2014~ 碩士課程 3. 博士課程 4. 석박사통합과정 綜合試驗施行細則 488

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2014~2015 2. 碩士課程 3. 博士課程 4. 석박사통합과정 綜合試驗施行細則 488

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2014~2015 [ 社會學科開設科目및敎授要目 ] 基礎共通科目 SOC 501 現代社會學理論演習 (Seminar on Contemporary Sociological Theory) [3] 구조기능이론 갈등이론 상징적상호작용론등현대사회학의종합이론을심층적으로연구하고분석한다 SOC 502 社會調査方法論演習 (Seminar on Social Research Method) [3] 사회조사방법및그평가와관계되는조사문헌들을연구한다 SOC 503 社會統計演習 I (Seminar on Social Statistics I) [3] 사회조사와의밀접한관련하에서기술통계와추리통계등의기초적인통계분석기법들을논의한다 SOC 504 社會學史演習 (Seminar on History of Sociology) [3] 주요한사회학설의역사적전개를논의한다 SOC 505 社會變動論演習 (Seminar on Social Change) [3] 사회변동의이론과경험적연구를분석하고사회변화연구의방법론을탐구한다 SOC 506 社會階層論演習 (Seminar on Social Stratification) [3] 사회계층의고전및현대이론과조사연구사례들을분석한다 SOC 508 文化人類學演習 (Seminar on Cultural Anthropology) [3] 사회및인간의유형화된행위양식을문화인류학의관점으로연구한다 SOC 509 社會組織論演習 (Seminar on Formal Organization) [3] 사회의공식조직및복합조직의구조 특성 변화등에관한이론과연구방법들을탐구한다 SOC 511 社會學方法論演習 (Seminar on Sociological Methodology) [3] 사회학의과학적연구방법에관한다양한모형및절차를연구한다 SOC 512 社會心理學演習 (Seminar on Social Psychology) [3] 사회심리학의주요이론을소개하고개인의심리적과정과사회적환경과의상호작용을연구한다 SOC 514 質的硏究方法演習 (Seminar on Qualitative Research Method) [3] 사회의문화와맥락을읽어내기위한참여관찰 심층면접방법등에대해공부하고 실습한다 專攻科目 SOC 601 농촌사회학연습 (Seminar on Rural Sociology) [3] 농촌사회를비교연구하고공동체의지역 혈연 이해관계등을규명한다 490

SOC 603 인구학연습 (Seminar on Population Studies) [3] 인구관계의이론및방법을연구하고분석한다 SOC 606 집합행동론연습 (Seminar on Collective Behavior) [3] 집합행동의이론과연구논문을분석하고집단행위를심층분석한다 SOC 607 산업과노동 (Sociology of Industry and Labor) [3] 산업사회의구조와성격 그리고노동과정에대해연구하고분석한다 SOC 608 사회발전론연습 (Seminar on Social Development) [3] 사회발전에관한이론과발전현상에대해논의한다 SOC 611 정치사회학연습 (Seminar on Political Sociology) [3] 사회및인간의권력관계를정치현상으로서사회학적으로연구한다 SOC 612 종교사회학연습 (Seminar on Sociology of Religion) [3] 종교집단의조직과기능을연구하고사회와종교의관련성을분석한다 SOC 613 경제사회학연습 (Seminar on Economic Sociology) [3] 현대사회의생산과소비에관해사회학적분석을적용하여연구한다 SOC 614 지식사회학연습 (Seminar on Sociology of Knowledge) [3] 지식사회학의전통으로독일 프랑스 미국의지적유산의전통과흐름을연구한다 SOC 615 비교사회학연습 (Seminar on Comparative Sociology) [3] 다양한사회 민족 국가의비교연구를방법론을중심으로고찰한다 SOC 616 일탈행동론연습 (Seminar on Deviant Behavior) [3] 일탈행동의이론과연구를탐구하고청소년의일탈행위의성격과치유책을연구한다 SOC 617 역사사회학연습 (Seminar on Historical Sociology) [3] 사회적사실의역사적흐름을탐구하여사회사연구의이론과연구방법을모색한다 SOC 619 북한사회론연습 (Seminar on North Korean Society) [3] 북한사회의체제와구조를논리적으로설명하고 방법론적으로북한사회의현실을이해하고연구한다 SOC 620 법사회학연습 (Seminar on Sociology of Law) [3] 사회현상의법체계와일상생활의규범적질서가제도화되는과정을이해하고현실사회에서의법적용현상을규명한다 SOC 622 정보문화론연습 (Seminar on Information and Culture) [3] 정보사회의특성을이해하고새롭게부상하고있는정보시대의문화적현상을고찰한다 SOC 623 정보사회론 (Seminar on the Information Society) [3] 산업사회이후의사회현상으로정보와사회와의관련성을연구한다 SOC 625 여가사회학연습 (Seminar on Sociology of Leisure) [3] 인간에게여가가지니는의미와여가행동의사회적과정및기능적측면을탐구한다 SOC 627 도시사회학연습 (Seminar on Urban Sociology) [3] 도시의형성과변화 현대도시의다양한문제들을연구한다 SOC 628 범죄사회학연습 (Seminar on Criminology) [3] 범죄를설명하는이론과범죄행위를예방하고교정하는방안을강구한다 491

