프로그램 3 개회사김영훈재단이사장 5 격려사우근민도지사 6 축사박희수도의회의장 7 기조강연 과거사추념과국가기념일 11 서중석 ( 제주4 3사건진상규명및희생자명예회복위원회위원 성균관대명예교수 ) 제 1 세션해외의과거사추념과행사방식 오키나와전의계승과평화교육의과제 33 아라
- 명은 유
- 5 years ago
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1 프로그램 3 개회사김영훈재단이사장 5 격려사우근민도지사 6 축사박희수도의회의장 7 기조강연 과거사추념과국가기념일 11 서중석 ( 제주4 3사건진상규명및희생자명예회복위원회위원 성균관대명예교수 ) 제 1 세션해외의과거사추념과행사방식 오키나와전의계승과평화교육의과제 33 아라카키야스코 ( 여성연구가 ) 우리의과거사추념방식과행사유형 65 장웬칭 ( 張元卿 ) 토론문 112 이규배 ( 제주국제대교수 )
2 토론문 119 허호준 ( 한겨레신문 ) 제 2 세션법정기념일의제정과운영양상 민주화운동들을중심으로 127 정호기 ( 한양대학교제3섹터연구소 ) 토론문 171 양금식 ( 민주화운동기념사업회 ) 토론문 175 주정립 (5.18 기념재단 ) 토론문 178 남기문 (3.15 의거기념사업회 ) 제 3 세션 4 3 유적지답사 기행안내 오승국 ( 제주 4 3 평화재단 )
3 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄 - 국내외과거사추념현실과국가기념일 - 일자시간내용 09:00-09:30 등록 09:30-09:50 개회식 10:00-10:50 기조강연 : 과거사추념과국가기념일 서중석 (4 3 중앙위원 성균관대명예교수 ) ( 목 ) 11:00-12:50 제 1 세션 : 해외의과거사추념과행사방식 발표 : 아라카기야스코 ( 일본오끼나와 ), 장원경 ( 중국난징 ) 토론 : 이규배 ( 제주국제대 ), 허호준 ( 한겨레신문 ) 13:00-14:20 휴식 제 2 세션 : 법정기념일의제정과운영양상 14:30-16:20 발표 : 정호기 ( 한양대학교제 3 섹터연구소 ) 토론 : 양금식 ( 민주화운동기념사업회 ), 주정립 (5.18 기념재단 ), 남기문 (3.15 의거기념사업회 ) ( 금 ) 09:00-12:00 제 3 세션 : 4 3 유적지답사 기행안내 : 오승국 ( 제주 4 3 평화재단 ) 답사지역 : 제주도일원 토론좌장 : 유철인 ( 제주대교수 ) 제주 4 3 평화재단 / 3
4 Jeju April 3 International Peace Symposium in Domestic and Foreign Situations of the Honor of History & National Memorial Days - Date Time Program 7 th Nov (Thu) 09:00-09:30 Registration 09:30-09:50 Opening ceremony 10:00-10:50 11:00-12:50 Keynote Talk : Honor of History & National Memorial Days Joong-Seok Seo (The National Committee for Investigation of the Truth about the Jeju April 3 Incident Honorary professor of SungKyunKwan University) Session 1 : Honoring history in foreign countries and their ways of ceremony Presentation : Yasuko Arakagi(Okinawa, Japan), Yuan Qing Zhang (Nanjing, China) Discussion : kyu-bae Lee (Jeju International University), 13:00-14:20 Break 14:30-16:20 Ho-Joon Huh (Hankyoreh Newspaper) Session 2 : Foundation of National Memorial days and their operation Presentation : Ho-gi Jung (Institution sector 3 of Hanyang University) Discussion : keum-sik Yang (Korea Democracy Foundation), Choeng-Lip Chu (The May 18 Memorial Foundation), ki-mun Nam (The society 3 15 Movement for Democracy) 8 th Nov (Fri) 09:00-12:00 Session 3 : Historical site investigation of April 3 Investigation guide : Seung-Kook Oh (Jeju April 3 Peace Foundation) Investigational area : Jeju Island Senior person of discussion : Chul-In Yoo (Professor of Jeju University) 4 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
5 개회사 안녕하십니까? 먼저 2013 제주4 3국제평화심포지엄에참석해주신국내외연구자여러분을진심으로환영합니다. 또한바쁘신일정에도자리를빛내주신내빈과 4 3유족님들, 관련단체관계자분들께도깊이감사드립니다. 오늘의심포지엄은 국내외과거사추념현실과국가기념일 이란주제로훌륭한연구자들을모시고현단계 4 3해원의최대현안인 4 3국가추념일을어떻게이뤄낼것인가에대한근본적인문제를진지하게생각해보고자마련하였습니다. 제주4 3사건의현안문제를해결하고, 4 3의진실을세계에널리알리는것은우리에게주어진중차대한과제입니다. 이를위해제주4 3평화재단은매해국제평화심포지엄을통해제주4 3의현안과과제및국제적연구동향에대해짚어본바있습니다. 또한올해는제주4 3진상보고서영문번역사업에이어일문번역사업을진행하고있어국제적연구와홍보에기초자료를제공할것입니다. 오늘심포지엄을계기로 4 3국가추념일이지정을통해대통령의대도민공약을실현하여 4 3의명예회복과도민화합의큰틀이이뤄지기를간절히기대합니다. 우리의이러한노력이제주4 3의현안문제를해결하는데도움이되리라생각하며, 이번심포지엄이참여자들의진지하고활발한토론으로소기의목적이달성될수있기를기대합니다. 특히동아시아의아픈현대사를공유하고있는일본오키나와와중국난징에서오신 아라카키야스코 선생님과장원경선생님께감사의뜻을전합니다. 또한한국현대사연구의권위자시며, 제주4 3중앙위원으로써 4 3해결에깊은관심을보여주신서중석교수님이기조강연을하게되어더욱뜻있는심포지엄이되리라생각합니다. 다시한번심포지엄에참석해주신국내외관계자여러분께감사드리며, 자리를함께하신모든분들의건강과행운을기원합니다. 감사합니다 년 11 월 7 일 제주 4 3 평화재단이사장김영훈 제주 4 3 평화재단 / 5
6 격려사 존경하는내외 빈여러분, 오늘 2013 제주4 3 국제평화심포지엄 이개최됨을진심으로축하드립니다. 먼저, 토론회에앞서 4 3당시행방불명되신희생자들을비롯한 14,032명 4 3영령들의넋을엄숙한마음으로기리고자합니다. 또한 4 3 이후고통과질곡의반세기를꿋꿋하게헤쳐나오신 31,253명유족여러분들과 4 3의진상규명을위해노력해오신모든분들께도감사의말씀을드립니다. 4 3문제의해결을위한유족들과제주도민들의헌신적인노력이있었기에 4 3특별법이제정되었고, 이법에의해 4 3의진상규명과희생자및유족들의명예회복을위한사업의근거가마련되었다고생각합니다. 이러한노력의성과로 4 3평화공원조성, 제주4 3진상조사조사보고서의채택, 그리고대통령의사과와세계평화의섬지정, 제주4 3평화재단설립등을이뤄냈습니다. 특히제주4 3평화재단은지난 2008년설립이후유족진료비지원, 제주4 3사건추가진상조사사업등유족의복지 문화 학술 교류 추모사업등을통해제주4 3현안해결에헌신적인노력을해왔습니다. 김영훈이사장님을비롯한제주4 3평화재단관계자여러분의노고에감사드립니다. 제주4 3의해결과정은이제전국적인과거청산의벤치마킹대상으로각광받고있습니다. 그것은비극의역사인제주4 3을화해와상생의정신으로승화시켜낸우리제주도민들의위대한승리하고생각합니다. 민선5기제주도정은제주4 3의새로운 10년사업으로정한 4 3의국가추념일제정과희생자및유족추가신고, 유해발굴과유적지정비사업등을국가정책사업으로추진하는데힘을모아왔습니다. 지난 6월 27일에는제주4 3특별법개정안이국회에서심의되면서, 제주4 3추념일지정을년내에하도록부대의견으로의결된바있습니다. 앞으로제주4 3평화재단을중심으로 4 3현안사업이추진될수있도록지속적인지원을아끼지않을것입니다. 존경하는내 외빈여러분, 이번추념일관련학술회의를통해 4 3 추념일의운영과추진주체선정등기념식준비에크게이바지할것으로기대합니다. 일본과중국등국내외에서참가해주신모든분들께따뜻한감사와환영의말씀을드리며, 자리를함께하신모든분들의건강과행복을기원합니다. 감사합니다. 2013년 11월 7일제주특별자치도지사우근민 6 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
7 축사 반갑습니다. 제주특별자치도의회박희수의장입니다. 한해의마무리를향해가는자연의숨소리가참으로풍요롭게느껴집니다. 11월의넉넉함처럼 4 3문제해결의화폭에도황금빛이깃들기를기원합니다. 그런마음들을담은 2013 제주4 3국제평화심포지엄이 국내외과거사추념현실과국가기념일 을주제로열리게된것을진심으로축하드립니다. 이처럼제주 4 3의국가추념일지정방향을모색하는자리를마련해주신김영훈이사장님과 4 3평화재단가족여러분, 기조강연과좌장, 주제발표, 토론에참여해주신전문가여러분의노고에깊은감사를드립니다. 제주4 3의국가추념일지정은 4 3을화해 상생의정신으로승화시키는계기가된다는점에서대단히소중한의미가있습니다. 그래서박근혜대통령도 4 3 국가추념일지정을공약했고, 국무총리도합동위령제에서국가추념일지정을약속했던것입니다. 국회에서도 4 3특별법을개정하면서 2014년 4월 3일이전에 각종기념일등에관한규정 을개정하여매년 4월 3일을 제주4 3사건희생자추념일 로정하라는부대의견을첨부했습니다. 하지만, 4 3 국가추념일지정을낙관만할상황은아닌것같습니다. 일부보수단체들을중심으로 4 3 국가추념일지정을반대하고있는것입니다. 오늘 4 3유족회에서 4 3 국가추념일지정을촉구하기위해안전행정부와청와대, 국회를방문하기위해상경한것도이와무관하지않습니다. 이런맥락에서오늘심포지엄은이런논란을잠재우고조속한 4 3 국가추념일지정을위한지혜를모으는대단히중요한자리입니다. 천리길을가는사람과백리길을가는사람은마음자세가다르기마련인데, 여러분들은천리길을가는마음가짐으로좋은대안들을도출해주시길기대합니다. 감사합니다 년 11 월 7 일 제주특별자치도의회의장박희수 제주 4 3 평화재단 / 7
9 기조강연 과거사추념과국가기념일 서중석 제주 4 3 사건진상규명및희생자명예회복위원회위원 성균관대 명예교수
11 과거사추념과국가기념일 서중석 제주 4 3 사건진상규명및희생자명예회복위원회위원 성균관대명예교수 1. 기억과화해의세계사적전개 20세기말부터기억과화해를위한활동이세계사적추세를이루고있다. 20세기는한편으로자유와민주주의가어느시기보다도확대되었지만, 두차례에걸친세계대전을비롯한대규모전쟁이발생했고, 파시즘과군국주의가기승을부렸으며, 이념적인대립이나갈등이일어났고, 민족해방운동과독립문제, 인종차별로인한폭력현상도발생했다. 이때문에수많은과거사가발생했다. 특히유태인학살 ( 홀로코스트 ) 등대규모학살은현대사에서지울래야지울수없는큰오점이다. 과거사에대한반성과회개는 68혁명과반전운동을겪으면서점점확산되었고, 서독의브란트수상이동방정책을펴면서더욱구체화되었다. 브란트는 1970년에폴란드바르샤바를방문했을때그곳의게토기념비앞에서무릎을꿇고나치의유태인학살에대해사죄하였다. 대학살에대한회개와화해의상징적사건이었다. 파리정치학원의드파르주교수는 20세기의끝인 1999년에낸 회개와화해 라는저서에서전세계에 회개와화해의세계화 라고할만한현상이진행되고있다고썼거니와, 1980년대이후, 특히세기말을지나 21세기에들어오면서과거사에대한관심이높아졌고그과거사를정확히자세히알아야한다는기억의과제가크게대두되었고심화되었다. 역사를직시해역사로부터기꺼이배우고, 다시는잘못한역사를되풀이하지않도록하기위해서였다. 그와함께회개와화해, 상생의움직임이활발해졌다. 중남미와한국등지에서군부정권이붕괴하는등세계각지에서권위주의권력이약화되고민주주의와인권에대한관심이높아진것이중요한계기였지만, 냉전체제가무너지고동유럽에변화가온것도큰역할을했다. 서중석 / 11
12 이시기에아르헨티나칠레우루과이등남미와한국에서과거사청산활동이전개되었고, 남아프리카공화국에서는아파르헤이트체제가종지부를찍고흑인정부에의해인권침해행위에대해조사가있었던바, 그것은회개와화해, 상생에주목적을두었다. 1999년에북아일랜드에개신교와가톨릭의공동자치정부가발족한것도세계평화와인류상생에한걸음다가가게했다. 오스트레일리아뉴질란드등지에서는원주민에게저지른잘못에대해회개하고화해의길을모색했다. 기억과회개, 화해를위해역사인식의차이를좁히는활동도전개되었다. 독일은인접국가인폴란드, 프랑스와공동역사교과서편찬을위해많은노력을기울였다. 동아시아의경우일본정부의외면을받고있지만민간차원에서한국일본중국과의역사인식공유를위한작업이진행되고있다. 2. 학살추념활동과국가기념일 1980,90년대이후세계의여러곳에서인간이결코망각해서는안될일이있다고역설하면서 20세기에일어난학살에대해기억하지않으면안된다는점이강조되고있다. 그와함께학살에대한추념활동이, 예컨대아르메니아에서오스만터키에의해아르메니아인들이대량학살당한것을추념하는기념관건립등여러활동이전개된바와비슷하게, 여러나라에서전개되고있다. 우크라이나의키에프전쟁기념관은제2차세계대전당시나치에의해학살당한우크라이나인들에대한추념의마음이짙게배어있다. 중국남경학살기념관에는일본군국주의의잔인함이묻어있다. 홀로코스트추념활동은아우슈비츠수용소나다하우수용소가아니더라도파리뉴욕등세계여러곳에서일어나고있다. 그중에서도독일은홀로코스트에대해독일인이직시하고영원히기억해야한다는점을독일정부가앞장서서역설하는등독일의책임을회피하려고하고있지않고곳곳에서추념활동을벌이고있다. 학생들이역사교육시간에독일의잘못을마주보게하고있고, 끊임없이배상과보상을하고있으며기념관등을통해진실에접근하게하고있다. 일본이전쟁배상 보상을다했다고주장하는 1990년이전에이미독일의홀로코스트및전쟁피해배상 보상은일본의수십배에이르렀지만, 독일은그이후에도계속해배상 보상을하고있다. 2000년대에들어서자독일은강제노동에끌려간유태인등피해자에게배상을했고, 2012년 11월에는동유럽과옛소련권 12 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
13 에거주해그때까지제외되었던생존자 8만명에게배상을하기시작했다. 금년에독일은나치정권에의해피해를입은유대인학살생존자들에게 10억달러의지원금을추가로지급하기로결정했다. 2014년에는나치학살로부모를잃었던 아동생존자 들을위한배상을협의하려고하고있다. 독일에대한유대인청구권회의 는 1952년부터독일로부터 7백억달라이상을받아전세계피해생존자들을위해의료지원, 생활비지급등의일을했다. 베를린에는홀로코스트와관련된잊을수없는두기념관이근래에세워졌다. 홀로코스트상처를치유하고보상하기위해 1970년대부터추진되어 1998년에완성된총 14개의전시실로이루어진유태인기념관은나치치하의박해역사만담은것이아니라유태인전역사와문화를뛰어난건축디자인으로살려낸기념관으로그자체가위대한예술품이다. 동서독통일을상징하는브란덴부르크문에서불과 1백m밖에떨어지지않은 19,000제곱m의넓은터에희생자묘역임을떠오르게하는직육면체의콘크리트블록 2,711개가눈길을끈다. 유태인학살추모기념물인이홀로코스트메모리얼은 2005년에완성되어베를린의명소가되었다. 독일이나치의잘못을결단코망각해서는안되는행위로기억하고, 유태인등피해자들에대해최대한배상 보상을하려는자세를보여주고, 이웃나라와의역사인식차이를좁히려는진지한자세는독일로부터피해를입었던유럽여러나라의신뢰를얻어유럽공동체를이룩하는데기축적인역할을했다. 기억과회개, 화해가얼마나위대한상생을낳는가를오늘의세계에단적으로보여주는좋은사례다. 스페인의프랑코묘역에는이상하게보일수있는 화해 의조형물이있다. 마드리드에서 40km쯤떨어진로스카이도스계곡, 즉 죽은자의계곡 에는거대한석제십자가상이서있고, 그안으로들어가면암반을깎아만든지하성당이있다. 이지하성당에인접한지하묘역 ( 납골당 ) 에는스페인내전승리자인프랑코파 2만여명의유골이피해자인공화파의유골 2만여명과함께안치되어있다. 스페인내전에서주로프랑코파에의해약 60만명이학살되었고내전후에도공화파라는이유로 10여만명을학살했지만, 독재자프랑코총통은과거의악몽을덮고국민의분열을막겠다는의도로억지화해의장소를만들어낸것이다. 하지만죽은자에대해서는네편내편가르지말고추도해야한다는점을인정했다는것은얼마간의미를부여할수있겠다. 서중석 / 13
14 최근영국정부가케냐인의학살에대해사과하고추념활동에동참한것은전세계에걸쳐광대한식민지를가졌던영국이식민지통치기의비인도적행위를최초로인정했다는점에서주목할만하다. 2013년 8월에영국정부는제주4 3사건보다약간늦은 1952년에일어난케냐의 마우마우봉기 때학살등가혹행위를저지른것을정식으로사과하고피해배상금을지급하고기념비건립등의추념활동에동참하겠다고공표했다. 봉기탄압에협력한독재정권이종식된 2002년캐냐민주정부가이문제를제기한것이결실을맺은것이다. 많은나라가과거사그중에서도학살에관한추념행사를하고있지만, 국가기념일로지정되었느냐는나라마다차이가있다. 독일의경우동서독통일기념일을제외하면기념일은종교행사가주종을이루고있다. 속죄일도종교적색채를띠고있다. 미국의경우독립기념일은물론이고조지워싱턴생일이나참전용사추모일이 10개의공식휴일에들어가는것은쉽게이해되는데, 마틴루터킹목사생일기념일이들어가있는것은이색적으로보일수도있다. 킹목사는흑인인권운동가로인종차별을거부하며비폭력저항운동을이끌었고, 그래서 1964년에는노벨평화상을받았는데, 그가 1968년 4월 4일백인에의해암살당한것이기념일제정에영향을미친점을숙고하는것이중요하다. 암살당한흑인인권운동가를기리는것에는인종차별을반대한다는의미와함께백인과흑인의화해, 상생의의미가새겨져있다. 이스라엘은국가기념일에홀로코스트기념일이있다. 4월이지만, 유대력에의해결정되므로날짜가해마다다른홀로코스트기념일은전날저녁부터상점문을닫고 TV도쇼프로그램은자제하고라디오도장송곡같은노래들만들려주며, 당일에는홀로코스트관련다큐멘터리나대담프로그램만방영한다. 이날 10시에사이렌이울리면갓길에차를대고차밖으로나와묵념을하는등 2분간모두다자리에서일어나희생자들을추념하고유대인을구해준분들을기억한다. 이스라엘의힘은바로이같이희생자를기리고구해준분들에대해서사의를표해기억과화해를도모하는데서나온다는주장은우리로하여금깨닫게하는바가있다. 홀로코스트는국제적기념일도있다. 국제연합의국제홀로코스트기념일이그것이다. 2005년국제연합총회는억울하게희생당한홀로코스트피해자를추모하기위한기념일채택을결의했다. 날짜는소련군이아우슈비츠수용소를해방시킨 1월 27일로정했다. 금년에국제홀로코스트기념일을맞아그전날인 1월 26일독일의메르켈총리는 우리는나치시대에자행된범죄와 2차세계대전희생자들, 그리고무엇보다홀로코스트에영원한책임을갖고있다 고말했다. 국제연합기념일에 14 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
15 는이밖에도르완다집단학살국제반성의날 (4월 7일 ), 모든인권침해의진실에대한권리와희생자존엄을위한국제의날 (3월 24일 ), 노예제및대서양노예무역희생자국제추모의날 (3월 25일 ) 등이있다. 서울일본대사관앞에서제1087차일본군위안부문제해결을위한정기수요집회가열린금년 8월 14일에일본도쿄에서는 8월 14일을국제연합일본군위안부추모의날로만들자는운동이전개되었다. 8월 14일은 1991년김학순할머니가자신이위안부로강제동원되었음을고백한날로, 이고백이후일본군위안부문제가본격적으로대두하게되었다. 이운동은제2차아베내각이들어선이후위안부존재를부정하는움직임이심화되고전쟁할수있는국가로가려는책동이가속화된것에영향을받았다 국가기념일지정의당위성 한반도는 20세기에들어와그이전의역사에서는찾아보기어려운학살사건이발생했다. 일제가의병을 토벌 한다고하면서학살이자행되었고, 3 1운동에서도제암리학살등학살이여러곳에서일어났으며, 1920년말에는북간도와서간도일대에서경신대학살로알려진학살이자행되었다. 관동대지진때조선인학살도규모가컸다. 대규모희생자는해방이후특히정부수립직후와전쟁전후시기에발생했다. 제주4 3사건과여순사건에서희생자가속출했고, 전쟁이일어나자보도연맹원과형무소재소자들이희생되었으며, 미군에의한노근리희생, 9 28수복전후의좌익에의한희생, 11사단에의한고창, 함평, 남원, 거창, 산청등지에서의민간인희생이계속해서일어났다. 이처럼정부수립직후와전쟁시기에엄청난비극이발생했고, 그것은영원히기억해화해와상생의모체로삼았어야했는데, 지금까지국가기념일로정해지지않았다. 한국의경우미국이나독일과달리국가기념일이적지않다. 국가기념일은법률로정한경우와대통령령으로정한경우가있는데, 독립운동, 민주화운동과관련된국가기념일은대통령령으로정해져있다. 독립운동과관련해기억해야할기념일로는대한민국임시정부수립기념일 ((4월 13일 ), 학생독립운동기념일 (11월 3 일 ), 순국선열의날 (11월 17일 ) 이있고, 민주화운동과관련해기억해야할기념일로는 4 19혁명기념일 (4월 19일 ), 5 18민주화운동기념일 (5월 18일 ), 6 10민주항쟁 서중석 / 15
16 기념일 (6월 10일 ) 이있으며, 2010년 4월혁명 50주년을맞아 3 15의거가국가기념일이되었다.(3월 15일 ) 결코잊어서는안될과거사중 4 3은제주4 3사건진상규명및희생자명예회복특별법에의해출범한제주4 3사건진상규명및희생자명예회복위원회 ( 위원장국무총리, 이하 4 3위원회로약칭 ) 에서 제주4 3사건진상조사보고서 가채택될때부터국가기념일지정이요구되었다. 2003년 3월에이보고서가조건부의결되자 7개항의건의안을고건국무총리를위원장으로한 4 3위원회에서채택했던바, 그첫번째가제주도민과피해자들에대한정부의사과였고, 두번째가 4 3사건추모기념일지정이었다. 이보고서는그해 10월에확정되었는데, 결론에서 정부는이불행한사건을기억하고교훈으로삼아다시는이러한비극이일어나지않도록노력해야할것 을명시했다. 노무현대통령은첫번째건의를즉각받아들여 10월 31일사과문을발표했던바, 대통령이과거사에대해공식으로사과를표명한것은이것이처음이자지금까지로는마지막이다. 이사과문에서대통령은 지난날의과오를반성하고진정한화해를이룩하여보다밝은미래를기약하자 고다짐했다. 4 3사건은우리민족최대의비극에들어간다는점에서국가기념일로지정되어야한다. 제주4 3위원회가국가차원에서채택한 진상조사보고서 에서는전체인명피해를 25,000-30,000명으로추정했는데이들희생자의거의대부분이민간인이었다. 위원회에신고된희생자수는 1만4천여명이지만, 여러자료와인구변동등을감안해이와같이추정한것이다. 제주도민 10명중한명이희생된것으로, 한국역사상한지역에서이렇게많은민간인이희생된것은찾아볼수없다. 삼국시대에도고려나조선시대에도일제강점기에도없었다. 신고된 1만4천여명의희생자중에는 10세이하의어린이가 5 8% 이며, 61세이상의노인이 6 1%, 여성희생자가 21.3% 라는것은 4 3의비극성이얼마나깊고무거운가를잘말해준다. 그와함께추념해야할 4 3희생자를민간인으로국한해서는안된다는점도고려해야한다. 맨처음 4 3위원회에서희생자의범위를논의할때, 특별법의제정취지를살려희생자범위를최대한넓게인정하자는데의견을모았다. 일각에서훈장을받은국가유공자까지희생자로명예회복의대상이된다는것은논리에맞지않는다는반론을폈으나, 법제처의의견을물어군인과경찰까지포함해모두를희생자로결정했다. 특별법에나와있는화해와상생의취지를극대화하기위해서였다. 4 3은특별법이제정되기이전부터기억과함께각별히화해와상생을강조하 16 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
17 여 4 3 하면화해와상생이떠오르게되었다. 4 3은집단희생자문제를다룬첫번째특별법을탄생케했는데, 4 3위원회가활동에들어갈때부터과거사청산에모범이라는칭송을들어왔다. 위원회내부에서심한견해차가있기도했지만, 누가봐도당시의상황에서최선이라는평을받은 4 3진상조사보고서 가채택되었고, 대통령이진정한화해를이루기위해사과를했으며, 2005년에는노무현대통령이 4 3이역사의아픔을딛고진실과화해의과정을거치며모범을보였다고평가하면서제주도를 세계평화의섬 으로공식지정했다. 이렇게 4 3 이과거사청산에모범이될수있었던것은 4 3유족회와시민운동단체가국가보상등모든문제에우선하여기억과화해, 상생에치중했기때문이었다. 제주도에서는특별법제정이전에도피해자와가해자측이화해를위해노력했는데, 금년 8월에는제주4 3희생자유족회와제주특별자치도경우회가화해와상생을위한공동회견문을발표했다. 두단체는 자기들의주장만옳다며등을돌리고살아왔 음을시인하고, 이제 화해와상생으로제주발전에동참하겠다 고선언했다. 어느것을보더라도기억과화해, 상생을위한국가기념일지정의당위성이뚜렷하다. 4 3은전쟁을전후하여일어난희생자를대표해서도국가기념일로지정되어야한다. 앞에서도언급했지만, 한국사상유례를찾기힘들게정부수립이후, 전쟁기에무수히많은사람들이희생되었다. 이들중상당수는고혼 ( 孤魂 ) 이산야를헤맬뿐어디에서도추념을하고있지않다. 4 3이수많은희생자를대표할수있는가장큰근거는역사는최초의사건이중요한데, 초기에일어났다는점과함께전쟁기를통틀어한지역에서최대의희생자가발생했기때문이다. 지금국가기념일로지정된 6 25전쟁일 (6 25사변일, 6월 25일 ) 은 6 25를상기하여국민의안보의식을고취하는날로, 전쟁전후의희생자문제는다루어지고있지않다. 4. 끝맺으며 국가기념일제정을앞두고시급히처리해야할과제가기념일명칭이다. 명칭과관련해왜국가기념일로지정해야하는가그논리를명료히세우는것이중요하다. 4 3이과거사추념과국가기념일지정의대상이되는주된이유는희생자에있다. 또법정기념일은기념일이역사적으로나국가정책적으로특별한의미가있어야할뿐만아니라, 특정지역이나일부집단및각종이해단체에만국한되는 서중석 / 17
18 날은제외하게되어있다. 그러므로 3 15의거, 5 18민주화운동처럼특정지명은제외되어야한다. 발표자는지난 8월 20일유족회주최의명칭관련토론회에서발표한양조훈전부지사가제안한 4 3희생자추모기념일이검토해볼만하다고생각한다. 4 3사건기념일로할경우 4 3사건을기념한다는뜻이므로무엇을기념하는지가불분명한점이있고, 사건이라는용어가국가기념일명칭으로사용하기에는국민들로하여금거리감을갖게할수있다. 4 3기념일또는 4 3추모기념일로할경우제주도사람들에게는의미가잘전달되지만, 다른지역주민들은무슨기념일인지알기가어려울수있다. 그런데 4 3희생자추모기념일의경우추모와기념이의미하는바가비슷하다고느낄수있고, 국가기념일이대개기념일이라는명칭을가진것을생각하면 4 3희생자기념일로하는것이더적합하다고생각한다. 국가기념일이기때문에명칭은충분히논의되어야한다. 제주도민의견도중요하지만, 일반사람들에게가슴에쉽게와닿아야한다. 각계전문가들의의견을듣는공청회가요청된다. 국가기념일지정은지정되는그순간까지방심하지말고최선을다해야한다. 지난해선거에서박근혜후보, 문재인후보가모두다공약했고, 박근혜정부출범첫번째 4 3사건희생자위령제에서정홍원총리가국가기념일지정을역시박후보가공약했던 4 3평화재단국고지원확대와함께차질없이추진하겠다고약속했다. 뿐만아니라, 지난 6월 4 3특별법개정안이여야합의로국회를통과할때개정안에명시하는대신부대의견으로 정부는내년 4월 3일이전에대통령령을개정해매년 4월 3일을제주4 3사건희생자추념일로정한다 고못박아 4 3의국가기념일지정을확실히했다. 그렇지만국가기념일로지정되는그순간까지방심은금물이다. 방해 반대세력이만만치않기때문이다. 따라서 4 3희생자국가기념일추진기구에서는정부와긴밀히협의하고공청회등을열어명칭등관련사항을구체화하고, 국가기념일지정이내년 4월 3일이전에반드시이루어지도록철저히점검하고대응해나가지않으면안된다고판단된다. 18 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
19 Keynote Lecture Tribute to the Past Events and the National Memorial Days By Jungseok Seo (a member of the National Committee for Investigation of the Truth about the Jeju April 3 Incident and emeritus professor of Sungkyunkwan University) 1. Developments of memory and reconciliation in world history Since the late in 20th century, there has been a tendency toward conducting the activities for memories and reconciliation in world history. The 20th century witnessed the more expanded freedom and democracy than ever while the era broke out large scale wars including two world wars with fascism and militarism dominated and with ideological confrontation and conflict caused, thereby resulting in many national liberation movements and independence, and violences due to racial discrimination. Consequently, there occurred so many past affairs. In particular, the massacres such as Holocaust left a big inexpungible blemish in the modern history. The reflection and repentance for the past affairs were more expanded suffering from the 68 Revolution and anti-war movements, more embodied when Willy Brandt, the Chancellor of West Germany adopted Oriental Policy. When he visited Warsaw, Poland in 1970, Brandt apologized the Nazi Holocaust kneeling down before the Ghetto Memorial, which is a symbolic event of the repentance and reconciliation for the messacre. Depardiue, Professor of a politics educational institute in Paris wrote in his book entitled Repentance and Reconciliation published in 1999 at the end of the 20th century that there was occurring a phenomenon enough to be said the 서중석 / 19
20 globalization of repentance and reconciliation and also stated his view that the advent of the 21st century passing the end of the previous century saw more attention to the past events and seriously maintained what to do in order to exactly know of the details of those previous affairs otherwise still in the memory; which aimed at looking straight at the history to willingly learn from it and not to repeat any wrong history. Along with the trend, the movements of repentance, reconciliation, and co-existence started to become active. With the military regimes in Central and South America, and South Korea collapsed, the authoritarianism became weaker all around the world but attention was paid more to democracy and human rights; as well as the cold war system was broken causing a huge change in East Europe. At that time, the countries such as Argentine, Chile, and Uruguay in South America, as well as South Korea developed their own activities to clear the past affairs while the Republic of South Africa witnessed the end of the apartheid past but the black government investigated the human right abuses and violations, aiming mainly at repentance, reconciliation, and co-existence. The year of 1999 when the joint autonomous government was inaugurated between Protestantism and Catholicism in Northern Ireland was also an opportunity to come close to the co-existence of human beings and the world peace. Australia and New Zealand repented their faults to the natives and sought how to reconcile. There also developed the activities to narrow down the difference of history awareness for the purpose of memory, repentance, and reconciliation. Germany has made lots of efforts to jointly compile history textbook working with the bothering countries such as Poland and France while East Asia is still being shunned by Japanese government but the private-wide activities have developed to share history awareness with Korea, Japan, and China. 2. Massacre memorializing activities and the national memorial day 20 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
21 It has been emphasized and stressed that there have happened the events in many parts of the world since 1980s and 1990s, worth never forgotten by human beings and we should remember the massacres in the 20th century. Along with those movements, the memorializing activities giving a tribute against the massacres have been developed in many countries as they were in Armenia including the construction of a memorial hall to memorialize the victim Armenians massacred by the Ottomans of Turkey. The war memorial in Kiev, Ukraine was built with the meaning of a deep memorialization toward those who were massacred by the Nazi during the World War II. The Chinese Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall shows the cruelty of the Japanese militarism. The Holocaust memorializing activities are being staged in any part of the world such as Paris and London not even in Auschwitz Concentration Camp and Dachau Concentration Camp, importantly among which Germany has not tried to avoid assuming its responsibilities while its government takes lead in expressing what the German people should look straight at and remember the Holocaust for ever, which is well shown in the memorializing activities here and there around the world. Moreover, the German government let their students encounter its faults during the history class and continues to compensate and reward for such cruel past affairs and seriously and faithfully approach the truth through memorial halls. Even before 1990 at which point Japan stressed that it had completely compensated for the war damages, the amount of war compensation and reward for Holocaust and others by Germany amounted to tens of times more than that of Japan, but event afterwards, Germany continued to compensate and reward for the war. In 2000, Germany compensated for those who were forced to work including the Jewish people and in 2012, it started to compensate for those 80,000 survivors who had been excluded from such compensation, due to their living in East Europe and the old Soviet Union regions since November, This year, Germany decided to additionally give 1 billion dollars of support money to the Holocaust survivors affected by the Nazi regime. In 2014, the government plans to negotiate for the compensation for juvenile survivors who 서중석 / 21
22 lost their parents due to the Nazi massacre. The Conference on Jewish Material Claims against Germany ("Conference") has been given more than 70 billion dollars from the German government since 1952, conducting the activities for the survivors around the world including medical and living expenses support. In Berlin was built two unforgettable memorial halls in relation to the holocaust. This Jewish Memorial hall was promoted in 1970s and completed in 1998 to heal the scars of, and compensate for, the holocaust, which consists of 14 exhibits housing not only the oppression history by the Nazi but also expressing the Jewish history and culture into an excellent architecture design, which itself is a great artwork. A huge cluster of 2,711 rectangular concrete blocks, reminding soon of the victims graveyard, catches one's eyes, which is situated on the broad site of 19,000m2 just 100 meters away from the Brandenburg Gate which symbolizes the inter-german unification. This holocaust memorial, a monument appeasing the jewish victims' souls who massacred in the holocaust, was completed back in late 2005, one of the populator place in Berlin. Germany considers the Nazi's misconduct to be an act which should be never forgotten, showing the attitude to compensate as much as possible and further a serious stance to narrow down the difference of history awareness with its neighboring countries, both of which attitudes played a pivotal role in garnering trust from different European countries that were affected by the Nazi and thereby in establishing the European Community. This a good example simply showing us how memory, repentance, and reconciliation could result in a great co-existence. The Franco graveyard has a 'reconciliation' monument which is likely to seem strange at a glance. Valle de los Caidos 40km away from Madrid meaning the valley of the dead stands up a huge stone cross statute; if going inside, there sits an underground catholic church built by cutting and carving stone. The underground graveyard - i.e., charnel house - adjacent to the church houses 22 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
23 about 20,000 bodies of the republican clique (victims) together with about 20,000 of the Franco clique, the winners of the Spanish civil war. During the Spanish civil war, largely the Franco clique killed about 600,000 people and even after the war, it killed about 100,000 people because they were the republicans. However, the dictator and president of the Franco manipulated a forced conciliation place to the effect to prevent the people from split covering the past nightmare, which has the meaning somehow to recognize the necessity to commemorate either of both sides regardless who was the winner. In recent, the UK government apologized the massacre of the Kenyan people and participated into the commemorate activities, which is worthy of notice because the country first admitted its inhumane acts during the colonial administration that had the broad colonies all around the world. In August 2013, the UK government officially apologized for the cruel and harsh treatment to the Kenyan people during the Mau Mau uprising that happened in 1952 a little later than the Jeju April 3rd incident; and pledged to compensate for the damage and join in the commemorate activities including a construction of monument. In the year of 2002 which witnessed the end of dictatorship that had cooperated with the suppression of such uprising, the Kenyan government opposed the issue and bore fruits. Many countries have conducted the commemorate ceremonies in relation to the past affairs, particularly massacres; but whether or not to designated such day as a national memorial day depends on each country. In case of Germany, its memorial days mainly involve religious events except for the Memorial Day for Inter-German unification. Atonement Day is of religion. In case of America, it is easily understandable that the 10 official holidays include: Independence Day, Birthday of George Washington, Memorial Day for war veteran; but it seems unusual for Birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. to fall under memorial days list. Martin Luther King Jr. was a human rights activist for African-Americans resisting racial discrimination but leading the non-violence resistance movement, who was awarded the Nobel Prize of Peace in 1964; but it is worth to consider that the day when he was assassinated by a white man on 서중석 / 23
24 April 4th, 1968 affected the designation of memorial day. Commemorating the assassinated African-American human right activist has the meaning to resist racial discrimination as well as the meaning of reconciliation and coexistence between the white and the black. Israel has the Memorial Day for holocaust among the other nation memorial days, which falls in April but is determined under the Jewish calendar resulting in the memorial day changing every year. In the memorial day of holocaust, people close their stores from last day's evening and refrain from watching show programs on TV and some kinds of funeral marches can be heard from radio. On the very day, TVs broadcast only the documentary related to holocaust or interview programs. When a siren wails at 10 o'clock in the morning, people pull off their cars onto the shoulder and paid a silent tribute to the holocaust victims, all of whom consumes 2 minutes standing up and commemorate the victims and remember those who saved the Jewish people. It is maintained that the power of Israel comes from where they commemorate the victims and express a gratitude to those who saved them seeking memory and reconciliation, from which we can learn lessens. There is a case of holocaust has been designated as an international memorial day: the UN International Memorial Day for Holocaust. The United Nations Congress held in 2005 resolved the resolution of adoption of memorial day to commemorate the holocaust victims who were innocently killed, the day of which was determined on January 27 when the Soviet military liberated Auschwitz Concentration Camp. Marking the anniversary this year, Merkel Angela, German Chancellor said on the previous day of January 26th "We are and will be responsible for the crimes conducted during the Nazi era and the victims during the World War II and most of all, the holocaust." Besides, the UN memorial days include: International Day of Reflection for the Rwandan genocide (April 7th); International Day for the right to the truth of any and all human rights infringements and the victims' dignity (March 24th); and International Commemorate Day for slavery and the Atlantic slave trade victims (March 25th). 24 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
25 On August 14, this year when the 1087th regular Wednesday rally for the resolution of the Japanese enforced sex slaves was held in front of the Embassy of Japan in Seoul, a movement developed in Tokyo, Japan to the effect that the day of August 14th should be designated as the UN memorial day for the Japanese enforced sex slaves. The elderly woman named Haksun Kim confessed in 1991 that it was the day of August 14 when she was forcibly mobilized as an enforced sex slave by the Japanese imperialists; after which, the issue of the enforced sex slaves has been earnestly emerged as a main subject. The movement for such designation was affected by the 2nd Shinzo Abe cabinet that was inaugurated again and then deepened the movement to deny such sex slaves and accelerating a scheme to become Japan a country that could start a war Justifiability of the designation of national memorial day Around the turn of the 20th century, the Korean Peninsula witnessed the unprecedented massacres difficult to find in the previous history. The Japanese imperialists massacred lots of people in the name of suppression including Jeamri massacre during the March 1st Movement with the other massacre cases. In late 1920s, the massacre well known as Gyeongsin Great Massacre occurred in and around North and South Gando regions. The Great Kanto Earthquake recorded relatively great fatalities of Joseon people. A majority of casualties and fatalities were caused after the liberation, particularly right after the establishment of government and before/after the war. Jeju April 3rd incident and Yeosun incident saw the continuous deaths. Upon the war broken, the members of the broadcasting association and the prisoners were died, among other tragedies including Nogeunri Incident by the U.S. Army, the casualties and fatalities by the leftists before/after the September 28 re-seizure, and civilian fatalities by Division 11 in and around the regions such as Gochang, Hampyeong, Namwon, Geochang, and Sancheong. Likewise, there were broken huge tragedies right after the government formation and during the war, which should have been memorized and even 서중석 / 25
26 become the underlying eternal lessen for reconciliation and co-existence; but just until now, it has yet to be designated as a national memorial day. South Korea has a quite few national memorial days compared to other countries such as America and Germany. National memorial days are as usual designated pursuant to either the law or the presidential decree: the national memorial days in relation to pro-democracy movement, independence movement, etc. have been designated under the presidential decree. The memorial days related to the independence movement that you should remember include: Memorial Day for the Establishment of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea (April 13rd); Memorial Day for Students' Independence Movement (November 3rd); and Memorial Day for Martyred Ancestors (November 17th) while the memorial days to remember in relation to pro-democracy movement involve: Memorial Day for April 19 Revolution (April 19th); Memorial Day for May 18th Pro-democracy Movement; Memorial Day for June 10th Democratic Contention (June 10th); and Memorial Day for March 15th Patriotic Deed which was designated as a national memorial day in April, 2010 which marked the 50th anniversary of the April Revolution (March 15th). The April 3rd Incident among other unforgettable past affairs was required the designation as a national memorial day since the time when the Jeju April 3rd Fact-Finding Report was adopted in the National Committee for Investigation of the Truth about the Jeju April 3 Incident (chairperson: Prime Minister; hereinafter referred to as "April 3rd Committee") inaugurated in accordance with the Special Act on the Jeju April 3 Incident Fact-Finding and Victims' Rehabilitation. In March 2003 when the report was conditionally resolved, the April 3rd committee with Goh Kun serving as a chairperson adopted 7 items of suggestions: first, to apologize to Jeju citizens by the government; and second, to designate April 3rd as a national memorial day for commemoration. The report was confirmed in October of the same year; the conclusion of which stated that the government should remember and learn from the tragic incident and endeavor not to cause such an unfortunate affair. President Roh Moo-hyun immediately accepted the first suggestion and announced the apology on October 26 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
27 31 that year, which was the first and only official apology of its kind by the president until now. The president pledged in the apology statement that we should reflect the past misconducts and achieve a true reconciliation to open a brighter future. Judging from the fact that the April 3rd falls under one of the largest tragedy which the Korean people had suffered from, the day should be enacted as a national memorial day. Jeju April 3rd Committee estimated in its Fact-Finding Report that was adopted at national level that the total casualties would reach 25,000 to 30,000, almost all of whom were civilians. The number of victims reported to the committee amounted to about 14,000; but the consideration of different materials and demographic change resulted in such estimation. That is to say, one out of ten residents of the island died; such huge number of civilians victims were never found in any case anywhere the rest of the Korean Peninsula. It never occurred in the period of the Three Kingdoms, Goryeo and Joseon Dynasties, and even the Japanese colonial era. A total of 14,000 victims were reported, among which, the children under 10 accounted for 5.8%, the elderly aged 61 or over accounted for 6.1%, and the female accounted 21.3%, well indicating that how tragic, cruel and desperate the incident was. Besides, it should be considered not to limit the scope of incident victims worth being cherished just to civilians. When first discussed such scope defining the victims in the April 3rd Committee, the members agreed to expand the scope of victims as broad as possible living up to the intention of the enactment of special act. Some opposes that even those national patriots and veterans are to become one of the victims maintaining that it is not logic for such national patriots awarded with merits to be one of the victims; finally, those including even soldiers and polices were determined to have a status of victim after the consultation with the Office of Legislation, which had the meaning to maximize the achievement of reconciliation and co-existence as set forth in the special act. Even before the special act was enacted, the April 3rd has brought up 서중석 / 27
28 reconciliation and co-existence because it always emphasized particularly reconciliation and co-existence whenever reminding the incident. Thus, the incident was the opportunity to give birth to the first special act addressing the collective victims, which has been complimented an exemplary instance to resolve the past affairs even before the April 3rd committee started its activities. There was a sever disagreement within the committee but the April 3rd Fact-Finding report was adopted which garnered the best option from anyone's view even in the situation at that time; the president apologized to achieve a true achievement. Back in 2005, President Roh Moo-hyun assessed the project to memorize the April 3rd victims set an example going through the process of truth and reconciliation after overcoming the historic agonies; and he officially designated Jeju as the island of peace. The reason that the April 3rd incident became the exemplar to clear the past affairs is because that the April 3rd Bereaved Family Association and civil groups have focused more on memory, reconciliation, and co-existence rather than any other issues such as national compensation. Even before enacting the special act, both sides of those affected and affecting have made efforts to achieve reconciliation each other in Jeju; in particular, August this year witnessed the joint statement announcement for reconciliation and co-existence by the April 3rd Bereaved Family Association and the Jeju Special Self-Governing Province Veteran Police Association, both of which organizations admitted that they had lived until now turning their back to each other insisting that they set themselves right, respectively but from now on, they declared that they join to the development of Jeju based on reconciliation and co-existence. Anything above becomes apparently justifiable enough to make the April 3rd a national memorial day for the purpose of memory, reconciliation, and co-existence. The April 3rd should be designated as a national memorial day also representing the victims affected during the Korean War. As mentioned earlier, a number of people died during the war after the inauguration of government, which is hard to find any precedent in history. Most of their souls just wonder around the mountain and field but have been never cherished. One of the most 28 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
