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1 제 1회포유류연구회모임 자료집 일시: 2010년 12월 11 일 ( 토요일) 오후 2:00-6:00 장소: 서울대학교수의과대학 3층스코필드홀 주최 : 서울대학교야생동물유전자원은행
2 프로그램 오후 2:00-3:00 등록, 포스터전시 3:00-5:00 각기관및연구실연구현황소개 ( 소개기관수에따라시간조정가능) 5:00-6:00 포스터질의/ 응답 6:00- 만찬과뒤풀이 ( 상황에따라세부일정조정이가능합니다) 차례 포유류연구/ 보전기관및연구실소개 ( 가나다순) 1. 강원대학교산림환경과학대학야생동물학연구실 경성대학교동물학연구실 경희대학교동물생태연구실 국립공원멸종위기종복원센터 국립수산과학원고래연구소 국립환경과학원자연자원연구과 서울대학교경관생태연구실 서울대학교수의내과학교실 서울대학교수의해부학교실 서울대학교야생동물유전자원은행 이화여자대학교생태복원공학실 이화여자대학교행동생태연구실 전북대학교수의병리학교실 한국수달연구센터 포유류관련기업연구소소개 ( 가나다순) 15. 한국자연환경연구소( 주) 한국환경생태연구소 포유류관련 NGO 소개 ( 가나다순) 17. 녹색연합 야생동물소모임 ( 야소모) 한국범보존기금
3 포스터소개 ( 기관명가나다순) 1. 한국고라니 (Hydropotes inermis argyropus) 의행동권분석 다도해해상국립공원포유류의분포및현황 Effects of short-term exposure with TBTCl (tri-n-butyltin chloride) and bisphenol A on the reproduction of the striped field mouse 돼지사체의노출에따른곤충상과사체의부패패턴에대한연구 The winter roosting ecology in seven cave-dwelling bat species of Korea How affect the origin to thermal preference during hibernation processing of Myotis formosus hibernal period in Korea? 7. Sexual maturity of the finless porpoise, Neophocaena asiaeorientalis, in the western sea of Korea 한국을중심으로인접국가에서식하는물범 (Phoca largha) 의집단유전분석 Variation of skull morphology in five raccoon dog subspecies Skull morphology of Japanese Serow (Capricornis crispus), Formosan Serow (Capricornis swinhoei) and Korean Goral (Naemorhaedus caudatus raddeanus) Uteroplacenta of Korean wild ruminant species hylogenetic status and genetic diversity of Raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides) in East Asia 13. Individual Identification and Sex Determination of Eurasian Otters (Lutra lutra) in Daegu city by Using Genetic Analysis of Otter s Spraints 14. Phylogenetic Relationships of lesser white-toothed shrew, Crocidura shantungensis 15. Genetic structure of Raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) Population in East Asia 16. Genetic Diversity of Wild Boar and Native Pig from South Korea Based on Microsatellite Loci Analysis 17. Food preference and resource visitation patterns of the Javan gibbon (Hylobates moloch) in the Gunung Halimun-Salak National Park, Indonesia 18. PHYSIOLOGICAL STUDY OF SEXUAL BEHAVIORS IN CAPTIVE SICHUAN SNUB-NOSED MONKEYS 19. SONG FREQUENCY AND SONG FUNCTION OF JAVAN GIBBONS (HYLOBATES MOLOCH) cases of Degenerative Myopathy in a Red Necked Wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus) 21. Establishment of Wildlife Center, "Kurulga" in Chita Region, Far Eastern Siberia 22. The application of a cellular phone and GPS based telemetry system for wildlife use 23. The current Status of the Pinnipeds incidentally Caught in the East Coast of Korea and Their Conservation Measures
4 현장추가포스터소개 24. Ecological and Genetic Characteristics of the Korean Water Deer (Hydropotes inermis argyropus) in South Korea 25. Cooperation with local residents for the successful restoration of Asiatic black bear in South Korea 26. Home range overlapping of the Asiatic black bear during the mating season in South Korea Re-introduction of the Amur Goral into Wolaksan National Park, South Korea Re-introduction of the Asiatic black bear into Jirisan National Park, South Korea Ehrlichiosis in two Asiatic black bears in Korea Validity of Photo Identification Method for the Spotted Seals in the Baekryongdo, Yellow Sea 31. First record of the Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops aduncus, in Korean waters 포유류연구회현장사진첨부
5 포유류연구/ 보전기관및연구실소개 ( 가나다순) - 4 -
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12 1. 연구원 지도교수: 윤명희 박사급연구원: 김지혜 박사수료: 오지현, 한창욱, 정재봉 석사과정: 최준우, 이보람 연구보조: 공두용외 경성대학교생물학과동물학실험실소개 2. 연구분야 동물계통분류학 - 식충목, 박쥐목, 설치목 동물발생학 - 땃쥐류, 박쥐류 동물해부 조직학 - 땃쥐류, 박쥐류 동물생태학 - 등줄쥐, 수달 내분비계장애물질관련연구 - 등줄쥐, 실험용마우스, 구피 법의학적연구 - 집돼지 < 흰배웟수염박쥐 Myotis nattereri> < 등줄쥐 Apodemus agrarius> < 땃쥐 Crocidura lasiura> < 수달 Lutra lutra> 3. 진행중인연구과제 한국산박쥐류의분류 - 총 21종에대한생물지편찬 야생등줄쥐의번식이상에대한연구 바다에서식하는수달의생태에대한연구 - 부산신항주변에서식하는수달의생태에대한연구 페놀화합물이생쥐의번식에미치는영향 해양심층수가생쥐의당뇨병에미치는영향
13 - 해양심층수가제 1형당뇨병을일으킨생쥐의혈당과췌장조작에미치는영향에 대한연구 시식성곤충을이용한법의학적연구 - 사체에나타나는곤충을이용하여사체의사후경과시간을추정하는데 필요한데이터를모으기위한연구 4. 포유류관련최근발표논문 < 박쥐류> Vertebrate fauna of Korea - bats 국립생물자원관. 한국의척추동물 - 박쥐류 국립생물자원관. A new record of Nyctalus furvus (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) from Korea, and the description of Tadarida teniotis (Chiroptera: Molossidae), a rarely collected bat in Korea 한국동물분류학회. < 등줄쥐> TBTCl (tri-n-butyltin chloride) 과 bisphenol A 의단기투여가등줄쥐 ( Apodemus agrarius) 의번식에미치는영향에관한연구 한국생명과학회. Relationships between the abnormalities of the male reproductive organs and the accumulation of phenol compounds in the striped field mouse, Apodemus rarius, inhabiting Korea Environmental Pollution. Biogeography, genetic structure, and speciation in the striped field mouse, Apodemus agrarius, in souther Korea Korean J. Genetics. 등줄쥐에일중휴면에관한연구 한국생명과학회. < 땃쥐> Comparative fine structure of the epididymal spermatozoa from three Korean shrews with considerations on their phylogenetic relationships Biocell. < 수달> 부산신항과거가대교공사로인한수달의생태연구 국제수달총회. < 집돼지> 돼지사체의노출에따른곤충상과사체의부패패턴에대한연구 한국생명과학회. 돼지사체에출현하는곤충상의천이에대한연구 한국생명과학회. < 실험용생쥐> 해양심층수섭취가 STZ로유발된제 1 형당뇨생쥐의혈당치및췌도에미치는 영향 한국생명과학회. Octylphenol 이생쥐의번식에미치는영향 한국동물학회. 5. 수행중인연구용역 1 부산신항만개발사후환경영향조사연구개발용역 2 부산신항남컨테이너축조공사사후환경영향조사용역수행을위한수달조사용역
14 6. 앞으로의연구과제 야생등줄쥐의번식이상과개체군변화 설치류의생태 박쥐류의분자계통학적연구 수달의생태와분자계통학적연구 시식성곤충의분류와분자계통학적연구
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17 ? Diet analysis of the bat
