초대의글 인사말 2015 년한류국제학술대회 (The World Congress for Hallyu) 를개최합니다. 중동번영의상징인국제적인초현대도시, 두바이에서이번대회를개최하게되어매우기쁘며동시에여러중요한의미를담고있다고생각합니다. 전세계 14 개국가에서한류를연구하는전문가들

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초대의 글 Invitation 일정 Programme 제 3회 한류국제학술대회 세계한류학회 WAHS 오시는 길 Access 일시 2015년 11월 3 4일 시간 오전 8시 ~ 오후 7시 주최 문화체육관광부 주관 콘텐츠진흥원 한류기획단 세계한류학회 후원 문화체육관광부 외교부 팬택씨앤아이 SM 엔터테인먼트 동국관광 (주)브레라 November 3 ~ 4. 2015 Time 8:00am ~ 7:00pm Venue Media Rotana Hotel, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Host Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism Organizer KOCCA Hallyu Strategy Council World Association for Hallyu Studies Sponsoring Ministry of Culture, Sports & Tourism Organizations Ministry of Foreign Affairs PANTECH C&I SM Entertainment Dongkuk Travel Service Co., Ltd Brera, Co 제 3회 한류국제학술대회 The 3rd World Congress for Hallyu 장소 미디어 로타나 호텔 Date

초대의글 인사말 2015 년한류국제학술대회 (The World Congress for Hallyu) 를개최합니다. 중동번영의상징인국제적인초현대도시, 두바이에서이번대회를개최하게되어매우기쁘며동시에여러중요한의미를담고있다고생각합니다. 전세계 14 개국가에서한류를연구하는전문가들이참석하여성황리에한류콩그레스를개최할수있게되어참석자여러분과여러후원기관그리고조직위원회에서수고하신분들께감사를드립니다. 특히이번행사에깊은관심과많은배려를해주신문화체육관광부의김종덕장관님께심심한감사를드립니다. 또한현지에서많은도움을주신주두바이대한민국총영사관의안성두총영사님께도감사의말씀을전합니다. 이번콩그레스는 2015 년두바이한류엑스포와연동하여한류포럼으로기획되었습니다. 한류엑스포는문화체육관광부와한국콘텐츠진흥원이주최관기관으로행사를준비하게되었으며, 이자리를빌어모든관계자여러분들께심심한사의를표하는바입니다. 이번 3 회콩그레스는한류기획단과고려대학교한류융복합연구소가주관하여한류학대회를기획하게되었습니다. 이번대회는한류와지역문화혹은글로벌문화와지역문화라는테마로전체패널들을준비하게되었습니다. 참가해주신해외의한류관계석학들의논문들도글로벌문화와지역문화, 특히한류와이슬람권의문화에대해심도깊게조명하고계신것으로알고있으며, 이것은대중문화연구전반에걸쳐중요한이론적실증적발전이라고생각합니다. 한류가글로벌문화로서전세계에전파되면서지역문화와의상호관계를어떻게전개해나가고있는가에대한최근학계의관심이이번콩그레스에서시원스레해명되리라기대하는바입니다. 한류는오늘날전세계의남녀노소가즐기는대중적이고글로벌한문화콘텐츠로발전하고있습니다. 제가여러나라들의한류현상을몸소체험하면서느낀것중에하나는한류가양적인팽창뿐만아니라, 이제는질적인심도깊은발전과장르의다변화가급속히이루어지고있다는점입니다. 이것은한류가글로벌콘텐츠로서다양한질적실험을하고있다는뜻이지만, 더욱중요한것은한류가지역문화화되고있다는것을뜻합니다. 특히중동의이슬람권에서한류는 할랄한류 로거듭나고있음을실감하게됩니다. 또한중국에서도웹드라마나웹툰을통한새로운질적인실험을하고있음도감지하게되었습니다. 앞으로세계한류학회는이렇게급변하는세계의대중문화의구도를좀더학문적으로진지하게연구하고설명할수있는유능한학자들이모인단체로발전시킬필요가있다고생각합니다. 과거 3 년간세계한류학회는괄목할만한성과를거둔것은사실입니다. 현재전세계적으로 2428 개의지부를두고있으며, 국내외회원들도매년커다란숫자로성장하고있습니다. 이제는좀더내실을갖추고학회본연의임무를충실히실행할수있는연구기관으로성장하고싶습니다. 특히내년에는한류관련학술총서의발간에중점을두면서, 한류연구에많은연구비를지원하려고구상하고있습니다. 제 3 회한류국제학술대회 The 3 rd World Congress for Hallyu 끝으로앞으로이틀간마음껏학문의교류를나누시면서, 특히이제막한류에대한연구의첫걸음마를뗀젊은대학원학생들에게도많은지도와편달을베풀어주기바랍니다. 세계한류학회가정성스레준비한 3 회월드콩그레스를위해여러분의성원을부탁하는바입니다. 감사합니다. 세계한류학회회장겸이사장 / 고려대학교대학원장박길성

