter what our major, we must take liberal arts courses to fulfill our general requirements, designed to ensure we have a broader perspective of the world. Likewise, humanism courses are intended first to lay the basis for us to become good people in the course of life, and second to build a broad and sturdy foundation to help us pursue major fields of study in the years to come. The similarities between the two imply that liberal arts courses belong in category of humanism studies. A broad and solid humanism foundation is essential to building a tall and solid house in a major field of studies. A very real example of the importance of humanism in our modern world is provided one of the most successful companies the world has ever seen. When Steve Jobs made his first announcement introducing the iphone, he set up in the background two direction signs reading Technology and Liberal Arts. The success of the iphone is nothing less than the byproduct of Technology meeting Liberal Arts. There are times when an idea may flash across our minds. These priceless ideas that suddenly strike our minds must be coming out of our storage of knowledge. Have you ever had the experience of hastily writing down a fascinating idea that occurred to you unexpectedly? I have. Of course, sometimes I find myself saying, Alas, it s a mistake, and I remember what my mother used to say: Put your toys back where they belong when you are finished playing with them! This goes for ideas, too, I suppose. Sometimes the flash is a memory. Whenever I encounter a difficult problem, the flash brings me my elementary school teacher s voice saying, Taranu taranu kufuga taranu. Literally translated, this means Not enough, not enough, not enough study. She was my Japanese teacher during the time when Korea was under Japanese reign, and just as they always did, her words fire me up to tackle any problem! I think it is obvious that we derive creativity from our reservoir of knowledge and memory. We live on inspiration from this reservoir Sometimes a beautiful moment can inspire us with a great idea: Seeing a beautiful rainbow while taking a stroll reading Hamlet by Shakespeare looking at a painting by Vincent Van Gogh hearing Mozart s Eine kleine Nachtmusik. Have you ever been inspired to learn or do something new in this way? We want to give you the chance to have more experiences like this with our new curriculum, which will include a broad menu of wonderful new courses.

Courses: 말씀이되살아납니다. 당시는일제시대로일본선생님이었습니다. " 다라누다라누구후가다라누 " ( 모자라다모자라다연구가모자라다 ) 하신말씀을생각하게됩니다. 그리고분발하지요. 다시생각해보면우리는인문의저장고에서창의력도얻어내고, 영감도받아먹으며살고있는듯싶습니다. 산책을하다무지개를보고서, Vincent Van Gogh 의그림에서, Shakespeare 의 Hamlet 에서, 모찰트의 Eine kleine Nacht 를들으며생각하지못했던발상이일어나기도하지않습니까. Courses: 본과정은여러분의영감과창의력의발상을돕는기초를닦고나아가서영어의능력을향상하고, 우리의삶도순화되는데도움을주는데기본목적을두고서다음열개의과정을설정했습니다. 말하자면문학, 철학, 미술, 음악, 리더쉽, 문화이해, 라디오영어, Randal 의 ESL, 영화의대화, CNN 을통한영어등열개의과정압니다. Module: 열개의각과정에각각한개의 Module 이있습니다. 우선여러분에게본보기로드리는각 Our curriculum titled Enhancing English and Intellect via Humanism consists of 10 courses that are designed to lay the foundation for students to develop creativity and inspiration, enrich English skills, and enhance quality of life. Module: The courses include: Literature, Philosophy, Painting, Music, Leadership, Cross-Cultural Understanding, Radio English, Randall s ESL, Movie Dialogues, and CNN English. Please note one Module under each course. Ten modules are listed below from each course. Course 1: Music Module 1: Johann Sebastian Bach Course 2: Cross-Cultural Understanding Module 1: Interracial Relationships Course 3: Philosophy Module 1: Socrates Course 4: Randall s ESL Module 1: A Healthy Lifestyle Course 5: Painting Module 1: Van Gogh Course 6: 50 First Dates Module 1: At the Diner Course 7: Literature Module 1: Jonathan Swift Course 8: CNN Module 1: Two Degrees Course 9: Leadership Module 1: Steve Jobs Course 10: Radio Station Module 1: Top 5 American Fears