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21 국립공원멸종위기종복원센터 연번제목발행년도저자학술지 1 국문 - 월악산국립공원의산양재도입 영문 - Re-introduction of the Amur Goral into Wolaksan National Park, South Korea < 내용요약> INTRODUCTION: 2010 이배근, 정동혁, 양두하, 김정진 2010 RSG Book Article Amur Goral (Naemorhedus caudatus)isdesignatedasendangeredspecies Ⅰ, Natural monument in South Korea and internationallyiucnredlistvu,citesappendix Ⅰ. In th past there were lots of Amur Goral in Korean peninsula, however indiscriminate development and illegal poaching have provoked fragmentation of habitat and decreasing of populations. Although totally 700 individuals are in South Korea, it would be extinct in 20 years if it were not for enforcement of population. Because they are genetically vulnerable due to live in the fragmented habitats and be organized really small population. As Wolaksan National Park is historical goral habitat, it was released each 2 individual sin1994, 1997 and 1998 experimentally to study their ecology and habit suitability. And it was released 10 individuals additionally in 2007 by Species Restoration Center of Korea National Park Service(KNPS). Now they are living well in released area and SRC has monitored their ecology by radio tracking. GOALS & SUCCESS INDICATORS: Goal1 : Establishment of self-sustainable population in Backdudaegan(ecological axis of Korean peninsula) area as well as Wolaksan National Park in SouthKorea Goal2 : Recovery of healthy eco-system through there -introduction of Amur goral Indicator 1 : Mating and giving a birth in the wild Indicator 2 : Continuous monitoring and research after releasing Indicator 3 : Development of the mind that released individuals are not artificial alien but a part of nature for most of people as well as local people Indicator 4 : Establish a self-sustain able population and genetic diversity of AmurgoralinWolaksanNationalPark. Feasibility As Wolaksan National Park is historical goral habitat, it is one of the best are as forrest or ation of goral, because there are abundant food resources and it's possible to manage goral habitat efficiently. After Amur goral is designated as Endangered species Ⅰ, bond of sympathy on restoration of goral developed fast among people, because they aren't a savage beast such as bear and wolf, SRC of KNPS got struck into the project on restoration of goral based on "Comprehensive plan of restoration on endangered species" by Ministry of Environment in Implementation It was released 6 individuals between 1994 and 1998 in Wolaksan National Park. After releasing of them through continuous monitoring we could know their ecology and home range, and we could confirm increasing of population(totally 10ind.) by fecal DNA
22 analysis in However it was necessary to establish so me organ or teams which conduct monitoring and intensive survey for morein formation. So it was setup goral task force team including biologist, veterinarian and local peopl eunder SRC of KNPS in And also it was organized an advisory committee composed of several specialists for the restoration of goral, as a result of that it has been possible more scientific research and restoration of goral. Although released population between 1994 and 1998 increased number of individual, it was posed threats that the population would be decreased genetic diversity because of their isolated habitat and limited individuals. So it was released 10 individuals additionally from Kangwon province in 2007 and it was made a plan of additional introduction by SRC of KNPS. Post-Release Monitoring Every goral was released with transmitter or GPS collar and we have been monitoring every day since releasing day. For more ecological information of goral we are analyzing their home range and routes of movements by radio tracking, habitat use and food resources through the field survey. And we are doing also several veterinary examination such as analysis of blood chemistry, fecal parasite exam etc. for studying physical features and infectious disease. In addition to these researches we are controlling illegal poaching tools to remove threats could increase their mortality rate in the habitat with Wolaksan National Park and involving local people in the restoration of goral as a member of "honorary ranger". So through those efforts we could find that home range of goral in South Korea was larger than those of Russia and Japan, it was taken ecologically important photos and movie such as mating behavior, feeding and excretion behavior and movements of population etc. by infrared scouting camera. MAJOR DIFFICULTIES FACED: 1. Destruction and fragmentation of habitat 2. Natural selection based on inbreeding depression 3. Many populations inhabit in the localized habitats, those result in severe competition of food resource MAJOR LESSONS LEARNED: 1. When we introduce the animals from the other area it should be surveyed if releasing site is ecologically suitable. 2. Released animals should be monitored and managed to maintain genetic diversity continuously in their habitat. 3. It is necessary great conservation area of suitable habit as well as appropriate management and financial support for successful restoration of goral SUCCESS OF RE-INTRODUCTION PROJECT:
23 2 Highly Successful /Successfulx/PartiallySuccessful /Failure (please only place x in one of the above) Reason(s) for the choice above: Reason 1: Introduced goral adopted well to the released area and increased population Reason 2: Some individuals moved into new habitat and it was good habitat for the goral Reason 3: It is established special organ (SRC) which conduct synthetically restoration of endangered species as well as goral. And financial support is also continuous. Reason 4: It is been running continuous monitoring system after releasing 국문 - 지리산국립공원의반달가슴곰재도입정동혁 2010 RSG Book 영문 - Re-introduction of the Asiatic black 2010 양두하 Article bear into JirisanNationalPark, South Korea 이배근 < 내용요약> INTRODUCTION: Asiatic black bears (Ursus thibetanus) are distributed wildly in Asia, from Japan in the east to Iran in the west. Seven subspecies have been recognized: U. t. japonicus (Japan), U. t. formosanus (Taiwan), U. t. ussuricus (South East Russia, North and South Korea, and North eastern China), U. t. gedrosianus (Iran and Pakistan), U. t. langer (Western Himalayas), U. t. mupinensis (South Western China) and U. t. thibetanus (Other regions) (Pocock 1932, Wozencraft 2005). Asiatic black bear is Vulnerable (IUCN category), Appendix Ⅰ (CITES listing) and endangered species category Ⅰ in South Korea. About 160 bears were captured in the Jirisan in the southern part of Korea between 1950 and Hundreds of wild bears might have existed in South Korea at that time Han 1997). In the 1980s, a simple population survey on wild bears was conducted. According to the surveys of five mountains by the Korean Society for the Protection Wild Animals during , at least 50 wild bears had survived (Korea Society for the Protection Wild Animals 1984). However the National Institute of Environmental Research stated that