The e-business Studies Volume 17, Number 6, December, 30, 2016:275~289 Received: 2016/12/02, Accepted: 2016/12/22 Revised: 2016/12/20, Published: 2016/12/30 [ABSTRACT] SNS is used in various fields. Although it is increasingly used for corporate mar keting, Korean exporters still remain on the level of online trade marketing throu gh homepage and e-mail. also Researc h in domestic academic fields is relative ly small. As an alternative to this, we can propose a representative Facebook among the SNS which shows a very hig h utilization rate in the world. This paper focuses on the openness and scalability of Facebook among the SNS. The purp ose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of Facebook SNS in ord er to find ways to utilize it in business, and to investigate its intention to use it and its effects on trade performance. Th e research variables are selected with reference to the existing research conte nts and a research model based on the TAM research model is presented. A re gression analysis was conducted for 20 7 domestic manufacturers and exporter s. As a result of the analysis, the variabl es affecting the intention to use SNS Fa cebook showed trust. There was a signi ficant relationship between information and trust and SNS Facebook intention on trade marketing performance. In inte rnational business relations, providing s imple information on the Facebook SNS in limited and it is interpreted that the provision of information with a high emp hasis on reliability in needed. [CONTENTS] ABSTRACT Ⅰ. Introduction Ⅱ. Literature Review Ⅲ. Research Model and Methodology Ⅳ. Empirical Analysis Ⅴ. Discussion References 국문초록 [Key Words] SNS Characteristics, SNS Intention to Use, Trade Marketing Performance The Study on the Implication on Trade Marketing Utilizing Facebook's SNS* ** ** Funding for this paper was provided by Namseoul University year 2016. ** Professor, Dept. International Trade, Namseoul University ( Ⅰ. Introduction 275
The Study on the Implication on Trade Marketing Utilizing Facebook's SNS Ⅱ. Literature Review 1. Definition of SNS Facebook 276 The e-business Studies. 2016 ; 17(6) : 275-289,
2. Previous Research 1) SNS 특성 <Table 1> SNS 13 Success Factors No SNS 13 Success Factors of Domestic Distribution Companies 277
The Study on the Implication on Trade Marketing Utilizing Facebook's SNS 2) SNS 페이스북사용의도 278 The e-business Studies. 2016 ; 17(6) : 275-289,
3) 무역마케팅성과 279
The Study on the Implication on Trade Marketing Utilizing Facebook's SNS Ⅲ. Research Model and Methodology 1. Research Model [Figure 1] Research Model 280 The e-business Studies. 2016 ; 17(6) : 275-289,
2. Setting a Hypothesis Ⅳ. Empirical Analysis 1. Sample Characterization <Table 2> Operational Definition of Major Variables 독립변수 매개변수 종속변수 Configuration Variables Related Studies 281
The Study on the Implication on Trade Marketing Utilizing Facebook's SNS <Table 3> Industry and Employees Industry Employees <Table 4> First Export Year and Major Exporting Countries First Export Year Major Exporting Countries 282 The e-business Studies. 2016 ; 17(6) : 275-289,
2. Verification of Validity and Reliability of Measurement Variables 3. Hypothesis Verification <Table 5> Number of Import and Export Contracts per Year and age of Transactions Number of Contract of Transaction <Table 6> Saving Area and Cost and Time Saving Area Cost and Time 283
The Study on the Implication on Trade Marketing Utilizing Facebook's SNS <Table 7> Factor Analysis Results Survey Items Factor Component 1 2 3 4 5 284 The e-business Studies. 2016 ; 17(6) : 275-289,
Ⅳ. Conclusion 1. Summary and Implications <Table 8> SNS Facebook Influence Factors I Model Non-Standardization Standardization B Standard Error Beta t p-value <Table 9> SNS Facebook Influence Factors II Model Non-Standardization Standardization B Standard Error Beta t p-value 285
The Study on the Implication on Trade Marketing Utilizing Facebook's SNS 2. Research Limit and Future Direction References 286 The e-business Studies. 2016 ; 17(6) : 275-289,
The Study on the Implication on Trade Marketing Utilizing Facebook's SNS 288 The e-business Studies. 2016 ; 17(6) : 275-289,
국문초록 SNS 페이스북의활용이무역마케팅에미치는영향에관한연구 * 1) 289