Table 1. Medications available for Parkinson s disease A.Dopaminergic agents Dopamine precursor : Decarboxylase inhibitor : Dopamine agonists : Catech
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1 Treatment of Parkinson s Disease Joo-Hyuk Im, M.D., Ji Hoon Kang, M.D., Myoung Chong Lee, M.D. Department of Neurology, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center Joo-Hyuk Im, M.D. Copyright 2001 by the Korean Neurological Association 315
2 Table 1. Medications available for Parkinson s disease A.Dopaminergic agents Dopamine precursor : Decarboxylase inhibitor : Dopamine agonists : Catechol-O-methyltransferase inhibitors : Dopamine receptor blocker : Monoamine oxidase B inhibitors : Monoamine oxidase A & B inhibitors : B.Non-dopaminergic agents Antimuscarinics : Antihistaminics : Antiglutamatergics : Antidepressants : Antipsychotics : Anti-stress : Anti-orthostasis : Muscle relaxants : Antioxidant vitamins : Mitochondrial enhancer : Adenosine A 2A receptor antagonists Neutrophins : levodopa carbidopa, benserazide bromocriptine, pergolide, ropinirole, pramipexole, cabergoline, lisuride, piribedil, apomorphine entacapone, tolcapone domperidone selegiline, lazabemide, rasagiline tranylcypromine, phenelzine trihexyphenidyl, benztropine, ethopropazine, biperiden, etc. diphenhydramine, orphenadrine amantadine, riluzole, dextromethorphan selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, tricyclics clozapine, olanzapine, quetiapine benzodiazepines; diazepam, lorazepam, alprazolam fluodrocortisone, midodrine cyclobenzaprine, diazepam, baclofen ascorbate, tocopherol coenzyme Q10 neuroimmunophilins, GDNF Table 2. Dopamine agonists and dopamine receptors Agonist D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 Bromocriptine Lisuride - +++??? Pergolide ? + Cabergoline + +++??? Ropinirole ? Pramipexole ? +=Agonist (low affinity); ++=agonist (medium affinity); +++= agonist (high affinity); ++++=very high affinity; -=antagonist; 0=no affinity;?=unknown 316 J Korean Neurol Assoc / Volume 19 / July, 2001
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6 Table 3. Major fluctuations and dyskinesias as complications of levodopa Fluctuations (offs) Sensory and behavioural offs Dyskinesias wearing off pain peak-dose chorea, ballism and dystonia sudden off akathisia diphasic chorea and dystonia random off depression off dystonia yo-yo-ing anxiety myoclonus episodic failure to respond dysphoria simultaneous dyskinesia and parkinsonism delayed on panic weak response at end of day response varies in relationship to meals sudden transient freezing 320 J Korean Neurol Assoc / Volume 19 / July, 2001
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10 Table 4. Summary of results of surgical treatment for Parkinson s disease Indication Thalamotomy Vim DBS Pallidotomy Gpi DBS STN DBS Brain grafts* Bradykinesia 0 ++~ Tremor Rigidity + ++~ PIGD - 0~+ 0~++ - Freezing Dyskinesia 0~ =deterioration; 0= no improvement; + =mild improvement; ++ =moderate improvement; +++ =marked improvement *Based on a double blind study (Freed CR, et al, 2001), Some patients experienced dyskinesia even without levodopa. Vim; ventrointermediate thalamic nucleus, GPi; internal segment of glubus pallidus, STN; subthalamic nucleus DBS; deep brain stimulation, PIGD; postural impairment and gait disturbance 324 J Korean Neurol Assoc / Volume 19 / July, 2001
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14 Table 8. Advantages and disadvantages of DBS Advantages -lmmediate symptomatic and functional improvement -Stimulation is suitable and can be customized -Lower risk of lesion-related complications -Lower risk with bilateral procedures Disadvantages -Long-term outcome unclear -Replacement of batteries -lmplantation of a foreign body (hardware) -Cost to the patient and the neurologist 328 J Korean Neurol Assoc / Volume 19 / July, 2001