about 20 wild bears remained in South Korea and less than 10 bears existed at Jirisan National Park in As a result it was launched re-introduction project to establish a self sustaining population in Jirisan National Park. GOALS & SUCCESS INDICATORS: Goal 1: Restoration of Asiatic black bears in suitable habitat. through the development enough public tolerance and political support Goal 2: Establishment of self-sustainable population in Backdudaegan (ecological axis of Korean peninsula) area as well as Jirisan National Park in South Korea Goal 3: Recovery of healthy eco-system through the re-introduction of Asiatic black bears Indicator 1: Hibernation and survival under changed circumstance after releasing Indicator 2: Mating and giving a birth in the wild Indicator 3: Continuous monitoring and research after releasing Indicator 4: Development of the mind that released individuals are not artificial alien but a part of nature for most of people including local people
24 Indicator 5: Establish a self-sustainable population of Asiatic black bears in Jirisan National Park. DESCRIPTION OF MAIN STAGES OF RE-INTRODUCTION PROJECT: Feasibility It is generally agreed that a wild animal population may be considered viable when population numbers and survival rates are such that the population has a 95% probability of survival for 100 year. However bear population of Jirisan National Park (JNP), the largest population of Asiatic black bear in South Korea, was composed of between only 5 and 8 bears in The theoretical surviving probability of the population after 100 years was therefore only 3% and it was needed appropriate measures to establish self sustaining populations. At the Asiatic black bear Population and Habitat Viability Assessment (PHVA) Workshop in 2000, which was held in Seoul, South Korea, the result of "Vortex simulation modeling" suggested if we introduce six bear cubs every year for five years into Jirisan National Park (JNP), it would stabilize with minimum viable population composed of 53 bears after ten years and 94% probability of survival after 100 years. According to the conclusion of this workshop several surveys and assessments on JNP were conducted and it was concluded JNP was good habitat for Asiatic black bear. Implementation In 2001, four captive cubs with radio transmitters were released experimentally to confirm whether the Asiatic black bear could adapt to the environment of JNP and to study reintroduction methodology. in JNP by the National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER). But responsibility for the bear restoration was transferred to the Korean National Park Service (KNPS), Asiatic black bear management team (ABBMT) which was composed of biologists, ecologists, veterinarians and local communities in (ABBMT was reorganized and extended to Species Restoration Center (SRC) for Endangered Species in 2005) As a result of that we could obtain lots of information for restoration of Asiatic black bear in Korea and the reintroduction protocol could be subsequently revised. And in September 2003 a Memorandum of Understanding on Asiatic black bear protection was signed between the Republic of Korea and Russia. On the basis of the MOU 18 wild cubs which were genetically very close to Korean bears (Ursus thibetanus ussuricus) were introduced from Russia and released into JNP between 2004 and And 11 cubs from North Korea were released between 2005 and Before releasing all of the bears were quarantined and taken health screening. Post-Release Monitoring Every bear was released with transmitter or GPS collar and we have been monitoring every day since releasing day. Although all of the released bears adapted well to the wild and hibernated, a few had become so habituated to people that 5 of these were eventually withdrawn. And 8 of released bears died of disease and illegal poaching tool. However 2 bears gave birth
25 and 2 cubs respectively, so totally 19 bears alive in JNP except for wild bears (Mar. 2010). The species restoration center (SRC) for endangered species that implements the Asiatic black bear restoration project has also used the opportunity to conduct research on bear home ranges, habitats, behavior, food resources and adjustments by the bears to the natural environment. We have also instituted conservation components involving education and cooperation with local communities, including compensation for damage from released bears. The primary damage from bears is to apiaries. Although Mt. Jirisan is a National Park, about 20% of the area is private lands, which include some 500 apiaries. Damage to this property causes antipathy to the black bear restoration project. To reduce apiary damage, we monitored the bears movements, anticipated where damage might occur, and erected electric fences at 160 sites in As a result of these precautionary efforts, apiary damage in 2007 decreased 85% compared to We also tries to quickly examine sites of reported damage and compensate farmers for their losses. Furthermore, we engage in discussions with local people, and send monthly mailings about the activities of the bears and the SRC, so they are well informed. We have also stressed the impacts of poaching: so far, 271 illegal snares have been removed with the cooperation of local communities and an NGO in 2007, including support of "honorary rangers" (designated local people). We produce and distribute promotional materials such as brochures, calendars, and web-based movies for public awareness. F - MAJOR DIFFICULTIES FACED: 1. There are lots of private lands in the National Park and many local people produce profit there such as apiary and sapping a tree. So bears and local people have to share the habitat and it's very difficult to obtain public tolerance for bear restoration. 2. Due to overlapping of habitat between bear and human it is needed intensive management of the released bears (everyday monitoring of bear location, changing of transmitter every year etc.), because people think all of the damage from bear are the responsibility of government including National Park Service. As a result it is insufficient that budget, human resources and research. 3. Bears have lots of difficulties to enlarge their habitat to the other area due to isolation of JNP from other ecosystem. 4. Although it is necessary to release additionally for establishing self sustaining population, it is difficult to secure same subspecies with Korean bears MAJOR LESSONS LEARNED: 1. Successful restoration is nearly impossible without public and political support. And it is necessary to educate and publicize about significance of species restoration. 2. Without great conservation area of suitable habit, bear restoration results in several problems socially. 3. Captive facilities for withdrew bears have important role in public education, captive breeding and bear research
