줄기세포 연구자들을 위한 Stem cell Research Solutions 2018 줄기 세포 연구 관련 베스트셀링 제품 할인 프로모션! 8월 16일부터 9월 30일까지 특별한 혜택을 만나보세요.

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1 줄기세포 연구자들을 위한 Stem cell Research Solutions 2018 줄기 세포 연구 관련 베스트셀링 제품 할인 프로모션! 8월 16일부터 9월 30일까지 특별한 혜택을 만나보세요.

2 줄기세포연구, Thermo Fisher Scientific 과함께해보세요. Thermo Fisher Scientific 은다양한종류의줄기세포연구를지원드리고있으며, 줄기세포의기초연구부터임상연구까지 workflow 에따른모든단계마다다양한솔루션을제공드리기위한제품과서비스개발에도많은노력을기울이고있습니다. Stem cell workflow Reprogram Culture Characterize Engineer Differentiate Measure 분화능력을가지고있는인간의줄기세포는생물학과질병모델, 세포치료개발에있어무한한가능성을가지고있기때문에많은관심과지원속에활발한연구가진행되고있습니다. 이영역의연구는효율성과재현성외에도줄기세포의특성을유지할수있는고도의기술들이필요합니다. Thermo Fisher Scientific은 Pluripotent Stem Cell(PSC) 의연구분야중체세포에서줄기세포로의 reprogramming tool, 체외배양을통해줄기세포를장기간배양하는방법이외에도줄기세포특성을확인할수있는다양하고쉬운방법을개발하는데집중하고 있습니다. 이러한특성을가진다양한제품들은기초과학연구에서부터세포치료까지다양한응용기술에적용할수있으며, Thermo Fisher Scientific은줄기세포연구의모든과정에서다양한제품과서비스를제공드리고있습니다. 더불어 Thermo Scientific Nunc 를통해서는세포배양에필요한모든플라스틱소모품도제공드리고있으므로, 연구자분들이모든솔루션을이용하여더욱효율적이고성공적인연구를하실수있도록지원드리고있습니다 행사기간중줄기세포연구자분들께드리는특별한혜택 행사제품중 1 개구매시, 10% 할인적용해드립니다 p.3~p.9 행사제품중 3 개구매시, 20% 할인적용해드립니다 p.3~p.9 신제품 & 특별할인제품구매시, 30% 할인적용해드립니다 p.9~p.10 행사기간 : 8 월 16 일 ~9 월 30 일 동일제품이아니어도행사적용가능합니다. 2

3 Reprogramming Tool (ipsc) CytoTune - ips 2.0 Sendai Reprogramming Kit CytoTune-iPS 2.0 Sendai Reprogramming Kit는 sendai virus를이용하여 Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, cmyc 유전자를안정하고편리하게 somatic cell에전달하여 ipsc를제작하는데사용하실수있습니다. Sendai virus vector는 cytoplasm에서 replication이일어나므로핵막을파괴하고핵안으로들어가지않으며 host genome에 integration 되지않아다른 genetic information에영향을주지않는장점이있습니다. Cycotune 2.0 버전은기존 Cytotune보다 reprogramming 효율이 2배이상높으며, 렌티, 레트로바이러스에비해서는 20~200배이상높은효율을나타냅니다. Epi5 Episomal ipsc Reprogramming Vectors Epi5 Episomal ipsc Reprogramming Kit는야마나카실험실의 Okita박사가제작한 episomal vector로써 Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, L-myc, Lin28, p53dd를이용해 transgene-free, virus-free조건으로 ipsc reprogramming 효율이 0.004~0.3% 로기존 episomal system 보다높게나타납니다. Epi5 Episomal ipsc Reprogramming Kit를 somatic cell 에 transduction 하기위해 electroporator를이용하지않고 Lipofectamine 3000 Transfection Reagent 을이용하여쉽게 ipsc를제작하실수있습니다. CytoTune -ips 2.0 Sendai Reprogramming Kit 1 pack A16517 CytoTune -ips 2.0 Sendai Reprogramming Kit 3 pack A16518 Epi5 Episomal ipsc Reprogramming Kit 1 kit A15960 CytoTune EmGFP Sendai Fluorescence Reporter 1 pack A16519 Episomal ipsc Reprogramming Vectors 1 tube A14703 Reagent Coating Reagent Fibronectin Human, Plasma 5 mg Fibronectin, Bovine Plasma 1 mg CELLstart CTS 2 ml A Natural Mouse Laminin 1 mg RevitaCell Supplement (100X) 5 ml A PSC Cryopreservation Kit 50 ml A PSC Cryopreservation Dispase 5 g StemPro Accutase Cell Dissociation Reagent 100 ml A UltraPure 0.5M EDTA, ph 8.0 4x100 ml TrypLE Select Enzyme (1X), no phenol red 100 ml TrypLE Select CTS 100 ml A Versene Solution 100 ml

