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A St udy f or t he St r e s s o f Me di c al Te c hni c i an s Job 200 1 2

A St udy f or The St r e s s o f Me di c al Te c hni c i an ' s Job 200 1 2

200 1 2

I. 1 1. 1 2. 3 3. 3 4. 4 5. 5. 6 1. 6 2. 9 3. 16 4. 25. 35 1. 35 2. 37 - i -

3. 38. 39 1. 39 2.. 43. 45. 47. 49. 51. 53 56 60 63 - ii -

< 1 > 8 < 2 > 11 < 3 > 18 < 4 > 22 < 5 > 23 < 6 > 36 < 7 > 38 < 8 > 41 < 9 > 44 < 10 > 46 < 11 > 48 < 12 > 50 < 13 > 52 - iii -

,, 3,,, 2000 10 4 200 10 13., 3. 52 2. 78 3. 11,. (M=3. 52) ' ' (M=3. 73).,,. (t =-2. 81, p=. 005), (t =-2. 10, p=. 036). - iv -

(F=3. 18, p=. 043), (F=3. 08, p=. 047).,.,.. - v -

. 1..,. ( 1983)....,,, (, 1982).,, (, 1996 ).,,,,, - 1 -

, (, 1999).,, (, 1998)..,.,,. 1998 10, 043, 1, 997, 17, 186 (, 1998).,.,. - 2 -

2.,,. 3.,?,?,?,?,?,?,? - 3 -

4.. (Medi c a l Te chni c i an ),,.. ( Job ),,.. ( St re s s ),,,.,.. ( Job St r e s s ) - 4 -

.,,,,,,,,,,,,. 5., 5, 5,.,,,. - 5 -

. 1. (s t r ess ) s t r i nger "..,. Winnubst ( 1984) s t r ess,,. (, 1993 )., (St r essor ) (Se lye, 1984). (, 1994)., ( Ivancevi ch & Mat t eson, 1987 : Robbins, 1989 :, 1991). Szi l agyi & Wa l l ace ( 1988, P. 195) 3 (s - t imulus component ), (r esponse component ), ( int er act ive component ) "., - 6 -

..,, (Fol kman, 1984 : Marshal l &Cooper, 1976 :, 1988).,., (French, 1974 : Gibson, 1985 : McGrath, 1976)..,,. < 1>. - 7 -

< 1 > Se l ye (1985 ) Fr ench (1974 ) Mar sha l l & Cooper (1976 ),, Fol kman (1984 ) Gi bson (1985 ),, Ivancevi ch & Mat t eson(1987 ), (1988 ), Robbins (1989 ), : ( 1994 ).. :, pp. 369-371. - 8 -

2..,,,., (conf l i ct ),.. -, -, -, -., (anxi et y ) Sigmund Fr eud (obj ect i ve anxi et y ) (neur ot i c anxi et y ).,..., ( fr ust at i on ).., Col eman & Hammen - 9 -

...., (Pr essur e ).,,.,. < 2 >. - 10 -

< 2 > Kur t Hauss(1976) Liem& Liem(1978) Nelson & Henyy(1978) Folkman(1979),,,, (, ), -, -,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 10,, Coleman(1979),, Mawadi, Macnaine & Mccue(1982), Nelson &Henry Wi lls & Langer (1980) Morr is(1979),,,,,, (1984) (1986) Anold(1986) Huffman(1987),,,,,,,, (,, ) (., ) ( -, -, -, - ) (,,, ),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (,, ),, (,, ) (1991), : (1990).. pp. 64-70. - 11 -

.., (Cohen &Lazar us, 1979)..,.. (, 1994). 1) R, D Capl an R. K. Naedu 2) R. S. Lazar us - - 3) C. Al dwin -,, -, - 12 -

,,, 4) P. P. Vi t al i ano 5) H. L. Rudner 6) P. G. Zimbar do - - - - - - 15-7) S. K. Fol kman R. S. Lazar us - 13 -