26 3 4. Before releasing all of the animals have to be quarantined and diagnosed disease which could affect other wildlife animals. SUCCESS OF RE-INTRODUCTION PROJECT: Highly Successful /Successful _X_ / Partially Successful / Failure Reason(s) for the choice above: (please only place x in one of the above) Reason 1: Although we released young cubs, they didn't only find winter den by themselves, hibernated successfully, but also mated and gave birth. It indicates the possibility which they can develop stable population henceforth. Reason 2: It is established special organ (SRC) which conduct synthetically restoration of endangered species as well as Asiatic black bear. And financial support is also continuous. - It is running the education / explanation program on restoration and conservation of wildlife through the withdrew individuals because of habituation on human - It is established the breeding facility for securing of releasing individuals and physical research. - It is established wildlife animal medical center for decreasing mortality by illegal poaching tools Reason 3: It is settled prompt and reasonable compensation system on the damage from released bears and we are trying to prevent the damage through the mailing service of bear location, erection of electric fence Reason 4: It is been running continuous monitoring system after releasing 정동혁, 19th IBA 국문 - 반달가슴곰주혈원충의치료양정진, (International 영문 - Treatment of Ehrlichiosis on the Asistic Black Bear in South Korea < 내용요약> 2010 송병철, 이배근, 연성찬 Association for Bear Research and Management) As a part of restoration project of Asiatic Black Bear (Ursus thibetanus ussuricus), 29 cubs have been introduced from Russia and North Korea and released into the wild, because they are endangered species in South Korea. All of the bears were conducted quarantine and health screening including canine distemper, rabies, dirofilariasis, ehrlichiosis test. In two bears, the results of complete blood counts revealed abnormally low number of platelets, when compared to the range in normal cubs. The first one (RF-23) had no remarkable clinical sign, but the other one (RM-24) showed anorexia, emaciation and coughing up phlegm. The PCR analyses using the collected blood samples indicated that the two cubs of 29 bears had been infected with Ehrlichia spp. On the basis of these findings, they were diagnosed as ehrlichiosis, and doxycycline of 10 mg/kg was administered orally every 24 hours. After 14 days treatments, they did not revealed any clinical signs, and Ehrlichia spp. were not detected on PCR analysis on day 21 and day 180 after the beginning of treatment. It has been reported ehrlichiosis in several
27 species of wild animals in the world, however infection of Asiatic Black Bear is uncommon and especially its treatment is not reported. The case reported here describes the clinical findings, diagnosis and treatment of ehrlichiosis in two cubs of 29 Asiatic black bears in Korea. 4 5 Key words: bear, doxycycline, ehrlichiosis, thrombocytopenia 국문 - 영문 - 교미기반달가슴곰의서식지중첩분석 Home range overlapping of the Asiatic Black Bear during the mating season in south korea < 내용요약> 2010 김선두, 이배근, 정우진, 양두하, 정동혁 19th IBA (International Association for Bear Research and Management) This study is conducted as a part of Asiatic Black Bear (ABBs) restoration project, in 2008 it is analyzed home range of 6 bears which are sexually mature (more than 3 years old). The analyzed period is the mating season of ABBs in Korea (between May and July) and the objects are 4 years old (male; 2, female; 1), 5 years old (male; 1, female; 2). All of the bears are monitored by radio telemetry and we analyzed Fixed Kernel 50% which is core area of home range, moving distance per day and altitude by using the ArcGIS 9.3 and HRT Extension? Each home range of 5 years old female NF-08 and NF-10 were overlapped with NM-14 (, 5 years old male) 0.26 km2, 10.61km2 and they gave birth. However 4 years old female RF-18 didn't give birth, although the home ranges are overlapped 4.41km2 with RM-15 (, 4 years old) and 13.49km2 with RM-19(, 4 years old). As a result of these, it is estimated that the age must be reached more than 4 years for the parturition though further research is needed. 국문 - 민협력 영문 - 반달가슴곰의성공적복원을위한지역주 Cooperation with local residents for the successful restoration of Asiatic Black Bear in South Korea < 내용요약> 2010 이배근, 정승준, 정동혁, 김만우 19th IBA (International Association for Bear Research and Management) The restoration of large mammals such as bears is really complicated and continuous success depends upon having the program eventually involve local people rather than outsiders, regardless of its location. And also public education and a broad base of public support are the only long-term solution. So we have been running education programs and ecotourism inside and outside of our center (SRC; Species Restoration Center of Korea National Park Service) to inspire the awareness of nature conservation and to build the consensus for bear restoration. And also we are working on diverse community programs such as "Hononary guards for ABBs, Local community for protective area of ABBs, Gathering for discussion with local residents, Supporters for ABBs etc." and through the installing of electric fence (146 points) around honey farm, special night duty for
