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1 ˆg Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environmental Engineering Vol. 10, No. 3. pp , August 2007 z f pp 1 Út r 1 Ú e 1 Ú 1 Ú 2 Ú 1 1 mn p n 2 mn p mff lsn The Electrochemical Chlorination for Marine Plankton Community Disinfection Jung-Hoon Kang 1, Kyoungsoon Shin 1, Bong-Gil Hyun 1, Min-Chul Jang 1, Eun-Chan Kim 2 and Man Chang 1 1 Southern Coastal Environment Research Division, South Sea Institute, KORDI, 391, Changmokmyun Koje-shi, Kyungnam, , Korea 2 Maritime and Ocean Engineering Research Institute, KORDI, 171 Jang-dong Yuseong, Daejeon, , Korea r m } r p kl re } t(d-2 regulation)p s v p o k, e Š(10-50 µm) Š(>50 µm)p p m. e s p s m q m 10 ppm(expt. 1) 30 ppm(expt. 2)p e r m, e 23.8 m 3 /hrp r m l e. e p s p r l q q p d pp o v l re tp. e Šp Ž p, r (Turner Designs 10-AU) pn l p l. s (10 ppm, 30 ppm)p } l n p p e Šp nvpp ˆ v kk, l m p r l p lp, p (Expt. 1: 6.95, Expt. 2: 7.11)l 0p l. p e Šp p e l l pp p. Šp Ž p l vp nvpp Š r l. r m } k l }v l ql v Šp lp, p Artemia s m. q m s p k l eˆ v 24e l Šp l. k Petrifilm plates(3m TM ) pn rs k p } p, q q p p, t r v kk. m s p } l rp eˆ 5p k p l q qp ˆ v kk. l p l r m } r l rr tp se pp ltl. Abstract To confirm whether or not the Electrochemical Disinfection System (EDS) meet with the D-2 regulation established by IMO (International Maritime Organization), the biological treatment efficacy of the EDS was assessed using three groups of natural marine plankton (bacteria, µm and 50 µm sized organisms). Influent water was passed through the EDS under the flow velocity (23.8 m 3 /hr) and test design was consisted of control (no treatment) and experimental (10 ppm and 30 ppm) condition for total residual chlorine (TRC). And the biological condition of the influent water followed the standards established by the guidelines for the approval of ballast water management systems. The disinfection efficacy of the µm sized organisms (phytoplankton) was assessed by three kinds of measurements using photomicroscope, epifluorescence microscope and fluorometer (Turner Designs 10-AU). After being passed through the EDS, all motile phytoplankton lost their motility under photomicroscope, the colour of chlorophyll fluorescence turned from red into green under epifluorescence, and the high chlorophyll fluorescence (Expt. 1: 6.95, Expt. 2: 7.11) detected by fluorometer decreased into value not detected. These results indicated phytoplankton community was totally killed after Corresponding author: jhkang@kordi.re.kr 127
2 128 r Ëe Ë Ëq ~Ë p Ëq electrochemical disinfection treatment. Survivorship of the larger organisms than 50 µm was determined based on the appendage's movement under a stereomicroscope. Natural assemblage collected from ambient seawater was killed shortly after being passed through the EDS, whereas some Artemia remained alive. However, no live Artemia was found after 24 hour further exposure to each TRC concentration (10 and 30 ppm) under darkness. After electrochemical treatment, the target bacteria such as