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AB ST RA CT T he E ffect of the Imagery T her apy on the Aphasic s Ability of A s sociatin g Object s with Color s an d Namin g P art s of the F ace U n K o (T he Graduate School, University of Hannover, Germany) T he purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the imagery therapy on the (1) associating objects with colors and (2) naming part s of the face. T he application of imagery therapy has its foundation on the science of cognitive neuropsychology with the aim of activating the cognitive processes before speech. Six aphasic patients participated in the study. T hree of them were trained with association tasks and the other s were trained with naming tasks. Result s showed significant differences on speech performance between the tw o experimental condition s. It seems that the important variable regarding the positive effects is the degree of activation of an imagery perception, not the degree of speech disability or type of aphasia. : 2002530 : 2002716 :, e mail: chounko@hanmail.net 105