15 Figure 1. The management of Parkinson s disease J Korean Neurol Assoc / Volume 19 / July,
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의학강좌 백선하
Continuing Education Column Sun Ha Paek, MD Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine E mail : J Korean Med Assoc 2008; 51(2): 158-167 Abstract Parkinson
A 617
Special Issue Diabetic Retinopathy Won Ki Lee, M.D. Department of Ophthalmology The Catholic University of Korea College of Medicine Kangnam St. Mary s Hospital E mail : Abstract R
20, 30, 40 20, 30, 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3.1 6.3 9.4 12.6 15.7 18.8 22.0 25.1 28.3 31.4 2.4 4.7 7.1 9.4 11.8 14.1 16.5 18.8 21.2 23.6 7.1 14.1 21.2 28.3 35.3 42.4 49.5 56.5 63.6 70.7 5.9 11.9 17.8 23.7
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Treatment and Role of Hormaonal Replaement Therapy
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Comparison of Laparoscopy and Exploration in the Distal Pancreatectomy BACKGROUND: To determine the benefits of laparoscopic surgery compared with exploration, the clinical outcomes of open and laparoscopic
Lumbar spine
Lumbar spine CT 32 111 DOI : 10.3831/KPI.2010.13.2.111 Lumbar Spine CT 32 Received : 10. 05. 23 Revised : 10. 06. 04 Accepted : 10. 06. 11 Key Words: Disc herniation, CT scan, Clinical analysis The Clinical
제14권 1호 통권 제23호 발행인 : 정인과 / 편집인 : 이동우 / 발행처 : 정인과 (152-703) 서울특별시 구로구 구로동 80번지 고려대학교 구로병원 정신과 / TEL : 02-818-6608 / FAX : 02-852-1937 발행일 : 2008년 4월 30일 / 제 작 : (주)엠엘커뮤니케이션 140-846 서울특별시
Psychiatry의 분야
Category of illness Cognitive impairment Mood disorders Anxiety disorders Alcohol abuse/dependence Schizophrenic disorders Somatization Personality disorder Other psychiatric disorder Distribution of Psychiatric
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KISEP Case Report 15 4 2004 올란자핀에 의해 유발되고 과립구 콜로니 자극 인자로 치료된 무과립구증 환자 1예 이원희 김 원 채정호 전태연 박원명 가톨릭대학교 의과대학 정신과학교실 ABSTRACT A Case of Agranulocytosis Induced by Olanzapine and Treated with Granulocyte-Colony
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Geriatric Rehabilitation 2012; 2: Review Article 파킨슨증의치료 오응석 김종민 서울대학교의과대학신경과학교실, 분당서울대학교병원신경과 Update of Parkinsonism Treatment Eung Seok Oh, M.
Review Article 파킨슨증의치료 오응석 김종민 서울대학교의과대학신경과학교실, 분당서울대학교병원신경과 Update of Parkinsonism Treatment Eung Seok Oh, M.D. and Jong-Min Kim, M.D., Ph.D. Department of Neurology, Seoul National University College
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원저 양측시상밑핵뇌심부자극후도파민성약물감량을결정하는요인 울산대학교의과대학서울아산병원신경과파킨슨병센터, 보바스기념병원신경과 a 김성렬정선주이태연 a 김미정김미선이명종 Determining Factors for the Reduction of Dopaminergic Drugs after Bilateral Subthalamic Nucleus Deep Brain Stimulation
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975_983 특집-한규철, 정원호
Focused Issue of This Month Gyu Cheol an, MD Department of Otolaryngology ead & Neck Surgery, Gachon University of College Medicine E - mail : Won-o Jung, MD Department of Otolaryngology
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J KMA Special Issue Myelodysplastic Syndrome June Won Cheong, MD Yoo Hong Min, MD Department of Internal Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine E mail :
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대한안과학회지 제 49 권 제 5 호 2008 J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 49(5):727-731, 2008 DOI : 10.3341/jkos.2008.49.5.727 다초점 소프트콘택트렌즈의 노안의 시력보정에 대한 유용성 평가 김현경 1 김효명 2 정성근 1 가톨릭대학교 의과대학 성모병원 안과학교실 1, 고려대학교 의과대학 안암병원 안과학교실
w wz 16«1y Kor. J. Clin. Pharm., Vol. 16, No. 1. 2006 x w$btf3fqpsu'psn û w m w Department of Statistics, Chonnam National University Eunsik Park College of Natural Sciences, Chonnam National University
