Custom sirna Genepharma 는 ISO9000 품질경영시스템인증을획득하여 high quality, high purity 의 custom sirna 를생산, 제공해드립니다. 기본제공되는 duplex type 은 HPLC 정제로 unpaired single
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1 2016 GenePharma RNAi Solution GenePharma는 RNAi 전문 기업으로 고효율, 고순도의 sirna, mirna mimics, mirna inhibitor, shrna plasmid를 최적의 가격으로 제공해드립니다. 코스모진텍은 국내 단독 대리점으로 전제품에 대한 상담, 견적, 발주를 진행합니다. 또한, 온라인 주문( 편리하게 GenePharma의 RNAi Total Service를 이용하실 수 있습니다. (02) (02) 상담 및 문의 Tel 코스모진텍 학술지원팀 Fax
2 Custom sirna Genepharma 는 ISO9000 품질경영시스템인증을획득하여 high quality, high purity 의 custom sirna 를생산, 제공해드립니다. 기본제공되는 duplex type 은 HPLC 정제로 unpaired single chains 가 100% 제거되므로별도의 annealing 단계필요없이간편하게사용하실수있습니다. 별도요청시 single stranded sirna로제공가능합니다. 25 OD, 50 OD, 100 OD, 250 OD, 500 OD는별도문의바랍니다. 전제품 HPLC Purification 기본 A01001 Custom sirna 2 OD 85,100 A01002 Custom sirna 3 OD 101,000 A01003 Custom sirna 4 OD 120,200 A01004 Custom sirna 5 OD 142,800 A01005 Custom sirna 6 OD 168,200 A01006 Custom sirna 7 OD 192,300 A01007 Custom sirna 8 OD 216,300 A01008 Custom sirna 9 OD 240,300 A01009 Custom sirna 10 OD 264,400 Chemically-modified sirna (2'-O-Me or 2'-Fluoro) Chemically-modified sirna 는 target gene 에대한탁월한 knock-down 효율및 target specificity 를보입니다. 또한 serum 및 media 내에서높은 stability 를보이며, side effect 의최소화를통해일반 sirna oligo 에비해더욱효과적인실험결과를얻을수있습니다. 2'-O-Me or 2'-Fluoro 중선택가능합니다. 25 OD, 50 OD, 100 OD, 250 OD, 500 OD 는별도문의바랍니다. Standard sirna 와 Chemically-modified sirna 의비교 Standard sirna Chemically-modified sirna sirna degradation 대부분의 in vitro 실험에사용가능 cell culture 환경에서쉽게 degradation 됨 Serum 및 cell culture 환경에서 stability 향상 in vitro 실험적용시에 standard sirna에비해우수한결과도출 Long time effect Short time effect 일반적으로약 1 주일 Long time effect standard sirna보다 2배이상의 effect time in vivo activity 낮은 stability 로 in vivo experiment 에부적합높은 stability 로 in vivo experiment 에적합 A02001 Chemically-modified sirna (2'-O-Me or 2'-Fluoro) 2 OD 108,200 A02002 Chemically-modified sirna (2'-O-Me or 2'-Fluoro) 3 OD 127,400 A02003 Chemically-modified sirna (2'-O-Me or 2'-Fluoro) 4 OD 144,200 A02004 Chemically-modified sirna (2'-O-Me or 2'-Fluoro) 5 OD 167,300 A02005 Chemically-modified sirna (2'-O-Me or 2'-Fluoro) 6 OD 192,300 A02006 Chemically-modified sirna (2'-O-Me or 2'-Fluoro) 7 OD 228,300 A02007 Chemically-modified sirna (2'-O-Me or 2'-Fluoro) 8 OD 252,300 A02008 Chemically-modified sirna (2'-O-Me or 2'-Fluoro) 9 OD 288,400 A02009 Chemically-modified sirna (2'-O-Me or 2'-Fluoro) 10 OD 312,400
3 Fluorescent dye-labeled sirna (FAM or Cy3) Labeled sirna 는 transfection efficiency 측정, transfection 실험조건최적화, sirna 의 intracellular localization 등에사용되며 flow cytometry, fluorescence microscopy, laser scanning confocal microscope 로관찰이가능합니다. Double stranded sirna 의각각의말단위치중 anti-sense 5' end 의 labeling 은 gene silencing 효율에영향을끼치므로권장하지않으며, 나머지말단위치중최고의 labeling site 로인식되는 sense 5' end labeled sirna 로제공됩니다. FAM or Cy3 중선택가능합니다. 기본 HPLC 정제, double stranded form으로제공됩니다. 