I. (TPP) II. TPP III. TPP Asian Pathway to FTAAP IV. TPP 2

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TPP 협상과 우리 기업의 대응 2014.6.3. 한-중남미 대서양 센터 www.vencenter.co.kr 1

I. (TPP) II. TPP III. TPP Asian Pathway to FTAAP IV. TPP 2

I. (TPP) Trans-Pacific Partnership(TPP) TPP TPP TPP TPP FTA - TPP 3

Trans-Pacific Partnership(TPP) n 12 (Potential Free Trade Agreement) 12 :,,,,,,,,,,, : n FTA(comprehensive and high-standard) ( 2011 TPP Leaders Statement ) Comprehensive Market Access Regional Agreement Cross-Cutting Trade Issues New Trade Challenges Living Agreements 4

TPP / FTA ( GDP (10 ) (10 ) (10 ) (10 ) 22.8 1,542 9.5 31.2 21.7 0.4 17 0.1 0.2 0.1 34.8 1,819 324.2 291.8-32.5 17.4 268 9.4 18.9 9.5 127.6 5,964 146.4 70.0-76.3 29.5 304 25.9 12.9-13.1 114.9 1,177 277.7 216.3-61.3 4.4 170 3.4 3.2-0.2 30.5 199 6.4 9.4 2.9 5.4 277 20.2 30.6 10.3 90.4 138 20.3 4.6-15.6 314.2 15,685 843.6 689.0-154.6 : / / 11. : CRS Report 2013.12.13 5

TPP n (Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership) 2003,, 3, 2005, 2006, P-4 n TPP 2008.9.22: Bush P-4 2008.12.30:,, 2009.11.14: TPP ( with the goal of shaping a regional agreement that will have broad-based membership and high standards worthy of 21 st century trade agreement ) n,,, 2010.10: TPP (9 ) 2012.12:, (11 ) 2013.7: (12 ) n 2013 12 19 (Round) 6


TPP FTA : BIT-Bilateral Investment Treaty, FTA-Free Trade Agreement, SNI-Signed but Not In-force, * - ASEAN + * :. : Peterson Institute for International Economics. Understanding The Trans-pacific Partnership. Jan. 2013 8

- TPP 9

II. TPP [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 10

(Market Access) (Rules) (New and Cross-Cutting) (Institutional) (1)Goods Market Access (2)Textiles and Apparel (3)Services (4)Financial Services (5)Government Procurement (6)Agriculture Market Access (7 )Sanitary and Phytosanitary Standards (8)Telecommunications (1)Intellectual Property Rights (2)Rules of Origin (3)Technical Barriers to Trade (4)Transparency (5)Investment (6)Competition (7)Trade Remedies (8)Labor (9)Environment (10)Customs (11)Temporary Entry (1) Regulatory Coherence (2)State-owned Enterprises (3)E-Commerce (4) Business Facilitation and Competitiveness (5)Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (1)Dispute Settlement (2)Living Agreement (1)Cooperation and Capacity Building (2) Development (3)Definitions (4) Ex ceptions 11

[ ] - FTA : - n Textiles, Apparel and Footwear ( ; - ) n Trade in Services WTO (GATS) 21 TPP FTA :,,,,, E-Commerce, 12

( Financial Services ), P-4 TPP - (KORUS) ( Cross-Border Trade in Services) P-4 FTA Negative List Approach (WTO GATS Positive List Approach ) Express Delivery Services (KORUS ) (,,,,, ) n Government Procurement,, WTO (GPA) TPP -,,,, FTA NAFTA, Buy American Policy ( ) 13