29 important rationale that the April 3rd incident can represent such los of victims is that the incident occurs in the early stage because the first event is generally considered critical and that it had the largest victims even in one region. The June 25 Korean War Memorial day - the day when the Korean War was broken - designated as the national memorial day to raise the sense of national security reminding of the war, but not covering any issues in relation to the victims. 4. Conclusion Enacting a national memorial day requires dealing with an urgent task to name the day; it is important to clarify why to designate the day as a national memorial day in relation to the name. If the Jeju April 3rd Incident is designated as a national memorial day, the main reason is because of its victims; as well, because the legal memorial day should have the significance in history or the national policies. Furthermore, if it is only the day should be excluded from the enactment. Therefore, those related to specific regions such as March 15 Movement or May 18 Pro-democracy Movement should not be included. I think it worth to review the enactment of the April 3rd Memorial Day that was suggested by Johun Yang, the former vice-governor of Jeju Special Self-Governing Province in the discussion about the name of memorial day held by the incident's bereaved family association back on August 20. If the day has the name of April 3rd Incident Memorial Day, which means to memorialize the April 3rd Incident itself, what to memorialize is ambiguous and further the term 'incident' is likely to cause the public to feel a sense of detachment. The names such as April 3rd Memorial Day or April 3rd Tribunal Memorial Day are more communicated with Jeju residents but those living in the rest of the country are not likely to know what it means. Furthermore, the latter gives the feeling of some similarity of what the terms 'tribunal' and 'memorial' mean, respectively. Thus, considering the national memorial days that have the meaning of commemoration, it is thought better to name the day as April 3rd Victims 서중석 / 29
30 Memorial Day. Since it is a national memorial day, the name of the day should be sufficiently discussed. It is important to garner the opinion from Jeju residents but the name of the day should be perceived by the public in the rest of the country on an easy basis, for which a public hearing needs to be held to listen to the experts from all levels of society. The enactment as a national memorial day requires all best efforts even by and until the moment of such designation. In the election held last year, Geunhye Park and Jaein Moon, the presidential candidates, pledged to enact the day as a national memorial day and furthermore, after the inauguration of Park government, its prime minister Hongwon Jeong promised in the first April 3rd victims memorial ceremony to promote Park's electoral commitment without any problem in line with the expansion of the national budget for the April 3rd Peace Foundation. Besides, When the amendment of the April 3rd Special Act passed in the National Assembly with the agreement between the ruling and opposition parties back in June, and as an additional opinion instead of specifying in such amendment, the government firmly stated that every April 3rd will be designated as the April 3rd Incident victims memorial day, which confirmed such enactment of memorial day of the incident. But Overconfidence can be very dangerous until the last moment of such enactment because there are lots of formidable forces who intend to thwart or frustrate the enactment. Therefore, the body which promotes to enact April 3rd as the April 3rd Victims Memorial Day should closely consult with the government and embody any associated matters including the name by holding such a public hearing; and is strongly recommended to thoroughly check any and all related matters and respond to them if required for the purpose of such enactment of a national memorial day before April 3rd next year. 30 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
31 제 1 세션해외의과거사추념과행사방식 오키나와전의계승과평화교육의과제 33 아라카키야스코 ( 여성연구가 ) 우리의과거사추념방식과행사유형 65 장웬칭 ( 張元卿 ) 토론문 112 이규배 ( 제주국제대교수 ) 토론문 119 허호준 ( 한겨레신문 )
33 沖縄戦の継承と平和教育の課題 自治体の 戦争記録 編集に携わった体験から考える 新垣安子 ( 女性史研究家 ) 1. 沖縄県民の怒り 沖縄の方言に ワジワジー という言葉があります これは非常に怒っているときなどに出てくる言葉ですが このごろ多くの沖縄県民は日本政府に対するワジワジーの気持ちが頂点に達しています 例えば 普天間飛行場に強行配備された新型輸送機 MV22オスプレイの問題 沖縄では昨年 9 月に超党派の抗議集会 オスプレイ反対県民大会 を開き また県議会でも配備反対決議をするなどして配備撤回を訴えてきましたが それにも拘わらず沖縄の声は完全に無視され続けています オスプレイは全部で24 機 これが昼となく夜となく騒音を立て 住宅街の上空を我が物顔で飛んでいるのですから本当に腹が立ちます 普天間飛行場と辺野古新基地建設の問題もあります 普天間の早期返還は地元市民だけでなく 県民全体の願いです しかしだからといって 日米が合意したという辺野古海域への代替案も納得できません 2009 年に民主党が政権についた時 沖縄県民は鳩山首相の掲げた 普天間基地の県外移設 発言や 沖縄選出国会議員のグアム移転案に多少の期待を持ちました たしか 鹿児島県の南に浮かぶ徳之島が候補地に上がったように記憶していますが しかし徳之島側でも反対運動が起こり その後当の鳩山首相の辞任により県外移設の話は消えてしまいました 本土側の反対には敏感に反応しても 沖縄の声には全く耳を傾けない政府 これでは日本の植民地としか思えません さて 私のテーマは 沖縄戦の継承と平和教育の課題 となっていますので それと関連しての大きなワジワジー問題を先に取り上げます 아라카키야스코 / 33
34 それは今年 9 月 20 日の琉球新報 1 面に掲載された 石垣市教育長 / 戦争悲惨さ強調 弊害 / 現状平和教育 思考停止 と批判 という三段抜きの見出し記事でした 市議会の一般質問で 沖縄における平和教育の在り方 について問われた教育長の答弁ということで 紙面には発言内容も掲載されています 少し長くなりますが 要約して紹介します 平和教育を進める際に参考となるのは県教委区委員会発行の指導の手引きだ 本県の歴史との関わりで重視すべきは 郷土の歴史を教材化し 平和の尊さを指導するとなっている だが子どもたちの感じ方はどうか 私が関わった具体例をあげる 平成 8=1996 年に浦添高校で戦争遺品展をやった時のある生徒の感想 沖縄は日本で唯一住民を巻き込んだ戦争が繰り広げられた地であっただけに 学校では小学校から平和教育に力を入れている しかしその内容は単純化していて 平和教育というより戦争に対する恐怖感の植え付けのように感じる 小学校低学年までなら構わないだろう しかし 年齢を重ねるにつれ生徒の理解力も変化する 戦争に関する写真や著作を見るだけでは恐怖感に対する慣れが生まれる と書いている この感想から 本県の平和教育は戦争の悲惨さを強調する教育となっていると言える その教育の弊害は 戦争に対する嫌悪感から派生する思考停止と言える 現実の社会で平和がいいと言ったところで 戦争は忍び寄ることは世界の歴史が教えている だからどうすれば平和を維持できるか 防げるかという視点から情報収集力 思考力 判断力 行動力を身につけさせることを目標に実践されるべきだと考えている それは文科省の提唱する生きる力 すなわち 自ら学び 考え 行動する力につながる この発言に対し 同新聞の社説は 沖縄の平和教育の原点は 戦争がいかに悲惨で愚かしいことかを伝えることにある 発言は沖縄戦の語り部に対する冒とくであり 全国の戦争体験者に対する冒とくでもある 発言の背景には 八重山教科書問題に通底する政治的思想が透けて見える 平和教育に政治的視点での介入は許され ない と強い口調で論じています 同紙社会面に紹介された市民や研究者らも 戦争を前提とした考え方が読み取れる 平和教育から 国防教育に切り替えようとしている むしろ子どもたちに戦争への嫌悪感を植え付けなくてはならない ( 石原昌家 沖縄国際大学名誉教授 ) や 悲惨さを強調するのが悪いかのよう 34 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
35 だが 沖縄だからこそ この悲惨さをしっかり理解しないといけない 現在でも不充分なくらいだ ( 八重山戦争マラリアを語り継ぐ会 前石垣市教育長 ) など 怒りの声をあげています 2011 年 8 月 八重山 3 地区 ( 石垣市 武富町 与那国町 ) で中学公民の教科書をめぐって問題が起きました 使用する教科書は それぞれの教育委員らで構成する協議会の合議で選定されることになっていたようですが 同協議会会長でもあった石垣市教育長が強引なやり方で育鵬社版を選択する答申をし 与那国町教委もこれにならいました 結局 3 地区協議会の中の武富町教委は育鵬社版を拒否 東京書籍版を選択したのです その結果として武富町は 文部科学省の教科書無償配布措置から除外されることになりましたが 全国各地の支援者からの寄付金で教科書配布を行っているようです 今年 10 月 1 日の琉球新報は 文部科学省が武富町の教科書採択に関し 是正要求 1 の文書を出す と報じています 教科書採択の件といい 平和教育問題といい 教育長は同じ人です 勿論 彼を支持する声もあります 地元の市民団体からは辞任要求の声が出ていますし 新聞には発言に対する批判の投稿も散見できます これだけ世間を騒がせていながら 彼は一歩も後に引きません 実は私は 彼が浦添高校に勤務されていた時 ~1995 年の 慰霊の日 の頃と記憶しています~ 彼の依頼で生徒たちに話をしたことがあります 当時私は15 年勤めた浦添市教育委員会から佐敷町教育委員会に移り 浦添の時と同じように地域の歴史編集の仕事に携わっていました 彼は私が 浦添市史第 5 巻戦争体験記録 の編集担当だったことを知っていて 生徒たちと一緒に佐敷町まで相談に来られました 私は個人的関心から フィリピン残留孤児問題 にも取り組んでいましたので フィリピンの戦争について 話すことにし 日本軍占領下のフィリピンで使用された日本の軍票を資料として提供しました 部活動だったのか 集まった生徒の数は少なかったのですが 真剣に聞いてくれました 平和教育に熱心な先生だと思いました 再び彼の名前に接したのは 八重山教科書問題の新聞記事でした 2 年前は人違いかも知れないと思いましたが 今度の平和教育発言であの時の先生であることがはっきりしました 感想文を書いた生徒はいったい どんな資料を見て恐怖心を植え付けられたというのだろう その生徒に対して先生はどう指導したのだろう 生徒と同じように 先生まで思考停止してしまったのだろうか 人は簡単に自分の思想や信念を変えられるのだろうか 아라카키야스코 / 35
36 1 是正要求とは 地方自治体などの事務処理に法令違反がある時 明らかに公益を害していると認められた場合に国が是正を求める制度で 地方自治法に定められている 自治体側は 改善措置を取る法的義務を負うが 従わなくても罰則はない 文部科学相が教育委員会に是正要求できるとしているが 児童生徒教育を受ける機会が侵害されていることが明らかな場合に限られている ( 琉球新報紙面より引用 ) 2. 地域史がリードした市民の戦争体験記録 行政として 市民レベルの沖縄戦記録を最初に刊行したのは 日本復帰前の琉球政府でした 1971 年に出た 沖縄県史第 8 巻沖縄戦通史 と 沖縄県史第 9 巻沖縄戦記録 1 がそうです 市町村史では 同じ年に那覇市はブックレット版で 市民の戦時体験記録第 1 集 を刊行し さらに翌年 同第 2 集 を出しています これにより那覇市は 戦争記録刊行への基本姿勢を市民に広くアピールすることになりました 沖縄県内で市町村史編集事業が本格的に始まるのは1978 年です この年 すでにスタートしていた那覇市のほか新規に編集室を立ち上げた浦添市や沖縄市 宜野湾市などの担当者が集まって 沖縄地域史連絡協議会 を結成しています ( 略称は沖地協 ) 設立趣意書によると この時点で30を越える市町村と部落( 字 ) で地域史づくりがすすめられていたようです 設立時に共通認識として話し合われたことは 編集委員会と事務局体制を確立すること 科学的であること 市民の視点で編むこと 資料編を充実させる ということでした 資料編の中で とりわけ市町村史の重要課題とされたのは沖縄戦記録です 行政が取り組む前に 宜野湾市の市民団体が自主的に調査し その成果を 戦禍と飢え 宜野湾市民が綴る戦争体験 (1979 年 ) として出版していました こうした市民の動きが行政側を大いに刺激したといえます 私が嘱託として採用された浦添市では 通史編 1 巻と資料編 7 巻という刊行計画が立てられました 浦添の事務局体制は職員 1 人 編集担当嘱託 3 人 嘱託 1 人で三つの巻を担当することになり 私にはまず戦争編が割り当てられました 戦争編では専門部会で議論を重ねた結果 個人の証言記録とは別に 悉皆調査の手法を用いて各戸について被災状況を収録することが確認されました 浦添は日米 36 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
37 攻防戦が約 1か月続いた激戦の地です 沖縄戦当時の全 18か字 ( 集落 ) の地図を復元 当時の家族数 移民や県外に疎開した家族 防衛隊含む兵役人数 戦死 ( 没 ) 者数 生活の場であった家屋の状況 日本軍の家屋利用 家畜がどうなったかなど 要するに戦災実態調査です ところが浦添は戦後急激な都市化の波を受けています 字の古老や体験者に集まってもらって各家の調査票をうめ 住民の避難壕や軍の陣地壕を地図に書き込む これらの作業は困難を極めました 大学のゼミ学生がこの調査に協力してくれなければ完成できなったでしょう この戦災実態調査の手法は 浦添方式 と呼ばれ 後続の市町村史 字史 ( 誌 ) でもこの方式が取られるようになりました 今では南風原町史や西原町史 読谷村史などが浦添市史を越えるような綿密な調査で成果をあげています 南風原町史の場合は字ごとに1 冊ずつの全 12 字に加えて町全体のダイジェスト版が出ています 調査内容もさることながら 例えば 新川が語る沖縄戦 というように字名を冠したタイトルの付け方に 読み手を意識した編集上の工夫がなされています 次に 戦争編 の刊行が地域や若い世代に与えた影響について考えてみたいと思います 1 悉皆調査の過程で 遺品や臨時召集令状 ( いわゆる赤紙 ) 戦時中の衣料切符その他 戦時貯蓄債権 国民学校教科書やノート 学用品類 手紙類 出征兵士の見送りや家族 青年訓練所 徴用先での写真など たくさんの資料が収集された 編集室に提供された資料は了解を得たうえで公開展示している 2 祖父母や両親 兄弟姉妹の戦争体験を聞き それについて家族で話す機会がふえた 3 これまで口を閉ざしていた体験者が語るようになった 4 話をしても公表を拒んでいた体験者が 掲載を了解するようになった 5 子や孫の世代が戦跡 資料館に関心を持つようになった 6 行政が 戦跡含めた歴史 文化財めぐりのガイド養成講座を開くようになった 7 調査に携わった若い世代が 地域の戦跡地ガイドに積極的に関わるようになった こうしてあげてみると 地域史の 戦争編 は 沖縄戦の全体像を立体的に見つ め直す契機となり そして体験の継承にも一定の役割を果たせたのではないかと 思っています 아라카키야스코 / 37
38 上記について私はこのように考えています 1は戦争の記憶を 物 に語らせるということですが しかしそのためにはその資料が何を物語っているのかわかりません 背景を知る必要があります 戦前のものだから というだけでは 資料を活用することができないのです 2と3は 聞いてくれる人がいることで体験者が語り始めたのです 戦争体験を後世に語り継ぐことの意義がここにあるような気がします 5は子や孫が追体験をすることですが さらに一歩進めて資料館などを訪れ戦争の全体像に近づくことができれば 体験者の痛みや戦争に対する怒りの共有につながるはずです ともかく可能な限り体験者と同じ場所に立ってみることです 6は 行政はとかく観光優先のガイド育成に重きをおいているようで少し気になりますが 歴史編集室のスタッフの舵取りに期待するしかありません あるガイドは 文化財めぐりの場合でも必ず戦争の話を盛り込むようにしている と話していました 7は 平和教育の担い手を育てるのに大事なことと思われます さて4について 私が聞き取りした当時 80 代のある老夫婦の体験を紹介します この老夫婦は疎開先の宮崎で生後 1 年の幼い娘を亡くしました 夫は疎開の対象外だったが 身重の妻の引率で許されその後すぐに戻るつもりだったといいます 話すのはだいたい夫の方でした 疎開先では食糧の配給も満足になく 生まれた娘に飲ませる母乳もあまり出ない 疎開先の寒さの中で娘は病気がもとで亡くなってしまう 1946 年の秋 夫婦は娘の遺骨を抱いて郷里に引き揚げた 仮小屋での生活であったが 生きるのにみな必死であった そのころ戸籍の再編がはじまり それぞれが役場に申請する 死んだ娘にも名前がつけてあったから申請したかったが 手数料がかかるというのでやめた しかし娘のことを忘れたことはない 位牌も作ったし 法事もきちんとやっている 戦後生まれの子どもたちにもいつも話して聞かせている 娘はたしかに生まれたが戸籍になければいつか忘れられてしまう 私たちが生きている間に戸籍に復活させたいが 妻は 今さら登録しても周囲の人に援護金目当て と誤解されるのではないかと言って反対している 疎開先で死んだ子に援護金が出るかどうか そんな金はどうでもいい ただ娘がたった1 年でもこの世に存在した証を残したいだけだ 親がやらなければ誰ができるだろう 戦後生きていくために戸籍登録費さえも惜しんだ人がいた 戦後の貧しい時代のことをこんなふうに聞いたのははじめてで この事実に私は少なからず衝撃を覚えました 38 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
39 ある日 私はその夫から あなたからも妻に話してくれないか と言われました 私は別の調査で聞いた同じ例をいくつか話してあげました 妻の方は黙ってただうなずくばかりです 幼い娘を亡くした母親の心情として 思い出すのはつらかったに違いありません それから1 年ぐらいたって老夫婦を訪ねると 妻も同意してくれてやっと娘の戸籍登録ができた あなたが疎開の話を聞いてくれたおかげで決心がついたよ と嬉しそうに話していました 3. 平和教育の諸問題 今年の夏 沖縄の海は相変わらず大勢の観光客で賑わっていました 観光客の行動パターンをみると 昼は海でスキューバーダイビングを楽しみ 夜になるとビーチスタイルで繁華街に繰り出し ディスコで踊ったり泡盛を飲んだりしているのが多いようです 海洋博公園に向かう時は必ず普天間基地や嘉手納基地の側を通ります 彼らには車中から金網が続く風景を見て何かを感じることがあるでしょうか 7 月 2 日付け 沖縄タイムス 紙面に 資料館入館者が低迷 と こんな記事が載っていました 沖縄県立平和祈念資料館 と ひめゆり平和祈念資料館 どちらも観光客が訪れる所ですが ともに年々入館者の落ち込みが続いているということです ひめゆりは何度も映画化されていますから 全国的に知られた所です 2000 年から年間 80 万人以上の入館者を維持してきたが 2010 年から3 年連続で60 万人台に減っているとのことです 一方の県平和資料館はどうかというと 06 年の44 万 9730 人から 12 年度は36 万人に減少しているという この落ち込みぶりに両館とも危機感を募らせていると報じています 二つの資料館を訪れるのは 観光客や本土の修学旅行生だけなのだろうか 県内の人の数はどうなっているか よく分かりません 近くの友人たちに聞いても 行ったことがないという答えが返ってきます 私の住む南城市からは車で30 分圏内です 以前は 女性団体や青少年たちを対象にした活動の中で歴史散歩や戦跡地めぐりを行い 資料館もそのコースに入っていました しかしそれは 戦争編 を刊行したあとの勉強会の一環でした 本が出て数年たつとすっかり忘れられているかのようです 私自身 遠く住む友人たちが久しぶりに南部にきたとき ドライブを兼ねて良く案内していましたが最近は怠っています 아라카키야스코 / 39
40 ひめゆりの方には昨年度 県内の学校関係入館者が1 万 9072 人と報告されています この数字は学校生徒入館者全体の34% で 県外生徒の66% の半数です 修学旅行が校外学習の一環でその中に平和学習が含まれているとすれば 県外の学校にできて なぜ沖縄の学校ができないというのか 私には不思議です 県外の修学旅行生たちは沖縄の歴史 ( 特に現代史 ) を事前学習してから来るようで 結構みな熱心に質問したりメモを取ったりしています 教師もきっと熱心なのでしょう では沖縄の学校はどうなのか その件で退職教員の友人に聞いてみると 沖縄戦をあまり知らない若い教員がふえているとか 現場の教師は忙しすぎて平和学習に取り組む余裕がないとかいろいろ並べていましたが それでは答えになっていません 教育委員会事務方と現場の教師が同じテーブルついて話し合う必要があるようです 若い教師が沖縄戦を知らない というのは深刻な問題です 小 中 高と沖縄で学んで 慰霊の日 の特設授業もあったはずなのに 何にも残っていないのでしょうか 沖縄では 6 23いわゆる 慰霊の日 で 県の官公庁は休日になっています この慰霊の日が休日に制定されたのは1961 年で 最初は6 月 22 日となっていました 23 日に改正されたのは1965 年 その日は 沖縄の第 32 軍最高司令官牛島満が洞窟で自決した日とされています 私が中学生の時にはもう休日になっていたわけですが 慰霊の日に関する当時の記憶は全くありません 本も殉国美談調のひめゆり関係ものばかりで そのころ戦争について語る教師は殆どいません 私たちの関心事はもっぱら 米軍基地返還 日本復帰 に向いていました 社会科教師や新聞部サークルの仲間でデモにもよく行きました 学校によって違いますが 休みに入る前に学校では特設授業を組んでいるようです 私が地域史の仕事をしていた時は だいたい1 2か月前から担当の教師が 語り部 を紹介して欲しいと相談にきました 全校生徒を体育館に集め 私たちのムラのお年寄りから 戦争体験を聞こう というわけです 学校図書館には市町村史の戦争編が配布されていますから 意識の高い教師はきちんとそれに目を通しています そういう教師とは話もスムーズに運びますが 中には戦争体験者であれば誰でもいいような口ぶりの教師もいたのです 学校などに語り部の体験者を紹介した時は 必ず私も同行していました かつて教師をしていたとか地域の女性のリーダーなどの体験者ならともかく ごく普通のお年寄りは人前で話すことに慣れていません 話してもらう時は私も一緒に舞台に 40 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
41 並び 体験者の話の前後に少し解説を加えます 例えば 女子青年として徴用された経験を持つ人の話をより理解するために 女子青年がどのように戦争協力をさせられていったのか 沖縄戦の経過なども知らなければならないと思うからです また私は 地域史で戦争記録編集の仕事に携わってきた者として 学校の教師たちとともに学ぶ機会を持ちたいと教育委員会を通して申し入れたことがありますが 時間が取れないなどの理由であっさり断られました 戦後 68 年ですから 戦争体験者の高齢化が進み 直接話をしていただける方も少なくなりました そのたびに 戦争体験の風化 という言葉で平和学習を危惧する声が出てくるのはなぜでしょうか 体験者がいなくなれば戦争は語れないとでもいうのでしょうか たしかに実際に戦場を逃げまどった体験者の話は 平和教育においても大変重要な意味を持つと思われます でも私は大いに疑問を感じています 以前 作家の下嶋哲朗の提唱で 元ひめゆり学徒隊員の方々と戦争体験のない若者たちとの交流を通して戦争を 追体験 し記憶を受け継ぐ というプロジェクトができました それは 虹の会 といい 1 年間かけて元学徒たちから話を聞き 質問し 足跡をたどりながら学んだようです 報告書を読むと 彼らの真剣さがよくわかり 頼もしい限りです 私は 地域史で戦争記録の編集にあたった人たちも そういう役割を担ってもらいたいと思っています 私たちはたくさんの体験者から話を聞いてきました 本 ( 戦争体験記録 ) に書いたからこれで終わりではなく 追体験の語り部にならなければいけないような気がしています 戦争はなぜ起きるのか そのメカニズムをともに考えるのです 参考文献 沖縄平和ネットワーク 新歩く 見る 考える沖縄 沖縄時事出版 2008 年第 7 刷宜野湾市がじゅまる会 戦禍と飢え 1979 年虹の会 終わりないうた 元ひめゆり学徒と虹の会のあゆみ 2006 年屋良朝博 誤解だらけの沖縄 米軍基地 旬報社 2012 年, 아라카키야스코 / 41
42 Succession of the Battle of Okinawa and Task on Peace Education - based on the experience of participation on editing War Record of regional government - Arakaki Yasko (A student of Women s Studies) 1. Rage of Okinawa people There is a dialect, waji-waji, in Okinawa language, and it is what people say when they are very angry. Recently, waji-waji feeling of Okinawa people is at an all-time high. For an example, there is a problem of Osprey (MV22), a new type of air carrier, which was enforced for disposition at Marine Corps Air Station Futenma. In Okinawa, people have hosted People s Rally for opposing Osprey, a bipartisan protest meeting, on September last year, while the parliament passed a resolution against the agenda to demand for the withdrawal of disposition strongly. However, in spite of such efforts, the government is continuously ignoring the voice of Okinawa. It is such an upsetting phenomenon that 24 Ospreys are making noise and flying over the residential areas by day and by night as if it were their home. In addition to Marine Corps Air Station Futenma, the construction of new Henoko base is another problem. Early return of Futenma is what the local people and the residents of Okinawa wish. However, to be honest, an alternative idea of Henoko sea, agreed by USA Japan is not convincing. When the Democratic Party came to power in 2009, people of Okinawa had so much expectation regarding the remarks of moving Marine Corps Air Station Futenma to elsewhere of Prime Minister Hatoyama, in addition to the plan of moving to 42 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
43 Guam, suggested by a Congressman elected in Okinawa. I remember that the candidate was Tokunoshima, south of Kagoshima. However, people of Tokunoshima began the movement of against the remark, and this remark of moving the base out of Okinawa was gone to nowhere as Prime Minister Hatoyama resigned. Looking at the government is responsive to the opposition of the mainland, when it never listens to the voice of Okinawa; I get to think that Okinawa is simply a colony of Japan. The topic of my presentation is Succession of the Battle of Okinawa and Task on Peace Education. First, related to my topic, I will have to make a point on this waji-waji problem, which makes people really angry. It was the article with three column titles [Local officer of education of Ishigaki city, Harmful effect of highlighting woe of the war, and A criticism on current peace education, being a stop of nature of though ] on the 1 st page of Ryukyu newspaper on September 20 th. This title was an answer of the local officer of education to the question of the city council on the desirable course of peace education of Okinawa. The details of the remark were also publicized on paper. It was little long but, the following is the summary of the remark. When carrying peace education forward, we refer to the map guidebook, published by district council of Okinawa Board of Education. The guidebook puts an emphasis on arranging the local history into the textbook properly regarding the history of Okinawa and on teaching the preciousness of peace. But, how are our kids feeling? This is what I have specifically experienced on field. In 1996, a student wrote his thoughts after he watched the exhibition on the remains/articles from the war at Urasoe High School. He wrote, Okinawa is the only region of Japan where the residents were brought to war, so the schools are focusing on peace education from the elementary school. However, the content is so simple that it is trying to implant fear of the war rather than to emphasize peace education. It wouldn t be a big matter for lower graders of the elementary school. But, as the students grow older, their level of understanding becomes different as well. By looking at the photos 아라카키야스코 / 43
44 or works related to the war, the students get more used to the fear. What we can assume from this writing of the student is that peace education of Okinawa is emphasizing the woe and misery of the war. Such education could possibly bring in the harmful effect of a stop of nature of thought, derived from the hatred feeling towards the war. The world history teaches that the war stealthily approaches when the reality claims peace. Therefore, learning information gathering ability, thinking skills, judgment, and acting power should become a goal for practice in a viewpoint of how we could maintain and defend peace. That would lead to the energy to live; that is the power of learning, thinking, and acting for oneself, as Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Ministry advocates. Regarding this remark of the local officer of education, the editorial of Ryukyu newspaper makes some points with strong tone of argument: The starting point of Okinawa peace education is to deliver how the war is miserable and silly. His remark is an insult to the people who are handing down the experiences of the Battle of Okinawa, and to the people who actually experienced the war in the whole country. It seems that there is a common political idea related to the Yaeyama textbook matter in the background. It is not forgivable to involve political viewpoint into peace education. Citizens and researchers, introduced in the general news page of this newspaper are fiercely disputing as well. Isihara Masaie, an honorary professor of Okinawa International University, claims that the remark is clearly premised on the war and on the idea to convert peace education to national defense education. He also points out that it is important to teach the children about the hatred feeling towards the war. Former officer of education of Ishigaki also claims that it might seem that emphasis on misery and woe might look bad but it is important to understand this misery and woe thoroughly because it is Okinawa. He even adds that it is not enough even now. On August 2011, there occurred a problem of civic textbook for middle school in three districts (Ishigaki, Taketomicho, and Yonagunicho) of Yaeyama. It 44 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
45 seemed that the textbook should be selected upon agreement of the council, composed with the members of the Board of Education. However, the officer of education of Ishigaki, who was also the president of the national council, compulsively made a response of selecting the textbook, published by Ikuho, and a board of education of Yonagunicho followed this decision. Eventually, among the council of three districts, a board of education of Taketomicho rejected the textbook published by Ikuho, and instead, selected the textbook by Tokyo Books. As a result, Taketomicho was excluded from the free distribution of textbook of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Ministry, but it seems that the city is distributing the textbook with the contribution from the supporters all across the country. On October 1 st, Ryukyu newspaper reported that Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Ministry sent a document of requirement for correction/rectification 1) regarding the selection of textbook of Taketomicho. It was one same officer of education who selected the textbook and made the remark on the matter of peace education. Of course there are people who support him. There is a local civic group who demands for his resignation and some people are submitting criticisms regarding this remark on newspaper. However, this officer does not budge an inch backward though he is the reason of this disturbance. In fact, I have talked to the students at his request. I remember that it was the day of commemoration of all the faithful departed in 1955, when I was working at Urasoe High School. At that time I was working on local history editing assignment at Sasikicho Board of Education as I used to do in Urasoe Board of Education, where I had worked for 15 years. He knew that I was 아라카키야스코 / 45
46 responsible for editing Document of war experience, Book 5, of Urasoe city and came over to Sasikicho with students for counseling. I was involved in the matter of orphans remaining in Philippines as well with my personal interest, so I provided military payment certificate of Japan, used in Philippines during Japanese occupation, in order to discuss about the war against Philippines. There were not that many students as it seemed to be the club activity, but they were very serious when listening to me. I thought that he was a teacher who was passionate about peace education. The next time I encountered his name was in the newspaper regarding Yaeyama textbook issue of 2 years ago. At that time, I thought that it might be someone else, but I was confirmed that it was him, from this remark on peace education. What kind of material brought the student, who wrote the report, the inveterate fear? How did the teacher instruct this student? Did the nature of thought stop for the teacher as it was for the student? Can a person simply change one s thought or belief? 2. Record of war experience of residents, led by regional history It was Ryukyu government, who first published the record of The Battle of Okinawa of civic level among all administrative bodies, before returning to Japan. Overall history of The Battle of Okinawa, Book 8, of Okinawa History and Record of The Battle of Okinawa, Book 9, of Okinawa History are the ones published in Sichoson, a regional publication of Naha city, published a booklet called Book 1 on the record of war experience of residents and the next one called Book 2 on the record of war experience of residents. Accordingly, Naha city was able to appeal the basic attitude on the record of war experience. It was year 1978 when Sichoson-sa began in full scale in Okinawa. Managers from Urasoe, Okinawa, and Ginowan, who just founded editorial desk, in addition to Naha who already began the process, gathered together and formed Liason Council for Okinawa regional history. Looking into the objective of its 46 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
47 foundation, Sichoson and Aja seemed to be working on gathering regional history at this point of time. Upon the foundation, what commonly realized and discussed were the following: to be able to secure editorial board and executive office system, to be scientific, to narrate in the point of view of the citizens, and to come up with faithful appendix. Record of the Battle of Okinawa was a very important task of Sichoson-sa among all appendixes. Before the administration made any movement, civil groups of Ginowan independently went through the research process and published the result in a book called War damage and starvation- War experience collection by citizens of Ginowan (1979). This kind of civil movement certainly stimulated the administration. Urasoe city, where I was employed as a part-timer, had a publication plan for one overall history book and seven appendixes. Urasoe office had a system of one full-time employee, and three part-time employees for compilation. One part-timer was supposed to work on three books, so I was first responsible for war edition. In the war edition, as a result of the discussion of special conference, it is decided to record the damages of each family by using total research method, aside from the personal testimony records. Urasoe is where the offensive and defensive battles between USA and Japan continued for a month. This research is to figure out the real damage condition, including the family at the time, family who evacuated to abroad or out of the town, number of military including the defense corps, number of people killed in the battlefield, condition of the houses and site of living, forced usage of houses by Japanese military, and livestock condition, after restoring a map with total of 18 villages at the time of the Battle of Okinawa. However, Urasoe is a place which was heavily influenced by rapid urbanization before and after the war. It was extremely difficult task to fill in the questionnaires of each family by calling in the elderly and people who experienced the war, and to insert air-raid shelters of the residents and army. If the students from the research society of the University did not cooperate for this research, this research could not be completed. This way of fact-finding of war damage is called Urasoe method and is used in Sichoson-sa and Aja-sa research which followed next. Now, Haebarucho-sa, 아라카키야스코 / 47
48 Nishiharacho-sa, and Yomitanson-sa are achieving great results with more specific researches than that of Urasoe city. For Haebarucho-sa, digest version was published for each of all 12 Ajawa towns. This version put a lot of efforts in editing, in addition to the contents of research. The title Battle of Okinawa, told by Arakawa was given while considering the name of Aja, Arakawa. Next, let s think about the effect of publication of War edition to the local society and younger generation. 1 During the research process, a lot of references were collected. This collection includes articles left by the deceased, temporary draft notice (akagami), statement of clothes during the wartime, receivables collected during the wartime, school supplies such as textbooks and notebooks for elementary school, letters, and photos of departing soldiers and families, youth training center, and drafted places. All the references provided to the editorial office are publicly exhibited with the permission. 2 There are more opportunities to listen to the war experiences of the grandparents, parents, brothers and sisters, and to talk about what they heard. 3 People with experiences, who remained silent, began to talk. 4 People with experiences, who talked but did not allow their stories to be announced, allowed publication. 5 Generations of children and grandchildren began to pay attention to the previous battlefields and museums. 6 The administrative agency opened up the guide training courses for visiting historical and cultural assets, including the previous battlefields. 7 Younger generation, who were involved in the research, became active guides for previous battlefields of the region. By making the list above, War edition of local history served as a momentum to look back into the overall history of the Battle of Okinawa, and it seemed to play a partial role in succession of experience. Regarding the above points, I came up with some ideas as well. 1 is to make 48 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
49 object to tell the memories of the war. However, simple existence of object would not lead to understanding. We need to be aware of the background. Claiming that it is an object for the exhibition would not be enough for good use of this reference. 2 and 3 could begin because there were audiences who listened to the speaker with experiences. I believe this is the significance to let the future generation learn about the experiences of the war. 5 is to let the children or grandchildren go through the reenacted experience. Further step would be to let them visit the museum and take a close look at the overall view of the war. Then they will be able to share the pain of the people from the war in addition to the anger about the war. It is important to let them take a look at the overall view in the same place as the people who actually experience the era. 6 brings in some concern because the administration seem to focus more on raising guides for the tourism, but we will have to look forward for the capability of the staffs of history editorial office. Some guides claim that they are trying their best to include the stories of the war even though they are simply visiting cultural assets. For 7, it is important to raise and teach the next generation well so that they will be leading the future of peace education. Now, regarding 4, I would like to introduce the experience of old husband and wife in their 80s, who lived in the area I visited for oral research. They got to lose their young daughter, who was only one-year-old, in Miyajaki, one of the places of refuge. Husband was not a subject for evacuation, but he had to guide his pregnant wife, so he was planning to go to the place of refuge and return soon. This story was mostly told by husband. In the place of refuge, there was not sufficient amount of food so my wife could not breastfeed daughter with her milk. Due to the cold weather of the place of refuge, our daughter got sick and died. In the fall of 1946, we came back home with the remains of our daughter. We began to live in temporary hut, but we were desperate. Reorganization of family register began at the moment, so we went to the government office for registration. We wanted to register our daughter s name as 아라카키야스코 / 49
50 well, but we gave up since it required fee. However, we never forget our daughter. We made a memorial tablet for her and continued to hold a memorial service with all their hearts. We have told about this daughter to our other children who were born before and after. Our daughter was definitely born to this world, but without family register, she will be forgotten one day. We wish we could add her to our family register while we are alive, but my wife disagrees because other people will misunderstand that we are aiming for a relief fund. We are not interested in this relief fund for our child, dead in the place of refuge. We just want to make a mark that our daughter existed in this world, though it was only for a year. Who would do this other than her own parents? There are people who had to save this family registration fee in order to survive after the war. It was quite shocking to me as it was the first time for me to listen to the life of poverty of the ear after the war. One day, this grandfather asked me to talk to his wife about this issue. I told grandmother about similar cases that I heard while working on other researches. She said nothing but just nodded. It must have been very hard for a mother to remember what she buried in her heart. After a year, when I visited them back, grandfather was very glad to tell me that his wife agreed to have their daughter s name entered in their family register and that my stories helped her in making decision. 3. Many dilemmas of peace education Beaches of Okinawa were crowded with tourists this summer as well. The behavioral pattern of these tourists shows that they enjoy scuba-diving at the sea during the daytime while going out to the beach-style downtown for disco and drinking awamori (special spirit of Okinawa) during the night time. When they go to the Marine Expo Park, they have to pass by Marine Corps Air Station Futenma and Kadena Air Base. Would they feel something when they look at 50 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
51 the view with never-ending barbed wire entanglement? Okinawa Times printed an article with the title of Decrease in the number visitors for Reference Center on July 2 nd. Both Okinawa Peace Memorial Museum and Himeyuri Peace Memorial Museum are famous tourist spots. However, both of them continue to show the decrease in the number of visitors every year. Himeyuri is a widely known tourist spot as it appeared in many movies. There have been more than 800,000 visitors every year since 2000, but there have only been about 600,000 visitors for three years in a row, from Peace Museum also had 449,730 visitors in 2006 but the number deceased to 360,000 in It is reported that because of this decreasing trend, both museums encounter the sense of crisis. So, are there only visitors or groups on school trips who visit these two museums? I am not sure with the number of residents who visit there. I once asked some of friends, who live nearby, a question. My question was, whether they have visited there or not, and their answers came out to be no. It takes 30 minutes by a car from where I live, Nanjo city. Previously, the activities for women s organizations or teenagers came out with the programs, which included a historical walk or a visit to the previous battlefields. Back then, these museums were a part of the course. However, it was a part of study group after publishing War edition. Now it seems to be completely forgotten after few years of the publication of the book. I used to take my friends, who live far away, to there often, but I have to admit that I have been lazy recently as well. It is reported that 19,072 students of Okinawa who have visited Himeyuri last year. This is only 34% of the student visitors, and is half of the students who come from out of Okinawa (approximately 66%). A school trip is a part of extracurricular education, and once it is claimed that peace education is included in this extracurricular education, I wonder why it is possible for schools out of Okinawa while it is impossible for schools in Okinawa. Students from out of Okinawa seem to study about the history of Okinawa (especially the modern history), because they ask questions and write memos when they listen to the 아라카키야스코 / 51