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Cardiovascular Disease in Metabolic Syndrome 김상현 보라매병원내과 서울대학교의과대학내과학교실 Contents Metabolic syndrome and Cardiovascular system CVD Mortality Coronary artery disease Heart failure Atrial fibrillation Management
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Effects of baseball expertise and stimulus speeds on coincidence-anticipation timing accuracy of batting Jong-Hwa Lee, Seok-Jin Kim, & Seon-Jin Kim* Seoul National University [Purpose] [Methods] [Results]
제 1 세부과제 안전한 예방접종 실천을 위한 전략 및 교육, 홍보 자료 개발 제 1 장. 서 론 제 1 절. 연구의 필요성 국가적인 차원에서 예방접종 사업은 전염병 관리를 위한 가장 중요한 방역 사업 중 하나로, 대다수의 전염병 발생률은 각종 전염병의 백신이 나온 후로 현저히 감소하였으며, 인류 역사상 가장 많은 생명을 전염병으로부터 구원해주었다. 그러나,
A C O N T E N T S A-132
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기관고유연구사업결과보고 작성요령 2001 ~ 2004 2005 ~ 2007 2008 ~ 2010 2001 ~ 2004 2005 ~ 2007 2008 ~ 2010 1 2/3 2 1 0 2 3 52 0 31 83 12 6 3 21 593 404 304 1,301 4 3 1 8 159 191 116 466 6 11 (`1: (1: 16 33 44 106
1. 연구대상 연구대상및방법 2. 연구방법 Table 1. Classification of diagnosis for No. of dystonic No. of non-dystonic Bipolar disorder Schizophrenia Schizo
KISEP Original Articles 생물정신의학 Vol. 5, No. 2, December 1998 정신과입원환자에서항정신병약물에의한급성근긴장이상증과혈청철농도와의관계 이동진 * 박인준 * 권영준 * 정희연 * 한선호 ** The Relation of Antipsychotic Drug Induced-Acute Dystonia and Serum Iron
Today s Topics Memory Impairment & Dementia Age Associated Memory Impairment Dementia Definition of dementia Depression Schizophrenia Mental retardation Delirium : Not final diagnosis term, but symptomatologic
(Treatment of Hypertension with Associated Diseases) 1.. (140/90 mmhg). 80 mmhg. ( ). (atenolol ), (amlodipine ) 1. -1 nitrate. ACE diltiazem, verapamil. ACE. ( )., ACE diltiazem,, diltiazem, verapamil.
Purpose: Delayed massive hemorrhages from pseudoaneurysm rupture of the peripancreatic large arteries, after pancreaticoduodenectomy, are fatal. We reviewed the clinical course and outcome of bleeding
388 The Korean Journal of Hepatology : Vol. 6. No COMMENT 1. (dysplastic nodule) (adenomatous hyperplasia, AH), (macroregenerative nodule, MR
6 3 2000 ; 387-392 (3) Dysplastic Nodule Young Nyun Park, M.D., Chanil Park, M.D. Department of Pathology, Yonsei University College of Medicine BRIEF HISTORY 56. AST/ALT 72/73 IU/L, total bilirubin 0.7
심전도연수강좌 : 처음시작하는사람들을위한심전도 연세대학교원주의과대학순환기내과학교실 안민수 Cardiac Electrophysiology I : Automaticity : 60-100 회 /min, His bundle : 40-60 회 /min Bundle branch : 20-40 회 /min Purkinje fiber : 20 회 /min Cardiac Electrophysiology
대한마취과학회지 2008; 55: 190~6 Korean J Anesthesiol Vol. 55, No. 2, August, 2008 임상연구 대한민국의 마취통증의학 임상실습 현황 연세대학교 의과대학 마취통증의학교실 및 마취통증의학연구소 장동진ㆍ안소운ㆍ안지원ㆍ김종훈 The current status of anesthesiology clerkship in Korea
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/ 439 = Abstract = Diffusion-weighted Imaging in Isolated Vertigo Patients Having Risk Factors for Stroke Hyung Goo Kang, M.D., Yu Sang Yun, M.D., Jin Hee Yi, M.D., In Cheol Park, M.D., Kyeong Ryong Lee,
ECG & EP CASES Young-Keun On, MD, PhD Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine Cardiac & Vascular Center, Samsung Medical Center Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea A case of
54 한국교육문제연구제 27 권 2 호, I. 1.,,,,,,, (, 1998). 14.2% 16.2% (, ), OECD (, ) % (, )., 2, 3. 3
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종설 J Korean Neurol Assoc / Volume 24 / June, 2006 파킨슨병에대한시상하핵심부뇌자극술 연세대학교의과대학신경과학교실, 신경외과학교실 a 류철형장진우 a 이명식 Subthalamic Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson s Disease Chul Hyoung Lyoo, M.D., Jin Woo Chang,
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w wz J. Kor. Soc. Cloth. Ind. 9«3y, 2007 Vol. 9, No. 3, pp.319-326(2007) w xk x p w q w Analysis of Foot Characteristics According to the Classification of Foot Types of Junior High School Girls Ji-Young