28 6 7 prevention of damage from bears during summer season which damage is concentrated and prompt compensation after damage (307 damages from bear since 2005), we are making efforts to diminish negative mind for bear restoration.?and illegal poaching tools which are one of the biggest problems to obstruct successful bear restoration are 1,086 units eliminated by SRC. Besides for the enforcement of public relations we cooperate with several broadcasters and publishing companies, it has been reported on bear restoration 1,311 times including newspaper and news since 양두하, 국문 - 영문 - 지리산방사반달가슴곰동면특성연구 The Study of hibernation characteristics of Asiatic black bears released in Jirisan National park < 내용요약> 2010 정대호, 김정진, 권진만, 김선두, 정승준 제4차동아시아 생태학회 The 48 hibernaculum characteristics for each individual of 22 Asiatic black bears which have been introduced to Jirisan National Park for Re-inforcement of the population from 2004 to 2008 are as follows. The results of this research show that Asiatic black bears averagely entered their dens on 22 December(Range : 23 Nov Jan.) came out the dens on 28 Mar(Range: 27 Feb Apr.). The mean duration of their hibernation was 97 ± 17days. Types of the hibernaculum showed rock caves(n=25, 52%), hollow trees(n=17, 36%), ground nests(n=4, 8%) and underground tunnels(n=2, 4%). The rock caves were the shapes made naturally by some stacks of rocks or a crack of huge rocks. Hollow trees with more than 1m in breast height diameter and some space inside them were used as the dead trees, and most of them were Quercus mongolica(n=16, 94.1%) and Tilia mandshurica(n=1, 5.9%). The ground nests were made with Sasa borealis, branches of trees and fallen leaves like a bird's nest. The underground tunnels were made by digging under fallen trees or Sasa borealis. The hibernaculum aspect was south(n=18, 49%), east((n=6, 17%), west(n=6, 17%) and north(n=6, 17%). The average altitude was 1,017 ± 232m and the average gradient of slopes was 37 ± Vegetation around the hibernacula showed Sasa borealis - Quercus mongolica community(n=11, 41.7%), mixed forest(n=11, 41.7%), Lindera obtusiloba - Quercus mongolica community(n=2, 7.4%), Quercus serreta - Quercus mongolica community(n=1, 3.7%), Quercus mongolica - Carpinus laxiflora community(n=1, 3.7%) and Sasa borealis - Carpinus laxiflora community(n=1, 3.7%) 국문 - 월악산방사산양의행동특성연구 영문 - Study for the behavioral Characteristic of released Common Goral(Naemorhedus caudatus) in the Woraksan National Park 2010 이배근, 손장익, 김선두, 이용욱, 제4차동아시아 생태학회
29 < 내용요약> 조재운 This study was examined to 5 gorals( 2, 3) in woraksan from 5, 2007 to 12, 2008 to understand the behavioral characteristic and showed us ecological data for Common Goral Restoration Project. The result of analysis of annual home range size was 5.167±2.841km2 for 95% MCP, 7.872±4.621km2 for 95% KHR and 1.753±1.091km2 for 50% KHR. Seasonal home range size was 3.196±1.631km2 for 95% MCP in spring, 4.369±2.915km2 in summer, 3.303±1.618km2 in autumn, and 2.367±1.828km2 in winter and Annual moving range was 17.88km in spring, 24.34km in summer, 19.11km in autumn and 15.34km in winter. As a result, Home range size and moving range was expanded in Summer and decreased in Winter. Aspect Use Ratio analysis showed West 17.9% > East 15.1% > NEast 14.5% > S East 12.5% and they used all areas except for North area(6.4%). Average altitude of goral's main habitat was 666±136m in spring, 679±136m in summer and 648±137m in winter and in case of woraksan gorals, Average altitude was 600~700m. key word : the behavioral characteristic analysis, seasonal home range, moving range 이용욱, 석권희, 국문 - 산양배설물내헛개나무종자발아율비교윤만진, 한국환경 영문 - The comparison on the germination rate 배창환, 생태학회지 of Hovenia dulcis seeds from Amur long-tailed 정동혁, 이배근 8 < 내용요약> 2006년부터 2009 년말까지월악산에서식하는산양의겨울철배설물을관찰한결과, 배설물 속에헛개나무종자가포함되어있었고, 봄철에그배설물에서헛개나무종자가발아하는것 을확인하였다. 산양이헛개나무의종자발아율에미치는영향을살펴보기위해동일시기및 장소에서산양의배설물속에서수집한헛개나무종자 600개와산양이먹지않은헛개나무 종자 600 개를포트에심어관찰하였다. 그결과, 산양배설물속에서추출한헛개나무종자는 발아율이 32.5% 였으나, 산양이먹지않은종자는발아율이 0.8% 로나타났다. 산양서식지 에서산양이먹이원으로섭취하는헛개나무종자는산양이서식하지않는지역보다 도발아율이높다는것을확인하였다. 40배정
30 - 29 -
31 - 30 -
32 국립환경과학원
33 주요업무 우수생태계보전및생태기반정보구축 우수생태계조사를통한보호지역지정및보전방안마련 우수생태계조사를통해보호지역발굴및지정추진 - 조사대상 : 곡릉천하구등생태우수지역(6 개소), 오산포사구등해안사구(3 개소), 신안군무인도서 (57 개소 ), 주수천등하구역(3 개소) 특정도서및백두대간보호지역의효율적인보전 관리방안마련 - 조사대상 : 완도군 23개특정도서및민통선지역백두대간 전국자연환경조사( 06~ 12) 6차년도사업추진및결과활용연구 전국 824개도엽중 125 개도엽을대상으로생물다양성현황파악과생태계진단을위한지형, 식생등 9개 분야조사 수도권생태자연도 1등급및경계지역 143 개도엽에대한정밀현존식생도 (1:5,000) 작성 육상및수생태계유형에따른종분포특성파악 - 서식지유형에따른지표종선정및서식가능종예측모델개발 인간과자연이함께하는생태계관리를통한건강한환경조성 대규모개발사업으로훼손된야생생물서식지의복원 사람과생물이공존하는생태적으로건강한도시림조성 - 도시인근산림과공원의종다양성향상을위해서식환경개선방안제시 자연환경건강성지표인중대형야생동물의서식환경개선방안마련 - 속리산에서식하는담비의행동권과지리산반달가슴곰의이동범위조사등을통해생태통로설치등생태 축복원방안마련 생물서식지의안전성확보를위한생태계교란외래종의모니터링 외래종유입전후의 과학적관리를위한기반구축 - 가중나무, 돼지풀잎벌레등외래종의생태계위해성평가기준및절차마련 외래종에의한생태계악영향방지를위한관리방안마련 - 가시박, 뉴트리아등생태계교란외래종의모니터링을통해농경지, 산림, 하천등생태계에미치는악영ㅊ 차단을위한방안제시 기후변화에의한생태계영향및적응방안파악 울릉도와독도의생태계변화연구를통해기후변화영향파악 - 식생, 조류상변화및해안침식연대분석을통한해안지형발달과정분석 해수면변동에의한해안경관의변화와대응방안모색 - 해안사구지형변화분석, 해수면변동곡선예측및해안의후퇴폭산정 미래의환경변화에대비한생태영향의장기적인분석
34 기후변화로인한생태영향의체계적분석및예측 - 육상, 담수, 연안등생태계유형별장기모니터링및온도구배챔버, 생태타워등을활용한기후변화영향분석으 로국토환경보전기반구축 장기적환경생태계모니터링을위한국가환경시료은행운영체계구축 - 소나무가지, 잉어근육등 7 종의환경시료를채취하여냉동보관 (50 년이상, 영하 150 이하) 및분석시스 템구축 년도연구사업현황 연구사업 구분 과학원전체 생태분야 포유류분야 연구과제수 예산 ( 백만원) 59,560 11, 연구자 ( 일반직, 기능직제외) 구분 과학원전체 생태분야 포유류전공 정규직 (?) 3 계약직?? 2 포유류 연구자 주요연구동물주요분야현재업무 양병국산양, 소형포유류포유류전반국가장기생태연구사업관리 김원명멧돼지, 고라니, 반달곰유해동물, 종복원국립생태원추진계획단파견 최태영 산양, 반달곰, 담비, 너구리, 삵 로드킬, 생태통로 야생동물생태축복원연구 오대현 삵 포유류생태 전국자연환경조사의포유류분야 우동걸 삵, 너구리, 담비 포유류생태, 생태축 야생동물생태축복원연구 2010 년포유류연구사업 과제명 전국자연환경조사 결과를 활용한 종분 포모델링연구 ( Ⅰ) 야생동물개체군보전을위한생태관리방 안연구 ( Ⅱ) 야생동물의 질환, 병원체 조기감지 및 방제시스템개발기초연구 ( Ⅱ) 예산 ( 백만원) 수행주체 부서 100 직접자연자원연구과 40 직접자연평가연구팀 130 용역바이오안전연구팀 과제책임자 김지연 (GIS) 최태영 ( 동물생태) 신정화 ( 수의학)
35 2010 년도생태분야연구과제목록 ( 붉은색이포유류중심과제) 과학원예산사업 부서명 환경건강연구부 환경자원연구부 과제명 예산 ( 백만원) 계 : 14 과제 8,596 자연생태계관리연구 - 유전자변형생물체의자연 생태계영향 평가및안전관리 - 야생동물전염성질병연구 - 철새의조류인플루 엔자탐색연구 ( Ⅳ)- 철새에서분리되는저병원성조류인플루엔자 (AI) 바이러스의유전자변이정밀조사연구 해수면변동에의한해안경관의변화와대응방안 연구 ( Ⅰ) 기후변화에따른독도및울릉도생태계변화에 관한연구 ( Ⅰ) 자연생태계관리연구 제차전국자연환경조사 년도정밀현존식생도제작 자연환경종합 구축 전국자연환경조사결과를활용한종분포모델링 연구 ( Ⅰ) 서식지유형에따른종분포특성연구 ( ) 국가환경시료은행시료채취및처리표준운영절차 활용연구 ( Ⅰ) 온난화환경에서의생태계영향연구 ( ) 대체서식지조성및관리방안연구 - 인위적으로 조성된생태계의효율적관리방안연구 ( Ⅲ) - 수행주체 담당과 500 직접바이오안전연구팀 180 직접바이오안전연구팀 40 직접바이오안전연구팀 50 직접자연자원연구과 50 직접자연자원연구과 - 3-4,805 직접자연자원연구과 ,200 용역자연자원연구과 GIS-DB 400 용역자연자원연구과 100 직접자연자원연구과 Ⅱ 70 직접자연자원연구과 50 직접자연평가연구팀 Ⅰ 50 직접자연평가연구팀 60 직접자연평가연구팀 야생동물개체군보전을위한생태관리방안연구 ( Ⅱ) 40 직접자연평가연구팀 환경부예산사업 과제명 예산 ( 백만원) 수행주체 담당과 계 : 9 과제 2,550 야생동물의질환, 병원체조기감지및방제시스템개발기초연구 ( Ⅱ) 130 용역 바이오안전연구팀 환경정화용 LMO미생물의환경안전성관리기법개발 ( Ⅱ) 200 용역 바이오안전연구팀 국내수입 유통 LMO 의자연생태계모니터링기술개발 ( Ⅱ) 150 용역 바이오안전연구팀 유전자변형생물체자연생태계평가연구 ( Ⅱ) 100 용역 바이오안전연구팀 LMO 가토양미생물생태계에미치는영향평가기법개발( Ⅱ) 100 용역 바이오안전연구팀 기후변화에따른담수호수생태계변화조사및복원에관한연구 ( Ⅰ) 100 직접 유역생태연구팀 하구수생태건강성조사및평가 ( Ⅲ) 200 용역 유역생태연구팀 4대강고유어종의수계별분포및유전자비교분석 70 직접 유역생태연구팀 수생태계건강성조사및평가 ( Ⅲ) 1,500 용역 유역생태연구팀 수탁사업 환경자원연구부 보호지역의효율적인자연자원관리 - 한아세안 환경협력사업 - 40 직접자연자원연구과
