에너지경제연구 Korean Energy Economic Review Volume 9, Number 2, September 2010 : pp. 101~128 스마트그리드기술의소비자수용모델 : 구조방정식모형을이용한접근 101
[ 그림 1] 연구모형 106
< 표 1> 신뢰성검정결과 112
Ф Ф 113
< 표 2> 타당성검정결과 114
2 c 2 c 115
< 표 3> Study 1의모델추정결과 116
[ 그림 2] 전문가집단의 TAM 모델 117
2 cd c 2 d c 2 d (1) 2 c < 표 4> Study 2 의모델추정결과 119
[ 그림 3] 일반소비자들의 TAM 모델 121
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ABSTRACT This study suggests that "Consumers' Smart Grid Acceptance Model" explain and forecast a consumers' psychological process of Smart Grid technology acceptance. It is constructed on the basis of Technology Acceptance Model(TAM). Survey data from an expert group are utilized to estimate the proposed model in study1 while study2 is based on a sample from general consumers. Through the two studies, the model could be more elaborate. The model estimation output suggested that the intention of the expert group has disparities from consumers' attitude and behavior towards Smart Grid. It is a first study proposing a model specifying what factors affect consumers' usage intention. Meanwhile, this research has a practical contribution towards forming governmental policy and planing optimized approach to distribute the Smart Grid AMI service. Moreover, the result that there were differences between experts and consumers points out that consumers' Smart Grid usage intention can be formed differently from the direction intended by the government, and finally the study gives an invaluable advice on the appropriate approach to end users. Key Words : Smart Grid, consumers' Smart Grid acceptance model, Technology Acceptance Model(TAM), Structural Equation Modeling 128