8) J. W. Mi l l s, -,,, -,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 9) 10), - 14 -

. ( ),, - 15 -

3...,, (, 1998)., (Goode, 1960 : Se iber, 1974).,,,, (Mar shal l & Cooper, 1979 : Fr ench, 1973). (G.L. Mar gol i s, W. H. Kor e and R. P. Quinn ).. - 16 -

,,,.., (Selye, 1979 ),,, (Gal t on, 1983 ).,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. Ivancevi ch & Mat t eson (1980),,,,,,, Qui ck (1984),. < 3 >. - 17 -

< 3 > Beehr Gupat ( 1978 ) 1., 2., 3., 1.,,,, 2.,,, Ivancevi ch Mat t eson(1980 ) 3.,, 4. - 5.,,,,,,,,,, - 18 -

Br i e f Schu l er 1., 2.,, 3., 1.,,,,,, Qu i ck Qu i ck ( 1984 ) 2.,,, 3.,, 4.,, Bar on ( 1986 ) 1.,,,,,,, 2., ( ), A : ( 1989 ).,. pp. 58-59. - 19 -

.,,,,,. ( I l l umi nat i on ). (noi se ). ( t emper at ur e ),. (sound wave and vibr at i on ),,,. (ai r pol l ut i on ) (soci a l dens i t y )., (or gani zat i ona l r e l at ed s t r essor s ) (occupat i ona l demands ), (or gani zat i ona l s t r uct ur e ), - (boundar y- spanni ngr ol es ), (gr oup cohes i veness ), (or gani zat i on c l i mat e ), ( Int r agr ound and i nt er gr oup conf l i c t ), (car eer devel opment ), (per f or mance appr a i sa l ), ( shi f t wor k pol i c i es ), ( l eader ship s t yl e. - 20 -

, (j ob r el at ed s t r essor s ) (t ask char act er i st i cs ) ( t echnol ogy ), (r ol e over l oad), (role confl ict ), (role ambiguity), (par t i ci pat i on i n dec i s i ons )., (per son related stressor s ) (abi l i t ies and exper iences ), (needs and values ), (locus of control ), (l i fe events ), (demo- graphics )., (extraorganizat ional stressors ) (fami ly), (relocat ion), (economic status ), (social suppor t )..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, < 4 >. - 21 -

< 4 > R. M. St eer s (1991),,,, Barney / Gr i ff in(1992 ),,.,,,. Hel lr iegel / Slocum(1992 ),,,,,,, F. Lut hans (1992 ),,,,, Ivancevich / Mat t eson(1993 ) (,, ),, :, (1998).. :, pp. 504. - 22 -

< 5 >,,, : R.B.Dunham, organizat ional Behavior, Richaed D. Irwin, Inc., 1984. p.439.. Gr i f f i n 295,,,,, (1974 ), Qui ck,,,,,,,., ( ),,., - 23 -

,,.., 20 R. M. Yer kes J. D. Dodson..,,.,,,.,.,.,. - 24 -

4., 1 ) ( 1985 ). H 270, (1984) Pi nes (1981) (1984)..,,,.,,,.,,,., r =. 3939, p=. 000. - 25 -

2 ) ( 1995 ). 6,, Pamel a Gr ey-tof t &Janes G. Ander son(1981) 31,., 31 124 72. 0645, 71. 7536,.,,,,,,,.,., ( t =2. 07, p=0. 42),., - 26 -

. 24,,. 3 ) ( 1996 ) 6 422. Smi t h(1995) JDI (Jdb Descr ipt ive Index ) 6 ( 1989), (1990)..,,,,,.,,,,.,,,,,.,,,,,,. - 27 -

,,.,,,,,..,,.. 4 ) ( 1997 ), 3 1 380..,.,,,., 3. 7 4. 09 3. 98 3. 97. - 28 -

,, 6 2., 1,, 4 10.,,,,,, ( 1. 85)., (2. 58 ) (1. 85)., (r =. 143), (r =. 080 ),. 5 ) ( 1999 ) I 380. ( 1984), Folkman & Lazar us (1985).. - 29 -