52 answers. Such attitudes are same for the teachers as well. Then, how about the schools in Okinawa? I asked a friend who retired from school, and the answer was that there are more young teachers who do not know well about the Battle of Okinawa. He added many reasons that the teachers in the field are too busy to take a close look at peace education, but it is certainly not a clear answer. It is an issue to be discussed together among office staffs of the Board of Education and the teachers in the field. It is a serious problem that young teachers do not know about the Battle of Okinawa. Most of them might have gone to schools in Okinawa, and there must have been the special classes for the day of commemoration of all the faithful departed. Does it mean that they don t remember any of what they learned? The day of commemoration of all the faithful departed, July 23 rd, is holiday for every government office in Okinawa. This holiday was established in 1961, and the initial date was July 22 nd. It was revised to July 23 rd in This is the day Ujisima Mitsuru, the supreme commander of Okinawa unit 32, committed suicide in the cave. The day became holiday since I was a middle school student, but I have no memory regarding the day of commemoration of all the faithful departed. The book mostly contained all the impressive stories about Himeyuri for all the sacrifices, and there was almost no teacher who discussed about the war. Our only interest was restitution of USA base and return back to Japan. I went out for the protest with the teachers of Social Affairs division and friends from newspaper club. There are some differences among schools, but it seems that each school is holding a special class before the vacation. When I used to work for local history, the teachers who were responsible for these classes came for consultation and asked me to introduce Gataribe, professional storyteller. The objective was to gather every student in a gym and to listen to the senior of our village about the war experience. War edition of Sichoson publication is distributed to school libraries, so the teachers with higher level of consciousness usually read it. It is a pleasure to talk to such teachers, but there also are some teachers who do not really care who the speaker is unless he or she is a person who experienced the war. 52 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
53 When I introduced a speaker, who experienced the war and is to tell the story to the school, I accompanied her for sure. If the speakers were teachers or had experiences of speaking in front of people, they usually are fine, but most of these seniors are not used to speak in front of people. That is why I accompany them on stage, and give additional details before and after their stories. For an example, in order to have better understanding on the stories of being drafted as a young woman, I believe that the listeners or audiences should understand how young women had to cooperate for the war and what happened during the Battle of Okinawa. Also, as a person who participated in editing war record for local history, I requested the Board of Education for an opportunity to study with school teachers, but it was simply rejected because they are too busy to arrange time. After 68 years from the war, there are not many people with war experiences who are able to speak out directly since they are growing old. Each time, I hear people worrying about peace education by claiming the weathering of war experience, and why do they say so? Do they wish to tell that the war is not a topic for discussion once all the survivors are gone? I believe that the stories of these survivors who escaped from the battlefield have significant meaning in peace education. However, I feel a huge doubt as well. One time, a writer, Simojima Dethro, advocated forming a project of succeeding memories by reenacted experience of war through exchanges between former student soldiers of Himeyuri and young people with no war experience. The project was called Ranbow association and it was a great opportunity to learn the traces by listening and asking questions to these student soldiers for a year. I could see how much they were serious and earnest for this project when I read the report, and felt very proud. I wish that all the people, who participated in editing record of war for local history, to take such role as well. We have heard from so many people with experiences. Our responsibility does not end as we recorded their experiences in the book. We should become the people who pass this reenacted experience down. Why does the war outbreak? We would like to think about the mechanism. 아라카키야스코 / 53
54 <<References>> Okinawa Peace Network New Okinawa for walking, watching, and thinking, published by Okinawa Public Publication, 2008, 7 th edition Gajumaru association of Ginowan city War damage and starvation, 1979 Niji association Never ending song Traces of a student from Himeyuri and Niji association, 2006 Yara Tomohiro Okinawa US base, full of misunderstanding, 2012 Requirement for correction/rectification is the system of requesting for correction by the country, if the performance of affairs of local government shows ordinance violence or is clearly acknowledged to harm public interest. This is regulated by the Local Government Act. Local government is obligated to take legal action for corrective action, but there is no penalty if the action is not taken place. The minister can ask for Requirement for correction/rectification to the Board of Education, but it is only restricted to the case that the students are infringed with the opportunity to get education. (cited from Ryukyu newspaper, October 1 st, 2013) 54 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
55 오키나와전의계승과평화교육의과제 - 자치단체의 전쟁기록 편집에참여했던체험을바탕으로 - 아라카키야스코 ( 여성연구가 ) 1. 오키나와현민의분노 오키나와방언에 와지와지 라는말이있습니다. 이것은매우화가났을때하는말입니다. 최근일본정부에대해많은오키나와현민의와지와지감정이최고조에달했다고볼수있습니다. 예를들면, 후텐마비행장에강행배치된신형수송기오스프레이 (MV22) 문제가있습니다. 오키나와에서는작년 9월초당파항의집회 오스프레이반대현민대회 를개최했고또, 현의회에서도반대결의를하는등배치철회를강력히요구해왔습니다. 그러나이러한노력에도불구하고정부는오키나와의목소리를계속무시하고있습니다. 총 24대의오스프레이는밤낮을가리지않고소음을내며주택가상공을자기집드나들듯비행하고있어정말화가납니다. 후텐마비행장과헤노코신기지건설문제도마찬가지입니다. 후텐마조기반환은지역주민뿐만아니라현민전체가바라는일입니다. 하지만솔직히말해, 미 일이합의했다는헤노코해역이라는대체안도납득할수없습니다. 2009년민주당이집권했을때오키나와현민은하토야마수상의 후텐마기지현외이전 발언과오키나와선출국회의원의괌이전안에다소기대를했습니다. 가고시마현남쪽에있는토쿠노시마 ( 徳之島 ) 가후보지로거론되었던것으로기억합니다. 하지만, 토쿠노시마에서도반대운동이일어났고, 그후하토야마수상의사임으로현외이전이야기는아예사라져버렸습니다. 본토의반대에는이처럼민감하게반응하면서도오키나와의목소리에는전혀귀를기울이지않는정부를보고있노라면, 오키나와는진정일본의식민지로밖에생각되지않습니다. 이번저의발표주제는 오키나와전의계승과평화교육의과제 입니다. 이와관련하여먼저, 정말분노하게만드는 ( 와지와지 ) 문제를짚고넘어가겠습니다. 아라카키야스코 / 55
56 그것은올해 9월 20일류큐신보 1면에게재된 이시카키 ( 石垣 ) 시교육장, 전쟁의비참함강조의폐해, 현행평화교육 사고 ( 思考 ) 정지 라고비판 이라는 3단제목이달린기사였습니다. 이제목은시의회의 오키나와평화교육의바람직한방향 에대한질문에대해교육장이답변한것으로지면에는발언내용도게재되었습니다. 조금길지만그내용을요약하면다음과같습니다. 평화교육을추진할때참고가되는것은오키나와현교육위원회구 ( 区 ) 위원회가발행하는지도안내서이다. 그내용을보면오키나와현역사와관련하여중시해야할것은향토의역사를교재로만들고, 평화의소중함을지도하는것이라고되어있다. 하지만, 아이들은어떻게느끼고있을까? 실제로내가현장에서겪은구체적예다. 1996년우라소에 ( 浦添 ) 고등학교에서전쟁유품전시회를본한학생은, 오키나와는일본에서유일하게주민들을끌어들여전쟁을했던지역이기에학교에서는초등학교부터평화교육에주력하고있다. 그러나그내용은단순하여평화교육이라기보다전쟁에대한공포심을심어주는것처럼느껴진다. 초등학교저학년까지라면상관없을것이다. 하지만학년이올라갈수록학생들의이해력도달라진다. 전쟁에관한사진이나저작물을보는것만으로는공포감에오히려익숙해질뿐이다 라고소감을적고있다. 이소감에서짐작할수있는것은오키나와현의평화교육은전쟁의비참함을강조하는교육이되고있다는것이다. 이와같은교육은전쟁에대한혐오감에서파생하는사고회로의정지라는폐해를가져온다고할수있다. 현실사회에서평화가좋다고말한그순간전쟁은슬그머니다가온다는사실을세계역사가가르쳐주고있다. 그렇기때문에어떻게하면평화를유지할수있을까, 방어할수있을까? 라는관점에서정보수집력, 사고력, 판단력, 행동력체득을목표로삼아실천해야한다고생각한다. 그것은문부과학성이제창하는살아가는힘, 즉스스로배우고, 생각하고, 행동하는힘으로이어지는것이다. 교육장의발언에대해류큐신보사설은 오키나와평화교육의원점은전쟁이얼마나비참하고어리석은것인지를전달하는것이다. 그의발언은오키나와전체험을구전하고있는사람들에대한모독이며전국전쟁체험자에대한모독이기도하다. 발언의배경에는야에야마 ( 八重山 ) 교과서문제와관련된공통된정치적사상이엿보인다. 평화교육에정치적시점이개입되는것은용서할수없다 고강한논조로지적하고있습니다. 이신문사회면에소개된시민이나연구자들도 전쟁을전제로한생각이라는것을알수있다. 평화교육을국방교육으로바꾸려하고있다. 56 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
57 오히려아이들에게전쟁에대한혐오감을심어주어야한다 ( 이시하라마사이에石原昌家, 오키나와국제대학명예교수 ), 비참함을강조하는것이나쁜것같지만, 오키나와이기때문에더욱이비참함을제대로이해하지않으면안된다. 지금도충분하지않은것같다. ( 야에야마전쟁말라리아구전회, 전이시카키시교육장 ) 고성난목소리로반박하고있습니다. 2011년 8월야에야마 ( 八重山 ) 3지구 ( 이시카키시, 다케토미초, 요나구니초 ) 에서중학공민교과서문제가일어났습니다. 사용하는교과서는각교육위원들로구성된협의회가합의하여선정하도록되어있는것같습니다. 그런데, 동 ( 同 ) 협의회회장이기도했던이시카키 ( 石垣 ) 시교육장이강제적인방법으로이쿠호 ( 育鵬 ) 사출판교과서를선정하는답신을하여요나구니초교육위도이를따랐습니다. 결국세지구협의회가운데다케토미초교육위원회는이쿠호사출판교과서를거부, 도쿄서적출판교과서를선정했습니다. 그결과다케토미초는문부과학성의교과서무상배포조치에서제외되었습니다만, 전국각지의지원자들이보내준기부금으로교과서배포를하고있는것같습니다. 올 10월 1일류큐신보는문부과학성이다케토미초의교과서채택에대하여 시정요구 [1] 문서를보냈다고보도했습니다. 교과서채택이나평화교육문제발언이나모두동일인물인교육장이한일입니다. 물론그를지지하는사람도있습니다. 지역시민단체로부터사임을요구하는목소리도있고, 신문에는발언에대한비판적투고도여기저기보입니다. 이렇게세상을시끄럽게하면서도그는한발짝도물러서지않습니다. 사실저는 ( 그가우라소에고등학교에근무하고있을때, 아마 1995년 위령의날 로기억합니다 ) 그의부탁으로학생들과얘기를나눈적이있습니다. 당시저는 15년동안근무했던우라소에시교육위원회에서사시키초 ( 佐敷町 ) 교육위원회로옮겨우라소에에서처럼지역의역사편집관련일을하고있었습니다. 그는제가 우라소에시사제5권전쟁체험기록 편집을담당했던사실을알고학생들과함께사시키초까지상담하러찾아왔습니다. 저는개인적인관심으로 필리핀잔류고아문제 에도관여하고있었기때문에 필리핀전쟁에대해 얘기하려고일본군점령하의필리핀에서사용되었던일본의군표 ( 軍票 ) 를자료로제공했습니다. 동아리활동시간이었는지함께온학생들수는많지않았지만, 모두진지하게들어주었습니다. 저는그가평화교육에열심인선생님이라고생각했습니다. 다시그의이름을접한것은 2년전야에야마교과서문제에관한신문기사에서였습니다. 그때는다른사람일지도모른다고생각했었지만, 이번평화교육발언으로그때그선생님인것을확실히알게되었습니다. 감상문을쓴학생은대체어떤자료 아라카키야스코 / 57
58 를보고공포심이뿌리깊게박히게되었을까요? 그학생을선생님은어떻게지도한 것일까요? 학생과마찬가지로선생까지사고회로가정지해버렸던것일까요? 사람은 간단히자신의사상이나신념을바꿀수있을까요? 2. 지역사가주도해온시민의전쟁체험기록 행정기관중에시민레벨의오키나와전기록을최초로간행한것은일본복귀전의류큐정부였습니다. 1971년에출판된 오키나와현사제8권오키나와전통사 와 오키나와현사제 9 권오키나와전기록 1 이그것입니다. 지방사지인시초손 ( 市町村, 한국의시읍면 ) 사에서는같은해에나하시가 시민의전쟁체험기록제1집 소책자를간행하고, 다음해에 시민의전쟁체험기록제2집 을발행했습니다. 이에따라나하시는전쟁기록간행의기본자세를시민에게널리어필하게되었습니다. [1] 시정요구란, 지방자치단체등의사무처리에법령위반이있을경우, 뚜렷하게공익을해쳤다고인정된경우에국가가시정을요구하는제도로지방자치법에규정되어있다. 지자체측은개선조치를취할법적의무는있지만, 따르지않아도벌칙은없다. 문부과학장관이교육위원회에시정요구를할수있다고하지만, 학생들이교육을받을기회를침해하고있는사실이명백한경우로한정되어있다 (2013년 10월 1일류큐신보지면인용 ). 오키나와현내에서시초손사편찬사업이본격적으로시작된것은 1978년입니다. 이해에이미시작하고있던나하시외에신규로편집실을설립한우라소에시와오키나와시. 기노완 ( 宜野湾 ) 시등의담당자가모여 오키나와지역사연락협의회 를결성했습니다 ( 약칭오지협 ). 설립취지서를보면이시점에서 30을넘는시초손과아자 ( 字, 한국의동, 리 ) 에서지역사만들기를추진하고있었던것같습니다. 설립시에공통적인인식하에논의된것은편집위원회와사무국체제를확립하는일, 과학적일것, 시민의시점에서서술할것, 자료편을충실히만들것이었습니다. 자료편중에서특히시초손사의중요과제로삼은것은오키나와전기록입니다. 행정이움직이기전에기노완시시민단체가자주적으로조사하여그결과를 전화( 戦禍 ) 와굶주림-기노완시민이엮어낸전쟁체험 (1979년) 으로출판했습니다. 이러한시민의움직임이행정을크게자극했다고할수있습니다. 제가촉탁직으로채용되었던우라소에시는통사편 1권과자료편 7권의간행계획 58 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
59 을세웠습니다. 우라소에사무국체제는직원한명, 편집담당촉탁세명으로, 촉탁한명이세권을맡기로되어있어, 저는먼저전쟁편을담당하게되었습니다. 전쟁편에는전문부회에서논의를거듭한결과개인의증언기록과는별도로전체조사수법을이용하여각가구의피해상황을수록하기로확정하였습니다. 우라소에는미일공방전이약한달간계속된격전지입니다. 오키나와전당시전체 18개아자 ( 字, 부락 ) 의지도를복원, 당시의가족수, 이민이나현외로소개 ( 疎開 ) 되었던가족, 방위대를포함한병역수, 전사자수, 생활의터전이었던가옥상황, 일본군의가옥이용, 가축상황등, 말하자면전쟁피해실태조사입니다. 하지만우라소에는전후급격한도시화의영향을받은곳입니다. 부락의고령자와전쟁체험자를불러모아각가정의조사표를채우고, 주민의방공호와군의진지호를지도에기입하는이러한작업은너무나힘들었습니다. 대학의연구회학생들이이조사에협력해주지않았다면완성하지못했을것입니다. 이전쟁피해실태조사수법은 우라소에방식 이라불리며, 이어서추진된시초손사 ( 市町村史 ), 아자사 ( 字史 ) 조사에서도이방식을사용하게되었습니다. 지금은하에바루초 ( 南風原町 ) 사와니시하라초 ( 西原町 ) 사, 요미탄손 ( 読谷村 ) 사등이우라소에시사를뛰어넘는면밀한조사로성과를올리고있습니다. 하에바루초사의경우는아자별로한권씩, 전 12아자와초 ( 町 ) 전체의다이제스트판이나왔습니다. 조사내용은물론, 이를테면 아라카와( 新川 ) 가얘기하는오키나와전 과같이독자를의식해서아자명인아라카와를제목에넣는식으로편집에도신경을쓰는등의노력을하고있습니다. 다음으로 전쟁편 의간행이지역사회와젊은세대에미치는영향에대해생각해보겠습니다. 1 전체조사과정에서유품이나임시소집영장 ( 아카가미, 赤紙 ), 전시의류전표, 기타전시에모아둔채권, 국민학교교과서와공책등의학용품, 편지, 출정병사의전송과가족, 청년훈련소, 징용간곳의사진등, 많은자료들이수집되었다. 편집실에제공된자료는허락을받아공개전시하고있다. 2 조부모와양친, 형제자매의전쟁체험을듣고그에대해가족이얘기할기회가늘었다. 3 지금까지침묵하고있던체험자가말을하게되었다. 4 얘기는하지만공표하기를꺼렸던체험자가게재를허락하게되었다. 5 자녀와손자세대가전적, 자료관에관심을갖게되었다. 아라카키야스코 / 59
60 6 행정기관이전적을포함한역사, 문화재탐방가이드양성강좌를열게되었다. 7 조사에관여했던젊은세대가지역의전적지가이드로적극적으로활동하게되었다. 이렇게열거해보니지역사의 전쟁편 은오키나와전의전체상을입체적으로돌이켜보는계기가되었고, 그리고체험계승에도일정부분역할을수행했다고생각합니다. 위내용에대한제생각은이렇습니다. 1은전쟁의기억을 사물 이말하도록하는것입니다. 하지만그자체만으로는자료가무엇을말하려하는지이해할수없습니다. 우리들은배경을알고있어야합니다. 전시의물건이니까 라는것만으로는자료를활용할수가없습니다. 2와 3은들어줄사람이있어서체험자가얘기를시작한것입니다. 전쟁체험을후세에알려야하는의의가여기에있는것같습니다. 5는자식이나손자가추체험을하는것입니다. 그리고한걸음더나아가자료관등을방문하여전쟁의전체상을보게된다면, 체험자의아픔이나전쟁에대한분노의공유로이어질것입니다. 어찌되었든가능한한체험자와같은장소에서보는것입니다. 6은행정에서는관광우선의가이드육성에중점을두고있는것같아조금우려가되기도하지만, 역사편집실스탭들의역량에기대할수밖에없습니다. 어떤가이드는문화재탐방의경우에도반드시전쟁이야기를포함시키는노력을한다고합니다. 7은평화교육의미래를이끌어나갈차기주자육성이중요하다고생각합니다. 그럼여기서 4에대해, 내가구술조사를했던당시 80대의어느노부부의체험을소개하겠습니다. 이노부부는소개 ( 疎開 ) 지역이었던미야자키에서생후 1년된어린딸을잃게됩니다. 남편은소개대상이아니었지만임신한부인을인솔해야해서일단소개지에갔다가곧돌아올예정이었다고합니다. 얘기는주로할아버지가해주었습니다. 소개지에서는식량배급도부족하고태어난딸에게줄모유도잘나오지않았다. 소개지의추위속에서딸은병에걸려죽게된다. 1946년가을부부는딸의유골을안고서고향으로돌아왔다. 임시오두막집생활이었지만살기위해모두가필사적이었다. 그때마침호적의재편이시작되어각각관청에신청을한다. 죽은딸도이름이있었기에신청하고싶었지만, 수수료가든다는말에포기했다. 그러나딸을잊은적은없다. 위패도만들었고제사도정성을다해지내고있다. 전후에태어난자식들에게도늘딸의이야기를들려주고있다. 60 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
61 딸은이세상에나온게틀림없는데, 호적이없으면언젠가잊어버리게된다. 우리들이살아있는동안호적을살리고싶지만, 아내는 이제와서호적을올려도주위에서원호금을노려서 라고오해한다며반대하고있다. 소개지에서죽은자식에게원호금이나오든말든그런돈에는관심이없다. 다만딸이겨우 1년이긴해도이세상에존재했다는증거를남기고싶을뿐이다. 부모가하지않으면누가해줄것인가? 전후, 살아가기위해호적등록비조차도아껴야했던사람이있습니다. 전후의빈곤한시대의삶을이런식으로듣는것은처음이라서, 저는적잖이충격을받았습니다. 어느날그할아버지가제게 당신도우리집사람에게잘좀말해줬으면좋겠다 고얘기를했습니다. 저는다른조사과정에서들었던비슷한예를몇가지들려주었습니다. 할머니는아무말없이고개를끄덕일뿐이었습니다. 어린딸을잃은어머니의심정으로담아두었던기억을되살리는일은정말힘들었을것입니다. 그후 1년정도지나노부부를찾아갔더니 집사람이동의해서드디어딸을호적에올렸습니다. 당신이여러사례를들려준덕분에결심하게된것이지요 라며상기된목소리로기쁨을감추지못했습니다. 3. 평화교육의여러가지문제들 올여름도오키나와의바다는변함없이관광객으로넘쳐났습니다. 관광객의행동패턴을보면낮에는바다에서스쿠버다이빙을즐기고밤이되면비치스타일로번화가로몰려나가디스코를추거나아와모리 ( 泡盛, 오키나와특산소주 ) 를마시는경우가많은것같습니다. 해양엑스포공원에갈때는반드시후텐마기지나가데나기지옆을지나게됩니다. 그들은차창을통해철조망이계속이어진풍경을보면서느끼는감정이있을까요? 7월 2일자 오키나와타임스 지면에 자료관관람자수감소 라는제목으로다음과같은기사가실렸습니다. 오키나와현립평화기념자료관 과 히메유리평화기념자료관 두곳모두관광객이많이찾는곳입니다. 그런데두곳모두해마다관람자수감소가계속되고있다고합니다. 히메유리는여러번영화로만들어져전국적으로도잘알려진명소입니다. 2000년부터연간 80만명이상의관람자수를유지해왔지만, 2010년부터 3년연속 60만명수준으로줄고있다고합니다. 한편현립평화자료관은 2006년 44만 9,730명에서 아라카키야스코 / 61
62 2012년도에는 36만명으로감소했다고합니다. 이러한감소추세로두곳모두위기감을느끼고있다고보도하고있습니다. 두곳자료관을찾는것은관광객이나본토에서오는수학여행단체들뿐일까요? 현내주민수는어떤지잘모릅니다. 근처에사는친구들에게물어봐도간적이없다는대답을듣게됩니다. 제가사는난조 ( 南城 ) 시에서는차로 30분정도걸립니다. 예전에는여성단체나청소년들을대상으로한활동과정에역사산책이나전적지탐방프로그램을만들고, 자료관도코스에포함되어있었습니다. 하지만그것은 전쟁편 을간행한후의공부모임의일환이었습니다. 책이나오고수년이지나면서완전히잊힌듯합니다. 저자신또한멀리사는친구들이오랜만에왔을때드라이브를겸해서자주안내했었으나최근에는게을러졌습니다. 히메유리관람자는작년, 현내학교관계 19,072명으로보고되었습니다. 이숫자는학생관람자수전체의 34% 로, 현외학생66% 의반정도입니다. 수학여행이교외학습의일환이고, 그안에평화학습이포함되어있다고하면현외학교는가능하고왜오키나와의학교는불가능한지제게는수수께끼입니다. 현외의수학여행학생들은오키나와의역사 ( 특히현대사 ) 를사전에학습하고오는것인지, 아주열심히질문하고메모를합니다. 이러한자세는선생님들도마찬가지일겁니다. 그럼오키나와의학교는어떨까요? 궁금해서퇴직한친구에게물어봤더니오키나와전을잘모르는젊은선생님들이늘었다고합니다. 또현장에있는교사들은너무바빠서평화학습에신경쓸여유가없다는등여러가지이유들을나열했습니다만, 그것으로는명확한답변이되지는못합니다. 교육위원회사무직원과현장의교사가같은책상에앉아서논의해야할것같습니다. 젊은교사가오키나와전을모른다는것은심각한문제입니다. 대부분초중고를오키나와에서공부했고 위령의날 특별수업도틀림없이있었을텐데아무것도기억하지못한다는것인가요? 오키나와현에서 위령의날 로정한 6월 23일은현의모든관공서가휴일입니다. 이위령의날이휴일로제정된것은 1961년이며, 처음에는 6월 22일이었습니다 (23일로개정된것은 1965년 ). 이날은오키나와제32군최고사령관우시지마미쓰루 ( 牛島満 ) 가동굴에서자결한날입니다. 제가중학생일때부터휴일이었지만, 위령의날에관한당시의기억은전혀없습니다. 책도순국미담조의히메유리관련이야기가대부분이었고, 그당시전쟁에대해얘기하는교사는거의없었습니다. 우리들의관심은오로지 미군기지반환, 일본복귀 였습니다. 사회과선생님들과신문부동아리친구들과함께자주데모에참가했습니다. 62 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
63 학교별로차이는있지만방학을앞두고학교에서특별수업을하고있는것같습니다. 제가지역사관련일을하고있었을때에는대체적으로한두달전부터담당교사가이야기를전하는사람인 가타리베 를소개해달라고상담하러왔습니다. 전교생을체육관에모아 우리마을어른들로부터전쟁체험을듣자 는취지에서였습니다. 학교도서관에는시초손사의전쟁편이배포되어있었기때문에의식수준이높은교사는그책을읽었습니다. 그런교사와는얘기도잘통하지만, 가끔은전쟁체험자라면누구든상관없다는듯이얘기하는교사도있었습니다. 학교등에이야기를들려줄전쟁체험자를소개했을때는반드시저도동행했습니다. 과거교사였다거나지역의여성리더등의체험자는괜찮지만, 보통어른들은사람들앞에서얘기하는데익숙하지않습니다. 얘기할때는저도같이무대에올라가체험자의얘기앞뒤에약간의해설을덧붙입니다. 이를테면여성청년으로징용을갔던체험자의이야기를좀더이해하기위해서여성청년이어떻게전쟁에협력을해야했는지, 오키나와전의경과등도알아야한다고생각했기때문입니다. 또, 저는지역사에서전쟁기록편집일에참여했던사람으로서학교선생님들과함께공부할기회를만들고싶다고교육위원회를통해신청한적이있지만, 시간을낼수없다는이유로간단히거절당했습니다. 전후 68년이지난지금, 전쟁체험자들의고령화가가속화되어직접이야기를들려줄분도적어졌습니다. 그때마다 전쟁체험의풍화 라는말로평화학습을우려하는목소리가나오는것은어째서일까요? 체험자가없어지면전쟁은이야기할수없다고그렇게라도말하고싶은것일까요? 실제로전쟁터를도망쳐다녔던체험자의이야기는평화교육에있어서도매우중요한의미를가지고있다고생각합니다. 하지만저는커다란의문을느끼고있습니다. 이전에작가시모지마데쓰로 ( 下嶋哲朗 ) 의제창으로히메유리학도병이었던분들과전쟁체험이없는젊은이들과의교류를통해전쟁을 추체험 하여기억을계승한다는프로젝트를만들었습니다. 그것은 무지개회 라는프로젝트로, 1년간에걸쳐학도병체험자들의이야기를듣고질문하고발자취를더듬으면서배워나간것같습니다. 보고서를읽어보면그들의진지함을잘알수있어마음든든합니다. 저는지역사에서전쟁기록의편집에참여했던사람들도그러한역할을담담해주기를바랍니다. 우리들은많은체험자들의이야기를들었습니다. 책 ( 전쟁체험기록 ) 에기록했으니그것으로임무가끝난게아닙니다. 추체험을구전하는사람이되어야만할것같습니다. 전쟁은왜일어나는가? 그메커니즘을함께생각하는것입니다. 아라카키야스코 / 63
64 << 참고문헌 >> 오키나와평화네트워크 新걷고보고생각하는오키나와, 오키나와시사출판, 2008년제7쇄기노완시가쥬마루 ( 용과 ) 회 전화( 戦禍 ) 와굶주림, 1979년니지 ( 무지개 ) 회 끝이없는노래 히메유리출신학생과니지회의발자취, 2006년야라토모히로 오해투성이의오키나와 미군기지, 旬報社, 2012년 64 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
65 我们的过去史悼念方式与活动类型 以侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆为例 张元卿 南京大屠杀是侵华日军公然违反国际条约和人类基本道德准则, 于 1937 年 12 月至 年 1 月的六周内, 在当时的中国首都南京纵兵屠杀被俘中国士兵和南京平民, 制造了惨绝人寰的特大惨案 第二次世界大战后, 远东国际军事法庭和中国审判战犯军事法庭均对南京大屠杀进行了调查审判 其中, 南京审判战犯军事法庭经调查判定, 在南京大屠杀中, 日军集体屠杀有 28 案, 屠杀人数有 19 万人 ; 零散屠杀有 858 案, 死亡人数有 15 万人, 屠杀总人数达 30 多万 侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆 ( 以下简称 南京馆 ) 就是为了纪念侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞而建立的, 因此我们悼念的过去史就是侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞的遇难史 南京馆成立于 1985 年, 是在南京江东门当年侵华日军屠杀遗址和遇难同胞丛葬地建立的, 集文物征集 研究 展览 悼念为一体的专史纪念馆 在筹建之初我们就很重视纪念馆的悼念功能, 无论馆名和馆址的选定, 均突出 纪念型 和 遗址型 两大特色, 馆内大型浮雕的主题之一就是祭奠 下面从悼念方式 悼念活动类型和纪念理念三个方面来具体说明我们纪念这段历史的情况 一 悼念方式 南京馆的悼念对象是在南京大屠杀中遇难的 30 多万同胞 悼念他们, 是要表达我们 对无辜死去的生命的尊重, 更是要让后人记住他们遇难的历史 南京馆的悼念方式主 要有以下几种 : ( 一 ) 建立纪念碑 南京馆所在地立有 侵华日军南京大屠杀江东门遇难同胞纪念碑 在侵华日军集体屠 장웬칭 ( 張元卿 ) / 65
66 杀丛葬地如中山码头 燕子矶 草鞋峡等处, 南京馆共竖立了 17 块纪念碑 每块纪念 碑都简要明记载了发生在那里的屠杀历史 ( 二 ) 保护遗址 南京馆所在地是当年侵华日军屠杀 1 万多名中国军民的 万人坑 遗址 为了纪念历史, 警示后人, 南京馆对 万人坑 遗址实施了原址保护, 围绕遗址建立了史料陈列厅, 被发掘的遇难同胞遗骨被原地原貌地保存于陈列厅中 ( 三 ) 建造塑像 2002 年 12 月 13 日, 南京馆建成了长 40 米 宽 1.6 米的 历史证人的脚印 铜版路, 路中间竖立着两尊南京大屠杀幸存者代表倪翠萍 彭玉珍的铜雕像 在这条铜版路旁边还建有已故南京大屠杀史研究者张纯如的铜雕像 在和平公园里, 塑有 紫金花女孩 铜雕像 在墓地广场上, 还矗立着 母亲寻找儿子 的花岗岩石雕像 此外, 在展厅内还塑有曾救助中国人民的国际友人拉贝 ( 德 ) 马吉( 美 ) 魏特琳( 美 ) 的三尊人物雕像 ( 四 ) 建造遇难同胞名单墙 南京大屠杀遇难同胞除被日军毁尸灭迹外, 部分遗骨被集体掩埋, 遇难同胞后人无处凭吊 有鉴于此, 南京馆在馆内建立了遇难同胞名单墙, 上门镌刻着一万多名遇难者的姓名, 他们是 30 多万遇难者的代表 名单墙建成后, 每年清明都有遇难同胞后人前来拜祭, 因此名单墙又被民众称为 哭墙 ( 五 ) 设立祭场 南京馆的建筑群都是围绕纪念主题来建造的, 其中祭场是专门的祭奠场所 在这里, 面对着象征生命之火的长明灯, 人们可以通过献花圈 默哀等形式来寄托对遇难者 的哀思和反对战争 祈祷和平的信念 66 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
67 ( 六 ) 寻找幸存者 1984 年在南京馆筹备期间, 在南京市进行了南京大屠杀幸存者普查 从 1985 年至今, 南京馆一直在寻找幸存者, 希望这些历史的受难者能用自身经历丰富南京大屠杀的历史史实, 成为历史的证人, 迄今我馆已有 4000 多份证言资料 1994 年和 2001 年, 南京馆先后编辑出版了 侵华日军南京大屠杀幸存者证言集 和 侵华日军南京大屠杀幸存者证言 ( 七 ) 举办史实展览 除了在本馆举行侵华日军南京大屠杀史实展外, 南京馆还在国内外进行巡回展出 此外, 南京馆每年都会举办一些与侵华日军南京大屠杀相关的专题展览 今年南京馆先后举办了 南京大屠杀幸存者摄影展 由 鬼 变成人 抚顺战犯管理所改造战犯图片展 等展览 通过各种展览, 让更多的人了解侵华日军南京大屠杀史, 纪念在大屠杀中的遇难同胞 ( 八 ) 展开学术研讨 南京馆先后举办过 历史认知与东亚和平论坛 纪念东京审判 50 周年学术研讨会 等一系列学术会议, 常年征集有关侵华日军南京大屠杀的证物 证言, 每年都会召开研究侵华日军南京大屠杀史的专题研讨会 今年 12 月南京馆将召开 中日关系视角下的南京大屠杀史研究暨南京大屠杀史研究会 2013 年学术年会 ( 九 ) 出版文献史料与研究专著 与学术研讨同步进行的是文献史料与研究专著的出版, 现已出版各类研究书籍 100 多册 2007 年由南京馆主持编写的 南京大屠杀史研究与文献系列丛书, 已由南京出版社出版 30 集 明年, 由南京馆主持编写的中国国家十二五出版工程 南京大屠杀辞典 也将出版 장웬칭 ( 張元卿 ) / 67
68 ( 十 ) 举行公开集会 在七七事变纪念日 侵华日军南京大屠杀纪念日, 南京馆都会举行纪念活动, 同时也接待来自海内外各界人士的凭吊 在 1994 年之前南京馆的纪念活动还没有实现常态化 规范化, 自 1994 年 12 月 13 日首次举行 南京各界人士悼念侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞仪式 后, 南京馆将每年 12 月 13 日确定为固定的纪念日 纪念日, 用公开集会的形式来纪念南京大屠杀遇难同胞 2002 年 12 月 13 日, 这项活动更名为 悼念侵华日军南京大屠杀 30 万同胞遇难 65 周年仪式暨南京国际和平集会, 活动一直持续至今 ( 十一 ) 举办和平法会 2003 年南京毗卢寺僧人与日本京都妙心寺灵云院僧人 南京大屠杀遇难者遗属在南 京馆 遇难者名单墙 前, 举行了纪念南京大屠杀遇难者暨祈祷世界和平法会 此后南 京馆每年 12 月都会以和平法会这种宗教仪式来纪念遇难同胞, 同时祈祷世界和平 二 悼念活动类型 南京馆的悼念活动主要有以下几种 : ( 一 )12 13 系列纪念活动 从 1994 年起, 每年 12 月 13 日南京馆都会举行 南京各界人士悼念侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞仪式, 这个活动简称 纪念活动 该活动由江苏省政府和南京市政府领导主持, 南京馆负责具体承办, 南京市社会各界人士都会派代表参加, 现在参加这个活动的人数已由最初的近千人发展到 9000 余人 仪式内容也在逐年丰富 在 1994 年的纪念仪式上, 首次鸣放防空警报 放飞和平鸽 此后这两项内容成为每年的纪念仪式的固定内容 在 12 月 13 日, 每年还会举办其他一些相关的活动 1994 年举行了电影 南京大屠杀 开拍仪式 1995 年举行了 狂雪 诗碑揭幕仪式 1997 年举办了南京大屠杀幸存者公证书送达仪式 2000 年举行了星云法师捐赠旅美华人李自健创作的油画 屠 生 佛 南京大屠杀 仪式 从 2002 年开始纪念仪式增加了由南京市民代表宣读 南京和平宣言 这项内容 2004 年举行了原南京审判日本战犯法庭法官亲属南京大屠杀史见证会 2008 年江苏省演艺集团在本馆广场演唱 和平颂 南京话剧团在本 68 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
69 馆演出话剧 沦陷 2011 年在本馆和平公园举行了 1213 米长带 铭记历史与祈祷 和平万人签名 活动 ( 二 ) 烛光祭 活动 1994 年 12 月 13 日晚, 南京馆主办了千人烛光祭奠活动, 朱成山馆长致悼词 祭, 播音员李江红宣读作家徐志耕撰写的祭文, 在 安魂曲 中点燃了 3000 支蜡烛 2002 年 12 月 13 日晚, 南京馆在南京水西门大街举行了 烛光祭 大型巡游活动, 参加者约五万人 2007 年 12 月 13 日晚, 南京馆举行了 烛光祭 南京市青少年和平集会 活动, 有 2300 多人参加了此次活动 2012 年 12 月 12 日晚, 南京馆举行了 为南京大屠杀遇难者守灵仪式暨和平烛光祭, 将 烛光祭 纳入守灵活动 ( 三 ) 平安夜 守灵活动 从 2009 年开始, 每年 12 月 12 日晚上南京馆都会举行 为南京大屠杀遇难者守灵 平安夜 活动 2009 年 12 月 12 日晚, 在南京馆和平公园举行了放和平灯仪式, 香港实业家陈君实先生 南京大屠杀幸存夏淑琴女士及海内外和平友好人士一千人参加了此次活动 当晚在 万人坑 遗址内举行了 为南京大屠杀遇难者守灵 平安夜 活动 2012 年 12 月 12 日晚, 南京馆举行了 为南京大屠杀遇难者守灵仪式暨和平烛光祭, 将 烛光祭 纳入守灵活动, 并将守灵活动进一步仪式化 ( 四 ) 清明祭 活动 清明节是我们祭奠先人的传统节日, 每年清明节都有很多民间人士自发前来祭奠南京大屠杀遇难者 2000 年以后我馆开始在清明节组织一些专题纪念活动 2001 年清明节举办了 不屈的城墙 诗集首发式暨诗歌朗诵会 2005 年清明节举行了祭扫抗战先烈及南京大屠杀遇难同胞仪式, 同日还举行了题为 铭记历史教训, 开拓和平未来 的和平论坛活动 2008 年清明节举行了南京大屠杀幸存者及遇难者遗属祭拜遇难亲人仪式 2012 年清明节举行了南京大屠杀遇难者遗属 2012 清明祭 十余年来 清明祭 已成为我馆整个纪念活动的重要组成部分 ( 五 )8 15 和平集会 장웬칭 ( 張元卿 ) / 69
70 1995 年 8 月 15 日, 我馆举行了南京国际和平集会, 当晚日本东京广播公司在本馆向东京作国际卫星现场报道 此后在每年 8 15 抗战胜利日, 我们都会与日本友好团体一起举办南京国际和平集会 1997 年举办了中日两国学生 留下历史的见证 中日万名学生寻访南京大屠杀幸存者夏令营 开营仪式 2005 年日本铭心会第 20 次访中团 神户 南京心连心第 8 次访问团 长崎希望之翼第 5 次访华团成员与我馆共同举行了南京和平集会 2007 年朱成山馆长应日本亚洲和太平洋地区战争牺牲者铭心会邀请, 在馆内通过网络视频的形式参加对方举行的和平集合并发表讲话 ( 六 ) 世界和平法会 2003 年 12 月 13 日, 日本京都妙心寺灵云院和南京毗卢寺僧人 南京大屠杀遇难者遗属在馆内 遇难者名单墙 前, 举行了为南京大屠杀遇难者祈祷和世界和平法会 从 年开始, 南京馆每年都举行中日两国僧人祈祷和平法会 2005 年来自日本东本愿寺 西本愿寺 法光寺等寺庙的僧人以及广岛 反侵略 世友好 访华团等 40 多位日本友好人士, 中国栖霞寺 鸡鸣寺等寺庙的僧人和一千多名佛教信徒, 以及南京大屠杀幸存者代表参加了此次和平法会 2006 年来自日本东本愿寺的僧人和日本名古屋 两尊观音思考会 访华团等日本友好人士, 中国毗卢寺的僧人, 及南京大屠杀幸存者代表等参加了此次和平法会 我们的悼念活动体现为 四结合, 即以仪式性的悼念与专题性悼念相结合 宗教性悼念与民间性悼念相结合 艺术性悼念与研讨性悼念相结合 祭奠性悼念与祈福性悼念相结合 具体的悼念活动都是在 四结合 的原则指导下进行的 比如画展 话剧演出 音乐会都是艺术性悼念活动, 通过不同艺术的形式可以深化和丰富人们对侵华日军南京大屠杀历史的认识 烛光祭 和守灵活动是祭奠性悼念活动, 和平法会则是祈福性悼念活动, 研究论著首发式及专题研讨会是研讨性悼念活动 70 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
71 三 纪念理念 纪念仪式是我们最主要的纪念活动 为什么要采取仪式的形式来进行纪念呢? 我们所持的理念是这样的 : 首先, 记忆是对历史的重构, 集体记忆是需要强化和传承的 侵华日军南京大屠杀的历史记忆是我们民族的集体记忆, 这份记忆要得以强化和传承, 必须通过一些纪念活动来加强, 而纪念活动的庄严性与思想性又必须通过其仪式性来贯彻, 基于这种认识, 我们才创办了 纪念仪式 纪念仪式的主要包括唱 国歌, 默哀, 鸣笛, 献花, 鞠躬 致辞 放平鸽 我们设计这样的内容, 就是为了让每一个参与者在仪式中重温历史, 表达悼念与反思, 从而丰富和强化我们的集体记忆 例如, 在去年的 纪念仪式上, 江苏省政协副主席张九汉在致辞中讲道, 我们在这里重温历史, 悼念遇难同胞, 就是为了警策世人, 以史为鉴, 永远不让历史的悲剧重演 这就是强调集体记忆需要强化和传承, 每年定期的纪念仪式就是要通过仪式来警策生活在和平环境的国人勿忘历史 其次, 我们还认为历史记忆是可以升华的 我馆朱成山馆长在 让记忆成为南京文化名片 中指出, 当历史记忆突破历史本身的羁绊, 上升为和平文化时, 文化就跨出了国门, 走向了国际 以史为鉴, 是要警策国民 ; 倡导和平, 是要与世界各国共创未来 纪念仪式最后是以放和平鸽结束 这便是希望在历史记忆中应有更多的和平记忆 从 2002 年开始我馆每年都会举行南京国际和平日集会, 每次都会宣读 南京和平宣言 这就是要表明我们的纪念活动是在两个维度上进行 : 一是反思历史 ; 一是倡导和平 集体记忆只有在传承中才能融入国民精神 纪念仪式等纪念活动的历史本身就是南京大屠杀历史记忆的一部分, 它也是需要传承的 因此, 对于南京大屠杀纪念活动史的记录与整理, 便成为我馆纪念活动的一个组成部分 在每次悼念活动之后, 我们都会及时作记录, 然后将记录悼念活动情况的文章刊登在本馆主编的 南京国际和平研究 半年刊上, 年末再将本年度纪念活动汇总记录于 侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞南京馆年鉴 侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞南京馆馆史 则对建馆以来的各类纪念活动都有 日志式 的记录 这些 日志式 的记录记载的不仅是我馆的纪念活动, 也记录了我国国民纪念 反思南京大屠杀历史的心路历程, 这是一份共同的民族记忆, 当然这记忆中也包涵了我们展望未来, 祈求和平的心声 장웬칭 ( 張元卿 ) / 71
72 附表 : 悼念侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞活动情况表 年份基本情况活动内容 1994 首次举行了 南京社会各界人士悼念侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞仪式 南京市政协主席潘寒操主持仪式, 参加者近 1000 人 1995 举行了 江苏省暨南京市各界人士悼念侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞仪式 江苏省委常委 宣传部长王霞林主持仪式, 南京市代市长王宏民讲话, 青年代表娄学金发言, 参加者 600 余人 1996 举行了 江苏省暨南京市社会各界人士悼念侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞仪式 江苏省委常委 宣传部长王霞林主持仪式, 南京市委副书记胡序建讲话, 参加者 500 余人 1997 举行了 江苏省暨南京市社会各界人士悼念侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞仪式 南京市政协主席潘寒操主持仪式, 江苏省政协主席孙颌代表各界讲话, 南京市致公党主委王振华代表民主党派发言, 南京大学学生会主席王靖华代表青年发言 1998 举行了 江苏省暨南京市社会各界人士悼念侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同 首次鸣放防空警报 放飞和平鸽 举行了吴子牛导演的 南京大屠杀 电影开拍仪式 与江苏省电视台共同主办千人烛光祭奠活动, 朱成山馆长致悼词 祭, 播音员李江红宣读作家徐志耕撰写的祭文, 在 安魂曲 中点燃了 3000 支蜡烛 为新落成的 狂雪 诗碑 祭奠墙举行了揭幕仪式 同日, 侵华日军南京大屠杀暴行史料展揭幕 以大岛孝一为团长的日本铭心会访华团来馆参加悼念活动 青少年代表发言, 各界人士献花, 绕纪念馆一周凭吊遇难同胞 唱 国歌, 默哀, 全市鸣笛三分钟 南京大屠杀幸存者李秀英点燃了 古城的灾难 雕塑前的长明灯 放飞了 3000 羽和平鸽 举办了南京大屠杀幸存者公证书送达仪式 唱 国歌, 默哀, 鸣笛, 敬献花圈, 鞠躬 放飞了 2000 只和平鸽 72 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
73 胞仪式 南京市副市长许慧玲主持仪式 参加悼念仪式的有江苏省政协副主席胡序建 江苏省军区副司令员许志龙少将等省市领导以及南京大屠杀幸存者和专家学者代表等 1999 举行了 江苏省暨南京市各界人士悼念侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞仪式 江苏省委常委副书记顾浩主持仪式并讲话, 参加者 2000 余人 2000 举行了 江苏省暨南京市各界人士悼念侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞仪式 江苏省委常委副书记顾浩主持仪式并讲话, 参加者 2000 余人 在 安魂曲 中, 各界人士绕馆一周凭吊遇难同胞 台湾佛光寺星云法师来馆参加悼念活动 举行了星云法师捐赠旅美华人李自健创作的油画 屠 生 佛 南京大屠杀 仪式 2001 举行了 江苏省暨南京市各界人士悼念侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞仪式 南京市委常委 宣传部长王燕文主持仪式, 江苏省委副书记李源潮讲话, 青少年代表 南京金陵中学学生余之颖发言, 参加者 3000 余人 2002 举行了 悼念侵华日军南京大屠杀 30 万同胞遇难 65 周年仪式暨南京国际和平集会 南京市政协主席张晔主持仪式, 南京市市长罗志军讲话 香港实业家陈君实, 日本东铁路工会友好代表团, 美国北加州中国和平统一促进会代表团及加拿大世界抗日战争史实维护会的代表也参加了集会, 参加者 3000 余人 2003 举行了 悼念侵华日军南京大屠杀 30 万同胞遇难 66 周年仪式暨南京国际 日本东铁路工会代表团等日本友人参加了悼念仪式 举行了南京国际和平日集会, 市民代表 南京市青年联合会主席许宏宣读了 南京和平宣言 此后每年的悼念仪式和南京国际和平日集会一起举行 当晚在水西门大街举行了 烛光祭 大型巡游活动, 约 人参加, 有 100 架钢琴同奏 和平颂 南京小白鸽艺术团 日本紫金草合唱团与全场人员一起演唱了 小白 장웬칭 ( 張元卿 ) / 73
74 和平集会 南京市政协主席汪正生主持仪式, 省政协副主席林祥国讲话 第七届南京 十大杰出青年 鼓楼医院专家王东进代表南京市民宣读 南京和平宣言 日本紫金草合唱团 韩国 4 3 研究所 香港地区纪念抗日受难同胞联合会等团体也参加了集会, 参加者 3000 余人 2004 举行了 悼念侵华日军南京大屠杀 30 万同胞遇难 67 周年仪式暨南京国际和平集会 南京市政协主席张伯兴主持仪式, 江苏省政协副主席陆军讲话, 南京大学学生会主席陈莉代表南京市民宣读 南京和平宣言, 参加者 2500 余人 2005 举行了 悼念侵华日军南京大屠杀 30 万同胞遇难 68 周年仪式暨南京国际和平集会 南京市委书记罗志军主持仪式, 江苏省委副书记任彦申讲话, 南京市北京路小学校长孙双金代表南京市民宣读 南京和平宣言, 参加者 3000 余人 2006 举行了 悼念侵华日军南京大屠杀 30 万同胞遇难 69 周年仪式暨南京国际和平集会 南京市政协副主席蒋裕德主持仪式 江苏省 十大杰出青年 南京擎天科技有限公司董事长辛颖梅代表南京市民宣读 南京和平宣言, 参加者 3000 余人 鸽之歌 和平之草 紫金草 南京大屠杀幸存者李秀英 夏淑琴 姜根福 常志强与抗战老战士几南京青年代表一同敲响了专为悼念遇难同胞铸造的和平大钟 日本京都妙心寺灵云院和南京毗卢寺僧人 南京大屠杀遇难者遗属在馆内 遇难者名单墙 前, 举行了为南京大屠杀遇难者祈祷和世界和平法会 举行了中日两国僧人祈祷和平法会 举行了日本京都精华大学教授池尾靖志编著的 和平学入门 首发式 举行了原南京审判日本战犯法庭法官亲属南京大屠杀史见证会 由南京市佛教协会主办的南京国际和平法会在本馆悼念广场举行 来自日本东本愿寺 西本愿寺 法光寺等寺庙的僧人以及广岛 反侵略 世友好 访华团等 40 多位日本友好人士, 中国栖霞寺 鸡鸣寺等寺庙的僧人和 1000 多名佛教信徒, 以及南京大屠杀幸存者代表参加了此次和平法会 在本馆遇难同胞名单墙前举行了中日僧人祈祷和平法会 来自日本东本愿寺的僧人和日本名古屋 两尊观音思考会 访华团等日本友好人士, 中国毗卢寺的僧人及南京大屠杀幸存者代表等参加了此次和平法会 74 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
75 2007 举行了 悼念侵华日军南京大屠杀 30 万同胞遇难 70 周年仪式暨南京国际和平集会 南京市长蒋宏坤主持仪式, 江苏省政协主席许仲林讲话, 南京市十大杰出青年 南京艺术学院学生任洁代表南京市民宣读 南京和平宣言 2008 举行了 悼念侵华日军南京大屠杀 30 万同胞遇难 71 周年仪式暨南京国际和平集会 南京市政协主席缪合林主持仪式, 江苏省政协副主席包国新讲话, 南京市十大杰出青年 南京电视台娱乐频道副总监陈湘宁代表南京市民宣读 南京和平宣言, 参加者 6000 余人 2009 举行了 悼念侵华日军南京大屠杀 30 万同胞遇难 72 周年仪式暨南京国际和平集会 江苏省政协副主席张九汉讲话, 南京市十大杰出青年韩永联代表南京市民宣读 南京和平宣言, 参加者 5000 余人 2010 举行了 悼念侵华日军南京大屠杀 30 万同胞遇难 73 周年仪式暨南京国际和平集会 南京市政协主席缪合林主持仪式, 江苏省政协副主席张九汉讲话, 南京市十大杰出青年余红 上午在本馆新馆祭场举行了世界和平法会, 中日两国僧人为遇难者亡灵念诵经文 下午在本馆广场举行了 烛光祭 南京市青少年和平集会 活动, 有 2300 多人参加了此项活动 江苏省演艺集团在本馆广场演唱 和平颂 南京话剧团在本馆演出话剧 沦陷 举行了 2008 年侵华日军南京大屠杀史研究会学术年会暨国际学术报告会 12 日晚在本馆和平公园举行了放和平灯仪式, 香港实业家陈君实先生 南京大屠杀幸存夏淑琴女士及海内外和平友好人士 1000 人参加了此次活动 在 万人坑 遗址内举行了 为南京大屠杀遇难者守灵 平安夜 活动 中日两国僧人在本馆祭场举行了世界和平法会 在本馆和平公园举行了由日本日中劳动交流协会捐造的和平反战纪念碑立碑揭幕仪式 举行了 2009 年侵华日军南京大屠杀史研究会学术年会暨国际学术报告会 12 日举行了 侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆概览 首发式 12 日晚举行了 平安夜 为南京大屠杀遇难者守灵 活动 13 日中日两国僧人在本馆祭场举行 장웬칭 ( 張元卿 ) / 75
76 代表南京市民宣读 南京和平宣言, 参加者 5000 余人 2011 举行了 悼念侵华日军南京大屠杀 30 万同胞遇难 74 周年仪式暨南京国际和平集会 南京市政协主席缪合林主持仪式, 江苏省政协副主席陈宝田讲话, 俄罗斯卫国战争纪念馆副馆长斯科良宾 维克将军致辞, 参加者 5000 余人 2012 举行了 悼念侵华日军南京大屠杀 30 万同胞遇难 75 周年仪式暨南京国际和平集会 江苏省委常委 南京市委书记杨卫泽讲话, 参加者 9000 余人 了世界和平法会 举行了 南京大屠杀史辞典 编撰工程启动仪式 南京话剧团在本馆演出话剧 沦陷 举行了 2010 年侵华日军南京大屠杀史研究会学术年会暨国际学术报告会 12 日在本馆举行了 铭记 展 开幕式和 侵华日军南京大屠杀日本新闻报刊影印集 首发式 12 日晚举行了 平安夜 为南京大屠杀遇难者守灵 活动, 参加者约 150 余人 13 日中日两国僧人在本馆祭场举行了世界和平法会 同日在本馆和平公园举行了 1213 米长带 铭记历史与祈祷和平万人签名 活动 南京话剧团在本馆演出话剧 沦陷 举行了 2011 年侵华日军南京大屠杀史研究会学术年会暨国际学术报告会 12 日晚举行了 为南京大屠杀遇难者守灵仪式暨和平烛光祭 活动 13 日中日两国僧人在本馆祭场举行了世界和平法会 举行了新征文物新闻发布会 举行了 2012 年侵华日军南京大屠杀史研究会学术年会暨国际学术报告会 76 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
77 Our Commemoration Method and Types of Ceremony for the Past History - Case of the Nanjing Massacre Victims Memorial - Zhang Yuanqing ( 張元卿 ) Nanjing Massacre is a crime perpetrated by Japanese army who invaded China and this is an obvious violation of an international treaty and basic moral standards of a human being. The Massacre took place for 6 weeks from December 1937 to January In Nanjing, capital city of China back then, Japanese army slaughtered and captured the Chinese army and civilians indiscriminately and the bloodiest massacre in the history was followed. After the World War II was over, both International Military Tribunal for the Far East and Chinese Military Tribunal investigated Nanjing Massacre and proceeded with a trial. According to the investigation from the military tribunal which put trial on Nanjing war criminal, total of 28 mass slaughters were committed by the Japanese army and 190 thousand people died. Individual massacres added up to 858 cases that killed total of 150 thousand people. Approximately, total of 300 thousand people were killed during Nanjing Massacre. Nanjing Massacre Victims Memorial (hereinafter Nanjing Memorial ) is constructed in order to pay respect to the victims of Nanjing massacre committed by Japanese army. Therefore, the past history we commemorate is the history of our people who were killed during Nanjing Massacre. Nanjing Memorial is constructed at the ruins of the massacre and the place where the victims were buried. It is a special history memorial where various documents, research, exhibition and commemoration are all incorporated together in one place. At the beginning of the plan for the construction, we considered the commemoration function 장웬칭 ( 張元卿 ) / 77
78 importantly that we focused on two characteristics when selecting the name of the memorial and its location. Those two characteristics are Commemoration and Remains. One of the themes for large relievo inside the memorial is commemoration. In the chapters below, commemoration method, ceremony types and philosophy are listed to explain the historical situation during this period. 1. Commemoration Method Commemoration for Nanjing Memorial is for 300 thousand people who were killed during Nanjing Massacre. Commemorating the victims means paying respect to innocent people who were sacrificed during the massacre and have future generation remember the history of their sacrifice. Commemoration methods in Nanjing Memorial are as below. (1) Construction of the Monument At the place of Nanjing Memorial, Nanjing Massacre Zhang Dong Men Victims Monument was constructed. Nanjing Memorial constructed 17 monuments in several regions including Zhongshan( 中山 ) harbor, Yan Zi Ji ( 燕子磯 ), Cao Xie Xia ( 草鞋峡 ) and recorded brief historical facts on all the monuments about the site of Massacre. (2) Protection of the Historic Scenes The place of Nanjing Memorial is Wan Ren Keng ( 萬人坑 ) ruins where Ten thousand Chinese soldiers and civilians killed by Japanese army were buried. To commemorate the history and to warn the future generation, Nanjing Memorial protected the ruins of Wan Ren Keng and made exhibition room for historical materials around the ruins to preserve the original body of the victims excavated from the site. (3) Making of the Statue In December 13 th 2002, Nanjing Memorial made a copperplate road of 40m 78 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
79 in length and 1.6m in width called Footprints from the Witnesses of the History. In the middle of the road stand statues of Ni Cui Ping ( 倪翠萍 ) and Peng Yu Zhen ( 彭玉珍 ) who represent the survivors of Nanjing Massacre. Next to the copperplate road stands a statue of the late Zhang Chun Ru ( 張純如 ), a Nanjing Massacre Historical Researcher. Inside the Peace Park stands Bauhinia Girl and at the graveyard square stands a granite stone statue of A Mother Looking for Her Child. In the exhibition room, statues of Rabe (Germany), John Magee (U.S.) and Vautrin (U.S.) who saved Chinese people are exhibited. (4) Construction of a Wall with the Names of the Victims Engraved Other than their bodies being ruined by Japanese army, the victims of the Massacre were buried in groups that made it hard for their descendants to commemorate the dead. Because of this, the wall with approximately 10,000 names of the victims engraved was made inside Nanjing Memorial. This represents the 300,000 victims of the Massacre. After this wall was made, the descendants of the victims visit in Qing Ming festival every year, and people call this wall a Wailing Wall. (5) Construction of the Commemoration Center All the themes of the architectures in Nanjing Memorial are based on commemoration. Among these, commemoration place was made especially for commemoration purpose. While looking at the long life lantern ( 長明燈 ), symbolizing a fire of life, people mourn over the death of the victims by offering flowers and with a silent tribute to pray for the peace and oppose against a war. (6) Finding Survivors In 1984, while the construction of Nanjing Memorial was being planned, Nanjing was carrying out the investigation on survivors during the Massacre. Since 1985, Nanjing Memorial is still looking for the survivors and asks the 장웬칭 ( 張元卿 ) / 79
80 victims to be a witness of the historical facts they experienced. Until now, 4,000 testimonies from the survivors were collected. In 1994 and 2001, <Book of Testimonies from the Survivors of Nanjing Massacre> and <Testimonies of the Survivors from Nanjing Massacre> are edited and published. (7) Exhibition of Historical Fact Other than exhibiting the facts of Nanjing Massacre in the memorial, Nanjing Memorial is carrying out a travelling exhibition. Other than that, Nanjing Memorial holds a themed exhibition related to Nanjing Massacre every year. In this year, Nanjing Memorial held an exhibition on <Photo Exhibition of the Survivors from Nanjing Massacre>, < Ghost, becomes a human Photo Exhibition by the war criminals in Fushun ( 抚顺 ) War Criminal Center> and more. Through various exhibitions, more people understand the history of Nanjing Massacre committed by Japanese army and honor the victims of the Massacre. (8) Opening of a Scholarship Symposium In Nanjing Memorial, a series of academic conferences including Recognition of the History and East Asia Peace Forum and Academic Symposium Commemorating 50 years of the Tokyo Trial were held. Evidences and testimonies relevant to Nanjing Massacre are still collected all year round. In December of this year, Nanjing Memorial is planning to hold a Research on Nanjing Massacre and Annual Academic Seminar on Nanjing Massacre (9) Publishing of Literature and Professional Research Writings Along with the academic research, about 100 literatures related to Nanjing Massacre and specialized books were already published. In 2007, Nanjing Memorial wrote a Collection of Nanjing Massacre Research and Literature and this was already published in 30 books in total. National 12.5 publication project of China - <Dictionary of Nanjing Massacre> will be published in next year. 80 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