aerobes, coliform and Escherichia coli were completely killed on the basis of CFU (colony forming unit) on Petrifilm plate (3 M TM ) after 48 hr incubation. Moreover, no regrowth was found in the three groups of plankton during five days under additional exposure to the treated water. These results indicated that the disinfection efficiency of the EDS on the three groups of plankton satisfy D-2 regulation. Keywords: Biological efficacy( r p), Electrochemical disinfection system(r m ), bacteria( k), phytoplankton(e Š), zooplankton ( Š) 1. (ballast water) p l p kr p ov rp. p k s p p n l r l k ˆ eˆ qqrp o p k r p (Hayes and Sliwa [2003]). p p lv, kp mp, ns pp kp s p lk r p n p tv, p p k n p (Ruiz et al.[2000]). p } l k p p ˆ ll p p n kv. o e Šp n } p ˆ ll op r k ˆ k p eˆ k (Lewis et al.[2003]), }l p Ž l keqp o p (Sutherland et al. [2001]). p l p n v m p v p p s p n l ˆ ll r p p npp (Orsi and Ohtsuka[1999]). l p n p k ˆ r ve r (IMO: International Maritime Organization) o p m r p r o r kp m }ˆ m, l p t(d-2 regulation)p n l sr m. sl n sl p k ˆ p eˆ o l rp p ˆ l pn l (Zhang and Dickman[1999]; Dickman and Zhang[1999]). r pp 65% l ~(Locke et al.[1993]; Levings et al.[2004]) n s op p rp p, q l 200 lv p r r pl kr r kp. D-2 regulationp seˆ o p rp eˆ p } p q p p e l. r kl p p t r p o p } o rn Š m p (o [2005]), km (NaOCl)p rs ops p e rp r m p (Jeong et al.[2002]). l p ˆ k l m p p ql o p ˆo p r (o [2005]). v km p } pr o r p v l e s (composition) tp s e (test seawater) km p } r m } } s (D-2 regulation)p s lk. r p k oo (MEPC: Marine Environmental Protection Committee)l } p r p p o } e l plk p o k, µm (t e Š), >50 µm (t Š)p vr m. r l r e (GloBallast program)p o m s p mk (vegetative cells), Šp ~(adults)m o (larvae)p t e p t p l r 53 k oo p lkl l sq o s m ~ Šp p p o p p op rl 100% p eˆ pp t m. p p p e p Šp s p l kp } ˆ ll p v, e Šp mk m Š ~ } rp tn. e p s p ql ˆp Š vp, r p vr l p p / (phyla/divisions)l 5sp pl k tp seˆ. k ql ˆp Š vp p k t seˆ l n n, q p dpp o v (G-8)(Guidelines for the approval of ballast water management systems)l k Šp t p l tp re p. p l r p ˆp l rp km p e Šp vrrp r
3 k Š vp r m 129 l r m (EDS: electrochemical disinfection system)p o (prototype)p l, v l v p o Šp p r } p p m. } p 5pp e p Š q q(regrowth)p l rp p m. 2. m 2.1 n i r m edšp rp r (electrode) r (rectifier) r p l pp, l r (k p )p r l p r (Fig. 1). p rl kmpm(hypochlorous ion: OCl ), p e (OH ) p vp. edšp 200 m 3 /hr p p n } q e l k, p p q re p r p p rq l. edšp r p l p, l p e edšp 30/sec l. p n p pp, rp e k 23.8 m p 3 edšp. krrp ro p v t r pn m, r p rop rkp n 0~6V, r 0~200A, l p 0.99p, 85~265Vp p nrk o p. km 10ppm p ˆ p p r s p 3.6V, 9.6Apl, 30ppm s p 5.2V, 15.2Am. e s p r p q m (TRC: total residual chlorine) s (10 ppm, 30 ppm)p r e p Š r l. e l n r m p (prototype)p pn m e e, p o s (5, 10, 15 m /hr) 3 (25, 50, 75, 100, 125)p k l(ampere) s p e t r p p tp m. q m (EPA 4500)p o chlorine pocket photometer (HF scientific Inc.) pn l r m. Fig. 1. Diagram of electrochemical disinfection system. 