2014~2015 SOC 629 가족사회학연습 (Seminar on Sociology of Family) [3] 변화하는가족을보는다양한시각을소개하고핵가족화 가족주의 가부장제등의주제를한국가족의변화양상과관련지어논의한다 SOC 630 사회통계연습 II (Seminar on Statistics II) [3] 회귀분석 범주형자료분석 구조방정식모형등다변량분석통계기법을통계프로그램과연관시켜탐구한다 SOC 631 환경사회학연습 (Seminar on Environment and Society) [3] 현대사회의환경문제와변화된환경에적응하는사회와개인을연구한다 SOC 632 한국사회사연구 (Study of Korean Social History) [3] 한국사회의사적변화의흐름을사회학적시각으로연구분석한다 SOC 633 사회인류학연습 (Seminar on Social Anthropology) [3] 사회와인간의유형화된행위양식을사회간비교를통해분석한다 SOC 634 한국가족론 (Study of Korean Family Structure) [3] 한국사회에서의가족구조를살피고 이를사회관계와사회변화의관점에서연구한다 SOC 636 스포츠와사회 (Sports and Society) [3] 현대사회에서스포츠의의미를사회학적시각으로분석한다 SOC 638 사회학이론구성 (Theory Construction in Sociology) [3] 사회학이론구성에필요한개념과방법을연구한다 SOC 640 문화사회학연습 (Seminar on Cultural Sociology) [3] 문화의의미 연구방법 사회적기능및동학을사례와더불어고찰한다 SOC 642 세계체제연구 (World System and Global Changes) [3] 세계자본주의의변화를주로세계체제론의연구성과들을중심으로검토한다 SOC 643 성사회학연습 (Seminar on Sociology of Gender) [3] 성에관한다양한이론과방법론을학습하고양성평등을위한여성운동및여성정책을검토한다 SOC 644 사회운동론연습 (Seminar on Social Movement Theory) [3] 현대사회운동의출현 과정 결과와관련된다양한시각과이론적쟁점들을학습하고이를실제사회운동사례에적용한다 SOC 645 사회불평등과사회정책연습 (Seminar on Social Inequality and Social Policy) [3] 사회불평등의구조 양상 기제 결과와관련된이론과선행연구를학습하고불평등문제를개선할수있는사회정책을모색한다 SOC 646 정보경제론 (Seminar on Information Economy) [3] 세계경제에서차지하는비중이더욱높아지고있는정보산업에대한이해를높이고정보산업이미치는사회적영향력을살펴본다 SOC 701 현대사회사상 (Contemporary Social Thoughts) [3] 주요한현대사회사상의흐름을탐구하여사회사상의이론과연구방법을모색한다 SOC 702 국가와사회 (Social Structure and the State) [3] 사회의구조와기능그리고국가의역할과기능의관련성을탐구한다 492