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47 야생동물유전자원은행 ( 사단법인천연기념물동물유전자원은행) 야생동물유전자원은행( 이하은행) 은야생동물유전자원시료를수집, 보존, 분양함으로야생동물보호, 보전, 연구를지원하는전문기관이다. 은행은 2002년과학기술부의지원으로서울대학교수의과대학에 설치되었으며 2008 년에 천연기념물동물유전자원은행 이름으로문화재청에사단법인등록이인가되었 다. 은행은야생동물연구에필수불가결한유전자시료( 혈액, 조직, DNA 등) 를전국각지야생동물구 조센터의도움으로수집, 보존, 분양, 연구하고있다. 야생동물연구시료는멸종위기야생동물보호와 보전, 연구를도울뿐아니라인간과야생동물이공유하는인수공통질병연구, 기초생물학과첨단생명 공학연구에도커다란도움이된다. 은행은 2002년설립이후현재까지한국의야생동물 12,000 여개체에서유래한연구시료를확보, 냉동 보존하고 5,400 건이상시료를연구자들에게분양함으로국가적야생동물연구지원센터역할을해왔다. 또한자체적으로다양한야생동물연구와교육활동을수행하고있다. 특히첨단유전학기법을멸종위 기야생동물보전을위해응용하는연구에많은노력을기울이고있다. 최근대구시내강물에사는수 달의개체수와울진지역산양개체수를첨단유전학기법을활용하여확인한것은잘알려진성과의 예들이다. 한국고유종과자생종포유류의유전적구조와특징에관한연구결과도지속적으로발표되고 있다 ( ). 이러한연구성과를내기위해서는국제협력이필수적이기때문에은행 은러시아, 중국, 몽골, 일본, 대만, 동남아시아, 미국등지의야생동물연구기관수십군데와연구협력 관계를맺고있다. 은행은연구뿐아니라다양한분야에서포유류보전을위해활동해왔다. 2001년도에은행연구팀은 지리산반달가슴곰개체군및서식지생존가능성평가(PHVA)" 국제워크샵을조직하여현재국가적으 로추진되고있는반달가슴곰복원사업의이론적기틀을놓았으며, 2003 년도 한국-몽골야생동물보 전협력을위한국제심포지엄 을위시하여수십차례의야생동물관련국제심포지엄, 워크샵, 교육세미 나등을주최하였다. 올해호랑이해를맞아한국호랑이보호, 보전, 복원을위한학술대회, 워크샵을개 최하였고한국호랑이의분류와유전, 인간과의관계사등에관한연구도진행중이다. 은행의야생동물 보전, 연구, 교육에관한자세한내용을알려면다음홈페이지를참조할수있다: 은행의야생동물교육사업중가장널리알려져있는것중하나가야생동물구조 치료교육사업이다. 은행연구팀은야생동물구조사업성공을위해가장중요한요인은건물이나시설이아니라사업을운 영하는훈련된전문인력이라고생각하였다. 이를위해은행소속김영준야생동물수의사와함께구조 치료교육프로그램을기획하였고, 이것을문화재청에제안하여 2003년 6월에국내최초로국가기관이 주최하는야생동물구조 치료교육을시작하게된다. 이야생동물구조 치료교육프로그램은 2008년부 터집중전문교육시스템으로발전하여지금까지국가적야생동물구조 치료교육프로그램으로지속되고 있다. 은행은문화재청의지원으로구조교육을위한전문교재도개발하여 2003 년 천연기념물( 야생동 물) 구조 치료 관리안내서 를집필, 출간하였고 2005 년, 2008 년두차례에걸쳐개정판을발간하였다. 은행의목적은다음세가지로요약할수있다. 1) 야생동물 ( 야생포유류, 조류및양서 파충류 ) 의혈액, 조직, 분변, DNA, 기생체등야생동물연구에필요한유전 자원시료와생물시료를체계적으로수집, 보존, DB 화한다. 2) 수집한연구소재와관련정보를연구자에게제공하여야생동물질병, 계통분류, 보전유전학, 보전생물학, 기초생
48 물학, 생명공학, 비교의학연구를촉진시킨다. 3) 야생동물보전을위한유전학, 보전의학및보전생물학연구를수행한다. 은행이현재중점을두고있는포유류보전유전학연구분야는다음과같다. 1) 한반도및동아시아포유류의진화역사, 유전적다양성, 계통분류와계통지리, 개체군구조, 유전자흐름 2) 포유류개체군유전학연구를위한 microsatellite makrer 개발과응용 3) 유전자바코딩 (barcoding) 4) 비침습적유전자분석법을이용한개체군및생태연구 5) 유전자분석을이용한야생동물법의학연구 다음은야생동물유전자원은행의현황과최근주요사업실적이다. 1. 연구원 은행장: 이항 연구교수: 민미숙, 김경석 박사급연구원: 이무영 연구원: 양효진, 추동혁, 정유진, 김영준( 겸임연구원및수의사, 충남야생동물구조센터근무) 대학원생: 박한찬, 홍윤지, 김영건, 이윤선, 백혜준, 최성경, 현지연, 이서진, 김문정, 정아람, 김상인 견습연구생: 송의근 2. 야생동물시료확보실적 (2002 년이후누적실적) 년도 1차년도 ('02.9 ~ '03.8)* 2차년도 ('03.9 ~ '04.8)* 3차년도 ('04.9 ~ '05.6)* 4차년도 ('05.7 ~ '06.4)* 5차년도 ('06.5 ~ '07.2)* 6차년도 ('07.3 ~'07.12) 7차년도 ('08.1 ~'08.12) 8차년도 ('09.1 ~'09.12) 9차년도 ('10.1 ~'10.8) 계 국내 국외 합계 포유류 조류 파충류 양서류 계 포유류 조류 파충류 양서류 계 포유류 조류 파충류 양서류 계 개체 종 개체 종 개체 종 개체 종 개체 종 개체 종 개체 종 개체 종 개체 종 개체 종 < 야생동물유전자원연구소재분양실적> 년도 분양내역 국내 국외 계 1 차년도 ('02.9 ~ '03.8)* 조직, 분변, DNA, 내외부기생충등 차년도 ('03.9 ~ '04.8)* 조직, 분변, DNA, 내외부기생충등 차년도 ('04.9 ~ '05.6)* 조직, 분변, DNA, 내외부기생충등 차년도 ('05.7 ~ '06.4)* 조직, 분변, DNA, 내외부기생충등 차년도 ('06.5 ~ '07.2)* 조직, 분변, DNA, 내외부기생충등 차년도 ('07.3 ~'07.12) 조직, 분변, DNA, 내외부기생충등 차년도 ( 08.1~08.12) 조직, 분변, DNA, 내외부기생충등 차년도 ( 09.1~09.12) 조직, 분변, DNA, 내외부기생충등 차년도 ( 10.1~10.8) 조직, 분변, DNA, 내외부기생충등 계 5, ,
49 4. 최근수행하였거나수행중인연구과제 1) 동북아시아도롱뇽속(Hynobius) 유미양서류의분자계통과개체군유전학적연구 일반연구자지원사업 ( 한국연구재단/ 교육과학기술부) 3 년 (2009.5~2012.4)/ 2) 동아시아너구리의계통지리, 개체군유전학및비교형태학연구 중견핵심협동연구지원사업 ( 한국연구재단/ 교육과학기술부) 3 년 (2009.9~2012.8) 3) 인간- 동물문화연구 학제간융합연구과제 ( 한국연구재단 / 교육과학기술부 ) 10 개월 (2009.5~ ) 4) 동아시아의야생우제목 3 종 ( 노루, 멧돼지, 산양) 의유전다양성및집단유전학적구조연구 중견연구자지원사업 ( 한국연구재단/ 교육과학기술부) 3 년 (2009.5~2012.4)/ 5) 야생척추동물관리와보전을위한 microsatellite marker 개발과개체군유전학연구 특정기초연구지원사업 ( 한국연구재단/ 교육과학기술부) 3 년 (2007.9~2010.8)/ 6) 한반도주요생물종의보전과관리를위한 DNA 바코드시스템구축 ( 한국주요척추동물의 DNA 바코드기술개발 차세대핵심환경기술개발사업 ( 환경부) 3 년 (2006~2009) 7) 주요생물자원의유전자분석 연구: 동물 국립생물자원관용역연구사업 ( 환경부) 9개월 (2009.4~ ) 8) 식품중혼입동물이물질의동정을위한연구 용역연구사업 ( 식품의약품안전청/ 보건복지부) 11 개월 (2008.9~2009.8) 9) 순천만조류서식및질병감염실태조사 용역연구사업 ( 순천시) 1 년 (2008.8~2009.7) 10) 시베리아노루의분자계통지리및한국산노루의분자계통적위치 기초과학연구지원사업 ( 한국학술진흥재단/ 과학기술부) 1 년 (2008.7~2009.6) 11) 야생동물계통분류남북공동연구: 한반도다람쥐의종분류와계통지리 서울대학교 통일학 평화학연구과제 ( 서울대통일평화학연구소) / 1 년 (2009.9~2010.8) 12) 야생동물계통분류남북공동연구: 한반도설치류의종분류와계통지리 서울대학교 통일학 평화학연구과제 ( 서울대통일평화학연구소) / 1 년 (2010.9~2011.8) 13) 북유라시아다람쥐과동물 3 종의비교계통지리 기초연구사업 ( 한국연구재단/ 교육과학기술부) 3 년 (2010.9~2013.8) 5. 최근교육활동 1) 2010년제 7 회야생동물구조 치료교육 - 1 차 : ( 토) ~ ( 일) (1박 2 일) / 충남야생동물구조센터 (25 인참여) - 2 차 : ( 토) ~ ( 일) (1박 2 일) / 전남야생동물구조관리센터 (20 인참여) 2) 호랑이의삶, 인간의삶 학제간융합국제학술대회 ( 국립민속박물관) 3) 한국호랑이보존을위한토론회 한국범복원의길: 한국호랑이와한국표범을어떻게되살릴것인 가 ( 환경재단레이첼카슨홀) 4) 한국호랑이는왜사라졌는가 단행본번역출간 ( ) 5) 2010 제 2 회보전유전학워크샵 ( ; 총 37 명참가) 6. 연구논문발표실적 (2008 년이후) Organization and variation of the mitochondrial DNA control region in five Caprinae species. Junghwa An, Hideo Okumura, Yun-Sun Lee, Kyung-Seok Kim, Mi-Sook Min, Hang Lee. Genes & Genomics 2010 August 32(4): A phylogenetic study of Korean rodents (Muridae, Sciuridae) based on mitochondrial and
50 nuclear DNA. Gila Jung, Seo-Jin Lee, Chuel-kyu Kim, Hang LeeandChang-BaeKim.Korean J. Syst. Zool July 26(2): A core set of microsatellite markers for conservation genetic studies of Korean goral (Naemorhedus caudatus) and its cross-species amplification in Caprinae species. Junghwa An, Sung-Kyoung Choi, Julie Sommer, Edward Louis Jr, Rick Brenneman, Barbora Zemanova, Petra jajfova, Grimm Park, Mi-Sook Min, Kyung-Seok Kim, Hang Lee Journal of Veterinary Science 2010 December 11(4): In Press Development and characterization of 10 microsatellite loci in the long-tailed salamander (Onychodactylusfischeri) from South Korea. Junghwa An, Yun-Sun Lee, Sung-Kyoung Choi, Sang-In Kim, Han-Chan Park, Kelly Lasater, Ye-Seul Kwan, Yong-Jin Won, Hang Lee, Kyung-Seok Kim, Mi-Sook MinMolecular Ecology Resources 2010 March 10(2): Characterization of TRPC2, an essential genetic component of VNS chemoreception provides insights into the evolution of pheromonal olfaction in secondary-adapted marine mammals. Li Yu, Wei Jin, Jia-xin Wang, Xin Zhang, Meng-meng Chen, Zhou-hai Zhu, Hang Lee, Muyeong Lee & Ya-ping Zhang, Molecular Biology and Evolution 2010 July 27(7): , MBE Advance Access published online on February 8, 2010 doi: /molbev/msq027 Genetic evidence of illegal trade