25 OD, 50 OD, 100 OD, 250 OD, 500 OD는별도문의바랍니다. A03001 Fluorescent dye-labeled sirna 2 OD 156,200 A03002 Fluorescent dye-labeled sirna 3 OD 175,500 A03003 Fluorescent dye-labeled sirna 4 OD 192,300 A03004 Fluorescent dye-labeled sirna 5 OD 216,300 A03005 Fluorescent dye-labeled sirna 6 OD 240,300 A03006 Fluorescent dye-labeled sirna 7 OD 288,400 A03007 Fluorescent dye-labeled sirna 8 OD 312,400 A03008 Fluorescent dye-labeled sirna 9 OD 360,500 A03009 Fluorescent dye-labeled sirna 10 OD 384,500 Chemically-modified (2'-O-Me or 2'-Fluoro) & Fluorescently-labeled sirnas (FAM or Cy3) 탁월한 knock down 효율과 serum 및 medium 에서의높은안정성을보이는 Chemical-modification 과 transfection effect 및 transfection 조건의최적화에있어필요한 Fluorescent dye labeling 을모두적용한 sirna oligo 를이용하실수있습니다. Chemical-modification은 2'-O-Me or 2'-Fluoro 중선택가능합니다. Fluorescent dye labeling은 FAM or Cy3 중선택가능합니다. 25 OD, 50 OD, 100 OD, 250 OD, 500 OD는별도문의바랍니다. A05001 Chemically-modified sirna & Fluorescently-labeled sirnas 2 OD 180,300 A05002 Chemically-modified sirna & Fluorescently-labeled sirnas 3 OD 199,500 A05003 Chemically-modified sirna & Fluorescently-labeled sirnas 4 OD 216,300 A05004 Chemically-modified sirna & Fluorescently-labeled sirnas 5 OD 240,300 A05005 Chemically-modified sirna & Fluorescently-labeled sirnas 6 OD 264,400 A05006 Chemically-modified sirna & Fluorescently-labeled sirnas 7 OD 324,400 A05007 Chemically-modified sirna & Fluorescently-labeled sirnas 8 OD 348,400 A05008 Chemically-modified sirna & Fluorescently-labeled sirnas 9 OD 408,500 A05009 Chemically-modified sirna & Fluorescently-labeled sirnas 10 OD 432,500
4 Negative & Positive Control sirna sirna 를사용하여실험하시는경우정확한실험데이터분석을위해서는 control sirna 를사용한실험이반드시병행되어야합니다. Genepharma 는 Human & mouse cell 에서 RNAi 실험에편리하게적용할수있는 negative & positive control sirna 를제공합니다. FAM-labeled negative control 을사용할경우 transfection efficiency 측정이가능하며, control sirna 적용후 qrt-pcr 또는 western blotting 으로 gene silencing 효과를확인할수있습니다. A06001 Negative control sirna 1 OD 28,900 A07001 FAM labeled negative control sirna 1 OD 36,100 A08001 Positive control sirna, LaminA/C 1 OD 28,900 A08002 Positive control sirna, GFP274 1 OD 28,900 A08003 Positive control sirna, Luciferase GL2 1 OD 28,900 A08004 Positive control sirna, MAPK1 1 OD 28,900 A08005 Positive control sirna, Beta-Actin 1 OD 28,900 A08006 Positive control sirna, Vimentin 1 OD 28,900 A08007 Positive control sirna, P53 1 OD 28,900 A08008 Positive control sirna, GAPDH 1 OD 28,900 A08009 Positive control sirna, Cyclophilin B 1 OD 28,900 Pre-designed sirnas set Genepharma 에서는 Gene Name, Accession Number 제공시 Genepharma RNAi design center 의고유프로그램을이용하여최적의 sirna candidate design & synthesis service 를제공해드립니다. 