2.2 n i e t r r r s r p 53 MEPC(Marine Environmental Protection Committee) pl } t(d-2 regulation) r l p o e (influent water)p tp m. 10~50 µm (t e Š)p tp s s p n p / (phyla/divisions) rl 5sp plk, s (standing crop)p 10 6 ~10 cells/lp o l plk 7. >50 µm (t Š)p ~ 10 2 ~10 3 individuals/l o l plk, p / (phyla/divisions) r l 5sp plk. s mk k (heterotrophic bacteria) ml 10p l sq lk e t e Š(10~50 µm) kl o l l r p q (Jangmok Bay) l e s s p seˆ o t ( v : 45 cm, : 20 µm) l mp l e Š e m. e Š s p e s p s v pˆ o (Axioskop ZEISS Co.) l m. s (Control) e s (Expt. 1: 10 ppm, Expt. 2: 30 ppm)p e n (20 L) s p ~ cells/l p o ˆ e s p s m Š(>50 µm) Š ~ p e s p seˆ o Š }v ( v : 45 cm, : 200 µm) pn l q l Ž l e m. e s s l p o (Stemi SV11 ZEISS Co.) l Šp ~ (abundance) m. q Š p e tp pl p eˆ brine shrimp(artemia) s e (Expt. 1 Expt. 2) n (20 L)l l. s e ~ ~ 6 10 ~/Lp o ˆ l tp 2 s m k lkll k s p 10 p p 4 ˆ l e tl s p r lp e l rn m e e Š(10~50 µm) (1) s e Š s p o lž (500 ml) l k nk(lugol solution)p r m. 48e r kp kp kl 1mLp } l Sedgwick- Rafter Žl m p (Microscope BHS, Olympus, Japan) l m. p e Šp r p p p p s m (Cupp[1977]; Dodge[1982]; Shim[1994];
4 130 r Ëe Ë Ëq ~Ë p Ëq Tomas[1997]). (2) Ž r m } e Šp ~w, r (Turner-designs 10-AU) pn r, w, n (motility)p v e Šp n o, w, p p n m p p Ž l. p p p e Š sp p l p. r Ž p e, sp e Š Cylindrotheca closterium, Prorocentrum micans, Akashiwo sanguinea Scrippsiella sp.p 1 cells/ml p p 0p ˆ re Š l r p 0 p p t m. n o e Šp Ž p o e l 1mLp k Sedgwick-Rafter Žl l (Axioskop ZEISS Co.) l n p p m. e e } l } 500 mlp 10 µm l l l, Ž e Šp s p cells/ml m. p pn l green filter l e Š e, kp m r p, tlp n l p p v k p pn l Ž p m. p } tp } e l 10~50 µm o p ~p ml s s p 10 cells p ˆ p. r m } } 5p s p r r p kl l } 5p p k l s l e Š p pp r m Š(>50 µm) (1) Š s r Š ~ p o r m r p e 500 ml j }v l, n ~( : 50 µm) m. e Bogorov Žl p (Stemi SV11 ZEISS Co.) l m. Š r n p n s t v m, v p m. Šp s rp p p q m (Yamaji[1984]; Chihara and Murano[1997]). (2) Š Ž Šp Ž tp v(appendage)p n p m. (Stemi SV11 ZEISS Co.) l e Šp nvpp p l n ~ mr ˆp Šl 5 p nvpp lp rp s p q l pp lp tp p t (APHA[1985]). e p kp Š p l r~ t, p tp } l p p m. p } tp } e l 50 µm p p ~p s ~ m 3 10 ~ p np. r m } } 5p p k l s l Šp n p Ž p p p m k (1) k e k o lž }v (300 ml)l e p t p r(s 2~4%) l e e n m. r e DAPI(6-diamidino- 2-phenylindole) m (Porter and Feig, [1980])l Ž k k ˆp eml 5 k eˆ, UV fiter set(02-g356, FT395, LP420 and 15-BP546, FT580, LP590, Zeiss) n l p( 1000) m. e 10 p p l, 300 p p m. (2) k k Petrifilm plate(3m ) e m } p TM p (aerobes), q (coliform) q (Escherichia coli)p k l k } p m. rs } rp n p mp r clean benchl p lr. p p e m } l e 1mLj k vl op Petrifilm platel p ol k Žp (gel) (k 30~62 n), 35 Cl o k m. 48e k okp (colony) vmp m. Petrifilm platel p (aerobes) p 250 p n p kl p l 20p l r~ m. q (E. coli) q (coliform)p rsp o 10 mlp e l l v(0.2 µm membrane filter) rl t m. p Petrifilm platel l v m p p 35 Cp s l 24e k o m. edš dp v l re } tp q p 100 ml 250 cfu p np. } 5p s p r r p l l } k l s l p Ž p p m m i s e p e p q m ppmp ˆ, s p } l 0.09 ppmp ˆ. e } p Expt. 1l 8.7 ppmp, Expt. 2l 26.6 ppmp ˆ l r v kp p p m (Table 1). Expt. 1 Expt. 2p km 10 ppm 30 ppm plp, l ˆ p l o v( Š )p p sq ˆ p k r p.