in protected whales links Japan with the US and South Korea. C. Scott Baker, Debbie Steel, Yeyong Choi, Hang Lee, Kyung Seok Kim, Sung Kyoung Choi, Yong-Un Ma, Charles Hambleton, Louie Psihoyos, R. L. Brownell and Naoko Funahashi Biol. Lett. Published online before print April 14, 2010, doi: /rsbl No genetic differentiation of Elaphes chrenckii subspecies in Korea based on 9 microsatellite loci. Junghwa An, Daesik Park, Junghyun Lee, Kyung-Seok Kim, HangLee, and Mi-Sook Min. Korean J. Syst. Zool March 26(1):15-19 Mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms of alien hedgehogs in Ito and Odawara, Japan. Takao Oka, Yoko Hasegawa, Ttsuyuki Tetsuya, Motokazu Ando, Nobuo Ishai, Hang Lee, Hiroshi Ogawa, Takashi Amano Journal of Agriculture Science, Tokyo University of Agriculture (ISSN ) 2010 in press Complete mitochondrial genome of a Steller sea lion Eumetopias jubatus (Carnivora, Otariidae). Ryu JS, Jang KH, Choi EH, Kim SK, Ryu SH, Kim YJ, Lee H, Hwang UW. Mitochondrial DNA April 21(2):54-6. The First Report of Hepatozoon Species Infection in Leopard Cats (Prionailurus bengalensis) in Korea. Masahito Kubo, Aram Jeong, Sang-In Kim, Young-Jun Kim, Hang Lee, Junpei Kimura, Takeshi Agatsuma, Hiroki Sakai, and Tokuma Yanai. Journal of Parasitology 2010 April 96(2): doi: /GE Development of 10 microsatellite loci from the Korean Ratsnake (Elaphe schrenckii) and its application across Elaphe species from South Korea, Russia, and China. Junghwa An, Mun-Jeong Kim, Daesik Park, Junghyun Lee, Victor Krukov, Kyung-Seok Kim, Hang Lee and Mi-Sook Min. Genes & Genomics 2010 October 32(5): Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci from the Soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Kim,H., Kim,M.-Y., Kim,K.S., Lee,H., Hoelmer,K.A. and Lee, S. Molecular Ecology Resources : Genetic status of Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus) reintroduced into South Korea based on mitochondrial DNA and microsatellite loci analysis. Yung-Kun Kim, Yoon-Jee Hong, Kyung-Seok Kim, Mi-Sook Min, Young-Jun Kim, Inna Voloshina, Alexander Myslenkov, Gavin JD Smith, Nguyen Dinh Cuong, Huynh Huu Tho, Sang-Hoon Han, Doo-Ha Yang, Chang-Bae Kim, and Hang Lee. Journal of Heredity In Press New Record of Lipoptena cervi and Updated Checklist of the Louse Flies (Diptera: Hippoboscidae) of the Republic of Korea. Heung Chul Kim, Sung Tae Chong, Joon-Seok Chae, Hang Lee, Terry A. Klein, Sang Jae Suh, and Leopoldo M. Rueda. Journal of Medical Entomology (6): doi: /ME09262 Discrimination of Animal Species Using Polymorphisms of the Nuclear Gene Zinc Finger Protein 238. Won Kim, Sunmi Kim, Hojun Choi, Nguyen Dinh Truong, Le Minh Thong, Jin-Hoi Kim, Rui Xiao, Keun-kyu Park, Kunho Seo, Hang Lee, Bo-Sook Kim, Mi-Hyun Yoo and Chankyu Park. J. Agric. Food Chem., January 2010, 58 (4), pp DOI: /jf
51 Case report of chytridiomycosis in an exotic frog species, Litoria caerulea, in South Korea. Hyo-jin Yang, Se-chang Park, Rick Speare, Young-jun Kim, HangLeeandMi-sookMin.KoreanJournalofHerpetology2009July1(1):71-78 A study of genetic diversity for conservation among local populations of the Gold-spotted Pond Frog, (Rana plancyi chosenica) Sun-kyung Park, DaeSik Park, HangLee,Mi-sookMin.KoreanJournalofHerpetology2009July1(1):21-33 The diversity of Palaearctic chipmunks (Tamias, Sciuridae). Ekaterina V. Obolenskaya, Mu-Yeong Lee, Nikolay E. Dokuchaev, Tatsuo Oshida, Mi-Sook Lee, HangLee,AndreyA.Lissovsky.Mammalia : Microsatellite loci analysis for the genetic variability and the parentage test of five dog breeds in South Korea. Byeong-Teck Kang, Kyung-Seok Kim, Mi-Sook Min, Young-Jin Chae, Jung-Won Kang, Junghee Yoon, Jihye Choi, Je-Kyung Seong, Hee-Myung Park, HangLee.Genes and Genetic Systems 2009 September: 84(3): First detection of the amphibian chytrid fungus, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, in free-ranging populations of amphibians on mainland Asia: survey in South Korea. HyoJin Yang, HaeJun Baek, Richard Speare, Rebecca Webb, SunKyung Park, TaeHo Kim, Kelly C. Lasater, SangPhil Shin, SangHo Son, JaeHak Park, MiSook Min, YoungJun Kim, Kijeong Na, HangLee,SeChangPark.Diseases of Aquatic Oranisms 2009 September: 86: 9-13 Mitochondrial cytochrome b sequence variation and population structure of Siberian chipmunk (Tamias sibiricus) in northeastern Asia and population substructure of the species in South Korea. Mu-Yeong Lee, Andrey A. Lissovsky, Sun-Kyung Park, Ekaterina V. Obolenskaya, Nikolay E. Dokuchaev, Ya-ping Zhang, Li Yu, Young-Jun Kim, Inna Voloshina, Tae-Young Choi, Mi-Sook Min, and HangLee.Mol. Cells December 2008; 26: Species and sex Identification of the Korean goral (Nemorhaedus caudatus) by molecular analysis of non-invasive samples. Baek-Jun Kim, Yun-Sun Lee, Jung-Hwa An, Han-Chan Park, Hideo Okumura, HangLeeandMi-SookMin.Mol. Cells September 2008; 26: A brief report of the short term Home range study of a pair of Raccoon Dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides koreensis) in a rural area of gurye, chonnam province, South Korea using radiotracking method. Baek-Jun Kim, Tae-Young Choi, Chong-Hwa Park, Young-JunKim, and HangLee. Kor. J. Env. Eco. Jun 2008; 22(3):230~240 Application of two complementary molecular sexing methods for East Asian bird species. M.Y. Lee, Y.J. Hong, S.K. Park, Y.J. Kim, T.Y, Choi, H.Lee,andM.S.Min,Genes and Genomics 2008; 30(4): Mitochondrial genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships of Siberian flying squirrel (Pteromys volans) populations. Mu-Yeong Lee, Sun-Kyung Park, Yoon-Jee Hong, Young-Jun Kim, Inna Voloshina, Alexander Myslenkov, Alexander P. Saveljev, Tae-Young Choi, Ren-Zhu Piao, Mun-Han Lee, Jungwha An, Hang Lee and Mi-SookMin. Animal Cells and Systems December (4):
52 < 첨부> 야생동물유전자원은행활동사진들 그림 1. 야생동물유전자원은행상징이미지 그림 2. 대구 MBC 방영 < 도시에사는수달> 캪쳐화면 ( 방영) 그림 3. Nature에게재된야생동물유전자원은행민미숙교수의이끼도룡뇽발견논문(2005년 5 월) 그림 4. 야생동물유전자원은행에의해국내최초로발견된항아리곰팡이병감염말기수입호주청개구리 (Litoria caerulea) 의비정상적피부변화 (2009년 7 월, 한국양서파충류학회지 ) 그림 5. 야생동물유전자원은행이 조류충돌사고예방을위해문화 재청과공동제작, 배포한버드세 이버 (2009년 12 월) 그림 6. 서울대공원에서개최된지리 산반달가슴곰 년 4 월) PHVA 워크샵 (2001 그림 7. 국립민속박물관에서개최된 호랑이 의삶, 인간의삶 국제학술대회 (2009년 12 월 ) 그림 8. 야생동물유전자원은행과문화재청이 공동으로발간한천연기념물( 야생동물) 구조 치 료지침서와현장지침
