CH502/401e Christian Heritage II II (3 Credits)_ Spring 2015 (Online) Syllabus Class Period ( ): 2015 2 9 ( ) 5 22 ( ) February 9 (Monday) to May 22 (Friday) Professor ( ): Yongnam Kim, (Adjunct Faculty) Office Hours ( ):. (preferred). Since this is an online course and the professor and students live in different states, it is difficult to have face-toface office hours. If you have any question or problem, just contact me by e-mail (preferred) or phone. I will answer as best as I can. E-mail: / Phone: (616) 558-3884 Course Contribution to Seminary Mission,,,,..,. Central Baptist Theological Seminary prepares women and men to transform churches and communities by educating and forming them as Christian leaders who are biblically knowledgeable, theologically articulate, spiritually healthy, humanly sensitive and professionally competent. The primary purpose of this course is to attain knowledge and understanding of history of Christianity and Christian theology. Such knowledge and understanding will not only help students be theologically articulate, but also serve as the foundation for other courses, in which students are prepared to be professionally competent. Course Description and Purpose
, 16 20 16 20. 16,. 17-18. 19-20 II. As the second part of a two-semester course on the history of Christianity, this course provides a survey of the development of Christian history from the Protestant Reformation to 20 th century church history. In this survey course, students will be introduced to major events, key terms, key figures including Reformation thoughts and major Reformers such as Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Theodore Beza, etc. Teaching-Learning Goals. (,,,,, ) The course is intended to enable learners to begin to: Gain knowledge of historical facts, such as key individuals, noteworthy dates, significant places, decisive theologies and philosophies, and pivotal events, in the history of Christianity. Gain comprehensive knowledge of the historical development of certain topic, such as certain doctrine or spiritual movement, in addition to gaining fragmentary knowledge of historical facts. Develop the learner s own view of the history of Christianity, on the basis of his or her comprehensive knowledge of historical facts and the historical development of certain topics. Apply the learner s knowledge and lessons of the history of Christianity to problems of contemporary Christianity and to his or her own ministry. Develop good skills for evaluation of and critical reflection upon historical materials. Gain an insight from the history of the mission and expansion of Christianity into today s Christian mission. Teaching-Learning Activities.
. All of the following assignments must be completed to the satisfaction of the professor in order to pass this course. Please remember that since this is an online course, how much an individual will learn from this course depends greatly on his or her own motivation and effort. 1) (Required reading) 2 13 (Required reading), 23 59 Moodle. Yes or No.,. (1 ),,,.,. After reading each week s required readings, submit a weekly reflection paper every week, from week 2 to week 13. This will be due on every Friday or Monday 23:59PM. You do not need to summarize all contents of the reading. Just write your own reflection, what you learn, your question, or your critique of the historical facts, figures, events, or issues in the reading materials. Since all the online lectures will proceed on the assumption that students have already read the readings, this assignment is crucial for your understanding of the lectures. 2) (Participation in online lectures and review assignment),.. instruction. 23 59 Moodle. Read online lecture notes and submit a review, which is not summary, but briefly write what you have learned or what you have felt through the class. Detailed instruction for this assignment will be given each week. This assignment must be submitted through Moodle course website by 23:59 PM every Friday. You are required to read or watch every lecture provided through moodle, except research week and mid & final exam date. 3) Term Paper (M. Div. only) M. Div. 1., 2., 3., 4. 7-10 pages paper. 1 (Huldrych Zwingli) 2 (Martin Bucer) 3 ( Heinrich Bullinger) 4 (Peter Martyr Vermigli) 5 (Theodore Beza) 6 (Thomas Cranmer) 7 (Richard Hooker) 8 (John Knox) 9 (Philip Melanchton) 10 (Desiderius Erasmus) 11 (Thomas Muntzer) 12 (Menno Simons)
13 (Martin Luther) 14 (John Calvin) paper 2 28 23 59. Term Paper 5 15 23 59. Term Paper (M. Div. only). For M. Div, Please select one of your favorite Reformer among the lists above and email professor who will you study until Saturday, Feb-28, 2015. 23:59PM. Term Paper Due day is on Friday, May-15, 23:59 PM. 4) (Mid & Final Exam) 2 Moodle,,. Regarding final exam will be announced before two week on final exam day. These exams will be taken through Moodle online system. The detailed information and instruction for the exam will be given through the course website in the middle of the semester. 5) (Participation and Discussion). Discussion Forum.. Since this is an online course, it is difficult for students to ask questions to the instructor or discuss with classmates face-to-face. So, please ask your questions or freely discuss with your colleagues by using Discussion Forum in the Moodle course website. Sometimes, the instructor may provide discussion topics. Required Reading 1. L.,,,, 2012. 2.,,,, 2013. 3.,, (3 ),, 2006. -. 1. E.,, ( ),, 1995. 2., 6-8,, 2009. 3.,,,, 1993. 4.,,,, 2012. 5.,,,, 1993.