2016 지역사회 통합건강증진사업 안내 - 지역사회 중심 금연지원 서비스 - 2016. 3. 주요변경사항 5 1부 국가 금연정책 추진 및 현황 Ⅰ. 국가 금연정책 개요 1. 금연정책의 배경 및 필요성 11 2. 세계 금연정책 동향 20 3. 우리나라 금연정책 추진경과 24 4. 2016년도 금연정책 추진방향 31 Ⅱ. 국가 금연사업 현황 1. 흡연자 금연지원서비스
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w wz 16«2y Kor. J. Clin. Pharm., Vol. 16, No. 2. 2006 ü t xy y w tœ ½ BÁ x BC B y w w w C y w w w Current Status and Expectations of Orphan Drugs in Korea -In point of supplying medicines for the rare
- 최원희ㆍ 김명희: 중년후기 여성의 집단회상 경험과 효과에 대한 연구 - 에 직면하며 심리 사회적인 역할갈등, 고립, 위축, 상실 감 등을 경험하게 된다. 이 시기동안 위기에 잘 대처하 지 못하면 자신에 대하여 실망하며 두려움과 슬픔 등 을 겪으면서 자아존중감이 낮아
한국모자보건학회지 제15권 제1 호(2011년 1 월) J Korean Soc Matern Child Health 2011;15(1):48-59 E 1) 중년후기 여성의 집단회상 경험과 효과에 대한 연구 최 원 희ㆍ김 명 희 1 경남대학교 간호학과, 부산대학교 간호대학 1 = Abstract = The Experience and Effects of Group
김종빈 외 - - - - - - Fig.. Comparison of postoperative day pain intensity among three groups. There was no significant difference among three groups in a
KISEP Head and Neck Korean J Otolaryngol ;:- 편도선 적출술 후 통증조절과 정상적인 일상 생활로의 복귀시간에 미치는 Myprodol 의 효과 김종빈 김성완 장명근 조중생 The Effectiveness of Myprodol on the Post-tonsillectomy Pain Control and Time to Return
WHO 의새로운국제장애분류 (ICF) 에대한이해와기능적장애개념의필요성 ( 황수경 ) ꌙ 127 노동정책연구 제 4 권제 2 호 pp.127~148 c 한국노동연구원 WHO 의새로운국제장애분류 (ICF) 에대한이해와기능적장애개념의필요성황수경 *, (disabi
WHO 의새로운국제장애분류 (ICF) 에대한이해와기능적장애개념의필요성 ( 황수경 ) ꌙ 127 노동정책연구 2004. 제 4 권제 2 호 pp.127~148 c 한국노동연구원 WHO 의새로운국제장애분류 (ICF) 에대한이해와기능적장애개념의필요성황수경 *, (disability)..,,. (WHO) 2001 ICF. ICF,.,.,,. (disability)
제5회 가톨릭대학교 의과대학 마취통증의학교실 심포지엄 Program 1 ANESTHESIA (Room 2층 대강당) >> Session 4 Updates on PNB Techniques PNB Techniques for shoulder surgery: continuou
제5회 가톨릭대학교 의과대학 마취통증의학교실 심포지엄 (Room 2층 대강당) >> Session 4 Updates on PNB Techniques PNB Techniques for shoulder surgery: continuous vs single injection, interscalene vs supraclavicular approach 의정부성모병원
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케타민과리도카인으로시행한소아탈장수술 2,230 명 본논문의요지는 년 월 일 일포항포스코국제관에서개최된제 회대한소아외과학회춘계학술대회에서구연되었음 접수일 게재승인일 교신저자 주종수 부산시부산진구부전동 주종수외과의원
케타민과리도카인으로시행한소아탈장수술 2,230 명 본논문의요지는 년 월 일 일포항포스코국제관에서개최된제 회대한소아외과학회춘계학술대회에서구연되었음 접수일 게재승인일 교신저자 주종수 부산시부산진구부전동 주종수외과의원 Table 1. The Distribution of Inguinal Hernia Patients by Age Age (m) No. of patients
Review Article Randomization, What is the Proper Method? Jin Ho Hong, M.D., Jae Chul Yoo, M.D. Shoulder & Sports medicine, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Samsung Medical Center Purpose: Among the numerous
Received : 2011. 11. 16 Reviewed : 2011. 11. 25 Accpeted : 2011. 12. 5 A Case Report of Prescribing Yanghyeolgeopung-tang(yangxuequfeng-tang) to Two Patients with Cervical Disc Herniation and Headache
139~144 ¿À°ø¾àħ
2 139 DOI : 10.3831/KPI.2010.13.2.139 2 Received : 10. 04. 08 Revised : 10. 04. 26 Two Case Report on Wrist Ganglion Treated with Scolopendrid Pharmacopuncture Accepted : 10. 05. 04 Key Words: Wrist Ganglion,
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4 3 2 0 8 91 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 08 09 00 01 02 03 04 18 19 10 29 20 22 23 39 30 31 32 33 48 49 40 41 59 50 69 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 4 7 10 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 rev. C C r C a f h f h L h h nrpm f h f n L C 3 P L
Common Allergic Diseases in Children Sang - Il Lee, M.D. Department of pediatrics Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Samsung Medical Center E - mail : Abstract Allergy
7. ÀÇÇа�ÁÂc00±ÀçÀÏ£07à°£150~160
Treatment of Psoriasis Jai Il Youn, M.D. Department of Dermatology Seoul National University College of Medicine & Hospital E mail : Abstract Psoriasis is a common, chronic skin disease.