, 4. 01 2. 88 3. 58 (M=3. 96 ), (M=3. 05) '.,, p<. 01. p<. 05. (, ). p<. 05,., p<. 01 (M=3. 72),,, /,,,,. (M=3.64) (M=3.43), (M=3. 63 ),.,. p<. 05-30 -

., p<. 01.,,. 6 ) ( 1998 ) 4 2 4 219, (, 1986 :, 1995),. Jackman Ol dham(1976 ) Job Di agnost i c Survey,,,. Ri zzo(1970),,,,. Davi dson Cooper (1983 ),. Fl ippo(1980 ) Seber hagen( 1970),,,,,,,. Li ker t 5. SAS(St at i s t i c Analys i s Syst em),,, - 31 -

,, t - t est x - t es t..,,, 40,,,,, (p<0. 01),, (p<0. 01), 5 11-15 (p<0. 01). - 1. 0636, 0. 7735 0. 06034, -0. 0992.,,,,. 7 ) ( 1988 ) ( ) - 32 -

.. Ivancevich (Behavior Act ivity Profi le),,,,,, (Uni que Response Map ),.,,,.., 40. 5%, 65. 7%, 37. %., 3. 5, 3. 6., 4. 1, 3. 4, 2. 7., 64. 2%, 45. 3%. - 33 -

48. 6%, 41. 6% 31. 2%. 2. 7%. - 34 -

. 1., 3,,, ( ). 2000 10 4 200 10 13 10 390 340 ( 87%), 13 327. < 6 >. - 35 -

< 6 > N=327 N % 4 3 3-5 5-10 10 ( ) 121 206 167 160 222 59 34 12 99 65 105 58 31 38 211 16 31 70 110 147 37. 0 63. 0 51. 1 48. 9 67. 9 18. 0 10. 4 3. 7 30. 3 19. 9 32. 1 17. 7 9. 5 11. 6 64. 5 4. 9 9. 5 21. 4 33. 6 45. 0 121 (37.0%), 206 (63.0%), 167 (51. 1%), 160 (48.9%). 222 (67.9%), 59 (18.0%), 4 34 (10.4%), 12 (3. 7%). - 36 -

3 99 (30.3%), 3 5 65 (19.9%), 5 10 105 (32. 1), 10 58 (17. 7%). 31 (9.5%), 38 (11.6%), 211 (64.5%), 16 (4.9%), ( ) 31 (9.5%). 70 (21.4%), 110 (33.6%), 147 (45.0%). 2. ( 1984), 6 38. 5 1 Liker t 5. < 7 >. - 37 -

< 7 > 12 0. 8409 11 0. 9097 4 0. 7881, 8 0. 8560 3 0. 8507 38 0. 9504 3. SPSS for Wi ndows (ver s i on 7. 5), t -, one-way ANOVA.,., t - t est., 3 (,, ) (one-way ANOVA). - 38 -

. 1. < 8 >. 3. 11 (, 1999,, 1985 ;, 1987 ;, 1996 ;, 1996 ;, 1997 ;, 1997) (, 1998)., (M=3. 52, SD=1. 00 ). (M=3. 32, SD=. 90), (M=3. 20, SD=. 88 ), (M=3. 16, SD=. 96 ), (M=2. 78, SD=. 67)., (M=3. 73), (M=3.43), (M=3. 40 ). (M=3. 07, SD=1. 05), (M=3.03, SD=1.00), (M=3.47, SD=1. 18), - 39 -