SOC 703 사회복지론 (Social Welfare) [3] 사회복지의이론 분야 연구방법들에관해탐구한다 SOC 704 과학사회학 (Sociology of Science and Technology) [3] 과학과기술의사회충격과영향을사회변화와연관하여탐구한다 SOC 705 노년사회학 (Social Gerontology) [3] 점증하는노년층의사회및심리적적응현상에대해연구한다 SOC 708 여성과발전 (Women and Development) [3] 여성의사회참여와경제활동을사회발전과관련시켜연구한다 SOC 709 몸과섹슈얼리티 (Body and Sexuality) [3] 몸과섹슈얼리티에부여되는의미와실천이사회문화적구성물임을탐색한다 SOC 710 한국사회론 (Study of Korean Society) [3] 한국사회의현실적상황에대한사회학적문제제기와경험연구들을분석한다 SOC 713 지역사회연구 (Area Studies in Sociology) [3] 한국의지역또는주변국가에대한사회및구조관련성을심층적으로연구한다 SOC 714 의료사회학 (Medical Sociology) [3] 의료서비스 건강 질병에관련된집단과개인의행위유형을연구한다 SOC 715 사회문제론 (Social Problems) [3] 한국사회의여러문제점들을사회적이슈로제기하고 그들의성격을규명하여치유방법을모색한다 SOC 716 교육사회학 (Sociology of Education) [3] 사회의교육제도와그에관련하여나타나는사회적현상을연구한다 SOC 718 예술사회학 (Sociology of Art) [3] 예술에반영된시대적사회상을사회학적시각을통해탐구함으로써우리사회에대한이해를높인다 SOC 719 매스컴사회학 (Sociology of Mass Communication) [3] 매스컴과사회와의관계에대한여러가지이론을연구함으로써대중매체 뉴미디어와사회와의관계에대한시각을발전시킨다 SOC 721 사회학이론특강 I (Seminar on Sociological Theory I) [3] 현대사회학이론의흐름가운데주요한이론적이슈를탐색한다 SOC 722 사회학이론특강 II (Seminar on Sociological Theory II) [3] 현대사회학이론의흐름가운데주요한이론적이슈를탐색한다 SOC 723 NGO 연구 (Seminar on NGO Studies) [3] 의형성 특성 그리고현대사회에서의역할을탐구한다 SOC 724 사회연결망분석 (Social Network Analysis) [3] 사회연결망분석의이론과방법론을학습한다 SOC 726 세계화의정치경제 (Political Economy of Globalization) [3] 한국사회와관련하여현대사회의지구화및국제화의추세를연구한다 493