5 k Š vp r m 131 Table 1. Total residual chlorine (TRC) in the test and treated seawater of Control, Expt. 1 and Expt. 2. Control Expt. 1 (10Gppm) Expt. 2 (30Gppm) Test water (ppm) Treated water (ppm) Test water (ppm) Treated water (ppm) Test water (ppm) Treated water (ppm) p o z e Š(10~50 µm) edš dp v l l e p o e e Š vp s (standing crop)p 10 6 ~10 7 cells/l ol plk, 3 p (phyla)/ (division) 5s(species)p l plk. s l e Š vp 70sp l, p tl s (diatoms) 51sp l, v (silicoflagellates) 2s, m (dinoflagellates) 17sp l. e p o e Š vp Expt. 1(10 ppm)l 121sp l, p tl s 87sp q p m, m 31s, v 3 s m. p 6s p s (cryptomonads), (microflagellates) o (euglenoids) l (Table 2). Expt. 2(30 ppm)e p n 121sp m, p tl s 88sp q k, m 30s, v 3s m. p l e 6s p s, o l. e (Control, Expt. 1, Expt. 2) p s p cells/l r ˆ e p o e Š e s p s l (Table 2) Š(>50 µm) Šp ~ 10 2 ~10 3 ~/L o l plk, 3 p (phyla)/ (division)l 5s(species)p lk e tp seˆ o q l q Šp m. porp k l tpeˆ Artemia l s e l p (hydroids), k (chaetognaths), v (cladocerans)p Podon leuckarti, n (copepods), r n (harpacticoids), e (decapods) o (larvae) p lr p l (Table 3). p tl q k p n, p 5s, ep d 2sp m. Š ~ s l ~/L, Expt. 1l ~/L, Expt. 2l ~/Lp o ˆ e tp se (Table 3) e Š(10~50 µm) n Žkp Ž e l n p ˆ e Šp s p n n s (pennate diatoms)p Cylindrotheca closterium Pseudonitzschia seriata l, m l Akashiwo sanguinea Table 2. Taxonomic groups and standing crops of phytoplankton observed in the test water. Taxonomic groups Species number Standing crops (cells/l) Control Expt.1 Expt.2 Control Expt.1 Expt.2 Chrysophyceae ,083 3,799 1,715 Bacillariophyceae , , ,632 Cryptophyceae ,440 11,198 Euglenophyceae ,893 2,867 Dinophyceae ,708 19,484 11,208 Microflagellates ,574 18,618 Sum (cells/l) 975, , ,237 Table 3. Taxonomic groups and abundance of mesozooplankton observed in the test water. Taxonomic groups Species number Abundance (individuals/l) Control Expt.G1 Expt.G2 Control Expt.G1 Expt.G2 Hydroids Cladocerans (Podon leuckarti) Copepods Harpacticoids Larvae Artemia Chaetognaths Sum (individuals/l)
6 132 r Ëe Ë Ëq ~Ë p Ëq Table 4. Differences in the motility of phytoplankton before and directly (~1 hour) after passage through the electrochemical disinfection system. Unit : cells/l Species list Control Expt. 1 (10Gppm) Expt. 2 (30Gppm) Test water Treated water Test water Treated water Test water Treated water Diatoms Cylindrotheca closterium 1, ,172-15,642 - Ditylum brightwellii Pleurosigma sp Pseudo-nitzschia seriata 1,042 1,364 14,375-35,274 - Rhizosolenia setigera 3,125 1,818 7, Dinoflagellates Alexandrium sp ,728 - Akashiwo sanguinea 0 0 4,101-1,344 - Ceratium furca 1, ,245-2,760 - C. fusus 2, , Ceratium sp ,416 - Gonyaulax sp ,080 - Protoperidinium sp ,042-11, indicates no motility found Number means cells with motility m Ceratium, Alexandrium, Gonyaulux Protoperidinium p s p pl. k l s p n p ˆ, Ditylum brightwellii, Pleurosigma sp. Rhizosolenia setigerap s p rp n p k p l. n s p n Ž p r nvp (sliding movement) vp ˆ, m dd r (rotating movement) v vp ˆ. e r m l e } l p o e Š e }v m. } e op l s p nvpp v kk (Table 4). pm km p v kp m s p e Šp v rp nvpp ˆ (Table 4). ym mk r m q r(e ) (} )l p e Šp p pn l m m. e p e Šp p m. s Coscinodiscus sp., Chaetoceros sp. Leptocylindrus danicusp m, m Protoperidinium sp.m Ceratium fusus m (Fig. 2). p ek r l mp e p e Šp r p ˆ, q } l l p ˆ k p ˆ (Fig. 2). ~o p pn l e Šp Ž rp vrrp r r t p qrp p. ql e p e r p n, e Šp p r rp r p r pn m. r m q p km p eˆv k eˆ s p n, q m 0.05~0.09 ppmp o ˆ p p ll (Table 5). 