6.,,, 1993. 7.,,,, 1983. 8. G. W.,, ( ),, 1987. 9.,,,, 2003. 10.,,, 2004. 11.,,, 1997. 12.,, 19,, 1999. 13.,,,, 2012. 14.,, -,, 2005. 15.,,,, 2004. - Grading: ( ) CBTS Academic Catalog. The following grading scale is listed in the academic catalog: Korean Program Grading Guideline 한국부성적평가안내 Description Letter Points % Criteria 평가기준 Superior 탁월 A 4.0 100-94 1. 출석기준 (*1) 및수업참여도 (*2) 충족 2. 필수및추천도서정독 3. 기간내과제완료 A- 3.7 93-90 4. 토론적극참석 5. 수업과과제를통한성취도탁월 Above Average 평균이상 Average 평균 B+ 3.3 89-87 B 3.0 86-83 B- 2.7 82-80 C+ 2.3 79-77 C 2.0 76-73 1. 5%-1% 결석 2. 수업참여도 (*2) 충족 3. 기간내과제완료 4. 필수교재정독 1. 5% 이상결석 2. 수업참여도 (*2) 충족 3. 늦은과제완료 4. 필수교재읽음
Below Average 평균이하 Failure 낙제 C- 1.7 72-70 D+ 1.3 69-67 D 1.0 66-63 D- 0.7 62-60 F 0.0 59-0 1. 10% 이상결석 2. 수업참여자세 (*2) 가부적절한경우 3. 늦은과제제출 1. 20% 이상결석하거나, 2. 과제미제출시, 혹은 3. 수업참여도 (*2) 가부적절한뿐아니라다른학생의수업권을방해할경우 * 1. Attendance & Punctuality 출석기준 1) Attend every class. 모든수업에참석한다 2) Get to class on time and stay for the entire class period. 정시에출석하고, 수업시간이종료될때까지수업에충실한다. 3) Listen to the professor and take good notes. 수업에경청하며노트필기를충실히한다. 5) Do not bring children to class. 자녀를수업에동반하지않는다. 6) Failing to participate in more than 20% of a course's contact hours will result in automatic failure. 수업시간의 20% 이상결석할경우자동적으로과목낙제가된다. * 2. Participation & Behaviors 수업참여도및자세 1) Do not have private conversations. 개인적인대화를하지않는다. 2) All cell phones, smartphones, and other electronic devices (e.g., ipods) must be turned off. In emergency case, you can set on vibrate. 셀폰, 스마트폰, 아이팟과같은전기전자제품은전원을정지시켜놓아야한다. 비상사태가예상될경우전화기를진동으로해놓아야한다. 3) Laptop and tablet computers are allowed for quiet note taking only. Other activities such as checking personal e-mail or browsing the Internet are prohibited. 노트북은강의필기를위해서만사용되어야한다. 수업시간에이메일확인이나인터넷사용은금지된다. 4) Do not dominate other student's opportunities to learn by asking too many questions. 다른학생들이수업에참여를방해할정도로수업시간을독점해서는안된다. 5) Respect your professor and be polite towards other students. 교수님과동료학생들을예의를가지고대한다. 6) Students should address faculty as "Professor, "Dr.," or "Pastor" 교수를호칭할때, " 교수님, 박사님, 혹은목사님 " 으로칭한다. 7) Participate in class discussions and show much effort towards academic success. 토론에적극적으로참여하고, 배움에대한진지한열정이있어야한다. *3. If a student's GPA drops below 2.0, they will be placed on Academic Probation. 평점이 2.0 미만일경우 " 학사경고 " 처분을받는다. -. (Required reading) MDiv 30% (Review) 20% (Term Paper) 20%