2014~2015 SOC 727 거시국가비교연구 (Macro-Comparative Analyses of Nation-State) [3] 현대의지구사회적현상과그러한현상이민족국가와일국내의사회조직에미치는영향에대한제도적차원을학습한다 SOC 728 거시조직비교연구 (Macro-Comparative Analyses of Organizations) [3] 거시조직연구의주요쟁점을탐구하고그러한쟁점을고전적접근에서현대의논쟁에이르는발전과정의측면에서탐색한다 SOC 730 제도주의조직분석 (Institutional Analyses of Organizations) [3] 사회학 경영관리 조직행동영역의최근연구에나타나는신제도주의분석의이론과실제를탐색한다 SOC 731 사회학방법론특강 I (Seminar on Research Method in Sociology I) [3] 사회학의과학적연구방법에관한주요쟁점및과제에관해탐색한다 SOC 732 사회학방법론특강 II (Seminar on Research Method in Sociology II) [3] 사회학의과학적연구방법에관한주요쟁점및과제에관해탐색한다 SOC 734 사회갈등론연습 (Seminar on Social Conflict) [3] 현대의사회갈등및갈등사회의다양한사회현상에관한이론과실제를탐색한다 SOC 736 미래학연습 (Seminar on Future Studies) [3] 미래의사회발전을탐색하기위해사회구조와변동의내용과방향을사회학적시각에서학습한다 SOC 801 사회학특수과제연습 I (Special Topics in Sociology I) [3] 다양한사회학영역에서제기된새롭고특수한쟁점의이론과실제에관해학습한다 SOC 802 사회학특수과제연습 II (Special Topics in Sociology II) [3] 다양한사회학영역에서제기된새롭고특수한쟁점의이론과실제에관해학습한다 SOC 811 사회심리학특수과제연습 I (Special Topics in Social Psychology I) [3] 사회심리학의다양한영역에서제기된새롭고특수한쟁점의이론과실제에관해학습한다 SOC 812 사회심리학특수과제연습 II (Special Topics in Social Psychology II) [3] 사회심리학의다양한영역에서제기된새롭고특수한쟁점의이론과실제에관해학습한다 SOC 821 사회학연구연습 I (Sociological Research Workshop I) [3] 사회학적이슈에관한문제제기의방식및논문의작성방식에대해학습한다 SOC 822 사회학연구연습 II (Sociological Research Workshop II) [3] 사회학적이슈에관한문제제기의방식및논문의작성방식에대해학습한다 SOC 825 기업사회학연습 (Seminar on Sociology of Business) [3] 기업의형성과발전 구조와전략에관한다양한시각을바탕으로기업에관련된현실적인주요쟁점을탐구한다 SOC 827 사회마케팅연습 (Seminar on Social Marketing) [3] 마케팅원리와전략을이용하여사회문제를자발적으로해결하는방법과사례를실험한다 SOC 828 다문화주의연습 (Seminar on Multiculturalism) [3] 다문화주의의이론과사례연구를통해다문화주의의현황을이해하고한국적다문화주의모델을모색한다 494

SOC 830 환경갈등의사회학 (Sociology of Environmental Conflicts) [3] 환경갈등발생의원인 기제 진화방식등을사회학적시각에서이론적으로검토하고사례를분석한다 SOC 831 생애과정연구연습 (Seminar on Life-Course research [3] 생애과정연구에있어서의이론적방법론적접근들을검토하고논의한다 495

DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY Goals of Education Sociology is both scientific and practical discipline. Based on scientific researches on social action and social structure, sociology not only promotes social development in general but also pursues solving many kinds of social problems. Department of Sociology educates students to understand social issues and problems from comprehensive and comparative perspectives. It also enhances students' methodological capabilities and techniques for the scientific research of various social phenomena. Department of Sociology fosters global vision and capability for its graduates. By empowering students to build up characters for actively participating in civil sphere, it aims to contribute Korean society. Degree Requirements 1. All students at the master's or Ph.D. programs must complete two required courses, The Seminar on Contemporary Sociological Theory (SOC 501) and the Seminar on Social Research Method (SOC 502). 2. Graduate students who did not major in Sociology at the undergraduate level must take 5 courses designated by his/her academic advisor. These courses must include Contemporary Sociological Theory and The History of Sociological Development, and can be waived if the students had already taken at the undergraduate level. 3. The maximum number of credits that can be earned outside the Department of Sociology is 9 credits for M.A. students out of a total of 24 credits (excluding credits of research guidance), 12 credits for Ph.D. students out of a total of 36 credits (excluding credits of research guidance), and 15 credits for M.A.-Ph.D. joint program students out of a total of 54 credits (excluding credits of research guidance). 4. Ph.D. candidates are required to publish at least one article in a domestic journal registered on the Korea Research Foundation or an international Journal of SSCI level before they submit Ph.D. dissertation. The article must be published as a main author or a correspondence author, and a forthcoming article can be approved with a certification. Fields of Study Sociology 539