(M=3. 40, SD=1. 29), (M=3. 36, SD=1.25), (M=3.64, SD=1. 17), ' ' (M=3. 59,SD=1. 16). - 40 -

< 8 > M SD 1. 3. 03 1. 00 2. 2. 49 1. 09 3. (, ) 2. 51 1. 16 4. 2. 78 1. 01 5. Repor t 2. 72 1. 25 M= 2. 78 SD=. 67 6. 7. 2. 95 2. 77 1. 18 1. 13 8. 2. 92 1. 24 9. 2. 64 1. 11 10. 2. 76 1. 08 11. 2. 68 1. 03 12. 3. 07 1. 05 13. 3. 09 1. 26 14. (10 ) 3. 27 1. 28 15. Ni ght (1 ) 3. 09 1. 29 M= 3. 20 SD=. 88 16. 3. 19 1. 17 17. 3. 18 1. 18 18. 3. 18 1. 18-41 -

19., 2. 92 1. 14 20. (, ) 3. 14 1. 15 M= 3. 20 21. 3. 27 1. 25 SD=. 88 22. 3. 40 1. 29 23. 3. 47 1. 18 24. 3. 36 1. 25 25. 3. 28 1. 29 M= 3. 16 SD=. 96 26. 2. 89 1. 15 27. 3. 11 1. 21 28. 3. 64 1. 17 29. 3. 59 1. 16 30. 3. 40 1. 23 31. 3. 12 1. 21 M=3. 32 32. 3. 22 1. 28 SD=. 90 33. 3. 32 1. 24 34. 3. 29 1. 24 35. 2. 96 1. 56 M=3. 52 SD=1. 00 36., 3. 40 1. 18 37. 3. 43 1. 03 38. 3. 73 1. 13-42 -

2.. t - < 9 >. 5 3. 02,. 73, 3. 16,. 69 t -.., 2. 76. 72, 2. 78,. 64. t ( t =-. 27, p=. 79 ). 3. 02, 3. 30 ( t =- 2. 81, p=. 005).. 3. 02. 89, 3. 25,. 99, t - ( t =- 2. 10, p=. 036).. - 43 -

(t=-1.31,p=. 19) (t =-.42, p=.67). < 9 > N Mean SD t df p 121 2. 76. 72 206 2. 78. 64 121 3. 02. 90 206 3. 30. 85 121 3. 02. 89 206 3. 25. 99 121 3. 23. 89 206 3. 37. 90 121 3. 49. 97 206 3. 54 1. 02 121 3. 02. 73 206 3. 16. 69 -. 27 325. 79-2. 81 325. 005-2. 10 325. 036-1. 31 325. 19 -. 42 325. 67-1. 78 325. 08-44 -

. < 10 >. 3. 10,. 68, 3. 12,. 74 (t =-. 21, p=. 84)., (M=2.80,SD=.66), (M=3.36, SD=.86), (M=3.27,SD=.92) (M=3. 19,SD=.99), (M=3. 54,SD=1.07). - 45 -

< 10 > N Mean SD t df p 167 2. 80. 66 160 2. 75. 68. 55 325. 58 167 3. 13. 84 160 3. 27. 92-1. 45 325. 15 167 3. 14. 93 160 3. 19. 99 -. 48 325. 63 167 3. 36. 86 160 3. 27. 94. 93 325. 35 167 3. 51. 93 160 3. 54 1. 07 -. 26 325. 80 167 3. 10. 68 160 3. 12. 74 -. 21 325. 84-46 -

. < 11>, 3. 17, 2. 99, 4 2. 98. (F=2. 53, p=. 08)., 2. 81, 2. 76, 4 2. 65, (F=1. 05, p=. 35)., (F=3. 18, p=. 043). 3. 28, 4 (M=3. 10 ) (M=2. 97).. (F=3. 08, p=. 047), 3. 25, 3. 05, 4 2. 90 3. 39, 3. 16, 4 3. 17 (F=2. 23, p=. 11). 3. 56, 4 3. 43-47 -