81 (10) Holding Public Meetings On 7.7 Incident commemoration day and Nanjing Massacre commemoration day, Nanjing Memorial holds the memorial event and welcomes the influential figures from in and out of the country who visit the memorial to commemorate the event. Before 1994, commemoration event in Nanjing Memorial was not constant or standardized. However, for the first time since December 13 th 1994 when Commemoration Event for Nanjing Massacre Victims by Influential Figures from Different Fields of Nanjing, Nanjing Memorial selected December 13 th as an anniversary to commemorate the victims from Nanjing Massacre as a form of an open meeting. Since December 13 th 2002, the name of this event was changed to 65th year commemoration for 300,000 victims of Nanjing Massacre and Nanjing International Peace Assembly and this event is continued until present. (11) Holding Peace Memorial Service In 2003, a monk from Pi Lu Si ( 毗卢寺 ), Nanjing, and the monk Ryo Un In ( 靈雲院 ) from Myo Singji ( 妙心寺 ), Kyoto, Japan held a commemoration for Nanjing Massacre Victims and World Peace prayer ceremony in front of Wall with the Names of the Victims Engraved in Nanjing Memorial along with the families of the victims. Since then, Peace Memorial Service is held at Nanjing Memorial in December every year to commemorate the victims and to pray for the world peace at the same time. 2. Commemoration Types Commemoration types for Nanjing Memorial are as below. (1) Memorial Service Since 1994, Nanjing Memorial held a Commemoration Event for Nanjing Massacre Victims by Influential Figures from Different Fields of Nanjing on 장웬칭 ( 張元卿 ) / 81
82 December 13 th every year. It is called memorial service in short. This event is presided by Jiangsu and Nanjing government and supervised by Nanjing Memorial. Influential figures in the society of Nanjing dispatch their representatives to this event. At the beginning, there were not even 1,000 people participated in this event. However, there are over 9,000 people participate at the present. Contents of the commemoration event became more diverse. During the commemoration event held in 1994, siren was blown for the first time and the doves that symbolize the peace were released in the air. Later, these two ceremonies stayed permanent for every commemoration. Other various events are held in December 13 th of every year. In 1994, crank-in event of the movie <Nanjing Massacre> took place and in 1995, an opening ceremony of <Kuang Xue (The Fierce Snow)>, the poetic tablet, took place. In 1997, delivery ceremony of the certificates for the survivors of Nanjing Massacre took place and in 2000, the ceremony was held when Buddhist monk Xiang Yun ( 星雲法师 ) donated an oil painting <Tu ( 屠 ), Sheng ( 生 ), Fo ( 佛 ) Nanjing Massacre> by Li Zi Jian ( 李自健 ). Starting from 2000, recitation of < Nanjing Declaration of Peace> by civilian representative of Nanjing was added to commemoration event. In 2004, testimonies by the relatives of lawyers who put Nanjing war criminals on trial took place, and the artists of Jiangsu sang the <Song of Peace> at the square of the main building. Nanjing theater troupe performed the play <Lunxian ( 沦陷 : The Fall)> at the main building. Additionally, 1213 meter ribbon Ten thousand autograph event for remembering the history and wishing for peace event was held in the Peace park at the main building in (2) Candlelight Ceremony Event In the evening of December 13th 1994, Nanjing Memorial hosted a thousand people candlelight commemoration event. Zhu Cheng Shang ( 朱成山 ), the director of the memorial, recited the memorial address <Ji ( 祭 )> and Li Jiang Hong ( 李江紅 ), the anchor for a TV station, recited the funeral oration written by the author Xu Zhi Geng ( 徐志耕 ). When the <Requiem> was playing, 3,000 candles 82 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
83 were lit. In the night of December 13 th 2007, Nanjing Memorial carried out a large parade Candlelight Ceremony in Nanjing Shui Ximen ( 水西門 ) street where 50,000 people participated. In the night of December 13 th 2007, Candlelight ceremony Nanjing Youth Peace Assembly took place. In the evening of December 12 th 2012, The night before vigil for Nanjing Massacre Victims and peace candlelight ceremony event was held and the candlelight ceremony was included in the vigil event. (3) The Night Before Vigil Event Since 2009, in the night of December 12 th of every year, Vigil the night before Nanjing Massacre Victims ceremony is being held. In the evening of December 12 th 2009, floating a lantern of peace ceremony took place in Nanjing Memorial Peace Park. Chen Jun shi ( 陳君實 ), a businessman from Hong Kong, Sha Shu Qin ( 夏淑琴 ), the survivor of Nanjing Massacre, and 1000 influential figures from in and out of the country participated in this ceremony. In the evening of the same day, the same Vigil the night before for Nanjing Massacre Victims ceremony was held inside the ruins of Wan Ren Keng. In the evening of December 12 th 2012, The night before vigil for Nanjing Massacre Victims and peace candlelight ceremony event was held and the candlelight ceremony was included in the vigil event. The vigil event became more formalized. (4) Qing Ming Ceremony Event Qing Ming festival is a traditional festival in China for commemorating the ancestors. Every year, numbers of influential figures in the region visit the memorial to pay condolences to Nanjing Massacre victims. Since 2000, Nanjing Memorial started to hold special ceremonies for Qing Ming Festival. In 2001, publication event for <Unbreakable Walls>, a collection of poems, and poem recital event took place. In 2005, visiting ceremony for the national heroes of 장웬칭 ( 張元卿 ) / 83
84 Anti-Japanese War and Nanjing Massacre victims took place during Qing Ming festival. Also, peace forum was held with the theme Remind oneself with the moral of the history and develop a peaceful future with the cooperation of Japan. In 2008, memorial service for the victims was held by the survivors and the families of Nanjing Massacre. In 2012, Ceremony for the Families of Nanjing Massacre 2012 took place. While holding Qing Ming Ceremony for 10 years, the ceremony became a very important part of the entire commemoration event in Nanjing Memorial. (5) 8.15 Peace Assembly In August 15 th 1995, Nanjing International Peace Assembly was held by Nanjing Memorial and in the same evening, TBS from Japan reported the event from Nanjing Memorial to Tokyo. Since then, on August 15 th of every year, the day when China won the victory in Anti-Japanese War, Nanjing International Assembly is held with the amicable figures in Japan. In 1997, Leaving the Evidence of the History - Summer camp for ten thousand students from China and Japan to visit Nanjing Massacre Victims was held. In 2005, Nanjing Peace Assembly was held with the members of the 20 th group for visiting China by the Association for Remembering, the 8 th groupforvisitingchinabykobeㆍnanjing Heart-to Heart Association and the 5 th group for visiting China by Nagasaki Wing of Hope. In 2007, Zhu Cheng Shang ( 朱成山 ), the director of the memorial, was invited by the Association for Remembering the War Victims in Asia-Pacific Region to participate in peace assembly and gave a speech through the screen. (6) World Peace Assembly In December 13 th 2003, monks from Ryo Un In ( 靈雲院 ) from Myo Singji ( 妙心寺 ), Kyoto, Japan and Pi Lu Si ( 毗卢寺 ), Nanjing and families of Nanjing Massacre victims held the World Peace prayer ceremony in front of the Wall with the Names of the Victims Engraved, praying for the victims of massacre. Since 2003, Peace Memorial Service is held and both Chinese and Japanese monks participate in the event. At the Peace Memorial Service held in 2005, / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
85 amicable figures from Japan such as monks from Higashihonganji ( 东本愿寺 ), Nishihonganji ( 东本愿寺 ) and Hokoji ( 法光寺 ), and Hiroshima Anti-Invasion, Pro-Friendship ( 反侵略ㆍ世友好 ) group for visiting China along with the Buddhist monks from Qi Xia Si ( 栖霞寺 ) and Jiming Si ( 鸡鸣寺 ), about thousand Buddhists and the representatives of Nanjing Massacre survivors participated. In 2006, amicable figures from Japan including the monks from Higashihonganji and Liangzun Guanyin Sikaohui ( 兩尊觀音思考會 ) group for visiting China from Nagoya, Japan, Buddhist monks from Pi Lu Si, China and the representatives of Nanjing Massacre survivors participated in the assembly. Our commemoration event implements Four Types of Combination. They are combinations of ceremonial commemoration and thematic commemoration, religious commemoration and private commemoration, artistic commemoration and research-like commemoration, and memorial commemoration and wishing commemoration. Detailed commemoration event is carried out under the principle of Four types of Combination. For example, an art exhibition, play and a concert all are artistic commemoration events. Through such various artistic methods, people can realize the historical awareness of Nanjing Massacre more in depth and more abundantly. Candlelight ceremony and vigil are memorial commemoration events and peace memorial service is a wishing ceremony. Also, publication event of the research paper and the symposium are research-like commemorations. 3. Philosophy memorial service is the most important ceremony. Why carry out the memorial service in the form of ceremony? The philosophy we pursue is as following. First, the memory is a rearrangement of the history and the group memory is needed to be reinforced and inherited. Historical memory on Nanjing Massacre committed by Japan is a group memory of our people and it is necessary to emphasize this through a memorial event in order to reinforce and inherit the memory. Also magnificence and ideology are needed to be 장웬칭 ( 張元卿 ) / 85
86 accomplished consciously. Based on such awareness, we started memorial service memorial service includes singing the <National Anthem>, Silent Tribute, blasting a siren, offering of flowers, bowing, speech and flying doves. Contents planned by us may strengthen our group memory abundantly by having all the participants to look back at the history and show commemoration and introspection. For example, during last year s memorial service Zhang Jiu Han ( 張九漢 ), the vice president, said that the reason for recollecting the history and commemorating the victims is for being cautious to not repeat the same kind of tragedy again in our history. This is the reason for emphasizing the reinforcement and inheritance of the group memory. Secondly, the memory of the history sublimates. Zhu Cheng Shang ( 朱成山 ), the director of the memorial, mentioned in the writing <The Memory is a Business Card for the Culture in Nanjing> that when the memory of the history casts off the history itself and sublimates into the culture of peace, that culture can move beyond the nation and move towards the world. Reflecting the history alerts the people of the country and chanting the peace is for creating the future along with many other countries in the world. Finalizing memorial service by flying the doves is to wish for more peaceful memories in our memories of history. Since 2002, commemoration event was held every year in Nanjing Memorial on Nanjing International Day of Peace. By reciting <Nanjing Declaration of Peace> every time when the service is held, we claim that the memorial service is carried out considering both introspection of history and declaration of peace. Group memory can be permeated into the spirit of the people only by inheritance. Because the memorial event such as memorial service itself is partly a history of Nanjing Massacre, this should be passed down to next generation. Thus, record and organization of the history of Nanjing Massacre Memorial Event became the part of memorial service held by this memorial. Every time when the event is over, we record it and publish the writings that describe the situation of the memorial event to <Nanjing International Peace Research> that is published biannually. At the end of the year, we print the comprehensive yearly record of the events in <Almanac of Nanjing Massacre 86 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
87 Victims in Nanjing Memorial>. <The History of Nanjing Massacre Victims in Nanjing Memorial> is a record of various memorial events in a form of Journal since the foundation of the memorial. The record in this Journal does not only describe the memorial events but also the historical journey of commemoration and introspection of Chinese people on Nanjing Massacre. This is the common memory of the people and this contains the wish of the people for the future and peace. 장웬칭 ( 張元卿 ) / 87
88 Annex: History of Commemoration Events for Nanjing Massacre Victims Year Event Contents 1994 Commemoration for Nanjing Massacre Victims by Influential Figures of Nanjing was held for the first time. Pan Han Cao ( 潘寒操 ), the president of Nanjing government, presided the event and about 1,000 people participated Commemoration for Nanjing Massacre Victims by Influential Figures of Jiangsu and Nanjing was held. Wang Xia Lin ( 王霞林 ), the member and the publicity manager of Jiangsu Committee, presided the commemoration event and Lou Xue Jin ( 婁學金 ), the youth representative, made a Siren was blown for the first time and flying the doves of peace event was held. Also crank-in event of the movie <Nanjing Massacre> by Wu Zi Niu ( 吴子牛 ) took place. With Jiangsu broadcasting station, thousand people candlelight memorial event took place. Zhu Cheng Shang ( 朱成山 ), the director of the memorial, recited the memorial address <Ji ( 祭 )> and Li Jiang Hong ( 李江紅 ), the anchor for a TV station, recited the funeral oration written by the author Xu Zhi Geng ( 徐志耕 ). While the <Requiem> was playing, 3,000 candles were lit. An opening ceremony for both <Kuang Xue (The Fierce Snow)>, the poetic tablet, and the Commemoration Wall took place. On the same day, Historical exhibition on brutality of Japanese army at Nanjing Massacre was opened. Group for visiting China by the Association for 88 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
89 statement. About 600 people participated in this event Commemoration for Nanjing Massacre Victims by Influential Figures of Jiangsu and Nanjing was held. Wang Xia Lin ( 王霞林 ), the member and the publicity manager of Jiangsu Committee, presided the commemoration event and Hu Xu Jian ( 胡序建 ), the vice secretary of Nanjing Committee, gave a speech. About 500 people participated in this event Commemoration for Nanjing Massacre Victims by Influential Figures of Jiangsu and Nanjing was held. Pan Han Cao ( 潘寒操 ), the president of Nanjing government, presided the commemoration event and Sun He ( 孫頜 ), the president of Jiangsu, gave a speech. About 500 people participated in this event. Also Wang Zhen Hwa ( 王振華 ), representative of Zhi Gong party, and Wang Jing Hwa ( 王靖華 ), the president of the student council in Nanjing University, made a statement representing the youth. Remembering with Ooshima Kouichi ( 大島孝一 ) being the chief of the association participated in this commemoration ceremony. Youth representative made a statement while many influential figures were offering flowers and commemorate the victims. After singing the <National Anthem> and silent tribute, siren was blown in the entire city for 3 minutes. Li Xiu Ying ( 李秀英 ), the survivor of Nanjing Massacre, ignited the fire on long life lantern ( 長明燈 ) in front of the statue <Calamity of the Old Castle>. 3,000 doves of peace were flown in the air and the delivery ceremony of the certificates for the survivors of Nanjing Massacre took place. 장웬칭 ( 張元卿 ) / 89
90 1998 Commemoration for Nanjing Massacre Victims by Influential Figures of Jiangsu and Nanjing was held. Xu Hui Ling ( 許慧玲 ), the vice mayor of Nanjing, presided the commemoration event and the representatives of provinces and cities including Hu Xu Jian ( 胡序建 ), the vice secretary of Jiangsu government, Xu Zhi Long, the deputy commander of Jaingsu Military District, survivors from Nanjing Massacre and the representatives of academic experts participated Commemoration for Nanjing Massacre Victims by Influential Figures of Jiangsu and Nanjing was held. Gu Hao ( 顧浩 ), the vice secretary of Jiangsu standing committee, presided the event and gave the speech. About 2,000 people participated in this event Commemoration for Nanjing Massacre Victims by Influential Figures of Jiangsu and Nanjing was held. Gu Hao ( 顧浩 ), the vice secretary of Jiangsu standing committee, presided the event and gave the speech. About 2,000 people participated in this event. The course of the event proceeded as singing of <National Anthem>, blowing of a siren, offering flowers and bowing. Afterwards, 2,000 doves of peace were released into the air. While the <Requiem> was playing, influential figures from different fields walked around the memorial and commemorated the victims. Buddhist monk Xiang Yun ( 星雲法师 ) from Foguang Si ( 佛光寺 ), Taiwan, participated in commemoration event at the memorial and donated an oil painting <Tu ( 屠 ), Sheng ( 生 ), Fo ( 佛 ) Nanjing Massacre> by Li Zi Jian ( 李自健 ) while the other related ceremonies took place. 90 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
91 2001 Commemoration for Nanjing Massacre Victims by Influential Figures of Jiangsu and Nanjing was held. Wang Yen Wen ( 王燕文 ), the member and the publicity manager of Nanjing Committee, presided the commemoration and Li Yuan Chao ( 李源潮 ), the vice secretary of Jiangsu Committee, gave a speech. Also, Yu Zhi Ying ( 余之颖 ), the youth representative and a student in Jinling ( 金陵 ) middle school, made a statement. About 3,000 people participated in this event th year commemoration for 300,000 victims of Nanjing Massacre and Nanjing International Peace Assembly took place. Zhang Ye ( 張曄 ), the president of Nanjing government, presided the event and Luo Zhi Jun ( 羅志軍 ), the Major of Nanjing, gave a speech. Chen Jun shi ( 陳君實 ), a businessman from Hong Kong, East Japan Railway Trade Union Delegation of Friendship, Northern California Promotion of Peaceful Unification of China, U.S. and Canada Protection of the Truth on World s Anti-Japanese War delegation participated in the assembly. About 3,000 people participated in this event. Amicable figures from Japan such as East Japan Railway Trade Union Delegation of Friendship participated in commemoration event. The assembly was held on Nanjing International Day of Peace and Xu Hong, the civilian representative, and the president of Nanjing Youth Association recited <Nanjing Declaration of Peace>. Since then, commemoration ceremony and Nanjing International Day of Peace Assembly are held at the same time every year. In the evening of the same day, large parade Candlelight Ceremony was held in Nanjing Shui Ximen ( 水西門 ) street and 100 pianos played the <Song of Peace> at the same time. 장웬칭 ( 張元卿 ) / 91
92 th year commemoration for 300,000 victims of Nanjing Massacre and Nanjing International Peace Assembly took place. Wang Zheng Sheng ( 汪正生 ), the president of Nanjing government, presided the event and Lin Xiang Guo (( 林祥國 ), the vice president of the government, gave a speech. Wang Dong Jin ( 王東进 ) who was selected as 7 th 10 outstanding youths in Nanjing and Gu Lou ( 鼓楼 ), the medical expert, recited <Nanjing Declaration of Peace> by representing the people of Nanjing. Ceramium choir from Japan, 4.3 Research center from Korea, National Association of Anti-Japanese War Victims in Hong Kong and other associations participated in the assembly. About 3,000 people participated in this event th year commemoration for 300,000 victims of Nanjing Massacre and Nanjing International Peace Assembly took place. Zhang Bo Xing, the president of Nanjing government, presided the event and Lu Jun ( 陆軍 ), the vice president of Jiangsu government, gave a speech. Nanjing White Dove Art Organization, Ceramium choir and the participants in the memorial sang <Song of the White Dove> and <Plant of the Peace - Ceramium> together. Survivors of Nanjing Massacre including Li Xiu Ying ( 李秀英 ), Xia Shu Qin ( 夏淑琴 ), Jiang Gen Fu ( 姜根福 ) and Chang Zhi Qiang ( 常志强 ) along with Anti-Japanese War veterans and youth representatives of Nanjing struck the Bell of Peace that was made to commemorate the victims of massacre. Monks from Ryo Un In ( 靈雲院 ) from Myo Singji ( 妙心寺 ), Kyoto, Japan and Pi Lu Si ( 毗卢寺 ), Nanjing and families of Nanjing Massacre victims held the World Peace prayer ceremony in front of the Wall with the Names of the Victims Engraved. Buddhist monks from both China and Japan held a memorial service praying for peace. Also, a publishing ceremony for <Introduction to Peace Studies> written by Professor Ikeo Seiji from Seika University in Kyoto, Japan was held. Afterwards, testimonies by the relatives of 92 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
93 Chen Li ( 陳莉 ), the president of the student committee in Nanjing University recited <Nanjing Declaration of Peace> by representing the people of Nanjing. About 2,500 people participated in this event th year commemoration for 300,000 victims of Nanjing Massacre and Nanjing International Peace Assembly took place. Luo Zhi Jun ( 羅志軍 ), the secretary of Nanjing committee, presided the event and Ren Yan Shen ( 任彦 申 ), the vice secretary of Jiangsu committee, gave a speech. The president of Nanjing Beijing Road Elementary School recited <Nanjing Declaration of Peace> by representing the people of Nanjing. About 3,000 people participated in this event th year commemoration for 300,000 victims of Nanjing Massacre and Nanjing International Peace Assembly took place. Jiang Yu De ( 蒋裕德 ), the vice president of Nanjing government, presided the event. Xin Ying Mei ( 辛颖梅 ), 10 outstanding youths lawyers who put Nanjing war criminals on trial took place. Nanjing International Peace Assembly presided by Nanjing Buddhist association took place in commemoration square at Nanjing Memorial. About 40 amicable figures from Japan such as monks from Higashihonganji ( 东本愿寺 ), Nishihonganji ( 东本愿寺 ) and Hokoji ( 法光寺 ), and Hiroshima Anti-Invasion, Pro-Friendship ( 反侵略ㆍ世友好 ) group for visiting China along with the Buddhist monks from Qi Xia Si ( 栖霞寺 ) and Jiming Si ( 鸡鸣寺 ), about thousand Buddhists and the representatives of Nanjing Massacre survivors Buddhist monks from China and Japan held an assembly in front of the wall where the names of the massacre victims are engraved at the memorial, wishing for peace. Also, the amicable figures from Japan including the monks from Higashihonganji and 장웬칭 ( 張元卿 ) / 93
94 in Jiangsu, and the chairmen of Nanjing Qing Tian ( 擎天 ) Science Technology recited <Nanjing Declaration of Peace> by representing the people of Nanjing. About 3,000 people participated in this event th year commemoration for 300,000 victims of Nanjing Massacre and Nanjing International Peace Assembly took place. Jiang Hong Kun ( 蒋宏坤 ), the mayor of Nanjing, presided the event and Xu Zhong Lin ( 許仲林 ), the president of Jiangsu government, gave a speech. Ren Jie ( 任洁 ), 10 outstanding youths in Nanjing, and a student from Nanjing Art College recited <Nanjing Declaration of Peace> by representing the people of Nanjing st year commemoration for 300,000 victims of Nanjing Massacre and Nanjing International Peace Assembly took place. Miao He Lin ( 繆合林 ), the president of Nanjing government, presided the event and Bao Guo Xin ( 包國新 ), the vice president of Jiangsu, gave a speech while Chen Xiang Ning ( 陳湘寧 ), 10 Liangzun Guanyin Sikaohui ( 兩尊觀音思考會 ) group for visiting China from Nagoya, Japan, Buddhist monks from Pi Lu Si, China and the representatives of Nanjing Massacre survivors participated in the assembly. World Peace Memorial Service was held in the morning and the Buddhist monks from both China and Japan recited Buddhist scriptures for the souls of the victims. In the evening, Candlelight Ceremony Nanjing Youth Peace Assembly took place. Artists of Jiangsu sang the <Song of Peace> at the square of the main building and Nanjing theater troupe performed the play <Lunxian ( 沦陷 : The Fall)> at the main building Annual Meeting by Nanjing Massacre History Study Group and International Academic Conference 2008 took place. 94 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
95 outstanding youths in Nanjing, recited <Nanjing Declaration of Peace> by representing the people of Nanjing. About 6,000 people participated in this event nd year commemoration for 300,000 victims of Nanjing Massacre and Nanjing International Peace Assembly took place. Zhang Jiu Han ( 張九漢 ), the vice president of Jiangsu, gave a speech and Han Yong Lian ( 韩永 联 )), 10 outstanding youths in Nanjing, recited <Nanjing Declaration of Peace> by representing the people of Nanjing. About 5,000 people participated in this event. In the evening of 12th, floating a lantern of peace ceremony was held in Nanjing Memorial Peace Park. Chen Jun shi ( 陳君實 ), a businessman from Hong Kong, Sha Shu Qin ( 夏淑琴 ), the survivor of Nanjing Massacre, and 1000 influential figures from in and out of the country participated in this ceremony. In the evening of the same day, the same Vigil the night before for Nanjing Massacre Victims ceremony was held inside the ruins of Wan Ren Keng. Buddhist monks from both China and Japan held a world peace assembly in commemoration place inside the memorial and there was also an opening ceremony for Peace and Anti-war Monument made by the donation of Japan & China Labor Relations Association in Japan. Also Annual Meeting by Nanjing Massacre History Study Group and International Academic Conference 2009 took place. 장웬칭 ( 張元卿 ) / 95
96 rd year commemoration for 300,000 victims of Nanjing Massacre and Nanjing International Peace Assembly took place. Miao He Lin ( 繆合林 ), the president of Nanjing government, presided the event and Zhang Jiu Han ( 張九漢 ), the vice president of Jiangsu, gave a speech while Yu Hong ( 余紅 ), 10 outstanding youths in Nanjing, recited <Nanjing Declaration of Peace> by representing the people of Nanjing. About 5,000 people participated in this event th year commemoration for 300,000 victims of Nanjing Massacre and Nanjing International Peace Assembly took place. Miao He Lin ( 繆合林 ), the president of Nanjing government, presided the event and Chen Bao Tian ( 陳宝田 ), the vice president of Jiangsu, gave a speech while General Scriabin Wacker was saying the words of greetings. About 5,000 people participated in this event. On 12th, publication ceremony for <Opening of Nanjing Massacre Victims Memorial> took place. In the evening of 12 th, The night before vigil for Nanjing Massacre Victims event was held. On 13th, Buddhist monks from both China and Japan held a World Peace Memorial Service. Also, there was a promotion ceremony for the < Dictionary of Nanjing Massacre > publication project took place. Nanjing theater troupe performed the play <Lunxian ( 沦陷 : The Fall)> at the main building and Annual Meeting by Nanjing Massacre History Study Group and International Academic Conference 2010 took place. On 12th, opening ceremony for Remember Exhibition and publication ceremony for <Photo Collection from Japanese News/Publication on Nanjing Massacre> took place. In the evening of 12th, The night before vigil for Nanjing Massacre Victims event was held. On 13th, Buddhist monks from both China and Japan held a World Peace Memorial Service. On the same day, 1213 meter 96 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
97 ribbon Ten thousand autograph event for remembering the history and wishing for peace event was held in the Peace park at the main building. Nanjing theater troupe performed the play <Lunxian ( 沦陷 : The Fall)> at the main building and Annual Meeting by Nanjing Massacre History Study Group and International Academic Conference 2011 took place th year commemoration for 300,000 victims of Nanjing Massacre and Nanjing International Peace Assembly took place. Yang Wei Ze ( 杨衛泽 ), a member of Jiangsu Committee and the secretary of Nanjing City Board, gave a speech. About 9,000 people participated in the assembly. In the evening of the 12 th, Vigil and Peace Candlelight Ceremony for Nanjing Massacre Victims was held. On 13 th, Buddhist monks from both China and Japan held a World Peace Assembly at the Commemoration Center in the main building. Media briefing on new cultural assets, annual academic symposium on 2012 Nanjing Massacre and International Academic Conference took place. 장웬칭 ( 張元卿 ) / 97
98 우리의과거사추념방식과행사유형 - 난징대학살피해동포기념관을사례로 - 장웬칭 ( 張元卿 ) 난징대학살은중국을침략한일본군이노골적으로국제조약과인류의기본적인도덕규범을어긴것으로 1937년 12월부터 1938년 1월까지 6주간저지른사건이다. 당시의중국수도였던난징에서일본군은중국병사와민간인들을무차별학살생포하며역사상유례없는대참살을저질렀다. 제2차세계대전이끝난후극동국제군사재판과전범을재판한중국군사재판에서모두난징대학살에대해조사ㆍ재판을진행했다. 그중난징의전범을재판한군사재판의조사에의하면난징대학살중일본군이자행한집단학살은 28건으로 19만명이희생되었으며, 개별적학살은 858건으로 15만명이사망해총 30여만명이살해된것으로추정하고있다. 난징대학살피해동포기념관 ( 이하 난징관 ) 은바로중국을침략한일본군에의해자행된난징대학살피해동포들을기리기위해건립된것이다. 그러므로우리가추념하는과거사는일본군의자행한난징대학살당시피해를입은동포들의피해사이다. 난징관은 1985년난징장동먼 ( 江東門 ) 에당시일본군의만행이저질러진학살유적과일본군에게학살된희생자들이합장된곳에건립되었으며, 각종기록물, 연구, 전시, 추념이일체가된전문역사기념관이다. 건립기획초, 우리는기념관의추념기능을중요하게생각하여, 기념관의명칭과위치선정에서 기념형 과 유적형 이라는두가지특징을부각시켰는데기념관내대형부조의주제중하나가바로추모이다. 다음은추념방식, 추념행사유형과기념이념세가지로나누어이기간의역사상황을설명하고자한다. 1. 추념방식 난징관의추념대상은난징대학살중희생당한 30 여만동포이다. 그들을추념하 98 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
99 는것은무고하게희생된생명에대해존중을표하는것이며, 더욱이후대의사람 들에게그들희생의역사를기억하게하기위해서이다. 난징관의추념방식은다음 과같다. (1) 기념비건립 난징관소재지에 난징대학살장동먼피해동포기념비 를건립했다. 일본군의집단학살합장지인중산 ( 中山 ) 부두, 옌쯔지 ( 燕子磯 ), 챠오셰샤 ( 草鞋峡 ) 등지역에난징관은 17개의기념비를세우고, 모든기념비에학살현장의역사적사실을간단명료히기록했다. (2) 유적보호 난징관소재지는당시일본군에의해학살된 1만여명의중국군과민간인이묻힌만인갱 ( 萬人坑 ) 유적지이다. 역사를기념하고후세사람들에게경고하기위해난징관은 만인갱 유적현장을보호하고유적지주위에사료 ( 史料 ) 전시실을만들어발굴된피해자들의유해를현장에원래모습그대로보존하고있다. (3) 조각상제작 2002년 12월 13일, 난징관은길이 40미터, 폭 1.6미터에달하는 역사의증인발자국 동판길을제작해길중간에난징대학살당시의생존자대표니추이핑 ( 倪翠萍 ), 펑위전 ( 彭玉珍 ) 의조각상을세웠다. 이동판길옆으로난징대학살역사연구자인고 ( 故 ) 장춘루 ( 張純如 ) 선생의동상도제작해세웠다. 평화공원안에는 자형화소녀 동상을만들었으며, 묘지광장에는 어머니가아이를찾는 화강암석상을세웠다. 그외전시실내에는중국인을구한라베 (Rabe, 독일 ), 마기 (John Magee, 미국 ), 보트린 (Vautrin, 미국 ) 의조각상이있다. (4) 희생자명단을새긴벽구축 난징대학살의희생자들은일본군에의해사체가훼손되는것외에도일부유해들 은집단으로매장되면서희생자들의후손들이고인들을추모할수없게돼, 이를 참고하여난징관내부에만여명의희생자명단을새긴벽을만들었다. 이들은 30 장웬칭 ( 張元卿 ) / 99
100 여만희생자들을대표한것이다. 명단을새긴벽이만들어진후매년청명절에희 생자후손들이찾아와제를지내고있으며, 사람들은이를 통곡의벽 이라고도 부른다. (5) 추모장건립 난징관의건축물들은모두기념을주제로만들어졌다. 그중추모장은추모를하기위해특별히만들어진곳이다. 이곳에서생명의불을상징하는장명등 ( 長明燈 ) 을마주보며사람들은헌화와묵념등의방식으로희생자들을애도하고전쟁을반대하며평화를기원하는마음을표시한다. (6) 생존자찾기 1984년난징관건립계획기간동안, 난징시에서는난징대학살당시의생존자조사를진행하였다. 1985년부터현재까지난징관은계속해서생존자를찾고있으며, 대학살당시의피해자들이자신들이경험했던역사적사실 ( 史实 ) 에대해증인이되줄것을바라고있다. 현재까지 4000여개의증언자료들이수집되었고, 1994년과 2001년에는 < 난징대학살생존자증언집 > 과 < 난징대학살생존자증언 > 을차례로편집출판했다. (7) 역사적사실전시 난징관은관내에난징대학살사실 ( 史实 ) 전시를하는것외에도국내외순회전을진행하고있다. 그외, 난징관은매년난징대학살과관련있는테마전도개최하고있다. 올해난징관은 < 난징대학살생존자사진전 >, < 귀신, 사람이되다 푸순 ( 抚顺 ) 전범관리소개조전범그림전 > 등의전시를잇따라개최하였다. 이러한각종전시를통해더많은사람들이일본군이자행한난징대학살의역사를이해하고대학살의희생자를기리도록하고있다. (8) 학술심포지엄개최 난징관에서는 역사인지 ( 認知 ) 와동아시아평화포럼, 도쿄재판 50 주년기념학 술심포지엄 등일련의학술회의를잇따라개최하였으며, 일년내내난징대학살 100 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
101 관련증거물과증언을수집하고있다. 또한매년난징대학살사 ( 史 ) 심포지엄을개최 하고있다. 올해 12 월난징관은 중일관계시각에서본난징대학살연구및난징 대학살사세미나 2013 학술연례회의 > 를개최할예정이다. (9) 문헌사료와연구전문저서출판 학술연구와함께이미 100여권의관련문헌사료와전문서적을출판했다. 2007년난징관은 난징대학살사연구와문헌시리즈총서 를집필했으며, 이는난징출판사에서이미전30권으로출판했다. 내년에는난징관이집필한중국국가 12.5계획출판프로젝트-< 난징대학살사전 > 도출판예정에있다. (10) 공개집회개최 7.7사변기념일, 난징대학살기념일에난징관은기념행사개최와함께추모하기위해오는국내외각계인사들도맞이하고있다. 1994년이전에는난징관의기념행사가상시화, 규범화되지않았으나 1994년 12월 13일처음으로 난징각계인사들의난징대학살희생자를위한추념식 을거행한후난징관은매년 12월 13일을기념일로정해공개집회의형식으로난징대학살희생자를기념하고있다. 2002년 12월 13일부터이행사의명칭을 난징대학살 30만피해동포 65주년추념식및난징국제평화집회 로바꿔현재까지이행사를계속해오고있다. (11) 평화법회개최 2003년난징피루사 ( 毗卢寺 ) 승려와일본교토묘신지 ( 妙心寺 ) 영운원 ( 靈雲院 ) 승려, 난징대학살희생자유족이함께난징관 희생자명단을새긴벽 앞에서난징대학살희생자기념및세계평화기원법회를개최했다. 그후난징관은매년 12월평화법회라는종교의식으로희생자들을기념하고동시에세계평화를위해기도하고있다. 2. 추념행사유형 난징관의추념행사는다음과같다. 장웬칭 ( 張元卿 ) / 101
102 (1) 기념행사 1994년부터매년 12월 13일난징관은 난징각계인사의난징대학살희생자추념식 을거행하고있다. 간략히 12.13기념행사라부른다. 이행사는장쑤성정부와난징시정부가주재하고난징관이주관하고있으며, 난징시사회각계인사도대표를파견하고있다. 초창기에는참가인원이 1000 명도안되던것이현재는참가인원이 9000여명에이른다. 추념식의내용도매년다양해지고있다. 1994년추념식에서는처음으로사이렌을울리고평화의상징인비둘기를날렸다. 그후이두개의의식은매년기념식에서고정으로치뤄지고있다. 매년 12월 13일에는그외다채로운행사를거행하고있다. 1994년에는영화 < 난징대학살 > 의크랭크인행사를했으며, 1995년에는 < 광설 ( 狂雪 )> 시비 ( 詩碑 ) 제막식을가졌다. 1997년에는난징대학살생존자공증서전달식을거행했으며 2000년에는성운법사 ( 星雲法师 ) 가재미교포리쯔젠 ( 李自健 ) 의유화 < 도 ( 屠 ). 생 ( 生 ). 불 ( 佛 ) 난징대학살 > 을기증하면서관련행사를가졌다. 2002년부터는기념식에난징시시민대표의 < 난징평화선언 > 낭독식도추가되었다. 2004년에는원 ( 原 ) 난징일본전범재판법관친족의난징대학살사증언회를열었으며, 2008년에는장쑤성예술가들이본관광장에서 < 평화의노래 > 를불렀고난징연극단은본관에서연극 < 륜센 ( 沦陷 : 함락 )> 을공연했다. 2011년은본관평화공원에서 1213미터띠 역사기억과평화기원만인서명 행사를가졌다. (2) 촛불제행사 1994년 12월 13일저녁, 난징관은천인촛불추도행사를주최했다. 주청산 ( 朱成山 ) 관장이추도사 < 제 ( 祭 )> 를읽고, 리장홍 ( 李江紅 ) 아나운서가쉬즈겅 ( 徐志耕 ) 작가가쓴제문을선독하고 < 진혼곡 > 이연주될때 3000개의초에불을붙였다. 2002년 12월 13일저녁에는난징관이난징슈이시먼 ( 水西門 ) 거리에서약 5만명이참여하는 촛불제 대규모퍼레이드를진행했다. 2007년 12월 13일밤에는난징관에서 2300여명이참여한 촛불제 난징시청소년평화집회 행사를주최했다. 2012년 12월 12일밤에는 난징대학살희생자를위한경야의식및평화촛불제 를개최하며, 촛불제를경야행사에포함시켰다. (3) 전야 경야행사 2009 년부터매년 12 월 12 일저녁난징관에서는 난징대학살희생자를위한경야 - 전 102 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
103 야 행사를진행하고있다. 2009년 12월 12일저녁, 난징관평화공원에서평화의등띄우기행사를가졌는데, 행사에는홍콩의사업가인천췬스 ( 陳君實 ) 선생과, 난징대학살당시의생존자샤슈친 ( 夏淑琴 ) 여사및국내외우호인사천여명이참여했다. 그날저녁 만인갱 유적지내에서도 난징대학살희생자를위한경야-전야 행사를거행했다. 2012년 12월 12일저녁난징관은 난징대학살희생자경야식및평화촛불제 를개최하였으며 촛불제 를경야행사에포함시키며, 경야행사를더욱의식화 ( 儀式化 ) 하게되었다. (4) 청명제 행사 청명절은중국에서조상들을추모하는전통명절로매년청명절에많은민간인사들이자발적으로난징대학살희생자들을애도하기위해온다. 2000년이후부터우리관에서는청명절에특별기념행사를개최하기시작했다. 2001년청명절에는 < 불굴의성벽 > 시집출판기념회및시가낭송회를개최했다. 2005년청명절에는항일전쟁순국선열및난징대학살희생자성묘식을거행했다. 또한일본과 역사의교훈을새기고, 평화의미래를개척하자 라는주제로평화포럼행사를개최했다. 2008년청명절에는난징대학살생존자및희생자유족들이희생자들에게제를지내는행사를거행하기도했다. 2012년청명절에는난징대학살희생자유족 2012 청명제행사를거행했다. 10여년간 청명제 를개최하면서청명제는이미우리관전체기념행사중중요한부분이되었다. (5) 8.15 평화집회 1995년 8월 15일, 우리관에서는난징국제평화집회를개최하였고, 당일저녁일본 TBS가난징관에서도쿄로현장보도를했다. 그후매년 8.15 항일전쟁승리일에일본우호단체와함께난징국제평화집회를개최하고있다. 1997년에는중일양국학생들의 역사의증거남기기-중일학생만명난징대학살생존자방문여름캠프 를개최했다. 2005년에는일본명심회 ( 銘心會 ) 제20차방중단, 고베. 난징심연심회 ( 心連心會 ) 제8차방문단, 나가사키희망의날개제5차방중단회원들과공동으로난징평화집회를개최했다. 2007년주청산 ( 朱成山 ) 관장은일본아시아태평양지역전쟁희생자명심회의초청으로난징관내에서화상으로상대방에서개최하는평화집회에참석하여연설했다. 장웬칭 ( 張元卿 ) / 103
104 (6) 세계평화법회 2003년 12월 13일, 일본교토묘신지영운원 ( 靈雲院 ) 과난징피루사 ( 毗卢寺 ) 의승려, 난징대학살희생자유가족들이관내의 희생자명단이새겨진벽 앞에서난징대학살희생자를위해기도하는세계평화법회를거행했다. 2003년부터난징관에서는매년중일양국승려가참석하는평화기원법회를개최하고있다. 2005년개최된평화법회에는일본히가시혼간지 ( 东本愿寺 ), 니시혼간지 ( 西本愿寺 ), 법광사 ( 法光寺 ) 등의사찰승려및히로시마 반침략, 세우호 ( 反侵略ㆍ世友好 ) 방중단등 40여명의일본우호인사와중국치샤사 ( 栖霞寺 ), 지밍사 ( 鸡鸣寺 ) 등사찰의승려와천여명의불교신자및난징대학살생존자대표들이참가했다. 2006년에는일본히가시혼간지의승려와일본나고야의 양존관음사고회 ( 兩尊觀音思考會 ) 방중단등일본우호인사, 중국피루사승려및난징대학살생존자대표등이법회에참가했다. 우리의추념행사는 네가지결합 을구현하고있다. 즉, 의식적추념과주제적추념, 종교적추념과민간적추념, 예술적추념과연구적추념, 추모적추념과기원적추념의결합이다. 구체적인추념행사는모두이 네가지결합 의원칙하에진행된다. 예를들어회화전, 연극공연, 음악회는모두예술적추념행사이며, 이러한다양한예술방식을통해사람들의난징대학살에대한역사적인식을더욱깊고풍요롭게할수있다. 촛불제 와경야행사는추모적추념행사이며, 평화법회는기원적추념행사이다. 또한연구논문출판기념회와심포지엄은연구적추념행사이다. 3. 기념이념 12.13기념식은가장중요한기념행사이다. 왜의식 ( 儀式 ) 의형식으로기념식을진행하는가? 우리가추구하는이념은다음과같다. 첫째, 기억은역사를재정립하는것이며, 집단적기억은강화와계승이필요한것이다. 일본이자행한난징대학살의역사적기억은우리민족집단의기억이며이기억을강화계승하기위해반드시기념행사를통해강조할필요가있다. 또한기념행사의장엄성과사상성은또한의식 ( 儀式 ) 적으로관철시킬필요가있다. 이러한인식을바탕으로우리는 기념식을시작하였다 기념식은 < 국가 > 제창, 묵념, 사이렌취명, 헌화, 절, 연설, 비둘기날리기등이포함된다. 우리가기획한이러한내용들은모든참여자들이행사의식을통해역사를회고하고추념과성찰의마음을표함으로써우리의집단적기억을풍성하게강화시킬수있다. 104 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