[ ] - TPP - n Market Access 2012-11 TPP 1,080 100 ( 590 ) Phase-out Period (3,5,10,15 ),, Consumer-ready Food,, TPP Offer-Request Process ( :,, ) Geographical Indications, Agricultural Competition 14

n Sanitary and Phytosanitary Standards TPP WTO (SPS Agreement) [ ] n Intellectual Property Rights(IPR). WTO (TRIPS) TRIPS-aligned TRIPS-plus KORUS TRIPS-plus (Enforcement), ( Digital Media),, (Access to Medicines) 15

n Rules of Origin(ROO) FTA FTA,, (Market Access for Automobiles), (Supply Chains) Textiles and Apparel ( -Yarn Forward Rule, - Cut and Sew Rule) n Technical Barriers to Trade(TBT) WTO (TBT Agreement) WTO TBT ( : KORUS ) 16

n Transparency in Health Care Technology and Pharmaceuticals n Foreign Investment Investor-State Dispute Settlement(ISDS). n Competition Policy FTA 17

n Trade Remedies (1)antidumping (2)countervailing duty (3)safeguard actions n Labor May 10th Agreement ( : binding dispute settlement procedure ) n Environment ( : binding dispute settlement procedure ) 2011 9 18

- TPP WTO FTA - n Regulatory Coherence ( :,,, ) TBT, SPS n State-Owned Enterprises [ ],,, (anti-competitive behavior) TPP (40% ),, FTAAP competitive neutrality 19

n E-Commerce 2011 11 TPP KORUS TPP (,, ) (prohibiting from blocking cross- border flows of data over the Internet and opposing localization of requirements for data storage or server location in order to promote Internet-based services and cloud-computing),, ( National Privacy Laws ) n Competitiveness and Supply Chain TPP., (harmonization of standards), (, ) Textiles and Apparel ( ) 20

n Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises(SMEs) ( 500 95% 30% ) TPP. 2012 5 Dallas Round n Secretariat [ ] TPP (NAFTA Free Trade Commission, P4 Commission ) (ASEAN, APEC ) 21

n Dispute Settlement FTA P4 (ISDS, KORUS ) (1)1 (2) (3) n A Living Agreement TPP Living Agreement. (1) (2) TPP 12 22

III. TPP Asian Pathway to FTAAP.. (FTAAP) 2 Track TPP RCEP TPP RCEP TPP Asian Track TPP Asian Track 23

.. (FTAAP) 2 Track TPP Track Track FTAAP FTAAP RCEP TPP13 TPP9 P4 ASEAN+3 ASEAN n RCEP(Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership) RECEP ASEAN(10 ),,,,, 6 Proposed FTA(ASEAN+6) 2012 11 ASEAN, 2015 n FTAAP(Free Trade Area of Asia-Pacific) 2006 APEC ( ) 24

: Keri Brief 2013.7.29 25

TPP RCEP : Keri Brief 2013.7.29 26

TPP RCEP : Keri Brief 2013.7.29 27

TPP Asian Track : Keri Brief 2013.7.29 28

TPP / Track TPP12 TPP+ + Asian Track 2013 2014 2016 2020 TPP Track FTAAP APEC 21 ASEAN+3 RECP 29


TPP n 2013 11 2 TPP (USTR) 11 29 n 31

일본의 TPP 참가협상사례 : (2013 7 ), 32

n GDP (KIEP) TPP 2.5~2.6% GDP, 0.11 ~ 0.19% GDP n TPP 5 FTA FTA 33

n Textiles, Apparel and Footwear Trade in Services Government Procurement Intellectual Property Rights(IPR) Rules of Origin(ROO) Technical Barriers to Trade(TBT) Foreign Investment E-Commerce Competitiveness and Supply Chain n 34

[ ] US Congressional Research Service. The Trans-pacific Partnership(TPP) Negotiations and Issues for Congress. Dec.13, 2013 US Congressional Research Service. The Trans-pacific Partnership(TPP) Agreement. Dec.12, 2011 US Congressional Research Service. The Trans-pacific Partnership(TPP) Agreement. Jun.25, 2010 (KERI). KERI Brief. 2013.7.29. Peterson Institute for International Economics. The Trans-pacific Partnership(TPP) and Asia-Pacific Integration: A Quantitative Assessment. Nov. 2012 Peterson Institute for International Economics. Understanding The Trans-pacific Partnership. Jan. 2013. TPP 35

한-중남미 대서양 센터 www.vencenter.co.kr 36