4 기말고사 (Final Exam) 30% -수 업 일 정 Class Schedule 1주 차 (2/9-13): 수 업 소 개, 역 사 신 학 공 부 방 법 론 (Introduction, Methodology of Historical Theology) 수업내용: 강의 소개, 종교개혁의 개념 및 배경 설명 (Brief introduction to Syllabus and we study the methodology of Historical Theology) -자 기 소 개 서 올 리 기 (self-introduction, due on 2/13, 23:59PM) 2주 차 (2/16-21): 인 문 주 의 와 종 교 개 혁 (Humanism and Reformation) 수업내용: 르네상스와 인문주의에 대한 배경 이해 및 종교개혁과의 관계에 대해 공부할 것이다. (The Concept of Renaissance and Humanism, Relation between Humanism and the Reformation) 맥그래스, 종교개혁사상1장(p.23-58), 곤잘레스, 현대교회사(1-2장) -과 제 : 필 독 읽 을 거 리 보 고 서 (reflection due on Fri-2/21, 23:59PM) 3주 차 (2/23-27): 스 콜 라 주 의 와 종 교 개 혁 (Scholasticism and the Reformation) 수업내용: 스콜라주의의 정의와 중세 후기 스콜라주의가 종교개혁에 미친 영향에 대해 공부할 것이다. (The definition of Scholasticism and the Impact of Medieval Scholasticism upon the Reformation) 맥그래스, 종교개혁사상 3장(p.77-114), 곤잘레스, 현대교회사(3-4장) -과 제 : 필 독 읽 을 거 리 보 고 서 (reflection due on Mon-2/27:59PM) 4주 차 (3/2-3/6): 종 교 개 혁 의 핵 심 : 이 신 칭 의 와 예 정 론 (The Essence of Reformation: The Doctrine of Justification by Faith and Predestination) 수업내용: 종교개혁의 중심 주제인 이신칭의와 예정론을 칼빈과 루터를 중심으로 살펴본다. (In this week, we study the core factors of Reformation such as the doctrine of Justification by faith and predestination on which Luther and Calvin emphasized) 맥그래스, 종교개혁사상 4장(p.115-142), 곤잘레스, 현대교회사(5-6장) 맥그래스, 신학의 역사(p.285-300), -과 제 : 필 독 읽 을 거 리 보 고 서 (reflection due on Fri-3/6, 23:59PM) 5주 차 (3/9-13): 오 직 성 경 으 로 (Sola Scriptura)
수업내용: 중세 로마 가톨릭교회의 전통이 성경의 정통성을 어떻게 훼손했는지 알아보고 성경으로 돌아가자는 종교개혁의 취지에 대해 공부할 것이다. (Scripture in the middle ages and the bible and the reformation.) 맥그래스, 종교개혁사상 6-7장(p.165-230), 곤잘레스, 현대교회사(7-8장) 맥그래스, 신학의 역사(p.275-284), -과 제 : 필 독 읽 을 거 리 보 고 서 (reflection due on Mon-3/16, 23:59PM) 6주 차 (3/16-20): 종 교 개 혁 자 들 의 성 례 론 과 교 회 론 (The Doctrine of the Sacraments and the Church) 수업내용: 종교개혁자들의 성례론과 교회론을 살펴본다. (We study the doctrine of the sacraments and the church of Reformers) 맥그래스, 종교개혁사상 8장(p.231-264), 곤잘레스, 현대교회사(9-10장) 맥그래스, 신학의 역사(p.301-316), -과 제 : 필 독 읽 을 거 리 보 고 서 (reflection due on Fri-3/20, 23:59PM) 7주 차 (3/23-27): 칼 빈 기 독 교 강 요 특 강 (Institutes of Christian Religion) 수업내용: 칼빈의 기독교강요에 대한 이해를 깊이 한다.