105 예를들어, 작년 12.13기념식에서장쑤성정치협상회의장지우한 ( 張九漢 ) 부주석은우리가이곳에서역사를회고하고희생자들을추념하는것은바로역사를거울삼아경계하여역사의비극이다시되풀이되지않게하는데있다고말한바있다. 이것이곧집단적기억의강화와계승을강조하는이유이며, 매년정기적인기념식을거행함으로써의식을통해평화로운환경에서사는국민들이과거의역사를잊지않도록경계하기위한것이다. 둘째, 역사의기억은승화하는것이다. 주청산관장은 < 기억은난징문화의명함 > 이라는글에서역사의기억이역사자체의굴레를벗어나평화의문화로승화될때문화는곧국가를벗어나세계로나아갈수있다고했다. 역사를거울삼는것은국민들로하여금경계하게함이고, 평화를제창하는것은세계여러나라와미래를함께만들어가기위함이며, 기념식의마지막을평화의비둘기날리기로마무리하는것은역사의기억에더많은평화의기억이있기를바라는마음에서이다. 2002년부터우리기념관에서는매년난징국제평화의날집회를개최하고있으며개최때마다 < 난징평화선언 > 을낭독함으로써기념행사가역사성찰과평화제창이라는두선상에서진행되고있음을표방하고있다. 집단의기억은오직계승되면서국민들의정신속에스며들수있다 기념식등의기념행사역사자체가바로난징대학살역사기억의일부이기때문에이또한계승되어야한다. 때문에난징대학살기념행사사 ( 史 ) 의기록과정리는우리기념관이주최하는기념행사의구성부분이되었다. 매번추념행사가끝난후우리는이를기록하고, 추념행사상황을기록한문장을반년에한번발행하는우리관집필 < 난징국제평화연구 > 에게재하고연말에당해연도기념행사종합기록을 < 난징대학살희생자난징관연감 > 에싣는다. < 난징대학살희생자난징관사 ( 馆史 )> 는기념관건립이후각종기념행사를 일지식 으로기록한것이다. 이 일지식 기록에기재된것은우리관의기념행사뿐만아니라중국국민의난징대학살에대한기념과성찰의역사적심리역정을기록한것이다. 이것은공통의민족기억이며, 이기억에는미래에대한전망과평화를기원하는마음이담겨져있다. 장웬칭 ( 張元卿 ) / 105
106 별표 : 난징대학살피해동포추념행사상황표 년도기본상황행사내용 1994 난징사회각계인사의난징대학살희생자추념식 을처음으로거행하였다. 난징시정협판한차오 ( 潘寒操 ) 주석이추념식을주재하였으며참가인원은 1000여명에달한다 장쑤성및난징시각계인사의난징대학살희생자추념식 을거행했다. 왕샤린 ( 王霞林 ) 장쑤성위원회상무위원이자선전부장이추념식을주재하였고왕홍민 ( 王宏民 ) 난징시시장대리가연설하고, 로우슈진 ( 婁學金 ) 청년대표가발표하였으며 600여명이참가하였다 장쑤성및난징시사회각계인사의난징대학살희생자추념식 을거행했다. 왕샤린 ( 王霞林 ) 장쑤성위원회상무위원이자선전부장이추념식을주재하였고후쉬젠 ( 胡序建 ) 난징시위원회부서기가연설하였으며 500여명이참가하였다. 처음으로사이렌을울리고평화의비둘기날리기행사를거행했다. 또한우즈니우 ( 吴子牛 ) 감독의 < 난징대학살 > 영화크랭크인행사를가졌다. 장쑤성방송국과공동으로천인촛불추모행사를개최하였으며, 주청산 ( 朱成山 ) 관장이추도사 < 제 ( 祭 )> 를읽고, 리장홍 ( 李江紅 ) 아나운서가쉬즈겅 ( 徐志耕 ) 이쓴제문을선독하였으며, < 진혼곡 > 이울리는가운데 3000개의촛불에불을켰다새롭게준공되는 < 광설 ( 狂雪 )> 시비 ( 詩碑 ) 와추모벽의제막식행사를거행했다. 같은날, 난징대학살일본군만행사료 ( 史料 ) 전이막을올렸다. 오오시마코우이치 ( 大島孝一 ) 를단장으로하는일본명심회 ( 銘心會 ) 방중단이추념행사에참가했다. 청소년대표가발표하고각계인사가헌화하며희생자를추모했다. 106 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
107 1997 장쑤성및난징시각계인사의난징대학살희생자추념식 을거행했다. 판한차오 ( 潘寒操 ) 난징시정협주석이주재하고, 쑨거 ( 孫頜 ) 장쑤성정협주석이각계를대표해연설했다. 또한왕전화 ( 王振華 ) 난징시치공당위원장이민주당파를대표해발언하고, 난징대학교왕징화 ( 王靖華 ) 학생회주석이청년대표로발언했다 장쑤성및난징시사회각계인사의난징대학살희생자추념식 을거행했다. 쉬후이링 ( 許慧玲 ) 난징시부시장이주재했고, 후쉬젠 ( 胡序建 ) 장쑤성정협부주석, 장쑤성군관구부사령원쉬즈롱 ( 許志龍 ) 소장등성, 시대표및난징대학살생존자와학계전문가대표등이참석했다 장쑤성및난징시사회각계인사의난징대학살희생자추념식 을거행했다. 구하오 ( 顧浩 ) 장쑤성위원회상무위부서기가주재하고연설했으며, 참석인원인2000 여명에달했다 장쑤성및난징시사회각계인사의난징대학살희생자추념식 을거행했다. 구하오 ( 顧浩 ) 장쑤성위원회상무위부서기가주재하고연설했으며, 참석인원인2000 여명에달했다 장쑤성및난징시사회각계인사의난징대학살희생자추념식 을거행했다. 왕옌원 ( 王燕文 ) 난징시위원회상무위원이자선전부장이주재 < 국가 > 제창과묵념을하고시전체에 3분간사이렌을울렸다. 난징대학살생존자인리시우잉 ( 李秀英 ) 이 < 고성의재난 > 조각상앞의장명등 ( 長明燈 ) 에불을점화했다. 평화의비둘기 3000마리를날리고, 난징대학살생존자공증서전달식을거행했다. < 국가 > 제창, 묵념, 사이렌취명, 헌화, 절순으로진행하고, 평화의비둘기 2000마리를날렸다. < 진혼곡 > 이울리는가운데, 각계인사들이기념관을돌며희생자들을추모했다. 타이완불광사 ( 佛光寺 ) 의성운법사가기념관의추념행사에참석하고, 재미교포리쯔젠 ( 李自健 ) 의유화 < 도 ( 屠 ). 생 ( 生 ). 불 ( 佛 ) - 난징대학살 > 을기증하면서관련행사를거행했다. 동일본철도노조대표단등일본우호인사들이추념식에참석했다. 장웬칭 ( 張元卿 ) / 107
108 하고, 리웬차오 ( 李源潮 ) 장쑤성위원회부서기가연설했다. 또한청소년대표이자난징진링 ( 金陵 ) 중학교학생인위즈잉 ( 余之颖 ) 이발언했다. 참석인원은 3000여명에달했다 난징대학살 30만피해동포 65주년추념식및난징국제평화집회 를거행했다. 장예 ( 張曄 ) 난징시정협주석이주재하고로즈쥔 ( 羅志軍 ) 난징시시장이연설했다. 홍콩사업가인천쥔스 ( 陳君實 ) 선생, 동일본철도노조우호대표단, 미국북캘리포아중국평화통일촉진회대표단및캐나다세계항일전쟁사실수호회대표들이집회에참여했고, 참석인원은 3000 여명달했다 난징대학살 30만피해동포 66주년추념식및난징국제평화집회 를거행했다. 왕정셩 ( 汪正生 ) 난징시정협주석이주재하고린샹궈 ( 林祥國 ) 성정협부주석이연설했다. 왕동진 ( 王東进 ) 제 7회난징 10대걸출청년, 궈루 ( 鼓楼 ) 병원전문가가난징시민을대표해 < 난징평화선언 > 을선독했다. 일본자금초합창단, 한국 4.3연구소, 홍콩지역항일전쟁피해동포연합회등의단체도집회에참가했으며참가인원은3000 여명에달했다 난징대학살 30만피해동포 67주년추념식및난징국제평화집회 를 난징국제평화의날집회를거행하고, 쉬홍 ( 許宏 ) 시민대표, 난징시청년연합회주석이 < 난징평화선언 > 을선독했다. 그후매년추념식과난징국제평화의날집회를함께진행하고있다. 당일저녁슈이시먼 ( 水西門 ) 거리에서약 5만명이참여한 촛불제 대규모거리퍼레이드를개최했고 100여대의피아노가동시에 < 평화의노래 > 를연주했다. 난징흰비둘기예술단, 일본자금초합창단과장내참가자들이함께 < 흰비둘기의노래 >, < 평화의풀 자금초 > 를합창했다. 난징대학살생존자리시우잉 ( 李秀英 ), 샤슈친 ( 夏淑琴 ), 장건푸 ( 姜根福 ), 창즈창 ( 常志强 ) 과항일전쟁노전사및난징청년대표들과함께피해동포를추념하기위해주조한평화의종을타종했다. 일본쿄토묘신지영운원과난징피루사승려, 난징대학살피해자유족이관내 희생자명단을새긴벽 앞에서난징대학살희생자를위해세계평화를기원하는법회를열었다. 중일양국승려들이평화를기원하는법회를열었다. 또한일본쿄토 108 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
109 거행했다. 장보싱 ( 張伯興 ) 난징시정협주석이주재하고루쥔 ( 陆軍 ) 장쑤성정협부주석이연설했다. 난징대학교학생회주석인천리 ( 陳莉 ) 가난징시민을대표해 < 난징평화선언 > 을선독했다. 참가자는 2500 여명이었다 난징대학살 30만피해동포 68주년추념식및난징국제평화집회 를거행했다. 뤄즈쥔 ( 羅志軍 ) 난징시위원회서기가주재하고런옌션 ( 任彦申 ) 장쑤성위원회부서기가연설했으며, 쑨샹진 ( 孫雙金 ) 난징시베이징루초등학교교장이난징시민을대표해 < 난징평화선언 > 을선독했다. 참가자는 3000여명이었다 난징대학살 30만피해동포 69주년추념식및난징국제평화집회 를거행했다. 장위더 ( 蒋裕德 ) 난징시정협부주석이주재하고신잉메이 ( 辛颖梅 ) 장쑤성 10대걸출청년, 난징칭텐 ( 擎天 ) 과학기술유한회사이사장이난징시민을대표해 < 난징평화선언 > 을선독했다 여명이참가했다. 세이카대학이케오세이시 ( 池尾靖志 ) 교수의 < 평화학입문 > 출판기념식을거행했다. 원 ( 原 ) 난징일본전범재판법관친족의난징대학살사증언회를열었다. 난징시불교협회가주최하는난징국제평화법회가기념관추념광장에서개최됐다. 일본히가시혼간지 ( 东本愿寺 ), 니시혼간지 ( 西本愿寺 ), 법광사 ( 法光寺 ) 등의사찰승려및히로시마 반침략, 세우호 ( 反侵略ㆍ世友好 ) 방중단등 40여명의일본우호인사와중국치샤사 ( 栖霞寺 ), 지밍사 ( 鷄鳴寺 ) 등사찰의승려와천여명의불교신자및난징대학살생존자대표들이참가했다. 기념관의희생자명단이새겨진벽앞에서중일승려들이평화를기원하는법회를열었다. 일본히가시혼간지 ( 东本愿寺 ) 승려와일본나고야의 양존관음사고회 ( 兩尊觀音思考會 ) 방중단등일본우호인사, 중국피루사승려및난징대학살생존자대표등이법회에참가했다 난징대학살 30만피해동포 70주년추념식및난징국제평화집회 를거행했다. 장홍쿤 ( 蒋宏坤 ) 난징시장이주재하고 오전에는기념관신관추모장에서세계평화법회를개최하였으며, 중일양국승려가희생자들의망령에경문을낭송했다. 오후에는기념관광 장웬칭 ( 張元卿 ) / 109
110 쉬종린 ( 許仲林 ) 장쑤성정협주석이연설했으며, 런제 ( 任洁 ) 난징시 10대걸출청년, 난징예술대학학생이난징시민을대표해 < 난징평화선언 > 을선독했다 난징대학살 30만피해동포 71주년추념식및난징국제평화집회 를거행했다. 먀오허린 ( 繆合林 ) 난징시정협주석이주재하고바오궈신 ( 包國新 ) 장쑤성정협부주석이연설하였으며, 천샹닝 ( 陳湘寧 ) 난징시 10대걸출청년, 난징방송국오락채널부감독이난징시민을대표해 < 난징평화선언 > 을선독했다. 6000여명이참가했다 난징대학살 30만피해동포 72주년추념식및난징국제평화집회 를거행했다. 장지우한 ( 張九漢 ) 장쑤성정협부주석이연설하고, 한용롄 ( 韩永联 ) 난징시 10대걸출청년이난징시민을대표해 < 난징평화선언 > 을선독했다. 5000여명이참가했다. 장에서 2300여명이참가한 촛불제 난징시청소년평화집회 행사를열었다. 장쑤성예술가들이본관광장에서 < 평화의노래 > 를부르고, 난징연극단은본관에서연극 < 륜센 ( 沦陷 : 함락 )> 을공연했다. 2008년난징대학살사연구회학술연례회의및국제학술보고회를개최했다. 12일저녁난징관평화공원에서는평화의등띄우기행사를가졌다. 이행사에는홍콩의사업가인천췬스 ( 陳君實 ) 선생과난징대학살당시의생존자샤슈친 ( 夏淑琴 ) 여사및국내외우호인사천여명이참여했다. 그날저녁 만인갱 유적지내에서도 난징대학살희생자를위한경야--전야 행사를거행했다. 중일양국승려들이본관추모장에서세계평화법회를개최했으며, 본관평화공원에서일본일. 중노동교류협회에서기부제작한평화반전기념비제막식행사를가졌다. 또한 2009년난징대학살사연구회학술연례회의및국제학술보고회를개최했다. 110 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
111 2010 난징대학살 30만피해동포 73주년추념식및난징국제평화집회 를거행했다. 먀오허린 ( 繆合林 ) 난징시정협주석이주재하고장지우한 ( 張九漢 ) 장쑤성정협부주석이연설하였으며, 위홍 ( 余紅 ) 난징시 10대걸출청년이난징시민을대표해 < 난징평화선언 > 을선독했다. 5000여명이참가했다 난징대학살 30만피해동포 74주년추념식및난징국제평화집회 를거행했다. 먀오허린 ( 繆合林 ) 난징시정협주석이주재하고천바오텐 ( 陳宝田 ) 장쑤성정협부주석이연설했으며, 러시아전승기념관부관장인스크라빈웨커장군이인사말을했다. 5000여명이참가했다 난징대학살 30만피해동포 75주년추념식및난징국제평화집회 를거행했다. 양웨이저 ( 杨衛泽 ) 장쑤성위원회상임위원, 난징시위원회서기가연설하였고 9000여명이참가했다. 12일 < 난징대학살피해동포기념관개관 > 출판기념회를가졌다. 12일저녁 전야제 난징대학살희생자경야 > 행사를개최했다. 13일중일양국승려가본관추모장에서세계평화법회를개최했다. 또한 < 난징대학살사사전 > 편찬프로젝트발기식을가졌다. 난징연극단은본관에서 < 륜센 ( 沦陷 : 함락 )> 을공연했고, 2010년난징대학살사연구회학술연례회의및국제학술보고회를개최했다. 12일본관에서 기억하자 12.13전 ( 展 ) 개막식과 < 난징대학살일본뉴스간행물사진집 > 출판기념식을거행했다. 12일저녁에는약150여명이참가한 전야 난징대학살희생자경야 행사를열었다. 13일중일양국승려들이본관추모장에서세계평화법회를거행했다. 같은날본관평화공원에서 1213 미터띠 역사기억과평화기원만인서명 행사를가졌다. 난징연극단은본관에서 < 륜센 ( 沦陷 : 함락 )> 을공연했고, 2011년난징대학살사연구회학술연례회의및국제학술보고회를개최했다. 12일저녁 난징대학살희생자를위한경야제및평화촛불제 행사를개최했다. 13일중일양국의승려들이본관추모장에서세계평화법회를거행했다. 신문화재에대한언론브리핑을가졌으며, 그외 2012년난징대학살사연구회학술연례회의및국제학술보고회를개최했다. 장웬칭 ( 張元卿 ) / 111
112 토론문 이규배 ( 제주국제대교수 ) , 그운동과이론에대하여 제주4.3의진상규명과명예회복을위한실천운동은때로는지극히현실적필요- 수요에대응하기위한이론적뒷받침이필요했고, 때문에 4.3관련단체의태동과함께 4.3운동은논리적준비를위한활발한연구활동과불가분의관계에있기도하다. 일례로, 1999년 12월 16일국회본회의에서 제주4ㆍ3사건진상규명및희생자명예회복을위한특별법 이통과되고, 2000년 1월 12일부터이특별법 ( 법률제6117 호 ) 이제정공포 ( 시행은 3개월이경과한날부터 ) 되기에이르자 4.3진영에서는기민하게 2000년 4월 2일 4 3특별법시행과그과제 라는이름으로공세적인특별세미나를개최한다. 1) 또한중앙의 제주4 3사건진상규명및희생자명예회복위원회 ( 발족 ) 와더불어 1년여뒤인 2001년 9월 20일 제주4 3 희생자심사소위원회 가구성 (7명) 되어본격적인희생자심사 2) 에돌입하게되면, 2002 년 1월 25일에 제주4 3희생자선정기준논란에따른긴급토론회 가선제적으로개최된다. 3) 그리고직면한제주4 3진상조사보고서작성기획단 ( 발족 ) 의 112 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
113 보고서작성을위해 2002 년 4 월 3 일에는다랑쉬굴유해발굴 10 주년을기념하여보 고서확정 1 년앞서선제적으로 4 3 진상조사보고서, 어떻게쓸것인가 라는주 제로기념학술대회가개최된다. 4) 이어서 제주 4 3 사건진상조사보고서 확정 ( ) 에직면한 4.3 진영이 2003 년 9 월 4 일 제주 4 3 진상규명의현단계와과 제 - 진상보고서를중심으로 라는공동학술토론회를개최 5) 하고, 진상조사보고서 가확정된익일인 2003 년 10 월 16 일에 제주 4 3 진상조사보고서확정이후의 4 3 운동의나아갈길 이라는학술심포지엄을개최 6) 한것은 4.3 해결을위한실천운동 과이론적인연구활동이양륜처럼긴밀하게작동하고있었음을보여주고있는구체 적인사례라할것이다. 한편 2004 년 11 월 19 일미진한 4.3 특별법의개정을위해서 4 3 특별법개정을 위한도민대토론회 를개최 7) 하고, 특별법개정운동 8) 으로돌입하게된다. 다만, 이규배 / 113
114 2004년이후국면에이르면 4.3운동가출신의국회진입 ( 강창일의원 ) 에힘입어장외에서의실천적인투쟁과이를위한이론적인연구활동이의회투쟁으로변환되며, 4.3운동의무대도제주에서여의도로옮겨가게되는전환점이됐던것으로사료된다. 이후의 4.3은제도적공간안에서진상규명의일환으로착수된 2개마을미신고희생자 전수조사 9) 와본격적인유해발굴이진행 10) 되기에이르고, 현실적인운동과제가교육현장과후유장애인문제로확산되면서연구의방향이나관심사도평화교육 11) 이나트라우마치유문제 12) 등으로확장되기에된다. 이일련의과정에서실천운동으로서의 4.3은이론적토대를필요로했고, 그대부분의경우운동과이론은괴리됨이없이긴밀한상관성을유지하고있었던셈이다. 그런면에서오늘학술행사의주제인 국내외과거사추념현실과국가기념일 도직면한현실적인과제와긴밀하게연동되는문제의식의연장선상에서개최되는것이라할것이다. 114 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
115 국가추념일, 4 3 의 마지막 과제이자첫번째학술적시도 4 3중앙위원회는 진상조사보고서 의결과를토대로 4 3문제를해결하기위한 대정부 7개건의사항 13) 을채택하고정부에전달한바가있다. 7개의건의사항중, 현재 6개항이완료됐거나진행중에있고, 유일한미결사항이 43사건국가추념일지정 이었다. 어쩌면공적인측면에서 4.3의국가추념일지정 문제는 4.3 의마지막과제이기도한셈이다. 다행히그동안지지부진했던 4 3 국가기념일지정이지난 18대대선과정에서여야의모든후보들이이를공약으로내세웠고, 국회도 2013년 6월 27일여야합의로통과한 4 3특별법개정안의부대의견에 정부는내년 4월 3일이전에 각종기념일등에관한대통령령 을개정해매년 4월 3일을제주4 3사건희생자추념일로정한다. 는내용을담아 4 3의국가기념일지정을명문화했다. 어찌보면국가추념일지정은 4.3운동의대미를장식하는문제인셈이다. 이와관련하여지금까지의미있는학술행사가없었던것은당연한일이기도하다. 마지막 과제가이렇게올성싶지않았기때문이다. 때문에오늘은 4.3의 마지막 과제에대한 첫번째 학술적인시도가이루어지는셈이다. 그런면에서는과거의학술행사기록이나경험으로부터무엇인가를배우기도힘든과제에직면하고있는셈이기도하다. 3. 오키나와의피해실태조사기법에대한몇가지회상 아라가키야스코선생님의발표문중에서유독시선을끌었던부분은 우라소에 ( 浦添 ) 방식 이라는전쟁피해실태조사수법이었다. 이는오키나와전당시전체 18 개아자 ( 字 = 부락 ) 의지도를복원하여당시의가족수, 이민이나현외로소개 ( 疎開 ) 되었던가족, 방위대를포함한병역수, 전사자수, 생활터전이었던가옥상황, 일본군의가옥이용, 가축상황등포괄적인인적 물적전쟁피해실태조사이다. 왜냐하면, 이미수년전에제주4.3연구소에서는아라가키선생님과 우라소에 ( 浦添 ) 방식 에대해의견을교환한바가있고, 이조사기법을토대로한 4.3 피해실태조사의 이규배 / 115
116 필요성에공감했던적이있었기때문이다. 제주4.3연구소가앞의 2개마을미신고희생자 전수조사를주도했던것은아라가키선생님의이런오키나와전쟁피해실태조사기법에서시사받은바가적지않았기때문이다. 이조사기법은당시의피해실태를시각적으로확인할수있다는장점과동시에당시의소실된마을의실태를복원할수있다는의미에서도훗날에는사료적으로도매우유용한가치를가질수있는장점을가지고있다. 4.3에서는아직도이러한조사기법을도입하지못하고있어서이에대한관심의환기가필요한것으로보인다. 14) 국가추념일, 그지정의의미는무엇인가? 4 3특별법은개정됐지만당장내년부터 4 3 국가추념일이지정되고 4 3위령제가정부주관행사로격상되기위해서는 각종기념일등에관한규정 을조속히개정해야하는등조속히처리해야될과제가적지는않다. 그러나제주4 3사건이국가추념일로지정된다면그의미는매우클것으로보인다. 그하나는 4.3특별법이당시여야간의합의에입각해서국회를통과 ( 날치기통과가아닌 ) 했다는점에서그입법적정당성을확보하는힘이있었듯이, 4.3 국가추념일또한여야간의합의에의해서국회를통과하고보수정권하에서절차적하자없이지정된다면사건으로서의 4.3의정당성도공고하게될것이다. 다른하나는 4.3 국가추념일지정이여야간의합의에의해국회를통과하고부수정권에의해서선언된다는사실자체가 4.3에대한그간의악의적이고왜곡된이데올로기적인공세와인식에서벗어나 국가공권력에의해저질러진잘못 임을재차인정한다는점에서그야말로 4.3인식의코페르니쿠스적인전환이완결되는결과가될것으로기대된다. 또다른하나는 4.3으로인한고통의역사가당당히국가로부터공인되는역사로자리매김됨으로써이명박정부하의보수진영에서끊임없이제기됐던총 6건의 4.3관련소송 ( 헌법소원 2건, 국가소송 2건, 행정소송 2건. 보수진영전패 ) 을비롯하여숱하게자행되어왔던 4.3역사의왜곡과기술은그정당성과근거를상실하게될것이라는점이다. 물론 5.18에서도보듯이, 당사건이국가추념일로격상되어기 116 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
117 념된다고해서그에대한집요하고악의적인왜곡이사라지는것은아니다. 그러나 4.3위령제가대통령이참석하는국가적위령제로자리잡게되면 4.3의전국화라는과제의해결과더불어 4.3의역사가지니는의미나위상에도엄연한차이가생기게될것이다. 마지막으로 제주를근거로한역사적사건의국가기념일지정은 4 3해결의최상위해법이라는데의의를두고있다. 특히한국현대사에서과거역사의청산을통해올바른역사를정립한사례가없는상황에서제주4 3이국가기념일로지정된다는것은우리현대사의반성이라는점에서그의미는대단 15) 하다는평가도주목을요한다. 다만, 한가지문제점이남을수있지않을까싶다. 일례로 5.18의경우에는정부가공식적으로 광주시민에대한학살은심각한인권유린행위이고, 5 18은민주화운동임을높이기념해야된다. 는한결같은태도를취하고있는데서도엿볼수있듯이, 5.18은 광주시민에대한학살은심각한인권유린행위 이지만, 방점은 민주화운동 에찍혀있다는점이다. 이는 5.18이무엇을기념하고선양해야할것인지그가치가확실하게존재한다는것을의미한다. 그렇다면, 4.3이기념하고선양해야할가치는무엇인가? 4.3이 국가공권력에의한제주도민의억울하고무고한죽음 임에는변함이없지만, 중요한방점은어디에찍을것인가하는문제가여전히남아있는것으로보인다. 이에대한명징한합의와공감이없이방점이 억울하고무고한죽음 에만찍히게되면, 4.3 국가추념일은그냥 거대한제삿날 에머물러버리는한계를갖게되는것은아닐까싶다. 5. 오키나와의교훈과공동의과제 전쟁체험의풍화 라는적지않은난관속에서도 우리들은많은체험자들의이야기를들었습니다. 책 ( 전쟁체험기록 ) 에기록했으니그것으로임무가끝난게아닙니다. 추체험을구전하는사람이되어야만할것같습니다. 라는지적은미래 4.3교육에대한의미있는교훈이될것으로공감이가는대목이다 그렇게열정적으로임해왔던오키나와인들의전쟁체험기록과평화교육에 이규배 / 117
118 도불구하고시대를역주행하는오키나와의현실, 즉 오키나와전체험을구전하고있는사람들과전국전쟁체험자를모독 하는이시가키 ( 石垣 ) 시교육장의역사인식과발언, 왜곡된 공민교과서 채택문제, 해마다감소하는 오키나와현립평화기념자료관 과 히메유리평화기념자료관 방문객추이, 이들문제들은제주4.3의미래얼굴일수도있다. 이미수년전에도오키나와현지사의교체 16) 에따라, 오키나와평화기념관의전시컨셉이변질 ( 초기에는일본군의총검이동굴안의주민을향하던감시모드에서주민을보호하는듯이동굴밖으로향하는보호모드로왜곡 ) 된바가있었다. 또한오늘발표에도나와있듯이, 전쟁체험자들의고령화가가속화되어직접이야기를들려줄분 이줄어들어서 전쟁체험의풍화 현상이나타나는것은이해가능한문제라하더라도, 위령의날 특별수업에도불구하고 젊은교사가오키나와전을모른다. 든가하는현실은역시심각한문제로보인다. 과거사인식과평화교육에있어서오키나와가이정도라면일본본토는이보다더심각한수준일것이라는예측을가능케한다. 대중적지지를등에업은극우적인아베정권의등장이우연이아니었음을보여주는대목이라할것이다. 그렇다면과연무엇이문제였는지? 이에대한대답을듣고싶다 오키나와에는 위령의날 (6월 23일 ) 이정해져있고, 현의모든관공서가휴일이라고한다. 4.3 추념일과관련하여 위령의날 과관련된많은가르침이필요한대목이다. 우선은이날을제정하기위한오키나와내부의경과 ( 위령의날 제정운동혹은쟁취운동의실태등 ) 가궁금하며, 이를제정하기위한오키나와현민들의관심과열기의정도, 이에대한보수세력의대응과태도여하, 그리고제정취지는무엇인지, 이에대한포괄적인대답을듣고싶다. 그리고이와관련하여 4.3 국가추념일지정을목전에두고제주도에대해서유익한충고가있다면부탁드리고싶다. 118 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
119 토론문 허호준 ( 한겨레신문사회 2 부부장, 정치학박사 ) 역사는현재와과거의대화다. 이러한대화의목적은과거에대한집단기억을재현하기위한것이다. 우리가과거의비극적대사건들을추념하고기억하는이유는억울하게죽은자들을위로하고, 엄청난무게의역사적기억때문에아직도악몽에시달리고있는사람들을해방시켜주기위한것이다. 오늘세미나의주제또한어떻게해야과거에대한집단기억을오늘의시점에서되살려의의를찾고, 억울하게희생된이들의영혼을위로하며, 역사교훈으로삼을수있을지논의하는자리다. 토론자는 2012년 8월제2차세계대전당시독일군의초토화작전으로주민학살이벌어졌던그리스의남부펠로폰네소스의칼라브리타라는곳을방문한적이있다. 이곳도주민학살을추념하는위령행사를해마다갖는데, 놀랍게도그날이 12월 13 일이다. 난징대학살추모의날인 12월 13일과같은날이다. 해마다 12월 13일이되면중국의난징에서도, 그리스의칼라브리타라는마을에서도억울하게숨져간이들을위한추념행사를하고집단기억을재현하는것이다. 20세기전 중반에일어난난징대학살 (1937), 오키나와전쟁 (1945), 대만 2 28사건 (1947), 제주4 3(1948) 의희생자를합치면 60만명가까이되는숫자다. 희생자규모만봐도이들사건은동아시아의대사건임을알수있다. 이미이들지역과국가에서는국가차원의또는지역차원의추모행사를해마다실시해오고있다. 그러나각지역사회의특성과국가의관심여하에따라추모의규모와방식이다르다. 제주4 3과오키나와전쟁, 난징대학살사건때희생당한사람들을어떻게기억함으로써그들과대화할수있는가. 그들을추모하는기념관을세우고, 위령비를세우고, 위령제를거행하는것으로추모한다고할수있는가? 만약그렇다면동아시아에서일어난이들사건은 과거의역사 속으로묻힐것이다. 우리가이를집단적으로기억하고추념하는것을장웬칭선생의발표문에나타난것처럼 역사를거울삼아경계하여역사의비극이다시되풀이하지않게하고, 역사자체의굴레를 허호준 / 119
120 벗어나평화로승화시키는데있다. 토론자는 1999년에오키나와를, 그리고그뒤난징을 3차례방문한적이있다. 당시오키나와에서열린제3회동아시아평화인권심포지엄에참가한뒤동굴과히메유리자료관, 평화자료관을방문했던기억이있다. 난징은 3차례의방문을통해난징대학살기념관의변천을직접목격한적이있다. 방문할때마다우리가보고배워할것은많다고생각했지만, 아쉽게도실현된것은그리없다. 두분발표자께보다구체적인추념행사에대해묻고싶다. 1. 아라카키야스코선생은오래전부터제주4 3에관심을두고위령제때마다참석했던것으로알고있다. 수년전에는아라카키선생을인터뷰한기억이있다. 선생의발표는 계승과평화교육 에초점이맞춰졌다. 최근의오키나와현내기지문제에대한아라카키선생이지적한 오키나와의목소리에는전혀귀를기울이지않는정부를보고있노라면, 오키나와는진정일본의식민지로밖에생각되지않는다 는말은그대로제주강정마을해군기지에도적용된다고할수있다. 아라카키선생의발표문은오키나와전쟁의체험을기록하기위해어떠한작업을추진해왔는지일목요연하게정리돼있다. 1978년시작된오키나와현내시 초 손사 ( 史 ) 의이른바마을지또는향토지편찬사업가운데오키나와전투를주요항목으로기록한것은의의가있다. 이는제주도내마을지나향토지가 2000년대들어본격적으로 4 3 을기록한것을보면상당히앞섰다고할수있다. 아라카키선생이 오키나와전쟁 기록과관련해추진한이른바 우라소에방식 은우리에게시사점이크다. 선생이작업한경과를보면, 1) 오키나와전쟁당시전체 18개아자 ( 부락 ) 의지도복원 2) 당시가족인원 3) 이민이나현외소개가족 4) 군인수 5) 전사자수 6) 가옥상황 7) 일본군의가옥이용상황 8) 가축상황등을전체적으로조사했다. 이와함께각가정의조사표작성과주민의방공호및군의진지호를지도에추가했다. 이러한추진과정을보면전쟁기록을작성한다는작업자체가결코쉬운일이아님을알수있다. 선생도지적했다시피도시화가이뤄지면서마을이당시의모습과크게바뀐곳도적지않았을것이라고생각한다. 작업이쉽지않은만큼편찬작업도오래걸렸을것이라고생각한다. 이러한작업을하는데걸린시간이얼마나되며, 몇명이조사에참여했는지알고싶다. 또이러한오키나와전쟁과관련한출판물이지역사회와젊은세대에미친영향 120 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
121 가운데행정기관이전적지를포함한역사, 문화재탐방가이드양성강좌를개설함으로써관광우선의가이드육성에중점을두고있는같아약간은우려스럽다고했는데, 이러한우려를없애기위한방안을생각해봤다면무엇인지알고싶다. 아라카키선생은평화교육의문제와관련해현립평화기념자료관과히메유리평화기념자료관의관람객수축소를우려하고있다. 앞서언급했지만 1999년오키나와를방문했을때히메유리평화기념자료관에앞에서중 고등학생으로보이는많은학생들이관광버스에오르내리는모습을봤다. 내기억으로는당시 100만명이상의학생들이히메유리평화기념자료관과평화기념자료관을찾는다고들었다. 오늘발표를보면히메유리의경우 2000년부터연간 80만명의관람객을유지해오다 2010년부터는연간 60만명수준으로떨어졌다고한다. 평화기념자료관도관람객수가감소하는추세다. 그이유는무엇인가. 아라카키선생은또선생님들이오키나와전쟁을모른다는것은심각한문제라고지적했다. 오키나와에서는 6월 23일위령의날을전후해일주일정도집중적으로평화교육을진행하는것으로알고있다. 이기간에집중적으로초중학교에서오키나와전쟁을중심으로한역사를교육한다고한다. 얼마전아라사키모리테루오키나와대전총장을인터뷰한적이있다. 아라사키교수도발표자와같은얘기를했다. 아라사키교수는 학교현장에서가르치는교사들가운데오키나와전쟁을체험하지않은교사들이대부분이다. 그분들이역사공부를해서가르쳐야하는데충분하지않다는의견이많다 고말했다. 다음은오키나와위령의날과관련해묻고싶다. 위령의날인 6월 23일은오키나와방위제32군사령관우시지마미츠루중장이오키나와남부이토만시마부니언덕에있는사령부에서자결한날이자, 일본군의조직적인저항이끝난날이다. 이날을위령의날로택한이유를알고있으면듣고싶다. 토론자가알기로는오키나와위령의날은전국단위의행사가아니라현단위행사로알고있다. 오키나와현조례지정을통해현차원에서진행된다고한다. 이때문에 6월 23일은현내모든관공서가휴일이지만, 국립대학인류큐대학은쉬지않는다고한다. 아라사키선생의발표를보면 1961년부터위령의날로지정됐다고하는데, 그렇다면이당시조례를제정했는지, 조례에는어떤내용이포함돼있는지알고싶다. 오키나와전쟁에서수많은민간인들이죽어갔는데왜전국단위의위령의날지정을요구하지않는가. 1992~1993년께에는일본정부차원에서법률로위령제나추모의날을없애자고 허호준 / 121
122 해서오키나와에서상당한반발을불러일으킨적이있다. 왜정부는위령제나추모의날을없애자고했는지알고있다면답변을듣고싶다. 위령의날에는총리와중의원들이참석하는것으로알고있는데이는오키나와현청이요구해서오키나와에오는것인가아니면자발적으로참여하는것인가. 위령의날행사프로그램은누가계획하는지도알고싶다. 2. 중국의난징대학살은 20세기전반아시아에서일어난제노사이드의한사례로기록될정도로비극적사건이다. 장웬칭선생의발표는난징대학살기념관의설립부터그이후의역사적과정을자세하게설명하고있다. 1937년 12월부터 1938년 1월까지 6주동안이라는단기간에저지른일본군의만행으로 30만명이학살된것은세계적으로도유례가없는일이다. 처음난징대학살기념관을방문했을때는기념관내여러시설들을돌아보면서토론자는추념방식의직접적인표현방식에놀랐다. 예를들면, 난징대학살기념관이일본군의만행이저질러진역사적인장소에건립됐는데, 그곳에서발굴된유골을그대로전시한만인갱은강렬한인상으로남았다. 또다른한가지는새로건립된기념관외부에길게늘어서있는각종부조물의사실적표현이다. 이는대학살의역사를모르는이들도한눈에난징대학살을느낄수있게한다. 토론자는이외부의부조물에강렬한인상을받았다. 기념관으로들어가기에앞서입구쪽에있는여러개의부조상만봐도난징대학살의비극성을충분히알수있을정도로훌륭한시설이었다. 이는긴설명이필요없고, 부조물에있는제목을보기만해도난징대학살의역사와실체적진실을이해할수있게했다. 그시설은무엇인가빠진듯한제주4 3평화공원에어떤시설이도입돼야하는지를충분히설명하고있었다. 이밖에선생이언급한 역사의증언 발자국, 30만이라는숫자, 시비 광설 ( 狂雪 ), 수많은자갈들과어머니의분노를표출한석상, 희생자명단을새긴벽등은난징대학살의비극을한눈에알수있게해줬다. 장웬칭선생의발표처럼우리가과거에억울하게희생된이들을추모하는이유는희생된생명에존중을표하고, 후세들이그들의희생의역사를기억하기위해서이다. 그런의미에서 1) 의식적추념과주제적추념 2) 종교적추념과민간적추념 122 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
123 3) 예술적추념과연구적추념 4) 추모적추념과기원적추념등 4가지의추념행사결합은잘짜여진추모의형식으로보인다. 발표문을보면조금씩추념행사가발전돼왔음을볼수있다. 추념행사로진행된평화공원에서 1213미터띠 - 역사기억과평화기원만인서명 행사나촛불제, 청명제등의행사는흥미롭고, 우리에게시사하는바가크다고할수있다. 장선생은 12월 13일의추모제행사의의의에대해 1) 기억은역사를재정립하는것이며, 집단기억은강화와계승이필요하다. 참여자들이추모의식을통해역사를회고하고추념과성찰의마음을표함으로써집단기억을강화시킬수있다. 2) 역사의기억은승화, 발전시키는것이다. 역사적기억을역사의테두리에만가두지말고평화의거울로삼아야한다는지적이다. 이런의미에서장선생이지적한추모행사는난징만이아니라오키나와나제주에서도중요할수밖에없다. 장웬칭선생께몇가지묻고싶다. 장선생은발표에서난징기념관내부에 30만여명의희생자를대표해 1만여명의희생자명단을새긴벽을만들었다고했는데, 오히려난징대학살희생자로신원이확인된사람은전부이름을올리는것이난징대학살사건의비극성을보여주고, 추념이되는것이아닌지묻고싶다. 제주4 3은현재까지국가추념일지정논의가되고있지만아직까지실현되지는않았다. 현 ( 縣 ) 차원의추모행사가가장규모있고, 짜임새있으며후세대들을위한평화교육이잘되고있는것으로보이는오키나와도국가차원의위령제격상에대해서는논의하지못하고있다. 난징대학살추모일인 12월 13일은일본군이난징을침략한날로알고있는데, 이날은국가지정추모일인이지, 아니면장쑤성또는난징시차원의추모일인지알고싶다. 이런질문을하는이유는, 별표를보면 1994년이후추념행사에참석하는고위관계자들이다양하지만정부차원의인사나장쑤성성장또는난징시시장은보이지않기때문이다. 만일국가차원이나성 ( 省 ) 시 ( 市 ) 차원의추모일지정이되지않았다면그이유를, 또지정됐다면언제부터지정됐는지알고싶다. 오키나와는위령의날국립류큐대학을비롯한일부를제외하고는관공서와학교가휴무한다고한다. 난징시에서는어떻게하는지알고싶다. 앞서언급한것처럼전세계가과거의비극적사건을기억하고, 추념행사를하는것은이를거울로삼아앞으로는그러한사건이일어나지않도록하는것이다. 그런의미에서이러한비극적과거사를안고있는지역이나국가는후세대에이를계승하기위해평화교육에힘쓰고있다. 오늘여기서발표 토론하고있는난징이나 허호준 / 123
124 오키나와, 제주도나광주도모두후세대를위한평화교육의방법에대해고민하는것으로알고있다. 그러나위령제는해를거듭할수록형식적인틀에얽매여연례적인 행사를위한행사 로변하고있다는데지적도있다. 이는제주4 3도마찬가지다. 그렇다면, 중국에서는난징대학살추념행사때난징시민과학생들의참여를유도하기위해어떻게하는지, 참여도는어떠한지알고있다면말해달라. 또난징대학살사건과관련한평화교육을학생들에게어떻게실시하고있는지, 학교에서는어떤식으로교육이이뤄지고있는지알고싶다. 124 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
125 세션 2 법정기념일의제정과운영양상 토론문 ( 민주화운동들을중심으로 ) 127 정호기 ( 한양대학교제 3 섹터연구소 ) 토론문 ( 민주화운동의기억과기념의제도화 ) 171 양금식 ( 민주화운동기념사업회 ) 토론문 175 주정립 (5.18 기념재단 ) 토론문 178 남기문 (3.15 의거기념사업회 )
127 ( 목 ) 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄 ( 제주 4 평화기념관대강당 ) / 발표 14:00-15:30 법정기념일의제정과운영의양상 - 민주화운동들을중심으로 - 정호기 ( 한양대제 3 섹터연구소 ) Ⅰ. 머리말 민주화운동은한국현대사의역동성을잘보여주는현상이자개념이다. 민주화운동은민주화를목표로하며, 민주화는민주주의사회의구현을지향한다. 오늘날에도민주주의와민주화에관한논쟁과논란은크게주목을받는주제인데, 다양한관점과해석이각축을벌인다 ( 조희연편, 2001: 25). 한국의민주화를바라보는입장을광의로살펴보면, 완성형 과 진행형 으로분류된다. 17) 일반적으로 완성형 은민주화가목표에도달한것으로파악한다. 그시점은 1980년전후나 1987년 12월, 더늦추어도 1993년 2월로본다. 이시점들을중요시하는것은민주화담론이제시한요건들이실현되었거나, 중대한질적변화가이루어졌다고보기때문이다. 대체로보수적입장들에서공유되고있는이관점을진보적입장이나민주화운동참여자들도동의하는경우가적지않다. 이를묵인하면서완성형담론의자장 ( 磁場 ) 에머무는사람들도있다. 이와대비적으로 진행형 은민주주의는완성과종착을상정하지않으며, 현재와미래의현실과삶에서재구성되고변화하는것이라고주장한다. 이관점은 완성형 이절차적민주주의실현에머물러있다고규정하고, 민주주의는다양한운동과실천을통해지속적으로추구해야하는것이라고강변한다. 이와유사한견해의차이는 민주화운동의기념 에관한의견을모으는과정에서도나타났다. 특히민주화운동의기념을목적으로하는제도적기구들이실체화 17) 이러한문제의식과학술적논쟁은 2002 년에이르러보편화되었다. 당시학계의고민과성찰을잘보여주는연구들로는최장집 (2002) 와한국학술단체협의회엮음 (2003) 등이있다. 정호기 / 127
128 되었던 2000년을전후해논쟁들이활발했다. 기념행위에대한부정적인반응은민주화운동은기념이아니라계승과기억의관점에서성찰되어야한다는것이요지였다. 기념에대한긍정적인반응은민주화운동을현재의사회운동과일정하게거리를두고파악해야하며, 지금까지이룬성과와의의를정리하고조명하는것이필요하다는현실론을피력했다. 두견해들은은연중에민주화혹은민주화운동에대한인식과활동의차이로표면화되기도했다. 이차이는정치적상황과시대의화두에따라표면화되지않거나, 명시적으로대립했다. 그러므로부정적인견해에서는국가가민주화운동의기념주체가된다는것을탐탁하게여기지않았고, 제도화의양면성에경각심이필요함을지적했으며, 기념을위한노력이나활동에소극적이었다. 이들은이런활동이완성형의견해로흡수될가능성이다분하다는점, 한국정부가권위주의체제의속성과유산을여전히간직하고있다는점, 정치체제의변화에따라권위주의정치체제와유사하게회귀할수있다는점등에서우려를표방했다. 한편 5공화국이전에초등학교이상의연령대였던사람들은국가차원에서기념하거나조직된각종행사에동원되었는데, 이경험도부정적으로작용했다. 국가의기념행위는강압성, 일방성, 폐쇄성, 계몽성을띠는것이일반적이며, 사회구성원의정체성과통합성을위로부터강제했던대표적인행위이기때문이다. 이견들은있었으나, 민주화운동에관한국가차원의기념은점차확대되었다. 김민환은 1987년이후에등장한여러현상들 ( 메이데이의부활, 5ㆍ18민주화운동의법정기념일지정, 한국전쟁기념일을종전일로해야한다는주장 ) 에주목하고, 이는독점된기억들이균열하여새로운모습으로각축하는형세라고했다 ( 김민환, 1999: 71). 이러한변화가어떻게가능할수있었고, 이후에어떤변화를가져왔는가가일부고찰된바있다 ( 김현선, 2004). 이논문이발표될때에비해민주화운동관련기념일은 2배로늘어났는데, 이사례들이종합적으로파악되고연구되지는못했다. 다양한주체들과다양한요인및환경이작용하여국가의기념일제정이이루어지는데, 그관계들과양상들의고찰이미진한것이다. 그래서이글은첫째, 1990년대중반이후민주화운동의법정기념일제정이어떻게이루어졌는가를밝히고, 그과정에작용했던여러요인들과이들의관계를탐색하고자한다. 둘째, 법정기념일제정이후의운영양상을 기념식 을중심으로살펴보고자한다. 이글은민주화운동의법정기념일제정을관류하는기억의정치와제도화의이중성이갖는함의를파악하는데역점을둘것이다. 128 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
129 Ⅱ. 법정기념일의의미와제정의동학 정부는 1973년 3월 30일에대통령령제6615호 각종기념일등에관한규정 을제정하고, 기념일들을정비했다. 이로인해해방이후다양한기원과방식으로제정되었던기념일들이하나의체계로재편되었다. 대통령령의제5조는 정부기관은이영에서정하는이외의어떠한전국적또는지역적규모의기념행사도이를주관하거나후원할수없으며서훈을하거나예산등을사용할수없다 고규정했다. 이와별도로 1949년 10월 1일에제53호로제정된 국경일에관한법률 에의거해 3ㆍ 1절, 제헌절, 광복절, 개천절이국경일로운영되었다 ( 김선섭, 2000: 14). 국경일은법률에의해규정되므로대통령령에의한 각종기념일 과격을달리하며, 보다중요시된다. 2005년 12월 29일에제7771호로 국경일에관한법률 을개정하여 한글날 이국경일에포함되면서 2013년현재 5대국경일이제정ㆍ기념되고있다. 대통령령은총26개의 각종기념일 을규정했는데, 유일한민주화운동관련사례였던 4ㆍ19의거기념일 의주관부서는원호처였다. 이후 각종기념일등에관한규정 은많은변화를거듭했다. 대통령령이개정되었던이유는기념일명을변경하거나, 새롭게기념일을추가하는경우가대부분이었다. 현재는 2013년 6월 17일에일부개정된대통령령제24609호가적용되고있는데, 총45개의각종기념일이제정되어있다. 이가운데 민주화운동 에관한기념일은 3ㆍ15의거기념일, 4ㆍ19혁명기념일, 5ㆍ18민주화운동기념일, 6 ㆍ10민주항쟁기념일 로 4개이다. 당초에비해 3개가늘었고, 전체각종기념일들의약 0.08% 에해당한다. 흔히 국가기념일 이나 국가지정기념일 이라고명명하고있지만, 이용어들은법률에선확인되지않는다 ( 김민환, 2000a: 2). 민주화운동들의기념일제정운동과정에서도국가기념일은빈번하게사용되었다. 일반적으로국가기념일은국경일과정부가제정한각종기념일을가리키는법정기념일을포괄한다. 이연구의대상에는국경일은포함되지않으므로, 엄밀성을위해법정기념일로정의했다. 법정기념일제정은국무회의에서관련정부기관이상정한청원안건을검토ㆍ의결하고, 대통령이선포하는간단한절차로이루어진다. 법정기념일은대통령령의규정을받기때문에국회의동의를획득할필요가없고, 대통령령을개정하면법적효력이발생한다. 그렇지만국무회의의안건상정과의결은형식적절차인경우가대부분이다. 실질적인결정은국무회의에안건으로상정되기전단계에서이루어지 정호기 / 129
130 기때문이다. 그러므로법정기념일제정운동을전개하거나이에깊은관심을갖는주체들의활동을고찰하기위해서는이기간을주목해야한다. 이것이이글이법정기념일제정운동이사회적의제로등장하고, 국무회의안건으로상정되기까지를조명하는이유이다. 법정기념일은여러요인들이복합적으로작용한관계의결과물이다. 가장선행되는것은법정기념일의대상이되는사건에대한정치ㆍ사회적인식과담론의형성이다. 민주화운동은숙명처럼사건이전개될당시에는국가의탄압을받거나부정적으로평가되었다. 그렇지만대부분이일정한시간이흐른뒤에는민주주의의발전과인권신장에기여한역사적사건으로재평가되었다. 민주화운동들에따라사건의발발에서진상규명과재평가가이루어지까지의경과기간이달랐다. 재평가와인식의변화혹은전환이이루어졌던바탕에는정치체제의변동이중요하게작용했다. 그런데이과정이정례화또는정형화된형태를띠지않았다. 여기에는정치체제의변동과더불어다른요인들이작용했다. 중요한요인들은첫째, 민주화운동들의재평가와진상규명등을목적으로하는조직화된구심이존재하는가, 둘째, 재평가된민주화운동들을지지하는힘이정치와제도에영향력을미칠수있는가하는것이었다. 전자가기억투쟁주체혹은사회운동주체의형성에관한것이라면, 후자는이주체들이법정기념일제정의필요성과의지를갖고실천할수있는가에관한것이다. 그러므로위요인들의형성과작용형태에따라민주화운동들의법정기념일제정은여러양상들을띠게되었다. 제도적절차는전반적으로유사할지라도, 법정기념일제정에관련된정치적기회, 주체, 과정, 논리, 쟁점, 그리고제정이후나타나는행태등에서동일할수는없었다. 이글이주요하게고찰할점은바로이러한요인들의작용이다. 다만 4ㆍ19혁명은논외로했다. 4ㆍ19혁명은사건이발발한다음해부터서울시주관으로기념식이거행되다가 1973년부터원호처로이관되었기때문에근래의사례들과양상이다르고 ( 김현선, 2004: 84 85), 관련주체들의특정한활동이확인되지않는다. 이와같은점들을감안해이글은세사례들을중심으로살펴볼것이다. Ⅲ. 기억의정치와법정기념일제정 1. 5 ㆍ 18 민주화운동 : 사법적청산과점진적포섭 130 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
131 5ㆍ18민주화운동 ( 이하 5ㆍ18) 기념일제정이제도권에서공식적으로거론되었던것은 1990년 1월 11일이라고할수있다. 이날노태우대통령과김대중평민당총재의영수회담이열렸는데, 김총재가 광주문제해결방안 의하나로 기념일제정 을제안했다. 18) 아마도김총재는 5월단체나시민사회단체의의견을수렴하여기념일제정을제안했을것으로보인다. 19) 그러나대통령은이에대해별다른반응을보이지않았다. 5월단체및시민사회단체와격렬하게대립과갈등을전개하고있던노태우정부로서는이요구를수용하기가극히어려웠을것이다. 또한언론의주목도받지못했다. 중요하고도시급한사안들의합의또는해결이산적해있었기때문이었다. 20) 기념일제정은 5ㆍ18 치유를위한실무차원에서는해결이긴요한과제였다. 1991년의기념행사를누구주관해야하는가 에관한논쟁은이를잘보여주는사례이다. 언론은국가가 5ㆍ18을재평가하고피해자에대해사죄했다면, 광주시가기념행사를주관해야한다는논지를폈다. 그러나광주시장은 5ㆍ18이기념일로제정되지않아행정기관이기념행사를주관하는것은현행법상어렵다 21) 고했다. 이후에도광주시는이입장을고수했다. 이런와중에한지방의원이 8월 20일에 5 월 18일을 시민의날 로선포하자는제안서를제출했다. 22) 이는기념일제정을우회하여대안을제시한것이라고볼수있는데, 광주시의입장은역시불가였다. 이제안은 2000년대까지도지역사회의중요한논쟁점으로남았다. 23) 기념일논쟁의해결은김영삼정부에서실마리를찾았다. 5월운동과사회운동진영은답보상태였던쟁점들이김영삼정부의출범으로해결의실마리를찾을것으로내심기대했다. 노태우정부에서발표되었던 5ㆍ18의치유정책들은정부안을관철시켰던피해보상을제외하고는대부분진척이없었다. 5월단체와시민사회가 18) 노대통령ㆍ김대중총재회담내용과의미, 광주일보, ) 5 월단체와시민사회단체등이법정기념일제정에관심이있었을것으로유추되는데, 문자자료로는확인하지못했다. 이후에추가로조사하여수정할것이다. 20) 5 월운동에적극참여하고있던한변호사가 1993 년 5 월에 신동아 에게재했던글에의하면, 광주문제해결 은진상규명과책임자처벌, 사상자등에대한배상, 명예회복, 정신계승이었다 ( 유남영, 1993: ). 법정기념일제정은명예회복인정신계승에해당될터인데, 이에관한내용은언급되어있지않다. 21) 광주기념사업, 올하반기부터본격추진, 광주일보, ) 5 ㆍ 18 을시민의날로, 무등일보, ) 이논쟁은광주시기념일혹은법정기념일지정과무관한쟁점으로존재했는데, 결국은성사되지않았다. 정호기 / 131
132 노태우정부의제안을수용하지않았던것이다. 김영삼정부는이문제에관심을두었고, 문민정부 라는기치를충족시킬대안으로 문민전통세우기 와 역사바로세우기 를표방했다. 이는과거사를적극적으로활용하는상징정치였다. 그첫번째대상이 4ㆍ19혁명이었고, 두번째대상이 5ㆍ18이었다. 5ㆍ18의치유와해결에관한정부의방안은 5ㆍ13 특별담화 로발표되었다. 특별담화는 오늘의정부는광주민주화운동의연장선위에있는민주정부 라고규정했다. 그리고다양한치유책들 24) 을제시했는데, 핵심쟁점인 진상규명은훗날역사에맡기자 라고하고, 책임자처벌도논외로하여많은비판을받았고, 깊은우려를유발했다. 그렇지만대통령이 5ㆍ18을공식적으로재평가했다는것이긍정적으로작용했고, 새정부가들어선직후라기념사업을비롯해제반치유책들을추진할수있는역량이충만하어각종사업들이급속히진행되었다. 그치유책가운데하나가기념일제정이었다. 특별담화는지방의회에서논의되었던, 그리고 5ㆍ18 지원에관한지방정부의규제장치를제거하는것을의미했다. 당시광주시는 5월 18일을시기념일로지정하는것을검토했는데, 이담화를계기로법정기념일제정으로확대되었다. 25) 그발단은 5월 19일전라남도도의회의법정기념일제정요구였다. 광주시는 5ㆍ18 기념행사에재정을지원했고, 광주시장은기념식에서추모사를했다. 그렇지만법정기념일제정은여전히난항이었다. 그러던차에검찰이 1995년 7월 18일에 1년여에걸친 12ㆍ12사건과 5ㆍ18에대한수사결과를발표했다. 수사결과는 성공한쿠데타는처벌할수없다 는취지와관련자들을불기소한다는것이었다. 검찰의발표는김영삼정부가 2년여에걸쳐쌓아놓은 5ㆍ18 상처의치유와국민통합정책의가치와의미를실추시켰다. 그리고침잠하던진상규명운동이급격히다시고조되기시작했다. 김영삼정부는정세의반전을위해 1995년 12월 19일에 5ㆍ18민주화운동등에관한특별법 을제정했다. 전두환ㆍ노태우두전직대통령은이법률에의거해구속되었다. 같은날여야는 5월 18일의법정기념일제정에합의했다. 시민사회는진상규명과가해자에대한확실한처벌을요구하는데활동의역점을두었지만, 제도화에대한관심은갈수록확대되었다. 이런정세를바탕으로광주시는 1996년 2월 1일법정기념일제정을요구했고, 광주시의회는 4월 20일에이를촉구하는결의문을채택했다. 그리하여광주시조례로 5ㆍ18민중항쟁기념일 이지정되었고, 그해 24) 언론에발표되었던 9 가지의치유책은 5 ㆍ 18 기념일제정, 망월묘역성역화등의기념사업, 피해자추가신고ㆍ보상, 지명수배해제, 해직자복직등 이었다. 25) 명예회복후속조치금년은시기념일행사로, 동아일보, / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
133 기념식에서는광주시장과전남지사가모두추모사에서법정기념일제정을주장했다. 법정기념일제정의문제는 5ㆍ18묘지의완공과 5월 18일이다가오자다시부상했다. 임기말이었던김영삼정부는법정기념일제정을매듭지어야했다. 4월 11일에열린국무회의는이안건에긍정적으로의견을모았으나, 확정은 12ㆍ12와 5ㆍ18 관련자에대한대법원의최종판결이예정된 4월 17일이후로미루었다. 26) 한편 4 월 14일에여ㆍ야 3당총무가합의를하고, 국회차원에서법정기념일제정을건의했다. 이것이지지부진했던것은정부기관들로부터여러의견들이제출되었는데, 합의가잘이루어지지않았기때문이었다. 국무회의에서는기존법정기념일들과의관계, 5ㆍ18 피해자들의국가유공자예우, 5ㆍ18묘지의국립묘지승격등을동시에논의했는데, 부정적인견해가적지않았다. 27) 대법원은전두환에게는무기징역을, 노태우등 12명에게는징역 17년에서 3년 6월을판시했다. 그러자국무회의는 5월 9 일에국가유공자예우와국립묘지승격은차후에판단하기로하고, 법정기념일제정을의결했다. 28) 2. 6 월항쟁 : 시민사회의청원운동 6월항쟁은정치적민주화라는투쟁목표를달성했고, 정치와사회의각분야에서민주주의를진전시킬수있는기반을마련했으므로 ( 서중석, 2011: 674), 저항적기억투쟁을전개할필요성이적었다. 그래서시민사회는 6월항쟁의기념일제정에일찍이관심을보였다. 이관심이공식화되었던것은 1993년 5월 10일에 5ㆍ18의진상규명과 6월항쟁의정신계승을목적으로하는 민주항쟁기념국민위원회 가결성되면서부터였다. 이단체는두역사적사건에대한국가의공식기념일이제정되어야함을주장했다. 29) 하지만, 기념일제정은동시에추진되지못했다. 기념일제정은 5ㆍ18의법정기념일제정이확정되었던 1997년의 6월항쟁 10주년 26) 정부 5 ㆍ 18 법정기념일지정문제등논의, 연합뉴스, ) 5 ㆍ 18 의법정기념일제정을반대하는주장은군경출신등으로구성된이른바안보단체들과보수단체들에서주로표출되었다. 따라서정부의정책결정에는대법원의판결이중요했던것이다. 당시법정기념일제정에대한부정적입장은전원영 (1997) 에서살펴볼수있다. 정부 5 ㆍ 18 법정기념일지정문제등논의, 연합뉴스, 법정기념일로맞는 5 ㆍ 18, 동아일보, ) 5 ㆍ 18 법정기념일로지정키로, 연합뉴스, ) 재야ㆍ시민단체대표등 3 백여명 민주항쟁기념국민위 결성, 한겨레신문, 면. 정호기 / 133
134 이도래하면서다시조명을받았다. 시민사회의관심과활동은국회의원들을자극했다. 그성과로 6월 2일에 6월항쟁에참여했던여야의원들이 6월민주항쟁 10주년기념사업국회의원모임 을결성했다. 신한국당김명운의원, 국민회의김근태의원, 민주당이부영의원등 30여명이이모임에참여했다. 이들은장기적활동목표로 국가기념일지정 을추진할것이라고했다. 30) 이제 6월항쟁의법정기념일제정은시민사회가성취해야할중요한목표가되었다. 그래서 1998년 8월부터등장했던이른바민주재단건립모임이나민주화운동기념관건립추진모임등도활동목표로기념일제정을포함시켰다. 법정기념일제정이실현되기위해서는정부의활동이필수적이었는데, 이를위한기반도형성되고있었다. 1999년 7월 9일에발의되었던 민주화운동관련자명예회복및보상에관한법률 이그것이었다. 이법률은 12월 28일에국회본회의에서의결되었고, 2000년 1월 12일에법률제6123호로공포되었다. 이법률은 민주화운동과관련하여희생된자와그유족에대하여국가가명예회복및보상을행함으로써이들의생활안정과복지향상을도모하고, 민주주의발전과국민화합에기여함 을목적으로했다. 법률이제정되었던직접적배경은 1년여에걸친전국민족민주유가족협의회와민주화실천가족운동협의회부모및가족들의천막농성이었다. 그런데이는해방이후전개되었던반독재와민주화그리고인권실현및신장을위해헌신했던많은이들의목숨과희생을기반으로했다. 이법률에의거해 민주화운동관련자명예회복및보상심의위원회 ( 이하민보상위 ) 가출범했다. 민보상위는민주화운동을기념하고기억하는사업과방법을논의했다. 민보상위는이를실행하기위한기본방안수립을성공회대학교사회문화연구소에의뢰했다. 위연구소는 2001년에민주화운동 10대기념사업 을근간으로하는 민주화운동기념사업기본계획 을제출했다. 이보고서를바탕으로관련단체및기관들이논의를하여다음과같이합의했다. 즉 민주화운동희생자묘역 ( 추모공원 ) 조성사업 은민보상위가담당하여추진하고, 다른 9개사업 31) 은민주화운동기념사업회가담당한다는것이었다. 6ㆍ10항쟁국가기념일제정 이 9개사업에포함되어있었다. 30) 여야의원 6 ㆍ 10 항쟁 모임만든다, 경향신문, 면. 31) 9 개사업은 1 민주화운동기념공원, 2 민주화운동자료총서발간등역사정리, 3 전국민주화운동유적지발굴및유적지탐방프로그램개발, 4 6 ㆍ 10 항쟁국가기념일제정, 5 민주주의관련교육자료개발및출판, 6 민주화운동정신선양사업, 7 민주화운동관련역사기술의교과서화및기존역사기술정정작업, 8 전시회, 추모제등민주화운동관련다양한기획행사들, 9 다양한민주주의사회교육 ( 민주시민교육 ) 및국제연대활동이었다. 134 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
135 이보고서는 6월항쟁이법정기념일로제정되어야하는이유를 A4 1쪽을조금넘기는분량으로작성했다. 요지는 4ㆍ19혁명, 70년대유신반대투쟁, 5ㆍ18민주화운동등폭압과독재에맞서면면히이어져온민주주의역사를계승하고, 민주주의를복원시킨역사적사건 이라는것이었다 ( 민주화운동관련자명예회복및보상심의위원회, 2001: 155). 그리고이보고서가제출되기이전이었던 2000년 8월 22일에이부영의원등이 6월항쟁의법정기념일제정청원서를제출한상태였다. 하지만 6월항쟁 20주년이되기까지별다른성과가없었다. 2006년 2월 28일에 ( 사 )6월민주항쟁계승사업회제4차정기총회가열렸다. 이회의에서 6월민주항쟁 20년기념사업과국가기념일제정을위한범국민추진위원회 구성이결의되었다. 이것이정치적의제로재론된것은 2006년 6월 9일에개최된 6월항쟁관련자들에대한대통령초청만찬이었다. 만찬에참석한관련자들은대통령에게법정기념일제정을건의했다. 대통령은 수시로챙기겠다. 적극적으로검토하겠다고 고답변했다. 32) ( 사 )6월민주항쟁계승사업회는 6월 15일행정자치부에 6ㆍ 10국가기념일제정청원서 를제출했다 ( 민주화운동기념사업회ㆍ 6월민주항쟁20 주년사업추진위원회, 2007: 69). 한편 6월 29일개최된민주화운동기념사업회주관학술행사에서정해구연구소장은 6월 10일이법정기념일로제정되어야하는이유에대해발표했다. 33) 위위원회의활동은크게세가지로진행되었다. 첫째, 전국에서의견을모으고역량을결집하기위해 10월부터전국 6개지역 ( 마산, 부산, 대구, 광주, 전주, 청주 ) 을순회하며설명회를열었다. 둘째, 국회의원면담 ( ) 을추진하여협력을호소했는데, 열린우리당국회의원들이주로참석했다. 셋째, 11 12월에부산, 광주, 대전에서간담회를열었고, 11월 29일에는원로민주인사간담회를개최했다. 이런활동이바탕이되어 12월 8일부터열린우리당이주도한 6ㆍ10민주항쟁기념일지정촉구결의안 에 125명의국회의원이서명하여행정자치위원회에상정되었다. 법정기념일제정운동은 2006년 12월 26일에결성된 6월민주항쟁20 주년사업추진위원회 ( 이하추진위원회 ) 로승계되었다. 추진위원회는산하에 국가기념일제정특 32) 제 19 주년 6 월민주항쟁기념관계자초청만찬, 청와대보도자료, ) 한국민주화운동과 6 월민주항쟁의기념 으로발표된이글은수정되어 기억과전망 2006 년가을호에수록되었다. 법정기념일제정의필요성으로제시된주요이유는 1 6 월항쟁이권위주의체제의민주화를가져와한국민주주의역사에전화기적계기가되었고, 민주정부가등장할수있게되었다는점, 2 4 ㆍ 19 와 5 ㆍ 18 이국가기념일로지정되어있으므로민주화운동의최고정점인 6 ㆍ 10 도포함되어야한다는점등이었다 ( 정해구, 2006: 135). 정호기 / 135
136 별위원회 를설치하여활동을전담시켰는데, 민주화운동기념사업회와 ( 사 )6월민주항쟁계승사업회가실질적으로주관했다. 추진위원회는 2007년 1월 11일에국회의원회관에서 6월민주항쟁국가기념일제정을위한공청회 를열었다. 공청회에는정해구교수와박석운전국민중연대집행위원장의발표문이수록되었고, 열린우리당, 한나라당, 민주노동당, 민주당국회의원들이참석하여토론했다. 추진위원회는이를바탕으로 2월 8일에행정자치부를방문하여 청원서 34) 와더불어전국에서 610명이서명한 연명서 를제출했다. 청원서는 1 군사독재의폭압정치를종식시키고한국사회민주주의발전의분수령을이룬역사적사건의국가적차원의기념사업이필요하며, 2 6월항쟁이이미법정기념일로지정된 1919년 2ㆍ8독립선언, 1960년 4월혁명, 1980년 5ㆍ18민주화운동에견주어역사적중요성이뒤지지않는다는것을이유로제시했다. 국무회의는 2007년 4월 24일에법정기념일제정을의결했고 ( 민주화운동기념사업회, 2007: ), 5월 2일에확정되었다 ㆍ 15 의거 : 인정운동과정치권압박 35) 3ㆍ15의거는재조명을개시하면서 4월혁명 ( 혹은 4ㆍ19혁명 ) 에서분리해독립된사건을추구했다. ( 사 )3ㆍ15의거기념사업회가공보처에등록되었던 1995년은큰의미를갖는해였다. ( 사 )3ㆍ15의거기념사업회는창립총회에서마산시민의날을 3월 15 일로변경할것을추진하기로했는데, 그해 7월 5일에마산시조례제정으로성사되었다. 그리고 2003년 12월 26일에는 3월 15일이경상남도기념일로지정되었다 ( 조용호, 2012: 3 4). 3ㆍ15의거의집단묘지조성사업이활발했던 2005년에는법정기념일제정의필요성이제시되었다. 6월 15일에개최된제229회경상남도임시회에서한도의원이 경남도가 3ㆍ15의거도기념일 을격상하여국가기념일지정과함께기념행사에도민의참여와전폭적인지원을촉구하고자한다 고발언했던것이다. 36) 이발언은구체화되지는못했지만, 지역언론들이힘을더하면서지역사회 34) 청원연명서를제출한김병오상임공동대표는 6 월민주항쟁은전국의 36 개에이르는시ㆍ군에서 500 만이넘는국민이참여한시민혁명임에도아직까지국가기념일로지정하지않은것은안타까운일 이라고했다. 35) 3 ㆍ 15 의거의법정기념일제정과정은 ( 사 )3 ㆍ 15 의거기념사업회가 2010 년에발간한 3 ㆍ 15 의거국가기념일제정백서 에수록된자료를주로참조했다. 36) 3 ㆍ 15 국가기념일만들자 (2) 그동안의말들, 경남신문, 경상남도기념일지정은 2003 년 12 월 26 일에이루어졌다. 한편 2002 년 8 월 1 일에 마산 3 ㆍ 15 희생자성역공원 이국립묘지가되었다. 136 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
137 의중요관심사로부상했다. 국가보훈처는이요구를곤혹스러워했다. 2006년 3ㆍ15의거기념식에참석했던박유철국가보훈처장이지역언론과의인터뷰에서 검토하겠다 는의사를표명했던것은정부기관내부정서를완곡하게표현한것이었다. 법정기념일제정의결정과실행절차는간단하지만, 다양한단체와세력의이해와견해차이등에따른관계와이해를다각적으로고려해야했던것이다. 그래서이명박정부의김양국가보훈처장이취임한직후만해도실현가능성이낮다는것이중론이었다. 37) 이것이가능하려면적절한논리와충분한지지기반의구축이선행되어야했고, 대통령의의지가중요했다. 이러한분위기는 2008년 3ㆍ15의거기념식을기점으로반전되었다. 대통령실장이기념식에참석하여대통령메시지를대독했다는것은긍정적인암시로해석되었다. 기념식에대통령실장이참석하는것과국무총리가참석하는것은함의가달랐다. 민주화운동관련기념식에대통령실장혹은비서실장이참석하여대통령메시지를낭독한사례는이때가유일했다. 대통령의메시지는 새정부는 3ㆍ15정신을선진화로승화시켜나갈것 이라고했다. 한편경남도지사는 3ㆍ15가합당한역사적평가를받아당당하게국가기념일로지정받는일입니다 고기념사를했다. 여기에서간과할수없는것은제18대국회의원총선거 ( ) 가임박해있었다는점이다. 실제로총선이임박했을때 3ㆍ15의거기념사업회는경상남도와협의해법정기념일제정을적극적으로추진하겠다고발표했고, 38) 당선되었던국회의원들도이를앞장서서실행하겠다고의견을밝혔다. 39) 이러한현상들은 3ㆍ15의거의법정기념일제정이지역과중앙정치의중요한쟁점으로발전했음을의미한다. 이를보다잘이해하려면대통령선거운동이한창이던 2007년 8월 6일로거슬러올라가야한다. 이날마산시오동동상인연합회주최로문화의거리를재단장하면서 3ㆍ15의거발원지동판의재설치를기념하는 3ㆍ 15의거국가기념일제정을위한기원제및만세삼창대회 가열렸다. 이행사의깊은의도를판단할수는없는데, 이명박후보는이행사에참석하여 국가기념일로제정되도록최선을다하겠다 고했다. 40) 이명박대통령은이때의발언을기억하지못했을수도있지만, 법정기념일제정을요구하는활동에중요한근거가되었다. 37) 3ㆍ15 국가기념일만들자 (2) 그동안의말들, 경남신문, ) 3ㆍ15 국가기념일제정내달시동, 경남신문, ) 18대총선도내당선자소감, 경남신문, ) 3ㆍ15 민주의거, 국가기념일제정을기원하면서, 오동추야 제7호, 정호기 / 137
138 3ㆍ15민주의거국가기념일제정기원제및만세삼창대회 는 2008년 3월 15일에같은자리에서또열렸는데, 여기에는시장과시의회의장등이참석했다. 41) 법정기념일제정운동은공감대의확산과정치의제화를도모하면서몇단계의변화과정을거쳤다. 첫번째단계는 2008년에지방의회와도의회가주도해서건의안을제출한것이었다. 마산시의회는 5월 13일에건의안을청와대와정부관련기관들, 경상남도그리고지역출신의국회의원들에게발송했다. 건의안은 3ㆍ15의거를 자유민주주의를꽃피운모태로서자유ㆍ민주ㆍ정의의준엄한외침 으로규정하고, 민주화의숭고한이념이자선열의넋이며정신적유산이라고하면서법정기념일제정을요구했다. 5월 22일에는경상남도도의회가유사한논리로대통령, 국회의장, 행정안전부장관, 국가보훈처장에게건의안을제출했다. 두번째단계는지역국회의원과자치단체장이주도한것으로 7월이후부터실행되었다. 국회의원은국가보훈처장과행정안전부장관을면담하여설득했고, 도지사는정부에건의서를제출했다. 한편 3ㆍ15의거기념사업회는공청회를개최하여여론을환기시켰다. 공청회는법정기념일이제정되어야하는법률적연원을 민주화운동기념사업회법 에두었고, 비교준거를 5ㆍ18에서찾았다. 세번째단계는정부기관그리고국회의원등을상대로법정기념일제정을요청하는활동을전개하고, 각종행사와퍼포먼스등을통해여론을고조시키는것이었다. 지지와협조를요청하기위해김영삼전대통령을방문하기도했다. 그리고 2008년 11월에는지역출신의국회의원들이나서서공청회를개최했다. 이는국회를대상으로하는설득작업의일환이었다. 네번째단계는 2009년기념식에서경상남도도의회의장이법정기념일제정의당위성을담은결의문을낭독한것이었다. 이후지역언론, 정치인등이총동원되어정부를압박하는작업이진행되었다. 그결과 2010년 3월 12일에대통령령제22074 호로 3ㆍ15의거기념일이제정되었다. Ⅳ. 법정기념일의운영과제도화의다양성 민주화운동관련법정기념들에관한의례들즉, 기념식개최를주관하는정부기 관은하나가아니다. 3 ㆍ 15 의거, 4 ㆍ 19 혁명, 5 ㆍ 18 은국가보훈처가주관기관이지만, 6 월항쟁은안전행정부가주관기관이다. 주관기관이다른이유는 유공자법 의적 41) 3 ㆍ 15 국가기념일기원제연다, 경남신문, / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
139 용을받고있는가여부에따른것이다. 6월항쟁과정에서이한열이사망했고, 많은피해자가발생했지만, 유공자법을적용받고있지않다. 기념식은법정기념일제정이갖는의미를상징적으로보여주는국가의례이다. 기념식은담당정부기관과관련단체또는주요지방자치단체의협조로개최된다. 그런데 3ㆍ15의거와 4ㆍ19혁명에비해, 5ㆍ18은더욱긴밀한협조관계를보여준다. 이는 5ㆍ18기념식이안정행정부소관에서국가보훈처로이관되었던점, 5ㆍ18이보다현재의사회운동과보다긴밀한관계를갖고있기때문으로사료된다. 이는광주광역시는 5ㆍ18 유관단체들이나시민사회의의견과입장을수렴하는창구의기능하고있음을의미한다. 반면 6월항쟁은안전행정부가주최하고, 민주화운동기념사업회가주관하는방식으로이루어진다 ( 민주화운동기념사업회, 2007: 17). 주최와주관을구분하는것이다소애매할수있는데, 안전행정부가기념식을실질적으로개최하지만, 민주화운동기념사업회가협력해공동으로진행한다고할수있다. 그래서민주화운동기념사업회의업무분장에는 6월항쟁기념식과기념행사담당자가배치되어있다. 법정기념일이제정되기이전에기념식을개최한주체는유관단체나시민사회단체였다. 정부기관이주최혹은주관하는기념식은유관단체나시민사회단체가주최했던기념식을흡수하고공식화한것이라고할수있다. 정부기관이기념식을주관하도록요구했던것은법률과제도의권위와공식성을바탕으로의미와의의를영속화하고계승하기위함이다. 그러나현실은기대했던것처럼녹록하지않았고, 기념식의개최양상과포괄성은각각양상을달리하여나타났다. 4ㆍ19혁명은정부주관의기념식이개최되고, 잠시후에같은장소에서시민사회단체가주관하는기념식이열리고있다. 시민사회단체의기념식이열리기시작했던시점을특정화하기는난해하다. 4ㆍ19혁명은규모와수준에서편차가컸지만, 1961 년부터서울시가주관하는기념식이열렸다. 이때부터시민사회단체의기념식혹은기념행사들도다양하게개최되고있었다. 현재개최되고있는정부와시민사회단체의기념식성격과내용그리고담론은대별되는양상을보인다. 시민사회단체기념식에참석하는사람들은통상 100여명내외이며, 이기념식이언론에보도되는경우는매우드물다. 이기념식에는진보정당활동을하는정치인들이참여하기도하고, 해외의사회운동가들이참여하기도한다. 정부기념식은동원된중고등학생들이참석자의다수를차지하지만, 시민사회단체기념식은사회운동가들이주류를이룬다. 시민사회가주관했던 5ㆍ18 기념의례는기념식과추모제가결합되어있었다. 의례의 1부에서는유관단체가주관하는추모제가, 2부에서는기념행사추진위원회와 정호기 / 139
140 시민사회단체가주관하는기념식이열렸다. 법정기념일이제정된이후 5ㆍ18 기념의례는기념식은정부가, 추모제와각종행사들은유관단체와시민사회단체가주관하는것으로역할분담이이루어졌다. 역할분담과더불어추모제개최일이 5월 18 일에서 5월 17일로변경되었다. 추모제의성격도바뀌어유관단체가주관하고 5ㆍ 18기념재단이사장, 지방자치단체장, 국회의원과지방의회의원들그리고국가보훈처광주지청장등이참가하는사실상반관반민행사가되었다. 추모제는다른추모의례와차별성이없는형식과내용, 즉유가족들이합동제사를모시는방식이다. 시민사회단체는추모제에서역할이사라지면서점점이탈하여근래에는참석하지않고있으며, 시민의참여도거의이루어지지않고있다. 42) 한편, 시민사회단체주관의기념식은여러양상들로변모했다. 첫째, 시민사회단체가주관했던기념식이소멸했다고할수없는측면들이있다. 그것은 5월행사의프로그램들에서내용의유사성이발견되는것에서알수있다. 행사의명칭과유래그리고진행방식은다르지만, 효과의측면에서는사회운동의성격을갖는여러행사들로의미와내용이전이되었다고할수있는것이다. 둘째, 유관단체나시민사회단체가주관하는기념식이나행사가정부기념식과별개로자주개최되었다. 즉정부주관의기념식과시민사회주관의기념식혹은행사가상징성을매개로경쟁적으로양립하는현상이나타났다. 이런현상은정부와유관단체혹은시민사회와의갈등이나대립이첨예화되거나, 5ㆍ18을둘러싼쟁점들에대한이견이합의점을찾지못하고전면적으로충돌할때주로나타났다. 2001년, 2007년, 2010년의경우들이대표적이다. 2001년 5월 18일에는유관단체회원들이 5ㆍ18민주유공자예우법 의국회의결이무산된것에항의하여국회의사당앞에서기념식의성격을갖는집회를열었다. 43) 2007년 5월 18일에는정부주관의기념식이열리던시간에망월묘역에서개최된 5월정신계승및한미 FTA저지추모대회 의함성이기념식장까지들려왔다. 44) 2010년에는기념식프로그램에 임을위한행진곡 의제창이포함되는가여부를두고갈등이빚어졌다. 45) 결국정부주관의기념식과같은시간에망월묘역에서따로기념식이열렸는데, 광주광역시장과일부야당국회의원들은여기에참석했다. 셋째, 유관단체와시민사회단체가독자적으로기념식을개최하지는않지만, 정부의기념식에조직적으로불참하거나, 행사장에서항의하는소동이 42) 5ㆍ18 기념의례의변화에대해서는정호기 (2007a) 와조희연ㆍ정호기편 (2009) 를참조. 43) 경찰에둘러싸인 5ㆍ18 21주년기념식, 한겨레신문, ) 기념식장난데없는함성 순간긴장, 시민의소리, ) 5ㆍ18 30주년기념식 반쪽행사 유족들반발파행, 노컷뉴스, / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
141 일어나곤했다. 2003년과 2013년이대표적이었는데, 2013년의쟁점도 임을위한행진곡 제창여부였다. 이처럼 5ㆍ18은유관단체나시민사회단체가기념식을집합행동의방편으로활용하는경향이있다. 이들기념식과행사들은망월묘역과사회운동의상징효과가큰장소에서주로이루어졌다. 6월항쟁은 2007년을기점으로시민사회단체가주관했던기념식이정부주관의 6 ㆍ10민주항쟁기념식으로이전되었다. 민주화운동기념사업회가출범하면서 6월항쟁기념식의개최에필요한실무와비용을상당부분담당했으므로, 안전행정부와민주화운동기념사업회가 6ㆍ10민주항쟁기념식을개최한것은연속혹은계승의의미를지녔다. 그래서 2007년에는시민사회단체가주관한 6월항쟁기념식이따로열리지않았다. 6월항쟁 20주년계승범국민대행진 이서울광장에서개최했지만, 46) 6 월항쟁 20년사업추진위원회 가추진한사업이아니었고, 시민사회단체가기존에개최했던기념식형식도아니었다. 그렇지만이런양상은그해뿐이었고, 2008년부터는기념식이양분되었다. 여기에는이명박정부가들어서면서 6월항쟁의기념과계승에대한견해가달라졌고, 쇠고기수입반대대규모촛불집회 가연일계속되던정국이주요하게작용했다. 대통령기념사도 2007년과 2008년은큰차이를보였고, 민주화운동기념사업회이사장은 국민에게드리는글 을통해정부의정책과현실태를강도높게비판했다. 47) 이것은마치 6ㆍ10민주항쟁기념식에서정부와시민사회가대립하는형국이었다. 그리고시민사회단체는정부기념식과별개로 1987년에 민주헌법쟁취국민운동본부 가결성되었던향린교회에서기념식을개최했다. 그런데이기념식의공동주최단체에법정기념일제정을주도했던 ( 사 )6월민주항쟁계승사업회도참여했다. 이는 6월항쟁의법정기념일제정이부정적인효과를나타낼수도있을것이라는우려를담은평가들 48) 이기우가아님을입증해주는것이었다. 이후로오늘날까지 6월항쟁은두개의기념식이시차를두고, 각각다른내용과담론으로개최되고있다. 이상과비교하면, 3ㆍ15의거는기존의기념식을정부의기념식이완전하게대체 46) 6 월항쟁 20 주년 그날의함성 그이후 (9), 서울신문, ) 6 ㆍ 10 항쟁기념행사 촛불집회는 제 2 의 6 월항쟁이어라, 뉴스미션, ) 제도화의이중성 은 민주화운동기념사업기본계획 에서도제기되었고 ( 민주화운동관련자명예회복및보상심의위원회, 2001: 155), 법정기념일이제정된이후개최되었던 6 월항쟁기념식과행사들을평가하는좌담회에서도지적되었다 ( 6 월항쟁 20 주년 그날의함성 그이후 (12), 서울신문, ). 정호기 / 141