최소 1 개의 sirna 에서 70% 이상의 inhibition efficiency 를보장해드리며, RNAi 실험에필수적인 Negative cotrol, FAM-labeled negative control 및 positive control (GAPDH) 가포함되어있어처음 sirna 실험을하시는분들께는더욱편리하고경제적인서비스입니다. Regular / Chemically-modified / Fluorescently-labeled Pre-degined sirna set 서비스가가능하여다양한선택을하실수있습니다. Cat. No. Product information Quantity Price ( ) A10001 Pre-designed sirnas (set A) 3 candidates (2 OD for each) 1 set 403,700 A10002 Pre-designed sirnas (set B) 4 candidates (4 OD for each) 1 set 552,700 A10003 Chemically-modified Pre-designed sirnas (set C) 3 candidates (2 OD for each) 1 set 475,800 A10004 Chemically-modified Pre-designed sirnas (set D) 4 candidates (4 OD for each) 1 set 624,800 A10005 Fluorescently-labeled Pre-designed sirnas (set E) 3 candidates (2 OD for each) 1 set 620,000 A10006 Fluroescently-labeled Pre-designed sirnas (set F) 4 candidates (4 OD for each) 1 set 768,900
5 Published & Validated sirna Genepharma 의 Published & Validated sirna oligo 는효과적인 gene expression inhibition 이확인된 oligo 로서 5 OD (12.5 nmol), HPLC purification 을기본으로제공해드립니다. Cat. No. Gene Name Cat. No. Gene Name D-01 ß-actin D-02 gamma-actin D-03 AIB1 (estrogen receptor co-activator) D-04 Apaf-1 D-05 ARC21 D-06 ATR interacting protein D-07 Bcr-abl D-08 beta-tubulin- mouse neuronal D-09 Bruton's tyrosine kinase (Btk) D-10 Casein Kinase I epsilon and delta (CKI-epsilon and CKI-delta) D-11 Caspase 1 D-12 Caspase 2 D-13 hcdc2 D-14 Cdc14A D-15 cdk1 D-16 CENP-E D-17 CHO1 D-18 corin, mouse D-19 Cyclin B1 D-20 Cyclin B2 D-21 Cytoplasmic dynein 1 heavy chain D alpha (DCC interacting protein) D-23 Dishevelled (hdv-1 and hdv-3) D-24 hdv-2 D-25 Eg5 D-26 emerin D-27 eve D-28 hfbw7 (cyclin E ubiquitination) D-29 Fortilin D-30 GalTII (galactosyltransferase II) D-31 GalTII (galactosyltransferase II) D-32 GAS41 (1) D-33 Hec-1 D-34 HPV E6 D-35 HPV E7 D-36 Tissue Factor (htf) D-37 vimentin D-38 HtrA2 D-39 keratin 18 D-40 Kinase interacting stathmin (hkis) D-41 lamin A D-42 lamin A/C D-43 lamin B1 D-44 lamin B2 D-45 LAP2 D-46 Mad1 D-47 Mammalian septin (MSF) D-48 Methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (MeCP2) D-49 Methyl-DpG binding domain protein 2 (MBD2) D-50 MPS1 kinase (hmps1) D-51 Nicastrin (Nct) D-52 NuMA D-53 Nup153 D-54 P160 ROCK D-55 Polo-like Kinase1 (hplk1) D-56 Protein Kinase Receptor (PKR) D-57 hrad9 D-58 Rad17 D-59 Myeloid cell leukemia protein 1 (MCL1) D-60 p53
6 mirna mimics & mirna inhibitors Genepharma 의 mirna mimic 은세포내의 mature endogenous mirna 를재현할수있도록디자인되어있으며, mirna inhibitor 는세포내에서특정 mirna 에대한 specific knock-down 이가능하도록디자인된제품입니다. mirna mimics 는특정 mirna 의 cellular level 및 activity 의 up-regulation 을, mirna inhibitors 는 down-regulation 을유도할수있습니다. 이를통해 mirna target site 확인및검증, 특정 gene 의발현조절에관여하는 mirna 의 screening, 특정세포신호기작에관여하는 mirna 의 screening 등의실험에사용될수있습니다. Mature ID 만으로간편하게합성가능하며, mirna mimics negative control 및 mirna inhibitor negative control 도함께주문이가능하므로편리하게이용할수있습니다. 기본 HPLC 정제로제공됩니다. 