제 3 회한류국제학술대회 The 3 rd World Congress for Hallyu Welcome The World Association for Hallyu Studies (WAHS) is holding the 3rd World Congress for Hallyu in Dubai. This Congress invites a variety of scholars and practitioners from 14 countries to announce and discuss on the theme of Hallyu and Llocal culture. The 3rd World Congress for Hallyu was designed to be part of the Hallyu Exposition in Dubai 2015 as a Hallyu forum. The Hallyu Expo was realized by the Hallyu Strategy Council and KOCCA under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and I want to use this opportunity to express my gratitude to all those who worked hard to make this event a successful one. I want to remind you of the fact that it was the Hallyu Strategy Council and the Institute of Hallyu Convergence Research at Korea University that brought together the 3rd World Congress. Against this backdrop, WAHS organized all panels under a unifying theme of Hallyu and local culture or global culture vs. local culture. Hence, I trust that all participating scholars in this congress are sincerely shedding new light onto the issue of global and local cultures, especially that of Hallyu and Islam, and I think this is a significant contribution to the theoretical and empirical progress for the overall study of popular culture. I thus expect that the question of how Hallyu is conducting the interactive relations between Hallyu as a global culture and local indigenous cultures will be clearly answered in our congress. Hallyu is now expanding into a cultural genre that is being consumed by people of all walks of life regardless of their gender, age, and social status. One important thing that I learned from my recent exposure to various Hallyu phenomena in different countries is that Hallyu is now deepening its qualitative existence beyond its initial quantitative expansion. Most importantly, Hallyu is now diversifying its subgenres. This tells us that Hallyu is now localizing its cultural content beyond in tandem with its new efforts at experimenting its qualitative content. Particularly, I realize that Hallyu is becoming halal Hallyu in the Middle East and its Islam cultural zone. Also, in China Hallyu is now experimenting its quality with web dramas and webtoons. In the future the World Association for Hallyu Studies should revamp its identity as an organization of talented scholars who can research the changing nature of global popular culture and answer some of its thorny issues and questions. In the past three years I am proud to tell you that WAHS has achieved remarkable progresses. Now we have 284 regional offices in 198 countries. I also thank you for expanding the size of WAHS members. I want to witness WAHS to grow into a research institution that can carry out genuine scholarly duties that fulfill WAHS s original intention. Especially, I want to provide large sums of research grant to Hallyu Studies with an emphasis on the publication of a Hallyu book series. In conclusion, I call for your help for the success of the 3rd World Congress that WAHS has prepared wholeheartedly, especially by extending your warm helping hands to the young graduate students who have just started their first Hallyu research in their career. Your participation is essential to bearing even greater outcome going forward, and we look forward to you continued attention and support. Thank you very much. Invitation Chairman & President, WAHS / Dean, Graduate School, Korea University Gil-Sung Park 초대의글 Invitation 세계한류학회 WAHS 오시는길 Access 일정 Programme 제 3 회한류국제학술대회 The 3 rd World Congress for Hallyu