142 한것이었다. 정부기념식은이른바시민운동이나민중운동의지향을갖는세력은거의참여하지않거나배제된형태로진행되고있다. 정부기념식이개최되기전에는미약한수준이나마연대와참여가이루어졌지만, 이후에는거의단절된것으로보인다. 그렇다고시민사회가정부기념식과별개로기념식을개최하는것도아니다. 시민사회는 3ㆍ15의거가한국의민주화와민주주의의신장에중요한계기로작용한것에는동의하지만, 오늘날의민주주의에어떤역할과기능을하는지에대해의구심을갖고있는듯하다 ( 황석선, 2009). 견해차가확대될수록, 3ㆍ15의거의기념과계승은시민사회의견제와비판을불편해하는방향으로나아갔다. 그리하여 3ㆍ 15의거는가장늦게법정기념일이제정되었지만, 신속하게제도의영역에안착한현상을보여주고있다. Ⅴ. 맺음말 역사적사건에관한법정기념일제정을주장하는활동들은오늘날에도활발하게이루어지고있다. 이를테면경상남도의령군이발의했던임진왜란의병전쟁을기념대상으로하는 호국의병의날 제정활동이공감대를확산시키기위해노력하고있다 ( 고려대학교한국사연구소, 2009). 관련자치단체들과천도교등여러세력들의이견과갈등으로 10여년간표류하고있지만, 동학혁명기념일 제정도추진되고있다 ( 임형진, 2011). 49) 2013년 8월에는 부마민주항쟁기념일제정촉구결의안 을 19명의국회의원들이공동으로발의했고, 9월 5일에국회상임위원회의의안으로접수되었다. 50) 이런흐름에서보면, 제주4ㆍ3사건추념일 제정은늦었다고하기어렵다. 역사적사건의발생시점이아니라, 재평가와법정기념일제정 의지 가촉발되었던시점을고려해야하기때문이다. 이는민간인학살과관련한법정기념일이처음으로제정된다는점에서도중요한선례를창출하는것이라고할수있다. 따라서그간의노력과관심에부합하도록다양한측면들에대한충분한고려와사유가요구된다. 앞에서살펴본것처럼, 민주화운동들의법정기념일은제정운동의구심과주체형성, 각종모임과간담회, 학술행사, 언론등을매개로세력의확산, 정치인과명망가를청원운동에참여시켜영향력을확대, 국회에서제정의필요성을결의하도록설 49) 갈데까지가보자 한치도양보없는지자체들, 서울신문, ) 박민식의원, 부마민주항쟁기념일 지정추진, 연합뉴스, 국회의안접수현황, 연합뉴스보도자료, / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
143 득과요청, 최종결정권자인대통령에게다양한방식으로권유나청원혹은압박하는방식이결합한결과이다. 물론정치적기회구조, 주관주체의특성, 정치ㆍ사회적공감대수준, 담론의적절성, 자원의동원구조등에따라추진과정에서는차이를보였다. 이들요인들이어떻게결합되는가에따라법정기념일제정운동은모습을달리했다. 이와같은특성은법정기념일의제정단계에그치지않고, 정부기념식의내용과성격을둘러싼관계들의형성에도영향을미쳤다. 법정기념일제정은정부가기념식개최에관한일체를전담하는것을뜻한다. 매년수십개의기념식들을개최하는정부는절차와내용을표준화하고, 기념식의담론을체제내화하는데관심을둘수밖에없다. 정부가기념식을개최하는명시적인목적은국민통합과체제의영속화에있다. 아마도이는근대국가들의보편적인현상일것이다. 그러므로정부는민주화운동의주장과담론을어느정도수용하여정치체제와연계시킬것인가를고심하게된다. 이과정에서의도적이었던비의도적이었던간에민주화운동을이유로사회질서에서이탈한혹은주변화된세력들을체제내로포섭하거나배제시키는효과가작동한다. 그래서정부의지향과성격에따라기념식의담론과내용의편차가발생하기마련이다. 법정기념일제정의개요, 이유, 의의를수록한청원서의서사들이추상적이며, 전략적담론으로채워져있는것도이와무관하지않은것같다. 법정기념일제정을통해민주화운동을어떻게기념하고전승할것인가에대해정치ㆍ사회적으로합의되었다고단언하기애매한측면이있는것이다. 그래서프랑스혁명의기념일이국경일로지정되면서역사적ㆍ정치적실체가빠져나갔고, 의미가퇴색되었다는평가를받는것처럼 (Nora et al, 2005: ), 정부주관의기념식담론과내용구성을두고이견과대립이끊이지않는것은불가피할수도있다. 4ㆍ19혁명의기념식역사는법정기념일로제정되었다고항상제대로관리ㆍ운영되는것이아님을잘보여준다. 민주화운동관련자들이사회구성원에서사라진이후에어쩌면그이전에도, 법정기념일제정의의미는퇴색하고, 후손들에게부담스러운유산으로남을수있다. 이를예견할수있는현상들이민주화운동기념식들에서도생겨났고, 점점확산되는경향을띠고있다. 그래서민주화운동의기억과의의를영속화하고안정적으로전승하기위해법정기념일제정을요구했지만, 국가주의의의례와상징질서그리고문화에점점깊숙이침윤되고있다는평가를부인하지못하는것이다. 이와같은 제도화의이중성 을어떻게받아들이고대응해야할것인가는이미과제로제시되었다. 아마도시간이흐를수록그대안을찾기위한고민은깊어지게될것이다. 정호기 / 143
144 < 참고문헌 > ( 사 )3ㆍ15의거기념사업회 ㆍ15의거국가기념일제정백서. 강내희외 혁명의문화사. 이후. 고려대학교한국사연구소 호국의병의날국가기념일제정을위한임진의병의역사적의의와현재적가치. 선인. 김민환. 2000a. 한국의국가기념일성립에관한연구. 서울대학교석사학위논문. 김민환. 2000b. 한국의국가기념일성립에관한연구. 한국학보 99호. 일지사. 김선섭 달력속에서만나는숨은우리날찾기 : 국경일과법정기념일. 씨앤드씨그룹. 김인덕 년대후반재일조선인의기념일투쟁. 사학연구 64호. 한국사학회. 김현선 현대한국사회국가의례의상징화와의미분석. 한국정신문화연구원박사학위논문. 목진휴 상징정책으로서의국가지정기념일. kaps 6월호. 민주화운동관련자명예회복및보상심의위원회 민주화운동기념사업기본계획. 민주화운동기념사업회 민주화운동기념사업회 6년사. 민주화운동기념사업회ㆍ 6월민주항쟁 20주년사업추진위원회 월민주항쟁 20주년사업결과보고서제1권. 서중석 월항쟁. 돌베개. 유남영 광주항쟁진상규명특별법제정하라. 신동아 5월호. 육영수 혁명의배반, 저항의기억. 돌베개. 이주영 ㆍ15의거를국가기념일로제정해야. 국회보 505호. 임형진 동학혁명기념일제정의논란점. 신인간 731호. 전원영 대한민국의주인은없는가? 한국논단 94호. 정해구 한국민주화운동과 6월민주항쟁의기념. 기억과전망 15호 ( 가을호 ). 정호기. 2007a. 저항의례의국가화와계승담론의정치. 경제와사회 76호. 한울. 정호기. 2007b. 한국의역사기념시설. 민주화운동기념사업회. 조용호. 알기쉬운 3ㆍ15, 생활속의 3ㆍ15 과제, ( 사 )3ㆍ15 의거기념사업회홈페이지 탑재글조희연ㆍ정호기엮음 ㆍ18민중항쟁에대한새로운성찰적시선. 한울. 조희연편 한국민주주의와사회운동의동학. 나눔의집. 최장집 민주화이후의민주주의. 후마니타스. 한국학술단체협의회엮음. 144 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
145 2003. 민주주의는종료된프로젝트인가. 이후. 한영혜 두개의어린이날 : 선택된이야기와묻혀진이야기. 한국사회학 39집 5호. 한진우 ㆍ18국가기념일제정, 유공자지정계획의문제점. 민족정론 48호. 황석선 ㆍ11국가기념일지정, 어떤의미인가. 희망세상 4월호. 민주화운동기념사업회. Pierre Nora (dir), 2005, Les Lieux de mémoire, Gallimard.( 김인중외역 기억의장소 1 공화국. 나남. 정호기 / 145
146 Nov. 7, 2013 (Thu); The 2013 Jeju April 3rd International Peace Symposium (Great auditorium of the Jeju April 3rd Memorial Hall) / Scheduled to be presented at 14:00-15:30 Enactment of the Legal Memorial Day and its Operation - focusing on pro-democracy movements - Hogi Jeong (The Third Sector Institute at Hanyang University) Ⅰ. Introduction Pro-democracy movement is a phenomenon and concept quite well showing the dynamics of the Korean modern history. The movement aims at democratization which aspires toward the embodiment of democratic society. Even today, the disputes and controversies in relation to democracy and democratization are paid the largest attention from the public among other issues, which are inundated with a variety of perspectives and interpretations (Heeyeon Jo, 2001: 25). Understanding the Korea's looking at democratization in a broad sense, the stance is divided into the two forms: completion and progressive. In general, the perspective of completion sees the democratization has reached the intended goal at the time in and around 1980 or in December, 1987, or at least in February, Those timings are considered important because they are the points when the requirements presented from most of the democracy discourses had been realized or the significant qualitative changes had been performed. This viewpoint is largely shared with the conservatives, however with which not a few liberals or pro-democracy protestors agree. Of course, there are others who overlook such viewpoint but just stay in a magnetic field of the completion discourse. In contrast, the progressive form does not mean the completion and destination of democratization but insists that 146 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
147 it is being restructured and changed in the present and future reality and lives. This progressive viewpoint criticizes the completion to stay only in the embodiment of procedural democracy, and rather insists that democracy should be seamlessly sought through a variety of movement and actions. The similar difference from both sides was also found in the course of garnering the opinions on honoring pro-democracy movements. In particular, around 2000, heated discussions took place when institutional organizations aimed at the commemoration of a pro-democracy movement became substantiated. Negative opinions on commemoration pointed out that pro-democracy movement should be reflected from inheritance and remembrance point of view, not commemoration. Positive opinions on commemoration focused on understanding pro-democracy movement while keeping certain distance from current social movements as well as the realism stating that it is necessary to organize and focus on the result and significance achieved until now. Both opinions were brought to public as implicit differences in understanding and actions of democratization and pro-democracy movement. Depending of political situation and subjects of the period, such differences did not come to the surface or oppose against each other explicitly. Therefore, people who expressed negative opinions did not like the fact that the government becomes a main subject of pro-democracy movement. They also pointed out that promoting awareness is needed for double-sidedness of institutionalization, but at the same time, they were passive in showing the efforts for commemoration or other activities. Their concerns include the fact that such activities can be absorbed as a completed form of the opinion, the fact that Korean government still retains properties and legacy of authoritarian regimes, and the fact that the activities may return in a similar form of authoritarian regimes depending on the way the political system changes. Meanwhile, people who were teenagers prior to the Fifth Republic were mobilized in various events organized by the government and this experience also affected them negatively. Commemoration ceremony performed by the government is generally coercive, one-sided, closed and enlightening. Such ceremony represents the forced activity planned by the government to enforce 정호기 / 147
148 the identity and integrity to the members of the society. Although there were different opinions, national level of commemoration on pro-democracy movement had expanded. Min Hwan Kim focused on numbers of phenomenon appeared after 1987 (revival of May Day, designation of 5ㆍ18 pro-democracy as legal memorial day and opinions on enacting commemoration day of Korean War as the end of the war) and said that individual memories break up and compete in different forms (Min Hwan Kim, 1999: 71). The opinions on how can such changes were possible, and what changes were brought, were partially considered (Hyun Sun Kim, 2004). Number of commemoration days related to pro-democracy doubled since this paper was published. However, these cases were not comprehensibly understood and studied. Various principals, factors and environments affected the enactment of national memorial day, but the consideration on relationships and aspects were not entirely satisfactory. Therefore, this essay will first mention about how the enactment of the legal memorial day for pro-democracy after mid-1990s was done and investigate various factors played a role during the process along with their relationship with each other. Secondly, operation aspects after the enactment of the legal memorial day will be covered based on Commemoration. This writing will emphasize on understanding the implication of politics of memory that flows through the enactment of the legal memorial day for pro-democracy movement and double-sidedness of institutionalization. Ⅱ. Significance of Legal Memorial Day and the Dynamics of its Enactment The government enacted Presidential Decree No Regulation on Various Memorial Days in March 30 th 1973 and organized the memorial days. By doing this, memorial days enacted through various origins and methods were reformed into one system. Presidential Decree No. 5 defined that The government agency cannot hold or support the national or regional commemoration event or confer a decoration or use the government budget unless it is already assigned. Apart from this, 3.1 Independence Movement Day, Constitution Day, Independence Day and The National Foundation Day were operated as national 148 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
149 holidays based on Law on National Holiday established in October 1 st 1949 as Presidential decree No. 53 (Seon Seob Kim, 2000:14). National holiday is regulated by the law and therefore, they are not on the same level as Various Memorial Days by Presidential decree and they are more highly regarded. In December 29 th 2005, Hangul Proclamation Day became a national holiday by revision of Law on National Holiday as No In 2013, the 5 th national holiday was enacted and commemorated. Presidential Decree enacted total of 26 Various Memorial Days' so far and the Office of Veterans Administration supervised 4.19 Revolution Day which is the only case of pro-democracy movement among other memorial days. Later, Regulation on Various Memorial Days went through number of changes. The reasons for the revision of presidential decree were mainly the change of the names of memorial days or the addition of memorial days. At present, partially revised Presidential decree No is applied in June 17 th 2013 and there are total of 45 memorial days enacted. Among these, Pro-democracy related memorial days include 3.15 Movement Day, 4.19 RevolutionDay, 5.18 Pro-democracy Movement Day and 6.10 Pro-democracy MovementDay. Three more democratic movement related days were added and these correspond to 0.008% of the entire memorial days. They are generally denominated as National Memorial Day or Government-designated Memorial Day, but these words are not legally confirmed (Min Hwan Kim, 2000a: 2). In the course of the enactment of memorial day for pro-democracy movements, the word National Memorial Day was frequently used. Generally, National Memorial Day includes legal memorial day that indicates national holidays and various memorial days enacted by the government. Since national holidays are not included in this study, legal memorial days are defined as memorial days for precision. The enactment of legal memorial day consists of simple procedures from review ㆍ decision-making on petition introduced by relevant government agency during the Cabinet meeting to proclamation of the memorial day by the president. Legal memorial day is regulated by the Presidential decree and therefore, there is no need for acquiring the approval from the National 정호기 / 149
150 Assembly. When the Presidential decree is revised, the memorial day goes into effect. However, introduction and decision-making of the items at the Cabinet meeting are formal procedures most of the time. Actual decision is made before the items are introduced to the Cabinet meeting. Therefore, in order to initiate the enactment movement for legal memorial day or consider the activities of the people who are deeply interested in the topic, it is necessary to focus on the period mentioned above. That is why this writing focuses on the process of enactment movement of legal memorial day appeared as a social agenda and introduced to the Cabinet meeting. Legal memorial day is a result of various factors interact in combination. Political ㆍ social recognition on the target incident for legal memorial day and the formation of discourse should come first. As if it was predestined, pro-democracy movements were oppressed by the government or negatively regarded when the incident was being carried out. However, most of them were re-evaluated as historical events that contributed to the development of democracy and the improvement of human rights. Depending on pro-democracy movements, the time spent from the outbreak of pro-democracy movements to investigation of truth and re-evaluation varies. The change of political system was the important factor for re-evaluation and change of the recognition or the basis for the change. However, this process is not regularized or formalized due to the change of political system and other various factors. The important factors include, first, whether there is a centripetal force aiming for the re-evaluation of pro-democracy movements and the investigation of truth, and second, whether the influence supporting pro-democracy movement can affect the politics and the system. The former is on the formation of the subject for the struggle for memory or social movement, while the latter is on whether these subjects can carry out the action according to the needs and will for the enactment of the legal memorial day. Therefore, according to the formation and behavior of above factors, the enactment of legal holiday for pro-democracy movement showed various aspects. Systematic procedures are generally similar while the political opportunity related to the enactment of the legal memorial day, subjects, procedure, logics, point of 150 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
151 view and the behaviors after the enactment cannot be identical. The main consideration in this writing is the actions of above factors. However, 4.19 Revolution is considered as an exception. Commemoration ceremony for 4.19 Revolution is presided by the Seoul government since the year after the outbreak of the incident and it was transferred to the Office of Veterans Administration. This gives different aspects to 4.19 Revolution compared to recent cases (Hyun Sun Kim, 2004: 84 85) and the notable activities by relevant subjects are not observed. While considering these factors, this writing will cover three cases. Ⅲ. Memorable Politics and Legal Memorial Day Enactment 1. May 18th Pro-democracy Movement: Legal settlement and gradual subsumption Enactment of 5ㆍ18 Pro-democracy Movement (hereinafter 5ㆍ18 Movement) as a memorial day was officially discussed in the government in January 11 th Inter-party summit between President Roh Tae Woo and Kim Dae Jung, the leader of the Commoner s Party, took place on that day and Kim suggested the Enactment of Memorial Day as one of the Solutions for Kwangju Issue. It is assumed that Kim suggested the enactment of memorial day based on the opinions of May Organization or Civil Society Organizations. However, the president did not respond. For Roh s government that was experiencing fierce opposition and conflict by May Organization and Civil Society Organizations, it might have been hard to accept such request. There was also no media attention drawn on this issue because there were pending agreements or solutions to be made for important and urgent matters. Enactment of the memorial day was a task that needed an urgent solution for alleviation of 5.18 Movement. The discussion on Who would supervise the commemoration ceremony in 1991 was a good example. The media argued that the Kwangju government should carry out the commemoration event if the government re-evaluates 5.18 Movement and apologize to the victims. However, the mayor of the Kwangju government said It is impossible for the 정호기 / 151
152 administrative agency to conduct the commemoration event since 5.18 Movement has not been enacted as a memorial day. Kwangju government held onto this position since then. A local congressmen submitted the proposal on August 20th for declaring May 18th as a Citizens Day. This was considered as an alternative to the enactment of the memorial day. Kwangju government again, declined this proposal. This proposal still is an important point of argument in local community until Kim Young Sam government found a solution for the enactment of the memorial day. May Movement and social movement camps both expected from the establishment of Kim Young Sam government to find solutions for the issues that were at a standstill. Most of alleviation policies announced in Roh Tae Woo government on 5.18 Movement did not make any progress other than compensations provided by the government. May Movement organizations and civil society did not accept the suggestions made by Roh Tae Woo government. Kim Young Sam government focused on these problems and they claimed to support the Establishment of a Civilian Tradition and the Establishment of a Right History in order to fulfill the value for a Civilian Government. This was a symbolic politics actively utilizing the past history. Their first target was 4.19 Revolution and the second was 5.18 Movement. The plans of the government for the alleviation and solution of 5.18 Movement were announced as 5.13 Special Statement. The special statement defined that Today s government is a democratic government that is a continuation of Kwangju pro-democracy movement. Various solutions are suggested during the statement. However, there were a lot or criticisms and concerns because the special statement mentioned Let future history handle the investigation of truth, which was the core issue of the matter and the punishment of the responsible people for the movement was also out of the question. However, the fact that the president officially re-evaluated 5.18 Movement was positively viewed and since the new government was just established, they had enough capabilities for promoting commemoration business and other various policies for recovery. Numbers of businesses made a rapid progress. One of the policies for recovery was the enactment of the memorial days. 152 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
153 Special statement indicated the removal of regulation from the local government on supporting 5.18 Movement. Back then, Kwangju government was considering about assigning May 18th as a memorial day of the city. Triggered by this special statement, enactment of legal memorial day was determined. The beginning was the request for the enactment of the legal memorial day by the provincial assembly of Jeollanam-do. Kwangju provided the cost for 5.18 commemoration event, and the mayor of Kwangju gave a memorial address at the event. However, the enactment of the legal memorial day was still difficult. Meanwhile, the prosecution announced the result of investigation on Incident and 5.18 Movement in July 18 th The object of the result was that successful coup d état cannot be punished and the people who are related to both incidents will not be prosecuted. This announcement by the prosecution failed the alleviation of 5.18 Movement, as well as the value and significance of National Integration Policies built by Kim Young Sam Government for the past 2 years since Kim Young Sam government was established. Investigation for Truth Movement that has been withdrawn became heighten again rapidly. In order to reverse the situation, Kim young Sam government enacted the Special Law on 5ㆍ18 Pro-democracy Movement in December 19 th Based on this law, former presidents Chun Doo Hwan and Roh Tae Woo were arrested. On the same day, the opposing parties agreed on the enactment of 5.18 Movement as a legal memorial day. Civil society focused on investigating the truth and requesting for clear punishment on perpetrators, but the interest in institutionalization expanded as time goes by. Based on this situation, Kwangju requested the enactment of the legal memorial day in February 1 st 1996 and Kwangju City Council adopted a resolution for insisting the request in April 20 th. Therefore, 5.18 Movement Memorial Day was assigned by the ordinance of Kwangju government. At the commemoration ceremony held in the same year, both mayor of Kwangju and the governor of Jeollanam-do claimed the enactment of the legal memorial day in the memorial address. The problem of the enactment of the legal memorial day emerged again around the completion of 5.18 cemetery and May 18 th. Kim Young Sam, who was in the end of his term, had to settle the matter on the enactment of the legal 정호기 / 153
154 memorial day. The Cabinet meeting held in April 11 th yielded the positive opinion on this matter, but the final decision was delayed to after April 17 th which final verdict of the Supreme Court on people related to Incident and 5.18 Movement was expected. Meanwhile, leaders from three parties including the ruling party and opposition party reached an agreement and proposed an enactment of the legal memorial day at the National Assembly level in April 14 th. The reason for slow process was due to various opinions from the government agencies and it was difficult to reach the agreement. At the Cabinet Meeting, the relationship between existing legal memorial days, respecting 5.18 Movement victims as Men of National Merit, raising the status of 5.18 Cemetery as National cemetery and other items are discussed at the same time. There were quite a few negative views. The Supreme Court sentenced Chun Doo Hwan to life imprisonment and 12 people including Roh Tae Woo to 17 to 3 years and 6 months in prison. The Cabinet Meeting decided to determine the case of respecting 5.18 Movement victims as Men of National Merit and raising the status of 5.18 Cemetery as National cemetery in the future, and decided the enactment of the legal memorial day. 2. June Struggle: Petition campaign by civil society June struggle achieved the goal of political democratization and created a base for carrying out the democracy in various fields of politics and society (Jung Seok, Seo, 2011: 674). Therefore, the need for carrying out the resistant struggle of memories was rather low. Thus, civil society showed interest in the enactment of June Struggle as a memorial day earlier than the other incidents. This interest became official when National Committee for Commemorating the Democratic Movement was founded in May 10 th 1993 aiming at the investigation of truth for 5.18 Movement and the inheritance of spirit for June Struggle. This organization insisted that both incident should be enacted as National memorial day. However, the enactment of both memorial days could not be achieved at the same time. 154 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
155 Enactment of the memorial day was paid attention again along with the 10 th anniversary of June Struggle in 1997 when the enactment of legal memorial day for 5.18 Movement was finalized. Interests and activities of civil societies stirred up the congressmen. As a result, members of the assembly who participated in June Struggle in June 2 nd organized the Congressmen Organization for Commemoration of 10 th Anniversary of June Struggle. 20 people include Myeong Un Kim from New Korea party, Geun Tae Kim from National Association and Bu Young Lee from the Democratic party participated in this meeting. They were planning to push the Enactment of National Memorial Day forward as a long term agenda. Now, the enactment of June Struggle as a legal memorial day had become an important goal for the civil society. Thus, Organization for Establishing Democratic Foundation and Organization for Constructing Democracy Movement Memorial also included the enactment of memorial day as their agenda. In order to actualize the enactment of the legal memorial day, government action was necessary. Law on Regaining the Reputation and Compensation for Pro-democracy Related Personnel proposed in July 9 th, 1999 was the basis for government action. This law was passed at the Assembly plenary session in December 28 th and announced as No of the Law in January 12 th The purpose of this law is through regaining the reputation and compensation, victims and their families related to pro-democracy movement can build a stable life and improved welfare and thus, development or democracy and contribution to national unification can be achieved. Direct background behind the enactment of this law was a yearlong sit-in demonstration in tent by the parents and families from Nationwide Families of Democratic Movement Victims Council and Families for Practicing Democracy Movement Council. This is based on the life and sacrifice of many who devoted themselves for anti-autocracy and democracy, as well as actualization and improvement of human rights. Based on this law, Rehabilitation and Compensation Committee for Pro-democracy Movement Victims (Hereinafter Minbosangwi) was established. Minbosangwi discussed about the business and the schemes for commemorating and remembering the pro-democracy movement. Minbosangwi also requested the 정호기 / 155
156 basic plans for the implement to Sociocultural Institution in Sungkonghoe University. This institution submitted the Basic Plans for Commemoration Business for Pro-democracy Movement on the basis of 10 Commemoration Business for Pro-democracy Movement in Based on this report, related organizations and institutions had a discussion and agreed as follows. Based on this report, related organizations and agencies held a discussion and agreed as following. Minbosangwi is responsible for Development Project on Cemetery for Pro-democracy Movement Victims (Garden of Remembrance) and Korean Democracy Foundation is in charge of other nine businesses. Enactment of 6.10 Struggle as a National Memorial Day is included in these nine businesses. This report is little bit longer than A4 size paper which contains the reason for June struggle to be enacted as legal memorial day. The main point is that June Struggle is a Historical event that inherits the history of democracy and restored democracy that has been carried over through the oppression and autocracy such as 4.19 Revolution, anti-revitalizing Reforms in 1970s and 5.18 Pro-democracy Movement (Rehabilitation and Compensation Committee for Pro-democracy Movement Victims, 2001: 155). In August 22 nd 2000, before this report is submitted, Lee Boo Young and others already filed a petition for the enactment of June Struggle as a legal memorial day. However, there was no outcome until 20 th anniversary of June Struggle. In February 28 th 2006, the 4 th regular general meeting by Business Council for Succeeding June Struggle took place. In this meeting, constitution of Nationwide Committee for 20 Year Commemoration Business for June Struggle and Enactment of National Memorial was agreed. This was again, mentioned as a political agenda during the banquet with the president held in June 9 th 2006 for the people who are related to June Struggle. People who attended the banquet made a recommendation to the president for the enactment of the legal memorial day. The president answered, We will look into this matter frequently and review this more positively. Business Council for Succeeding June Struggle submitted Petition for Enacting 6ㆍ10 as National Memorial Day in June 15 th to the Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs (Korea Democracy 156 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
157 Foundationㆍ Committee for 20 years of Business for June Struggle, 2007: 69). Meanwhile, Jeong Hae Goo, the head of research center, announced the reason for June 10 th to be enacted as legal memorial day during the academic event held by Korea Democracy Foundation in June 29 th. Activities of above committee are categorized into three. First, the committee held an information session from October in six regions of the country (Masan, Busan, Daegu, Kwangju, Jeonju, Cheongju) in order to gather the opinions and concentrate the capabilities. Secondly, they appealed for the cooperation through the discussion with congressmen (October 25 th ) which majority of participants were from the Uri party. Thirdly, the meetings were held from November to December in Busan, Kwangju and Daejeon. In November 29 th, the committee held a meeting with elder democratic figures. Based on such activities, 125 congressmen signed the Resolution for Enacting 6ㆍ10 Pro-democracy Movement as a Memorial Day that was conducted by the Uri party since December 8 th and it is finally introduced to the Government Administration and Home Affairs Committee. Movement for the Enactment of the legal memorial day was passed down to Committee for 20 years of Business for June Struggle (hereinafter the Committee) established in December 26 th The committee carried out the tasks by establishing an affiliated Special Committee for the Enactment of the National Memorial Day, and it was ran by the Business Council for Succeeding June Struggle. The committee held a Public Hearing for the Enactment of June Struggle as a Legal Memorial Day at the Congress hall in January 11 th This public hearing included the statement written by Professor Jeong Hae Goo and Park Seok Un, the Chairman of the National People's Solidarity enforcement. Congressmen from the Uri Party, Grand National Party Hannara, Democratic Labor Party and the Democratic Party participated in the hearing and held a discussion. Based on this, the committee visited the Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs in February 8 th to file the Petition and submit the Joint Signature by 610 people in the nation. The petition was filed to express that 1 National Commemoration event is needed for the historical event that ended the repressive politics by a military dictatorship and accomplished a 정호기 / 157
158 turning point for the development of democracy in Korea and 2 the historical importance of June Struggle is as competitive as 2.8 Declaration of Independence in 1919, April Revolution in 1960 and 5.18 Pro-democracy Movement in 1980 which are already enacted as the legal memorial day. The Cabinet Meeting decided the enactment of the legal memorial day in April 24 th 2007 (Korea Democracy Foundation, 2007: ), and it was finalized in May 2 nd. 3. March 15th Movement: Recognition movement and pressure from the political circle 3ㆍ15 Movement pursued an independent incident by being separated from April Revolution (or 4.19 Revolution) when starting the review. The year of 1995 was considered meaningful because 3ㆍ15 Movement Commemoration Service Society Corp. was registered in the Bureau of Public Information. 3ㆍ15 Movement Commemoration Service Society Corp. planned to change Masan Citizens Day to March 15 th at the inaugural meeting. In July 5 th of the same year, the plan was accomplished by the enactment of ordinance in Masan. In December 26 th 2003, March 15 th was assigned as a memorial day of Gyeongsangnam-do (Yong Ho Cho, 2012: 3 4). In 2005 when the project for establishing a group cemetery for 3.15 Movement victims was carried out actively, the need for enacting the legal memorial day was suggested. During the 229 th special meeting in Gyeongsangnam-do held in June 15 th, a member of provincial assembly said, Gyeongsangnam-do insists to make 3.15 Movement provincial memorial day into a national memorial day and we would like to ask for the participation and utmost support from the citizens of Gyeongsangnam-do. This comment was not actualized but it became the main concern of local society by the aid of local media. Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs was puzzled by this request. When Park Yoo Cheol, the chief of Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs, mentioned We will review in the interview with local media, it was a euphemistic phrase for expressing internal atmosphere of government agencies. 158 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
159 Decision making and implementation are simple. However, relationship and understanding according to interest and differences in opinions by various groups and influences should be considered in multilateral view. Thus, right after Kim Yang, the chief of the Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs, was inaugurated during Lee Myung Bak government, the majority opinion leaning towards the low feasibility. In order to carry this out, reasonable logic and sufficient support should be cultivated and the will of the president was also considered important. Such atmosphere changed as of Commemoration Ceremony for 3.15 Movement in Chief of staff participating in the ceremony and reading the presidential message is interpreted as a positive implication. Participation of the chief of staff has a different implication than the participation of a prime minister. This was the only case when the chief of staff or chief secretary participated in pro-democracy related commemoration ceremony to read the presidential message. The presidential message said, The new government will transcendentalize the spirit of 3.15 to the advancement. The governor of Gyeongsangnam-do said in his commemorative address 3.15 Movement received a proper historical assessment to be enacted as national memorial day. One thing that cannot be ignored is that the 18 th generalelection(april9 th 2008) was approaching. When the general election is approaching, 3.15 Movement Commemoration Service Society Corp agreed with Gyeongsangnam-do and announced that the enactment of the legal memorial day would be pushed forward. Other elected congressmen also announced that they would lead the enactment. Such phenomenon shows that the enactment of 3.15 Movement as the legal memorial day had become an important point of argument in local and central politics. In order to understand this phenomenon better, it is necessary to trace back to August 6 th 2007 when the presidential election campaign was heated. On this day, cultural street was going through a refurbishing work conducted by Merchants Association in Odong-dong, Masan. Also, Prayer and Cheers Competition for the Enactment of the 3ㆍ15 Movement as National Memorial Day took place for commemorating the re-installation copperplate for the origin of 3.15 Movement. Implicit purpose of this event was not clear. Lee Myung Bak, 정호기 / 159