대한수혈학회지:제권 제호, 0 한 대학병원의 혈액 폐기 분석 김병철ㆍ서영익ㆍ채금란ㆍ신정원ㆍ최태윤 = Abstract = 순천향대학교 의과대학 서울병원 진단검사의학교실 Analysis of Discarded Blood Components at a University Hospital in Korea Byung Chul Kim, Young Ik Seo, Gum Ran
( )Kju269.hwp
만성세균성전립선염모델흰쥐에서 의항염효과 Anti-inflammatory Effect of Lycopene on Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis Rat Model Cho Hwan Yang, Dong Wan Sohn, Yong-Hyun Cho From the Department of Urology, The Catholic University
한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구
한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구 한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구 - - i - - i - - ii - - iii - - iv - χ - v - - vi - - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - 그림 1. 연구대상자선정도표 - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - 그림 2. 연구의틀 χ - 9 - - 10 - - 11 -
531 김민지 외: 미숙아에 발생한 의인성 식도천공과 기종격증 및 종격동염 A B C D E F Fig. 1. Chest radiographs and CT scans of a premature infant. Chest radiograph at 6 days after birth (A) shows left paravertebral radiolucency at the
Minimally invasive parathyroidectomy
2013. 2. 2 대한간암연구학회 7차 심포지움 및 학술대회 Indication and Clinical Outcomes of Metachronous HCC Metastasectomy Shin Hwang Division of Liver Transplantation and Hepatobiliary Surgery, Department of Surgery, Asan
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Abstract Musculoskeletal Symptoms and Related Factors for Nurses and Radiological Technologists Wearing a Lead Apron for Radiation Pro t e c t i o n Jung-Im Yoo, Jung-Wan Koo 1 ) Angio Unit, Team of Radiology,
상담학연구. 10,,., (CQR).,,,,,,.,,.,,,,. (Corresponding Author): / / 567 Tel: /
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Abstract Background : Most hospitalized children will experience physical pain as well as psychological distress. Painful procedure can increase anxie
Volume 12, Number 1, 92~102, An Intervention Study of Pain Reduction during IV Therapy in Hospitalized Children Myo-Jin Kim 1), Joung-Hae Bak 1), Won-Seok Seo 2) Mi-Young Kim 3), Sun-Kyoung Park 3), Jai-Soung
Review on Conservative Treatment of Spinal Scoliosis Moon-kyu Lee, O.M.D., Gil-jae Lee, O.M.D., Yun-kyung Song, O.M.D., Hyung-ho Lim, O.M.D. Dept. of Oriental Rehabilitation Medicine College of Oriental
제 9 도는 6제어항목의 세팅목표의 보기가 표시된 레이더 챠트(radar chart). 제 10 도는 제 6 도의 함수블럭(1C)에서 사용되는 각종 개성화 함수의 보기를 표시하는 테이블. 제 11a 도 제 11c 도까지는 각종 조건에 따라 제공되는 개성화함수의 변화의
(19) 대한민국특허청(KR) (12) 특허공보(B1) (51) Int. Cl. 5 B66B 1/18 (45) 공고일자 1993년09월28일 (11) 공고번호 특1993-0009339 (21) 출원번호 특1989-0002580 (65) 공개번호 특1989-0014358 (22) 출원일자 1989년03월02일 (43) 공개일자 1989년10월23일 (30) 우선권주장
Analysis of Hazardous Fog and Index Development in Korea* Hye-Jin Cho** Abstract : The existing researches related to the fog have focused on mainly the fog itself and its spatial variation. This study
김신태, 이선녕, 이석정, 정필문, 박홍준, 신명상, 김종환, 이부길, 김상하, 리원연, 신계철, 용석중 Shin-Tae Kim, M.D., Shun Nyung Lee, M.D., Seok Jeong Lee, M.D., Pil Moon Jung, M.D., Hong Jun Park, M.D., Myung Sang Shin, M.D., Chong Whan Kim,
ꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚꠚ ꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏ 自 殺 에 의한 死 亡, 自 殺 衝 動 및 自 殺 試 圖 의 現 況 과 變 化 推 移 徐 東 佑 ꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏ
대한내과학회지: 제 76 권 제 2 호 2009 의학강좌-개원의를 위한 모범처방(Current Clinical Practice) 간기능검사의 이해와 적용 인제대학교 의과대학 일산백병원 내과학교실 김 경 아 Understanding and application of liver function tests Kyung-Ah Kim, M.D. Department of
Microsoft PowerPoint - 3.공영DBM_최동욱_본부장-중소기업의_실용주의_CRM
中 규모 기업의 실용주의CRM 전략 (CRM for SMB) 공영DBM 솔루션컨설팅 사업부 본부장 최동욱 2007. 10. 25 Agenda I. 중소기업의 고객관리, CRM의 중요성 1. 국내외 CRM 동향 2. 고객관리, CRM의 중요성 3. CRM 도입의 기대효과 II. CRM정의 및 우리회사 적합성 1. 중소기업에 유용한 CRM의 정의 2. LTV(Life
ABO Rh A study on the importance of ABO and Rh blood groups information in Public Health 2000 2 1 ABO Rh A study on the importance of ABO and Rh blood groups information in Public Health 2000 2 2 ABO Rh
NA-1700 ,, (compulsive use) (craving). (tolerance), ( ). , (,, ) ( ). (,, ) heroine MDMA alcohol morphine amphetamine cocaine caffeine nicotine LSD marijuana diazepam Methamphetamine ( ).. methamphetamine
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The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics (2014) 27(1), 13 20 DOI: Maximum Tolerated Dose Estimation by Stopping Rule and SM3 Design in a Phase I Clinical Trial
대한내과학회지: 제 77 권 제 2 호 2009 특 집(Special Review) - 신종 감염병의 최신 지견 뎅기열 인하대학교 의학전문대학원 내과학교실 감염내과 정 문 현 Dengue fever Moon-Hyun Chung, M.D. Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine, College
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Focused Issue of This Month Mental Disorders in Adolescents Dong-Hyun Ahn, MD Department of Psychiatry, Hanyang University College of Medicine E - mail : J Korean Med Assoc 2009; 52(8):
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Journal of the K. S. C. N. Vol. 1, No. 2 Electrical Stimulation Cerebral Cortex Joong-Koo Kang, M.D. Department of Neurology, University of Ulsan, Asan Medical Center - Abstract - Electrical cortical stimulation
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원저 울산대학교의과대학신경과학교실, 서울아산병원파킨슨병센터 이유진정선주김성렬이태연이재홍이명종 Delusion and Hallucination in Parkinson s Disease: A Pilot Study of Clinical Features and Pathogenesis Eugene Lee, M.D., Sun Ju Chung, M.D., Sung Reul
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한 국 통 계 학 회 논 문 집 2012, 19권, 6호, 877 884 DOI: Maximum Tolerated Dose Estimation Applied Biased Coin Design in a Phase Ⅰ Clinical Trial Yu Kim a, Dongjae Kim
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Kor. J. Aesthet. Cosmetol., 라이프스타일은 개인 생활에 있어 심리적 문화적 사회적 모든 측면의 생활방식과 차이 전체를 말한다. 이러한 라이프스 타일은 사람의 내재된 가치관이나 욕구, 행동 변화를 파악하여 소비행동과 심리를 추측할 수 있고, 개인의
RESEARCH ARTICLE Kor. J. Aesthet. Cosmetol., 한국 중년 여성의 라이프스타일이 메이크업 추구이미지와 화장품 구매행동에 미치는 영향 주영주 1 *, 이순희 2 1 서경대학교대학원미용예술학과, 2 신성대학교 미용예술계열 The Effects of The Life Style for Korean Middle Aged Women on