일정 Date Nov. 3 (Tue) Venue : Media Rotana Hotel Rm 3 & 4 TIME Progrmme 08:30~09:30 On Site Registration 09:30~10:30 Opening Ceremony Prof. Peter von Staden (Host), Ms. Sunny Hwang (Hostess) Introduction of Guests and Participants Opening Speech: President Gil-Sung Park Congratulatory Speech: Mr. Jongdeok Kim (Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, ROK) Hon. Seongdoo Ahn (Consul General of the Republic of Korea, Dubai) Award Ceremony: 3rd Student Essay and Research Article Contest Appointment Ceremony: Prof. Ute Fendler (Regional President, Germany) Dr. Desideria Lumongga Dwihadiah (Regional President, Indonesia) Dr. Yun Jung Im (Regional President, Brazil) Prof. Peter von Staden (Regional President, Southern France) Keynote Speech. Hallyu and Local Culture 10:30~11:00 Prof. Gil-Sung Park (Korea University) Plenary Speech. From Hallyu s Ephemeral Popularity to Perennial Fandom in th E.U. 11:00~11:30 Prof. Ute Fendler (Bayreuth University) 11:30~12:00 Group Photo & BREAK 12:00~13:00 LUNCH BREAK Round Table I. Us and Them: Korean Indie Rock & Hip Hop in a K-pop World Chair: Prof. Stephen Epstein (Victoria University of Wellington) 13:00~14:30 - Prof. Ute Fendler (University of Bayreuth) - Prof. Ingyu Oh (Korea University) 14:30~16:00 16:00~17:00 17:00-18:30 Round Table II. Hallyu and Seoul Street Fashion Chair: Prof. Michael Hurt (Busan University of Foreign Studies) - Prof. Peter von Staden (Kedge School of Business) - Ingyu Oh (Korea University) Session I. Hallyu and Local Culture I: Hallyu and Islam Chair: Suwan Kim (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies) - Prof. Suwan Kim: Challenges Facing the Emerging Arab Inbound Tourism Market to Korea - Dr. Mary Ainslie (Nottingham University): Hallyu in Islamic Malaysia Discussant: Sarah Domingo Lipura (Ateneo de Manila University) Session II. Hallyu and Local Culture II: Hallyu in Latin America (in Spanish & Portuguese) Chair: Prof. Maria del Valle Guerra (University Alcalá) - Prof. Maria del Valle Guerra: Hallyu: a Growing Trend in Argentina - Dr. Yun Jung Im (University of São Paulo): The Place of K-pop in the Brazilian Musical Scenario - Dr. Ricardo Pagliuso Regatieri (Korea University): From the Internet to the Outskirts of the Metropolis: Notes on the Social Dynamics of K-Pop in São Paulo Discussant: Prof. Stephen Epstein (Victoria University of Wellington) 19:00~21:00 Congress Dinner hosted by President Gil-Sung Park

PROGRAMME Date Nov. 4 (Wed) Venue : Media Rotana Hotel Rm 3 & 4 TIME 08:30~09:00 On Site Registration Progrmme Session III Chair: Prof. Gyeong Mook Kim (Duksung Women's University) Panelist: - Prof. Gyeong Mook Kim "In Search of the Sustainable Drama: An Audience Decision-Making Model of TV Drama Viewing" 09:00~10:30 - Prof. Kee Hyung Kim (Korea University) "Substance and Identity in Hallyu" - Sou Hwan Kang (Korea University) and Weibo Ye (Korea University) "Cultural Production and Change of Strategy for Adaptation: Focus on SM Entertainment's Localization in China" Discussant: Dr. Yun Jung Im (University of Sao Paolo) Session IV. Hallyu and Local Culture III: Fandom and Ethnography Chair: Dr. Sarah Keith (Macquarie University) - Dr. Sarah Keith & Alex Mesker (Macquarie University) "Liminal K-pop Audiences: Mums, Dads, and Metalheads" - Dr. Mary Ainslie (University of Nottingham) & Sarah Domingo (Ateneo de Manila University) 10:30~12:00 "The Politicization of Hallyu in Southeast Asia: Cultural Perceptions of and Barriers to Consumption in Thailand and Philippine Contexts" - Dr. Desideria Lumongga Dwihadiah (Universitas Pelita Harapan) "Media and Cultural Imperialism: Study on Subculture of K-POP Fans in Indonesia" - Prof. Millie Creighton (University of British Cloumbia) "Japanese Hallyu Fandom" Discussant: Prof. Michael Hurt (Busan University of Foreign Studies) 12:00~13:00 LUNCH BREAK Round Table III. Hallyu in North Korea (in Korean) Chair: Prof. Ok Kyung Yang (Ewha Womans University) 13:00~14:00 Prof. Ok Kyung Yang & Prof. Ingyu Oh (Korea University) "Hallyu in North Korea" Discussants: Sung Nam Kim (North Korean Specialist) Session V. Hallyu Management and Economic Sustainability Chair: Prof. Peter von Staden (Kedge School of Business) - Prof. Peter von Staden "Soft Power in Global Business" - Prof. Jiashan Sun (Chinese National Academy of Art) 14:00~15:30 "Hallyu s Sustainable Development in China: In View of China s Experience of New Media" - Dr. Sarah Keith (Macquarie University) & Prof. Chris Baumann (Macquarie University) "The Hallyu Effect: Comparing Attitudes towards and Consumption of Korean Products and Services" - Dr. Arnel Estrada Joven (University of Asia and the Pacific) "Hallyu as a Vehicle of Medical and Health Culture: Effects of Hallyu Korean Dramas on Local Perceptions of Health in the Philippines" Discussant: Dr. Mary Ainslie (University of Nottingham) Special Session. Winners of the 3rd World Student Research Paper Contest Chair: Prof. Ingyu Oh (Korea University) - Martine Shelton (University of Southern Queensland) "Reflections and Theories on Hansik and the Korean Wave" - Melissa Rubio dos Santos (UFRGS) "Labyrinths of the Body: Reflections and Theories on the Korean Wave" 15:30~17:00 - Constanza Fernanda Jorquera (Universidad de Santiago de Chile) "The Era of the K-Diplomacy: The Hallyu as key strategy of Korean soft power and its reach in Latin America for the cases of Mexico, Peru and Chile" - Tiago Canario (Korea University) "Crossing Oceans: Looking at the Korean Popular Culture Consumption in Brazil" Discussant: Prof. Ute Fendler (University of Bayreuth) 초대의글 Invitation 세계한류학회 WAHS 오시는길 Access 일정 Programme 제 3 회한류국제학술대회 The 3 rd World Congress for Hallyu