4 Pluripotent Stem Cell (PSC) KnockOut Serum Replacement ESC 와 ipsc 배양을위한골든스탠다드조성 KnockOut Serum Replacement 는 serum-free formulation 으로써미분화된 ES 세포들을 배양하고유지시킬수있도록최적화되어있어서, FBS supplemented media 에서배양된세포 들보다대체로덜분화됩니다. KnockOut SR 은 human 과 mouse 의 ESC 와 ipsc 배양에있어서일관성있는성장조건을 제공하는것과관련하여 300 개가넘는다수의논문에서언급된제품입니다. KnockOut DMEM 또는 KnockOut DMEM/F-12 와사용될때더욱더효율적입니다. Essential 8 Medium & Essential 8 Flex Medium PSC 배양에필수적으로필요한 8 개의 components 만포함한배지 Serum free & feeder free & Xeno free formulation 으로 PSC 배양시필수적인 8 가지성분으로 구성되어있어 lot 간의편차가적으며 LiCl 및동물유래성분이전혀함유되어있지않습니다. Chemically defined & cgmp quality 생산제품입니다. Feeder-cell 대신에 Vitronectin(VTN-N) 코팅조건으로 feeder cell-free 하게배양할수있어 편리하게실험하실수있습니다. Essential 8 Flex Medium 는 Essential 8 Medium 과동일조성을바탕으로 Heat-sensitive activity 기술을접목시켜매일배지를교체할필요가없는시스템입니다. The Flex way: Eliminate daily feeding Free day No feeding Free day No feeding Free day No feeding Passage Feed Passage Feed StemFlex Medium Gene Editing 에최적화된 Feeder-free 기반의 human PSC 배양배지 세포에손상을많이줄수있는까다로운실험에최적화되어 gene editing, transfection, single cell passaging application 이후에도 cell recovery 효율이높습니다. Essential 8 media 보다더많은성분포함된제품입니다. Weekend-free 배양프로토콜이가능해서실험시간과비용이감소되는장점이있습니다. Matrix 및 passaging reagent 선택이자유로워더쉽고편리하게실험이가능합니다. 4

5 Essential 8 Medium 500 ml A Essential 8 Flex Medium Kit 1 kit A CTS Essential 8 Medium 500 ml A Vitronectin (VTN-N) Recombinant Human Protein, Truncated 1 ml A14700 Essential 6 Medium 500 ml A StemFlex Medium 500 ml A KnockOut Serum Replacement 500 ml KnockOut Serum Replacement - Multi-Species 100 ml A KnockOut Serum Replacement - Multi-Species 500 ml A KnockOut DMEM 500 ml KnockOut DMEM/F ml CTS KnockOut SR XenoFree Kit 100 ml A CTS KnockOut SR XenoFree Kit 500 ml A CTS KnockOut SR XenoFree Medium 100 ml CTS KnockOut SR XenoFree Medium 500 ml KnockOut DMEM CTS 500 ml A CTS KnockOut DMEM/F ml A StemPro hesc SFM 1 kit A StemPro EZPassage Disposable Stem Cell Passaging Tool 10 units Geltrex LDEV-Free, hesc-qualified, Reduced Growth Factor Basement Membrane Matrix 1 ml A Geltrex LDEV-Free, hesc-qualified, Reduced Growth Factor Basement Membrane Matrix 5 ml A Geltrex hesc-qualified, Ready-To-Use, Reduced Growth Factor Basement Membrane Matrix 50 ml A rhlaminin μg A29248 rhlaminin mg A29249 Mesenchymal Stem Cell (MSC) Mesenchymal Stem Cell 연구를위한다양한 cgmp-manufactured product가있으며, StemPro Differentiation Kit를이용하면 지방세포, 연골세포, 골세포로쉽게분화시킬수있어서쉽고간편하게분화연구를하실수있습니다. StemPro BM Mesenchymal Stem Cells 1 x 10 6 cells A15652 StemPro Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cell Kit 1 kit R StemPro Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cells 1 vial R MesenPRO RS Medium 1 kit StemPro MSC SFM XenoFree 1 kit A CTS StemPro MSC SFM 1 kit A StemPro Adipogenesis Differentiation Kit 1 kit A StemPro Chondrogenesis Differentiation Kit 1 kit A StemPro Osteogenesis Differentiation Kit 1 kit A Hematopoietic Stem Cell (HSC) StemPro CD34+ Cell Kit 0.5 x 10 6 cells/ml A14059 StemPro-34 SFM (1X), Liquid 500 ml

