Welcoming Remarks Forum for East Asia-Latin America Cooperation() is a unique inter-govermental forum aimed at enhancing mutual understanding and econ

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www.fealac.org Forum for East Asia-Latin America Cooperation Forum on Promotion of Traditional Sports November 17-18, 2011 Novotel Ambassador, Seoul, Korea Organizer Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Republic of Korea

Welcoming Remarks Forum for East Asia-Latin America Cooperation() is a unique inter-govermental forum aimed at enhancing mutual understanding and economic, social and cultural ties between the two regions and among its members. Since its launch in 1999, has consolidated its crucial role in promoting cooperation and partnership between the two regions, which now represent 36 nations. Traditional sports are considered to be the backbone of a community and social cohesion. They reflect intangible heritage of humanity and cultural diversity in our societies. Nowadays various countries and international organizations are actively pursuing initiatives to preserve, promote and develop traditional sports as a part of development strategies. In this regard, the 1st Forum on Promotion of Traditional Sports hosted by the Republic of Korea is expected to provide an opportunity for exploring potential of mutual understanding and cooperation for its member countries by sharing policies and good practices. I hope this forum contributes to promotion of traditional sports in each member countries. I warmly welcome all the participants to this forum. Keun-Ho Jang Director-General for Latin American and Caribbean Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Republic of Korea

전통 스포츠 육성 포럼 November Thu, 09:00-17:00 09:00-10:00 (60 ) 참가 등록 개회식 10:00-10:20 (20 ) 10:20 10:40 (20 ) 개회사 장근호 외교통상부 중남미국장 축사 강원식 국기원장 커피 브레이크 세션1 전통스포츠 육성을 위한 정부의 역할 및 정책 좌장 허건식 세계무술연맹 이사 10:40 11:00 (20 ) 11:00 11:20 (20 ) 11:20 11:40 (20 ) 11:40 12:00 (20 ) 12:00 12:10 (10 ) 12:10 13:40 (90 ) 전통스포츠 육성을 위한 한ㆍ중ㆍ일 정부의 정책 및 역할 최종균 선문대 교수 브라질의 까뽀에이라 육성 정책 Ricardo Hirschbruch 브라질 외교부 서기관 몽골 전통스포츠 육성 정책 Tungalag Jambal 몽골 전통스포츠청 팀장 베네수엘라 전통스포츠 육성 정책 Arminda Guerreo 베네수엘라 외교부 연구원 외교부 주최 환영오찬 세션2 전통스포츠 육성 민간부문의 노력 및 우수 사례 소개 좌장 최종균 선문대 교수 13:40 14:00 (20 ) 14:00 14:20 (20 ) 14:20 14:40 (20 ) 14:40 14:50 (10 ) 14:50 15:20 (30 ) 전통스포츠 육성을 위한 민간부문 사례 분석 박귀순 영산대 교수 페루 Paleta Frontón 육성 사례 Luis Alvarez 페루 Paleta Frontón 협회 국장 멕시코 전통스포츠 육성 사례 Gregorio Ramos 멕시코 전통스포츠협회 회장 세션3 전통스포츠 보급 교류 정책 및 사례 소개 및 회원국간 전통스포츠 교류 활성화 방안 좌장 박귀순 영산대 교수 15:20 15:40 (20 ) 콜롬비아 전통스포츠 육성 정책 Bibiana Rodriguez 콜롬비아 외교부 교육ㆍ문화ㆍ스포츠 조정관 15:40 16:00 (20 ) 태국 전통스포츠 교류 정책 Chalerm Prayadsab 태국 관광스포츠부 담당관 16:00 16:20 (20 ) 싱가폴 전통스포츠 교류정책 Mei Peng Chow 싱가폴 체육위원회 선임사무관 16:20 16:40 (20 ) 전통스포츠 보급ㆍ교류 정책 및 사례를 통한 회원국간 전통스포츠 교류 활성화 방안 허건식 국기원 연구위원 16:40 16:50 (10 ) 16:50-17:00 (10 ) 폐회식

Forum on Promotion oftraditional Sports Forum on Promotion of Traditional Sports November Thu, 09:00-17:00 09:00-10:00 (60 ) Registration Opening Ceremony 10:00-10:20 Opening Remarks Keun-ho Jang (Director-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Korea) Congratulatory Remarks Won-sik Kang (President, Kukkiwon, Korea) 10:20 10:40 Session 1 Government s Role and Policy for the Development of Traditional Sports Moderator Keon-sik Heo (Director, World Martial Arts Union, Korea) 10:40 11:00 Government Function & Role in Promoting Traditional Sports in Korea, China and Japan Jong-kyun Choi (Korea) 11:00 11:20 Capoeira in the Brazilian Culture Public Policy in Brazil and the Potential for International Cooperation Abroad Ricardo Hirschbruch (Brazil) 11:20 11:40 Traditional Sports in Mongolia Jambal Tungalag (Mongolia) 11:40 12:00 Venezuelan Traditional Games and Folk-Wisdom Arminda Guerrero (Venezuela) 12:00 12:10 12:10 13:40 Welcome Luncheon Hosted by Keun-ho Jang (Korea) Session 2 Efforts of Private Sector for Development of Traditional Sports and Presentation of Successful Cases Moderator Jong-kyun Choi (Professor, Sunmoon University, Korea) 13:40 14:00 Private Sector's Effort in Supporting Traditional Sports and Examples of Successful Cases Kwi-soon Park (Korea) 14:00 14:20 Paleta Frontón Development Case Study (Tentative) Luis Mario Acosta Alvarez (Peru) 14:20 14:40 Games and Sports Autochthones and Traditional of Mexico Gregorio Ramos (Mexico) 14:40 14:50 14:50 15:20 Session 3 Policy on Diffusion and Exchange of Traditional Sports Moderator Kwi-soon Park (Professor, Youngsan University, Korea) 15:20 15:40 Colombian Traditional Sports Development Policy(Tentative) Bibiana Rodriguez (Colombia) 15:40 16:00 Muay Thai Chalerm Prayadsab (Thailand) 16:00 16:20 Leadership Development and Community Bonding Through Sport Mei Peng Chow (Singapore) 16:20 16:40 Focus on Dissemination, Exchange and Policy of Traditional Sports Keon-sik Heo (Korea) 16:40 16:50 16:50-17:00 Closing

Forum on Promotion of Traditional Sports November 17-18, 2011 Novotel Ambassador, Seoul, Korea Location & Transpotation NOVOTEL AMBASSADOR GANGNAM Subway - Green Line (#2) Gangnam station. exit 11 - walking distance through 10 min. - Gold Line (#9) Sinnonhyeon station. exit 4 - walking distance through 3 min. Bus Nearest Bus stop: Gyobo Tower Intersection - Blue : 140, 144, 145, 360, 402, 407, 408, 420, 440, 441, 462, 470, 471 - Green : 4412, 3412, 3422 - Red : 9404, 9408, 9409, 9503, 9711, 9500, 9510 Airport Limousine Bus - 6703, Novotel Hotel Station walking distance through 1 min. Forum Organizers Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Republic of Korea Forum for East Asia-Latin America Cooperation