160 a presidential nominee, participated in this event and said that he would Do his best to make 3.15 Movement a national memorial day. President Lee Myung Bak might not remember the statement he made, but this became one of important basis for requesting the enactment of the legal memorial day. Prayer and Cheers Competition for the Enactment of the 3ㆍ15 Movement as National Memorial Day took place in March 15 th 2008 at the same place. The mayor and the president of the city council participated in this event. Enactment movement for the legal memorial day went through several changes while planning the spread of consensus and political agenda. First step was the submission of a proposition lead by a local assembly and provincial assembly. Masan city council sent the proposition to the Blue House, government related agencies and congressmen in Gyeongsangnam-do and other regions. The proposition defined 3.15 Movement as a Fertile ground for liberal democracy to bloom and it is also a stern cry of freedomㆍdemocracyㆍjustice as well as noble ideology, spirit of patriotic martyrs and spiritual legacy when request is submitted for the enactment of the legal memorial day. In May 22 nd, Gyeongsangnam-do provincial assembly submitted the proposition to the president, chairman of congress, minister of public administration and security and chief of the ministry of patriots and veterans affairs with the similar logic. Second step is conducted by the local congressman and the chief of the local government which was implemented after July. The congressman persuaded the chief of Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs and the minister of Public Administration and Security, and the governor filed a petition to the government. Meanwhile, 3.15 Movement Commemoration Service Society Corp held a public hearing to stir up the public opinion. Public hearing set the legal origin for the enactment of the legal memorial day from Law of Pro-democracy Movement Commemoration Business Council, and found the criteria for comparison from 5.18 Movement. Third step is to start requesting the enactment of the legal memorial day to government agencies and congressmen and raise the media though various events and performances. In order to request for the support and cooperation, person in charge visited the former president Kim young Sam. In November 160 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
161 2008, congressmen from local area held a public hearing. This was a part of persuasion plan targeting the National Assembly. Fourth step is the recitation of resolution containing the appropriateness of the enactment of the legal memorial day by the chairman of Gyeongsangnam-do provincial assembly during the commemoration ceremony Later, all the local media and congressmen gathered together to force the government. As a result, 3.15 Movement memorial day was enacted as Presidential Decree No in March 12 th Ⅳ. Diversity of Legal Memorial Day Operation and Systematization There are more than one government agency who supervises the ceremony for pro-democracy related legal memorial day. Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs supervises 3.15 Movement, 4.19 Revolution and 5.18 Movement while Ministry of Security and Public Administration supervises the June Struggle. The reason that these events share different governing agencies is based on the fact whether Merit Law is applied or not. Lee Han Ryeol died during June Struggle and there were numbers of victims died during the struggle. However, Merit Law was applied to none. Commemoration ceremony is a national ceremony that symbolizes the meaning of the enactment of the legal memorial day. The ceremony is conducted by the cooperation of responsible government agencies and related organization or major local government. However, compared to 3.15 Movement and 4.19 Revolution, 5.18 Movement shows rather closer cooperative relationship. It is due to the fact that 5.18 commemoration ceremony was moved from the supervision of Ministry of Security and Public Administration to Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs and 5.18 Movement has a closer relationship with current social movements than the others. This means that Kwangju has a role in gathering opinions and stances of 5.18 related organizations and civil society. On the other hand, the commemoration ceremony for June Struggle is hosted by the Ministry of Security and Public Administration and supervised by Korea Democracy Foundation (Korea Democracy Foundation, 2007: 17). The difference between hosting and 정호기 / 161
162 supervising can be a gray area. Ministry of Security and Public Administration is the one who actually holds the commemoration ceremony but Korea Democracy Foundation cooperates to run the ceremony together. For that reason, June Struggle Commemoration ceremony and the person in charge of the ceremony are placed at the division of Korea Democracy Foundation. Before the legal memorial day is enacted, commemoration ceremonies were held by related organizations or civil society organizations. Commemoration ceremony hosted or held by the government agencies are the ceremonies used to be conducted by the related organizations or civil society organizations taken over and formalized by the government. The reason why the government agencies were asked to run a commemoration ceremony was to perpetuate and pass down the meaning and the significance based on the authority and formality of the law and system. However, the reality was tougher than what was expected. The aspects and the diversity of the commemoration ceremony appeared differently. Commemoration ceremony for 4.19 Revolution is held by the government and another commemoration ceremony is held at the same place by civil society organization. It is hard to define when exactly the commemoration ceremony held by the civil society organization had started. The scale and the level of commemoration ceremony for 4.19 Revolution varied, but the ceremony ran by the Seoul government started in Since then, the commemoration ceremony or other commemoration events are held by civil society organizations. Commemoration ceremonies held by the government and civil society organizations share different aspects in its characteristics, contents and discourse. Around 100 people participate in commemoration ceremony held by civil society organizations and it is rarely reported in the media. Some politicians in progressive party or business people from overseas participate in this commemoration. Majority or the participants of the commemoration ceremony ran by the government are middle/ high school students who were forced to participate while the majority of participants in commemoration ceremony ran by civil society organizations are social activists commemoration ceremony held by civil society organizations is a 162 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
163 combination of commemoration ceremony and memorial ceremony. Memorial ceremony ran by related organizations comprises the first half of the ceremony and commemoration ceremony ran by commemorative events committee and civil society organization comprises the other half. After the enactment of legal memorial day, commemoration ceremony for 5.18 Movement was held by the government while the memorial ceremony and other events were held by the related organizations and civil society organizations for 5.18 commemoration ceremony. Along with the division of roles, the date of memorial ceremony changed from May 18 th to May 17 th. The characteristic of the memorial ceremony also changed. The ceremony was held by the related organizations, and the chairman of 5.18 Memorial Foundation, heads of local government, congressmen, local council member and the head of Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs Kwangju branch participated. The form of memorial ceremony is a joint ancestral ritual by the family which does not distinguish 5.18 memorial ceremony from other memorial ceremonies. Civil society organization does not participate since their role is done in memorial ceremony and there is rarely any participation from the citizens. However, the commemoration ceremony held by the civil society organizations changed into various aspects. First, there are some aspects indicating that the commemoration ceremonies ran by the government had ceased. Similarities in contents found in the programs of May events are the proof. Names, origins and the way the ceremony was carried out are different. In the aspects of the effect, the meaning and the contents shifted to various events that have characteristics of social movement. Secondly, commemoration ceremonies or events ran by the related organizations or civil society organizations frequently took place apart from the government commemoration ceremonies. Thus, the commemoration ceremony held by the government and the one held by the civil society are competitively incompatible with each other through its symbolism. Such phenomenon appears frequently when the conflict of opposition between the government and related organizations or civil societies, or when different opinions on 5.18 Movement clash without finding a common ground. The cases from 2001, 2007 and 2010 are typical. In May 18 th 2001, the members of related 정호기 / 163
164 organizations held an assembly in front of the National Assembly, protesting against the agreement of National Assembly on failing Law for Respecting 5.18 Men or Merit. In May 18 th 2007, when the commemoration ceremony held by the government was being carried out, shouting from Inheritance of May Spirit and Memorial Ceremony for Stopping Korea-US FTA held at Mangwolmyo Station reached to the ceremony hall. In 2010, including the singing of March for the Beloved in commemoration program triggered a conflict. As a result, separate commemoration ceremony took place at Mangwolmyo station at the same time as the commemoration ceremony held by the government. The mayor of Kwangju and some congressmen from the opposition party participated in the ceremony held at Mangwolmyo station. Thirdly, related organization and civil society does not hold a commemoration ceremony independently, but they either used to absent themselves in groups from the ceremony ran by the government or protest at the ceremony hall. The year of 2003 and 2013 were typical and the issue in 2013 was on singing the song March for the Beloved is frequently used commemoration ceremony by related organizations and civil society organizations as a method of group action. Their commemoration ceremony and events were usually held at Mangwolmyo station and other locations that have a large symbolic effect for social movements. Commemoration ceremony for June Struggle held by civil society organization was transferred to government-ran 6ㆍ10 Pro-democracy Commemoration Ceremony. When Korea Democracy Foundation was founded, they took charge of significant amount of work and cost necessary for holding a commemoration ceremony for June Struggle. Ministry of Security and Public Administration and Korea Democracy Foundation holding 6ㆍ10 Pro-democracy Commemoration Ceremony together signifies the continuation or succession. Thus, there was no ceremony held for June Struggle by civil society organization. Nationwide March for the 20 th Anniversary of June Struggle was held at Seoul Square, but it was not conducted by Committee for 20 years of Business for June Struggle nor it was in form of existing commemoration held by the civil society organization. However, such aspects were shown only in that year. Since 2008, 164 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
165 commemoration ceremony was separated. Together with the beginning of Lee Myung Bak government, the opinion on commemoration and succession of June Struggle changed. Also, consistent Large-scale Candlelight Protest Against Beef Importations was an important factor affecting the situation. There was a big difference between presidential commemorative addresses from 2007 and 2008, and the chairman of Korea Democracy Foundation criticized the government policies and current situation harshly through the Writing for the Citizens. It seems as if the government and civil society are opposing with each other during 6.10 pro-democracy commemoration ceremony. Civil society organizations held a commemoration ceremony in 1987 at Hyanglin church where Headquarters for National Movement for Obtaining Democratic Constitution was founded apart from the commemoration ceremony held by the government. However, Business Council for Succeeding June Struggle who lead the enactment of legal memorial day participated as co-sponsored organizations. This proves that the concerns for the enactment of June Struggle as a legal memorial day turned out to be well founded. Since then, two different commemoration ceremonies for June Struggle took place with some time difference and carried out with different contents and discussion. Compared to above, commemoration ceremony for 3.15 Movement held by the government perfectly replaced existing commemoration ceremony. Commemoration ceremony held by the government excluded the participation of the groups who aim for a civic movement or a social movement. Prior to commemoration ceremony held by the government, there were some solidarity and participation but it seemed to cease afterwards. Yet, there is still no other commemoration ceremony held by civil society apart from the ceremony held by the government. Although civil society agrees on the fact that 3.15 Movement had a role in democratization and improvement of democracy, it seems as if they still doubt its role and function on current democracy (Seok Seon, Hwang, 2009). As the difference in opinion increased, commemoration and succession of 3.15 Movement disagreed with the prevention and criticism of civil society. Thus, 3.15 Movement was enacted as the legal memorial day the last, but it has been safely adjusted to the system rapidly. 정호기 / 165
166 Ⅴ. Conclusion Movements insisting the enactment of the legal memorial day for historical events are still active. For example, enactment movement for Patriotic Troupe s Day targeting the war of righteous army during Imjin War which started in Uiryong-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do, is trying to form a consensus (Institute of Korean History, Korea University, 2009). Although it has been adrift for 10 years due to different opinions and conflicts from number of influences including elated local government and Cheondogyo, enactment of Donghak Revolution Memorial Day is also pushed forward (Hyeong Jin Lim, 2011). In August 2013, 19 congressmen proposed a Demand for Resolution of the Enactment of Busan & Masan Pro-democracy Movement as a Memorial Day and it was submitted to the National Assembly Standing Committee. Considering such trends, the enactment of Jeju 4.3 Incident Memorial Day is hardly late. The time when re-evaluation of the incident and the time when the will for enacting the legal memorial day was triggered should be considered, not the historical outbreak of the incident. It is a first legal memorial day related to civilian massacre that establishes a good precedent. Therefore, sufficient consideration and grounds in various aspects are needed in order to correspond to the effort and attentions paid until then. As it was mentioned earlier, legal memorial days for pro-democracy movements are the result of forming the subject and centripetal force for the enactment movement, spreading the force through various meetings, discussions, academic events and media, expanding the influences by having politicians and renowned people to participate in a petition campaign, persuading and requesting the National Assembly for the need of the enactment and lastly, suggesting or pressuring the president who is a final decision maker. There were also differences in the process for carrying out the plan according to the structure of political opportunity, characteristics of the subjects who are conducting the movement, level of political ㆍsocial consensus, adequacy of the argument, mobilization structure of resources and more. Depending on how these factors are combined, enactment movements for legal memorial day showed different 166 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
167 aspects. Such characteristics did not only stay at the enactment step of legal memorial day, but also affected the formation of contents and features of commemoration ceremony held by the government. The enactment of the legal memorial day means that the government takes the full charge of holding a commemoration ceremony. The government has no choice but to focus on standardizing the procedure and contents, and systemize the discussion of the commemoration ceremony since they are in charge of numbers of commemoration ceremonies a year. The explicit purpose of the government holding a commemoration ceremony is national integration and perpetuation of the system. This might be the universal phenomenon in modern nations. Therefore, the concerns of the government focuses on how many opinions and discussions on pro-democracy movement should be accepted that can be linked to the political system. Whether it was intentional or not, some of the forces disengaged or marginalized from the public order due to pro-democracy movement are either included or excluded from the system. Thus, the deviation in discussions and contents of commemoration ceremony appear according to the direction and characteristics of the government. The reason for the description of the petition including the outline, reasons and significance of the enactment of the legal memorial day being abstract and filled up with strategic discussion is not completely unrelated to this. It is somewhat obscure to declare that the way of commemoration and inheritance of pro-democracy movement was politically ㆍsocially agreed through the enactment of the legal memorial day. It is evaluated that as the memorial days in France became national holidays, historical ㆍpolitical substances had left and the meaning had faded (Nora et al, 2005: ). Thus, it might be inevitable to cease the differences and conflicts on discussions and contents of commemoration ceremonies ran by the government. The history of commemoration for 4ㆍ19 revolution shows that the enactment of the legal memorial day does not indicate that it is well supervised and operated. When the people who are related to pro-democracy movement are gone, or maybe even before, the meaning of the enactment of the legal memorial day might fade and left as a burdensome legacy to future generations. 정호기 / 167
168 Phenomenon that indicate this was shown in pro-democracy commemoration events and such phenomenon seem to expand gradually. In order to perpetuate the memory and significance of pro-democracy movement, enactment of legal memorial day was requested. However, no one can deny that the memory and significance of pro-democracy movement permeates gradually and deeply into the formality of nationalism, symbolic orders and culture. The way of accepting and responding to Double-sidedness of Institutionalization has been an old task for us. Concerns for finding solutions will become harder and harder as time goes by. 168 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
169 <References> 3ㆍ15 Movement Commemoration Service Society White Paper on Enactment of 3ㆍ15 Movement as a National Memorial Day. Nae Hee, Kang et al Cultural History of the Revolution. Ihoo. Korea University Institute of Korean History Historical significance and current value of Imjin troops for the enactment of Patriot Day as a memorial day. Seonin. Min Hwan, Kim. 2000a. Study on the Establishment of National holiday in Korea. Masters Thesis, Seoul National University Min Hwan, Kim. 2000b. Study on the Establishment of National holiday in Korea. Korean Newspaper No. 99. Iljisa. Seon Seob, Kim Finding Our Hidden Day from the Calendar: National Holiday and legal memorial day. C&C Group. In Deok, Kim Fight for Memorial Day in late-1920 by Korean Japanese. History Research No. 64. Korea Society of History. Hyun Seon, Kim Symbolization of National Rituals in Modern Korean Society and Analysis of the Meaning. Ph.D Thesis, The Academy of Korean Studies Jin Hyu, Mok National Memorial Day as Symbolic Performance kaps June Issue. Rehabilitation and Compensation Committee for Pro-democracy Movement Victims Basic Plans for Commemoration Business for Pro-democracy Movement. Korea Democracy Foundation Korea Democracy Foundation. History of 6 Years. Korea Democracy Foundation ㆍ Committee for 20 years of Business for June Struggle Report on 20 years of Business for June Struggle No.1. Jung Seok, Seo June Struggle. Dolbaegae. Nam Young, Yu Allow Enactment of a Special Law on Investment of Truth for Gwangju Struggle Shin DongA May Issue. Young Soo, Yook Betrayal of the Revolution, Memory of the Resistance. Dolbaegae. Joo Young, Lee ㆍ15 movement should be enacted as national memorial day. National Newsletter No 정호기 / 169
170 Hyeong Jin, Lim Controversies of Enactment of Memorial Day for Donghak Revolution. New Human No Won Young, Jeon Is there no owner of Korea? Korea Forum No. 94. Hae Gu, Jeong Commemoration of Korea Pro-Democracy Movement and June Struggle. Memory and Prospect No. 15 (Fall Issue). Ho Gi, Jeong. 2007a. Nationalization of Ritual of Protest and Politics on the Discussion of Succession. Economy and Society No. 76. Hanul. Ho Gi, Jeong. 2007b. Historic Memorial Facilities of Korea. Korea Democracy Foundation. Yong Ho, Cho. Easy 3.15 movement, Legacy of 3.15 in daily life, Written in the webpage for 3ㆍ15 Movement Commemoration Service Society Corp. on September 3 rd 2012 Complied by Hee Yeon, ChoㆍHo Gi, Jeong New Reflective View on 5ㆍ18 Movement. Hanul. Edited by Hee Yeon, Cho Dynamics of Democracy and Social Movements in Korea. House of Sharing. Jang Jib, Choi Democracy after Democratization. Humanitas. Complied by Korea Council of Academic Societies Is Democracy Terminated Project. Ihoo. Young Hye, Han Two Children s Day: Selected Story and Forgotten Story. Sociology of Korea Vol. 39, No. 5. Jin Woo, Han Problems of the enactment of 5ㆍ18 as national memorial day and assignment of a Men of Merit. National Doctrine No. 48. Seok Sun, Hwang What is the meaning of the enactment of 4ㆍ11 as a national memorial day World of Hope April Issue. Korea Democracy Foundation. Pierre Nora (dir), 2005, Les Lieux de mémoire, Gallimard.(Translated by In Jung, Kim et al Place of Memory 1 Republic. Nanam. 170 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
171 민주화운동의기억과기념의제도화 민주항쟁기념일을중심으로 - 양금식 ( 민주화운동기념사업회 ) 1. 한국민주화운동과기념사업 세계전쟁종결의결과로이루어진한반도해방은국제사회의냉전확대와더불어한국을미국식민주주의제도의시험장으로만들었다. 거기에다남북분단과전쟁의경험은강력한반공주의이데올로기가활보하는상황을가져왔고, 이러한여건속에서한국민주주의가제대로정착하는것은쉽지않았다. 그러나내외의부정적여건과문제점에도불구하고한국전쟁이후한국민주주의는반독재민주화운동을거치면서부단히발전하였다는것은한국민주화운동의특성이자우리가항상주목해야할점이라고생각된다. 한국의민주주의는외부로부터주어졌지만 4ž19혁명이라는아래로부터의민주화운동에의해한단계더발전하였다. 이후한국의민주주의는 60ž70년대에는군사 개발독재에대한저항, 80년의유혈진압과함께등장한 5공화국에대한격렬한민주화운동과함께성장하고강해졌다. 그리고마침내 87년범국민적항쟁이되었던 6월민주항쟁을통해권위주의체제의민주화를가능하게만들었다. 6월민주항쟁에의한민주화가한국민주주의의완성을의미하는것은아니지만, 냉전과권위주의체제에의해그정상적인작동이지체되고왜곡되었던상황을중단시키고한국민주주의의정상적인작동을가능하도록만들었다는점에서 6월민주항쟁은매우중요한의미를갖는다. 6월민주항쟁이후, 과거권위주의체제하에서억압과불의에항거하여투쟁했던민주화운동의기억과자료들을모아역사로만들고자하는움직임, 소위기념사업에관한논의가시작되었다. 그러나민주화운동에참여했던여러세력의한국민주주의의상황을보는서로다른시각과사회운동의주도권을바라보는입장의차이 양금식 / 171
172 때문에민주화운동과관련한기념사업에대한논의는통합되지못하였다. 발표자가머리말에서논하고있듯이, 90년대에이루어진민주화운동기념사업에대한논의들은기존의역사적사건이나인물에대한다양한기념사업의경험을자기중심적으로해석한것을바탕으로하고있었고, 뿐만아니라그내면에는주도권장악의관점이잠재되어있었던것도사실이다 민주항쟁기념일의성립 한국사회에서민주화운동의위상을올바르게확립하는일은민주화운동에직간접적으로참여해왔던사람들의오랜세월에걸친소망이었다. 그를위한방법은다양하겠지만그중에서도역사적사실의공식화즉 제도화 는한사회의인식을지배한다는점에서대단히중요하다. 과거사관련의사건에대해서는진상규명과책임자처벌, 희생과피해에대한배상과보상그리고기념 ( 추모 ) 사업이진실규명과관련제세력의화해를통한사회적통합의요소라고일반적으로이야기되고있다. 하지만이들은정해진순서를갖고있는것도아니고각각분리되어있는것도아니다. 또한그일을추진하는주체도시간의흐름과함께변화해간다. 그러다보니과거와현재가밀접하게얽히고현재가과거를규정하고해석하려고하는상황이생겨난다. 민주화운동의경우, 그중에서도특히 6월민주항쟁에참여한개인과단체의성향은보수에서진보까지매우광범위했다. 그결과, 소위기득권층이라고할수있는세력은소위 87년체제 라고하는항쟁의결과를활용하여명성과평판을획득하고자했고, 그렇지못한세력은아직도해결해야할과제가산적해있음을주장하며기념의대상이아닌개혁의대상일뿐이라는것을강조하는논쟁도있었다. 다른여타의사회운동과마찬가지로, 과거사의명예를회복하고위상을확보하기위한기억과기념의공식화또는제도화를위한운동에는강력한주체세력의형성과함께, 정치적기회구조의활용과언론과우호세력의확보를통한자원동원이적절하게이루어져야한다. 한국의민주화운동에대한기억의공식화및제도화과정에서는특히통치세력의입장이가장큰영향력을발휘해왔다. 국민의정부와참여정부는시민사회단체가주최한 6월항쟁기념식을전후하여 6월항쟁의주요인사가참여하는오찬또는만찬행사를공식적으로마련하였는데, 이자리는 6월민주항쟁기념일지정을비롯한시민사회의다양한의견이전달되는통로로기능하였다. 이과정을통해 6월민주항쟁의기념일지정에대한논의는공식화되었고, 당시의집 172 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
173 권세력뿐만아니라항쟁에직간접적으로참여했던보수야당정치인들로부터도동의를얻어낼수있었다. 비록현실적인어려움에처해있는민중진영으로부터의소극적인비판이있기는하였지만기념일지정과관련해서는 6월항쟁주도세력의분열은거의없었다고볼수있다. 관련논의의공개적인공식화, 집권세력의주도와야당세력의동의, 언론매체를통한긍정적여론의형성, 항쟁관련당사자의의견일치라는환경속에서 6월민주항쟁의기념일지정은큰어려움없이진행될수있었다. 2001년 6월민주화운동기념사업회법의통과와함께논의된설립위원회의기념사업계획에도 6월민주항쟁기념일추진이명기되어있었던것처럼, 기념일지정을위한종합적인계획과관계기관과의의견조율그리고관련업무의지속성유지와자원조달은민주화운동기념사업회의역할이었다. 또한 ( 사 )6월민주항쟁계승사업회가기념사업회와함께기념일지정을위해많은역할을한것도사업추진주체세력의강화라는점에서중요한의미를갖는다 민주항쟁기념사업의현황 2007년 6월 10일, 제20주년 6 10민주항쟁기념일기념식이대통령이참석한가운데세종문화회관에서처음개최된이후, 매년정부주최의기념식이서울에서열리고있다. 현재관련지역행사의경우, 단체의명칭은지역별로다르지만각지역의민주화운동계승사업회주관으로 15개내외의지역 ( 서울, 부산, 대전, 대구, 수원, 안산, 성남, 춘천, 청주, 전주, 목포, 마산, 서귀포등 ) 에서기념식과함께전시회, 강연회, 축하공연등의기념행사가진행되고있고민주화운동기념사업회가사업비의일부를지원하고있는상황이다. 또한민주화운동기념사업회는민주화운동관련기념사업의전국화를위해자치단체, 기초및광역의회와협의하여민주화운동관련조례를제정하는작업을진행하고있다. 2 28민주운동, 대전 3 8민주의거, 3 15의거, 4 19혁명, 5 18광주민주화운동, 부산민주항쟁관련조례와는별도로, 2013년 9월말현재전국각지역의조례는 8개지역 ( 경남, 전남, 강원원주, 광주, 경기수원, 제주특별자치도, 대전 ) 에서제정되어, 민주화운동관련기념식및기념행사에대해지원할수있도록규정하고있다. 이와같은환경에도불구하고민주화운동기념사업회의기본사업인민주화운동기념관건립사업은여전히난항을겪고있다. 6월민주항쟁의역할과위상은인정하면서도한국민주화운동으로범위를확대하면아직도한국사회에서의민주화운동의위상은위태로운상황이라는것을보여주는증거가운데하나이다. 지난 5월의 5 18광 양금식 / 173
174 주민주화운동기념행사와관련한논란이라든지민주화운동관련역사왜곡등은그러한현실이반영된것이다. 앞에서말한공개적인논의의장형성, 집권세력의의지, 강력한우호세력과주체세력의구축이제대로이루어지지못하면민주화운동의위상을올바르게확립하는일은항상어려움을겪게될수밖에없을것이다 국가기념일의제정과관련하여 4 3국가기념일제정을위한많은분들의노력에경의를표하면서몇가지생각을해보게된다. 첫째, 앞에서도언급했듯이과거사와관련한관련자들의소망을실현시키기위해서는정치적기회구조와자원동원의관점에서역량을결집시켜낼뿐만아니라힘을집중하는시점을찾아내는능력도요구된다. 논란이될수있는각종논의를공개적으로진행하면서국민의공감과이해를얻어내는것은대단히중요하다. 물론그영향력의발휘에는시차가생길수도있기때문에일을추진하는주체세력에게일시적인무력감을갖게할수도있겠지만, 집권세력의이해관계나여론에가장큰영향을미치는것은국민의뜻이라는점을항상잊어서는안될것이다. 둘째, 그동안과거사와관련된각종논의와해결노력들이있어왔다. 그과정에서얻어진경험과합의사항을다시되돌아보고충실하게계승하는모습이필요하다. 이와관련하여전국각지에산재한해결되지못한 4 3사건과관련이있거나유사한사건의관련자및관련단체의이해와지원을얻는일이필요하다. 이는과거의아픔을함께치유하는과정을통해한국사회의발전을이루어나갈협력세력을찾아내고, 관계를강화하는노력속에서이루어질수있을것이다. 마지막으로, 사업은사람이하는것이라는기본원칙을지키는모습을보여주었으면한다. 4 3사건의진상규명과명예회복, 그리고국가기념일제정추진등의관련사업을추진하는과정이사람과사회를변화시키는배움과성찰의기회가되어우리사회의앞길을밝혀주는사업추진의본보기가되어주기를바라는마음이다. 174 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
175 법정기념일의제정과운영의양상 발제에대한토론문 주정립 (5 18 기념재단 ) 발제자는민주화운동을기념하기위한법정기념일제정이여러요인들의복합적작용의산물이라면서가장중요한것으로 법정기념일의대상이되는사건에대한정치ㆍ사회적인식과담론 을꼽고있다. 사건발생당시부정적으로평가되었지만이후 정치체제의변동 을통해 진상규명과재평가 를거치면서 민주주의의발전과인권신장에기여한역사적사건 으로자리매김되는 인식과담론의변화 과정이무엇보다요구된다는것이다. 발제자는이러한과정을바탕으로법정기념일제정이추진될경우 제도적절차는전반적으로유사할지라도, 법정기념일제정에관련된정치적기회, 주체, 과정, 논리, 쟁점, 그리고제정이후나타나는행태등에서차이가나타나게된다 는점을지적한다. 민주화운동을 법정기념일 로제정하여 정부가기념식을주관하도록 제도화한목적은발제자가지적하듯이 제도의권위와공식성을바탕으로 ( 민주화운동의 ) 의미와의의를영속화하고계승 하기위해서일것이다. 그러나 5 18민주화운동의경우정부 ( 국가보훈처 ) 가 5ㆍ18 유관단체들이나시민사회의의견과입장을수렴하는창구 로기능하는광주광역시와협조관계속에서기념식을주관하고있지만 정부와유관단체혹은시민사회와의갈등이나대립이첨예화되거나, 5ㆍ18 을둘러싼여러쟁점들에대한이견이직접충돌할때 정부주관기념식이외면받고유관단체나시민사회단체가주관하는별도의기념식이개최되고있거나, 국립 5 18묘지에서개최되는추모제가 반관반민행사 가되면서시민의참여가거의이루어지지않고있는현상에서도드러나듯현실에있어서는공식적 제도화 의원래취지가퇴색하고있다. 6월항쟁의경우역시공식적기념식개최와관련된그간의과정은법정기념일제정의제도화에대한민주화운동세력의우려가근거없는것이아니었음을드러내고있다. 제주 4 3사건을기념하는법정기념일은아직제정되지않은상태이다. 그렇지만 제주 4 3사건진상규명및희생자명예회복위원회 ( 이하 4 3위원회 ) 가 주정립 / 175
176 제주4 3 사건진상조사보고서 를토대로정부에제시한 4 3문제해결을위한 7 개항의대정부건의사항들중 4 3추모기념일제정 을제외하고적어도부분적으로는모두실현되었다는사실을고려할때, 또한박근혜대통령이기념일제정을대선공약으로내세웠고, 국회도금년 6월통과된 4 3특별법개정안의부대의견에서 정부는내년 4월 3일이전에 (...) 매년 4월 3일을제주4 3사건희생자추념일로정한다 고명문화한점을감안할때 4 3의법정기념일제정은이제시간문제일뿐성사를목전에두고있는것같다 ( 양조훈 2013, 154). 그런데문제는앞선사례들에서볼수있듯법정기념일제정이후부터시작된다고할수있겠다. 정부가전담해서개최하는기념식의 행사와내용 이 표준화 되고 기념식의담론 이 체제내화 됨으로써기념대상의 역사적 정치적실체 가증발되고 의미가퇴색 하게되기쉽기때문이다. 민주화운동의기억과의의를영속화하고안정적으로전승하기위해법정기념일이제정 되었지만이러한제도화를통해 국가주의의의례와상징질서그리고문화가점점깊숙하게스며들고관철 되는 제도화의이중성 은제주 4 3에게도도전과과제로다가올가능성이크다. 여기에서는이러한도전이어떤의미를지니는지, 이에대한대처가어떤방향에서모색되어야할지에대해원칙적인차원에서성찰해보고자한다. 기념을통한기억은그자체가이미민주주의와인권을향한교육적효과가있는것은아니다. 역사적기억은역사상자주정반대의목적을위해조장돼왔다. 즉그것은 적 의존재를각인시키고기억속에영속화시킴으로써공격적이고배타적인목적에복무한경우가적지않다. 배타적인정체성과공동체의식을심어주려는과거담론으로서기억은전근대적과거이용방식이라고할수있다. 앞에서살펴본 제도화의이중성 이항상이러한전근대성과결부되어있는것은아니며, 오히려발제자가프랑스혁명기념일과관련해지적하듯 근대국가들의보편적인현상 일수있지만그 국가주의 적이면이 해방적 기억의의의와목적을훼손시킨다는점에서비판적성찰의대상이되어야할것이다. 국가는발제자가지적하듯제도화된기념의방식을 표준화 하고내용을체제내화하려고한다. 그런데기억은이렇게단순히정형화된형태로계승될수없다. 기억이살아있기위해서는그의미와방식에대해끊임없는자성이요구된다. 기억은항상새롭게획득되어야한다는것이다. 기억하는것은투쟁하는것이다 는밀란쿤데라의말은기억을방해하고왜곡하는세력과의투쟁이라는차원에서뿐만아니라, 구태의연한, 박제화된, 박물관에안치된기존기억방식과의끊임없는자기반성적씨름이라는의미에서도유효한것같다. 51) 176 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
177 민주화운동이나민간인학살등기념대상인사건에대한생물학적기억이희미해질수록, 즉시간적간격이벌어질수록기존기억방식에대한재검토와새로운대안모색은기억의 생존 을위해절실한과제가된다. 시간의흐름은결국사건과관련된당사자들이사라진다는것을의미하며그럼으로써생생한증언을통해특별한방식으로감동을주고후세대들에게과거와대면하도록자연스럽게 강요 할수있었던생존자의 권위 가영구히유실된다. 개인적경험을통해사건과직 간접적인관계를맺고있지않은후세대들에게는정형화된형태의기존기억방식이더욱더단지마지못해감내하는 지겨운 의무로여겨지기쉽다. 이들에게그것은외부적으로강요된기억으로서역사수업과기념시설, 기념일속에서맞이하는제도화된상투적관행일뿐이다. 이는이들의역사적호기심을죽이고역사적기억이현실의삶에대해지니는직접적중요성을의식하지못하게만드는 효과적인 방식이다. 따라서 투쟁 으로서의 기억 은다음과같은과제를안게된다. 과제 1 : 국가의기억문화전유시도에대항해기억의해방적의미, 즉민간인에대한집단학살등참혹한인권유린이벌어진과정과그원인에대한반성적 비판적이해를동반한기억의의미를살리고자하는시민사회의개입과제 2 : 단조롭고지루한관조적방식의정형화된기억대신참여적체험을통해과거를이해하고현실적삶과맞닿아있는기억방식의개발 이와관련발제자에게다음과같은질문을드린다. 질문 1 : 5 18민주화운동의기념방식은과제 1과관련해시민사회의개입이충분하고적절하다고보는가? 제주4 3에대한시사점은? 질문 2 : 5 18민주화운동의기념방식은과제 2와관련해어떻게평가될수있는가? < 참고문헌 > 김동춘 한국전쟁과학살, 그기억과의전쟁. 동아시아의평화로운공존과연대를위하여 - 동아시아과거사진실찾기 제주4 3연구소국제세미나자료집 쪽. 양조훈 제주4 3위원회의활동성과와평가. 동아시아의평화로운공존과연대를위하여 - 동아시아과거사진실찾기 제주4 3연구소국제세미나자료집 쪽. 주정립 / 177
178 2013 년 11 월 7 일제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄 법정기념일의제정과운영의양상 토론문 남기문 (3 15 의거기념사업회 ) 먼저이런자리에초대해주셔서대단히영광스럽고감사합니다. 저는학문을하는사람이아니라실무자의입장이다보니상당히조심스럽습니다. 혹여저의발언들이제가속한단체에누를끼칠수도있을수있고, 다른단체의오해를살수도있지않을까고민스러웠습니다. 3 15의거기념사업을담당하는실무자로서국가기념일제정의과정이나제정후의기념식과관련된이야기만하겠습니다. 발제자께서도밝혔듯이법률이아닌대통령령으로지정또는제정됨에가장크게작용하는것은대통령의의지일것입니다. 하지만정부부 처간의이해또는관련단체들간의문제등으로국무회의에상정되기까지가상당히어려울것입니다. 3 15의거역시어려웠던점이 4 19와하나의사건으로보느냐, 아니냐하는문제로 4 19혁명관련단체들과보훈처와행정안전부와의소관문제등이최고의걸림돌이었습니다. 3 15의거기념식은다른민주화운동기념식과는시작에서부터조금다른양상이있었습니다. 다른민주화운동기념식은먼저민간에서하던것이국가기념일로제정된후에국가에서주관하게되었지만 3 15의거는 1960년 5월부터시작된기념사업들이각종단체들의난립과단체들마다별도로기념식을준비하여많은혼란이있어 1주년기념식부터마산시의주최로진행되었고기념사업회의설립이후에도민간에서의기념식이었지만여태껏관행적으로치러져온기념식의수준을답습하였고그것에대한거부감을느끼지못하고당연시했던것같습니다. 몇번문화행사를곁들인기념식을치룬적도있지만기념식의엄숙함이떨어진다는지적에별도의기념행사로여러사업들을하게되었습니다. 이전의기념식과다른것은기념식에서민주화운동기념사업회나부산민주항쟁기념사업회의대표의축사가있게되었습니다. 178 / 2013 제주 4 3 국제평화심포지엄
2 동북아역사논총 50호 구권협정으로 해결됐다 는 일본 정부의 주장에 대해, 일본군 위안부 문제는 일 본 정부 군 등 국가권력이 관여한 반인도적 불법행위이므로 한일청구권협정 에 의해 해결된 것으로 볼 수 없다 는 공식 입장을 밝혔다. 또한 2011년 8월 헌 법재판소는
일본군 위안부 피해자 구제에 관한 일고( 一 考 ) 1 일본군 위안부 피해자 구제에 관한 일고( 一 考 ) 김관원 / 동북아역사재단 연구위원 Ⅰ. 머리말 일본군 위안부 문제가 한일 간 현안으로 불거지기 시작한 것은 일본군 위안부 피해를 공개 증언한 김학순 할머니 등이 일본에서 희생자 보상청구 소송을 제 기한 1991년부터다. 이때 일본 정부는 일본군이 위안부
- 2 -
- 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - - 9 - - 10 - - 11 - - 12 - - 13 - - 14 - - 15 - - 16 - - 17 - - 18 - - 19 - - 20 - - 21 - - 22 - - 23 - - 24 - - 25 - - 26 - - 27 - - 28 - - 29 - - 30 -
Ⅱ 논술 지도의 방법과 실제 2. 읽기에서 논술까지 의 개발 배경 읽기에서 논술까지 자료집 개발의 본래 목적은 초 중 고교 학교 평가에서 서술형 평가 비중이 2005 학년도 30%, 2006학년도 40%, 2007학년도 50%로 확대 되고, 2008학년도부터 대학 입시에서 논술 비중이 커지면서 논술 교육은 학교가 책임진다. 는 풍토 조성으로 공교육의 신뢰성과
204 205
-Road Traffic Crime and Emergency Evacuation - 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 Abstract Road Traffic Crime
182 동북아역사논총 42호 금융정책이 조선에 어떤 영향을 미쳤는지를 살펴보고자 한다. 일제 대외금융 정책의 기본원칙은 각 식민지와 점령지마다 별도의 발권은행을 수립하여 일본 은행권이 아닌 각 지역 통화를 발행케 한 점에 있다. 이들 통화는 일본은행권 과 等 價 로 연
越 境 하는 화폐, 분열되는 제국 - 滿 洲 國 幣 의 조선 유입 실태를 중심으로 181 越 境 하는 화폐, 분열되는 제국 - 滿 洲 國 幣 의 조선 유입 실태를 중심으로 - 조명근 고려대학교 BK21+ 한국사학 미래인재 양성사업단 연구교수 Ⅰ. 머리말 근대 국민국가는 대내적으로는 특정하게 구획된 영토에 대한 배타적 지배와 대외적 자주성을 본질로 하는데, 그
Page 2 of 5 아니다 means to not be, and is therefore the opposite of 이다. While English simply turns words like to be or to exist negative by adding not,
Page 1 of 5 Learn Korean Ep. 4: To be and To exist Of course to be and to exist are different verbs, but they re often confused by beginning students when learning Korean. In English we sometimes use the
13 1 ( 24 ) 2004 6 Korean J Med Hist 13 20 36 June 2004 ISSN 1225 505X * 1 1886 ( ) 1) 1905 * 1) 20 2) 1910 1926 1910 1926 1930 40 2 1899 1907 3) 4) 1908 1909 ( ) ( ) ( 2) 1995 1998 3) 1997 p 376 4) 1956
아니라 일본 지리지, 수로지 5, 지도 6 등을 함께 검토해야 하지만 여기서는 근대기 일본이 편찬한 조선 지리지와 부속지도만으로 연구대상을 한정하 기로 한다. Ⅱ. 1876~1905년 울릉도 독도 서술의 추이 1. 울릉도 독도 호칭의 혼란과 지도상의 불일치 일본이 조선
근대기 조선 지리지에 보이는 일본의 울릉도 독도 인식 호칭의 혼란을 중심으로 Ⅰ. 머리말 이 글은 근대기 일본인 편찬 조선 지리지에 나타난 울릉도 독도 관련 인식을 호칭의 변화에 초점을 맞춰 고찰한 것이다. 일본은 메이지유신 이후 부국강병을 기도하는 과정에서 수집된 정보에 의존하여 지리지를 펴냈고, 이를 제국주의 확장에 원용하였다. 특히 일본이 제국주의 확장을
퇴좈저널36호-4차-T.ps, page 2 @ Preflight (2)
Think Big, Act Big! Character People Literature Beautiful Life History Carcere Mamertino World Special Interview Special Writing Math English Quarts I have been driven many times to my knees by the overwhelming
제34호 ISSN 1598-7566 충청감사와 갑오년의 충청도 상황 신 영 우 2015. 3. 동학학회 충청감사와 갑오년의 충청도 상황 신영우* 국문초록 이 논문은 충청감사의 시각에서 갑오년을 파악하려는 목적으로 작성한 글 이다. 지금까지 군현이나 권역 단위의 사례연구는 나왔으나 도( 道 ) 단위로 살 펴본 적은 없지만 충청도는 동학농민군의 세력
오용록의 작품세계 윤 혜 진 1) * 이 논문은 생전( 生 前 )에 학자로 주로 활동하였던 오용록(1955~2012)이 작곡한 작품들을 살펴보고 그의 작품세계를 파악하고자 하는 것이다. 한국음악이론이 원 래 작곡과 이론을 포함하였던 초기 작곡이론전공의 형태를 염두에 둔다면 그의 연 구에서 기존연구의 방법론을 넘어서 창의적인 분석 개념과 체계를 적용하려는
7 1 ( 12 ) 1998. 1913 ( 1912 ) 4. 3) 1916 3 1918 4 1919. ( ) 1 3 1, 3 1. 1.. 1919 1920. 4) ( ), ( ),. 5) 1924 4 ( ) 1. 1925 1. 2). ( ). 6). ( ). ( ).