6 Neuronal Stem Cell (NSC) StemPro NSC SFM은 human neural stem cells (NSC) 의성장및증식을위해특별히제작된무혈청배지 (SFM) 이며, 인간태아줄기세포또는태아조직에서유래한 adherent 및 spheroid 배양모두에서다른제품보다 hnsc 증식에우수한성능을나타냅니다. StemPro NSC SFM은 astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, neurons으로분화하는다형성능도유지합니다. CultureOne Supplement with B-27 Neuronal Culture System과함께 Gibco CultureOne Supplement는신경줄기세포 (NSCs) 에서 neuron으로의분화를크게향상시킵니다. NSC가지나치게성장하여부담이될수있는기존의분화방법과비교하였을때, CultureOne Supplement는최소한의세포사멸로 contaminating neural progenitor cells의 75% 이상을제거하며, 다른 kinase-mediated pathways 에영향을미치지않습니다. 그결과우수한신경세포배양을통해서분화된 neuron은다운스트림분석의결과를더욱향상시키고, neuronal maturation 을가속화하며 5주이상의지속적인유지관리를가능하게합니다. MAP2 SOX1 DAPI Conventional Conventional hipsc- or embryonic stem cell (ESC) derived NSCs Differentiation CultureOne Supplement Cultures consist of progenitor cells (SOX1) and differentiated neurons (MAP2) with clumps. MAP2 SOX1 DAPI Maintenance CultureOne Supplement Contaminating neural progenitor cells form clumps that eventually peel off the culture plate. Neurofilament Synaptophysin DAPI Superior cultures consist of differentiated neurons, without progenitor cells and clumps. Superior neuronal cell cultures can be easily maintained for 5 weeks or more. Day 0 2 weeks 5 weeks Neurobasal Medium, minus phenol red 500 ml Neurobasal Medium 500 ml Neurobasal -A Medium, minus phenol red 500 ml Neurobasal -A Medium 500 ml StemPro NSC SFM 1 kit A B-27 Supplement (50X), serum free 100 ml B-27 Supplement (50X), serum free 10 ml B-27 Supplement (50X), minus antioxidants 10 ml B-27 Supplement (50X), minus vitamin A 10 ml CTS B-27 Supplement, XenoFree 10 ml A G-5 Supplement (100X) 1 ml N-2 Supplement (100X) 5 ml CTS (Cell Therapy Systems) N-2 Supplement 5 ml A CultureOne Supplement (100X) 5 ml A

7 Characterization Pluripotent Stem Cell의 stem-ness 및분화능력의결과를 visual 하게확인하고질높은 data를얻으실수있는 antibody labeling & detection kit가있습니다. Alkaline Phosphatase Live Stain 50 μl A14353 CD44 Alexa Fluor 488 Conjugate Kit for Live Cell Imaging 50 tests A25528 TRA-1-60 Alexa Fluor 488 Conjugate Kit for Live Cell Imaging 50 tests A25618 TRA-1-60 Alexa Fluor 555 Conjugate Kit for Live Cell Imaging 50 tests A24879 TRA-1-60 Alexa Fluor 594 Conjugate Kit for Live Cell Imaging 50 tests A24882 SSEA4 Monoclonal Antibody (MC813-70), Alexa Fluor ml SSEA421 Pluripotent Stem Cell Immunocytochemistry Kit (OCT4, SSEA4) 40 tests A25526 Human Neural Stem Cell Immunocytochemistry Kit 20 tests A24354 Human Cardiomyocyte Immunocytochemistry Kit 50 tests A Germ Layer Immunocytochemistry Kit 20 tests A25538 Live Cell Imaging Solution 500 ml A14291DJ FluoroBrite DMEM 500 ml A ProLong Live Antifade Reagent, for live cell imaging 1 ml P36975 TaqMan hpsc Scorecard Panel and Analysis Software H9-ESC Day0 Ectoderm Mesoderm Endoderm H9-EB-Day7 Selfrenewal Selfrenewal Ectoderm Mesoderm Endoderm TaqMan hpsc Scorecard Panel, 96-well fast (1 kit) 2 x 96 well plates A15871 TaqMan hpsc Scorecard Panel, 96-well fast (1 panel) 2 x 96 well plates A15876 TaqMan hpsc Scorecard Panel, 384-well (1 kit) 1 x 384 well plates A15872 TaqMan hpsc Scorecard Panel, 384-well (1 panel) 1 x 384 well plates A15870 PSC Differentiation PSC를 3 Germ layers (Neuronal Stem Cell, Definitive endoderm, Cardiomyocyte) 로쉽고빠르게분화연구를할수있는 PSC Differentiation Kit 가있습니다. PSC Neural Induction Medium 500 ml A PSC Cardiomyocyte Differentiation Kit 1 kit A PSC Definitive Endoderm Induction Kit 1 kit A PSC Dopaminergic Neuron Differentiation Kit 1 kit A