과정에서하나식골라서 10 개의 Module 을제시합니다. Term: 열개의 Module 은 10 주과정으로하고있습니다. 말하자면한주에한 Module 을공부하는셈입니다. Module Sample: 한 Module 은다음단계로구성되어있습니다. 제 1 단계제목과관련해서 --작가, 그림, 음악등 - 미리생각하는과제제 2 단계작가, 작품등읽습니다. 제 3단계질문에답을해야합니다. Term: One term spanning 10 weeks include 10 Modules. In other words, you should complete one module per week, and submit answers and reflections. Module Sample: First Stage: You are asked to think about the assigned module writer, painting, music, etc. and write your thoughts. Second Stage: Read Writer s bio sketch, works, etc. Third Stage: Write your answers to the questions. Fourth Stage: Write your reflection. Van Gogh s Module Sample: You would be able to get an idea of what you are asked to do by reading Van Goh s sample module. Please see attachment. 제 4 단계 마지막단계는소감 (Reflection) 을제시해야합니다. Van Gogh s Module Sample: 예를들어 Painting 중에서 첨부한 Vincent Van Gogh 의 Module 을보시지요. 위에이야기한 내용을알수겠지요.

Ten Courses & Modules Course 1: Music Course 3: Philosophy Module 1: Johann Sebastian Bach Module 2: Joseph Haydn Module 3: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Module 4: Ludwig Van Beethoven Module 5: Clara Shumann Module 6: Gustav Mahler Module 7: Richard Strauss Module 8: Jean Sibelius Module 9: Bela Bartok Module 10: Igor Stravinsky Course 2: Cross-Cultural Understanding Module 1: Lao Tzu Module 2: Socrates Module 3: Plato Module 4: Aristotle Module 5: Augustine (Aurelius Augustinus) Module 6: Thomas Aquinas Module 7: Baruch Spinoza Module 8: Francis Bacon Module 9: David Hume Module 10: Arthur Schopenhauer Course 4: Situational English Module 1: Developing Awareness about Differences Module 2: Cultural Bias Module 3: Interracial Relationship Module 4: Cultural Awareness Module 5: Culture Shock Module 6: Language Barriers Module 7: Nonverbal Communication Module 8: Third Culture Kid Module 9: English as an International Language Module 10: Bullying Module 1: A Healthy Lifestyle Module 2: Doctor s Appointment Module 3: First Date Module 4: Pizza Delivery Module 5: Nice to Meet You Module 6: Hanging Out Together Module 7: Professional Babysitter Module 8: Trivia Quiz Module 9: Just a Haircut, Please! Module 10: Happy Birthday

Course 5: Painting Course 7: Literature Module 1: Leonardo da Vinci Mona Lisa Module 2: Pieter de Hooch The Courtyard of a House in Delft Module 3: Joseph Wright of Derby An Experiment on a Bird Module 4: Francisco José de Goya The Duke of Wellington Module 5: John Everett Millais The Carpenter s Shop (Christ in the Hose of His Parents) Module 6: Pierre-Auguste Renoir The Umbrellas Module 7: Vincent Van Gogh Starry Night Module 8: Edvard Munch The Scream Module 9: Pablo Picasso Geurnica Module 10: Rene Magritte The Treachery of Images Course 6: 50 First Dates Module 1: Jonathan Swift Gulliver s Travels Module 2: Mark Twain The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Module 3: William Shakespeare A Midsummer Night s Dream Module 4: William Wordsworth The World is Too Much With Us Module 5: Miguel de Cervantes Don Quixote Module 6: Charles Dickens Oliver Twist Module 7: Henry James Daisy Miller Module 8: Rabindranath Tagore Gitanjali Module 9: Andre Gide Strait is the Gate Module 10: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe The Sorrows of Young Werther Course 8: News English Module 1: At the Diner Module 2: First Meeting Module 3: Accident Story Module 4: The Bet Module 5: Second Attempt Module 6: Car Trouble Module 7: Afternoon Stroll Module 8: Meeting Jocko Module 9: Conversation on the Boar Module 10: Reconciliation Module 1: Two Degrees Module 2: Android Pay and Google Wallet Module 3: Happiest Countries Module 4: Intelligent Machines Module 5: Toxic Water Module 6: Zika Virus Module 7: Testing in America Module 8: Virtual Reality Module 9: Pope s Appeal Module 10: Ecuador Earthquake