5p k e p m r rp l. r m q Expt. 1(10 ppm) s l l e } mp p q m 8.7 ppmp ˆ, e p (6.95 FSU)p 0.06 FSU m. k m (10 ppm) ˆ po l Š p p ˆ p p. Expt. 2(30 ppm)p s l } q m 26.6 ppmp ˆ, e p (7.11 FSU)p 0.03 FSUp m. } v p s l ˆ 0.06 FSU 0.03 FSU kel q m l v w 0p ˆ, p p e s e v pl r (Table 5) Š(>50 µm) km p eˆv k m q l s e eˆ 35.3%p p ˆ, p (30 cm/ sec)p rl rp l p p Ž. Expt. 1(10 ppm) s p s l r m q e ˆ Šp p 83%m, Expt. 2(30 ppm)s l 76% ˆ. sp 17%(Expt. 1) m 24%(Expt. 2) Artemiap sl p p, ql }v Šp m. Artemiap rp l p o l } k l 6p m. q 6 p p e s (Expt. 1, Expt. 2) l 500 mlj (duplicates) l Artemiap
7 k Š vp r m 133 Fig. 3. Abundance of living Artemia before and after being passed through the electrochemical disinfection system. Fig. 2. Planktonic diatoms and dinoflagellates before and directly (~1 hour) after passage through the electrochemical disinfection system. (A: Coscinodiscus sp., B: Chaetoceros sp., C: Protoperidinium sp., D: Ceratium fusus, E: Leptocylindrus danicus). sl p m. 24e }v e l s (Expt. 1 Expt. 2)l 57 ~/L m 64 ~/L ˆ Artemia m, p 6p kp Šp v kk (Fig. 3) k e p s mk k s p s m e (10 ppm, 30 ppm) s l 234,688 cells/ml, 137,910 cells/ml, 126,719 cells/mlp ˆ. } r e s mk k s p 10 cells/mlp p lk e s p 4 se. k Ž p p, q, q p p e m } l }v e l l, 48e kp r l. } e (10 ppm 30 ppm)p o e l e } l rs k q p n 0~2 CFU/mLp o ˆ, q p ll. p p 10 ppm s l 1,440~2,200 CFU/mLp o ˆ, 30 ppm s l 2,450~2,700 CFU/mLp o k. r m Table 5. Temporal variations of phytoplankton fluorescence and total residual chlorine (TRC) under darkness after electrochemical disinfection treatment. Test water Treated water Time Fluorescence (FSU) TRC (ppm) Fluorescence (FSU) TRC (ppm) (day) Control Expt.G1 Expt.G2 Control Expt.G1 Expt.G2 Control Expt.G1 Expt.G2 Control Expt.G1 Expt.G FSU means fluorescence units
8 134 r Ëe Ë Ëq ~Ë p Ëq Table 6. Colony forming unit of 48 hours incubated bacteria before and shortly after electrochemical disinfection treatment (Control, 10Gppm, 30Gppm). Indicator microbes Test water Control Expt. 1: 10Gppm Expt. 2: 30Gppm Treated water Test water Treated water Test water Treated water E. coli Aerobes 2,240 2,660 1, ,613 0 Coliform q } l s l t ˆ v kk (Table 6). e } 6p k l l e s l p e } l ke p m, e s e v l t v kk. s p e l q q p ˆ v kk, p p n 2,240 CFU/mL p ˆ. s } l q q p ll, p p 2,660 CFU/mL ˆ e m p ll. 4. m r m (electrochemical disinfection system) e e p r p l rp km (10 ppm, 30 ppm)l } rp ql ˆp k, e Š Šp rp mpp ltl. p p p l sq t (Drake et al. [2002])p, qqrp psp rp plk } }ˆ p n (Tamburri et al. [2002])l. k p p p, l sq p mr r r p p r rp pnl, } q q(regrowth) p llk p p. sl p n vp m t pn p q (E. coli)p rp n lp, l qn (Ultraviolet)p rp n p (Watts and Linden[2007]). l rp m sp 1800 n l mp l kr p lr n rp rp p. qn p r rp } p p l n p edš(a hydrocyclone, selfcleaning screen and a UV treatment system)p p ˆ v kp q qp ˆ p l (Waite et al.