25 OD, 50 OD, 100 OD, 250 OD, 500 OD는별도문의바랍니다. Single strand mirna mimics B01001 single strand microrna mimics 2 OD 85,100 B01002 single strand microrna mimics 3 OD 101,000 B01003 single strand microrna mimics 4 OD 120,200 B01004 single strand microrna mimics 5 OD 142,800 B01005 single strand microrna mimics 6 OD 168,200 B01006 single strand microrna mimics 7 OD 192,300 B01007 single strand microrna mimics 8 OD 216,300 B01008 single strand microrna mimics 9 OD 240,300 B01009 single strand microrna mimics 10 OD 264,400 Double strand mirna mimics B02001 double strand microrna mimics 2 OD 85,100 B02002 double strand microrna mimics 3 OD 101,000 B02003 double strand microrna mimics 4 OD 120,200 B02004 double strand microrna mimics 5 OD 142,800 B02005 double strand microrna mimics 6 OD 168,200 B02006 double strand microrna mimics 7 OD 192,300 B02007 double strand microrna mimics 8 OD 216,300 B02008 double strand microrna mimics 9 OD 240,300 B02009 double strand microrna mimics 10 OD 264,400 mirna inhibitors B03001 microrna inhibitors 2 OD 85,100 B03002 microrna inhibitors 3 OD 101,000 B03003 microrna inhibitors 4 OD 120,200 B03004 microrna inhibitors 5 OD 142,800 B03005 microrna inhibitors 6 OD 168,200 B03006 microrna inhibitors 7 OD 192,300 B03007 microrna inhibitors 8 OD 216,300 B03008 microrna inhibitors 9 OD 240,300 B03009 microrna inhibitors 10 OD 264,400 Negative Control mirna B04001 microrna mimics single strand negative control 1 OD 28,900 B04002 microrna mimics double strand negative control 1 OD 28,900 B04003 microrna inhibitors negative control 1 OD 28,900 B04004 FAM-labeled microrna mimics single strand negative control 1 OD 36,100 B04005 FAM-labeled microrna mimics double strand negative control 1 OD 36,100 B04006 FAM-labeled microrna inhibitors negative control 1 OD 48,100 B04007 antagomir negative control 2 OD 168,000 B04008 agomir negative control 2 OD 168,000
7 Agomir / Antagomir Agomir, Antagomir 는세포내에서최적의성능과안정성을유지할수있도록설계된 Genepharma 의 chemically-modified mirna mimic (Agomir) 과 inhibitor (Antagomir) 이며, Mature ID 만으로간편하게합성하실수있습니다. Agomir 는 double strand form 으로 Antagomir 는 single stranded antisense form 으로제공되며 modification 은아래와같습니다. Antisense strand 에 chemical modification 적용 - Cholesterol modification in 3' terminal, 2 phosphorothioate modification in 5' terminal, 4 phosphorothioate modifications in 3' terminal, 2'-O-Me 예 ) Has-miR-137 Agomirs Sense : 5'-UAUUGCUUAAGAAUACGCGUAG-3' Antisense : 5'-AsCsGCGUAUUCUUAAGCAAUAsAsUsUs-Chol-3' 예 ) mir-122 Antagomir Antisense : 5'-AsCsAAACACCAUUGUCACACUsCsCsAs-Chol-3' B05001 mir-down antagomir 2 OD 168,000 B05002 mir-down antagomir 4 OD 240,300 B06001 mir-up agomir 2 OD 168,000 B06002 mir-up agomir 4 OD 240,300 shrna plasmid expression vector set Genepharma 에서는 Gene Name, Accession Number 제공시최적의 shrna candidate design & vector contruction 서비스를제공하고있습니다. 하나의 Target gene 에대한 4 개의 shrna plasmid 와선택하신 vector 에맞는 negative & positive control 을함께제공해드립니다. 