세계한류학회 WAHS Local Culture and Global Culture: Hallyu s Global Experiences in Different Local Cultures To commemorate the 3rd World Congress of WAHS that is to be held in Dubai, United Arab Emirate, we invite papers and abstracts on Local Culture and Global Culture with focuses on the theoretical and empirical aspects of how global cultural forms and contents penetrate into local cultures. Not particularly borrowing the overly popular concept of the clash of civilizations, our topic reflects a new scholarly interest in how Hallyu is accepted in various local cultures including Islam. It is fairly clear now that Hallyu has successfully penetrated into widely different local cultures, including such hard-core Islamic nations as Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Indonesia. It is not clear, however, how Hallyu could attract fandom from Muslims, Christian, and other religious believers in various nations. Furthermore, it is not well studied by specialists in the area as to how Hallyu is being localized by different end users in various cultural zones. For the 2015 Congress, we want to engage in theoretical debates on Hallyu s global experiences in different local cultures. Papers and panel proposals are invited that deal with theoretical and empirical debates on Hallyu s global experiences in local cultures, including: - Hallyu and Islam - Hallyu and Christianity - Hallyu and Buddhism - Hallyu and Local Culture - Hallyu and Latin America - Hallyu s Global Strategies and Local Experiences - Hallyu s Sustainability in Different Cultural Zones - Divisional Sessions: Korean Language and Culture, K-Medical, Hallyu Policies and Management, K-sports, Entertainment Industries, Tourism and Migration, Fashion and Beauty, K-food, K-game, Soft Power and Cultural Exchange - Special Sessions: Us and Them: Korean Indie Rock in a K-pop Word, Convergence Hallyu and Hallyu Industries: A Discussion on Hallyu s Sustainability, Hallyu and the Middle East, Hallyu Tourism: Its Growth and Future Development, and A Round Table among University Hallyu Fans 제 3 회한류국제학술대회 The 3 rd World Congress for Hallyu

제 3 회한류국제학술대회 The 3 rd World Congress for Hallyu 오시는길 Access 미디어로타나호텔 / Media Rotana Hotel 아랍에미리트두바이티콤지역 / P.O. Box: 503030, TECOM, Dubai, U.A.E. Tel. +971-4-435-0000 Fax +971-4-435-0011 media.dubai@rotana.com Public Transportation (Bus & Metro) Airport Terminal 1 Take a Bus for Satwa Bus Station Get off at Al Jafiliya Bus Station C Take a Metro for Jebel Ali Metro Station at Al Jafiliya Metro Station 1 Get off at Dubai International City Metro Station 1 Take a Bus for the Meadows, Dubai British School at Dubai International City Metro Station Landside Get off at Tecom, Saleh Bin Lahej Building 1 - Takes about 1 hour - Fare: AED 5.00 Taxi - Takes about 20 minutes (27.7 km) 초대의글 Invitation 세계한류학회 WAHS 오시는길 Access 일정 Programme 제 3 회한류국제학술대회 The 3 rd World Congress for Hallyu