(F=.62, p=. 54) < 11 > N M SD SS df MS F p 222 2. 81. 66. 94 2. 47 1. 05. 35 59 2. 76. 74 146. 16 324. 45 4 46 2. 65. 66 147. 11 326 222 3. 28. 88 4. 86 2 2. 43 3. 18. 043 59 2. 97. 87 248. 09 324. 77 4 46 3. 10. 86 252. 96 326 222 3. 25. 97 5. 61 2 2. 81 3. 08. 047 59 3. 05. 94 294. 94 324. 91 4 46 2. 90. 90 300. 55 326 222 3. 39. 91 3. 55 2 1. 77 2. 23. 11 59 3. 16. 89 257. 60 324. 80 4 46 3. 17. 76 261. 15 326 222 3. 56 1. 03 1. 23 2. 62. 62. 54 59 3. 43. 95 324. 16 324 1. 00 4 46 3. 43. 93 325. 39 326 222 3. 17. 70 2. 51 2 1. 25 2. 53. 08 59 2. 99. 75 160. 75 324. 50 4 46 2. 98. 64 163. 26 326-48 -

. < 12 >., 3 (M=3. 16, SD=. 78 ) 10 (M=3. 16, SD=. 75), 3-5 (M=3. 08, SD=. 59) 5-10 (M=3. 05, SD=. 68). (F=. 54, p=. 66 )., 3 2. 80(SD=. 65), 3-5 (M=2. 72, SD=. 64), 5-10 (M=2. 76, SD=.69), 10 (M=2.82, SD=. 72), (F=.29, p=.84). 3 (M=3. 33, SD=.95), 10 (M=3.15, SD=.94), 3-5 (M=3.14,SD=.76), 5-10 (M=3.13, SD=.84), (F=1. 14, p=.33). 3-5 (M=3.21, SD=.94), 3 (M=3.20, SD=1.03), 10 (M=3. 18, SD=1.05), 5-10 (M=3.08, SD=.86 (F=.35, p=. 79) (F=1.31, p=.27) (F=. 57, p=.63). - 49 -

. < 12 > N M S. D SS df MS F p 3 99 2. 80. 65. 39 3. 13. 29. 84 3-5 65 2. 72. 64 146. 72 323. 45 5-10 105 2. 76. 69 147. 11 326 10 58 2. 82. 72 3 99 3. 33. 95 2. 65 3. 88 1. 14. 33 3-5 65 3. 14. 76 250. 31 323. 78 5-10 105 3. 13. 84 252. 96 326 10 58 3. 15. 94 3 99 3. 20 1. 03. 97 3. 32. 35. 79 3-5 65 3. 21. 94 299. 58 323. 93 5-10 105 3. 08. 86 300. 55 326 10 58 3. 18 1. 05 3 99 3. 32 1. 00 3. 14 3 1. 05 1. 31. 27 3-5 65 3. 30. 79 258. 01 323. 80 5-10 105 3. 22. 85 261. 15 326 10 58 3. 51. 88 3 99 3. 50 1. 13 1. 73 3. 58. 57. 63 3-5 65 3. 51 1. 02 323. 66 323 1. 00 5-10 105 3. 46. 90 325. 39 326 10 58 3. 67. 92 3 99 3. 16. 78. 82 3. 27. 54. 66 3-5 65 3. 08. 59 162. 44 323. 50 5-10 105 3. 05. 68 163. 26 326 10 58 3. 16. 75-50 -

. < 13 >, 3. 29, (M=3. 18 ), (M=3. 10), (M=3. 09), (M=3. 05). (F=. 44, p=. 78)., (M=2. 94, SD=.59), (M=2.79,SD=.70), (M=2.79,SD=.64), (M=2.66,SD=. 57), (M=2. 66, SD=. 65) (F=. 73, p=. 58 ). ( ) 3. 43(SD=.92). (M=3.33,SD=. 82), (M=3. 31, SD=. 72), (M=3. 23, SD=.85), (M=3. 12, SD=.90), (F=1. 23, p=. 30).,,.. - 51 -