최소 1 개의 shrna plasmid expression vector 에서 70% 이상의 inhibition efficiency 를보장해드립니다. Cat. No. Product information Quantity Price (won) C01001 SuperSilencing shrna plasmid expression vector set shrna plasmid vectors designed for target gene 4 tube (each 50ug) Negative control for shrna vectors 1 tube (free) GAPDH Positive control for shrna vectors 1 tube (free) 1 set 624,800 C02001 Validated SuperSilencing shrna plasmid expression vector (pgpu6) 50 ug 144,000 C02002 Validated SuperSilencing shrna plasmid expression vector (pgph1) 50 ug 144,000 C02003 Validated SuperSilencing shrna plasmid expression vector (pgpu6/neo) 50 ug 144,000 C02004 Validated SuperSilencing shrna plasmid expression vector (pgph1/neo) 50 ug 144,000 C02005 Validated SuperSilencing shrna plasmid expression vector (pgpu6/hygro) 50 ug 144,000 C02006 Validated SuperSilencing shrna plasmid expression vector (pgph1/hygro) 50 ug 144,000 C02007 Validated SuperSilencing shrna plasmid expression vector (pgpu6/gfp/neo) 50 ug 144,000 C02008 Validated SuperSilencing shrna plasmid expression vector (pgph1/gfp/neo) 50 ug 144,000 C02009 Validated SuperSilencing shrna plasmid expression vector (pgpu6/rfp/neo) 50 ug 144,000 C02010 Validated SuperSilencing shrna plasmid expression vector (pgph1/rfp/neo) 50 ug 144,000 C03001 GAPDH SuperSilencing shrna plasmid expression vector 50 ug 48,100 C03002 Negative control SuperSilencing shrna Plasmid expression vector 50 ug 48,100 Lentivirus silencing vector Cat. No. Product information Quantity Price (won) C06001 Lentivirus silencing vector LV-1 (pglvu6/gfp) 50 ug 240,300 C06002 Lentivirus silencing vector LV-2 (pglvu6/puro) 50 ug 240,300 C06003 Lentivirus silencing vector LV-3 (pglvh1/gfp+puro) 50 ug 240,300 C06004 Lentivirus silencing vector LV-9 (pglvu6/rfp) 50 ug 240,300 microrna plasmid over-expression vector Cat. No. Product information Quantity Price (won) C08002 microrna plasmid over-expression vector-2 (pgcmv/egfp/mir/blasticidin) 50 ug 240,300 C08003 microrna plasmid inhibitors vector-1 (pgcmv/egfp/mir/blasticidin) 50 ug 240,300 C08004 microrna plasmid inhibitors vector-2 (microrna inhibitor sponge, 3 repeats) 50 ug 360,500 C08005 Dual luciferase reporter vector a 50 ug 600,700 C08006 Dual luciferase reporter vector (site-mutated) b 50 ug 600,700
8 Custom sirna Validated sirna Pre-designed sirna set mirna mimics / inhibitor Negative control (NC), Positive control (PC) shrna plasmid vector set mirna mimics / inhibitor libraries(96 well plate) 본사 대전지사부산지사 서울특별시성동구성수이로 10 길 14 ( 에이스하이엔드성수타워 ) 304~311 호 Tel (02) Fax (02) Tel (042) Fax (042) Tel (051) Fax (051) ~311ho, 14, Seongsui-ro 10-gil, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, South Korea Tel Fax
01 sirna AccuTarget TM sirnas 35 Custom sirna 36 Genome-wide sirna 38 AccuTarget Genome-wide Predesigned sirna Library 39 AccuTarget Premade sirna Set
Custom sirna Genome-wide sirna sirna Oligonucleotide FAQs AccuTarget mirna mimics & inhibitors AccuTarget mirna Controls sirna & mirna Phone: 1588-9788 (ext.4->1) Email: Email:
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1 Ⅵ. G-Fectin (transfection reagent) RNAi transfection 전용 reagent. Transfection 전 과정 10분 이내 완료. 24시간 후 gene silencing 확인 가능. 우수한 transfection 효율 낮은 toxicity. sirna와 shrna, mirna에 모두 적용 가능. 가격 : 150,000
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