8 Cell Therapy Systems (CTS) 줄기세포의기초연구부터임상연구까지지원하는유용한제품 줄기세포치료연구를처음부터제대로시작하기위해서는, 임상적용을위한조직공법과면역치료연구, 고품질제품과적절한문서준비가필수적입니다. Gibco TM Cell Therapy Systems(CTS TM ) 브랜드에는배지, 시약, 성장인자, 효소, 선택비드, 장치등세포치료연구분야에사용할수있는광범위한고품질제품이포함되어있으며, 이제품들은 21 CFR Part 820 품질시스템규정에따라제조되었습니다. 이러한특징들은연구에서임상으로전환할때더수월한장점을나타냅니다. cgnp-compliant manufacturing Testing and documentation Expert support 확장가능한 cgmp 조건에서제조 cgmp 및 FDA 준수제품제형 ISO 13485, ISO 9001 인증 시험성적서, 원산지증명서, 약물마스터파일을포함한추적문서 대부분의제품에멸균, 엔도톡신, 외래물질, 마이코플라즈마에대한포괄적인 QC검사실시 노련한전세계전문가가연구부터상용단계 까지규제관련과정진행을지원 50 년넘게축적된 Gibco TM 배지경험 CTS stem cell products CELLstart CTS 2 ml A CTS KnockOut SR XenoFree Medium 100 ml CTS KnockOut SR XenoFree Medium 500 ml CTS KnockOut SR XenoFree Kit 100 ml A CTS KnockOut SR XenoFree Kit 500 ml A KnockOut DMEM CTS 500 ml A TrypLE Select CTS 100 ml A FGF-Basic Full Length CTS Recombinant Human Protein 100 μg CTP0261 FGF-Basic Full Length CTS Recombinant Human Protein 1 mg CTP0263 IL6 (Interleukin 6) CTS Recombinant Human Protein 1 mg CTP0063 IL6 (Interleukin 6) CTS Recombinant Human Protein 100 μg CTP0061 SCF (C-Kit Ligand) CTS Recombinant Human Protein 100 μg CTP2111 SCF (C-Kit Ligand) CTS Recombinant Human Protein 1 mg CTP2113 TGFB1 CTS Recombinant Human Protein 100 μg CTP9211 TGFB1 CTS Recombinant Human Protein 1 mg CTP9213 IL6 (Interleukin 6) CTS Recombinant Human Protein 100 μg CTP9411 IL6 (Interleukin 6) CTS Recombinant Human Protein 1 mg CTP9413 CTS B-27 Supplement, XenoFree 10 ml A CTS Neurobasal Medium 500 ml A CTS Neurobasal -A Medium 500 ml A CTS Synth-a-Freeze Medium 50 ml A Cell Therapy Systems Hibernate -A CTS Medium 500 ml A Cell Therapy Systems Hibernate -E CTS Medium 500 ml A CTS (Cell Therapy Systems) N-2 Supplement 5 ml A CTS KnockOut DMEM/F ml A CTS StemPro MSC SFM 1 kit A