[2003]). 1 r } p ˆ m q ~ (50 µm) k vv k l rrp qn } l ps edšp. p q q p rp } lp, p 18e p v. p rl p edšp k p } p D-2 regulationp seˆv p Ž. l l p km s (10, 30 ppm)l } v k, } 5p kp kl p rs l p p, q p q p q qp v kk. Waite et al.[2003]p e l pn q USEPA tp 35 cells/100 ml j p 2000 cells/mlp s pl, k l r n Colilert 18 system p p p p m p p l. l ll p l s p v r l re D-2 regulationl l k r lr kp. Waite et al.(2003)p l m p, } q p Ž }ˆp tn rp. e Šp nl mn k, l Ž (Cangelosi et al. [2007]) n, m p n(perrins et al.[2006]), ATP p (Waite et al.[2003]) p p. p p } l e Šp k pp ˆ p, s s s p n l p. p tl v } m -a s phaeopigment v e l pp m l, m p } p m p. ATP pn p Ž p r r t pp µm o l e Š nl o p n o p Š p sq pl p dv k. p l l l e Šp r l l mk p sp Ž o q (autofluorescence) (Pouneva [1997]) r (Turner-Designs 10-AU) Ž m, ˆ mk p nvpp p sp Ž p pn m. r m } v e Š p nvpp ll, pl q q p p 5p p k q qp ll. rp } p p nl l l p e Šp 100% r p ll (Waite et al. [2003]), 25 µmm 50 µmp l p pn nl s (microalgae)p r ˆo mp, 2 } n p rk m (Cangelosi et al.[2007]). qn p } n Sutherland et al. [2001]p n, } 16p p k l e Šp q qp l, Waite et al.[2003]p qn } p s r l rpv kpp m. p e p n r l re e s p k ql ˆp
9 k Š vp r m 135 p. e r se k e s p s (standing crop)p 10 6 ~10 7 cells/lp op, p p k lkp q l p r e Š s o(10~ cells/l) tp p t q p l ( kl o[2004]). qn p pn l p t p kp 10 cells/ml t(d-2 regulation)p qn p s p v (> 60 mw s cm 2 )eˆ } p }kk n p. lr q qp lr r kl p l ˆp. Šp r m } v p pp km e Š, 10 ppm 30 ppm s l 83%m 76% ˆ. p (open-ocean and mid-ocean exchange method)p m p l. lkll l s p r pp 67~86%mp (Locke et al.[1993]), mnrp 87% ˆ n pp (Zhang and Dickman [1999]), d tp pp ˆ (Levings et al.[2004]). e l 17%m 24%p spp e Š v t k l vr }v p, p k p Artemia(brine shrimp)l p pl. p Artemia } eˆ v 24e l 100% m, p 5p kp k l k sp ll. v Šp o n sp p Ž (bivalve) m s (gastropod)p o p l ppp l (Ruiz et al.[2000]). p l e e s o m v(biofouling community)p q k r p p o r n 100% km } mp n n p p p r ppp p. t p l o Šp n Acartia omorii l p l (Seuront, [2005]), p A. omorii n lp o ˆ l m p p n sp p lt p. p s } v 100% p ˆ n p o p p Ž l. e l t rp s e Šp p 35.3%p rp. e r s p p lp, r q v kp ˆl e p e p ˆ p p p p p v p p t n m, l d p p l r. r q eˆ e s (10 ppm 30 ppm)l n ~p ˆ s m s p ˆ ss l. p k l km pnl r l ro p m Š l l p Ž l. qn p ql vp Šp } e r l l ˆ e t p p p ~ s p nl lpp ˆ (Sutherland et al.[2001]; Waite et al.[2003]). e s l t p ~ s (10 2 ~10 3 ~/L)p p r p vl kv lp, m (50 µm) p pn r r p pp ˆ p (Waite et al.[2003]; Tang et al.[2006]; Cangelosi et al.[2007]). q v l p } t r l r p rp edšp pp edš(oe, Peraclean)(Germany[2003]) do p q ~ l q m } (AOT: Advanced Oxidation Technology) edš(sweden[2003]), p p p p pn edš(special pipe} + v} )p p. pp edšp } l 100% ˆ l m p m. pl do l n } p Š(>50 µm)p n 99.7%, e Š(10-50 µm)p 99.5% km q p 99.9%p pp ˆ, q qp p p p ˆ. p} r } p po sl n (, l, l}, qn )p 100% ˆ v p (Gregg and Hallegraeff [2007]). l ep edšp, e p rp r q l r q l ro m v p pn l } t(d-2 regulation)p se prp p. r l vrrp pv kp l p o s p q(cyst)m Šp (diapause eggs)p p. n (copepods), v (cladocerans) o (rotifers) p Š p sl r s (,, p m m )l p l p (Bailey et al.[2004]). p p sp p p tn qp, s p sl r e v p t. p Š p k e Šl, o m (toxic dinoflagellates)p qp n p r pql l p rp (Hallegraeff [1998]). m k tp p p e Šp Šp q p q p s p. p p r l kk p qp n ~ ks p v ˆ ll m o s p p ˆ, s p p l l p p sl m p p. p po Gray et al.[2005]p r l p } (invertebrate eggs)p eˆ o km p pn e p m, 1000 mg/l } n ˆ pp 11% pl, p pp r v m. p