7 1 ( 12 ) : 1-11, 1998 K orean J M ed H ist 7 : 1-11, 1998 ISSN 1225-505X * **.,.., 1960.... 1) ( ) 1896 3 2 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2. 1), 14 1909 1,. 14 17 1913. 2)..,. ( ) ( ),. * 1998 (1998. 5. 7). ** 1).
13 1 ( 24 ) 2004 6 Korean J Med Hist 13 1 19 Jun 2004 ISSN 1225 505X 1) * * 1 ( ) 2) 3) 4) * 1) ( ) 3 2) 7 1 3) 2 1 13 1 ( 24 ) 2004 6 5) ( ) ( ) 2 1 ( ) 2 3 2 4) ( ) 6 7 5) - 2003 23 144-166 2 2 1) 6)
I&IRC5 TG_08권
I N T E R E S T I N G A N D I N F O R M A T I V E R E A D I N G C L U B The Greatest Physicist of Our Time Written by Denny Sargent Michael Wyatt I&I Reading Club 103 본문 해석 설명하기 위해 근래의 어떤 과학자보다도 더 많은 노력을
Page 2 of 6 Here are the rules for conjugating Whether (or not) and If when using a Descriptive Verb. The only difference here from Action Verbs is wh
Page 1 of 6 Learn Korean Ep. 13: Whether (or not) and If Let s go over how to say Whether and If. An example in English would be I don t know whether he ll be there, or I don t know if he ll be there.
- i - - ii - - iii - - iv - - v - - vi - - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - 1) 통계청고시제 2010-150 호 (2010.7.6 개정, 2011.1.1 시행 ) - 4 - 요양급여의적용기준및방법에관한세부사항에따른골밀도검사기준 (2007 년 11 월 1 일시행 ) - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - - 9 - - 10 -
49-9분동안 표지 3.3
In the ocean, humans create many noises. These noises disturb the waters. People do not know that manmade sound harms the creatures living in the sea. In the end, disturbing the ocean affects each one
延 世 醫 史 學 제12권 제2호: 29-40, 2009년 12월 Yonsei J Med Hist 12(2): 29-40, 2009 특집논문 3 한국사회의 낙태에 대한 인식변화 이 현 숙 이화여대 한국문화연구원 1. 들어가며 1998년 내가 나이 마흔에 예기치 않은 임신을 하게 되었을 때, 내 주변 사람들은 모두 들 너무나도 쉽게 나에게 임신중절을 권하였다.
1_2•• pdf(••••).pdf
65% 41% 97% 48% 51% 88% 42% 45% 50% 31% 74% 46% I have been working for Samsung Engineering for almost six years now since I graduated from university. So, although I was acquainted with the
통일문제연구 2011년 하반기(통권 제56호) 전쟁 경험의 재구성을 통한 국가 만들기* - 역사/다큐멘터리/기억 - 1)이 명 자** Ⅰ. 들어가는 말 Ⅱ. 과 제작배경 Ⅲ. 과 비교 Ⅳ. 역사/다큐멘터리/기억 현대 남북한 체제 형성에서 주요한 전환점인 한국전 쟁은 해방 후 시작된 좌우대립과 정치적,
Relevancy between Aliases of Eight Provinces and Topographical Features during the Chosun Dynasty Seon-Gyu Beom* Abstract : In Korea, aside from their official administrative names, aliases of each province
2011´ëÇпø2µµ 24p_0628
2011 Guide for U.S. Graduate School Admissions Table of Contents 02 03 04 05 06 08 09 10 11 13 15 21 LEADERS UHAK INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS SERVICE www.leadersuhak.com Leaders Uhak International Students
216 동북아역사논총 41호 인과 경계공간은 설 자리를 잃고 배제되고 말았다. 본고에서는 근세 대마도에 대한 한국과 일본의 인식을 주로 영토와 경계인 식을 중심으로 고찰하고자 한다. 이 시기 대마도에 대한 한일 양국의 인식을 살펴볼 때는 근대 국민국가적 관점에서 탈피할
전근대시기 한국과 일본의 대마도 인식 215 전근대시기 한국과 일본의 대마도 인식 하우봉 전북대학교 사학과 교수 Ⅰ. 머리말 브루스 배튼(Bruce Batten)의 정의에 따르면 전근대의 국경에는 국경선으로 이루어진 boundary가 있고, 공간으로 이루어진 frontier란 개념이 있다. 전자 는 구심적이며 내와 외를 격리시키는 기능을 지니고, 후자는 원심적이며
A Review on Promotion of Storytelling Local Cultures - 265 - 2-266 - 3-267 - 4-268 - 5-269 - 6 7-270 - 7-271 - 8-272 - 9-273 - 10-274 - 11-275 - 12-276 - 13-277 - 14-278 - 15-279 - 16 7-280 - 17-281 -
ISSN 1738-365X DOI:10.16958/drsr.2015.13.2.105 분쟁해결연구 2015; 13(2) Dispute Resolution Studies Review 2015, Vol.13, No.2:105~135 이라크 추가파병(2003~2004년) 결정과정의 분석: 대통령과 국회, 시민사회의 역할 변화를 중심으로* 4)장 훈** 국내에서 여러
328 退溪學과 韓國文化 第43號 다음과 같은 3가지 측면을 주목하여 서술하였다. 우선 정도전은 ꡔ주례ꡕ에서 정치의 공공성 측면을 주목한 것으로 파악하였다. 이는 국가, 정치, 권력과 같은 것이 사적인 소유물이 아니라 공적인 것임을 강조하는 것으로 조선에서 표방하는 유
정도전의 유교국가론과 ꡔ周禮ꡕ* 52)부 남 철** 차 례 Ⅰ. Ⅱ. Ⅲ. Ⅳ. Ⅴ. 서론 유교국가의 정신 仁과 정치의 公共性 총재정치 육전체제 결론 국문초록 이 논문은 유교국가 조선의 정치이념과 통치 구조 형성에 있어서 주도적인 역할을 했던 유학자이자 정치가인 三峯 鄭道傳이 ꡔ周禮ꡕ에서 어떤 영향을 받았는가를 분석한 것이다. ꡔ주례ꡕ는 유학자들이 이상적인
274 한국문화 73
- 273 - 274 한국문화 73 17~18 세기통제영의방어체제와병력운영 275 276 한국문화 73 17~18 세기통제영의방어체제와병력운영 277 278 한국문화 73 17~18 세기통제영의방어체제와병력운영 279 280 한국문화 73 17~18 세기통제영의방어체제와병력운영 281 282 한국문화 73 17~18 세기통제영의방어체제와병력운영 283 284
김진주 김수연. 초등학생대상장애이해교육에활용된동화에나타난장애인관분석. 특수교육, 2013, 제12권, 제2호, 135-160... 20.,,. 4.,,.,..... 주제어 : 장애이해교육, 동화, 장애인관 1. ( 1 ) Incheon Munhak Elementary School ( )(, E-mail: sooyoun@ginue.ac.kr) Dept. of
星州 漢文學의 歷史的 展開樣相 황 위 주* Ⅰ. 머리말 Ⅱ. 高麗末 以前의 狀況 Ⅲ. 朝鮮前期 官人과 士林 Ⅳ. 朝鮮後期 道學派의 活動 Ⅴ. 19世紀 以後의 狀況 Ⅵ. 마무리 국문초록 본고는 성주라는 특정 지역의 한문학을 집중적 검토 대상으로 삼아 이 곳에서 수행된 창작 활동의 역사적 전개 양상을 보다 정밀하게 파악하고 자 하였다. 성주지역 한문학은 신라 말부터
232 233 1) 2) Agenda 3) 4) 234 Invention Capital Agenda 5) 6) 235 7) 8) 9) 236 10) 11) 237 12) 13) 14) 15) knowledge 16) 17) 238 239 18) 240 19) 241 20) 242 243 244 21) 245 22) 246 23) 247 24) 248 25)
340 法 學 硏 究 第 16 輯 第 2 號 < 국문초록 > 박근혜 정부 출범이후 상설특별검사제를 도입하기 위한 논의가 국회에서 진행 중이 다. 여당과 야당은 박근혜 대통령 공약인 상설특별검사제도를 2013년 상반기 중에 도입 하기로 합의했다. 상설특검은 고위공직자비리
仁 荷 大 學 校 法 學 硏 究 第 16 輯 第 2 號 2013년 07월 31일, 339~379쪽 Inha Law Review The Institute of Legal Studies Inha University Vol.16, No.2, July 2013 상설 특별검사제 도입 법률안 시론 * 김 인 회 ** 인하대학교 법학전문대학원 부교수 < 목 차 > Ⅰ.
한국학연구 56(2016.3.30), pp.33-63. 고려대학교 한국학연구소 세종시의 지역 정체성과 세종의 인문정신 * 1)이기대 ** 국문초록 세종시의 상황은 세종이 왕이 되면서 겪어야 했던 과정과 닮아 있다. 왕이 되리라 예상할 수 없었던 상황에서 세종은 왕이 되었고 어려움을 극복해 갔다. 세종시도 갑작스럽게 행정도시로 계획되었고 준비의 시간 또한 짧았지만,
한국문학논총 제70집(2015. 8) 333~360쪽 공선옥 소설 속 장소 의 의미 - 명랑한 밤길, 영란, 꽃같은 시절 을 중심으로 * 1)이 희 원 ** 1. 들어가며 - 장소의 인간 차 2. 주거지와 소유지 사이의 집/사람 3. 취약함의 나눔으로서의 장소 증여 례 4. 장소 소속감과 미의식의 가능성 5.
200176 .,.,.,. 5... 1/2. /. / 2. . 293.33 (54.32%), 65.54(12.13%), / 53.80(9.96%), 25.60(4.74%), 5.22(0.97%). / 3 S (1997)14.59% (1971) 10%, (1977).5%~11.5%, (1986)
02. 특2 원혜욱 지니 3.hwp
仁 荷 大 學 校 法 學 硏 究 第 18 輯 第 4 號 2015년 12월 31일, 31~60쪽 Inha Law Review The Institute of Legal Studies Inha University Vol.18, No.4, December, 2015 아동학대의 개념 및 실효적인 대책에 관한 검토 * ** - 아동학대범죄의 처벌 등에 관한 특례법을 중심으로
27(2), 2007, 96-121 S ij k i POP j a i SEXR j i AGER j i BEDDAT j ij i j S ij S ij POP j SEXR j AGER j BEDDAT j k i a i i i L ij = S ij - S ij ---------- S ij S ij = k i POP j a i SEXR j i AGER j i BEDDAT
Stage 2 First Phonics
ORT Stage 2 First Phonics The Big Egg What could the big egg be? What are the characters doing? What do you think the story will be about? (큰 달걀은 무엇일까요? 등장인물들은 지금 무엇을 하고 있는 걸까요? 책은 어떤 내용일 것 같나요?) 대해 칭찬해
주간 북한경제 동향 은 한주간의 주요기사를 정리 하여, 북한 경제의 실상을 이해하고 남북 경제 협력 사업을 진행하는데 도움이 되고자 제작하고 있습니다. www.dprkinvest.org 주간 북한경제 동향 서울시 강남구 역삼동 702-10 아남타워 907호 Weekly DPRK Business Review 발행처 : 북한투자전략연구소 2008 년 10 월 27
04 Contents 1. Background 2. Outline 3. Schedule 4. Opening Ceremony (Sep.27(Tue)) 5. Sisterhood ceremony & Cultural performance (Sep.27(Tue)) 6. Movie- Jun-Ai / Banquet (Sep.27(Tue)) 7. Korea cultural
2. 박주민.hwp
仁 荷 大 學 校 法 學 硏 究 第 15 輯 第 1 號 2012년 3월 31일, 149~184쪽 Inha Law Review The Institute of Legal Studies Inha University Vol.15, No.1, March 2012 인터넷을 통한 선거운동과 공직선거법 * 박 주 민 법무법인(유한) 한결 변호사 < 목 차 > Ⅰ. 머리말
로컬리티 인문학 2, 2009. 10, 257~285쪽 좌절된 세계화와 로컬리티 - 1960년대 한국영화와 재외한인 양 인 실* 50) 국문초록 세계화 로컬리티는 특정장소나 경계를 지칭하는 것이 아니라 관계와 시대에 따 라 유동적으로 변화하는 개념이다. 1960년대 한국영화는 유례없는 변화를 맞이하고 있었다. 그 중 가장 특이할 만한 사실은 미국과 일본의 영화계에서
MIDME LOGISTICS Trusted Solutions for 02 CEO MESSAGE MIDME LOGISTICS CO., LTD. 01 Ceo Message We, MIDME LOGISTICS CO., LTD. has established to create aduance logistics service. Try to give confidence to
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논문요약 146 [ 주제어 ] 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 abstract Recent Development in the Law of DPRK on the
Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2017, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp DOI: : Researc
Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2017, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp.251-273 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21024/pnuedi.27.2.201706.251 : 1997 2005 Research Trend Analysis on the Korean Alternative Education
英 祖 代 戊 申 亂 이후 慶 尙 監 司 의 收 拾 策 李 根 浩 * 105) Ⅰ. 머리말 Ⅱ. 戊 申 亂 과 憂 嶺 南 說 Ⅲ. 以 嶺 南 治 嶺 南, 독자성에 토대한 통치 원칙 제시 Ⅳ. 鄒 魯 之 鄕 복원을 위한 교학 기구의 정비 Ⅴ. 상징물 및 기록의 정비 Ⅵ. 맺음말 국문초록 이 글은 영조대 무신란 이후 경상감사들이 행했던 제반 수습책을 검토 한 글이다.
_KF_Bulletin webcopy
1/6 1/13 1/20 1/27 -, /,, /,, /, Pursuing Truth Responding in Worship Marked by Love Living the Gospel 20 20 Bible In A Year: Creation & God s Characters : Genesis 1:1-31 Pastor Ken Wytsma [ ] Discussion
_ _ Reading and Research in Archaeology. _ Reading and Research in Korean Historical Texts,,,,,. _Reading and Research in Historical Materials from Ko
4. _ Culture of Korea: In the Present and the Past,.. _ Korean History and the Method of Psychoanalysis.,,. _ Politics and Ideas in Modern days Korea.,. _ Contemporary Korean History and International
하나님의 선한 손의 도우심 이세상에서 가장 큰 축복은 하나님이 나와 함께 하시는 것입니다. 그 이 유는 하나님이 모든 축복의 근원이시기 때문입니다. 에스라서에 보면 하나님의 선한 손의 도우심이 함께 했던 사람의 이야기 가 나와 있는데 에스라 7장은 거듭해서 그 비결을
새벽이슬 2 0 1 3 a u g u s t 내가 이스라엘에게 이슬과 같으리니 그가 백합화같이 피 겠고 레바논 백향목같이 뿌리가 박힐것이라. Vol 5 Number 3 호세아 14:5 하나님의 선한 손의 도우심 이세상에서 가장 큰 축복은 하나님이 나와 함께 하시는 것입니다. 그 이 유는 하나님이 모든 축복의 근원이시기 때문입니다. 에스라서에 보면 하나님의 선한
한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구
한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구 한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구 - - i - - i - - ii - - iii - - iv - χ - v - - vi - - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - 그림 1. 연구대상자선정도표 - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - 그림 2. 연구의틀 χ - 9 - - 10 - - 11 -
중국 상장회사의 경영지배구조에 관한 연구
仁 荷 大 學 校 法 學 硏 究 第 18 輯 第 3 號 2015년 09월 30일, 261~295쪽 Inha Law Review The Institute of Legal Studies Inha University Vol.18, No.3, September, 2015 표현의 자유와 명예훼손 - 인터넷에서의 명예훼손을 중심으로 - * 박 윤 경 숙명여자대학교 법학박사
기계항공시스템학부, 항공우주공학전공 School of Mechanical, Aerospace & System Engineering, Department of Aerospace Engineering Contents http://ae.kaist.ac.kr 학과행사 >> School of Mechanical, Aerospace & System Engineering,
4 5 4. Hi-MO 애프터케어 시스템 편 5. 오비맥주 카스 카스 후레쉬 테이블 맥주는 천연식품이다 편 처음 스타일 그대로, 부탁 케어~ Hi-MO 애프터케어 시스템 지속적인 모발 관리로 끝까지 스타일이 유지되도록 독보적이다! 근데 그거 아세요? 맥주도 인공첨가물이
1 2 On-air 3 1. 이베이코리아 G마켓 용평리조트 슈퍼브랜드딜 편 2. 아모레퍼시픽 헤라 루즈 홀릭 리퀴드 편 인쇄 광고 올해도 겨울이 왔어요. 당신에게 꼭 해주고 싶은 말이 있어요. G마켓에선 용평리조트 스페셜 패키지가 2만 6900원! 역시 G마켓이죠? G마켓과 함께하는 용평리조트 스페셜 패키지. G마켓의 슈퍼브랜드딜은 계속된다. 모바일 쇼핑 히어로
http://www.kbc.go.kr/ k Si 2 i= 1 Abstract A Study on Establishment of Fair Trade Order in Terrestrial Broadcasting Ki - Sun Hong (Professor, Dept. of Journalism & Mass Communication,
20, 41..,..,.,.,....,.,, (relevant).,.,..??.,
, 41 (2007 12 ) * 1) *** ***,. IMF..,,,.,,,,.. I.. 1999 (,.),,. 2010 *. ** *** 19 20, 41..,..,.,.,....,.,, (relevant).,.,..??., 21.....,. II. 1967 G. G. Muller International Accounting. 1960. 1970... 1966,,,.
장률 감독의 : 트랜스-로컬 시네마 삼부작의 완성 김시무 경기대학교 강사 목 차 1. 장률, 그리고 트랜스-로컬 시네마(trans-local cinema) 삼부작 2. 두 도시 이야기: 과 3. 의 시퀀스 분석 4. 주제의식( 主 題 意 識 )과 독특한 스타일 5. 춘화( 春 畵 )와 문인화( 文 人 畵 ) 사이 국문초록 장률
ꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚ ꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏ 儀 禮 의 社 會 的 機 能 과 變 化 李 顯 松 裵 花 玉 ꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏ ꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚ
2 大 韓 政 治 學 會 報 ( 第 18 輯 1 號 ) 과의 소통부재 속에 여당과 국회도 무시한 일방적인 밀어붙이기식 국정운영을 보여주고 있다. 민주주의가 무엇인지 다양하게 논의될 수 있지만, 민주주의 운영에 필요한 최소한의 제도적 조건은 권력 행사에서 국가기관 사이의
대한정치학회보 18집 1호, 2010년 6월:49~74 노무현 대통령과 이명박 대통령의 지도력과 국정운영 비교 : 임기 초 지도력 특성과 국민지지 * 1) 이 강 로 전주대학교 요 약 한국에서 민주주의가 뿌리를 내리기 위해서는 대통령의 지도력 행사에 제도만이 아 니라 여론과 같은 외부적 요인을 통해 체계적으로 견제할 수 있어야 한다. 대통령의 지도력 특성을
Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2019, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp DOI: * Suggestions of Ways
Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2019, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp.65-89 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21024/pnuedi.29.1.201903.65 * Suggestions of Ways to Improve Teaching Practicum Based on the Experiences
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Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2016, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp.1-19 DOI: *,..,,,.,.,,,,.,,,,, ( )
Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2016, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp.1-19 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21024/pnuedi.26.1.201604.1 *,..,,,.,.,,,,.,,,,, ( ).,,,. * 2014. 2015. ** 1, : (E-mail: cajoo@pusan.ac.kr)
국문요약....,,... 2,,. 3.,. 4. 5. Abstract Demographic change is greatly accelerating owing to the increasingly low birth rate and aging population in Korea. In particular, the increase in the number of elderly
141(26) 20056 1930 19 () ( ( ) () () () ) 2) 1932 ()()3) 2 1) 1897519( ) ( ) () () () 4) ( ) 5) 6) 15-20 7) 191216 2) ( ) () 42 () 193111 12 1933 4 3)
141(26) 20056 Korean J Med Hist 14131 Jun 2005 ISSN 1225505X ( 1897-1982) * ** 1 ( 1897-1982) ( ) 1) 3 1 ( ) 1930 1930 1930 * () ** 1) ( 2000 p 13-15) 1 141(26) 20056 1930 19 () ( ( ) () () () ) 2) 1932
민속지_이건욱T 최종
441 450 458 466 474 477 480 This book examines the research conducted on urban ethnography by the National Folk Museum of Korea. Although most people in Korea
2008 01 www.corrections.go.kr Vol. 381 01 Vol.381 www.corrections.go.kr 004 008 014 028 036 040 042 045 046 048 050 007 008 036 COVER STORY 054 067 067 170 179 076 079 084 116 140 143 152 157 183 184 008
134 25, 135 3, (Aloysius Pieris) ( r e a l i t y ) ( P o v e r t y ) ( r e l i g i o s i t y ) 1 ) 21, 21, 1) Aloysius Pieris, An Asian Theology of Li
25 133162 ( ) I 21 134 25, 135 3, (Aloysius Pieris) ( r e a l i t y ) ( P o v e r t y ) ( r e l i g i o s i t y ) 1 ) 21, 21, 1) Aloysius Pieris, An Asian Theology of Liberation (New York: Orbis Books,
001 002 003 004 005 006 008 009 010 011 2010 013 I II III 014 IV V 2010 015 016 017 018 I. 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 III. 041 042 III. 043
00-09 2000. 12 ,,,,.,.,.,,,,,,.,,..... . 1 1 7 2 9 1. 9 2. 13 3. 14 3 16 1. 16 2. 21 3. 39 4 43 1. 43 2. 52 3. 56 4. 66 5. 74 5 78 1. 78 2. 80 3. 86 6 88 90 Ex e cu t iv e Su m m a r y 92 < 3-1> 22 < 3-2>
2 min 응용 말하기 01 I set my alarm for 7. 02 It goes off. 03 It doesn t go off. 04 I sleep in. 05 I make my bed. 06 I brush my teeth. 07 I take a shower.
스피킹 매트릭스 특별 체험판 정답 및 스크립트 30초 영어 말하기 INPUT DAY 01 p.10~12 3 min 집중 훈련 01 I * wake up * at 7. 02 I * eat * an apple. 03 I * go * to school. 04 I * put on * my shoes. 05 I * wash * my hands. 06 I * leave
http://www.kbc.go.kr/ A B yk u δ = 2u k 1 = yk u = 0. 659 2nu k = 1 k k 1 n yk k Abstract Web Repertoire and Concentration Rate : Analysing Web Traffic Data Yong - Suk Hwang (Research
한국민족문화 34, 2009. 7, 369~406쪽 쉼터 생활을 중심으로 본 일본군 위안부 의 삶에 관한 사례연구 1)손 영 미* 조 원 일** 1. 서론 1) 문제의 소재 2) 연구의 필요성 및 목적 2. 문헌고찰 3. 연구방법 1) 연구참여자 2) 연구방법 및 절차 4. 일본군 위안부 피해자의 쉼터 생활을 전후로 한 삶 1) 위안부 신고 후부터 쉼터 생활
2 佛敎學報 第 48 輯 서도 이 목적을 준수하였다. 즉 석문의범 에는 승가의 일상의례 보다는 각종의 재 의식에 역점을 두었다. 재의식은 승가와 재가가 함께 호흡하는 공동의 場이므로 포 교와 대중화에 무엇보다 중요한 역할을 수행할 수 있다는 믿음을 지니고 있었다. 둘째
한국 근대불교의 대중화와 석문의범* 29)韓 相 吉 ** 차 례 Ⅰ. 머리말 1. 불자필람 의 구성 Ⅱ. 석문의범의 간행 배경 2. 석문의범 의 구성과 내용 1. 조선후기 의례집의 성행 Ⅳ. 근대불교 대중화와 석문의범 2. 근대불교 개혁론과 의례 Ⅲ. 석문의범의 체재와 내용 간행의 의미 Ⅴ. 맺음말 한글요약 釋門儀範 은 조선시대에 편찬된 각종 의례서와 의식집을
Àå¾Ö¿Í°í¿ë ³»Áö
Disability & Employment 55 Disability & Employment 56 57 Disability & Employment 58 59 Disability & Employment 60 61 Disability & Employment 62 63 Disability & Employment 64 65 Disability & Employment
Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2017, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp DOI: * A Study on Teache
Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2017, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp.149-171 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21024/pnuedi.27.4.201712.149 * A Study on Teachers and Parents Perceptions on the Introduction of Innovational
09 2007 09 Vol.377 www.corrections.go.kr 004 006 004 010 032 011 022 032 036 038 041 042 044 046 050 COVER STORY 034 163 063 072 075 080 130 140 141 144 146 150 183 184 180 Monthly Correctional Review
방송통신연구 2011년 봄호 연구논문 64 98 PD수첩 관련 판례에서 보이는 사법부의 사실성에 대한 인식의 차이 연구* 1)2) 이승선 충남대학교 언론정보학과 부교수** Contents 1. 문제제기와 연구문제 2. 공적인물에 대한 명예훼손 보도의 면책 법리 3. 분석결과의 논의 4. 마무리 본 이른바 PD수첩 광우병 편 에 대해 다양한 법적 대응이 이뤄졌다.
253 단소산조 퉁소산조 피리산조 형성시기 재검토 49) 이진원* Ⅰ. 머리말 Ⅱ. 기존 연구성과 검토 Ⅲ. 단소산조 퉁소산조 피리산조 형성시기 검토 Ⅳ. 단소산조 퉁소산조 피리산조 형성시기 재검토의 의의 Ⅴ. 맺음말 Ⅰ. 머릿말 우리나라의 대표적인 종취관악기(縱吹管樂器)에는 무황악기(無簧樂器)인 퉁소 단소가 있 고, 유황악기(有簧樂器)로 피리와 쇄납 등이
연구보고서 2014-22-5 동아시아 국가의 다문화가족 현황 및 정책 비교연구 변수정 조성호 이상림 서희정 정준호 이윤석 책임연구자 변수정 한국보건사회연구원 부연구위원 주요저서 저출산 고령사회 대응 국민 인식 및 욕구 모니터링 시스템 운영 한국보건사회연구원, 2013(공저) 공동연구진 조성호 한국보건사회연구원 부연구위원 이상림 한국보건사회연구원 부연구위원 서희정
.. IMF.. IMF % (79,895 ). IMF , , % (, 2012;, 2013) %, %, %
*.. 8. Colaizzi 131, 40, 11.,,,.... * (2014). (Corresponding Author): / / 76 Tel: 041-550-2903 / E-mail: limkt3013@naver.com .. IMF.. IMF 1996 1.7% (79,895 ). IMF 1999 118,000 1980 5 2004 138,900 11 12.
11 2007 11 Vol.379 www.corrections.go.kr 004 004 011 032 007 012 020 021 032 036 038 041 042 044 046 COVER STORY 067 162 170 052 067 076 079 084 134 145 148 150 153 154 183 184 Monthly Correctional Review
2 KHU 글로벌 기업법무 리뷰 제2권 제1호 또 내용적으로 중대한 위기를 맞이하게 되었고, 개인은 흡사 어항 속의 금붕어 와 같은 신세로 전락할 운명에 처해있다. 현대정보화 사회에서 개인의 사적 영역이 얼마나 침해되고 있는지 는 양 비디오 사건 과 같은 연예인들의 사
연구 논문 헌법 제17조 사생활의 비밀과 자유에 대한 소고 연 제 혁* I. II. III. IV. 머리말 사생활의 비밀과 자유의 의의 및 법적 성격 사생활의 비밀과 자유의 내용 맺음말 I. 머리말 사람은 누구나 타인에게 알리고 싶지 않은 나만의 영역(Eigenraum) 을 혼자 소중히 간직하 기를 바랄 뿐만 아니라, 자기 스스로의 뜻에 따라 삶을 영위해 나가면서
아태연구 제 13권 제 2호 2006년 11월 30일 pp.81~103 일본에서의 한국학연구 - 회고와 전망 宋 錫 源 경희대학교 사회과학부 정치외교학과 조교수 Ⅰ. 머리말 Ⅱ. 1945년 이전의 한국연구 Ⅲ. 1945년 이후의 한국연구 < 목 차 > Ⅳ. 맺음말 참고문헌 Abstract Key words(중심용어): 한국학(Korean studies), 식민지지배(colonial
... 수시연구 2009-18.. 고속도로 휴게타운 도입구상 연구 A Study on the Concept of Service Town at the Expressway Service Area... 권영인 임재경 이창운... 서 문 우리나라는 경제성장과 함께 도시화가 지속적으로 진행되어 지방 지역의 인구감소와 경기의 침체가 계속되고 있습니다. 정부의 다각 적인
동남아시아연구 20권 2호(2010) : 73~99 한국 영화와 TV 드라마에 나타난 베트남 여성상 고찰* 1) 육 상 효** 1. 들어가는 말 한국의 영화와 TV 드라마에 아시아 여성으로 가장 많이 등장하는 인물은 베트남 여성이다. 왜 베트남 여성인가? 한국이 참전한 베트 남 전쟁 때문인가? 영화 , , 드라마 을
... 수시연구 국가물류비산정및추이분석 Korean Macroeconomic Logistics Costs in 권혁구ㆍ서상범...
... 수시연구 2013-01.. 2010 국가물류비산정및추이분석 Korean Macroeconomic Logistics Costs in 2010... 권혁구ㆍ서상범... 서문 원장 김경철 목차 표목차 그림목차 xi 요약 xii xiii xiv xv xvi 1 제 1 장 서론 2 3 4 제 2 장 국가물류비산정방법 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
WHO 의새로운국제장애분류 (ICF) 에대한이해와기능적장애개념의필요성 ( 황수경 ) ꌙ 127 노동정책연구 제 4 권제 2 호 pp.127~148 c 한국노동연구원 WHO 의새로운국제장애분류 (ICF) 에대한이해와기능적장애개념의필요성황수경 *, (disabi
WHO 의새로운국제장애분류 (ICF) 에대한이해와기능적장애개념의필요성 ( 황수경 ) ꌙ 127 노동정책연구 2004. 제 4 권제 2 호 pp.127~148 c 한국노동연구원 WHO 의새로운국제장애분류 (ICF) 에대한이해와기능적장애개념의필요성황수경 *, (disability)..,,. (WHO) 2001 ICF. ICF,.,.,,. (disability)
새천년복음화연구소 논문집 제 5 권 [특별 기고] 說 敎 의 危 機 와 展 望 조재형 신부 한국천주교회의 새로운 복음화에 대한 小 考 정치우 복음화학교 설립자, 교장 [심포지엄] 한국 초기 교회와 순교영성 한반도 평화통일과 한국 교회의 과제 교황 방한의 메시지와 복음의
새천년복음화연구소 논문집 제 5 권 [특별기고] 說 敎 의 危 機 와 展 望 조재형 신부 한국천주교회의 새로운 복음화에 대한 小 考 정치우 복음화학교 설립자, 교장 [심포지엄] 한국 초기 교회와 순교영성 한반도 평화통일과 한국 교회의 과제 교황 방한의 메시지와 복음의 기쁨 에 나타난 한국 교회의 쇄신과 변화 복음의 기쁨 과 사회복음화 과제 새천년복음화연구소
세종대왕 탄신 616주년 기념 The 16 th World Korean Language Speech Contest for Foreigners 야덥 부펜들 (인도, 제15회 세계 외국인 한국어 말하기 대회 대상 수상) 일시 장소 2013년 5월 15일(수) 14:00~16:30, 경희대학교 크라운관 후원 주최 College of Business Administration
Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2018, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp DOI: A study on Characte
Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2018, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp.381-404 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21024/pnuedi.28.1.201803.381 A study on Characteristics of Action Learning by Analyzing Learners Experiences
수시과제 2015-13 경기도 지역별 여성일자리 정책 추진 전략 연구책임자 : 최 윤 선 (본원선임연구위원) : 남 승 연 (본원연구위원) 연 구 지 원 : 이 상 아 (본원위촉연구원) 연 구 기 간 : 2015. 9 ~12 2015 발 간 사 여성 일자리는 사회 내 여성과 남성간의 차이를 좁히고 개개인의 삶을 윤택하게 만드는 중요 한 부분입니다. 이에 정부는
6 영상기술연구 실감하지 못했을지도 모른다. 하지만 그 이외의 지역에서 3D 영화를 관람하기란 그리 쉬운 일이 아니다. 영화 <아바타> 이후, 티켓 파워에 민감한 국내 대형 극장 체인들이 2D 상영관을 3D 상영관으로 점차적으로 교체하는 추세이긴 하지만, 아직까지는 관
아바타를 중심으로 본 3D 영화산업의 기술동향과 발전방향에 관한 연구 5 연구논문 연구논문 아바타를 중심으로 본 3D 영화산업의 기술동향과 발전방향에 관한 연구 진 승 현 동명대학교 미디어영상전공 교수 I. 서론 얼마 전 제 15회 신지식인 인증 및 시상식에서 대한민국의 대표 신지식인 대상을 영화 의 주경중 감독이 수상했다. 대한민국 3D 영화 제작의
슬라이드 1
1 주차. 東京 ( とうきょう ) はどこですか 시작하기 수업목표 초급단계에서배운기초문형과표현을활용하여간단한일본어를듣고말할수있는능력을향상시킴 특징 習 ( なら ) うより慣 ( な ) れよ 배워서알기보다경험하여익히도록하라! 훈련이완벽을만든다! 주입식수업이아닌액티브한수업 구성 시작하기 대화연습 연습문제 정리하기 ここがメイン! 시작하기 학습내용제시 포인트강의 대화연습
한국의 북한 핵개발에 대한 인식과 대응 3 한국의북한핵개발에대한인식과대응: 3 차 핵실험 이후* 1)박영호 ( 통일연구원) 국문요약 2013년 2월 12일 북한의 3 차 핵실험은 국내외에 커다란 충격을 주었다. 북한의 핵능 력이 진전되고 북한은 경제건설과 함께 핵 무력건설을 김정은 시대의 발전전략으로 채택 했다. 북핵문제의 패러다임이 변화했다. 한국 사회에서의
- i - - ii - - iii - - iv - - v - - vi - - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - - 9 - - 10 - - 11 - - 12 - - 13 - - 14 - - 15 - - 16 - - 17 - - 18 - - 19 - - 20 - - 21 - - 22 - - 23 - - 24 - -
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Abstract Prospects of and Tasks Involving the Policy of Revitalization of Traditional Korean Performing Arts Yong-Shik, Lee National Center for Korean Traditional Performing Arts In the 21st century, the
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Formation of Myuncheoneupchi and Myuncheon s Local Gentry during the Choson Dynasty Abstract Myuncheon,
잡았다. 임진왜란으로 권위가 실추되었던 선조는 명군의 존재를 구세 주 이자 王權을 지켜주는 보호자 로 인식했다. 선조는 그 같은 인 식을 바탕으로 扈聖功臣들을 높이 평가하고 宣武功臣들을 평가 절하함으로써 자신의 권위를 유지하려고 했다. 이제 명에 대한 숭 앙과 충성은
朝中關係의 관점에서 본 仁祖反正의 역사적 의미 83)한 Ⅰ. Ⅱ. Ⅲ. Ⅳ. Ⅴ. Ⅵ. 명 기* 머리말 仁祖反正 발생에 드리운 明의 그림자 扈聖功臣 후예 들의 정권 장악으로서의 仁祖反正 仁祖反正에 대한 明의 이중적 인식과 대응 仁祖反正 승인을 통해 明이 얻은 것 맺음말 인조반정은 明淸交替가 진행되고 있던 동아시아 정세 전반에 커다란 영향을 미친 사건이었다.
맛있는 한국으로의 초대 - 중화권 음식에서 한국 음식의 관광 상품화 모색하기 - 소속학교 : 한국외국어대학교 지도교수 : 오승렬 교수님 ( 중국어과) 팀 이 름 : 飮 食 男 女 ( 음식남녀) 팀 원 : 이승덕 ( 중국어과 4) 정진우 ( 중국어과 4) 조정훈 ( 중국어과 4) 이민정 ( 중국어과 3) 탐방목적 1. 한국 음식이 가지고 있는 장점과 경제적 가치에도
12 2007 12 Vol.380 www.corrections.go.kr 004 004 011 028 007 012 016 018 028 032 034 037 038 040 042 044 COVER STORY 166 174 178 048 067 076 079 084 117 137 138 146 150 153 183 184 Monthly Correctional
경상북도 자연태음악의 소박집합, 장단유형, 전단후장 경상북도 자연태음악의 소박집합, 장단유형, 전단후장 - 전통 동요 및 부녀요를 중심으로 - 이 보 형 1) * 한국의 자연태 음악 특성 가운데 보편적인 특성은 대충 밝혀졌지만 소박집합에 의한 장단주기 박자유형, 장단유형, 같은 층위 전후 구성성분의 시가( 時 價 )형태 등 은 밝혀지지 않았으므로
한국민족문화 57, 2015. 11, 3~32 http://dx.doi.org/10.15299/jk.2015.11.57.3 장복선전 에 나타난 이옥의 문제의식 고찰 - 심노숭의 사가야화기, 정약용의 방친유사 와의 비교를 중심으로 1)김 경 회 * 1. 들어가며 2. 장복선의 행적 비교 1) 입전 동기 2) 장복선의 처지 3) 장복선의 구휼 및 연대 3. 장복선의