9 CTS immunotherapy products CTS Immune Cell Serum Replacement 50 ml A CTS Immune Cell Serum Replacement 500 ml A CTS AIM V SFM 1 L DK CTS AIM V SFM 10 L BK CTS (Cell Therapy Systems) Dynabeads CD3/CD28 10 ml 40203D CTS DynaMag Magnet 1 each CTS OpTmizer T Cell Expansion SFM* (bottle) 1 L bottle A CTS OpTmizer T Cell Expansion SFM* (bag) 1 L bag A GM-CSF CTS Recombinant Human Protein 100 μg CTP2011 GM-CSF CTS Recombinant Human Protein 1 mg CTP2013 TNF CTS Recombinant Human Protein 100 μg CTP3011 TNF CTS Recombinant Human Protein 1 mg CTP3013 IL2 (Interleukin 2) CTS Recombinant Human Protein 100 μg CTP0021 IL2 (Interleukin 2) CTS Recombinant Human Protein 1 mg CTP0023 IL4 (Interleukin 4) CTS Recombinant Human Protein 100 μg CTP0041 IL4 (Interleukin 4) CTS Recombinant Human Protein 1 mg CTP0043 IL7 (Interleukin 7) CTS Recombinant Human Protein 100 μg CTP0071 IL7 (Interleukin 7) CTS Recombinant Human Protein 1 mg CTP0073 DPBS CTS (with Calcium & Magnesium) 1 L A Cell Therapy Systems DPBS CTS without Calcium Chloride without Magnesium Chloride 1 L A Cell culture plastic ware 30% 특별할인 Thermo Scientific Nunclon Sphera Flasks, Dishes and Plates Thermo Scientific Nunclon Sphera 배양표면기술은세포부착이거의없이현탁액 속에서세포를성장하게합니다. 이새로운표면기술은다양한종류의세포및 spheroid를 형성할수있는능력을지원하며, 여러연구에서 spheroid 성장을도울뿐만아니라일관되고 반복적인세포의성장을가능하게합니다. 줄기세포연구에서 Embryoid body(eb) 형성은 분화과정에서중요한단계로서 Nunclon Sphera 표면은최소한의자연적분화로다능성 줄기세포의 embryoid body(eb) 형성에대한우수한품질을보여줍니다. NUNC T25 Cell Culture Flask, sterile with cap 18/cs NUNC T75 Cell Culture Flask, sterile with cap 24/cs NUNC Dish 35 MM, Culture Area 8.8cm2, sterile with lid 20/cs NUNC Dish 60 MM, Culture Area 221.5cm2, sterile with lid 20/cs NUNC Dish 90 MM, Culture Area 256.7cm2, sterile with lid 20/cs NUNC Multidish 6-Well, Culture Area 9.6cm2, sterile with lid 7/cs NUNC Multidish 12-Well, Culture Area 3.8cm2, sterile with lid 7/cs NUNC Multidish 24-Well, Culture Area 1.9cm2, sterile with lid 7/cs NUNC Microwell 96U-Well Plate, Flat Bottom, 400μL, sterile with lid 8/cs NUNC Microwell 96U-Well Plate, Round Bottom, 300μL, sterile with lid 8/cs

10 신경세포연구를위한최적화된솔루션! 기존제품대비신경세포생존율이 50% 이상증가된 Gibco B-27 Plus Neuronal Culture System 이출시되었습니다. Increased neuronal survival by more than 50% - the highest in the industry Accelerated neurite outgrowth Improved electrophysiological activity and maturation of neurons 1 week 2 weeks 3 weeks B-27 Supplement and Neurobasal Medium B-27 Plus Supplement and Neurobasal Plus Medium 신제품 30% 특별할인! B-27 Plus Neuronal Culture System 1 system A Neurobasal Plus Medium 500 ml A B-27 Plus Supplement (50X) 10 ml A

11 Superior culture system for primary rodent and human ipsc-derived neurons B-27 Plus Supplement and Neurobasal Plus Medium Mean no. of neurons per field (percent of B-27) Mean no. of neurons per field (percent of B-27) Mean no. of neurons per field (percent of B-27) Mean no. of neurons per field (percent of B-27) B-27 Supplement and Neurobasal Medium MAP2 HuC/D 700 Mouse cortical neurons (3 weeks) B-27 B-27 Plus Human ipsc-derived neurons (4 weeks) B-27 B-27 Plus Rat cortical neurons (4 weeks) B-27 B-27 Plus Rat hippocampal neurons (4 weeks) B-27 B-27 Plus DAPI Find out more at thermofisher.com/b27plus 11

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