10 136 r Ëe Ë Ëq ~Ë p Ëq l l p vp qs p rp k p p p eˆ rp r p l v. 1,000 ppmp p e r k k k l r v ˆ l km p p q. e l Šp rp eˆ pp l m p p 10 ppm 30 ppm p r p pm p pop, l m p r tp o } p o p l l q l p v tl p (Tamburri et al.[2002]; Tang et al.[2006]). vp } l pr lkl l o p p } p l pl tn p (Tamburri et al.[2002]). km p q~ kr ˆp, qn p p l qlrp m p o vp p (Jeong et al. [2002]; o [2005]). k l p km p t v v sl e p p m p p p q. rl k m p t (neutralization)eˆ n pp, pl n. km 30 ppmp eˆ t rp sodium thiosulfate(na 2S 2O 3 5H 2O) t eˆ m s ql t l l e p m (Korea [2005]). n l p 9.98 cmm 13.4 gp plp, 24e k eˆ p 0%m (Korea [2005]). r m p rn mp n, r km p t eˆ p k l p o p tp p p l r. n sp p lr o } p r l t v o nl l, s, r Š, s q, p n p. po r l k p r p ˆ (Calton and Geller[1993]), l (Williams et al.[1988]) k, l m v(ship hull biofouling) n s pp ~ k r p p (Gollasch[2002]). r ~ l s l e p rs p rp, p s p ˆ rp rl p lk p. p k q p rp pe p rp (o [2006]), r l l k oo l tn pr lv p. nk, r kl re s p s e r m }, km e Š(10-50 µm)p n s (10 ppm, 30 ppm) l 100% l. Š(>50 µm)p n } v p p 83%m 76%l ~p, } l eˆ 24e l m. } p 5p kp t k p llp, qqrp o p v Šp m s m s m p o p 100% l. } t e p p k l qqr o p r pl r kl e } v tp s p ˆ. p Š l te e oo e p mte e e l o. p kl op o l (PP07402) l n o d e (PM42700) lp vo p q ld. y [1] or, ˆo,, r, ~, 2006, l p d l sq k o, Ocean and Polar Res., Vol. 28, [2] o, t, p,,, 2005, d } I ( r p rn l ), k v, r8 r4, [3] kl o, 2004, t p pn k l o ˆ l, kl o, BSPE pp [4] APHA(American Public Health Association), 1985, Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater, Port City Press, [5] Bailey, S.A., Duggan, I.C., Van Overdijk, C.D.A., Johengen, T.H., Reid, D.F. and Macisaac, H.J., Salinity tolerance of diapausing eggs of freshwater zooplankton, Freshwater Biol., Vol. 49, [6] Cangelosi, A.A., Mays, N.L., Balcer, M.D., Reavie, E.D., Reid, D.M., Sturtevant, R. and Gao, X., The response of zooplankton and phytoplankton from the North American Great Lakes to filtration, Harmful Algae, Vol. 6, [7] Carlton, J.T. and Geller, J.B., 1993, Ecological Roulette: The Global Transport of Nonindigenous Marine Organisms, Science, Vol. 261, [8] Chihara, M. and Murano, M., 1997, An Illustrated Guide to Marine Plankton in Japan, Tokai University Press. [9] Cupp, E.E., 1977, Marine plankton Diatoms of the west coast of north America, Otto Koeltz Science Publishers, Germany. [10] Dickman, M. and Zhang, F., 1999, Mid-ocean exchange of container vessel ballast water. 2: Effects of vessel type in the transport of diatoms and dinoflagellates from Manzanillo, Mexico, to Hong Kong, China, Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., Vol. 176, [11] Dodge, J.D., 1982, Marine Dinoflagellates of the Brithish Isles, Her Majesty s stationery office, London. [12] Drake, L.A., Ruiz, G.M., Galil, B.S., Mullady, T.L., Friedmann,
