2005. 6. 11. *, **, ***, * * ** *** Acknowledgement 2005 BTP.
1. 1-1. 1. (Green Logistics) - 90 2 ( - ) EU - ISO 14001 ( ) -, - 3
1. Liberal Return Policy - (South Florida Stock 2000 1000 ) - (,TV, ) -21C, 2 4
1. (Logistics) vs. (Reverse Logistics) Suppliers Manufacturers Centreal/ Regioanl Warhouses Retailers Other Customers Original Customers End-of-Use Returns Warrant Returns Commercial Returns Redistribution Collection Restoration Reparing Reuse Recycling Repair Centers (Inspection/ Sorting) Disposal 5
1. 6
1. 1-2. 7
1. 8
2. - 3 1. ( : Single) : 2. -1 ( : Multi) :, 3. -2 ( : Multi) : / 9
3. 3-1. a Z ( T 1) + + b w riyi + h w ri + i 2 i X w T f ( X, d ) i 10
11 Subect to Subect to ( ) J I Z Y J T J X Z z J I l Y d J X ry T J Z M Y I Y i i i i i i i i i i i i = =,, 7 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1 3. 3. 3-1.
3. 3-1. (2), parameter Index Value Annual cost of renting an initial collection point Daily inventory carrying cost per unit Working days per year Unit handling cost at the collection point Proximity Unit freight rate Discount rate in accordance with shipping volume a b w h l E $200 $0.1 250 $0.1 5 miles $1 P P 0.8 0.6 200 units 400 units Penalty rate proportional to shipping distance q q 1.1 1.2 5 miles 15 miles Minimum number of the established collection points Z 1 12
3. 3-1. (3) Number of open initial collection points = 4 (Initial collection point; collection period) = [(64), (73), (25;2), (28;7)] (Initial collection point; Customers allocated to the respective initial collection point) = [(61,2,6,9,13), (73,4,5,7,8,10,11,14,15,16),(2517,18,20,21,22,23,25,26,27,29,30),(2819,24,28)] (Initial collection point; Shipping volume of returned products per consolidation) = [(6516), (7537), (25430), (28434)] Total annual cost of renting initial collection points $800 Total inventory carrying costs $31,275 Total handling costs $14,625 Total transportation costs $95,520 Total annual reverse logistics costs $142,220 Reverse logistics cost per unit $0.87 13
3. 3-1. (4) Max Holding Period (in days) Total Reverse Logistics Cost Number of Open Collection Points [(Collection Point Location Collection Period in days)] 1 $176,825 6 [(3;1), (6;1), (12;1),(15;1),(25;1), (28;1)] 2 $156,595 5 [(3;1), (6;2), (12;2), (19;1),(25;2)] 3 $145,333 4 [(7;3), (9;3), (25;2), (28;1)] 5 $143,685 4 [(2;4), (7;4), (23;2), (28;5)] 7 $142,220 4 [(6;4), (7;3), (25;2), (28;7)] 14
3. 3-2. : ( : Multi) -, (1) a + k Z G + b w k X ( T 1) + ry i i i 2 k w T f ( X, d ) k + h w k i r i + k q k G k 15
3. 3-2. : ( : Multi) (2) 16
3. 3-3. : ( : Multi) - / (1) + h w + ( Z ) ( X, d ) ( T 1) t + rityit 2 a Z t + s Z t 1 t 1 + b w t i i r it X t w T t f t 17
3. 3-3. : ( : Multi) (2) Time period = 1 Number of open initial collection points = 4 (Initial collection point; collection period) = { (4;3), (6;1), (71), (82) } (Initial collection point; Customers allocated to the respective initial collection point) = {(4;3,18), (6;1,2,4,9,15,24,25,26,27,28,29,30),(7;5,7,8,13,14,16,17,20),(8;6,10,11,12,19,21,22,23)} (Initial collection point; Shipping volume of returned products per consolidation) = {(4;168), (6;617), (7;504), (8;287)} Time period = 2 Number of open initial collection points = 4 (Initial collection point; collection period) = { (2;1), (4;4), (71), (81) } (Initial collection point; Customers allocated to the respective initial collection point) = {(2;1,2,4,9,15,26,28,29,30), (4;3,18), (7;5,7,8,13,14,16,17,20,24,25),(8;6,10,11,12,19,21,22,23,27)} (Initial collection point; Shipping volume of returned products per consolidation) = {(2;995), (4;112), (7;684), (8;567)} 18
3. 3-3. : ( : Multi) 19
4. cp1 cp2 cp30 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 days days days 20
5. ( / ) 21