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57 이화여자대학교에코과학부행동생태연구실 1. 기관장 : 최재천 2. 연구자 : 김산하, 함수정, 고은하, 김예나, 이원희, Laura Martinez 3. 연구포유류 : 영장류 ( 자반기번, 황금원숭이, 침팬지, 오랑우탄등) 4. 기관소개 : 이화여자대학교행동생태연구실은국내최초로야생영장류연구를시작한기관이다. 2006년인도네시아자바섬에위치한 Gunung Halimun-Salak 국립공원에자반기번연구스테이션을 설립하여 2008 년부터자반기번의먹이행동에관한본격적인데이터수집을시작하였다. 이후 자반기번의노래행동과생식행동및사회구조에관한연구가수행되고있다. 우리에갇힌 영장류로연구대상을확장하여 2008 년에에버랜드황금원숭이의생식행동연구가시작되었고, 2010 년에는국내최초유인원인지연구프로젝트를착수하였다. 서울대공원의침팬지와 오랑우탄을대상으로하는이연구는일본교토대학교와의협력을통해진행중이다. 해외선진국들 보다몇십년뒤쳐진시점에서영장류연구에발을내디뎠지만, 빠른발전을통해세계적인수준의 연구를펼치고있는이화여대행동생태연구실의영장류연구성과는여러국제적인학회에서의 발표를통해그우수성이인정되고있다. 또한다음세대의영장류학자양성을위하여연구자들은 영장류연구를대중과학생들에게알리는활동도펼치고있다. 영장류는인간과유전적으로 가깝다는점에서진화의해답을풀어내는데그연구가치가높게평가되며, 영장류의행동과 생태에대한기본지식을수립하여멸종위기종보전에도움이될수있다는점에서그의의가크다. (1) 인도네시아자반기번(Javan gibbon) 프로젝트 우리는 2006년부터일년동안인도네시아자바섬의 Gunung Halimun-Salak 국립공원에자반기번 연구스테이션을설립하였고, trail 시스템개발과열대우림생물계절학의식물위치좌표설정을포함한 연구시설개발을진행하였다. 이후세그룹의자반기번을관찰자에게익숙화(habituation) 하는것을 완료하여, 2008 년부터일년동안김산하박사과정학생의 " 기번의먹이찾기전략에있어서시공간적 정보의활용 (Foraging behavior and the use of temporal and spatial information in the Javan Gibbon, Hylobatesmoloch)" 연구의체계적인행동데이터수집을시작되었다. 김산하의연구결과는 2010년 9월에유명한영장류학저널중에하나인 American Journal of Primatology 에 Diet and ranging behavior of the endangered Javan gibbon (Hylobatesmoloch)inasubmontanetropicalrainforest 제목으로논문이발행되었다. 함수정석박사통합과정학생은자반기번의노래행동에환경적요소가미치는영향과성별에따른 영역방어책임감에관한그녀의연구를위해 2008년 6월부터 2개월간연구스테이션을방문하여예비 데이터를수집한뒤, 2009년 6월부터 2010년 3월까지 9 개월동안그녀의박사과정프로젝트 " 자반 기번의노래 (Songs of Javan gibbons, Hylobatesmoloch)" 의행동데이터수집을수행하였다. 현재 함수정은 Bogor Agricultural Institute 학생을연구스테이션으로초청하기위한과정을진행중이며, 2011년 11 월부터인도네시아를방문하여연구를이어갈계획이다. 최근들어기번의노래행동에대한 연구가증가하고있지만, 자바섬에만서식하는고유종인자반기번에대한연구는부족하며, 이종은 다른종과달리부부관계를맺은암수가함께울지않는다는점에서연구가치가높게평가된다. 이화여자대학교영장류팀의세번째야생유인원행동연구인고은하석박사통합과정학생의 " 기번의 일부일처제와암컷기번의번식체계 (Pair-bonding and female reproduction of the Javan gibbons, Hylobatesmoloch)" 는 2010년 3 월부터시작되어현재데이터수집중이다. 기번의일부일처제는 아직까지학자들사이에통합이안된광범위한주제이고, 야생상태의암컷자반기번의번식체계에 관한연구는아직연구된바없다. 본연구는지금까지중요하게다뤄지지않았던기번의생식기 팽창을일부일처제와관련시켜기번의일부일처제를설명하는데작은실마리를제공하고자한다
58 현재이화여대행동생태연구실의인도네시아자반기번연구스테이션은매우잘자리잡았으며, 2008년에는독일 University of Gottingen, 인도네시아 Institut Pertanian Bogor에서방문한연구자의 연구장소가되기도하였고, 여러명의한국학생들도방문하였다. 2009년에는독일 German Primate Center (DPZ), Max Planck Institute 에서연구하는학생들이연구스테이션을방문하여서로의영장류 연구에대한교류를이루었다. 인도네시아에서의외국인연구자의연구수행은인도네시아조직과의협력전개를통한그들의연구 허가와연구비자를요구한다. 우리팀은우리의인도네시아협력기관인 Institut Pertanian Bogor(IPB) 로부터의논리적, 행정적지지뿐만아니라한국학생들과연구자들의장기적이고계속적인 연구스테이션으로의접근을보장할이화여대와 IPB 두학교간의양해각서(Memorandum Of Understanding, MOU) 와에코과학부, Faculty of Forestry 사이의 (Letter of Agreement, LOA) 협정을 체결하였다. (2) 에버랜드동물원에서의황금원숭이(Golden Monkey) 프로젝트 2008년 6 월, 이화여자대학교행동생태연구실의영장류팀이에버랜드우리에있는황금원숭이 (Sichuan golden monkeys, Rhinopithecusroxellanae) 를대상으로번식기와비번식기에나타나는 성행동의변화와호르몬변화와의상관관계, 수컷과암컷사이의경쟁행동패턴이어떠한지를 조사하는프로젝트를시작하였다. 고은하, 김예나학생이2008년 12월부터 2009년 2월까지한그룹의 황금원숭이에대하여행동데이터를수집하였고, 수컷과암컷의호르몬수준을측정할수있도록분변 샘플을채집하였다. 일반적으로수컷이암컷을차지하기위해직접적인경쟁을하는것에반해, 황금원숭이에게서는암컷에게서다른암컷의교미를방해하는직접적인경쟁이나타나는것으로알려져 있다. 본연구진은이러한경쟁의원인이미래의새끼가겪게될먹이의경쟁을줄이기위해서인지 또는수컷에게양질의정자를받아자신의임신가능성을높이려하는것인지알아보기위하여연구를 진행하여암컷의성행동과호르몬이함께하는수컷의변화등의사회적변화에영향을받는것을 확인할수있었다. 본연구는황금원숭이의생식행동과호르몬사이의관계를번식기와비번식기 모두에걸쳐연구한첫번째사례라는의의가있으며, 더불어사회적변화가암컷의행동과호르몬에 미치는영향에대해보고한첫번째연구라는점에더욱의의가있다. 연구자들은행동데이터와 호르몬데이터의비교에대한논문출간을위한원고를준비하고있다. (3) 서울동물원에서의유인원인지연구프로젝트 2010년 1월에는행동생태연구실영장류연구팀이국내최초로유인원인지연구프로젝트에 착수하였다. 이는인간과가까운영장류지능의진화를연구함으로써, 인간이거쳐온진화의길을 추적함을기대해볼수있다. 이같은영장류인지연구는그중요성을인정받아미국을포함한독일, 일본등의선진국에서이미 30 여년의기간동안진행되어왔으나, 국내에서는연구기반의부족으로 시작되지못한실정이었다. 석사과정김예나, 이원희학생이영장류인지연구를위해교토대학교에서 초빙한 Dr. Martinez 박사와함께서울동물원의침팬지, 오랑우탄을대상으로연구를진행하고있다. 본프로젝트의첫번째연구주제는침팬지와오랑우탄의이타주의적행동과친사회적행동의비교 인지연구이다. 사회적환경이유인원의인지행동에어떠한영향을미치는지를알아보는것을목표로, 동물원이라는사육환경에서자라고있는침팬지와오랑우탄의사회적인행동이어떻게다르게 나타나는지보려고한다. 어떠한사회적상태또는지위가침팬지와오랑우탄의친사회적행동과협동 행동에영향을주는지알아보기위하여암컷의발정여부와친밀도를살펴보고, 침팬지와오랑우탄이 이전에자신에게협동하여보상을얻었던개체에게더욱친사회적행동을보이는지살펴볼것이다. 두번째연구주제는오랑우탄의문화형성기작을밝히는것을목표로오랑우탄행동의사회적전파 양태를알아보고자한다. 오랑우탄은일반적으로혼자생활하는사회체제를지닌것으로알려져있지만, 최근에필드에서밝혀진연구에따르면, 오랑우탄도느슨한형태의사회적활동을지속하고있으며 근거리에서생활하는오랑우탄사이에는문화라고일컬을수있는공동의행태와습관이지역별로
59 나타난다는것이밝혀졌다. 하지만오랑우탄의문화가어떻게새로형성되는지, 그리고어떤식으로 집단내에전파되는지현재까지알려진정보는거의없다. 따라서본연구에서는오랑우탄이다른 개체의행동을관찰하고학습할수있는지를확인하고, 새로운문제해결행동이다른개체들에게 전파되어가는과정을중점적으로보고자한다. 이러한인지실험과정전체가동물원방문객에게보여짐으로써, 서울동물원의대중적인지도를높일 것이며, 방문객들에게더높은교육적효과와큰호응을가져다줄것임이분명하다. (4) 1 국제적학술행사참여 행사명 : The 1st Korea-Japan Gibbon Workshop 일시 : 2009년 10월 31일 장소 발표 : 이화여자대학교 ECC : "Feeding ecology & foraging strategy of the Javan gibbon ( 김산하)", "Preliminary analyses of playback experiments to wild Javan gibbons ( 함수정)", "Pair-bonding and female reproduction of the Javan gibbon ( 고은하)", "Mating and hormonal cycling in captive Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys ( 김예나)" 2 행사명 : HOPE-GM Conference 일시 : 2010년 3월 23일 장소 : 일본교토대학교요시다캠퍼스 발표 : "Korea's first field study of primates: the behavior and ecology of wild Javan gibbons ( 김산하)", "Different contributions of adult male and female to defense of resources in Javan gibbons (Hylobatesmoloch)( 함수정)", "Hormonal View of Intrasexual Competition in Rhinopithecusroxellana( 김예나)" 3 행사명 : The 2010 International meeting of Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC) 일시 : 2010년 7월 22일 장소 : 인도네시아발리 발표 : "Effects of environmental variation on calling frequency in Javan gibbons (Hylobatesmoloch)( 함수정) 4 행사명 : 일시 : 2010년 8월 19일 한국생물과학협회정기학술대회 장소 : 서울대학교자연과학대학 500동 발표 : "Food preference and resource visitation patterns of the Javan gibbon in the Gunung Halimun-Salak National Park, West Java, Indonesia ( 김산하)", "Javan gibbon calling frequency in Gunung Halimun-Salak National Park ( 함수정)", "Physiological study of sexual behaviors in captive Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys ( 김예나)" 5 행사명 : International Primatological Society (IPS) Conference 일시 : 2010년 9월 12 일~18일 장소 : 일본교토대학교요시다캠퍼스 발표 : "Feeding ecology and resource visitation pattern of the Javan gibbon (Hylobatesmoloch)( 김산하)", "Song frequency and song function of Javan gibbons (Hylobatesmoloch)( 함수정), "Sexual Behavior in Captive Rhinopithecusroxellana( 김예나)
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- i - - ii - - iii - - iv - - v - - vi - - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - 1) 통계청고시제 2010-150 호 (2010.7.6 개정, 2011.1.1 시행 ) - 4 - 요양급여의적용기준및방법에관한세부사항에따른골밀도검사기준 (2007 년 11 월 1 일시행 ) - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - - 9 - - 10 -
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