Anam campus - Humanities and Social Sciences Comprehensive Examinations 1. The type and scope The Comprehensive Examinations is divided into three parts : Core Examination, Major Field Examination, and Minor Field Examination 1) The Core Examination covers subjects of the Seminar on Contemporary Sociological Theory, the Seminar on the History of Sociological Development, the Seminar on Social Research Method, the Seminar on Social Statistics I, and the Seminar on Sociological Methodology. 2) The subjects of the Major and Minor Field Examinations are to be decided by the advisory committee where the academic advisor acts as its chair. 2. Master's Program The Comprehensive Examinations at the M.A. level is divided into two parts : the Core Examination and the Major Field Examination. 1) The scope of the Core Examination is the same as above. 2) The subjects of the Major Field Examination are to be decided by the advisory committee where the academic advisor acts as its chair. 3. Ph.D. Program The students who had not passed the Core Examination at the master's program are required to pass it during the course work. The students admitted to the Ph.D. program before 2004, however, can substitute the Exam by taking four courses designated by the advisory committee. The subjects of the Major and Minor Field Examinations are to be decided by the advisory committee where the academic advisor acts as its chair. 4. M.A.-Ph.D. Joint Program 1) The scope of the Core Examination is the same as above. 2) The subjects of the Major and Minor Field Examinations are to be decided by the advisory committee where the academic advisor acts as its chair. Detailed Regulations of the Comprehensive Examinations 1. The Composition of the Advisory Committee 1) Ph.D. Program : The advisory committee composed of 2~4 faculty present questions for the Major and Minor Field Examinations. 2) Master's Program : The advisory committee composed of two or more faculty present questions for the Major Field Examination. 3) If necessary, the academic advisor can replace some members of the advisory committee. 540

DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY 2. The Administration of the Examinations 1) The Core Examination is governed by the supervisory committee of the graduate program. 2) Candidates for the Major and Minor Field Examinations are required to submit the study plan and the reading list before or at the beginning of semester. 3) The advisory committee of each candidate administers the Major and Minor Field Examinations, and its chair reports the results of the Examinations to the supervisory committee. 3. The Method of the Examinations and Making Questions 1) The supervisory committee elects the committee of making questions for the Core Examination. 2) The chair of the advisory committee elects the committee of making questions for the Major and Minor Field Examinations. 3) The supervisory committee or the advisory committee decides the method of the examination. It can be a three-hour in-class examination or the three-day take-home examination. 4. The Allotment of Marks and Assessment 1) The Core Examination is marked on the basis of total 100 points and each question has the same value. The total mark is the sum of points of each question. The minimum mark for pass is 70 points. 2) The Major Field Examination at the M.A. level is marked by Pass, Conditional Pass, or Fail. The minimum passing mark is the combination of Pass and Conditional Pass. 3) The Major and Minor Field Examinations at the Ph. D. level are marked by Pass or Fail. The minimum passing mark is the combination of Pass and Pass if two faculty present questions. The minimum passing mark is the combination of Pass, Pass, and Fail if three faculty present questions. 5. The Order of Applying and Date of the Examinations 1) Students at the M.A. level can apply to the Comprehensive Examinations after completing two semesters or more, earning 18 credits or more and GPA of 3.0 or higher, and passing the foreign language test. Students at the Ph. D. level can apply to the Comprehensive Examinations after completing three semesters or more, earning 27 credits or more and GPA of 3.0 or higher, and passing two foreign language tests. 2) The date of the Core Examination is decided according to the schedule of the Comprehensive Examinations. 3) The Major and Minor Field Examinations can be held at any time by the decision of the advisory committee. 541