(We study Institutes of Christian Religion written by John Calvin) 맥그래스, 종교개혁사상 9-10장(p.265-336), 곤잘레스, 현대교회사(11-12장) -과 제 : 필 독 읽 을 거 리 보 고 서 (reflection due on Mon-3/27, 23:59PM) 8주 차 (3/30-4/3): Required Reading and Term Paper Researching Study Break 9주 차 (4/6-10): 영 국 의 종 교 개 혁 (English Reformation) 수업내용: 로마 가톨릭으로부터 정치적 이유로 떨어져 나온 영국 종교개혁의 특징에 대해 살펴본다. (We study English Reformation by which the Church of England broke away from the authority of the Pope and the Catholic Church.) 맥그래스, 종교개혁사상 12장(p.359-378), 곤잘레스, 현대교회사(13-14장) -과 제 : 필 독 읽 을 거 리 보 고 서 (reflection due on Fri-4/10, 23:59PM) 10주 차 (4/13-17): 18세 기 계 몽 주 의 와 기 독 교 (The Age of Enlightenment and Christianity in the 18th Century) 수업내용: 17-18세기 유럽에서 시작된 계몽주의 사상이 당시 교회에 어떠한 영향을 미쳤는지 살펴본다. (The Age of Enlightenment is an era from the 1650s to the 1780s in which cultural and intellectual forces in Western Europe
emphasized reason, analysis and individualism rather than traditional lines of authority. We study how the Enlightenment influenced the church in the 18th context.) 맥그래스, 신학의 역사 (p.326-341), 곤잘레스, 현대교회사(15-16장) -과 제 : 필 독 읽 을 거 리 보 고 서 (reflection due on Fri-4/17, 23:59PM) 11주 차 (4/20-24): 미 국 청 교 도 주 의 와 18세 기 대 각 성 운 동 ( Puritanism and the Great Awakening in the 18th century America) 수업내용: 조나단 에드워즈로 대변되는 미국 청교도주의사상과 18세기 미국의 대각성 운동을 살펴본다. (We study American Puritanism of Jonathan Edwards and the great awakening in the 18th century New England) 맥그래스, 신학의 역사 (p.342-362), 곤잘레스, 현대교회사(17-18장) -과 제 : 필 독 읽 을 거 리 보 고 서 (reflection due on Fri-4/24, 23:59PM) 12주 차 (4/27-5/1): 19세 기 자 유 주 의 신 학 의 발 흥 과 복 음 주 의 운 동 의 확 산 (The era of the liberalism and England Evangelical Movement in the 19th century) 수업내용: 슐라이에르 마허로 대변되는 독일의 자유주의 개신교 신학과 이에 대항하여 영국과 대륙의 개혁교회들 및 미국에서 발흥했던 복음주의 부흥 운동에 대해 살펴볼 것이다. (We study Protestant Liberalism in the 18TH and 19TH century and Evangelical movement starting from England, Reformed churches in Europe and American Evangelical churches) 맥그래스, 신학의 역사(p.363-379), 곤잘레스, 현대교회사(19-20장) -과 제 : 필 독 읽 을 거 리 보 고 서 (reflection due on Fri-5/1, 23:59PM) 13주 차 (5/4-8): 20세 기 격 변 하 는 세 계 의 도 전 과 교 회 의 응 전 (Cataclysmic World s Challenges and it s Response of the church in 20th Century) 수업내용: 세계사 속에서 19세기 말과 20세기 초,중반은 역사의 격동의 시기였다. 기독교회는 이러한 격변하는 세계의 도전에 어떻게 대응하였는지를 살펴볼 것이다. (We study the cataclysmic world s challenges and it s response of the church in 20th century) 맥그래스, 신학의 역사(p.380-402), 곤잘레스, 현대교회사(21-22장) -과 제 : 필 독 읽 을 거 리 보 고 서 (reflection due on Fri-5/8, 23:59PM) 14주 차 (5/11-15) Reading Week 15주 차 (5/21-22, 금 -토 ): 기 말 고 사 (Final Exam)