< 13 > N M S. D SS df MS F p 31 2. 66. 65 1. 31 4. 33. 73. 58 38 2. 79. 64 145. 80 322. 45 211 2. 79. 70 147. 11 326 16 2. 94. 59 31 2. 66. 57 31 3. 23. 85 3. 81 4. 95 1. 23. 30 38 3. 33. 82 249. 15 322. 77 211 3. 12. 90 252. 96 326 16 3. 31. 72 31 3. 43. 92 31 2. 98 1. 08 3. 89 4. 97 1. 06. 38 38 3. 14. 92 296. 67 322. 92 211 3. 20. 97 300. 55 326 16 3. 42. 64 31 2. 95. 92 31 3. 14. 93 3. 78 4. 94 1. 18. 32 38 3. 50. 85 257. 37 322. 80 211 3. 32. 89 261. 15 326 16 3. 51. 89 31 3. 13. 92 31 3. 76. 84 4. 70 4 1. 17 1. 18. 32 38 3. 41 1. 15 320. 69 322 1. 00 211 3. 47 1. 02 325. 39 326 16 3. 83. 84 31 3. 61. 88 31 3. 05. 67. 89 4. 22. 44. 78 38 3. 18. 64 162. 37 322. 50 211 3. 10. 74 163. 26 326 16 3. 29. 59 31 3. 09. 67-52 -

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ABSTRACT A St udy f or t he St re s s of Medi cal Te chni c i an ' s Job Cho, Hyun J i n Maj or i n Indus t r i a l Educ at i on Gr aduat e Schoo l o f Educ at i on I nha Un i ve r s i t y The subj ect of this research extended from the 3rd medical i nst i t ut i ons, gener al hospi t al s, labor at or ies, t est cent er s, pr ivat e cl inics i nc l udi ng univer s i ty- af f i l iat ed hospi t al s thr oughout gr eat er ar eas of downt own I n- chon, Kyung- ki do, Seoul and was pr oceeded on medi cal t echni c i ans who wer e cur r ent l y wor king in t he f i e l d of medi cal t echnol ogy. The collected data were analyzed by ut ilizing SPSS for Windows (ver sion7. 5)for fr equency analysi s, r el iabi l i ty, t - i nspect i on, and one-way ANOVA. The r esul t s ar e as fol l ows. Fir st, j ob stress level medical technicians exper ienced was aver aged fr om maximum 3. 52 t o minimum 2. 78 wi th i t s aver age mean being 3. 11, indicat ing the st r ess level medical t echnicians exper ience i s r el at i vel y l ow compar ed t o st r ess l evel exper i enced by ot her t ype of medi ca l - 63 -

empl oyees. The causes of high j ob stress level were future prospect s (M=3. 52) and on ar t icles about the quest ionnair e, when the pr ofess i ona l i sm of medi ca l t echnol ogy i s assumed t o be mer el y anot her ski l l ed occupat i on (M=3. 73 ) indi cat ed as t he number one cause of high j ob st r ess l evel. Second, when medical technicians ' j ob str ess level r esul t s wer e anal yzed accor ding t o t he gener a l char act er i s t i cs t he ext ent of j ob stress level did not show any stat ist ical ly signi ficant resul t s except for cat egor ies such as j ob envir onment based on sex, per sonal r e l at i onshi p, academic backgr ound. For t he st r ess l eve l one senses agai nst j ob envi r onment based on sex, women in gener al indicat ed higher than most men(t =-2.81, p=. 005) and al so women wer e found t o be mor e keen on per sonal r elat ionship(t =-2. 10, p=.036). St r ess level based on academic backgr ound indicat ed the higher school educat ion one had the more he was exposed to stress(f=3. 18, p=.043) and st r ess level based on per sonal r el at i onshi p i ndi cat ed t he hi gher school educat i on t he mor e st r ess one was t o r ecei ve (F=3. 08, p=. 047). - 64 -

- 65 -