Anam campus - Humanities and Social Sciences 6. The Order of Examinations and the Decision of Pass The order of the Core Examination, the Major Field Examination, and the Minor Field Examination is not pre-determined. Students can choose the order of the two or three examinations under the guidance of the academic advisor. If the students pass the two or three examinations, the supervisory committee decides that they pass the Comprehensive Examinations. 7. The Scope of Examinations 1) The supervisory committee sets the scope of the Core Examination (and the reading list) and announces it three months in advance of the examination. If there is no special announcement, the scope announced earlier is applied. 2) The advisory committee sets the scope of the Major and Minor Field Examinations. Dissertation Proposal 1. The Composition of the Proposal Committee 1) Ph.D. Program : The committee is composed of 4 appraisers and the candidate's academic advisor 2) Master Program : The committee is composed of 2 appraisers and the candidate's academic advisor 3) Academic advisor names 2 appraisers for Ph.D. candidate and 1 appraiser for Master candidate. The rest advisor(s)is(are)named by the Proposal Committee. 2. The Process of the Dissertation Proposal 1) Candidates for dissertation proposal are required to submit a research proposal to the Proposal Committee before their proposal defence. 2) Candidates should have an open proposal defence at least a semester before their dissertation defence. 3. The Decision of Dissertation Proposal 1) Ph.D. Program : Pass with more than 4 appraiser's approval 2) Master Program : Pass with more than 2 appraiser's approval Addendum 1) The revised rules become effective after the Spring Semester of 2004 except Degree Requirements, 4, which are applied to the students admitted after the Spring Semester of 2009. 2) For the students at the master's degree program who passed some parts of the 542

DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY Comprehensive Examinations before the revised rules applies, the passed courses are acknowledged as passing of the Core Examination or the Major Field Examination. 3) The students at the Ph.D. program admitted before the revised rules applies have a freedom to take the Core Examination. If they decide not to take the examination, they should complete four core courses designated by the advisory committee. Courses and Syllabuses Core Courses SOC 501 Seminar on Contemporary Sociological Theory [3] It analyzes and studies in depth the general theories of the Contemporary Sociology including theories of structural-functionalism and symbolic interaction. SOC 502 Seminar on Social Research Method [3] It teaches various methods of social research. SOC 503 Seminar on Social Statistics I [3] It discusses the basic descriptive statistics and inferential statistics under the close linkage social research. SOC 504 Seminar on History of Sociology [3] It discusses the historical development of major sociological theories. SOC 505 Seminar on Social Change It examines the methods of social change researches and consequences of social change and analyzes empirical studies and social change theories. SOC 506 Seminar on Social Stratification [3] It analyzes research cases and the classical and contemporary approaches and theories to social stratification. SOC 508 Seminar on Cultural Anthropology [3] It examines patterned forms behavior of society and human beings from cultural anthropological perspectives. SOC 509 Seminar on Formal Organization [3] It discusses research methods and theories of structure, characteristics and transformations of a formal or complex organization of society. SOC 511 Seminar on Sociological Methodology [3] It studies procedures and models related the scientific research method of sociology. SOC 512 Seminar on Social Psychology [3] It addresses contemporary social psychological theories - origins and core concepts, the range of phenomena treated by each and implications for research and studies the interaction of the individual psychological processes and social circumstances. 543

Anam campus - Humanities and Social Sciences SOC 514 Seminar on Qualitative Research Method [3] This course is an intensive, practice-oriented exploration of one qualitative research method such as participant-observation, interviewing and narrative analysis for understanding context and culture of a society. Treatment of the method includes : logics of inquiry, analysis of data obtained through the method, and uses of the method. Major Courses SOC 601 Seminar on Rural Sociology [3] It comparatively examines the structure and characteristics of communities in different societies. SOC 603 Seminar on Population Studies [3] It introduces the concepts and methods of demographic analysis and provides general understanding of the processes that shape population size, structure, and dynamics and with the logical bases for the most frequent measures of these processes. SOC 606 Seminar on Collective Behavior [3] It analyzes theories and theses of the collective behavior. SOC 607 Sociology of Industry and Labor [3] It examines the structure and characteristics of the industrial society and process of labor. SOC 608 Seminar on Social Development [3] It discusses theories and the phenomena of the social development. SOC 611 Seminar on Political Sociology [3] It studies society and relations between human and the power as a political phenomenon from sociological perspectives. SOC 612 Seminar on Sociology of Religion [3] It analyzes the relation between society and religion and studies the structure and functions of the religious body. SOC 613 Seminar on Economic Sociology [3] It provides sociological analysis on a production and consumption of the contemporary society. SOC 614 Seminar on Sociology of Knowledge [3] It explores the tradition and tendency in the intellectual legacy of Germany, France, and America. SOC 615 Seminar on Comparative Sociology [3] It compares various societies, races, and states with special emphasis on the method of the comparative study. SOC 616 Seminar on Deviant Behavior [3] It provides sociological frames of reference for studying deviant behavior. Factors and conditions underlie disagreement about fundamental values; their relation to personal and social maladjustment; evaluation of various theories and treatments including the deviant behavior of juveniles. 544

DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY SOC 617 Seminar on Historical Sociology [3] It discusses the research methods and theories of social history study by following the historical currency of the social factors. SOC 619 Seminar on North Korean Society [3] It logically explains systems and structure of North Korean society and examines its realities to understand with special emphasis on the method of the comparative study. SOC 620 Seminar on Sociology of Law [3] It examines theory and research on the social processes and effects of law and analyzes law-related behavior in daily life, legal institutions, law and social structure the institutionalization. SOC 622 Seminar on Information and Culture [3] It analyzes cultural phases of information age, newly emerging characteristics of the society. SOC 623 Information Society [3] It examines the relation between the information and society as a social phenomenon shaped by post-industrial societies. SOC 625 Seminar on Sociology of Leisure [3] It reviews the meaning and functional aspect of leisure in contemporary society from sociological perspectives. SOC 627 Seminar on Urban Sociology [3] It reviews and analyzes the process of urbanization, urban structure, urban politics, and problems in contemporary urban area. SOC 628 Seminar on Criminology [3] It examines theories and measurements of a crime, theories of treatment and control and correctional methods. SOC 629 Seminar on Sociology of Family [3] It addresses current perspectives on the family including social theories. It also covers historical evidence on the family, functions of the family and changes in those functions, the family in various cultures, marriage, cohabitation, children, divorce, and alternative family forms. SOC 630 Seminar on Statistics II [3] It reviews of statistical inference - analysis of variance and covariance, multiple regression and correlation, discrete attributes. SOC 631 Seminar on Environment and Society [3] It examines the interaction between societies and their environments including human ecology, environmental attitudes and individual and social reactions. SOC 632 Study of Korean Social History [3] It examines the Korean historical changes in the sociological perspective. SOC 633 Seminar on Social Anthropology [3] It analyzes patterned forms of behavior of society and human being through comparison with other societies. 545

Anam campus - Humanities and Social Sciences SOC 634 Study of Korean Family Structure [3] It studies the Korean family structure within the framework of social relations and social changes. SOC 636 Sports and Society [3] It analyzes the meaning of sports in the contemporary society from sociological perspectives. SOC 638 Theory Construction in Sociology [3] It studies methods and notions for construction of sociological theory. SOC 640 Seminar on Cultural Sociology [3] The course examines the meaning of culture and how to research culture, as well as its social function and dynamics of change along with many case studies. SOC 642 World System and Global Changes [3] This course explores the transformation of global capitalism from the World-System perspectives. SOC 643 Seminar on Sociology of Gender [3] This course explores the transformation of global capitalism from the World-System perspectives. SOC 644 Seminar on Social Movement Theory [3] The course examines various perspectives and theoretical issues on the rise, process and results of contemporary social movements and applies them to actual social movement case studies. SOC 645 Seminar on Social Inequality and Social Policy [3] The course explores theories and researches on the structures, aspects, mechanisms, and results of social inequality and seek social policies to enhance social equalities. SOC 646 Seminar on Information Economy [3] The course examines the Information Economy that is becoming high percentages in world economy and seeks to apprehend the social impact of it. SOC 701 Contemporary Social Thoughts [3] It examines the principal currency of contemporary social thoughts and searches for the theory and research method of social thought. SOC 702 Social Structure and the State [3] It examines the relation between structure and function of society and the role and function of state. SOC 703 Social Welfare [3] It reviews theories and research methods in the field of social welfare. SOC 704 Sociology of Science and Technology [3] It explores various aspects of the sciences and technologies under the linkage between social impact and influence of sciences and technologies and the social change. SOC 705 Social Gerontology [3] It examines aging and related social problems and societal responses. 546

DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY SOC 708 Women and Development [3] It studies the issues of women and their participation in social development. SOC 709 Body and Sexuality [3] The course examines how culture affects the meanings and practices of body sexuality. SOC 710 Study of Korean Society [3] It questions about the contemporary situation and analyzes empirical studies. SOC 713 Area Studies in Sociology [3] It studies in depth the social and structural relevance of the area of Korea or around Korea. SOC 714 Medical Sociology [3] It examines and analyzes health, disease, and health care systems from broad political, economic, social, and cultural contexts. SOC 715 Social Problems [3] It presents many problems of Korean society and searches for the treatment by examination of their characteristics. SOC 716 Sociology of Education [3] It presents a review of formations of education system and the related social events. SOC 718 Sociology of Art [3] It helps students have better understanding of society by studying the historical social feature reflecting by the art. SOC 719 Sociology of Mass Communication [3] It develops the perspective of the relation between mass media and society by examination of the various related theories. SOC 721 Seminar on Sociological Theory I [3] This course examines main currents of contemporary sociological theories and examines major sociological issues. SOC 722 Seminar on Sociological Theory II [3] This course examines key sociological issues. SOC 723 Seminar on NGO Studies [3] It studies formation, characteristics, and roles in contemporary society of NGO. SOC 724 Social Network Analysis [3] This course explores social network analysis theories and methodologies. SOC 726 Political Economy of Globalization [3] This course explores globalization and internationalization trends of Korean society. SOC 727 Macro - Institutional Analyses of Nation - State [3] The seminar reviews institutional research on modern global society, and its impact on national states and the social organizations within them. SOC 728 Macro - Comparative Analyses of Organizations [3] This course explores the main themes in macro-organizational studies and traces their development, concentrating on contemporary debates, with slight attention to classical approaches. 547

Anam campus - Humanities and Social Sciences SOC 730 Institutional Analyses of Organizations [3] This course explores a line of recent research from sociology, management, and organizational behavior that attempts to employ the theoretical frameworks of neo-institutional analyses. SOC 731 Seminar on Research Method in Sociology I [3] This course explores scientific research methods on major social issues and social problems. SOC 732 Seminar on Research Method in Sociology II [3] This course explores scientific research methods on major social issues and social problems. SOC 734 Seminal on Social Conflict [3] This course explores future social development based on sociological perspectives of social structure and social change. SOC 736 Seminal on Future Studies [3] This course explores future social development based on sociological perspectives of social structure and social change. SOC 801 Special Topics in Sociology I [3] This course explores sociological theories on social realities of newly emerging specific social issues. SOC 802 Special Topics in Sociology II [3] This course explores various sociological theories on social realities of newly emerging specific social issues. SOC 811 Special Topics in Social Psychology I [3] This course explores various social psychological theories on social realities of newly emerging specific social issues. SOC 812 Special Topics in Social Psychology II [3] This course explores various social psychological theories on social realities of newly emerging specific social issues. SOC 821 Sociological Research Workshop I [3] This course explores how to problematize sociological issues and how to write academic papers. (Basic) SOC 822 Sociological Research Workshop II [3] This course explores how to problematize sociological issues and how to write academic papers. (Advanced) SOC 825 Seminal on Sociology of Business [3] This course explores the relationship of business to society, and deals with the formation, development, structure, strategy of firms. SOC 827 Seminal on Social Marketing [3] This course explores the methods of solving social problems voluntarily based on marketing principle and strategy. SOC 828 Seminal on Multiculturalism [3] This course aims at understanding current situations of multiculturalism in Korea and developing Korean Models of multiculturalism. 548

DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY SOC 830 Sociology of Environmental Conflicts [3] This course deals with theoretical frame work and concrete cases to understand the causes and mechanism of environmental conflicts. SOC 831 Seminar on Life-Course Research [3] This graduate seminar introduces theoretical and methodological approaches to life-course research. 549