Course 9: Leadership Course 10: Radio Station Module 1: Steve Jobs Module 2: Abraham Lincoln Module 3: Konosuke Matsushita Module 4: Liu Bei Module 5: Winston Churchill Module 6: Bill Gates Module 7: Mahatma Gandhi Module 8: Chung Ju Yung Module 9: Nelson Mandela Module 10: Maria Klawe Module 1: Top 5 American Fears Module 2: Entertainment Today Module 3: Queen s Bath Module 4: Aloha Undertakers Module 5: The Good Guy Discount Module 6: Same Bed, Different Dreams Module 7: The Affordable Care Act Module 8: Father s Day Module 9: What s at the Edge of a Cloud? Module 10: Fast Food Accessing Online Sample Course On Moodlerooms 1. Visit CAPE s website at the following link www.cape.edu 2. Click on Asia Pacific College at the top left corner of the screen 3. Go to Programs on the upper menu and click on Online Courses 4. Click on the yellow bar that says Moodle APC Online Courses 5. Click on course titled Enhancing English and Intellect via Humanism_Sample 6. Log in using the following information. On CAPE Website 1. Go to www.cape.edu 2. Under resources, click on CAPE English 3. Click on the Humanism tab 4. Enter username and password. Username: Sample Account Password: capehawaii 5. Click on Sample Course 6. Select module to view Username: capestudent3 Password: Password#123

ASIA PACIFIC COLLEGE Asia Pacific College (APC) is a non-profit, educational institution, established and incorporated in Honolulu, Hawaii in October, 2005. Its primary purpose is to train leaders for the 21 st Century, to provide capable, wellrounded individuals able to work cooperatively and harmoniously with people of different backgrounds and cultures. The goal is to create a pool of skilled leaders in the Asian-Pacific region possessing a high-minded desire to ensure that all people of the world can benefit from the advances which will come in the next century. APC qualifies as a tax-exempt organization, and has applied for accreditation by the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and School (ACICS), a non-profit education corporation recognized by the United States Secretary of Education as an independent national accrediting body for programs of study. Programs offered include short-term, flexible certificate programs for students to expand their leadership and management skills and to enrich their language skills; online course for English Teachers, and one- and twoweek workshops and lecture series for busy professionals and community leaders to broaden their cross-cultural perspectives on leadership styles and issues in countries across Asia. Advisory Council Members are: Daniel K. Akaka, Former U.S. Senator, Hawaii John Farias, Emeritus Chairman, University of Hawaii Board of Regents Deane Neubauer, Former Chancellor, University of Hawaii at Manoa Ruth Ono, Emeritus Regent, University of Hawaii Board of Regents and Emeritus Vice President, Queen s Health System Members of the Board of Directors are: Paul Hooper, Emeritus Professor and Former Chairman, American Studies Department, University of Hawaii Matt Matsunaga, Attorney, Schlack Ito, and Former Senator, State of Hawaii Ruth Ota, Former Chief, Public Health Nursing Branch, Department of Health, State of Hawaii Jai-Ho Yoo, President, Asia Pacific College For additional information, write to: Asia Pacific College 1616 Makiki Street Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 Tel: (808) 942-0698 Fax: (808) 941-9575 E-mail: apc@apchawaii.org Visit us at http://www.apchawaii.org