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224 현봉길 신경순 정한식 최서열 장민철 이우진 최근형 results suggest that NR assay is more effective for determining the survival of marine plankton and can be applied to
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ICRP 간행물 113 진단 및 중재 절차를 위한 방사선방호 교육훈련 Education and Training in Radiological Protection for Diagnostic and Interventional Procedures 대한방사선방어학회 이 번역본 발간은 2011년도 원자력안전위원회 방사선안전기술 개 발사업 과제 지원(한국동위원소협회로 부터
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자연과학연구 제27권 Bulletin of the Natural Sciences Vol. 27. 2013.12.(33-44) 교통DB를 이용한 교통정책 발굴을 위한 통계분석 시스템 설계 및 활용 Statistical analytic system design and utilization for transport policy excavation by transport
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Study on the Improvement of Management System through Analysis of golf semi- market: Focus on Physical Education Facility Act Ji-Myung Jung 1, Ju-Ho Park 2 *, & Youngdae Lee 3 1 Korea Institute of Sport
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분 기 보 고 서 (제34기 3분기) 사업연도 2009년 01월 01일 2009년 09월 30일 부터 까지 금융위원회 한국거래소 귀중 2009년 11월 13일 회 사 명 : 주식회사 STX 대 표 이 사 : 이 종 철 본 점 소 재 지 : 경남 진해시 원포동 100 (전 화) 055-548-1122 (홈페이지) http://www.stx.co.kr 작 성 책
분석결과 Special Edition 녹색건물의 가치산정 및 탄소배출 평가 이슈 서 민간분야의 적극적인 참여 방안의 마련이 필요하다. 또한 우리나라는 녹색건축의 경제성에 대한 검증에 대 한 연구가 미흡한 실정이다. 반면, 미국, 영국, 호주 등은 민간 주도로 녹색건축물
기획특집Ⅱ 1 지속가능성 평가기반 에너지효율등급인증 건축물 가치산정에 관한 연구 지속가능성 평가기반 에너지효율등급인증 건축물 가치산정에 관한 연구 * 유 영 준 부연구위원 한국감정원 녹색건축센터 녹색건축연구단 신 성 은 연구원 한국감정원 녹색건축센터 녹색건축연구단 박 아 름 연구원 한국감정원 녹색건축센터 녹색건축연구단 윤 종 돈 부장 한국감정원 녹색건축센터
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[수도권대기환경청 소식] 1. 제10차 수도권 대기환경정책 연구회 26 4. 2008년도 1/4분기 직장교육 26 제5절 환경용어 해설 27 1. 교토메카니즘(Kyoto Mechanism) 27 2. 라돈(Rn) 28 3. 배출가스 재순환장치(EGR, Exhaust G
차 례 제1장 수도권 대기환경정보 제1절 08년도 저공해 하이브리드 자동차 확대 보급 3 제2절 개정 법률 11 1. 오염물질방출 건축자재의 다중이용시설 실내사용제한 고시 11 2. 악취방지법 일부개정법률안 13 제3절 기회 특집 16 1. 환경부장관 취임사('환경행정의 선진화를 이루는데 주력해야') 16 제4절 국제환경 동향 18 1. 미국 환경청, 스프레이
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example code are examined in this stage The low pressure pressurizer reactor trip module of the Plant Protection System was programmed as subject for
2003 Development of the Software Generation Method using Model Driven Software Engineering Tool,,,,, Hoon-Seon Chang, Jae-Cheon Jung, Jae-Hack Kim Hee-Hwan Han, Do-Yeon Kim, Young-Woo Chang Wang Sik, Moon
경락경혈학회지 Vol.27, No.1, pp.87 106, 2010 Journal of Meridian & Acupoint Dept. of 1 Meridian & Acupoint, 3 Acupuncture & Moxibustion, College of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University 2 Division of Clinical
Analysis of objective and error source of ski technical championship Jin Su Seok 1, Seoung ki Kang 1 *, Jae Hyung Lee 1, & Won Il Son 2 1 yong in Univ
Analysis of objective and error source of ski technical championship Jin Su Seok 1, Seoung ki Kang 1 *, Jae Hyung Lee 1, & Won Il Son 2 1 yong in University & 2 Kang Won University [Purpose] [Methods]